Worksheet 6a
Worksheet 6a
Worksheet 6a
TEXT BOOK : Introduction to Academic Writing 3rd Edition by Oshima & Hague
To do these activities and assignments, you need to look and read Chapter 6 of the Introduction to
Academic Writing, from page 95 to page 106.
Submit the file, with your name and answers written, to SIPEJAR Week 10
2. 6 steps.
3. Yes
how to make or do something, break the process down into a series of steps and explain each step.
How-to paragraphs.
3. In a process paragraph:
a) It begins with a topic sentence, using words such as steps, procedure, directions,
suggestions, and instructions.
b) The supporting sentences are the steps and details about each step
c) The concluding sentences can be the last steps or it can give the results
4. If the Narrative paragraph arranges events in a chronological way, the Process Paragraph
arranges the steps in a order way.
- First
- Then
- Now
7. Write your own three examples of a time clause used as a Time Order Signal of a Process
-then, mix the tea and sugar with hot water in a cup
Read the directions in the book. You should write a topic sentence for each of any TWO topics
that you choose from the book. You need to work by yourself, not with a friend.
PART A Read the directions in the book. Instead of circling, HIGHLIGHT the time signals.
Building a campfire that you can light with one match is simple if you follow these easy steps.
The first step is to prepare a safe place for your campfire. Clear an area on the ground at least 3
feet wide, and put a circle of stones around it. Second, gather fuel. You will need several sizes of
fuel: small twigs, medium sticks, and large sticks. The next step is to build a tepee. Put a handful of
twigs in a small pile, and use the small sticks to build a small tepee over the pile. Leave spaces large
enough to drop a lighted match through. Next, build a cabin around the tepee using the medium
sticks. Fifth, place two large pieces of wood on either side of the cabin, and lay two or three long
sticks on top to make a loose roof. The last step is to light a match and drop it through a space in
the tepee. Soon you will enjoy the warmth of a nice fire, and your friends will admire your skill at
lighting a campfire with only one match!
Read the directions in the book. Write only the answers. Do not forget to write the necessary
punctuations (commas, etc) here as well.
8 Open the bags, grab a spoon, and enjoy your ice cream!
7 Gently rock the gallon bag from side to side for ten to fifteen minutes or until the contents of
the quart bag have turned into ice cream.
2 Put 1/2 A cup of heavy cream, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
into a quart-size sealable plastic bag.
4 Put 2 cups of ice and 1/2 to 3/4 cup of salt into a gallon-size sealable plastic bag.
1 Surprise your friends on your next camping trip by making ice cream in a plastic bag.
6 Place the sealed quart bag inside the gallon bag of ice and salt.
1 In the age of computers, finding a book in a library has become very easy.
3 In the book catalog, type the topic you are seeking information about in the space labeled
4 There are two catalogs: one for books and one for periodicals (magazines, newspapers, and so
5 Write down the title and call number of each book that you want.
6 Scroll through the entries for the books that are displayed on the computer screen, and
determine which ones seem the most relevant.
Read the directions in the book. Do not forget to add time signals and punctuations as necessary.
Write the paragraphs below:
Surprise your friends on your next camping trip by making ice cream in a plastic bag. First, put
1/2 A cup of heavy cream, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla into a
quart-size sealable plastic bag. Then close the quart-size bag and seal it tightly. The third step is put
2 cups of ice and 1/2 to 3/4 cup of salt into a gallon-size sealable plastic bag. Then seal the gallon
bag securely. The last step place the sealed quart bag inside the gallon bag of ice and salt, then
gently rock the gallon bag from side to side for ten to fifteen minutes or until the contents of the
quart bag have turned into ice cream. Finally, open the bags, grab a spoon, and enjoy your ice
In the age of computers, finding a book in a library has become very easy. First, find the
computers that contain the library's catalogs. In the book catalog, type the topic you are seeking
information about in the space labeled "Subject." There are two catalogs: one for books and one
for periodicals (magazines, newspapers, and so on). Then write down the title and call number of
each book that you want. Scroll through the entries for the books that are displayed on the
computer screen, and determine which ones seem the most relevant. Locate the books on the
library shelves by their call numbers. After take the books to the checkout desk, be prepared to
show your library card at the checkout desk.
After you finish answering, save this file containing your answers.