Wieman2005 Transforming Physics Education PhysicsToday
Wieman2005 Transforming Physics Education PhysicsToday
Wieman2005 Transforming Physics Education PhysicsToday
interactive-engagement tech-
niques are shown in green. Su-
FRACTION OF CONCEPTS LEARNED perimposed on the histogram
are data (blue arrows) from
two large lecture courses that
as those shown in figure 2. His and similar data show that nized, cognitive princi- use well-tested research-based
students are able to correctly answer traditional test ques- ples about how people practices.16 The inset shows a
tions and complete traditional courses without under- learn.10 figure accompanying a typical
standing the basic physics concepts or learning the useful Our third topic is FCI question: Students are
concept-based problem-solving approaches of physicists. research on students’ asked which path the ball will
We next examine a second aspect of learning, simple general beliefs about follow upon exiting the tube.
transfer of information and ideas from teacher to student physics and problem (Adapted from ref. 7.)
in a traditional physics lecture. The following example is solving in physics. Re-
from data collected in our own introductory physics class search groups including our own have studied these beliefs
for non-science majors. After explaining the physics of through extensive interviews and well-tested surveys.11
sound in our usual incredibly engaging and lucid fashion, These surveys measure where students’ thinking lies on
we brought a violin into class. We explained how, in ac- the expert–novice scale discussed above, and how their
cordance with the physics we had just explained, the views are changed by taking a physics course. The surveys
strings do not move enough air to create the sound from have now been given to many thousands of students at the
the violin. Rather, the strings cause the back of the violin beginning and end of introductory physics courses at many
to move via the soundpost, and thus it is the back of the different institutions. After instruction, students, on aver-
violin that actually produces the sound that is heard. Fif- age, are found to be less expert-like in their thinking than
teen minutes later, we asked the students the multiple before. They see physics as less connected to the real world,
choice question shown in figure 3, “The sound you hear less interesting, and more as something to be memorized
from a violin is produced mostly by . . .” As illustrated in without understanding. This is true in almost all courses,
the figure, only 10% gave the correct answer. We have seen including those with teaching practices that have sub-
that this 10% level of retention after 15 minutes is typical stantially improved conceptual mastery. If it is any conso-
for a nonobvious or counterintuitive fact that is presented lation to physics teachers, we have measured similar re-
in a lecture, even when the audience is primarily physics sults from introductory chemistry courses.
faculty and graduate students. The examples we have discussed are just a few from
When we have asked physics teachers to predict the a large body of research on the effectiveness of the tradi-
student responses to the violin question, nearly all of them tional approach to teaching physics. The definitive con-
greatly overestimate the fraction of students who answer clusion is that no matter how “good” the teacher, typical
correctly. Many physics faculty go so far as to simply re- students in a traditionally taught course are learning by
fuse to believe the data. For readers who may share their rote, memorizing facts and recipes for problem solving;
they are not gaining a true understanding. Equally unfor-
skepticism, we briefly mention two other studies. Redish
tunate is that in spite of the best efforts of teachers, typi-
had students interviewed just as they came out of his lec-
cal students are also learning that physics is boring and
ture.4 The interviewer simply asked the students, “What
irrelevant to understanding the world around them.
was the lecture about?” The students were unable to recall
anything beyond the general topic. In a more structured A better approach
study,9 Zdeslav Hrepic and coworkers gave 18 students six Is there a way to teach physics that does not produce such
elementary questions on the physics of sound. Immedi- dismal results for the typical student? Our answer, and
ately after attempting to answer the questions, the stu- that of many others doing research in physics education, is
dents were told that they were to get the answers to the unequivocally yes. Many of the same methods that have
six questions from watching a 14-minute commercially worked so well for advancing physics research also improve
produced videotaped presentation given by a nationally physics education. These methods include basing teaching
renowned physics lecturer. For most of the six questions, practices and principles on research and data rather than
no more than one student was able to learn the correct an- on tradition or anecdote; using new technology tools effec-
swer from the lecture, even under these highly optimized tively; and disseminating and copying proven results. Con-
conditions! siderable evidence shows that this approach works. Classes
When presented with these data, teachers often ask, using research-based teaching practices have shown dra-
“Does this mean that all lectures are bad?” The brief an- matic increases in retention of information, doubling of
swer is no, but to be effective, lectures must be carefully scores on the FCI and other conceptual tests, and elimina-
designed according to established, but not widely recog- tion of negative shifts in beliefs about physics.