Guide To Asking Questions in Literature
Guide To Asking Questions in Literature
Guide To Asking Questions in Literature
W it h C o m p le x it y
Intended Audience
Parents to use as a guide for asking complex questions about literature
• Handout 1: Literary Analysis Wheel—Primary, or
• Handout 2: Literary Analysis Wheel
Note to Families: The Literary Analysis Wheel is used to guide students through analyzing how an author
uses literary techniques to develop meaning within a work. The model allows students to see connections
between multiple literary elements (e.g., setting impacts conflict, conflict reveals character motives and
values, characterization impacts theme, etc.). Note that there are two versions of the model, the Literary
Analysis Wheel—Primary (grades 2–4) and the Literary Analysis Wheel (grades 5 and up). The models differ
slightly, as more accelerated elements (such as symbolism and tone) are incorporated into the model for
older students.
It helps when students have models and frameworks to guide their thinking. The Literary Analysis Wheel
can be used to guide students through an analysis of a short story, poem, or novel. First, guide the students
to identify elements of the wheel separately (Level 1—Singular Element), and then emphasize a deeper
analysis by asking how elements relate to each other (Level 2—Combine Elements). The Literary Analysis
Wheel is meant to be interactive. The inner wheel conceptually spins so that its elements interact with each
other and the outer wheel. Each element can relate to each other, regardless of its placement on the wheel.
Note that although students may write on the wheel, discussion of ideas, especially relationships between
combined elements, is encouraged and adds to their complexity of thinking. It is also recommended that for
some students you ask a series of comprehension questions (who, what, when, where, why, and how ques-
tions) followed by Level 1 questions and then Level 2 questions.
• Symbols: How do objects or names represent more abstract ideas?
• Point of View: What is the narrator’s point of view (first person, third-person objective, third-person
limited, third-person omniscient, etc.)
• Language/Structure/Style: What figurative language and imagery does the author use? What is the
author’s style?
• Plot/Conflict: What are the significant internal and external conflicts in the story? What are the signifi-
cant parts of the plot?
• Mood/Feelings of the Reader: What is the feeling the reader gets from the story? How is this estab-
• Theme: What is the author’s main message that can be generalized to broader contexts? (The theme
is the author’s take on a given subject or idea.)
Character+ Another Element:
• How do the characters’ actions/beliefs/attitudes/struggles influence the theme?
• How do the qualities of the characters affect the conflict as it relates to significant parts of the plot?
• How do the characters’ actions and responses establish mood?
• What characters’ thoughts/feelings are hidden and/or revealed by the narrator’s point of view? How
does this impact the reader’s experience of the story?
• How does the author use language to develop character? Consider dialect, descriptions, use of figura-
tive language, and names.
• Are characters revealed by symbols?
• How does the setting affect character actions?
• How does the author’s tone toward the subject influence the development of characters?
Mood+ Another Element:
• How does the mood help develop the theme? What if the mood were different? How would this
change the theme of the story?
• How does the author’s point of view help create mood?
• How does the author’s tone create mood for the reader?
• How do the characters’ actions, thoughts, and conflicts contribute to the mood?
• How does the setting contribute to the mood?
• How does the author use specific language to develop the mood?
• How do specific symbols help establish the mood?
• Taken altogether, what is your interpretation of the work (e.g. What is the explanation or meaning of
this work given the author’s use of various literary elements)? How did literary elements combine to
create meaning? Support your interpretation by referring to the interaction of multiple elements in
shaping your understanding of the work.
Note. This resource has been adapted for at-home use from the following Programs for Talented Youth curriculum
for advanced students in conjunction with Prufrock Press as a way to support student learning through the COVID-
19 shelter-at-home. Adapted from Perspectives of Power: ELA Lessons for Gifted and Advanced Learners in Grades 6–8
(pp. 175–179), by T. Stambaugh and E. Mofield, 2016, Prufrock Press. Copyright 2016 by Prufrock Press. Adapted with
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________
Handout 1
Blank Literary Analysis Wheel—Primary
Directions: Draw arrows across elements to show connections.
Text: __________________________________________________________________
Setting Sequence/
Use of Plot
Point of View
Note. From Interactions in Ecology and Literature: Integrated Science and ELA Lessons
for Gifted and Advanced Learners in Grades 2–3 (p. 30), by T. Stambaugh, E. Fecht, and
E. Mofield, 2018, Prufrock Press. Copyright 2018 by Prufrock Press. Reproduced with
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________
Handout 2
Blank Literary Analysis Wheel
Directions: Draw arrows across elements to show connections.
Text: __________________________________________________________________
Language Symbols
Plot/ Characters
Point of View
Note. From Encounters With Archetypes: Integrated ELA Lessons for Gifted and Advanced
Learners in Grades 4–5 (p. 32), by T. Stambaugh, E. Mofield, E. Fecht, and K. Knauss,
2019, Prufrock Press. Copyright 2019 by Prufrock Press. Reprinted with permission.