Week 1 - Topic Overview
Week 1 - Topic Overview
Week 1 - Topic Overview
1.1 Introduction
This topic overview introduces the field of strategy by elaborating on relevant terminology and concepts.
What is strategy? If a friend tells you that his "strategy" in basketball is to win, he is not telling you a strategy at all.
A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a goal – in the case of your friend, a more appropriately defined
strategy for his basketball game would be: "I am going to apply defensive pressure and force the opposing team to
make mistakes with the end goal of winning the game". In this week, you will learn that you must first clearly define
your goals before you develop strategies in order to achieve them. You will also learn that strategy in business is
similar to strategy in sports, war, or politics; the parallels are so close that early business strategists studied military
strategies in depth. The science of strategy development has developed beyond this by now, but the parallels still
source of threats − forces that may impede the successful implementation of a strategy. The external environment in
which firms compete exerts a strong influence on firms’ profitability.
• Industry
• Organisational
• International
Content - The product of the process; concerned with what is and what should be
In studying strategy, it is useful to distinguish between strategic issues at the business level and those at the
corporate level. Some firms are focused sharply on their business strategy: They compete in only one or very few
industries. Other firms compete in many industries. The opening vignette on Under Armour paints a picture of a firm
that has a very specific core business (athletic apparel). Some firms, such as General Electric (GE) or United
Technologies, are called conglomerates because they’re so diversified that it’s difficult to pigeonhole them into any
specific industry.
• Business level strategy
• Corporate level strategy
• Network level strategy
Process (Practice) -The way in which strategies are made
Industry conditions have an important effect on strategy formulation. One way to illustrate this effect is to examine
the threats and opportunities presented to a company during different phases of the industry life cycle. In other
words, in order to show how alternative strategies function under different life-cycle conditions, we’ll take
advantage of the fact that industry analysis gives us a “snapshot” view of an industry at a particular point in its life
cycle. In reality, of course, many industries are changing rapidly.
• Strategic thinking
• Strategy formation
• Strategic change
1.4 Deliberate and Emergent Strategies (De Wit and Meyer, 2010)
There are two perspectives regarding the way in which strategies are made:
A. Strategic Planning-Prescriptive (What to do) Planned/Designed (Ansoff)
✓ Strategies should be deliberately planned and executed
• Corporate-identifies the scope or range of the organisation as a whole. Geographic location/s, product
diversity, business acquisition and resource allocation are all part of the corporate strategy (Johnson, Scholes and
Whittington, 2017).
o Overall purpose and scope
o Resource allocation between SBUs
o Adding value to shareholder investment
o Resource allocation between SBUs
o Structure and control of SBUs
o Corporate financial strategy
• Business-is also called the competitive strategy and is concerned with how each business competes in its
market. This includes business units within a large corporation (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2017).
o Competitive strategy
o Developing market opportunities
o Developing new products/services
o Resource allocation within the SBU
o Structure and control of the SBU
o Identify the SBUs key competitors- assist in competitive position analysis and comparative analysis
• Functional-each functional part of an organisation must meet the corporate- and business level strategies.
The functional-level strategies should be developed to be in line with the higher-level strategies. Integration of
strategies is key (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2017).
Increasingly, business strategy also takes into account the changing competitive landscape in which a firm is located.
Two critical questions that business strategy must address are (1) how the firm will achieve its objectives today,
when other companies may be competing to satisfy the same customers’ needs, and (2) how the firm plans to
compete in the future.
business strategy -> Strategy for competing against rivals within a particular industry or industry segment.
corporate strategy -> Strategy for guiding a firm’s entry and exit from different businesses, for determining how a
parent company adds value to and manages its portfolio of businesses, and for creating value through diversification.
relative to this large incumbent. Wal-Mart has found that diversification into the grocery business segment of
retailing has increased retail foot traffic and boosted sales of nongrocery retail products.
You can think of intended strategy as the initial plan, whereas the realized strategy is what actually is put in place
and succeeds. Thus, parts of the realized strategy can be credited to deliberate choices and actions (i.e., intended
strategies that are realized), and parts are due to unplanned ones (i.e., realized strategies that were not deliberate but
nevertheless emerged). Finally, some aspect of the initial strategic plan is not realized at all, and drops by the
You can see these various aspects of intended and realized strategy through the experience of Intel. During its early
years, for instance, the chipmaker Intel was consciously focused on the design and manufacture of dynamic,
random-access memory chips (DRAMs), and through the 1970s and early 1980s virtually all of the firm’s revenue
came from DRAMs. Intel’s participation in the DRAM market was intentional and planned virtually from the
moment of its founding. By 1984, however, 95 percent of the company’s revenue came from the microprocessor
segment of the industry. Ironically, Intel’s participation in this segment of the industry was not planned by senior
management. Rather, it evolved from an experimental venture to make processors for Busicom, a Japanese maker of
calculators. Unbeknownst and unforeseen by top management was the fact that market demand was shifting
dramatically from DRAMs to microprocessors. Only through the Busicom experiment − and Intel’s willingness to
follow the signals this experiment sent them in terms of market-demand shifts − was the firm able to dramatically
change its business strategy. To this day, Intel officials give credit for the firm’s dominance in the microprocessor
market to a strategy that emerged originally from a lower-level management initiative − one that, at the time, wasn’t
greeted with unanimous enthusiasm by senior management (Burgelman 1994, Grove 1996).
Since their lucky foray into the microprocessor market, Intel managers have obviously focused on effective
strategies for maintaining the firm’s advantages in the segment while at the same time promoting experiments and
exploiting surprises like Busicom to keep abreast of significant underlying market-demand shifts.
1.7 Summary
In this introductory week of the module, we have set the basis for analysing the concept of Strategy. In the following
week, we will examine the theories of strategy.
Appelo, J. (2011) Management 3.0: leading agile developers, developing agile leaders, Upper Saddle River NJ:
Pearson Education.
Brown, S. and Eisenhardt. K. (1998) Competing on the Edge, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Burgelman, R. A. (1994) “Fading memories: A process theory of strategic business exit in dynamic environments.”
Administrative Science Quarterly, 39: 24–56.
Burgelman, R. A. and Sayles L. (1986) Inside Corporate Innovation, New York: Free Press.
De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2010) Strategy: Process, Content, Context. Andover: Cengage.
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. and Regner, P. (2017) Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases.
Harlow: Pearson.
McCann, J.E. and Selsky, J.W. (2012) Mastering turbulence: the essential capabilities of agile and resilient
individuals, teams and organizations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Mintzberg, H. (1987) ‘The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps for Strategy’, California Management Review 30: 1 11−24