LIT 007 Critical Evaluation
LIT 007 Critical Evaluation
LIT 007 Critical Evaluation
“Sonnet To A Pilgrim Soul” The poem was published in the Philippine Panorama on
September 26,1993. This poem has been translated into more than 20 languages. ‘Sonet’ was
the Old Occitan phrase of Sonnet which means “little song”. However, the English term
'pilgrim' originally comes from the Latin word “peregrinus” (per, through + ager, field,
resident. Overall we could say that from these definitions, the poem entails a message from
Critical Evaluation
The poem is composed of 3 quatrains (stanzas with 4 lines each) and a couplet (a
stanza composed of 2 lines). The poem is spoken in second person and follows the rhyme
scheme: abab cdcd efef gg. It is in iambic pentameter, consisting of 10 syllables per line.
Punctuation wise, there is an apparent absence of punctuation marks in the poem. Though the
structure of the sentences in the poem can be inferred, the lack of punctuation marks would
The Poem was written in with some words that are not familiar to some of the readers,
and the absence of punctuation marks affects the readability of the text however, it has a
strong appeal based on the choice of words that the author has used. Written in 2nd Person
(Which consists of YOU & YOUR) aside from that, it is in the form of an iambic pentameter.
It consists of 10 syllables per line. Composing of 3 quatrains (stanzas with 4 lines each) and a
its explicit exposition of sight appealing words in the 1st and 2nd stanza; (1) …the sun gilds the
sky, (2) …deep darkness makes a noble retreat, (5) …morning spreads her warm golden
wings, and (6) …the sapphire sky is wordlessly deep. These lines vividly describe to the
readers the transition of the day from dawn till noon. Line (3) O hear the music in the air
fleeting, mainly arouses the readers’ hearing, as it describes the soft ‘whooshing’ sound of a
morning breeze. Though it can also be considered as tactile as a cool breeze of air is often
associated with feelings of cold and shivering. These descriptions build the setting and
atmosphere of the poem, taking the readers in an illusion of sunrise and awing clear blue sky.
Mental images are found in the poem wherein the use of Imagery spiced up the whole
content leaving its readers a fantasy ride to the poem itself especially in the 1st and 2nd stanza;
(1) the sun gilds the sky, (2) deep darkness makes a noble retreat, (5) morning spreads her
warm golden wings, and (6) the sapphire sky is wordlessly deep. These lines emphasized the
switch of the day from dawn till noon. Aside from sense of sight, sense of hearing was also
found in the line (3) O hear the music in the air fleeting, (4) for you can never recapture the
beat. We can say that the readers here are hearing a ‘whoosh’ sound like the air as well as the
‘lab dub’ like the heart beat in their imagination. All of these form part of the atmosphere and
setting of the poem, enlightening its readers a view of sunrise having vivid blue sky.
Reading the poem aloud brings out a melodic sense brought about by the presence of
meter, rhymes and other sound devices. Alliteration is the most prolific sound device in the
piece as it can be found all throughout the poem: (1) …sun gilds the sky…, (2) …deep
darkness…, (5) …warm golden wings, (6) …sapphire sky…, (8) …seldom see in your
dreamful sleep, (9) …feel forlorn…, (10) …world will…, (11) …will come when their eyes
will grow dim, and (13) …decay into dust. There are also some Assonance present in the
poem that contains the /e/ sound as observed in lines (2) O hear the music in the air fleeting
and (3) …never recapture the beat, and a Consonance with the apparent /m/ sound in line
(11) A time will come when their eyes will grow dim.
Alliteration which was defined as the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the
the following lines of the poem: (1) sun gilds the sky (2) deep darkness (5) warm golden
wings, (6) sapphire sky 8) seldom see in your dreamful sleep, (9) feel forlorn (10) world will
(11) will come when their eyes will grow dim, and (13) decay into dust. The repetition of the
syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible. In connection,
Consonance /m/ is found in the line (11) A time will come when their eyes will grow dim.
However, Assonance /e/ was found in the lines (2) O hear the music in the air fleeting and (3)
the beginning of the 1st and 2nd stanzas, depicting how the sun illuminates the sky at dawn and
the night’s darkness moving away. The author also employed Anaphora as seen at the
beginning of both 1st and 2nd stanza, starting with the word “when”, and is then repeated at the
last line of the poem. Metonymy is present in Line 14, with ‘empty shell’ acting as a
Based from the Poem, it contains literary devices such as Personification, in which
there is a human like actions in life-less objects. Visioning that as the night’s darkness passes
away, the sky at dawn was illuminated by the sun. Metonymy is found in Line (14) with
‘empty shell’ performing as an auxiliary to the term ‘corpse’ or a ‘dead body’. Anaphora was
also depicted beginning with the word “when” that was repeated in the beginning and at the
The 1st stanza depicts the Persona describing what it would seem as sunrise and asking
the Pilgrim to listen intently to the “music in the air”, for the Pilgrim cannot listen to it again
once its past them. Looking at the symbolisms in this stanza, the Pilgrim may symbolically
refer to someone who is lost, someone who has lost his/her way in their journey, which could
also refer to life as a journey. The Persona of the poem urges the Pilgrim to listen to the
“music in the air” at sunrise, which could refer to a morning breeze – a gentle and cool wind
that we feel early in the morning. The Persona’s depictions of dawn/morning may symbolize
hope and a new beginning, stemming from the literal definition of the word “morning” which
is the start of a day. Taking these things into consideration, the 1st stanza might be telling us
of about the Pilgrim as someone who could be in the process of self-discovery and is met
with overwhelming odds resulting to them losing their way in life. The Persona of the poem
enters at this juncture to tell the Pilgrim to not waver and that there is hope. The Pilgrim is
urged to listen to the morning breeze, which we could associate to the term “winds of
change” - forces that have the power to change things —used generally to mean change is
going to happen (Merriam-Webster). The Persona tries to tell the Pilgrim to have a growth
mindset, and that “now” is the right time to act and change before it’s too late. As they say
In the 2nd stanza, the Persona of the poem asks the Pilgrim to watch and appreciate the
morning sky as the sun fully rises and shine upon the horizon. It is interesting to note that the
author referred to the morning as “her”, possibly pertaining to a mother whose love is warm
and tender. A fitting interpretation for this idea would be that “her” could pertain to Mother
Nature as a whole. The term “Mother Nature” is not limited to nature only as it is recognized
as the personification of the Earth itself, otherwise known to its other alias as Mother Earth.
Mother Nature by definition is nature personified as a woman considered as the source and
guiding force of creation (Merriam-Webster), thus the term includes all forces of nature that
guides creation including the sun, which is a major player in sustaining life in the planet. The
2nd stanza teaches the Pilgrim to be appreciative of the beauty of the things around them, in
particular of their environment. To take a moment of their time to take a break and awe the
wonders of nature brings would bring a sense of relief that could free the Pilgrim, even for
The 3rd stanza takes matters into an interesting turn. As observed in Lines 9 and 10,
the Persona first tries to comfort the Pilgrim when he/she, presumably, feels lonely and is
anxious that the world only looks at their weaknesses, as supported by Line 10. The Persona
then resumes by saying that everyone will inevitably grow old and die along with them – the
Persona and the Pilgrim. Line 12 takes the readers into such an interesting turn of events as it
is revealed that the Persona of the poem is similar with the Pilgrim; both are lost souls in the
journey of life. It is at this point that the readers feel and understand the impact of the
Persona’s words to the Pilgrim, that those words are words of kinship, words of advice from
The 4th and last stanza ends the poem with the Persona stating that everyone’s journey
in life will certainly end and all of them will just be part of the past. As discussed in the
author’s use of metonymy, “An empty shell” describes the state of the Persona and the
Pilgrim. This could be interpreted as the Persona’s way to tell the readers that they are “dead”
on the inside, seemingly devoid of the will to live. But, in introspect of the Persona, from the
way he/she talks and gives advice to the pilgrim, the 4th stanza could also be interpreted, on a
positive note, as the Persona’s way of telling the Pilgrim that since everything has a definite
end, why not shrug off all the worries and anxieties in world and just enjoy life as it is?
This positive interpretation lines up with the poem’s narrative: the 1st stanza depicts the
Persona urging the Pilgrim to ride the winds of change, the 2nd stanza tells the Pilgrim to be
appreciative of things around them and take joy from the simplicities of life, and the 3rd
stanza reveals the Persona as a companion akin to the Pilgrim. This tells us that even though
the Persona shares the Pilgrim’s mishap, the Persona is someone who is still hopeful and
shows hints of someone who continues to struggle in the rigorous path of life. The Persona
have experienced what the Pilgrim is currently experiencing, and is lending a hand to their
brethren in hopes instill valuable lessons which would help the Pilgrim to move on.
The 1st stanza states how the sun veils the entire sky with its shining rays while the moon is
bidding its goodbye on the opposite side. This phenomenon is really overwhelming and
beautiful. A lot of people patiently wait to witness the sunrise. It makes people feel the hope
in their life. However, this phenomenon is easy to vanished, thus, you must enjoy the moment
The 1st Stanza depicts the situation of the pilgrim (which symbolically refer to life as a
journey) as described by persona in the poem that as the sun was saying hello and the moon
was saying its goodbye, it means that hope arises in the midst of the dark situations of life.
The said phenomenon was viewed beautiful as the Pilgrim was bound to his self-discovery
while listening to the morning breeze despite of the odds that he was experiencing. In this
way, the persona wants to make the Pilgrim understand that there is no permanent thing such
as the word change, time flies even though we do not notice it right away, so we must “carpe
diem” to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.
The 2nd stanza focuses on the importance of enjoying the moment when you can still
see them. The darkness cannot light up the world, so if the rays of the sun began to shine.
Look at the surroundings and enjoy the moment because those things cannot be seen when
you are asleep. Reality is always better than our dreams when asleep.
The 2nd stanza teaches the Pilgrim to be grateful of the splendor of the things in our own
nature even for a moment just to pacify the things that entangles the Pilgrim’s mind to such
odds, depression or confusions. Especially, depicting that a single light can brighten up the
darkness, that there will always be hope just like the sun. In addition, the author mentioned to
the morning as “her”, perhaps relating to a mother whose love is warm and caring. In the
same way, enjoying and appreciating the things in reality rather in imagination really matters.
The third stanza implies that everyone have the same fate at the end. Let us not be
devastated in our journey here on earth as a pilgrim. If the society will laugh at your state and
will judge your status, just shrugged it off. Regardless of what we become, everyone will
have the same fate when they close their eyes and leave this world.
The 3rd stanza shows a certain truth that we all have the same fate at the end. The Pilgrim was
comforted by the persona of its loneliness and anxiety he is experiencing especially when the
society looks inferior at his weakness as seen in lines 9 and 10. The fate that we once live and
after it we soon die, like a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave
tossed in the oceans, a vapor in the wind. Line 12 leaves a mind-blowing idea to the readers
regarding such turn of events as it is exposed that the Pilgrim and Persona of the poem shares
the same experience, both of them have similar journey of life as lost souls.
The last stanza emphasizes that we will all leave this earth just like an empty shell, no
ranks, no wealth and no status. We will all turn into dust with nothing but us, when we will
no longer see the sunlight in the morning and our time in the light will forever be in the past
as memories.
The last stanza contains an undeniable truth that readers should be aware of that The Persona
wants to tell the Pilgrim that it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this judgment: as
said in Hebrews 9:27. That no matter how rich, famous or powerful you are here on earth you
will also die and it would not carry its merit on the grave through the use of metonymy of
‘Empty shell’. In the same way, at the other side of the coin in the positive side, the persona
wants to tell the pilgrim that it’s a fact that you will soon die, but while you are living, seize
every moment, enjoy and endure hardships and shrug-off every fear and worries. Finally, this
gives us the whole picture of the persona who wants to share his valuable lessons he got in
life in helping the Pilgrim or even its readers to stay positive and move on in life.