Intellectual Diability IMVC - Intellectual - Disability
Intellectual Diability IMVC - Intellectual - Disability
Intellectual Diability IMVC - Intellectual - Disability
Intellectual Disability
Intellectual Disability
People with an intellectual disability are those who have limitations in intellectual function when compared to individuals of a
similar age. These individuals may also demonstrate dif culties with personal skills needed for everyday living.
Intellectual disability is a lifelong disability that can affect many different areas of a person’s life and people with an intellectual
disability may have dif culties with thought processes, learning, communicating, remembering information and using it
appropriately, making judgments and problem solving.
The range of intellectual disability varies greatly from mild intellectual disability requiring low support, through to severe
intellectual disability requiring complex support.
There are many causes of intellectual disability, but in the majority of cases, the reasons are still unknown. Known causes include:
Communication Strategies
When communicating with a person with an intellectual disability it is important to acknowledge that each person is an individual
and should be approached as such.
Meet in a setting that is comfortable and does not cause anxiety or distraction.
Make eye contact.
Use usual volume and tone.
Speak clearly, using plain English.
Check understanding, by asking person to repeat in their own words what you have said.
Ask short questions to gather information.
Don’t be frustrated if you have to repeat yourself.
Rephrase information if it is not understood, or present the information in another way.
Be patient, wait for them to nish what they are saying.
Ask the person to repeat something you do not understand.
If there is a support person you must address the person with the disability and not the support person.
Break up new information into small chunks.
To aid memory write information down or use pictures.
Ensure information and language used is appropriate to the individual’s needs.
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