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University of Huddersfield

School of Applied Sciences

For information only – this document does not form part of the student contract

Module Code SPX1004

Module Title Chemistry In Action

School/s involved in delivery School of Applied Sciences

Name of Course(s) Science Extended Degree

Module Leader Dr Martina Whitehead

Location Queensgate

Module Type Core

Credit Rating 20

Level P

Learning Methods Lectures 48 hrs

Practicals 12 hrs
Unsupervised 140 hrs

Pre-requisite/s None

Recommended Prior Study None

Co-requisite/s None

Shared Teaching None

Professional Body Requirements None

Barred Combinations None

Graded or Non-Graded Graded

This module introduces student This module intends to provide the student with an
appreciation of what chemistry is and why it is important. It
will concentrate on the basic concepts underpinning
chemistry and consider the wide variety of chemical
processes that influence our daily lives. The course will be
delivered mainly by traditional lecture and regular tutorials
and the practicals are designed to illustrate and augment the
material. The assessment will include two in-class tests
(15% each), laboratory work (20%) to improve students’
manipulative skills and one formal examination (50%).

Outline Syllabus  Vocabulary, formulae & balancing equations

 Moles, volumetric & gravimetric analysis
 The periodic table
Approved by Chair’s Action, July 2018, Issue 8
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University of Huddersfield
School of Applied Sciences
For information only – this document does not form part of the student contract

 Structure of the atom

 Kinetics & equilibria
 Introduction to thermodynamics
 Organic compounds – their nomenclature, preparation
and properties,
 Polymers – definitions and types of polymers
 Spectroscopy

Learning outcomes

 Knowledge and understanding Upon successful completion of the module, students will:
a. formulate balanced chemical equations including
molar calculations
b. appreciate the rate and extent of reactions, i.e.
kinetics and equilibria
c. recognise different types of bonding and state when
and why they occur
d. apply standard nomenclature to a selection of organic
compounds and discuss reactions they undergo.

 Abilities The student will be able to:

e. demonstrate the relationship between the chemical
properties of a compound and the reactivity
f. discuss basic physical, inorganic and organic
chemistry and the inter-relationship
g. effectively plan and safely undertake basic chemical

Assessment Strategy

Assessment Tutorial sessions will provide formative experience of
exam-style questions. A formative test will be conducted
several weeks prior to the first summative mid-module test.
A formative practical report will be used to give students
experience and feedback on laboratory report writing
Summative Assessment

 Assessment Tasks Coursework will consist of practical reports and two

mid-term tests. Examination will consist of a final
two hour exam.

[2 tests (15% each MA, NTR)
2 practical assessments – reports or
online exercises (20%, NMA, NTR)]
Learning Outcomes: Test (a-f);
practicals (a-g)

Examination – 2hr (MA, NTR)

Learning Outcomes: (a-f)
Final piece of assessment.

(MA = marked anonymously; NMA = not marked

anonymously; TR = eligible for tutor referral; NTR = not
Approved by Chair’s Action, July 2018, Issue 8
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University of Huddersfield
School of Applied Sciences
For information only – this document does not form part of the student contract

eligible for tutor referral)

 Assessment Criteria Students will be required to demonstrate that they have a

sound understanding of basic chemical principles through
submitted coursework, practical application and in written

Learning Strategy Lectures will be used to deliver the majority of the material,
supported by tutorials and laboratory sessions. The
laboratory sessions will also facilitate the acquisition of
basic chemical laboratory skills. To assist those students
which require a slightly higher level of support there is also
an optional weekly ‘drop-in’ session that they may attend.
This session is a flexible forum for the students to discuss
any material they may be finding challenging with a
member of staff.

Link to My Reading

Approved by Chair’s Action, July 2018, Issue 8

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