Upward and Downward Continuation
Upward and Downward Continuation
Upward and Downward Continuation
Figure U1 Ray paths, seismic arrivals due to a ULVZ, and synthetic seismograms for (a) ScP, (b) PcP, (c) PKP, and (d) SPdKS. Synthetic
seismogram predictions of (a) and (c) are from Garnero and Vidale (1999) and Wen and Helmberger (1998), respectively.
Figure U2 P-wave (a) and S-wave (b) velocity and density (r) versus depth for ultra-low velocity boundary layering (shaded regions) on
(a) the mantle-side of the core-mantle boundary (CMB) (a ULVZ) (b) the core-side of the CMB (a CRZ), and (c) a finite thickness
transition between the mantle and core (CMTZ).
Mantle ultra-low velocity zone process (see Buffett et al., 2000). Thus, isolated regions of nonzero rigid-
ULVZ thickness has been imaged between 5 and 50km, with strong ity may exist beneath positive topography, or, “hills” on the CMB, where
lateral variations. The most commonly explored model parameters such sediments can accumulate and concentrate (up to a couple km thick;
are those compatible with partial melt of the lowermost mantle, which Rost and Revenaugh, 2001). If electrically conductive, the CRZ may
results in a three times larger reduction in shear velocity (e.g., 30%) affect Earth’s magnetic field, nutations, and possibly even magnetic field
than that for compressional waves. Density increases are also possible reversal paths.
(Figure U2a).
Core-mantle transition zone
Core-rigidity zone Finally, we consider the possibility of a transitional zone between the
If large density increases and shear velocity decreases are considered mantle and core over some finite thickness (Figure U2c). Chemical
in ULVZ modeling, one must allow for the possibility of the layer reactions between the silicate rock mantle and liquid iron-alloy outer
residing on the core-side of the CMB (Figure U2b). The liquid outer core (see Knittle and Jeanloz, 1989) can result in a thin mixing
core of the Earth is predominantly iron, along with a minor constitu- zone—an effective blurring of the CMB. The CMTZ can appropriately
ency of some lighter element(s). As the Earth cools, the solid inner core cause precursors to the short period waves (Figure U1a-c) as well as
of the Earth grows, releasing the lighter elements into the outer core, delay the SPdKS relative to SKS (Figure U1d; Garnero and Jeanloz,
which may result in “underplating” of the CMB in a sedimentation 2000).
Tan, E., Gurnis, M., and Han, L., 2002. Slabs in the lower mantle and
their modulation of plume formation. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems, 3(11): 1067 (doi: 10.1029/2001GC000238).
Thorne, M.S., and Garnero, E.J., 2004. Inferences on ultralow-velocity
zone structure from a global analysis of SPdKS waves. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 109: B08301 (doi: 10.1029/2004JB003010).
Wen, L., and Helmberger, D.V., 1998. Ultra-low velocity zones near
the core-mantle boundary from broadband PKP precursors.
Science, 279: 1701–1703.
Williams, Q., Revenaugh, J.S., and Garnero, E.J., 1998. A correlation
between ultra-low basal velocities in the mantle and hot spots.
Science, 281: 546–549.
Length L m cm 102
Mass M kg G 103
Time T s s 1
Charge Q coulomb (C) coulomb 1
Electric current QT1 ampere (A) abamp 10
Potential difference L2 MT2 Q volt (V) emu 108
Electric field LMT2 Q V m1 emu 106
Resistance L2 MT1 Q2 ohm emu 109
Resistivity L3 MT1 Q2 ohmm emu 1011
Conductivity L2 M1 TQ2 siemensm1 emu 1011
Magnetic flux L2 MT1 Q1 weber (W) maxwell 108
Magnetic induction B MT1 Q1 tesla (T) gauss 104
Magnetic field intensity L1 T1 Q A m1 oersted ðMT1 Q1 Þ 103 =4p
Inductance L2 MQ2 henry (H) emu 109
Permeability LMQ2 H m1 Dimensionless 4p 107
Magnetic moment density L1 T1 Q A m1 emu ðMT1 Q1 Þ 103 =4p
Magnetic polarization MT1 Q1 T gauss 104
Susceptibility Dimensionless wSI wemu 4p
LMTQ denote length, mass, time, and charge. The conversion factor in the right column should be used to multiply a value in emu to yield the SI value. Note the difference in
definition for H, M, and w between the two systems. The siemen is sometimes called the mho.
volume of a material M. Furthermore, the definition of M differs downward. It is possible to continue the field upward or downward in
by a numerical factor of 4p between the two systems, which has the a number of different ways depending on the application at hand; for
undesirable effect that the dimensionless susceptibility w differs. example, designing continuation operators in spatial or wavenumber
The magnetic polarization P (usually denoted as J in paleomagnetism space (Henderson and Zietz, 1949; Dean, 1958), using harmonic func-
but this is used in MHD (q.v.) exclusively for electric current density), tions (Courtillot et al., 1978; Shure et al., 1982; Fedi et al., 1999), and
has the same dimensions as B in both systems. Confusion propagates deriving physical property variations of sources causing the fields
because of sloppy terminology: it is standard practice in geomagnetism (Dampney, 1969; Emilia, 1973; Langel and Hinze, 1998). Applications
and paleomagnetism to refer to B as the magnetic field rather than also vary widely: from environmental and exploration applica-
magnetic induction, and magnetization is used to mean either M or P tions involving short-wavelength anomaly fields over small height
(Table U2). differences (a few meters to kilometers) to global distribution of
anomalies measured by satellites in which anomalies are downward
David Gubbins continued from satellite altitudes (300–700km) to Earth’s surface
and also downward continuing the core part of the Earth’s field all
Bibliography the way to the top of the core to decipher features of core circulation
over time.
Blakely, R.J., 1996. Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Appli- The effect of upward/downward continuation process on the fields
cations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. can be understood by examining the continuation operator in the
Butler, R.F., 1992. Paleomagnetism: Magnetic Domains to Geologic wavenumber domain. The operator has the form ejkjz , where jkj is
Terranes. Boston: Blackwell Scientific. the wavenumber (jkj ¼ 2l where l is the full wavelength) and z
Jackson, J.D., 1999. Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition. New is the continuation level (Dean, 1958). The negative sign in the expo-
York: Wiley. nent indicates upward continuation (away from the sources of the
field) and the positive sign implies the downward continuation (toward
Cross-references the sources of the field). The response of the continuation operator
with respect to wavelength is illustrated in Figure U5, which shows
that shorter wavelengths are attenuated and smoothed in the process
of upward continuation, whereas in downward continuation the shorter
wavelengths are amplified and sharpened. Both operations are suscep-
tible to errors in the data and their results can be rendered invalid or at
least severely compromised due to the quality of data. For example, if
UPWARD AND DOWNWARD CONTINUATION measurement errors are primarily short-wavelength, then the nature of
downward continuation operator which amplifies primarily the short-
Potential fields known at a set of points can be expressed at neighbor- wavelength components of the data can severely distort the downward
ing higher or lower spatial locations in a source free region using the continued result. On the other hand, if the long-wavelength portion
continuation integral that results from one of Green’s theorems (see, of the field is contaminated, for example, by inaccurate compilation
e.g., Blakely, 1995). The principal uses of this concept are to adjust of different surveys having different base levels, then the retention of
altitude of observations to a datum as an aid to the interpretation of the corrupt long wavelengths in the process of upward continuation
a survey (see Crustal magnetic field), reduce short-wavelength data can render the result unusable (Ravat et al., 2002).
noise by continuing the field upward, and increasing the horizontal The most straightforward upward/downward continuation of a field is
resolution of anomalies and their sources by continuing the field performed from one level surface to another level surface (Henderson
Figure U5 Amplitude response of upward and downward continuation operators with respect to wavelength for certain heights (z ) of
and Zietz, 1949; Henderson, 1970). This is often useful for interpreta- Taylor’s series approximation and equivalent source concept. Taylor’s
tion and joining two adjacent surveys carried out at different altitudes. series allows extrapolation of a function to nearby points and, given
As aid in interpretation, upward continuation allows one to assess the vertical derivatives of the field and certain approximations regard-
effect of deeper sources because in this process the effect of shallower, ing behavior of the field, the series yields adequate values of level-
short-wavelength features is attenuated. Preferential upward and down- to-drape transformation. Similarly, an iterative Taylor’s series can be
ward continuation operators have been designed that can help attenuate used for drape-to-level transformation (Cordell and Grauch, 1985).
only the shallow, short-wavelength part of the spectrum, leaving the The equivalent source method (Dampney, 1969) employs Green’s
deeper, long-wavelength part unaltered or, alternatively, preferentially equivalent layer concept and uses a set of sources with arbitrary mag-
amplify only the deeper part of the spectrum without the deleterious netization (often induced dipoles because of their simplicity; Emilia,
effects of amplifying short-wavelength noise (Pawlowski, 1995). Thus, 1973) to approximate the field. This process is equivalent to finding
under certain situations, it is possible to isolate a magnetic anomaly sig- the potential that satisfies the observed field. The inverted magnetiza-
nal from different depth layers of the crust. Downward continuation into tion of the sources is then used to predict the field in the neighborhood
the region of sources leads the continuation integral to diverge even in of observations. Use of local harmonic functions (Fedi et al., 1999)
the case of noise-free data; in the case of high data density noise-free can also be useful for these purposes.
data the depths at which the continuation integral blows up (data begin
to vary wildly) can be used to infer the depth to the top of the shallow Dhananjay Ravat
magnetic sources in the region.
When airborne magnetic surveys (see Aeromagnetic surveying) are
conducted in rugged terrain made up of magnetic formations, it is
not advisable to view the data at constant altitude because effects of Blakely, R.J., 1995. Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Appli-
topographic variations can lead to anomaly artifacts. In such situations, cations. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
one might prefer to “continue” level survey data at some constant Cordell, L., and Grauch, V.J.S., 1985. Mapping basement magnetiza-
distance away from topography (on a constant terrain clearance or tion zones from aeromagnetic data in the San Juan basin,
“draped” surface). Challenges of maintaining the constant terrain New Mexico. In Hinze, W.J. (ed.) The Utility of Regional Gravity
clearance of aircrafts in a rugged topography may require one to adjust and Magnetic Anomaly Maps. Tulsa: Society of Exploration Geo-
the data further until the survey is accurately draping. Conversely, physicists, pp. 181–197.
flying conditions can lead to unintentional altitude variations in Courtillot, V., Ducruix, J., and Le Moüel, J.L., 1978. Inverse methods
surveys originally intended to be flown at constant barometric altitude applied to continuation problems in geophysics. In Sabatier, P.C.
(level survey), and such surveys need datum corrections as well. Two (ed.) Applied Inverse Problems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 48–82.
types of procedures have been commonly used in accomplishing Dampney, C.N.G., 1969. The equivalent source technique. Geo-
datum transformations from level-to-drape and drape-to-level surfaces: physics, 34: 39–53.
Dean, W.C., 1958. Frequency analysis for gravity and magnetic inter- Pawlowski, R.S., 1995. Preferential continuation for potential-field
pretation. Geophysics, 23: 97–127. anomaly enhancement. Geophysics, 60: 390–398.
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processing total magnetic field profiles. Geophysics, 38: 339–348. 2002. Compatibility of high-altitude aeromagnetic and satellite-
Fedi, M., Rapolla, A., and Russo, G., 1999. Upward continuation of altitude magnetic anomalies over Canada. Geophysics, 67: 546–554.
scattered potential field data. Geophysics, 64: 443–451. Shure, L., Parker, R.L., and Backus, G.E., 1982. Harmonic splines for
Henderson, R.G., 1970. On the validity of the use of the upward con- geomagnetic modeling. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Inter-
tinuation integral for total magnetic intensity data. Geophysics, 35: iors, 28: 215–229.
Henderson, R.G., and Zietz, I., 1949. The upward continuation of
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Langel, R.A., and Hinze, W.J., 1998. The Magnetic Field of the Aeromagnetic Surveying
Earth’s Lithosphere: The Satellite Perspective. Cambridge: Crustal Magnetic Field
Cambridge University Press.