Research G6 Cepc

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Marist Brothers
Polomolok, South Cotabato


An In-Depth Research
Presented to the Faculty of the Civil Engineering Program
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Construction Material and Testing (CE-PC 220)
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science
In Civil Engineering



MAY 2023


The infrastructure of modern civilization relies primarily on sand, gravel,

and crushed stones, in more technical term, aggregates. Aggregates are the
most basic material used in construction. Aggregates are raw materials that are
produced from natural sources and extracted from pits and quarries, including
gravel, crushed stone, and sand. Aggregates are classified into two types which
are fine and coarse aggregates. Fine aggregates are those that pass the no. 4
sieve and predominantly retained by a no. 200 (74 micron) sieve. It is also
manufactured by large pieces of aggregate by crushing, grinding or rolling.
Coarse aggregate is the portion of aggregates that is retained on no. 4 (4.76 mm)
sieve or aggregates that measure above the 4.75 limit. These aggregates are the
natural gravel deposits, which are formed by water, wind or glacial action.
Sometimes the coarse aggregates are manufactured by crushing rock, stone,
boulder and large cobblestones to attain the desired dimensions of the materials.
The use of coarse aggregates, particularly in the creation of concrete, is
important as it contributes to the creation of a rigid structure that reduces
shrinkage and cracking.

The researchers’ primarily focuses on the coarse aggregates as the focal

point of the study. The sources, the classifications or types, the standard
properties, the application and the advantages and disadvantages of coarse
aggregates are the subtopics that the researchers’ aims to gain information and
knowledge to apply in the later studies of the researchers.


As per the source, aggregates sources are broadly divided into two categories:
natural and artificial aggregate sources.


A. Natural Aggregate Sources

Natural aggregates originated from the natural deposits of sand or gravel,

or from quarries of rocks. Now, the geological formation of the parent rock
from which the aggregate is derived affects the properties of aggregate.
Weathering of rocks also affects the properties of aggregate. The cheapest
natural aggregates are natural sand and gravel. Natural agents like water,
wind, snow, sun, etc. reduce their size. Rocks obtained from quarries by
blasting have to be reduced in size by crushing.

There are three types of rocks based on their geological mode of

formation, thus aggregates with different properties will be derived from these



1. Natural Aggregates

Mountain or river rocks such as stone and sand are examples of those
that come from natural deposits in the crust of the planet. These are used
in their natural state; screening, washing, beneficiation, or crushing may or
may not have taken place.

2. Artificial or Synthetic Aggregates

These are aggregates that were created as a result of material

modification, which may involve both physical and chemical changes.
They are made out of various by-products such as fly ash, power plant
solid waste, rice husk ash, blast furnace slag, granulated slag, granite
powder, iron ore slag, a variety of lightweight aggregates such as
expanded clay or shale, and a few specially processed materials of
mineral nature.

Coarse aggregates are usually greater than 4.75mm with the range between
9.5mm and 37.5mm in diameter.

1. Boulders – rock fragments with an average dimension of 12 inches or

more. These are used for massive backfill, filter beds, soil stabilization, massive
foundations, dams, dikes, embankments.

2. Cobbles – aggregates with average dimensions from 3 inches to 12

inches. Used for embankments, backfills, foundations, dikes, soil stabilization of
smaller magnitudes, backfill, ripraps, canal linings, decorative units.

3. Gravel – includes sizes from 3 in. down to that retained in a No. 4 (4.75
mm.) sieve. These are used as ingredients for concrete and asphalt, pre-cast
concrete, base and sub-base courses for roads, granular bedding, filler, railroad
ballast, ornaments.

4. Fine Gravel – 4mm -8mm

5. Medium Gravel – 8mm – 16mm

Coarse Gravel – 16mm – 64mm

The basis of shape coarse aggregates is classified as:


- The Rounded aggregates are available as seashore gravel and are entirely
formed by attrition. Since rounded aggregates have a lower void percentage (32–
33%), they are more workable.

Irregular Aggregates

- The irregular or partially spherical aggregates are produced as pit sands and
gravel and are partially molded by attrition. Aggregates with irregularities may
include 35–37% voids. When compared to rounded aggregates, these will
provide less workability. Although slightly greater than spherical aggregates, the
binding strength is not as important for high strength concrete.

Angular Aggregates

- The rocks are crushed to create the angular aggregates, which are composed
of sharp edges generated at the junction of roughly flat surfaces. The highest
percentage of voids (38–45%) are produced by angular aggregates, which
results in reduced workability. Due to the creation of a stronger aggregate-mortar
bond, they provide 10–20% greater compressive strength. These are hence
helpful in the production of high strength concrete.

Flaky Aggregates

- It is referred to as flaky aggregate when the aggregate thickness is minimal

when compared to the aggregate's breadth and length. Or, on the other hand,
flaky aggregate is described as having a least dimension that is less than 60% of
the mean dimension.


Properties of Aggregates Used in Concrete

Aggregates used in the concrete should have the following properties:


Aggregate should be free from materials that react with alkalis in cement
because it may lead to cracking, excessive expansion, and deterioration of
concrete mix. So, several tests should be carried out to ensure the presence of
such materials before use.

Size & Shape

The size and shape of aggregates directly influence the quantity of cement
required in concrete mix and hence ultimately the economy of concrete. The
largest coarse aggregates should be given priority according to the feasibility of
the structure. According to IS-456; the maximum size of aggregates that can be
used in PCC and RCC are:

a.1/4th of the minimum dimension of the concrete member.

b. 1/5th of the minimum dimension of the reinforced concrete member.

Surface texture
Proper bonding of aggregate with concrete depends upon surface texture,
surface roughness, and porosity. When the surface of aggregate is rough and
porous, it provides maximum strength and good bonding to concrete. Cement
paste in concrete set inside the pores of aggregate which provides very strong

Specific Gravity

The ratio of the weight of oven-dried aggregates maintained for 24 hours at a

temperature of 100 to 1100C, to the weight of the equal volume of water
displaced by saturated dry surface aggregate is known as the specific gravity of

Lower specific gravity indicates porous and weak materials and high specific
gravity indicates strong and durable materials. The value of specific gravity
should lie between 2.6 to 2.9. Specific gravity also plays a vital role in the
concrete mix design.

Table: Specific gravity of materials

Specific Gravity

Trap 2.9

Granite 2.8


Sand 2.65

Bulk Density

Bulk density is the weight of the coarse aggregate required to fill a container of
unit volume. Its unit is kg/liter.
Bulk density of coarse aggregate depends upon:

a. The shape of aggregate

b. Grading of the aggregate

c. Degree of the compaction

Table: Value of bulk density

Bulk Density

River sand

Fine 1.44

Medium 1.52

Coarse 1.60

Beach or river shingle 1.60

Broken stone 1.60

Stone screenings 1.44

Broken Granite 1.68


Tiny space between particles of aggregates is called void. Voids between

aggregate particles should be less because excessive voids lead to porous

Table: Average Void Percentage

Average Void Percentage

River sand

Fine 43

Coarse 35

Mixed and moist 38

Mixed and dry 30

Broken stone, graded

25 mm maximum size 46

50 mm maximum size 45

63 mm maximum size 41

Stone screenings 48

Impact Value

Aggregate should be resistive towards shock and impact. Impact value gives the
resistive value of aggregate towards crushing. A higher impact value indicates
the higher toughness of coarse aggregate.

Properties Limiting Values (Percentage)

For Wearing Surfaces Other Than for Wearing Surfaces

Crushing value 30 45

Impact value 30 45

Abrasion Value (Los Angeles) 30 50

Soundness (Average loss of weight after 5 cycles) When tested with Na2SO4
When tested with MgSO4

Fine aggregates 10 15

Coarse aggregates 12 18

Table: Values for mechanical properties

Abrasion Value

Coarse aggregate should be hard enough to resist abrasion. This decreases the
chance of wear and tear in concrete.

Crushing Value

The crushing value gives the resistance of a coarse aggregate to crushing under
the application of compressive load.

Deleterious Materials

Coarse aggregate should be free from deleterious materials such as clay, silt,
dust, salt contamination, organic materials, etc. because these materials weaken
the bond.

Surface Water
Coarser aggregates carry less water. So coarser aggregates should be used
rather than finer according to conditions.

Aggregates Approximate Qty of Surface Water

Percent by mass Ltr./cu.m

Very wet sand 7.5 120

Moderately wet sand 5.0 80

Moist sand 2.5 40

Moist gravel or crushed rock 1.25 – 2.5 20 – 40

Table: Surface water carried by aggregates


Advantage of Coarse Aggregates

• Ezeldin and Aitcin (1991) Concrete with the same mix ratio containing four
different coarse aggregate types was compared. They concluded that in high-
strength concrete, higher-strength coarse aggregate usually has higher
compressive strength, but in normal-strength concrete, the strength of coarse
aggregate has little effect on compressive strength.

The volume stability and strength of coarse aggregate are better than that of
mortar, and the price of coarse aggregate is lower than that of cement.
Therefore, increasing the amount of coarse aggregate appropriately can

Aggregates are also used as ballast in road and railway works to resist the
overall load, distribute the base load properly, and drain rainwater.
The coarse aggregate has a significant impact on concrete attributes including
abrasion resistance, hardness, elastic modulus, and other qualities like durability,
strength, and affordability. Backfills, fills, drainage, and filtration projects are other
applications for coarse aggregate.

The moisture and vapor barriers under the slab can alternatively be made of
aggregate. The preparation of foundation for driveways and roads typically
involves the use of coarse materials. Additionally, the sewage and water filtering
procedures make use of the coarse particles.

Uses of Aggregate in Concrete

• Reduces the cost by increasing the volume of concrete. Aggregates

consist of 60–75% of the volume of concrete and 79–85% of the weight of PCC.

• To provide a rigid structure and to reduce the shrinkage and cracking.

• Coarse aggregates is useful in many different types of buildings and

substructures, including bridges, foundations, and various building components.

• A smaller aggregate size will have a larger surface area and require more
cement, which will increase the cost.

• The greater the aggregate size the larger will be the voids, and wasting
more cement as a result.

Uses of Aggregates in Roads

• Stabilized using cementitious materials. (compositions of cement, fly ash,

slag, and lime).

• Stabilized using bituminous materials (bitumen or tar).

• Other materials (resins, fibers, geosynthetics, etc.

• Recycled aggregate.

Uses of Aggregates in Railway Ballast

• Thousands of tons are carried by a fully loaded train. An extremely

resistant aggregate is required to sustain this heavy weight, distribute it
effectively, and transfer it to the ground in order to protect the rails, the
surrounding landscape, and other nearby structures.

• reduce the shrinkage and creep of concrete, improve the durability of

concrete, and reduce the cost of concrete.

• The price of coarse aggregate is less than that of cement, and it has more
strength and volume stability than mortar. Because of this, adding coarser
aggregate to concrete in appropriate amounts can increase its durability,
decrease its cost, and reduce shrinkage and creep.

Disadvantage of Coarse Aggregates

• Bloem and Gaynor (1963) The effects of size and other coarse aggregate
properties on the moisture requirements and strength of concrete were studied.
Their results confirm that increasing the maximum aggregate size reduces the
total rock surface area and reduces the need for mixing water. However, even
with reduced moisture, larger aggregates result in lower compressive strength of
concrete compared to concrete with smaller aggregates.

• Chen et al. obtained the following conclusions by studying the influence of

water absorption of coarse aggregate on concrete performance: water absorption
of aggregate has a direct impact on the water consumption of concrete. When
water absorption of gravel is more than 3%, the slump of concrete is obviously
reduced and the loss is very fast. The water absorption of coarse aggregate also
affects the properties of hardened concrete.
By examining the impact of coarse aggregate water absorption on the
functionality of concrete, Chen et al. came to the following conclusions:
aggregate water absorption directly affects the water consumption of concrete.
The slump of concrete is obviously reduced and the loss occurs quickly when the
water absorption of the gravel is greater than 3%. The characteristics of
hardened concrete are also impacted by the coarse aggregate's water absorption


Coarse Aggregate in Construction

Aggregates have many uses in the construction industry. aggregates are used in
concrete, in order to give concrete more strength and for economic reasons. The

• Granite or another hard igneous rock with a greater diameter ranging from
30 to 50 mm is the most common type of crushed rock used as ballast in
railroads. Its drainage characteristics will be lessened by particles with a
diameter smaller than this one. The load on the ties is unevenly distributed when
there are bigger particles in the mixture.

Uses of Aggregates in Roads

• Stabilized using cementitious materials. (compositions of cement, fly ash,

slag, and lime).

• Stabilized using bituminous materials (bitumen or tar).

• Other materials (resins, fibers, geosynthetics, etc.

• Recycled aggregate.
Uses of Aggregates in Railway Ballast

• Thousands of tons are carried by a fully loaded train. An extremely

resistant aggregate is required to sustain this heavy weight, distribute it
effectively, and transfer it to the ground in order to protect the rails, the
surrounding landscape, and other nearby structures.

• Granite or another hard igneous rock with a greater diameter ranging from
30 to 50 mm is the most common type of crushed rock used as ballast in
railroads. Its drainage characteristics will be lessened by particles with a
diameter smaller than this one. The load on the ties is unevenly distributed when
there are bigger particles in the mixture.


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