2024.3 Int Application Guidelines (Eng)
2024.3 Int Application Guidelines (Eng)
2024.3 Int Application Guidelines (Eng)
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Ⅵ. Information ····················································································································································· 13
Ⅵ_1. Information on Global Basic Education Division ······················································································ 14
Ⅵ_2. Information on Apostille/Consulate Authentications ··················································································· 16
Ⅵ_3. Information on Certificate of Admission (for VISA Issuance) ·································································· 18
Ⅵ_4. Points of Caution ····································································································································· 21
Ⅵ_5. Tuition Payment and Korean Language Program ······················································································ 23
Ⅶ. Forms
Academic History Record sheet
▣ Changes for the 2024 International Students’ Admissions ▣
▪Changes in the Assessment Criteria for the College of Music, Physical Education and Sport
Industry Studies
Department/Major Before After
College of Music, [The sum total] [The sum total]
Physical Education and Document Review(50%)+ Document Review(60%)+
Sport Industry Studies Performance Test(50%) Performance Test(40%)
■ Admission Schedule
Yonsei University
2023. 9. 4.(Mon) 10:00 ~ Office of Admissions Website The application can be only submitted
Online Application
9. 22.(Fri) 17:00 https://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul/admission online
Office of Admissions, 3rd floor, Centennial Memorial Hall After completing the online
(#201), Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro application, applicants should print it
Submission Until 2023. 10. 6.(Fri) 17:00
Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03722, out and submit it with other
(Registered Mail/
Republic of Korea documents through registered mail
Overseas Express)
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II Eligibility/ Certificate of Admission(for VISA Issuance)
1. Eligibility(Requirement)
A. Applicants and both their parents must hold a non-Korean nationality. Also, applicants must either hold or
expect to hold a high school diploma.
※ Applicants must be expected to to hold a high school diploma by February 2024. (March 2024 in case of
the high school located in Japan)
※ If you don’t submit required documents for Certificate of Admission(for VISA Issuance) within the deadline,
Certificate of Admission(for VISA) Issuance would be restricted. (Refer to page 18 for the details)
B. Additional requirement for applicants of Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy Major
: Applicants must submit a valid level 5 or higher Korean language certificate from Yonsei KLI or TOPIK
score level 5 or higher by the last day of application material submission period.
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Ⅲ Application Method and Procedure
1. Application Method
A. Applicants can apply for one major/department from the applicable department/major.
B. Applicants can apply for both ‘International Student Admission’ and ‘International Student Admission (GLC)’
tracks, yet can only apply for one department/major from each track.
C. Applicants applying for both tracks must submit required documents for each track(department/major).
2. Application Procedure
A. Application Procedure
B. Application Fee
All Major/departments
(Except Pre-medicine, Pre-dentistry, Pharmacy, College of 150,000 KRW
Music, Physical Education and Sport Industry Studies)
Student Admission Pre-medicine, Pre-dentistry, Pharmacy 200,000 KRW
College of Music,
225,000 KRW
Physical Education and Sport Industry Studies
Student Admission Global Leadership Division 150,000 KRW
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3. Notes
A. After completing the application(after finishing the payment of application fee), it is impossible to modify or
cancel your application, as well as receiving a refund. However, in the event of natural disasters, obvious
mistakes by the institution during the admission procedure, or any cases whereby the University Admissions
Committee can conclude that continuing the admission procedure is impossible due to uncontrollable reasons for
which applicants are not responsible, partial or full refunds (except for the service charge for admission agent)
may be available.
B. The application will be proceeded online. After completing the application, the applicant must print and submit
it along with all the required documents to the Yonsei University Office of Admissions by post mail.
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Ⅳ Application Materials
1. Required documents
Documents Details
Completed Print out the completed application form which has been submitted online
Application Form (https://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul/admission/html/main/main.asp)
Official form can be downloaded from Yonsei Office of Admission Website
Academic History
Essential (https://admission.yonsei.ac.kr/seoul/admission/html/main/main.asp)
Record sheet
- List all elementary·middle·high schools attended
Graduates Original document with Apostille or Consulate Authentication is required
from high - Documents written in languages other than Korean or English must have a
schools Essential notarized translation and then be authenticated with Apostille or Consulate
except Authentication.
China - Apostille or Consulate Authentication is not required for high school in Korea.
1. Original document with Apostille or Consulate Authentication and Secondary
Education Qualification Certificate(in English)
2. Verification Report of China Secondary Education Qualification Certificate (in
High School
Diploma or
- Submit the original certificate 『中国中等教育学历认证报告』 issued by the
Certificate of
Chinese Ministry of Education(中国高等教育学生信息网)
(Expected) Graduates
Website for issue: http://www.chsi.com.cn
Graduation from high
Essential - If it is impossible to submit the original certificate 『中国中等教育学历认证报
schools in
告』 issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education, submit a certificate of
graduation issued by the relevant school(which must be verified by the office of
City Education and the Korean consulate) or a certificate of graduation issued
by the office of City Education(which must be verified by Korean consulate).
※ Applicants expected to graduate: submit Verification Report of China
Secondary Education Qualification Certificate after acceptance.
※ Both number 1, 2 documents must be submitted.
Graduates Original document with Apostille or Consulate Authentication is required
from high - Documents written in languages other than Korean or English must have a
schools Essential notarized translation and then be authenticated with Apostille or Consulate
except Authentication.
China - Apostille or Consulate Authentication is not required for high school in Korea.
1. Apostille or Consulate Authentication is required
Official - Documents written in languages other than Korean or English must have a
Transcripts of notarized translation and then be authenticated with Apostille or Consulate
All Attended Authentication.
High School Graduates 2. HUIKAO: Submit the original certificate[会考成绩表的认证] issued by the『中
(G10 – G12) from high 国高等教育学生信息网』(in English).Website for issue http://www.chsi.com.cn
schools in - Can be replaced with one of the documents below
China A. Original certificate of GAOKAO [高考成绩表的认证](in English) issued by
B. Confirmation of HUIKAO(会考) non-execution issued by the relevant school
or the office of City Education
※ Both number 1, 2 documents must be submitted.
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Documents Details
A Copy of applicant's and his/her parents' passports.
※ It is replaceable with copies of identification cards of native country(with
Documents verifying foreign
authentication), or Documents of Alien Registration issued by Korean
nationality of applicant and Essential
Immigration Office are also acceptable
his/her parents
※ Documents written in languages other than Korean or English must have a
notarized translation.
Official(legal) Non Birth Certificate
document -Chinese Essential ※ Other legal documentation indicating the relationship between the applicant and
indicating the Nationalities their parents may be accepted.
relationship 1. Notarized Kinship of applicant and his/her parents (in English)/ 亲属关系证明
between the Chinese 公证本(英文本)
applicant and Essential
Nationalities 2. Notarized Household Register (in English/ 居民户口簿 公证本英文本)
his/her parents ※ Both number 1, 2 documents must be submitted.
1. Official(legal) documentation verifying that the applicant and the applicant’s
parents have renounced their Korean citizenship. Such documents include a
Certificate of Family Relationship that shows Renunciation of Korean
Citizenship, 국적상실사실확인증명 issued from Korean Consulate or 국적이탈사실
Mandatory documents for 확인증명 issued from Ministry of Justice.
foreigners with Korean 2. Official(legal) documentation verifying the date the applicant and the applicant’s
ethnicity parents have achieved foreign citizenship. Such documents include the Birth
(Only relevant applicants) certificate, Certificate of citizenship.
※ ‘국적상실(이탈)사실신고 접수증 및 신고서’ is not acceptable.
※ Certificate of Family Relationship(가족관계증명서) can be issued at any
‘Community Service Center’.
※ Both number 1, 2 documents must be submitted
Pre-dentistry, TOPIK score level 5 or higher or Korean language certificate from Yonsei (KLI)
Certificate Essential
Nursing, level 5 or higher
of Korean
Other TOPIK, Yonsei Korean Language Institute(International /Sinchon Campus) transcript
department/ Optional and certificate of attendance, certificate of Korean Language Course at Universities
Major in Korea or other Korean language proficiency transcripts may be accepted
Middle school transcripts, awards, reports of standardized test scores, proof of
Supplementary Documents Optional
foreign language proficiency, certificates/licenses, school profile etc.
※ Information on required documents for Certificate of Admission (for VISA Issuance): Refer to VI_3 ※
※ Academic History Record sheet can be downloaded from Yonsei University Office of Admission Website.
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2. Notes
A. Accepted students who are expected to graduate must submit the certification of High School Diploma and the
official transcripts of all grades of high school to Yonsei University Office of Admission until 2024. 2. 23.(Fri)
by post mail.
B. All submitted documents must have your application number written on the upper right corner of the
C. All submitted documents must be original. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances notarized documents
may also be accepted.
D. If the name or date of birth on the submitted documents is different, the applicant must submit an additional
official(legal) document verifying that he or she is the same person as that in all application materials.
E. Documents in Languages other than Korean and English must be translated into Korean or English and must be
notarized and submitted.
F. Applicants who have studied in middle/high schools in Korea must submit 학교생활기록부.
G. For tests like TOEFL, SAT, AP, ACT, IELTS, etc. applicants should submit it to Yonsei University Office of
Admission through score reporting option. The name of score reported test and score reported date should be
reported to us when applicants apply online so that the scores can be evaluated. It is the applicant’s full
responsibility to report the score to the University, otherwise the grade of such report will not be evaluated.
※ ETS/ COLLEGE BOARD Yonsei University institution number: 9893,
ACT Yonsei University institution number: 7879
H. Additional documents not listed in the application guidelines may be requested to applicants to confirm the
facts regarding the applicant’s eligibility.
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Ⅴ Information on Admission Tracks
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Ⅴ Information on Admission Tracks
1. Major/Department
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※ Notes
1) For all matriculated students of Spring 2024, excluding the majors mentioned below, are to spend their first and
second semesters (freshmen year) at the International Campus in Incheon, for the Residential College Program.
- Students who are admitted to the College of Music spend their whole 4 year education at Sinchon Campus.
- Students who are admitted to the Department of Sport Industry Studies and Physical Education only spend
the first semester of their freshman year at the International Campus for the Residential College Program.
2) The above departments/majors are undergraduate courses conducted in Korean, and some of the
departments/majors may include courses taught in English.
3) Architecture & Architectural Engineering major is divided into Architecture [5-year program] and Architectural
Engineering [4-year program].
4) Current Accreditation by College and Department:
- College of Business: Department of Business Administration has been certified with KABEA(Korean
Association of Business Education Accreditation), AACSB(Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business International) and EQUIS(the European Quality Improvement System);
- College of Medicine: Department of Pre-Medicine has been certified with KIMEE(Korean Institution of
Medical Education and Evaluation);
- College of Dentistry: Department of Pre-dentistry has been certified with KIDEE(Korean Institute of Dental
Education and Evaluation);
- College of Nursing: Department of Nursing has been certified with KABONE(Korean Accreditation Board of
Nursing Education).
5) When Yonsei University decides that applications do not meet the qualifications, no applicant shall be admitted.
2. Eligibility(Requirement)
A. Applicants and both their parents must hold a non-Korean nationality. Also, applicants must have graduated or
be expected to graduate high school.
※ Applicants must be expected to to hold a high school diploma by February 2023. (March 2023 in case of
the high school located in Japan)
B. Additional eligibility for Pre-medicine, Pre-dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy
: Applicants must submit a valid level 5 or higher Korean language certificate from Yonsei KLI or TOPIK
score level 5 or higher by the last day of application material submission period.
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3. Evaluation Criteria
Yonsei University makes a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant based on High school transcripts, scores of
standardized tests, awards, certificates/licenses, scores of language proficiency tests, and high school profile are
representative elements used for the evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications.
※ Standardized tests e.g.: 高考, ACT, AP, AST(Advanced Subject Test in Taiwan), ATAR, ENEM,
GSAT(General Scholastic Aptitude Test), GCE-A LEVEL, HKDSE, IB, NCEA, SAT, STPM, UEC, etc.
A. All Major/departments
(Except Pre-medicine, Pre-dentistry, Pharmacy, College of Music, Physical Education and Sport Industry Studies)
Classification Grading Scale(%) Contents
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Ⅴ Information on Admission Tracks
1. Department/Major
College Department Major Quota
International Commerce
Korean Language & Culture Education
Global Leaders College Global Leadership Division Cultural Media a few
BIO & Living Engineering
Applied Information Engineering
※ Notes
1) For all matriculated students of Spring 2024 are to spend their first and second semesters (freshman year) at
the International Campus in Incheon, for the Residential College Program.
2) After matriculation, students can select a specific major within the Global Leadership Division.
3) When Yonsei University decides that applications do not meet the qualifications, no applicant shall be
2. Eligibility(Requirement)
Applicants and both their parents must hold non-Korean nationality. Also applicants must hold or expected to to
hold a high school diploma
※ Applicants must be expected to to hold a high school diploma by February 2024. (March 2024 in case of the
high school located in Japan)
3. Evaluation Criteria
Yonsei University makes a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant based on their High school transcripts,
scores of standardized tests, awards, certificates/licenses, scores of language proficiency tests, and school profile.
※ Standardized Tests e.g.: 高考, ACT, AP, AST(Advanced Subject Test in Taiwan), ATAR, ENEM,
GSAT(General Scholastic Aptitude Test), GCE-A LEVEL, HKDSE, IB, NCEA, SAT, STPM, UEC, etc
Classification Contents
Document - Comprehensive evaluation based on the submitted documents, considering academic
review competency, career competency and concern for others/community, etc.
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Ⅵ Information
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Ⅵ Information
For the international students entering Yonsei University, we introduce the Global Basic Education Division, so please
be sure to check the relevant information.
■ Global Basic Education Division (GBED)
International freshmen entering Yonsei University will study at the Global Basic Education Division affiliated with
Global Leaders College(GLC) for 1 year. The Global Basic Education Division was established to help international
freshmen adapt to university life and develop their major academic abilities. At GBED, freshmen receive intensive
instruction to improve their Korean language proficiency required for their liberal arts and major studies.
※ The students of Physical Education major and Sport Industry Studies in College of Educational Sciences will only belong to GBED for one
semester (not a full year).
※ Students admitted to College of College of Music, College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Nursing and College of Pharmacy
are excluded from Global Basic Education Division.
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C. Extra-Program
International students have a variety of opportunities to experience and learn through extra-program such as
‘Korean Culture Experience’.
D. One-stop Service
Information and services necessary for international students entering Yonsei University such as entering
dormitory and registering courses are provided so that students can smoothly adjust to college life in Korea.
3. Remarks
A. Affiliation Period of Global Basic Education Division
: In principle, first 2 semesters since the admission (Before declaring major)
B. Starting 2023, GBED students, with the exception of students majoring in Physical Education and Sport Industry
Studies in College of Educational Sciences must achieve TOPIK level 3 or higher to declare one's major.
TOPIK scores may be replaced with Certificate of Completion of Korean language curriculum or Korean
Language Examination score both designated by Yonsei KLI and deemed to be equivalent to that of TOPIK
level 3 or higher. However, specific criteria for Korean Language proficiency may vary among students
depending on the year of admission.
C. Affiliation of each student will change accordingly after declaring major.
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Ⅵ Information
1. Submission of documents for academic credential verification for overseas high school graduates
For all documents regarding their high school (expected) graduation and transcripts, applicants must get the
authentication by one of the available options below (A~C), and submit them during the document submission
period. In case of delay due to unavoidable circumstances, documents must be submitted to the Yonsei University
Office of Admissions by a designated date after the announcement of the application results. (However, consulate
authentication is not required for documents issued by overseas Korean schools approved by the Ministry of
A. Academic documents obtaining Apostille stamps (High school’s certificate of attendance, graduation(expected)
certificate, High school transcript)
B. Academic documents obtaining certifications from the Korean Embassy (High school’s certificate of attendance,
graduation(expected) certificate, High school transcript)or consular office in the country where the applicant’s
school is located.
[Certification from Embassy or Consular office of relevant country in Korea is also acceptable]
C. China Qualifications Verification of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center when
the student has attended or graduated from school(s) in People’s Republic of China.
[http://www.chsi.com.cn/xlrz/index.jsp](This option is only applied for Chinese high school graduates. It takes
3~4 weeks to issue)
[Certification Institute Information]
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4) Supplementary documents to be attached when applying for a visa issuance certificate can either
have existing consulate authentications or Apostille.
B. For more and updated information on Apostille, please refer to Apostille Section at Hague Conference on
Private International Law Website(www.hcch.net)
* In case of private documents, Apostille will be issued when documents notarized in the country are submitted.
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Ⅵ Information
Freshmen Certificate of High School Graduation ◇ High school - (Graduation) CHSI (学信网)
- For Chinese secondary vocational school graduates for whom CHSI certification reports are not issued
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Type Verified Document Note
Human Resources Social Security Department official homepage
Skilled Workers
(http://www.mohrss.gov.cn/) online verification + verification by the
Korean consulate in China
* Accepted only when online verification of authenticity is available
Certificate of graduation issued by the school + verification by the
Korean consulate in China
※ Copy of certificate of establishment required (business unit
Other accredited high school corporation certificate or private school certificate, but only
academic ability curriculum is recognized, notarization is not
Requirements Details
Ÿ The Certificate of Bank Balance must be under the name of applicant’s or applicants’ parents.
(The Certificate of Family Relationship must also be submitted if the Certificate of Bank Balance
is under the name of applicants’ parents.)
Account Holder Ÿ For those residing in Korea with an alien registration, only the certificates which are under the
applicant’s name and issued by the domestic bank will be accepted.
Ÿ Those who are subject to full scholarship from the university, embassy, or religious organization
can submit their proof of scholarship instead.
Ÿ The date of issue must be after the application results are announced.
Ÿ The ORIGINAL Certificate of Bank Balance must arrive at Yonsei University by post mail
(DHL, EMS, etc) within 30 days from the date of issue.
Date of Issue
Ÿ Certificates with an expiration date are recognized as valid until the expiration date (but only for
maximum of 6 months from the date of issue).
Ÿ The Certificate of Bank Balance must be maintained until the visa approval date.
Ÿ The certificates must be issued from one of the following: Bank of China, ICBC, China
Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China
requirements for
Ÿ The ORIGINAL certificate must arrive at Yonsei University by post mail (DHL, EMS, etc)
the certificates
within 30 days from the date of issue. The last day of deposit freezing period must be after at
from the Chinese
least 30 days from the date that the certificate arrives at Yonsei (it is recommended to be frozen
by May 31, 2024).
Ÿ Notarized translation in English must be submitted with the original documents if the Certificate
of Bank Balance or the Certificate of Family Relationship is not in English or Korean.
Ÿ Check if the English names on passport, Certificate of Bank Balance, and Certificate of Family
Relationship match.
2. Notes on Submission
A. As the Ministry of Justice strengthens immigration control for foreign students, required documents for
Certificate of Admission (Certificate of Final Level of Education, Certificate of Bank Balance) must be
submitted within the deadline (deadline: to be announced after the application results).
B. If you fail to submit required documents for Certificate of Admission within the deadline, the Certificate of
Admission will not be issued. The applicants are responsible for any disadvantages that occur due to this case,
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so please be well-acquainted with [Ⅵ_3. Information on Certificate of Admission] on page 18.
C. The details about the required documents may change according to the rules and regulations of the Ministry of
Justice. Further details will be notified after the application results are announced.
D. Please also check the required documents for the D-2 VISA application at the website of each embassy in
advance since the original documents submitted to the university for the Certificate of Admission WILL NOT
be returned to the student whatsoever after submission.
E. Under the National Health Insurance Act, foreign students are to be enrolled naturally as a local subscriber of
the National Health Insurance. Further details will be notified after the application results are announced.
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Ⅵ Information
A. Evaluations are made continuously and comprehensively by checking applicants academic backgrounds,
submitted certificates/licenses in addition to basic screening. Thus, please note that information on the progress
of the screening process will not be released. However, individual contact can be made during the process in
case additional documents need to be submitted.
B. It is the applicant's full responsibility to submit all documents, thus he/she is fully responsible for any
disadvantages caused by not submitting the required documents.
C. Since Yonsei Office of Admissions often uses text messages and email to communicate with applicants, make
sure to save your mobile phone number and email address correctly, as well as any other phone number to
help the admission team to quickly contact the applicant or guardian during the admission process.
D. The offer of admission will be automatically withdrawn if the tuition payment has not been made in time.
E. Restriction on dual enrollment
Students who receive more than one acceptance from several universities in Spring 2024 Admission must enroll
at only one university.
2. Notes on Admission
A. If students do not comply with University’s prescribed process and rules, or if required documents are not
completely submitted, the students will be disqualified.
B. The application result will be announced on the Yonsei University Office of Admissions Website.
C. Students who forge or falsify documents, employ substitute(s) during examinations, or do not meet the specified
qualifications will not be admitted. If any of the above mentioned facts are discovered after admission is
granted, the admission decision will be revoked even after the letter of acceptance has been sent out or class
registration has been completed.
D. When Yonsei University decides that applications do not meet the qualifications, applicants shall not be
E. Details on admission decisions will not be released.
F. All screening and decision making will be made by the University Admissions Committee.
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3. Notes on Personal Interview(only for Pre-medicine, Pre-dentistry, Pharmacy)
A. Applicants must bring their application ticket and identification card on the day of the test.
- Identification card: Passport or Foreign Registration card
B. Applicants must arrive at the waiting area by the time they are guided. Participants cannot enter after that.
C. Applicants are prohibited from wearing school uniforms and clothes with the school name on it.
D. If applicants do not participate in personal interview, applicants will be disqualified for missing the interview.
E. Details about personal interview will be announced on the Yonsei University Office of Admissions website.
F. If a student is found to have applied through illegal means, such as employing substitute(s) during the personal
interview, the admission decision or registration will be revoked.
G. Any details on admission decisions such as eligibility screening result, evaluation score, rejection reasons, etc.
will not be released.
H. All screening and decision making will be made by The University Admissions Committee.
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Ⅵ Information
Accepted applicants must pay the full tuition fee within the designated registration period. Please refer to the
Yonsei University website to check the tuition fee for 2023:
Yonsei University Website(https://www.yonsei.ac.kr/) → ‘학사지원’ in menu → ‘등록금’ → ‘등록금 명세표’
- Those seeking for an exemption from Korean Language Proficiency Test should check the valid dates for score/completion
transcripts that will be announced later through the Newly Admitted Students Guidelines.
※ Certificates of completion of Korean language courses other than the Yonsei University Korean Language Institute will not be
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4. Office and Contact Information
Inquiries Department in charge Contact
VISA and CoA related Issues Global One-Stop Service Center +82-2-2123-6492
Health Insurance for Int’l Students Global One-Stop Service Center +82-2-2123-3488
▪Changes in assessment criteria for the Physical Education and Sport Industry Studies
- As of 2025 Entry, the assessment for the College of Educational Sciences(Physical Education and
Sport Industry Studies) applicant will be made solely upon the submitted documents.
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Ⅶ Forms
1. Records of elementary, middle and high school enrollment period by schools attended
※ Fill in the form based in chronological order from elementary, middle and high school
School Enrollment Period
school System
No. Name of School Country City Enrolled grade and semester Period(yyyy/mm/dd)
1 grade semester . . .~ . . .
2 grade semester . . .~ . . .
3 grade semester . . .~ . . .
4 grade semester . . .~ . . .
5 grade semester . . .~ . . .
6 grade semester . . .~ . . .
7 grade semester . . .~ . . .
8 grade semester . . .~ . . .
9 grade semester . . .~ . . .
10 grade semester . . .~ . . .
2. Special Note
※ If there are any special matters, such as double attendance of same grade, grade skipping, omission of grades for a particular semester,
or leave of absence, the following table must be filled out.
Grade/Tern Reason
The above contents are factually true and if any false entry is confirmed,
I will accept the corresponding measures of the school, such as admission revocation even after admission. □ Agree