Fpsyt 11 565239
Fpsyt 11 565239
Fpsyt 11 565239
Losing a spouse is considered one of the most stressful life events a person can
experience. Particularly in the immediate weeks and months after the loss, bereavement
is associated with a significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Despite an
abundance of research aimed at identifying risk factors for adverse health outcomes
following marital death, the mechanisms through which mental and physical health
problems emerge following bereavement remain poorly understood. To address this
issue, the present review examines several pathways that may link bereavement
Edited by:
J. John Mann, and health, including inflammation and immune dysregulation, genetic and epigenetic
Columbia University, United States changes, gut microbiota activity, and biological aging. We then describe how these
Reviewed by: processes may be viewed from the perspective of the Social Signal Transduction Theory
Noam Schneck,
of Depression to provide a novel framework for understanding individual differences in
New York State Psychiatric Institute
(NYSPI), United States long-term trajectories of adjustment to interpersonal loss. Finally, we discuss several
Lydia Roos, avenues for future research on psychobiological mechanisms linking bereavement with
University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, United States mental and physical health outcomes.
*Correspondence: Keywords: bereavement, interpersonal loss, life stress, inflammation, immune system, biological aging, health,
Annina Seiler disease
cancers, as well as mortality (12). Consequently, bereavement- TABLE 1 | Assessment instruments used in the studies evaluated.
related dysregulation in immune function may be one potential
Abbreviation Full name
process that underlies the increased risk for morbidity and
mortality seen in spousal bereaved individuals (22). ATQ-P Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Positive version
One strategy for better understanding the psychobiology of CSS Crisis Support Scale
bereavement involves applying what we know about depression, CTQ Childhood Trauma Questionnaire
which is also strongly precipitated by interpersonal loss. One ECR-SF Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire-Short Form
model in particular, the Social Signal Transduction Theory of GMRI Grief and Meaning Reconstruction Inventory
Depression (20), may be helpful for shedding light on how GMS Grief Measurement Scale
spousal loss and grief affect neural and immune processes that HAMD Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scale
in turn structure risk for health problems following bereavement.
HRSD Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
In brief, this theory suggests that both early and later-life stress
HTQ Harvard Trauma Questionnaire-Part IV
can promote neuro-inflammatory sensitivity to subsequently
ICG Inventory of Complicated Grief
occurring stressors and thus heighten a person’s vulnerability to
ICG-R Inventory of Complicated Grief-Revised
physical and mental health problems across the lifespan. In the
IES Impact of Event Scale
context of bereavement, this would occur if an individual with
LOT Life Orientation Test
a history of past life stress exposure lost a terminally-ill spouse
MCMI-III Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III
in adulthood after a sustained period of caregiving burden, in
PSS Perceived Stress Scale
turn leading to mental and physical health problems that have
PERI-A Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Interview-Anxiety Scale
an inflammatory basis.
PERI-H Psychiatric Epidemiology Research
Recently, Knowles et al. (23) published an excellent systematic
Interview-Helplessness-Hopelessness Scale
review that focused on the link between bereavement and
PFQ-2 Personal Feelings Questionnaire-2
immune system functioning. The present review also examines
PG-13 Prolonged Grief 13 Items
links between bereavement and immune functioning but seeks
PSOM Positive States of Mind
to go beyond prior work by providing an integrated account
PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
of psychosocial, neural, immunologic, and genomic processes
RPT Relationship Profile Test
linking bereavement and health, as well as a description of
SADS-L Lifetime Version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and
how cumulative lifetime stress exposure may alter vulnerability
to mental and physical health problems following spousal loss.
SCID-I Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders
To accomplish this goal, we conducted a PubMed literature
SCL-90 Symptom Checklist-90
search of all relevant studies published through October
SF-36 36-Item Short Form Health Survey
2019 using the following key words: bereavement, mental
SSI Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation
health, physical health, psychobiology, stress, genetic, epigenetic,
STRAIN Stress and Adversity Inventory
neuroendocrine, neuroimmune, inflammation, and immunity.
TIPI Ten-Item Personality Inventory
To be considered for this review, articles had to be peer
TSC Trauma Symptom Checklist
reviewed and written in English (see Supplementary Table 1).
TLEQ Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire
The psychometric instruments used in the eligible studies are
YES Yale Evaluation of Suicidality scale
summarized in Table 1.
(ANS), hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA), and systemic Typically, bereavement is the period during which time the most
inflammatory response. Although the temporary engagement of intensive grieving occurs (44).
these systems is critical for survival during times of actual social The loss of a significant person in one’s life is a unique
or physical threat, sustained activation can occur that increase social stressor that requires an individual to adapt, which
a person’s vulnerability to physical and mental health problems differentiates it from other stressors such as caregiving, a
that have an inflammatory component (20, 24, 25, 34, 35). conflictual marital relationship, or unemployment (45). To better
Consistent with this theory, research has shown that genetic understand psychological adjustment to significant interpersonal
factors, epigenetic processes, personality traits (e.g., neuroticism), loss, research has employed concepts from the literatures on
and social environmental conditions during childhood and attachment theory, cognitive processing, and resilience. Early
adolescence (e.g., social/financial stress, uncertainty, abuse, or life attachment has been proposed to impact relationships in
neglect) play a role in shaping individuals’ sensitivity to later- adulthood (46). In this regard, the loss of a spouse represents
occurring adverse life events (25, 36). At the molecular level, an attachment stressor that inherently has physiological effects,
epigenetic regulation of gene transcription can play an important as attachment stress evolutionarily served to maintain proximity
role in helping individuals adapt to challenges posed by the between bonded pairs (23).
external social environmental (37). However, stress-induced As a highly stressful event, the death of a significant
epigenetic changes can also lead to persistent increases in person is known to trigger biological responses via several
social stress-related physiological reactivity that last for months autonomic, neuroendocrine, and inflammatory pathways (22).
or years (38). In sum, therefore, social-environmental and These responses, either directly or via interaction with the social
genetic processes can independently and interactively affect the environment, can cause alterations in biological functioning that
likelihood that a particular adverse life event will get converted include the onset of chronic low-grade inflammation, which
into changes in gene expression that have the ability to influence can increase risk for sickness behaviors, infections, mental and
health (38, 39). physical health problems, and premature mortality in vulnerable
A growing body of research is showing that the gut microbiota individuals (26, 47–49). Consistent with this thinking, several
may also play an important role in shaping the activity of the lines of evidence indicate that stressful life events are strongly
enteric nervous system, ANS, neuroendocrine pathways, and associated with altered immune function and the development
immune system (40). This research has shown that the signaling of depression, especially for persons living in a high-risk
pathways linking the central nervous system and gut are sensitive environment (e.g., trauma exposure) who possess a genetic
to social-environmental factors (41). Moreover, disruption of predisposition to depression (20, 50–52). Moreover, clinical
these systems can result in altered gastrointestinal function, HPA- studies have shown that depressive symptoms are prevalent in
axis activation, changes in immune responses, and, therefore, widows and widowers during the first 2 years of bereavement,
increased inflammation-related behavioral changes and disease with a particular high risk for individuals with a history of
susceptibility (42, 43). depression (53, 54). To the extent that grief and depression
In sum, the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression are precipitated most strongly by the same types of major life
provides one illustration of how interpersonal loss can lead stressors (i.e., sudden interpersonal loss), it may be possible to
to specific changes in sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and apply what we know about the psychobiology of depression (e.g.,
HPA-axis activity that interact with genetic, personality, and using the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression) to
social-environmental factors to promote immune dysregulation better understand the psychobiology of bereavement.
and increased inflammatory activity, especially in vulnerable Importantly, the grief response depends on the nature
individuals. These biological changes can in turn lead to and quality of the lost relationship (55). For example, the
depression-like behaviors, including anhedonia, helplessness, unintentional death of a spouse will be experienced differently
social withdrawal, and fatigue (26), which are characteristic than the death of a child, parent, or sibling, or the death of a
of some bereaved individuals, thus making the Social Signal close other by suicide (56). Furthermore, the unexpected death
Transduction Theory of Depression a potentially useful of a loved one may trigger different grief reactions than the
framework for understanding psychosocial and biological loss of a spouse due to a terminal disease (56, 57). Hence,
aspects of bereavement (see Figure 1). the psychobiology of bereavement may differ depending on the
specific types of loss experienced (58). In the present article,
therefore, we focus specifically on spousal bereavement as a
PSYCHOBIOLOGY OF BEREAVEMENT particular type of life stressor.
FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL In the following sections, we examine the applicability of the
SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION THEORY OF Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression for studying
DEPRESSION psychobiological pathways that may link bereavement with
multimorbidity and mortality. To do this, we review available
For the purpose of this review, the term grief and bereavement research describing the impact of spousal loss on (a) mental and
have been conceptualized with slightly different meanings. physical health, (b) inflammation and immune dysregulation, (c)
Whereas, grief refers to a person’s emotional response to a genetic and epigenetic changes, (d) gut microbiota activity, and
loss, bereavement refers to the time period when an individual (e) biological aging. We also describe the effects of cumulative
experiences sadness, grief and mourning after a significant loss. life stress exposure on health in bereaved individuals and explore
psychobiological factors that have been linked to vulnerability period (i.e., 6 months post-loss), prolonged grief was found in
and resilience to mental and physical health problems following 12.3% of 56 bereaved adults between 20 and 50 years old who lost
significant interpersonal loss. Finally, we discuss how Social their spouse due to cancer (78). In another study of 132 adults,
Signal Transduction Theory of Depression can be extended to almost 30% of bereaved adults who lost a close relative to cancer
bereavement and highlight several avenues of research that may met criteria for post-traumatic stress disorders 1 month post-
be fruitful to pursue on this topic. loss (79). Over the long term, complicated grief was found to be
present in 24.6% of 668 cancer caregivers 9 months post-loss (80),
and 48% of 88 cancer caregivers who suffered from increased
The Impact of Bereavement on Mental levels of bereavement-related distress 3–5 years after the loss (81).
Health As briefly noted above, high levels of prolonged grief
As alluded to previously, the death of spouse is one of the symptoms have been associated with greater disability and can
most stressful life events a person can experience (59). Spousal compromise psychological and physical functioning for years,
bereavement due to cancer, for example, is usually preceded resulting in comorbid health problems. These health problems
by a long illness trajectory, which is associated with high include impaired sleep (82, 83), depression (9, 84–86), suicidal
distress due to the spouse’s progressive health deterioration, ideation and attempts (12, 87), and anxiety and PTSD (88,
anticipatory grief about the spouse’s inevitable death, adoption of 89), as well as adverse health behaviors (12), prolonged sick
supportive responsibilities, financial stressors, and disruption of leave, and increased health services and medication use (90–92).
the caregiver’s social and personal life (60). Moreover, partners Furthermore, grief severity assessed from 3 to 6 months post-
of patients who have been suffering from an advanced illness loss has been found to predict functional impairment, depressive
have been found to experience more emotional distress and symptoms, and impaired sleep up to 18 months following the loss
adjustment problems, as well as greater pain, fatigue, sleep (86, 93).
problems, and depression (61–65). Of note, depression, and bereavement share considerable
There is considerable variability in how people respond to commonalities in terms of disease risk (e.g., CVD) and changes
the loss of a spouse. For example, although the vast majority in immune function (2, 6, 11, 94–97). Some researchers have
of conjugally bereaved individuals are relatively resilient and thus suggested that it is not interpersonal loss or bereavement
adjust adequately without professional support (66, 67), 10– but rather depression that is responsible for causing the increases
20% of bereaved spouses develop intense, prolonged grief (67– in morbidity and mortality seen in bereaved individuals (9, 12,
69). In addition, substantial evidence suggests that high levels 49, 89, 98). On the other hand, though, research has shown that
of traumatic grief, depression, and anxiety at 6 months post- grief and depression are independently associated with health-
loss predict the development of even more serious mental and damaging inflammation (99). Therefore, it may be the case
physical health problems up to 25 months post-loss in spousal that bereavement and depression are associated with similar but
bereaved individuals, including suicidal ideation, cancer, and distinct patterns of inflammatory activity, and that interpersonal
heart attacks (70). loss is a common precipitating stressful life event that may lead
Grief is a typical psychological and emotional reaction to to both grief and depression.
losing a significant person that is characterized by symptoms
of intense distress, anxiety, yearning, longing, and sadness, all
of which usually subside over time (71). Although grieving The Impact of Bereavement on Physical
symptoms are similar in some ways to symptoms of Major Health
Depressive Disorder (MDD), as described by the Diagnostic Bereavement has also been found to increase individuals’ risk
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), these for physical health problems and, especially, immune-related
two conditions are classified as distinct constructs (72, 73). illnesses such as CVD and cancer, in addition to increased
Prolonged or persistent grief, by definition, is a debilitating mortality risk, within the first 3 years following a major loss
condition following a significant loss that consists of persistent (12, 92). Indeed, CVD is a major cause of morbidity and
and pervasive longing for, or preoccupation with, the deceased mortality following bereavement (100). In terms of underlying
person that persists for 6 months or longer. Moreover, it is mechanisms, strong evidence has linked bereavement-related
characterized by its clinical features, including emotional pain stress with increased risk for CVD via chronic low-grade
(e.g., sadness, guilt, bitterness, anger), difficulty accepting the inflammation, as commonly measured by circulating IL-6 or C-
loss, emotional numbness, feeling that a part of one died, and reactive protein (CRP) (27, 101, 102). In addition, elevated levels
difficulties in engaging in social or other activities (69). The of CRP have been shown to be a strong prognostic factor for
diagnostic criteria for prolonged grief reactions are specified in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events (103, 104).
the DSM-5 as Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) In terms of mortality risk, a meta-analysis of 15 prospective
(74) and in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases cohort studies and 2,263,888 participants found that relative
11th Revision (ICD-11) as Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) to their married peers, recently bereaved spouses had a 41%
(75, 76). PGD can be diagnosed at 6 months and PCBD at 12 increased risk of dying within the first 6 months following
months following the loss (77). bereavement, independent of age and gender (overall RR 1.41;
Bereavement is associated with short- and long-term health 95% CI 1.26, 1.57) (105). Another meta-analysis of more than 500
consequences. In one study that examined the early bereavement million people found a 23% increased risk of mortality among
FIGURE 1 | Psychobiological mechanisms linking spousal bereavement and health from the perspective of the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression (20).
The interplay between genetic factors, personality traits (e.g., neuroticism), and social-environmental conditions during childhood and adolescence (e.g.,
social/financial stress, uncertainty, abuse, or neglect) are hypothesized to play important roles in shaping individuals’ neuro-inflammatory sensitivity to later-occurring
life stressors, including interpersonal loss. Exposure to early life stress and subsequent stressors are hypothesized to heighten sympathetic nervous system and
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation, and to promote increased inflammatory activity in response to a significant loss. If chronic, elevated inflammatory
activity can in turn lead to a variety of adverse emotional, behavioral, and health outcomes. SNS, sympathetic nervous system activation; NE, norepinephrine; EPI,
epinephrine; HPA, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; GC, glucocorticoid; IL-1, interleukin-1; IL-1β, interleukin-1beta; IL-6, interleukin-6; IL-6R, interleukin-6 receptor;
IL-12, interleukin-12; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α.
widowers as compared to married individuals (HR 1.23; 95% CI frequently triggered by emotional stress, including loss and grief
1.19, 1.28), with a relatively higher risk for men (increased risk: (107, 108).
27%) than women (increased risk: 15%) (3). This phenomenon Depression and stress are important risk factor for developing
of increased mortality risk for bereaved individuals, specifically CVD, and depression has been associated with poorer coronary
within the first 6 months after the interpersonal loss, has been outcomes (94). Correspondingly, the death of a significant person
called the “broken-heart phenomenon” (106) or “widowhood is known as a key psychosocial risk factor for CVD (11). Research
effect” (105). Nowadays, these terms have also been used in the has shown that as compared to non-bereaved individuals,
context of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, an acute reversible heart bereaved individuals exhibit lower heart rate variability and
failure syndrome mimicking acute myocardial infarction that is higher heart rate, systolic blood pressure, von Willebrand factor,
factor VIII, and platelet/granulocyte counts (6, 8, 13, 109, Only a limited number of studies have investigated the onset of
110). These findings have direct clinical relevance, given that type 2 diabetes in the context of bereavement. One study reported
prothrombotic changes have been associated with greater risk of a 1.4-fold increased risk of incident diabetes in parents who
CVD and mortality (111, 112). Of note, the adverse effects of lost their child relative to age- and sex-matched non-bereaved
stress on cardiovascular and other outcomes are often potentiated parents (125). Another study found that bereavement-induced
by unhealthy behaviors, including poor dietary choices and sleep prenatal stress in mother increased the risk of insulin resistance
hygiene, inadequate physical activity, alcohol and/or tobacco by 1.3-fold in their offspring; if grief was due to the death of
consumption, and poor medication adherence (113), all of which an older sibling, the risk that the offspring developed type 2
are risk factors for CVD in their own right. diabetes during childhood or young adulthood was increased by
Regarding the implications of bereavement for cancer 1.5-fold (126).
risk, stress hormones, especially glucocorticoids, adrenaline, Taken together, these data provide relatively strong
and noradrenaline, have multiple known effects on human converging evidence that bereavement is associated with
tumor biology (114, 115). Specifically, SNS activation via increased risk for poor mental and physical health. In most cases,
adrenergic- and glucocorticoid-mediated mechanisms can the mechanisms underlying these bereavement-related health
increase inflammatory activity and alter immune defense effects remain unclear. To address this issue, in the following
mechanisms against tumors with implications for tumor sections we review psychoneuroimmunological pathways that
progression (116). Consistent with these pathways, a few may link bereavement with mental and physical health problems.
studies have suggested that bereavement is associated with We also discuss how these effects may be understood through
increased risk for cancer incidence. For example, a historical the lens of the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression.
study conducted by Prigerson et al. (12) found that bereaved
individuals suffering from high levels of grief had a significantly
greater risk of developing cancer within 6–25 months post-loss PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS
than those with low levels of grief, yet the type of cancer LINKING BEREAVEMENT AND HEALTH
was not described. Additionally, the Pan American Health
Organization/World Health Organization examined the effects Bereavement-Induced Systemic
of parental bereavement on cancer incidence and survival (117). Inflammation and Immune Dysregulation
This large cohort study included 6,284 Jewish Israelis who Neuroendocrine, Sympathetic, and Inflammatory
lost an adult son in the Yom Kippur War or in an accident Activation
between 1970 and 1977, and who were followed longitudinally Several psychological, neural, and immunologic pathways may
for 20 years. There was an increased incidence of lymphatic link bereavement with health. For example, it is well-known that
and hematopoietic malignancies in both war-bereaved parents stress activates the HPA axis and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary
(OR 1.47) and parents of accident victims (OR 2.01). There (SAM) axis, which in turn trigger the release of hormones that
also was an increased incidence of melanoma among both modulate immune function. Specific hormones involved in this
war-bereaved parents (OR 1.72) and parents of an accident stress-induced biological cascade include adrenocorticotropic
victim (OR 4.62). Finally, in parents suffering from cancer before hormone (ACTH), cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin,
the loss, bereavement was associated with a relatively shorter adrenaline, and noradrenaline (15). Through these mediators,
survival time. life stress exposure can increase inflammatory activity and
These data highlight a possible association between reduce anti-viral immune responses (17, 127).
bereavement and cancer. Consistent with this work, data In the context of bereavement, studies have begun to
from the psycho-oncology literature suggest that the incidence explore bereavement-related alterations in biomarkers of
of cancer recurrence may be higher during bereavement-related neuroendocrine and immune function. Results from these
distress (114–116, 118–122). On the whole, though, the available studies show that within the first 6 months following spousal
evidence linking bereavement and cancer risk is not highly loss, bereaved individuals exhibit evidence of reduced antibody
consistent and is certainly limited relative to the relatively large response to vaccination (128), HPA-axis dysregulation [e.g.,
amount of research demonstrating an association between as indexed by higher cortisol levels and flatter diurnal cortisol
bereavement and CVD risk. slopes (9, 59, 129–132)], heightened systemic inflammation
Another condition associated with bereavement is type 2 (6, 10, 49, 99, 133), and impaired immune responses, as indexed
diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by insulin by reduced functional activity of natural killer cells (9, 130).
resistance due to insufficient insulin secretion and action (123). Research has also suggested that these bereavement-related
A growing body of research indicates that stress plays a role in biological alterations, particularly those involving inflammation,
type 2 diabetes, both as a predictor of new-onset type 2 diabetes may underlie the development of complicated grief. For
and as a prognostic factor for individuals with existing type 2 example, in a recent study of 99 spousally bereaved individuals
diabetes. Stress-related biological pathways that are believed to by Fagundes et al. (99), bereaved individuals with greater
contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes include chronic grief severity and higher levels of depression showed higher
activation of the HPA axis, which can result in neuroendocrine levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interferon gamma
dysfunction and dysregulated cortisol output (123) that leads to (INF-γ), IL-6, and TNF-α approximately 3 months after the
glucose intolerance and systemic insulin resistance (124). death of their spouse as compared to those who had more
mild emotional reactions to the loss. Sleep disturbances can exposure has been associated with heightened physiological
also induce inflammation (134). In a study of 54 spousally stress sensitivity as indexed by inflammatory activity and
bereaved and 47 non-bereaved individuals, self-reported reactivity, as well as with greater immune system dysregulation
sleep disturbance in bereaved individuals was not directly later in life (30, 47, 140–143). In terms of gene expression,
related to elevated inflammatory activity, but bereavement stress-induced epigenetic changes can result in altered gene
moderated the association between sleep disturbances and expression (38).
inflammation approximately three moths post-loss, after The fields of psychoneuroimmunology, genetics, and
adjusting for depression (133). Therefore, sleep disturbance may genomics have only recently begun to examine genomic
be an important pathway linking bereavement with increased mechanisms that may underlie these effects. Although the
inflammation and subsequent health problems. literature examining bereavement-associated epigenetic changes
Mechanistically speaking, the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL- remains scant, this research has already provided an interesting
1β, IL-6, and TNF-α are believed to influence the activity of new window through which we may be able to better understand
neurotransmitters that can in turn affect mood and induce how bereavement affects health (34, 144). In this context,
depressive symptoms in vulnerable individuals (28, 135). a few genetic polymorphisms have been investigated that
Consistent with this understanding, some studies have argued could represent potential protective or risk factors in the face
that changes in immune function and related neurochemical of adversity. For example, one recent cross-sectional study
processes during bereavement are the result of bereavement- investigated the gene × environment (G × E) interaction effects
related depression as opposed to experiencing interpersonal loss of different genotypes and inflammation for 36 spousal bereaved
or bereavement (136). Therefore, additional research is needed older adults who experienced spousal loss over the past 23.75
to examine the extent to which the increased inflammatory months vs. 28 married individuals in order to elucidate factors
levels sometimes evident during or following bereavement are predicting resilience during bereavement. The researchers found
the result of an intense bereavement period itself vs. increases in that spousally bereaved individuals exhibited higher levels of
depressive symptoms that sometime accompany bereavement. circulating inflammatory markers relative to non-bereaved
individuals. Moreover, the authors identified a SNP in the
Immune Dysregulation IL-6-174 region that moderated individuals’ vulnerability to
Bereavement may also affect health by influencing immunity. increased systemic inflammation following the death of their
Immunity is the natural or acquired resistance of an organism spouse (49).
to bacterial or viral invaders, diseases, or infections, while Relatedly, a cross-sectional study by O’Connor et al. (139)
having adequate tolerance to avoid allergy and autoimmune identified a genotype that helped explain the variability in
diseases (18). Lymphocytes, including T cells and B cells, as grief severity experienced by older adults with and without
well as natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages, are the main complicated grief following the death of their partner or spouse.
types of cells of the immune system. T cells orchestrate the Individuals with both complicated grief (N = 12) and non-
immune response via the production of cytokines and stimulate complicated grief (N = 24) exhibited the upregulated expression
B cells to produce antibodies and signal killer cells to destroy of genes implicated in the activation of the immune response and
antigen-displaying cells (137). Chronic stress, in turn, can induce downregulated expression of genes implicated in B lymphocyte
low-grade inflammation and suppress immuno-protective cell responses. Moreover, individuals exhibiting complicated grief
function (18). showed a substantial downregulated expression of Type I
Studies investigating immune function in bereaved interferon transcripts.
individuals have demonstrated NK cell activity suppression It is possible that mutations in these genes may lead to
for up to 6 months following the sudden death of a relative the altered regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine
(9, 130), lymphocyte proliferation for up to 2 months following gene expression, in turn placing individuals experiencing
spousal loss (138), and downregulated leukocyte gene expression bereavement-related distress at increased risk of experiencing
in individuals who lost their spouse over the prior 2 years immune-related health problems following bereavement (26).
as compared to non-bereaved healthy adults (139). Seasonal Furthermore, changes in gene expression following bereavement
influenza vaccination provides a useful paradigm to study may interact with epigenetic changes that have occurred earlier
individual differences in the inflammatory response. In one in life (e.g., from early life stress exposure) to influence how an
study that used this immunological challenge model in the individual responds to the loss of a spouse in later adulthood.
context of bereavement, bereaved adults exhibited a reduced Likewise, bereavement itself may cause epigenetic changes that
antibody titer response to influenza vaccination 1 year post-loss could increase a person’s risk of subsequent health problems
relative to non-bereaved adults (128). Together, these findings through the activation of the previously described inflammatory
illustrate how bereavement can lead to long-lasting impairments pathways (34).
in immunity that have implications for health. Together, these data suggest that increased inflammatory
activity may predominantly occur in genetically susceptible
Bereavement-Induced Genetic and individuals who experience the loss of a significant person.
Epigenetic Changes This G × E effect may provide a possible mechanism through
Another pathway by which bereavement may influence health which bereavement-related stressors increase vulnerability for
is by affecting genetic and epigenetic pathways. Early life stress morbidity and mortality in bereaved individuals. The G × E effect
may also help explain why some bereaved individuals develop activity, and shorter telomere length, indicating that stress may
mental and physical health problems following the death of a contribute to accelerated biological aging, thus providing a
spouse while others do not. possible mechanism linking stress with health (39, 159, 162, 163).
Telomere attrition has emerged as a potentially useful
Bereavement-Induced Changes in the Gut biomarker of cellular aging that has shown associations with
Microbiota increased risk of various diseases and poorer survival (164).
In addition, the gut microbiota may play a role in influencing Additionally, the long-term effects of bereavement-related stress
health outcomes following bereavement. Evidence for this have been demonstrated in a study that investigated the impact
possibility comes from research documenting how acute and of death or a sudden severe illness of a close family member
chronic stressors negatively impact the gut microbiome (41). during prenatal development. The study found that young
Animal models provide experimental evidence for associations adults with mothers who had experienced a death during
between early life stress exposure and low-grade inflammation, prenatal development had shorter leukocyte telomere length as
altered enteric microbiota, exaggerated stress reactivity, and compared to young adults with mothers who had a pregnancy
visceral hypersensitivity (42, 145), emphasizing the impact of without experiencing death (165). These findings are of clinical
stress on microbial composition and activity. In humans, it importance for two reasons: first, telomere length in newborns
is well-known that stress can cause nausea, vomiting, and and young adults has been related to maternal stress during
abdominal pain (146). In addition, chronic life stressors such as pregnancy; and second, cellular aging can be influenced through
financial problems, unemployment, and loss have been associated prenatal stress, thereby potentially increasing an individual’s
with an increased risk of developing functional gastrointestinal susceptibility to infectious and autoimmune diseases in later life
disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (147, 148). Moreover, (166, 167).
accumulating evidence from clinical studies suggests a strong link Moreover, biological aging can affect the immune system
between stress-induced disturbances along the gut microbiota- by causing a progressive decline in functional immunity,
immune-brain axis and chronic inflammatory disorders, such referred to as immunosenescence, which diminishes humoral and
as allergies, autoimmunity, and inflammatory gastrointestinal cellular immune responses. Immunosenescence typically occurs
disorders (149, 150), and mental health problems including in older individuals (≥65 years old) (168, 169). Declining T-cell
anxiety disorders and depression (151–155). function is a well-characterized feature of immunosenescence,
In contrast with this general body of research on stress and contributing to chronic low-grade inflammation (170). However,
the gut microbiota, only a few studies to date have investigated chronic stress also has been shown to suppress and dysregulate
how stress may lead to changes in the gut microbiota in immune function via immunosenescence (162). Consequently,
the context of bereavement. Moreover, much of the research age-associated declines in immune function can contribute to
examining the effects of stress on the gut microbiota is still many comorbid conditions and may render older individuals
from animal model studies (43). Therefore, the American more vulnerable to further assaults on their immune system
Gastroenterology Association and American Psychosomatic from things like stress, immune-related illnesses, and infectious
Society have encouraged efforts to characterize pathways linking diseases (171). For instance, systemic low-grade inflammation, as
stress and the gut microbiota-immune-brain axis in large, indexed by circulating levels of CRP and IL-6, has been identified
prospective, longitudinal cohort studies to better understand as a significant risk factor for CVD in elderly individuals (102).
microbiome composition and microbial function in healthy and The loss of a spouse or partner occurs most frequently in
diseased individuals (156). Ultimately, it is possible that stress later life and is thus a life event that is often experienced by
may change microbiota and vice versa via neuroendocrine (157), individuals older than 65 years, mainly due to the loss of a
inflammatory (158), and behavioral (e.g., depression) pathways spouse (172). Several studies have found evidence of reduced
(154), but additional research is needed on this topic in general immunity in older adults who have experienced bereavement.
and especially in the context of bereavement. For instance, older bereaved vs. non-bereaved individuals with a
mean age of 75 years have been found to show a weaker antibody
Bereavement and Biological Aging response to vaccination in the year after the loss of a spouse
Bereavement may also affect health through stress-induced (128). Furthermore, older bereaved individuals (M age = 72 years
accelerations in biological aging as indexed, for example, old) have been found to exhibit impaired neutrophil function,
by telomere length. Telomeres are short DNA sequences lower neutrophil reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and
that are located on the end of chromosomes. Telomeres a higher cortisol-to-dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS)
protect chromosomes from degradation by forming a cap that ratio relative to younger adults (M age = 32 years old) (173,
provides chromosomal stability. Telomeres also regulate cellular 174). Of note, cortisol is generally immunosuppressive, whereas
replication and cellular lifespan (159). Of clinical importance, DHEAS (secreted by the adrenal gland) is immune-enhancing
telomere length shortens with age (160), and extensive research and counterbalances the effects of cortisol on the innate immune
has also shown that accelerated shortening of telomeres is system (175). With aging, though, cortisol and DHEAS respond
associated with premature cell death, senescence, apoptosis, and differently to stress, resulting in a negative regulatory effect on
carcinogenesis, in turn increasing morbidity and mortality (161). immune function (173).
Furthermore, there is emerging evidence for an association of In addition, from a molecular perspective, older bereaved
chronic stress with greater oxidative stress, lower telomerase adults (aged 61–83 years old) have been found to show the
reduced expression of genes involved in the B lymphocyte Bonanno et al. have conducted several seminal studies
immune response as compared to a sample of age- and sex- to better understand mechanisms underlying resilience (66,
matched non-bereaved adults (139). The salient incidence of 181). For example, analyzing prospective longitudinal data
immune-related dysregulation in older bereaved individuals from individuals enrolled prior to the death of a spouse,
suggests a pivotal role of mutually enhancing effects of these investigators have identified four prototypical grieving
stress and inflammation on immunosenescence (176). Indeed, trajectories: resilience (66.3%) and chronic depression (14.5%),
bereavement-related distress may promote a natural decline followed by depressed improved (10.1%), and chronic grief
of the immune system and increase older adults’ risk of (9.1%) (183, 184). Contrary to expectations, for most individuals
bereavement-related morbidity and mortality (177). (∼60%), grief subsided over the initial weeks and months
following the loss, indicating that most people are relatively
resilient to interpersonal loss (184). However, even among
Cumulative Life Stress Exposure and resilient individuals, a majority showed grief reactions as
Bereavement characterized by transient distress, emotional pain, yearning,
Chronic stress, especially when experienced in early life, can also intrusive cognition, and rumination (185). In turn, only a small
affect health outcomes in bereaved individuals by setting the stage subgroup of grieving individuals exhibited severe grief that
for long-lasting neurobiological changes that are associated with persisted for years after the marital loss (183, 184).
increased risk of later morbidity and mortality (178). Specifically, Psychosocial factors that appear to help buffer the negative
stress exposure during childhood can alter behavioral and effects associated with interpersonal loss include social support
physiological responses to acute and chronic stress in adulthood (186–188), secure attachment style (46, 189), positive emotions
that in turn influence later-life risk for mental and physical health (129, 188, 190), optimism (191), cognitive flexibility (including
problems, including anxiety disorder, depression, CVD, and positive reappraisal and acceptance) (192), and spirituality,
autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders (20, 39, 47, 140, including religiosity (193). In contrast, there are numerous
179). Epigenetic changes and immune system dysregulation may psychosocial factors that have been found to weaken resilience to
be potential pathways that underlie this link (36, 39, 180). Indeed, loss and grief, contributing to grief severity and prolonged grief
the presence of multiple childhood adversities has been found to reactions. These risk factors include the characteristics of spousal
heighten emotional and physical reactivity to subsequent stress, death [e.g., context of spousal illness, caregiving strain, lack of
which in turn activates genetic and epigenetic processes that may preparation for the death, traumatic loss (67, 194)], relationship
promote a proinflammatory phenotype (20). quality [e.g., close kinship relationship, affection, intimacy,
In addition, cumulative life stress exposure is an important care, understanding, conflicts, ambivalence, and dependency in
moderator of the association between acute life events, such as the relationship (67, 195)], intrapersonal factors [e.g., extraversion,
loss of a spouse, and vulnerability to mental and physical health neuroticism, insecure, anxious or avoidant attachment styles,
problems. As proposed by the Social Signal Transduction Theory poor emotion regulation, negative cognition, pre-loss depression
of Depression, for example, greater lifetime stress exposure (67, 196, 197)], and interpersonal factors [e.g., low social and
can increase neuro-inflammatory sensitization to adversity that emotional support, financial hardships (67)].
increases a person’s risk for immune-related mental and physical In the bereavement literature, most studies that have been
health problems in the face of subsequent interpersonal loss conducted so far have investigated group differences or correlates
(20). Consistent with this formulation, among individuals with a of bereavement, and only a few have examined biomarkers of
history of childhood maltreatment, those who have experienced resilience and vulnerability for bereavement-related morbidity.
spousal loss have been found to be more likely to develop In this context, Buckley et al. (6) examined predictors of
depressive symptoms than those who have not experienced increased risk for thrombotic changes that might contribute to
such loss (84). These results suggest that adverse childhood cardiovascular risk in the initial weeks following the death of a
experiences may set the stage for experiencing worse immune- spouse and found a potential role for neutrophils, von Willebrand
related health outcomes following a significant loss in adulthood. factor antigen, Factor VIII, and platelet/monocyte/granulocytes.
Smoking was associated with a higher neutrophil count in
acutely bereaved individuals and accounted for 6% of the shared
Psychosocial Factors Affecting Risk and variance (r2 = 0.06, p = 0.02). Moreover, duration of relationship
Resilience in Bereavement between spousal bereaved and deceased spouse (p = 0.03) and
Finally, several psychosocial factors can affect risk and resilience smoking (p = 0.001) were found to be associated with higher
for poor health following bereavement. Resilience to stress is platelet/granulocyte aggregate levels, accounting collectively for
characterized by an individual’s ability to maintain or restore 14% of shared variance (r2 = 0.14).
relatively stable psychological and physical functioning when In addition to this research, two studies have examined
confronted with stressful life events, such as the death of a spouse changes in immune function following spousal loss while
(181). It has been hypothesized that resilience to such stressors differentiating between grief severity and depression. The
arises from a combination of genetic factors (e.g., regulatory first study by Fagundes et al. (99) found that grief severity
SNPs), personality traits (e.g., neuroticism, rejection sensitivity), and depression were independently associated with increased
and social-environmental conditions (e.g., life stress exposure, systemic inflammation (e.g., IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-y) in bereaved
socioeconomic status) (182). individuals approximately 3 months following the loss of a
spouse. Furthermore, in the same study, MDD was a significant cumulative effect on neural and immunologic functioning that
predictor of participants’ levels of the proinflammatory cytokines sensitizes a person to future stressors, such as interpersonal
IL-6, TNF-α, INF-γ, and IL-17A following spousal loss. Contrary loss. In this model, the death of a loved one is regarded as
to expectation, depression did not moderate the association a unique, complex stressor that can involve several types of
between grief severity and inflammation. Likewise, a second adversity, including housing difficulties, financial strain, physical
study identified fatigue (as indexed by the SF-36 Energy/Fatigue relocation, retirement, and the loss of daily routines and meaning
sub-score) as a predictor of low-grade inflammation (as in life (198, 199).
measured by CRP) in bereaved individuals 1 month following the Relative to other topics in psychoneuroimmunology, the grief,
loss of a spouse (10). loss, and bereavement literature has generated very few data
In general, these findings documenting psychosocial documenting how lifetime stress exposure affects psychological,
factors associated with risk and resilience in bereavement are neural, and immunologic outcomes in bereaved individuals over
preliminary and require replication to determine their reliability time. It is possible that the severity or taboo of discussing grief
and relevance for predicting vulnerability to bereavement-related has rendered the investigation of mental and physical health
morbidity. Furthermore, most of the studies in this area have problems following spousal bereavement difficult. Moreover,
used cross-sectional, post-interpersonal loss research designs. obtaining funding for studies designed to examine health
Studies that include pre-loss measures of neuroendocrine and outcomes among bereaved individuals (as opposed to patients)
immune biomarkers, and that follow participants over time, are can be difficult. As a result of these factors, despite the great
therefore needed. importance of this topic, the health consequences of bereavement
remain poorly understood (200, 201).
Bereavement From the Perspective of the FUTURE DIRECTIONS
Social Signal Transduction Theory of To better understand how bereavement affects health, we believe
Depression there is a pressing need to study how bereavement leads to
As discussed at the beginning of this review, we believe that changes in psychological, neural, and immunologic functioning.
psychobiological processes linking bereavement and health can Biobehavioral responses to grief, epigenetic changes, cumulative
be viewed from the perspective of the Social Signal Transduction life stress exposure, and neural sensitivity to stress could each
Theory of Depression in order to provide one possible represent potential mechanisms linking bereavement and health.
framework for better understanding processes that may underlie Therefore, it will be important to adopt a multidimensional
individual difference in risk and resilience to interpersonal approach to studying bereavement that involves assessing how
loss. More specifically, the Social Signal Transduction Theory these and other processes interact and change over time to
of Depression describes neural, physiologic, molecular, and structure differences in disease risk and longevity in the context
genomic mechanisms linking interpersonal loss and health, as of bereavement. Below, we discuss several direction for future
well as several moderators that can influence the effects of life research along these lines.
stress on immune function and health, such as age, sex, and early First, the early identification of individuals who are at the
life, adulthood, and cumulative lifetime stress exposure. Another greatest risk of experiencing poor health outcomes following the
important feature of the theory is that it differentiates between death of a significant person is an important aim of precision
different types of life stressors and also accounts for individual medicine and disease prevention initiatives (202). Encouraging
characteristics—including both personality and genetic traits— bereaved individuals to provide mental health and biological
that may render an individual differentially susceptible to the data will help advance research on how bereavement impacts
negative effects of stress and bereavement. Insights from this mental and physical health. This knowledge can in turn help
theory may thus help to address several existing questions in the prevent or treat mental and physical health problems in bereaved
bereavement literature, including why some individuals are more individuals, especially those deemed to be at high risk as a
resilient than others to interpersonal loss, why cumulative life function of their psychosocial or biological status. Ultimately,
stress exposure is a strong predictor of morbidity and mortality identifying biobehavioral mechanisms that can be modified or
in bereaved individuals, and why bereavement is associated with targeted early on in the bereavement process is an important and
an increased risk of experiencing physical health problems. In clinically relevant step toward the development of treatments that
light of this, we believe that identifying how social and biological improve health outcomes in bereaved spouses.
factors identified by this theory might help explain differences in Second, additional research is warranted to better understand
bereavement severity and persistence is an important topic for the clinical significance, timing, duration, and trajectories of
future research. immune changes that occur following interpersonal loss (22).
Integrating the consequences of the loss of a significant Large-scale longitudinal studies that systematically collect data
individual into the Social Signal Transduction Theory of on mental and physical health outcomes prior to and after
Depression seems to be feasible with some modifications. For spousal bereavement are needed. This longitudinal approach will
example, the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression help identify profiles that predict poor responses to the death of a
emphasize that stressors experienced over time and exert a significant person and thus aid in the identification of people who
would benefit from personalized interventions and, moreover, to increasing risk for depression, spousal death can lead to
the initial design of such interventions. increased risk for a variety of somatic and physical diseases,
Third, studies investigating the biological bases of stress as well as early mortality. Our goal with the present review
resilience will be important for elucidating processes that was to help make sense out of these effects by reviewing social,
may help promote psychosocial resilience to interpersonal loss psychological, immunologic, and genetic processes that have
(203). From the perspective of the Social Signal Transduction the potential to shape vulnerability to morbidity and mortality
Theory of Depression, vulnerability and resilience arises from a following spousal bereavement. We also related these processes
combination of social-environmental conditions (e.g., abuse or to the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression, which
neglect, interpersonal, or financial difficulties), neurocognitive we believe is one useful, multi-level framework that can be
processes (e.g., perceptions of threat), social factors (e.g., used to understand how social stressors affect psychobiological
social support), and genetics mechanisms (e.g., regulatory processes that impact health. In terms of future studies, it will
SNPs). According to this perspective, pre-loss neurocognitive, be important to explore the associations described herein to
immunologic, and genetic functioning are important factors help identify individuals at high risk for poor health outcomes
that help shape how a person is likely to respond to following the death of a significant person. This knowledge could
a significant interpersonal loss. Therefore, future studies help to elucidate biobehavioral mechanisms that clinicians could
examining psychobiological factors of resilience in bereavement in turn target early after a loss to improve health outcomes in
could benefit from investigating G × E interaction effects by bereaved spouses. Given the centrality of interpersonal loss to the
systematically assessing cumulative lifetime stress exposure (204) human experience, we believe that much more research is needed
in addition to other predisposing psychosocial and biological to understand how exactly spousal bereavement affects health
factors that may confer increased vulnerability to the death of a and how we can translate this knowledge to increase psychosocial
significant person (38). resilience to such stress.
Fourth, it will be important to study health behaviors,
such as smoking, diet, sleep, and exercise, which are not AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
presently accounted for in the Social Signal Transduction
Theory of Depression and that are rarely discussed in All authors developed the concept for this article. The initial draft
psychobiological models of bereavement. Some research has was written by AS and subsequently edited by RK and GS. All
shown that bereavement is associated with negative health authors read and approved the final version for publication.
behaviors, especially diet and sleep (205, 206), but this literature
is small for a topic that deserves serious attention.
Finally, investigating the interplay between multiple FUNDING
psychological and biological markers of stress over time involves
substantial analytic computational complexity. Therefore, we GS was supported in part by a Society in Science—Branco Weiss
believe that multilevel statistical approaches such as structural Fellowship, NARSAD Young Investigator Grant #23958 from the
equation modeling and latent growth mixture modeling will Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, and National Institutes
be helpful for characterizing inter-individual differences in of Health grant K08 MH103443.
intra-individual changes over time (207).
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
In conclusion, the death of a spouse is considered one of the online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.
most stressful life events a person can experience. In addition 2020.565239/full#supplementary-material
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