Dave Clarke USCS Defence

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David Clarke’s
ultimate soccer
coaching SESSIONS
Coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

ated d
foreword Core sessions

Welcome to 1. Covering
Ultimate Soccer Coaching
2. Defender run and
Sessions: Dedicated Defence
Ultimate Soccer Coaching Sessions is a new way of bringing 3. Four-lane
you, the coach, a concise set of coaching plans that will help defending
you develop specific elements of your team’s play.
Each book contains 10 specially chosen training sessions
4. Defending when
that will provide you with a great platform for developing and outnumbered
enhancing specialist soccer skills, such as crossing, tackling,
heading, wing play and more. 5. Defending shots
The book is made up of two sections – Core sessions, which
with body blocks
gives you plans for developing fundamental skills, and
Advanced sessions, which shows how you can use drills to Advanced sessions
help your players move towards an elite level. Each
session is broken down into easy to follow 6. Defending 1v1
elements, making them simple to fit into
your coaching plan. 7. Defending front
A solid defence is the bedrock of and back
any good team, which is why in
Dedicated Defence I am giving 8. Defending as a
you the resources you need to turn back four
your defenders into a well-drilled unit
that can cope with anything the 9. Defending long
opposition throws at it. Enjoy! balls
Yours in soccer 10. Defend your home
David Clarke

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David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence i

Core sessions Activity
Dynamic stretching, gentle running with twists and turns
7–10 mins

Covering defender The Session

20–25 mins
Developing covering defender technique

Development Developing communication and decision-making by

10–15 mins increasing difficulty

Game Practising skill in a game situation

15–20 mins
When a defender is applying pressure to an attacker
with the ball it’s important they have back-up in the Warm-down
7–10 mins
Gentle running, static stretching

form of a second or ‘covering’ defender. That’s to

ensure that if the attacker beats the first defender, any direction of run pass
progress is stifled by the second one.

what you GET YOUR

• 4 players –
Attacker 1, acting as a server,
30 x 10m
2 attackers versus passes the ball to attacker 2.
2 defenders – in Attacker 2 attempts to dribble
each group. to the end line.
• Each playing area Defender 1 challenges the A2
measures approx attacker.
10 x 30 metres. Defender 2 provides cover. A1

think about After playing the first
pass attacker 1 joins in the One defender challenges, the other covers – get
• The covering attack to make a 2v2 situation. them to organise themselves!
defender should The defenders will now have

be in a position to to constantly switch roles
make an effective depending on who is nearest
challenge if the first the ball, with the covering 30 x 10m
defender is beaten. defender becoming the main D2
defender and vice versa.
• Stand at a slight
angle and goal- D1
side of the first Game situation A2
defender. Play a 4v4 match with
goalkeepers in an area 30 x 20 A1
• Communicate
metres. Encourage both sides
early and clearly –
to shoot at every opportunity
for example, advis-
as this will force players to
ing the team-mate
close down their opponents
to “get closer” or
and provide cover. Now it’s 2v2 so the defenders have to constantly
“force them down adapt.
the line”.

call out
330 x 20m

• “Show them wide”

• “Talk to each

• “Stay on your

In 4v4 the defending team have to make many

decisions and communicate effectively.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 1

Core sessions Activity
Static and dynamic stretching, gentle running, ball work
10 mins

Defender run The Session

10–15 mins
Practising running with the ball and passing on the move

and pass Development

10–15 mins

Running with the ball and passing under pressure

Identifying opportunities to run with the ball

Defenders who run out from the back with the ball can 10–15 mins

create overload situations in midfield, making them a Warm-down Static stretching, de-brief Q&A
10 mins
valuable attacking weapon.
player movement pass

what you GET YOUR

• Area of 40x30 Split players into 2 groups
metres divided and put at diagonal opposite
into two 40x15- ends. First player runs with the
metre channels. ball before passing it through
Place two gates a gate across the grid to the
about 5-10m in second player, who repeats
from ends along the drill. Once a player has
the centre line. completed their pass they join
the second line.

think about DEVELOPMENT

Both groups start with Practice running with the ball and passing on
• Is there space the move.
ahead to exploit? a ball at the same time. After
the player controls the ball, the
• First touch should next player immediately behind
push ball well out them in the group gives chase.
in front. Make sure players alternate
• Use “laces” to running with the ball and
push the ball. chasing.
• Run quickly in a
straight line.
Game situation
• Take as few Play 6v6 in an area
touches as approx 50x40m split into three
possible – 3 over zones, with 3 defenders plus a
30m. goalkeeper playing 2 attackers
• Head up to assess in the two outer zones. After
options. two passes any one of the Chasing players add extra pressure to the drill.
defenders can break out with
• Play an accurate, the ball into the middle and
composed pass. attacking thirds of the pitch.
Once the opposition regains
possession the defender
call out returns to the defensive third.
If the ball goes out of play or
• “Good first touch a goal is scored play restarts
to get the ball out with the goalkeeper.
of your feet”
• “Be positive”
• “Can you get to
top speed?”

• “Head up”
One of the defenders sees an opportunity to break
out of the defending third at pace.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 2

Core sessions Activity
Dynamic stretching, gentle running with slight changes of
10 mins direction

Four-lane defending The Session

10–15 mins
Practising delaying skill without trying to win the ball

Development Practising a range of defending skills including delay and

10–15 mins tackling

Game Improving defending skills

10–15 mins
This simple drill will enable your players to practise the
skills required to outwit an attacker who’s dribbling Warm-down Gentle jogging, static stretching, de-brief Q&A
15–20 mins
straight at them.
player movement pass
dribble shot

what you GET YOUR

• Half a pitch with Split players into 4 groups.
four 5 metre wide Begin with a defender and
lanes running from several attackers in each of the
the half way line four lanes.
to the edge of the The drill begins with the 1st
penalty area. attacker passing to and
receiving the ball back from
the defender. The attacker
then dribbles at the retreating
think about defender using an array of
skills to unbalance them. The
• Keep arm’s length defender does not try to win Practise the movements without making a tackle.
from attacker. the ball. After all 4 lanes have
been, go back to “lane 1” and
• Bend knees.
repeat with the next attacker.
• Slightly sideways-
Once the defenders have had
on body position.
a few attempts, make them
• Weight on balls switch lanes.
of feet to change
direction quickly.
• Be patient.
Add a goalkeeper. This
• Force attacker time the defender begins a little
sideways/onto deeper and must try to win the
weak foot/down ball while the attacker attempts
the line. to get close to – or into – the
• Only react to penalty area to score. Keep
movement of the playing until the defender wins Now try to stop the attacker getting past for a
ball. the ball, it’s knocked out of chance to shoot.
play, or the attacker scores.
• If beaten cover the
Game situation
Play a game with two
call out teams and one goalkeeper.
Starting from outside the
• “Stay balanced” penalty area, each player has
a turn at attacking in a 1v1
• “Stay on your
situation and then immediately
defending a 1v1 situation before
• “Watch the ball, returning to their team-mates.
not the feints” The attacker must score to
win a point, while the defender
• “Be patient” gets a point if he wins the ball,
knocks it out of the penalty The white player beats the defender to score then
area or prevents the attacker turns to defend against the next grey attacker.
shooting for 5 seconds.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 3
Core sessions Activity
Dynamic stretching, gentle running with twists and turns
10 mins

Defending when The Session

15 mins
Practising team defensive techniques

outnumbered Development
15 mins

Increasing pressure by adding a competitive element

Practising team defensive skills

10–15 mins
In this session the defending team learns to close
down the opposition and deny them space by Warm-down Gentle running, static stretching, debrief Q&A
5–10 mins
working as a unit.
pass player movement

what you GET YOUR

• Pitch approx 40 The attacking team is limited
yards by 40 yards. to 2 touches per player and
passes the ball to each other
• Play 5 defenders while the defending team
v 10 attackers tries to force an error or win
(8 attackers possession. After a set time
spread around the period 5 of the attacking
touchlines and 2 team switch roles with the
inside the grid). defenders.

think about DEVELOPMENT

Split players into three The attacking team tries to pick a path through the
• 1st player puts
teams of 5. With one ball the defenders.
pressure on
teams score points by winning
ball, 2nd player
the ball or forcing the team in
covers 1st player,
possession to make an error.
3rd player gives
balance, etc.
• Keep defensive Game situation
shape and prevent Play 4v4 without goals
passing options. using a playing area approx 30
Players should yards by 20 yards. Divide the
learn that moving pitch into two halves with one
out to try and win team starting in each half.
the ball on their
own is unlikely to To start, pass a ball into one of
work as they can the teams and call for a player
easily be played from the other team to go into
past. that half and defend. Play 5v5v5 and score points by winning the ball or
forcing an error.
• Keep compact If the team in possession
as a unit – cover makes five passes, another
spaces and defender goes on to make
forwards. a 4v2. If they are successful
again call for a further player
until you reach 4v4.
call out If the defenders win the ball or
• “Work together as force it out of play, the game
a unit” transfers to the opposite half
and the roles are reversed.
• “Stop the ball
The player guilty of losing
being played
possession must now run and
defend in the other half.
• “Stay on your
feet” The winning team is the
one that has all four of their Each time the team makes 5 passes an extra
• “Can you steal
opponents in their half and defender moves across.
makes five passes.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 4
Core sessions Activity
Dynamic stretching, gentle running with twists and turns
10 mins

Defending shots The Session

10 mins
Practising technique for blocking the ball

with body blocks Development

15 mins

Practising a variety of defending skills in a pressure

Learning to choose when to block in a fast moving game

15 mins
The attacker is inside the penalty box and poised to
Warm-down Gentle running, static stretching, debrief and Q&A
shoot, but the defender isn’t close enough to make 10 mins
a tackle. That leaves one option for the defender: to
block the shot by throwing their body between the player movement pass
ball and the goal. dribble shot

what you GET YOUR

• Create a Split players into groups
playing area of servers, shooters and
approximately 10 defenders. The servers and
yards by 20 yards shooters line-up in the corners
with a goal at one at the opposite end from the
end. goal. The defenders line up at
the corner diagonally opposite
• Have 9–12 players the shooters.
per group.
A server passes to the first
shooter who takes a touch
before shooting. Defenders run
out to block the shot once the The server, bottom right, plays a ball for the shooter,
think about server has passed. bottom left, to attack. The defender, opposite, runs
out to block the shot.
• The defender must Rotate the players (the shooter
look to throw their joins the defending line etc.)
body between the and repeat.
ball and goal, feet
For a variation, the defenders
start from the corner on the
• The defender must other side of the goal.
be committed and
• If the defender is
Set up a playing area
struggling to make
the width of the six yard box.
blocks, consider
shortening the Play three attackers v two
distance they have defenders and one goalkeeper.
to travel. One of two support players The shooters in white receive the ball from a server
outside the area serves the and must try to score within a set number of passes.
ball to the forwards. They
must shoot on or before a set
number of passes.
Make it competitive by
call out awarding points to the
defenders for successful
• “React” blocks or tackles, and points to
• “Get in line with the attackers for scoring goals.
the ball”
• “Stop the shot”
Game situation
Play 4v4, plus two
goalkeepers, in a 30 yards by
20 yards pitch arranged so it is
wider than it is long. Limit the Both teams play normal soccer and have to pass
number of passes each team the ball a set number of times before shooting. The
can make before shooting. defenders must block shots.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 5

Advanced sessions Activity
Defenders take up defensive positions on mannequin
7–10 mins

Defending 1v1 The Session

20–25 mins
Defend the box and stop attackers getting to the
opposite side

Development Defender can now break out to shoot at goal when they win
15–20 mins the ball

Game Translate skill in a game situation

15–20 mins
This practice improves your player’s ability to defend
1v1 by taking a good starting position and dictating the Warm-down
7–10 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching

direction of play.
direction of run shot

what you GET YOUR

• 10 x 10 yard grid. The warm-up serves two pur-
poses, preparing the players
for the practice ahead mentally
as well as physically.
The coach calls out “pressure”,
“show left” or “show right” and
the players must quickly run
and pressure the mannequin

The attackers take Use the warm-up to practice positional play.
think about
turns to dribble across the
• Do the players area and the defender tries to
react quickly? stop them. If tackled or forced
out on either side of the area,
• Are they pressing the attacker takes the role of
the ball? defender.
• Don’t let the For a further progression, if the
defenders commit defender wins the ball or forces
themselves too the attacker out of the area,
easily. they are rewarded with a free
shot at goal.

Game situation
Play a normal small-
sided game. If a player is The defender tries to tackle or force the attacker out
struggling with the principles of the area.
of 1v1 defending, take them
call out to one side and reiterate the
points covered earlier in the
• “Press the ball” session.
• “Be patient” Point out those that are
• “Stay on your adopting the correct position.

• “Don’t dive in”

If the defender wins the ball he is rewarded with a

shot at goal.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 6

Advanced sessions Activity
Various dribbling and skills
10 mins

Defending The Session

20–30 mins
Two teams take it in turns to attack and then defend 1v1

front and back Development

10 mins

Two defending practices combined into one

Man marking game

10–15 mins
The initial practices improve key defending
techniques when either defending a dribble or Warm-down
5–10 mins
Gentle jogging, stretching, de-brief Q&A with coach

defending a turn. The development pulls these

techniques together in one drill. direction of run pass

what you GET YOUR

• Goal, penalty area, Practice 1 – two teams take it
lots of balls. in turns to attack and defend
with the attackers dribbling
towards goal. The first team to
score 5 goals wins.
Practice 2 – the midfielder
think about passes into the attacker who
must try to turn and score a
• Holding up the goal. The defender must stop
attacker can often the attacker. Again, the first
be as good as team to score 5 goals wins.
making a tackle Players take it in turn to attack and defend the
as it allows team DEVELOPMENT dribble 1v1.
mates to get back Player A passes to
and support. player B and runs to defend
• Body position side- 1v1. Immediately this ball
on to show the leaves the pitch, the coach
attacker towards passes a 2nd ball to player A
team mates or who must now become the
away from goal. attacker and attempt to turn
and score. Player C must
• Don’t commit too
run and try to stop player A
easily especially
against the turn.
Sometimes the
ball cannot be won Game situation
without committing Play a normal game
a foul. and then look at 1v1 situations.
This will give you a chance In the next part the players must defend the turn.
• Watch the ball, not
to coach correct technique
the player.
and reward good play. If 1v1s
are limited then add a man-
marking rule where players
call out pair up with an opponent. The
players are now only allowed
• “Pressure the
to tackle their opponent. This
will ensure that plenty of 1v1
• “Stop the turn” action takes place.
• “Block the shot”


Now combine the skills learnt previously. Players

should rotate between positions A, B and C.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 7

Advanced sessions Activity
Individual pressure techniques
10 mins

Defending as The Session

15 mins
The defenders understand the shape and covering

a back four
Development The defenders gain confidence by stopping the passing
15 mins team from playing the ball across

Game The defenders work as a group to stop the attacks

15 mins
This session is designed to improve the individual
Warm-down Gentle jogging and stretching exercises
players within your defence and the defence as a unit. 5 mins
The practices cover key aspects such as pressuring
techniques, cover and support positions and the shape direction of run pass
of the defence in relation to the ball. dribble

what you GET YOUR

• 20 x 30yd area for The coach calls out a number
the session. identifying the position of
40 x 30yd area for the ball. ‘3’
the development The defender called must go
and game. and pressure the mannequin/
The other three defenders
think about must take up a correct
covering position in relation to
• This session the ball’s position. 1 2 3 4
develops the shape
and positioning of The coach calls a number, that player pressures
your defenders. DEVELOPMENT while the other defenders take up the correct
It can also be Now the defenders covering positions.
used for a midfield must defend the line and stop
four or defensive/ the passing team from playing
midfield three. the ball from one side to the
• The pressuring
defender must One defender is allowed to
make sure he is go and pressure the passing
not square to the team. The other players must
attacker with the take up their support and
ball. This means cover positions.
adopting a slightly
angled approach Game situation
that directs the The coach calls out
player with the the number of the attacker,
ball towards the immediately the first attacker The outside players pass the ball using two touches,
covering defenders. one grey player pressures, whilst the others stop a
dribbles and tries to score in a forward pass.
• Covering defenders 1v4 situation. The defenders
should be behind must win possession from the
and to the side attacker.
of the pressuring Once completed the coach
defender. calls out the number of the 2nd
attacker who dribbles onto
the pitch and combines with
call out the previous attacker in a 2v4
• “Pressure quickly ‘3’
and at match The game continues until it’s a
speed” 4v4 situation.
1 4
• “Get into a 2 3
covering position”
• “React to the The attacker called dribbles and tries to score a goal,
the defenders must stop the attacker.
next call”

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 8

Advanced sessions Activity
Continuous heading
15 mins

Defending The Session

10 mins
Players are attacking the ball in the air and clearing with
height and distance

long balls Development

10 mins

Players are reacting to cover around the defender attacking
the ball

The defending team has to effectively deal with a long ball

20 mins and retain the ball to attack
When defending long balls, it’s important that one
player attacks the ball whilst the other defenders drop Warm-down
5 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

behind in order to cover him and offer support. This

session improves your defenders’ understanding in player movement pass/serve
these situations. shot/clearance

what you GET YOUR

• Create a 50 x 30 The defenders are numbered
yard area with four 1 to 4. You call out a specific
mannequins/poles number. The server throws the
spread along the ball over the mannequins and
half way line. the defender must react to
attack the ball in the air.
• For the game, 1 2 3 4
remove the The defender must head the
mannequins/poles ball into the opponent’s end
and include a goal zone to score a point for
at either end with gaining height and distance on
two goalkeepers. their clearance.
You call out a number and the server quickly throws
DEVELOPMENT the ball for that defender to head clear.
think about
Now the opponents
• When a long ball throw the ball along their line.
is played towards The defenders must take up a
your defence, it’s defensive shape and position
important one of in relation to the ball. The
your defenders opponents can randomly throw
attacks the ball and a high ball over the mannequins
clears it with height for a defender to clear.
and distance. This time, the team gets one
• The other point for an effective clearance
defenders must into the end zone and an
anticipate that the extra point for the covering
opposing attacker positions of the remaining three
might win the defenders.
The grey team randomly throw a high ball into the
header and flick opponent’s half. The nearest defender heads clear
the ball goalwards, Game situation and the other defenders cover.
so they must drop The grey team line
off behind the up with a goalkeeper, back
defender attacking four and three midfielders
the ball in order to against the white team’s
provide cover. goalkeeper, midfield three and
two forwards. The white team
has two servers who they can
call out pass to.
• “Attack the ball” To start, the grey team’s back
• “Height and four must be on their defensive
distance on the line and receive a long ball
clearance” from a server.

• “Drop off around Play normal soccer and

your team mate re-start with a long ball if a goal A server starts the game with a long ball. Can the
is scored or the ball goes out defenders win the ball and build up to score?
to cover”
of play.
David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 9
Advanced sessions Activity
Players react to pressure different colours
10 mins

Defend The Session

15 mins
The defenders force the attacker away from their home

your home Development

15 mins

The defenders react to the different attacks

The team is more aware of where to defend and why

15 mins
This session is designed to improve team defending
and is best used when looking to inspire young players Warm-down
5 mins
Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

to defend as a group.

what you GET YOUR

• Use a 50 x 40 The three defenders must react
yard area. Use to the attackers entering the
cones to mark out pitch and work together to
different areas in keep the attacker in the least 5
front of a goal, as dangerous position and try to
shown. win the ball.
The attackers go one at a time. 3 3
think about 4 4
• In soccer, 90% of Now the defenders
goals are scored must defend a series of attacks
from 3v1 through to 3v4. Number 1 shows the major danger zone (inside the
inside the penalty box) while number 5 shows the least dangerous zone
area or directly Each attack makes the task (midfield zone far from goal).
outside the area, of defending your home even
whether from a harder.
long shot or a
cross that results in Can the defenders regain
a goal. Therefore, possession and score in the
knowing and mini goals?
understanding the
most dangerous Game situation
areas for Play a small sided 3 3
conceding goals is 2
game. Ensure that both teams
vital to your team’s have a coned “home” to 1
4 4
success. defend.
• Using the area and Give the opponents 1 point for
cones to make a successfully getting into this
“home” zone and zone and a further point for The defenders must stop the attacker in a 3v1.
demanding that scoring a goal.
your players keep
the ball out of
this zone will help
to improve your
team’s all round
defensive play.

call out 3 3
• “Keep them away
from your home” 4 4

• “Defend as a
The defenders face a number of attacks and must
• “Can you win the keep the attackers away from their home.

David clarke’s Ultimate soccer coaching sessions Dedicated Defence 10

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