Tech Mike

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Class 1

You hear a conversation between a customer service employee in a technology shop

and a customer.
Employee: Good morning. Your Tech, Mike speaking. How can I help you?
Customer: Oh, good morning. I’m calling about a problem I’ve got with a product I recently
bought from you.
Employee: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Could I take your name please?
Customer: It’s Joan Clarke. That’s Mrs., by the way.
Employee: Is that C-L-A-R-K?
Customer: You need to add an ‘E’ on the end. We spell it with the ‘E’, though many people
Employee: Great. Could I have your full address please?
Customer: It’s 70 Oaktree Park, Manchester, MR4 0TD.
Employee: Oh really? I know Oakwood Park well. My grandmother used to live there
Customer: Sorry, I said Oaktree. The place you’re talking about isn’t far from me, though.
Employee: Oh right. My mistake … sorry. I’ve just changed that. Now finally, in terms of
your personal details, could I have the best phone number to contact you on?
Then we can talk through the problem with your product.
Customer: I’ll give you my home number. It’s 01168 360417. To be honest though, I’m not
there very often as I’m so busy with work.
Employee: Have you got a mobile number? That would probably be the best one to have.
Customer: Yes, of course. It’s 076 344 3164. You can reach me on that any time.
Employee: OK. So which product did you buy from us?
Customer: Well I decided to treat myself to a new tablet recently. My laptop was getting
really slow … I guess it was just too old.
Employee: Yes, of course. So what’s the problem exactly?
Customer: The device itself’s fine. There are no issues to report with the screen or anything.
It’s the cover actually. I went for one of those nice leather ones and I was really
disappointed to see that it’s torn in a few places. I’m not sure how that could
have happened.
Employee: Oh that doesn’t sound good at all. Don’t worry … I’ll get that sorted out for you
as soon as possible. Do you remember when you received it?
Customer: Let me see … yes, it was last Tuesday. The 12thof June. Yes, that’s right.
Definitely the 12th of June.
Employee: Great. Thanks. Now, let’s talk a little about where to go from here. We still have
plenty of those covers in stock. I’ve just checked. So, I can get one sent out to you
today if that suits you.
Class 1
Customer: It’s a nice cover actually and I liked the colour. But I’ve had a think about it and
I’ve decided I’d like to go for a hard one this time rather than a soft one, if that’s
OK. It makes more sense really to have a bit more protection when you’ve spent
this kind of money on a product. I don’t see the point in taking unnecessary risks
and I think that this would be more reliable.
Employee: Yes, I think you’re absolutely right. Well, we do have a very nice one in the same
colour as your old one so I’ll get that sent to you right away. It’s only £2 more
but I won’t charge you anything.
Customer: Thank you. Yes, let’s go with that one. Regarding delivery, I’m actually going to
be away again for work for a few days so could I ask you to hold off on that for a
while, please?
Employee: Of course. So how about next Wednesday then? Would that suit?
Customer: Yes, it would. But it might be even better to leave it until Thursday. I’ll definitely
be back by then.
Employee: OK. I’ve made a note of that. And could I just ask you … in case you’re not in
when the delivery person gets there … is there somewhere safe the package can
be left?
Customer: They’ll see a small shed in the front garden where the postman often leaves mail
for me, but I’d be very grateful if you could put it in the garage round the side of
the house, please.
Employee: That shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll make sure this instruction is passed on. OK … I
think we’re sorted now. And, by way of apology, I’ll also send you a
complimentary gift!
Customer: Oh that’s very kind of you! Let me guess … is it a key ring?
Employee: Up until a few weeks ago it would have been a key ring, actually. Currently
though it’s a mug, which, to be honest, I think is far more useful.
Customer: Lovely!
Employee: And finally, we’re always trying to improve our customer service so would you
be interested in giving some feedback about this call? It would mean answering a
few questions via email, that’s all.
Customer: Well, I’d love to, but I might be away from the Internet for the rest of today.
Employee: We can also send you the questions by text.
Customer: Sure. Send me a text if you want.
Employee: Perfect! Thank you very much and if you do have any further problems, please
don’t hesitate to call us.
Customer: OK, thanks. Bye.
Employee: Have a great day! Bye.

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