Macromolecular Bioscience 2021
Macromolecular Bioscience 2021
Macromolecular Bioscience 2021
to form Methacrylated-alginate (AlgMA) which allows covalent (Antwerp, Belgium). Gel type B, isolated from bovine hides by
crosslinking.[11,12] The concomitant increased stability together an alkaline treatment was provided by Rousselot (Ghent, Bel-
with the strong swelling and hemostatic properties render Al- gium). Wistar rats were purchased from the Cantacuzino Insti-
gMA an interesting material to function as wound dressing. tute, Romania. The controls, AquacelAg were made at Convatec
Gel is a purified protein which is extracted from animal-derived and Mölnlycke. Ethanol, formalin, isoflurane, hematoxylin, and
collagen and acts as a biomaterial, known for its excellent bio- eosin were bought from Merck Company. Normal saline (0.9%
compatibility and cell-interactive properties due to the presence m/v) was purchased from B. Braun, Germany and Help (sterile
of Arg-Gly-Asp motives in its backbone. However, while this ma- cotton gauze) was produced by Jiangsu Jiele Medical Dessing Co.,
terial forms a hydrogel at room temperature, it dissolves at phys- Ltd, China.
iological conditions due to the loss of the triple helices which
are based on interchain hydrogen bonds.[13] Gel thus mimics
the natural extracellular matrix and may be considered as a vi- 2.1.1. Development of AlgMA Films
able option to provide a suitable wound healing environment,
by developing a covalently crosslinked hydrogel network result- The modification of NaAlg was performed as earlier described.[21]
ing from chemical modifications.[13] Many modifications have In brief, 4 equivalent of methacrylic anhydride with respect to
already been reported to date. However, a versatile strategy is the amount of alcohol functionalities were added dropwise to a
to introduce photo-crosslinkable functionalities based on thiol- 2% wt/) solution of NaAlg in demineralized water, while continu-
ene chemistry as they provide spatiotemporal control and associ- ously monitoring and adjusting the pH to 8 using a 5 m NaOH so-
ated straightforward processing.[13–15] One of the most common lution. After 24 h reaction at room temperature, purification was
chemical modifications consists of introducing chain growth- performed by dialysis (molar mass cut off 12–14 kDa) in dem-
polymerizable MA functionalities.[14] However, besides this of- ineralized water for 72 h, changing the dialysis bath twice daily.
ten reported strategy, thiol-ene photochemistry systems are gain- Afterwards the purified product was lyophilized by means of a
ing popularity due to the faster reaction kinetics and the ab- Christ freeze-dryer alpha 2–4 LSC at −85 °C and 0.37 mbar. The
sence of nondegradable kinetic chains after crosslinking in con- guluronate (G) content of the selected Alg and the degree of sub-
trast with methacrylamides.[13,16–19] In this respect, especially the stitution (DS) were determined using 1 H-NMR spectroscopy as
use of norbornene functionalities has gained importance (result- reported earlier (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information).[11]
ing in gelatine derivative containing norbornene functionalities, The G content corresponded to 42.8%, while the DS, as a function
GelNB) as thiol-norbornene is only susceptible to light-based of the present hydroxyl groups, was determined to be 31.5%.[21]
crosslinking in contrast with other “ene” functionalities which In order to obtain hydrogel films, 5% wt/v solutions of AlgMA
can also undergo competitive thiol-Michael addition reactions in were prepared containing 2 mol (%) Irgacure 2959 in double dis-
the absence of light.[13] In commercial wound dressings, Gel is tilled water and poured between two glass plates separated with a
typically not used as only component.[20] It is usually combined silicone spacer (1 mm thick) and subsequently crosslinked using
with pectin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose in hydrocolloid UV-A irradiation for 1.5 h.
wound dressings such as Granuflex or in absorbable sponges for
hemostatic use, such as Surgifoam.
Based on the considerations presented above, modified forms 2.1.2. Development of GelNB films
of Alg and Gel, developed by our research group,[11,12] were used
as starting materials in the current work to create novel wound GelNB derivative was developed following a previously reported
dressings. The aim of this work was to develop new AlgMA and protocol.[22] In brief, the carboxylic acid functionalities in 5-
GelNB hydrogels and to investigate their moisturizing properties norbornene-2-carboxylic acid were converted into activated suc-
and wound healing effects in an in vivo acute wound model, in cinimidyl esters via reaction with EDC and NHS during 25 h, us-
order to evaluate their potential benefits over commercially avail- ing a 1.5 molar excess of 5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid (relative
able wound dressings. to the amount of EDC added) (Figure 1).
To this end, EDC and NHS were dissolved in a respective 1:1.5
2. Experimental Section ratio in dry DMSO under argon atmosphere. Afterward, the tem-
perature was raised to 50 °C and Gel type B (10 g) was added
2.1. Materials to the reaction mixture resulting in a 2.89 mmol norbornene
succinimidyl ester relative to the primary amines present in Gel
Sodium alginate (NaAlg), methacrylic anhydride, 5-norbornene- (0.385 mmol g−1 ) and allowed to react for another 20 h.
2-carboxylic acid (predominantly endo), D,L-dithiothreitol (DTT), Next, the mixture was precipitated in a tenfold excess of ace-
deuterium oxide and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were pur- tone, filtered on filter paper (VWR, pore size 12–15 μm) using
chased from Sigma-Aldrich. Spectra POR-4 dialysis mem- a Büchner filter to remove the formed urea side product and
branes with molar mass cut-off of 12–14 kDa were obtained DMSO, followed by dissolving in double distilled water and dialy-
from Polylab. 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino)propyl)-carbodiimide sis for 24 h against distilled water (molar mass cut-off 12–14 kDa).
hydrochloride (EDC) was obtained from TCI Europe (Zwijn- After dialysis, the reaction mixture appeared turbid as a result of
drecht, Belgium). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (99.85%) and the modification of the primary amines resulting in a pH close to
N-hydroxysuccinimide (98%) (NHS) were purchased from the isoelectric point of Gel (i.e., 5). Therefore, the pH of the mix-
Acros (Geel, Belgium). Irgacure 2959 (1-(4-(2-hydroxy)-phenyl)- ture was adjusted to ≈7.4 using 5 m NaOH resulting in a clearing
2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-propane-1-one) was obtained from BASF of the solution. Finally, the pure product was isolated by freezing
Table 1. The healing effects of the tested materials (AlgMA, GelNB) in ref-
erence to the control groups, expressed as wound contraction (%).
Figure 4. Macroscopic evaluation of wound area of the tested materials (AlgMA, GelNB) in reference to the controls (AquacelAg, Help) at various
only GelNB films presented significant improvement when com- adipose tissue was absent and replaced by mature granulation tis-
pared to the positive control group treated with AquacelAg. Still, sue. On the 12th day, the epidermis was denuded and covered by
AlgMA proved its efficacy, with similar results to the negative leukocytic exudate, yet with regenerated epidermis at the periph-
control group (wound contraction started from 7 ± 0.8% when ery. In the superficial dermis, granulation tissue was present in
checked on day 3 and up to 57 ± 0.8% on day 12). To further in- proliferative phase (as fibro-vascular granulation tissue) and ves-
tegrate these results, a histopathology assay was conducted. sels were also present, with vertical orientation, while in the deep
dermis, the granulation tissue was in the maturation phase (ma-
ture granulation tissue, fibrosis with numerous myofibroblasts)
3.3. Histopathology Assay and there was a sudden transition from the regenerated dermis
to the normal dermis.
As both Alg and Gel are natural polymers frequently used for The group treated with AlgMA films presented similar char-
wound healing applications,[30,32,33] films constituted of a Gel ver- acteristics as the GelNB group in the epidermis layer, yet in
sus an Alg derivative were evaluated for their in vivo wound heal- the dermis, oedema was present as well as acute inflammatory
ing potential, while benefits and limitations were highlighted for infiltrate organized in a thin band, with hair adnexa still absent.
both material classes. This may have caused the slightly slower healing rate compared
On the 6th day, the group treated with GelNB films presented to the GelNB group. On the 6th day, there was a large area of
a large area of denuded epidermis (Figure 5), covered by leuko- denuded epidermis, with regenerative aspects at the borders:
cytic exudate (without underlying fibrinoid necrosis), granulation thick epidermis with balonised cells in the basal layer, spon-
tissue in proliferative phase (fibro-vascular granulation tissue) giosis, acanthosis in the spinous layer and para-keratinization.
in the superficial dermis and granulation tissue in maturation In continuity with thin epidermis (cubic cells in basal layer,
phase (mature granulation tissue, with reactive fibroblasts), with minor aspects of spongiosis and acanthosis in spinous layer),
extension into the muscular cells adjacent to the lesion in the keratohyalin granules indicated the granulous layer with thin
deep dermis layer. Hair adnexa were absent. In the hypodermis, lamellar keratin being present. Fibrous connective tissue, with
Figure 5. Microscopic evaluation of wound areas treated with the hydrogel films (AlgMA, GelNB) in reference to the controls (AquacelAg, Help cotton
regenerated hair follicles (buds) was observed in the superficial sis on the 6th day toward a denuded epidermis, partially covered
and deep dermis. On the 12th day, the healing process evolved by fibrino-leukocytic exudate with regenerated epidermis at the
toward the appearance of fibrous connective tissue, yet with a periphery and mature granulation tissue in the dermis layer on
poorly represented inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis layer. the 12th day.
In the case of the AquacelAg group the healing process evolved Previous studies suggest that an Alg-based matrix may pro-
from an atrophic epidermis alternating with denuded epidermis mote wound healing by keeping a moist microenvironment at
and hemato-fibrino-leukocytic exudate on the 6th day toward a the wound site, while calcium ions present in such commercial
regenerated epidermis with granulation tissue in proliferative dressings or at the wound site can be helpful in early stages
phase which is evolving toward maturation phase on the 12th day. of wound healing as they are important in regulating clotting
The Help negative control group evolved from a denuded epider- mechanisms.[34] A Gel-based matrix may promote epithelializa-
mis and thick leukocytic exudate with underlying fibrinoid necro- tion and the formation of granulation tissue, while it presents a
4. Conclusions
In this study, AlgMA and GelNB films were developed and char- [1] K.-P. Wilhelm, D. Wilhelm, S. Bielfeldt, Ski. Res. Technol. 2017, 23, 3.
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Supporting Information P. Gruber, L. Tytgat, J. Van Erps, H. Thienpont, P. Dubruel, A.
Ovsianikov, S. Van Vlierberghe, Biofabrication 2020, 13, 015017.
Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from [17] J. Van Hoorick, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Rollot, G.-J. Graulus, M.
the author. Vagenende, M. Tromayer, J. Van Erps, H. Thienpont, J. C. Martins,
S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe, Macromol.
Rapid Commun. 2018, 39, 1800181.
Acknowledgements [18] A. Dobos, J. Van Hoorick, W. Steiger, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, O. G.
Andriotis, A. Rohatschek, P. Dubruel, P. J. Thurner, S. Van Vlierberghe,
O.M.I. and A.M. contributed equally to this work. S.V.V. has received fund- S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2019, 1900752,
ing from Special Research Fund (BOF-UGent). M.M. has received fund- 1900752.
ing from Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (SB Ph.D. fellow at FWO:
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dressing, No. 3SB5619). L.P. and O.M.I. have received funding from AUF-
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[21] M. Minsart, A. Mignon, A. Arslan, I. U. Allan, S. Van Vlierberghe, P.
Dubruel, Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2021, 306,
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