E Allison Unit CO2-ECBM Pilot in The San Juan Basin
E Allison Unit CO2-ECBM Pilot in The San Juan Basin
E Allison Unit CO2-ECBM Pilot in The San Juan Basin
Since its inception, and now in its final year, many important findings have emerged from the
project, some of the more notable being:
• CO2 injection into coal can significantly improve methane recovery. At the Allison Unit
CO2-ECBM pilot in the San Juan basin, methane recovery was improved from 77% to
95% of original gas in place within the central pilot area.
• Coal permeability and CO2 injectivity was substantially reduced with CO2 injection (by
up to an order of magnitude near the wells, and extending to an estimated 1,000 ft from
the wellbores). This has a detrimental effect to ECBM/sequestration economics.
• While existing reservoir simulation models yield essentially similar results, the
theoretical models they are based upon for multi-component sorption, diffusion and phase
behavior may not accurately replicate actual reservoir behavior. Specifically, coal
swelling cannot be adequately modeled in a dynamic fashion.
• A technical/economic sensitivity has shed light on the most favorable coal conditions for
sequestration. These include deep, high-rank coals with low permeability and that have
not been previously developed for conventional coalbed methane production. However,
this assumes technology is developed to overcome reduced injectivity due to matrix
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404
In October 2000, a multi-year government-industry R&D collaboration known as the Coal-Seq
project was launched in the United States. Participants in the project include the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE) as the project sponsor, Advanced Resources International (ARI), Burlington
Resources, and BP America. The project objectives are to evaluate the feasibility of CO2
sequestration in deep, unmineable coalseams using enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) recovery
technology. The Coal-Seq project is achieving its objectives via reservoir simulation studies of
existing ECBM pilot projects in the San Juan basin, laboratory/modeling studies of coal
behavior, technical and economic sensitivity studies, and assessments of the potential and
economic performance for ECBM recovery and CO2 sequestration in deep, unmineable coals.
This paper presents the work performed and key findings from this important R&D project.
The Allison Unit CO2 ECBM pilot in the San Juan Basin, operated by Burlington Resources, is
the largest and longest running project of its kind, with four injector wells, 16 producers, and 6-
years of injection history during which 370,000 tons of CO2 was injected. A detailed reservoir
study of the pilot, which included performing a full-field characterization, simulation history-
matching, and performance forecasting, indicated that CO2 injection improved methane recovery
in the affected area from 77% to 95% of the original gas in place1 (Figure 1). An economic
analysis of the pilot indicated that it would have provided a positive net present value at gas
prices above $2.60/Mcf, not including the impact of Section 29 tax credits. Thus the outlook for
value-adding carbon sequestration in coal is promising with today’s energy prices.
During CO2 injection at the Allison Unit, a reduction in injectivity of about 60% was initially
observed (Figure 2)2. This was the first documented field evidence confirming the phenomena of
coal swelling and permeability reduction with CO2 injection, as long predicted by industry
experts. Studies of this behavior, including well testing, indicated that the coal permeability near
the well was reduced by up to two orders-of-magnitude, but that the effects gradually became
less severe further from the well, and affected the coal a maximum distance of about 1,000 feet
from the well. This profile of permeability decline is consistent with a 60% reduction in
injectivity. What was unexpected was the rebound in injectivity following the initial decline.
Further analysis concluded that this was caused by a continued decrease in overall reservoir
pressure with time (methane production volumes from the reservoir were considerably greater
than CO2 injection volumes into it), which enabled the adsorbed CO2 near the well to desorb and
migrate further into the reservoir, causing matrix shrinkage and a permeability increase, similar
to that observed during primary methane depletion. An assessment of the performance of the
pilot had injection rates been much higher (i.e., no reduced permeability or an effective strategy
to mitigate it) was performed and suggested a significant improvement in economics would have
resulted. Thus finding a solution to this problem should be a priority R&D topic for the future.
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404
Modeling Reservoir Mechanics
Through the course of simulating the results of the Allison Unit and another, N2-ECBM pilot in
the San Juan Basin (the Tiffany Unit, operated by BP America)3, it was discovered that certain
injection and production pressure behavior related to matrix shrinkage/swelling could not be
satisfactorily replicated. Benchmarking of the simulator used for the study, ARI’s COMET3,
against other industry simulators on standardized sequestration/ECBM problems, as well as
running the Allison/Tiffany models using another simulator, resulted in essentially similar
results, and suggests a fundamental disconnect exists between the physics used in the simulators
and actual reservoir behavior. Further study indicated that the theories used in the simulators are
not accurate for modeling multi-component sorption, bi-directional diffusion, and CH4-CO2-N2
gas properties. These findings are based upon actual laboratory studies. Upgrading this capability
should be a priority research topic for carbon sequestration in coals, for the lack of reliable
predictive models will present a considerable barrier to technology adoption.
Benefits of Nitrogen
Based on the results of the Tiffany Unit N2-ECBM reservoir modeling study, the potential
benefits of retaining some N2 in a flue gas stream for sequestration purposes were indicated – N2
is a very effective ECBM injectant, providing a much more rapid ECBM response than CO2.
While the breakeven gas price for Tiffany was slightly less than that for Allison (~$2.40/Mcf),
not including the benefits of Section 29 tax credits, the upside with today’s gas prices was much
greater. Thus one can easily envision how the inclusion of some N2 in a flue gas stream for
sequestration would improve overall sequestration economics.
Sensitivity Study
To examine the impact of flue gas composition, as well as other reservoir and operating
parameter, on technical and economic performance of ECBM/sequestration projects, a screening
model was developed4. A sensitivity study was then performed using it to evaluate the impact of
various parameters on project performance5. That study indicated that deeper, higher rank and
lower permeability coals, that have not been previously developed for conventional coalbed
methane production previously (i.e., a large gas resource can be recovered to offset sequestration
costs), are the best economic environments for CO2 sequestration. However, this assumes that
technology is developed to overcome or otherwise mitigate the detrimental effects of coal
swelling and injectivity reduction. It was also noted that in most cases, near-pure CO2 provides
the best economic results. This is due to additional capital costs related to N2 separation and
recycling, and lesser net sequestration volumes (due to lesser CO2 injection volumes as well as
additional carbon emissions associated with nitrogen generation and handling). However, in the
lowest permeability and highest rank coal environments, the inclusion of more N2 appears very
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404
CO2-Sequestration/Capacity Assessment
Some of the main conclusions drawn from the project to-date include:
• CO2 injection into coal can significantly improve methane recovery. At the Allison Unit
CO2-ECBM pilot in the San Juan basin, methane recovery was improved from 77% to
95% of original gas in place within the central pilot area.
• Coal permeability and CO2 injectivity was substantially reduced with CO2 injection (by
up to an order of magnitude near the wells, and extending to an estimated 1,000 ft from
the wellbores). This has a detrimental effect to ECBM/sequestration economics.
• While existing reservoir simulation models yield essentially similar results, the
theoretical models they are based upon for multi-component sorption, diffusion and phase
behavior may not accurately replicate actual reservoir behavior. Specifically, coal
swelling cannot be adequately modeled in a dynamic fashion.
• A technical/economic sensitivity has shed light on the most favorable coal conditions for
sequestration. These include deep, high-rank coals with low permeability and that have
not been previously developed for conventional coalbed methane production. However,
this assumes technology is developed to overcome reduced injectivity due to matrix
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404
This project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-FC26-
00NT40924. The DOE Project Manager was Charlie Byrer. The author also acknowledges the
valuable contributions of Burlington Resources and BP America, without whom the project
would not have been possible.
1. Reeves, S. R., Taillefert, A., Pekot, L., and Clarkson, C.; “The Allison Unit CO2-ECBM
Pilot: A Reservoir Modeling Study”, for period January 1, 2000 – June 30, 2002, Topical
Report submitted to U.S. Department of Energy, February, 2003.
2. Pekot, L. J., Reeves, S. R., “Modeling Coal Matrix Shrinkage and Differential Swelling
with CO2 Injection for Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery and Carbon Sequestration
Applications”, for period April 1, 2001 – March 31, 2002, Topical Report submitted to U.
S. Department of Energy, November, 2002.
3. Reeves, S. R., Oudinot, A. Y., Erickson, D.; “The Tiffany Unit N2 – ECBM Pilot: A
Reservoir Modeling Study”, for period January 1, 2000 – March 31, 2004, submitted to
the Department of Energy, June, 2004.
4. Davis, D. W., Oudinot, A. Y., Sultana, A., and Reeves, S. R.; “Coal-Seq V2.1: A
Screening Model for ECBM Recovery and CO2 Sequestration in Coal”, for period
October 1, 2003 – April 15, 2004, submitted to the U. S. Department of Energy, April,
5. Reeves, S. R., Davis, D. W., and Oudinot, A. Y.; “A Technical and Economic Sensitivity
Study of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery and Carbon Sequestration in Coal”, for
period January 1, 2004 – March 31, 2004, submitted to the U. S. Department of Energy,
April, 2004.
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404
Figure 1: Coal Methane Content Following CO2 Injection, Allison Unit
60000 2500
30000 1500
CO2, Mcf/mo
10000 BHP, psi
0 500
Ju 6
Ju 7
Ju 0
O 8
A 5
Ju 5
O 5
O 6
O 7
Ap 8
Ju 8
A 9
Ju 9
O 9
O 0
A 6
A 7
A 0
Ja 5
Ja 6
Ja 7
Ja 8
Ja 9
Advanced Resources International
GHGT7 - SP062404