Om-Case 1 Q&a
Om-Case 1 Q&a
Om-Case 1 Q&a
The first case question for discussion is identifying major problems that are facing the credit
card division. The first major problem facing the division is the breakdown in communication
between the marketing department and the operations department. This is a huge
problem, because the lack of communication between the respective departments is trickling
down to the customers. One reason that the customers are giving a rating of poor
because the survey questions are based on the marketing side and the
performance criteria doesn’t match up well between marketing and operations. The
leaders of the two departments need to get together and design the customer survey in relation
to both marketing and operations, and they need to get the idea of “protecting their own
turf” out of their heads and start working together. Another major problem facing the
division is that reports are routed to over 1,200 institutions, some electronically and others by
mail. The division doesn’t have total control over providing accurate and timely report
distribution, because they have to rely on other banks and various types of
transportation modes such as an airborne courier.
2) What are steps required to develop a good internal and external performance and information
The second question for discussion is what steps are required to develop a good internal and
external performance system. The Service-Profit chain model is a great template to use when
developing good internal and external performance measures. This model is based on a set of
cause-and-effect linkages between internal and external performances. The first step in this
model starts with the service delivery system and measures internal service quality, which then
tabulates and measures employee satisfaction, employee retention, and employee productivity.
This is a very important measure that companies need to focus on. As the saying goes "Happy
employees make happy customers." Companies need to make sure that their employees have
received the proper training to make them successful Companies also need to make sure that
their employees are property motivated, so that they can keep their productivity as high as
possible. Some ways of motivation are bonus and incentive programs.
The next step is the service concept, is the step that creates external service value to the
customer. This is a very important step in the process, and companies need to make sure that
they are doing everything that they can to create value for the customer. This is the moment of
truth for the company. A reason that customers are giving a poor rating might be due to the wait
time or since employees can't resolve customer issues when calling in. This all links into the
external performance measures which is the target markets. These can be measured by
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. High customer satisfaction and loyalty leads to
higher revenue growth and profitability.
3) How should internal and external performance data be related? Are these data related? What
do charts and/or statistical data analysis tell you?
Question three deals with how internal and external performance data should be related.
Internal and external performance data are related by cause-and-effect linkages. For example,
when employee satisfaction and productivity are low that is going to affect customer satisfaction
and loyalty. However, when employees are highly motivated and productive this trickles down to
the customer, therefore making the customer happy and loyal Graphs and statistical data are
very important when analyzing this model. Graphs can show trends in important areas of the
division and can also show us areas that need to be worked on and which areas are performing
the best.
The biggest problem is that marketing and operations are not on the same page when it comes
to the designing of the customer survey, thus resulting in a poor rating. There are also some
very important steps that need to be followed when developing a good internal and external
measurement system, and identifying how these steps are related is very important.
Management also needs to focus on what these numbers are actually telling them, sure the
numbers are great, however, the design of the survey questions is giving them a poor customer