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Quote No : bu0glbrkmwx

Benefit Illustration for HDFC Life Smart Protect Plan

This illustration has been produced by HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited to help you understand the
benefits of your HDFC Life Smart Protect Plan

Age is taken as on last birthday Proposal No:
Name of the
Client Name of Product: HDFC Life Smart Protect Plan
A Unit Linked Non-Participating
Age: 50 years* Tag Line:
Individual Life Insurance Plan
Name of Life Assured: Client Unique Identification No: 101L175V01
Age: 50 years* GST Rate: 18%*
Gender: F Investment Strategy opted for: 100% Equity oriented
Basic Sum Assured (at inception)
Policy Term & Premium Payment
25 year(s) & 25 year(s)
Plan Option: Level Cover
Amount of Instalment Premium
(Rs.) :
Mode of payment of Premium: Annual
Level Cover Period(yrs) (for
Decreasing Cover and Decreasing
Cover with Capital Guarantee):

Funds opted for along with their risk level(For Level Cover and Decreasing Cover Plan Option)
Fund Risk Level Fund SFIN Fund Allocation (%)
Diversified Equity Fund Very High ULIF05501/08/13DivrEqtyFd101 0

Bond Fund Moderate ULIF05601/08/13Bond Funds101 0

Discovery Fund Very High ULIF06618/01/18DiscvryFnd101 100

Equity Advantage Fund Very High ULIF06723/03/18EqtyAdvtFd101 0

Sustainable Equity Fund Very High ULIF07019/07/21SustnblEqF101 0

Rider Details
Rider Name Rider UIN Rider PPT Rider PT Rider Sum Assured Rs.

Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider 101B013V03 25 Years 25 Years 5000000

HDFC Life Protect Plus rider - Accidental Death Cover 101B016V01 300 Months 300 Months 5000000

Premium Summary
PP Total
Base Plan CI Rider IB Rider PP Rider (PAC) PP Rider (ADC) Rider Instalment
(CC) Premium

Instalment Premium without GST 1,25,000 0 1400 0 2500 0 1,28,900

Instalment Premium with GST 1,25,000 0 1652 0 2950 0 1,29,602

How to read and understand this benefit illustration? This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your
premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow over the years of the policy term if the fund earns a gross return
of 8% p.a. or 4% p.a. These rates, i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if
the returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the returns under the plan are going to be either 8% p.a. or 4% p.a.
Net Yield mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity
charges, underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders, if deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the
impact of charges and taxes on the net yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand sum assured in general, increases with
The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra,
cost of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions
please read sales literature carefully.
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on
life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked "guaranteed" in the illustration
table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustration on this page will show two different rates of assumed
future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower
limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependanton a number of factors including future investment
Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy, fund value, surrender value and the
death benefit, at two assumed rates of return. Part B of this statement presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.

At 4% Gross Investment Return At 8% Gross Investment Return

Policy Annualized Mortality, Commission

Fund at Mortality, Fund at
year Premium Other Surrender Death Other Surrender Death Payable to
Morbidity GST End of Morbidity GST End of
Charges* Value Benefit Charges* Value Benefit Intermediary
Charges Year Charges Year

(01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 1,25,000 37,374 16,143 9,633 65,167 60,553 1,00,00,000 37,368 16,168 9,636 68,470 63,623 1,00,00,000 43,750
2 1,25,000 41,559 9,619 9,212 1,35,926 1,30,026 1,00,00,000 41,532 9,711 9,224 1,45,577 1,39,677 1,00,00,000 625
3 1,25,000 46,077 8,088 9,750 2,05,973 2,01,548 1,00,00,000 46,011 8,290 9,774 2,25,208 2,20,783 1,00,00,000 625

4 1,25,000 50,892 7,775 10,560 2,73,426 2,71,066 1,00,00,000 50,760 8,131 10,600 3,05,625 3,03,265 1,00,00,000 625
5 1,25,000 55,921 9,723 11,816 3,35,253 3,35,253 1,00,00,000 55,689 10,280 11,874 3,83,939 3,83,939 1,00,00,000 625
6 1,25,000 61,124 10,761 12,939 3,92,033 3,92,033 1,00,00,000 60,753 11,567 13,018 4,60,710 4,60,710 1,00,00,000 625
7 1,25,000 66,431 11,742 14,071 4,43,508 4,43,508 1,00,00,000 65,875 12,844 14,169 5,35,758 5,35,758 1,00,00,000 625

8 1,25,000 71,828 12,662 15,208 4,89,430 4,89,430 1,00,00,000 71,032 14,109 15,325 6,08,915 6,08,915 1,00,00,000 625
9 1,25,000 77,316 13,517 16,350 5,29,544 5,29,544 1,00,00,000 76,218 15,359 16,484 6,80,011 6,80,011 1,00,00,000 625
10 1,25,000 82,930 14,182 17,480 5,93,697 5,63,697 1,00,00,000 81,459 16,471 17,627 7,78,987 7,48,987 1,00,00,000 625

11 1,25,000 88,151 15,480 18,653 7,13,671 6,92,430 1,00,00,000 86,215 18,283 18,810 9,40,251 9,19,012 1,00,00,000 625
12 1,25,000 93,280 17,129 19,874 8,33,803 8,16,862 1,00,00,000 90,747 20,548 20,033 11,09,700 10,92,765 1,00,00,000 625
13 1,25,000 98,660 18,782 21,140 9,56,970 9,41,773 1,00,00,000 95,364 22,930 21,293 12,90,891 12,75,709 1,00,00,000 625
14 1,25,000 1,04,370 20,477 22,472 10,78,449 10,69,946 1,00,00,000 1,00,105 25,478 22,605 14,79,970 14,71,494 1,00,00,000 625

15 1,25,000 1,10,597 22,148 23,894 12,05,513 11,96,165 1,00,00,000 1,05,106 28,137 23,984 16,84,985 16,75,683 1,00,00,000 625
16 1,25,000 1,17,367 23,892 25,427 13,37,998 13,27,778 1,00,00,000 1,10,326 31,018 25,442 19,06,949 18,96,799 1,00,00,000 625

17 1,25,000 1,24,781 25,706 27,088 14,75,472 14,64,361 1,00,00,000 1,15,784 34,134 26,985 21,46,755 21,35,749 1,00,00,000 625
18 1,25,000 1,32,936 27,583 28,893 16,17,351 16,05,333 1,00,00,000 1,21,468 37,498 28,614 24,05,324 23,93,455 1,00,00,000 625

19 1,25,000 1,41,916 29,514 30,857 17,62,934 17,49,995 1,00,00,000 1,27,328 41,122 30,321 26,83,681 26,70,944 1,00,00,000 625
20 1,25,000 1,51,784 31,490 32,989 19,11,503 18,97,620 1,00,00,000 1,33,260 45,023 32,091 29,83,095 29,69,480 1,00,00,000 625

21 1,25,000 1,62,631 33,495 35,303 20,61,167 20,46,461 1,00,00,000 1,39,138 49,213 33,903 33,03,966 32,89,612 1,00,00,000 625

22 1,25,000 1,74,538 35,503 37,807 22,10,498 21,94,940 1,00,00,000 1,44,781 53,701 35,727 36,47,465 36,32,368 1,00,00,000 625
23 1,25,000 1,87,593 37,499 40,517 23,58,623 23,42,172 1,00,00,000 1,49,943 58,511 37,522 40,15,778 39,99,925 1,00,00,000 625

24 1,25,000 2,01,892 39,473 43,446 25,04,693 24,87,295 1,00,00,000 1,54,297 63,675 39,235 44,11,702 43,95,076 1,00,00,000 625

25 1,25,000 2,17,515 41,413 46,607 30,28,146 26,29,694 1,00,00,000 1,57,394 69,239 40,794 54,06,709 48,21,603 1,00,00,000 625

*See Part B for details.


I, , have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the I, Client ,having received the information with respect to the
policy fully to the prospect / policy holder. above, have understood the above statement before entering into
the contract.


Date: Signature of Agent /Intermediary / Official

Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

Gross Net
8% p.a 8.97% Amount in Rupees
Yield Yield
Premium Premium
Annualized Allocation -Premium Policy Additions Fund Fund at
Policy Mortality Guarantee Other Surrender Death
Premium Charge Allocation GST Admin to before FMC End
Year Charge Charge charges* Value Benefit
(AP) Charge Charge the fund FMC of Year

(PAC) (AP)-(PAC)

1 1,25,000 15,000 1,10,000 37,368 9,636 0 0 0 0 68,561 1,168 68,470 63,623 1,00,00,000

2 1,25,000 7,500 1,17,500 41,532 9,224 0 0 0 0 1,45,770 2,211 1,45,577 1,39,677 1,00,00,000
3 1,25,000 5,000 1,20,000 46,011 9,774 0 0 0 0 2,25,507 3,290 2,25,208 2,20,783 1,00,00,000

4 1,25,000 3,750 1,21,250 50,760 10,600 0 0 0 0 3,06,031 4,381 3,05,625 3,03,265 1,00,00,000

5 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 55,689 11,874 4,800 0 0 0 3,84,449 5,480 3,83,939 3,83,939 1,00,00,000
6 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 60,753 13,018 5,040 0 0 0 4,61,322 6,527 4,60,710 4,60,710 1,00,00,000

7 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 65,875 14,169 5,292 0 0 0 5,36,470 7,552 5,35,758 5,35,758 1,00,00,000
8 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 71,032 15,325 5,557 0 0 0 6,09,724 8,552 6,08,915 6,08,915 1,00,00,000

9 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 76,218 16,484 5,834 0 0 0 6,80,914 9,525 6,80,011 6,80,011 1,00,00,000

10 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 81,459 17,627 6,000 0 0 30,000 7,49,982 10,471 7,78,987 7,48,987 1,00,00,000
11 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 86,215 18,810 6,000 0 0 89,735 9,20,233 12,283 9,40,251 9,19,012 1,00,00,000

12 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 90,747 20,033 6,000 0 0 93,064 10,94,217 14,548 11,09,700 10,92,765 1,00,00,000

13 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 95,364 21,293 6,000 0 0 99,521 12,77,403 16,930 12,90,891 12,75,709 1,00,00,000
14 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,00,105 22,605 6,000 0 0 1,01,520 14,73,449 19,478 14,79,970 14,71,494 1,00,00,000

15 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,05,106 23,984 6,000 0 0 1,11,378 16,77,909 22,137 16,84,985 16,75,683 1,00,00,000

16 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,10,326 25,442 6,000 0 0 1,21,507 18,99,319 25,018 19,06,949 18,96,799 1,00,00,000
17 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,15,784 26,985 6,000 0 0 1,31,750 21,38,586 28,134 21,46,755 21,35,749 1,00,00,000

18 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,21,468 28,614 6,000 0 0 1,42,065 23,96,635 31,498 24,05,324 23,93,455 1,00,00,000
19 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,27,328 30,321 6,000 0 0 1,52,436 26,74,493 35,122 26,83,681 26,70,944 1,00,00,000
Gross Net
8% p.a 8.97% Amount in Rupees
Yield Yield

Premium Premium
Annualized Allocation -Premium Policy Additions Fund Fund at
Policy Mortality Guarantee Other Surrender Death
Premium Charge Allocation GST Admin to before FMC End
Year Charge Charge charges* Value Benefit
(AP) Charge Charge the fund FMC of Year

(PAC) (AP)-(PAC)

20 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,33,260 32,091 6,000 0 0 1,62,917 29,73,425 39,023 29,83,095 29,69,480 1,00,00,000
21 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,39,138 33,903 6,000 0 0 1,72,430 32,93,982 43,213 33,03,966 32,89,612 1,00,00,000

22 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,44,781 35,727 6,000 0 0 1,81,494 36,37,194 47,701 36,47,465 36,32,368 1,00,00,000
23 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,49,943 37,522 6,000 0 0 1,90,729 40,05,239 52,511 40,15,778 39,99,925 1,00,00,000

24 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,54,297 39,235 6,000 0 0 2,00,210 44,00,915 57,675 44,11,702 43,95,076 1,00,00,000

25 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,57,394 40,794 6,000 0 0 7,77,877 48,28,009 63,239 54,06,709 48,21,603 1,00,00,000

4% p.a Amount in Rupees
Premium Premium
Annualized Allocation -Premium Policy Additions Fund Fund at
Policy Mortality Guarantee Other Surrender Death
Premium Charge Allocation GST Admin to before FMC End
Year Charge Charge charges* Value Benefit
(AP) Charge Charge the fund FMC of Year

(PAC) (AP)-(PAC)
1 1,25,000 15,000 1,10,000 37,374 9,633 0 0 0 0 65,253 1,143 65,167 60,553 1,00,00,000

2 1,25,000 7,500 1,17,500 41,559 9,212 0 0 0 0 1,36,107 2,119 1,35,926 1,30,026 1,00,00,000
3 1,25,000 5,000 1,20,000 46,077 9,750 0 0 0 0 2,06,247 3,088 2,05,973 2,01,548 1,00,00,000

4 1,25,000 3,750 1,21,250 50,892 10,560 0 0 0 0 2,73,789 4,025 2,73,426 2,71,066 1,00,00,000

5 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 55,921 11,816 4,800 0 0 0 3,35,699 4,923 3,35,253 3,35,253 1,00,00,000
6 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 61,124 12,939 5,040 0 0 0 3,92,554 5,721 3,92,033 3,92,033 1,00,00,000

7 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 66,431 14,071 5,292 0 0 0 4,44,097 6,450 4,43,508 4,43,508 1,00,00,000

8 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 71,828 15,208 5,557 0 0 0 4,90,080 7,105 4,89,430 4,89,430 1,00,00,000
9 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 77,316 16,350 5,834 0 0 0 5,30,247 7,683 5,29,544 5,29,544 1,00,00,000

10 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 82,930 17,480 6,000 0 0 30,000 5,64,446 8,182 5,93,697 5,63,697 1,00,00,000
11 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 88,151 18,653 6,000 0 0 89,748 6,93,350 9,480 7,13,671 6,92,430 1,00,00,000

12 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 93,280 19,874 6,000 0 0 93,117 8,17,947 11,129 8,33,803 8,16,862 1,00,00,000

13 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 98,660 21,140 6,000 0 0 99,655 9,43,024 12,782 9,56,970 9,41,773 1,00,00,000
14 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,04,370 22,472 6,000 0 0 1,01,785 10,71,367 14,477 10,78,449 10,69,946 1,00,00,000

15 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,10,597 23,894 6,000 0 0 1,11,841 11,97,754 16,148 12,05,513 11,96,165 1,00,00,000

16 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,17,367 25,427 6,000 0 0 1,22,247 13,29,542 17,892 13,37,998 13,27,778 1,00,00,000
17 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,24,781 27,088 6,000 0 0 1,32,861 14,66,307 19,706 14,75,472 14,64,361 1,00,00,000

18 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,32,936 28,893 6,000 0 0 1,43,655 16,07,466 21,583 16,17,351 16,05,333 1,00,00,000

19 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,41,916 30,857 6,000 0 0 1,54,631 17,52,320 23,514 17,62,934 17,49,995 1,00,00,000
20 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,51,784 32,989 6,000 0 0 1,65,859 19,00,141 25,490 19,11,503 18,97,620 1,00,00,000

21 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,62,631 35,303 6,000 0 0 1,76,301 20,49,180 27,495 20,61,167 20,46,461 1,00,00,000

22 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,74,538 37,807 6,000 0 0 1,86,560 21,97,856 29,503 22,10,498 21,94,940 1,00,00,000

23 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 1,87,593 40,517 6,000 0 0 1,97,320 23,45,283 31,499 23,58,623 23,42,172 1,00,00,000
24 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 2,01,892 43,446 6,000 0 0 2,08,740 24,90,600 33,473 25,04,693 24,87,295 1,00,00,000

25 1,25,000 0 1,25,000 2,17,515 46,607 6,000 0 0 6,01,216 26,33,187 35,413 30,28,146 26,29,694 1,00,00,000

*Specify details, if any.


1. Refer the sales Literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund management charge is based on the specific fund option(s) chosen.
3. For Decreasing Cover and Decreasing Cover with Capital Guarantee plan options, riders will be available during Level cover period
4. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collection of rider premium, and not by way of cancellation of units, then,
such charges are not considered in this illustration. In other cases, rider charges are included in other charges.
5. #Additions to the Fund refers to the periodic additions through a) Return of 2X to 3X Mortality Charges, b) Return of 2X Premium
Allocation Charges c) Return of Fund Management Charge, and d) Return of 2X Investment Guarantee Charge (if applicable), as per terms
and conditions.
6. For Level Cover with Capital Guarantee and Decreasing Cover with Capital Guarantee plan options, the maturity benefit will be higher
of Fund Value at Maturity and Assured Benefit, where Assured Benefit is the Total Premiums Paid Less Total Partial Withdrawals made
(if any).

I, , have explained the premiums, charges and benefits under the I, Client ,having received the information with respect to the
policy fully to the prospect / policy holder. above, have understood the above statement before entering into
the contract.


Date: Signature of Agent /Intermediary / Official

Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder
Channel Name : Agency

HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Reg. No. 101) (CIN: L65110MH2000PLC128245)
Registered and Corporate Office: Lodha Excelus, 13th Floor, Apollo Mills Compound, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai-400011
Trade logo displayed above belongs to HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited under a license.

For more information, Call the HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited Helpline number 1860-267-9999 (local charges apply) 022-68446530 (STD
charges apply) or Visit us at:

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