Evoenergy LV Point of Entry Cubicle Requirements
Evoenergy LV Point of Entry Cubicle Requirements
Evoenergy LV Point of Entry Cubicle Requirements
Printed versions of this document are “uncontrolled copies” - the latest version is available on the
Evoenergy website.
Copyright© 2018 Evoenergy. This publication is copyright. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act
1968 no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without the specific written
permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved.
1.1 Scope
The scope of this document is to provide guidelines on the manufacture, servicing, earthing and bonding
arrangements for Low voltage (LV) point of entry cubicles (POE) serviced by Evoenergy network service
cables for non-domestic commercial multi-residential or industrial installations. The wiring methods
used in this document are based on the MEN system of earthing as stated by the IEC definitions of
TNCS which are contained within the AS/NZS 3000.
This document covers the following aspects:
Servicing of POE cubicles;
POE neutral links;
POE MEN links;
POE earthing links;
POE earthing conductors;
POE earth chassis bonding conductor;
POE earth stake.
This document provides guidance to the use of the above mentioned equipment in order to provide a
suitable and safe fault path for the incoming Evoenergy network cables whilst managing the earth
potential rise on the POE chassis during a fault event.
This document needs to be read in conjunction with Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to avoid the potentially hazardous situations of
parallel neutral paths or circulating neutral currents occurring within the customers building(s). The
situation is applicable when the POE cubicle is connected to/within arm’s reach of:
The MSB; or
The building containing the MSB
This document stipulates Evoenergy requirements for POE cubicles.
The chances of the hazard occurring is increased if the two switchboards are within arm’s reach of each
other or the building is constructed of conductive materials, such as reinforced concrete, a metallic
frame, copper water pipes, overhead metallic walk ways or the use of a metal facade (such as
Aluminium cladding panels).
This document is intended to be used by POE cubicle manufacturers, contractors installing the POE
cubicles, the personnel connecting the POE cubicles to the network, and for the service and installation
officers for checking compliance.
1.3.3 Multiple MEN Links contained within the One Building Structure
Under the MEN system of earthing, the earthing system from one MEN link should not connect with the
earthing system from another MEN link where both links are fed from the same point of supply
(distribution transformer). If the earthing systems do mix the pillar/cubicle/switchboard further up the
distribution line will contain the MEN link and the earth stake and it will feed the other downstream
switchboard directly with an earth wire without a MEN link and without an earth stake 2.
1.3.4 Combination POE MSB Switchboards
Evoenergy require a single MEN link inside a combination POE Main switchboard. This is to avoid
having circulating neutral currents within the switchboard chassis itself and circulating within the
earthing conductors within the combined switchboard.
In a combination POE/MSB with one common switchboard chassis serviced by an incoming Evoenergy
cables, the MEN can be performed within the customer section as long as method 3 (refer to Appendix
D) can be achieved.
Refer to figure 1: IEC TNCS System of Earthing (MEN)
Refer to figure 2: the MEN system of earthing on a LV circuit from a distribution substation
Note: This sketch and all Customer’s metering arrangements are indicative and for information only. C.T. Metering is not permitted within the Point of Entry section of the Cubicle.
This section outlines the neutral and earthing requirements of a POE that is connected to Evoenergy’s
electrical network. These requirements cover free standing POE cubicles and combination POE/MSB
Refer to Appendix A: POE MEN Link & POE Main Earth Cable Sizes
3.1 Method 1
Free Standing Point of Entry (POE) Cubicle and remote MSB configured as outbuildings having
a POE MEN with Earth Stake and MSB MEN with Earth Stake
This is the Evoenergy preferred method of connection.
This method is suitable to be used only where there is an adequate clearance available between
the POE and the MSB.
The POE cubicle shall not be within two (2) metres of any building connected to the main switch
board or the main switchboard.
With this method, the POE and MSB have their separate MEN links and Earth Stakes.
This method is the preferred method where there is a long distance between the POE and MSB
in the interests of decreasing the fault loop impedance and the earth potential rise at the MSB
during a fault event.
This method is also preferred where the customer’s MSB is closer to the distribution substation
than the POE cubicle.
Refer to Appendix B – Method 1 Schematic.
3.2 Method 2
Free Standing Point of Entry (POE) cubicle containing the main building MEN link and main
building earth stake
This method must be used if the POE cubicle is installed up against or within two (2) metres of
a building or connected to the installations MSB and when adequate separation between the
POE cubicle and the MSB or the building containing the MSB is not achievable.
There shall be only one MEN link per building and it shall be labelled appropriately.
The POE MEN link is to remain intact inside the POE cubicle along with the connection of the
POE earth cable (that connects to the POE earth stake).
An adequately sized and rated earth conductor shall be installed between the respective POE
and the MSB earth links.
The MSB will not have a MEN link and it will not have an earth stake.
This earthing method and location of the MEN is considered compliant to AS/NZS 3000:2007
Clause Exceptions 2 & 3.
If a full size earth is not used, this installation method increases the fault loop impedance for a
fault that occurs inside the customers MSB. Consideration must be given to length of consumer
mains in such installations.
Refer to Appendix C: Method 2 Schematic
3.3 Method 3
Combined Point of Entry (POE) Cubicle and MSB with neutral and earth links common to the
POE and customer cubicles, the MEN can be performed inside the customer cubicle
In this option the neutral bar/link and earth bar/link is common to both the POE cubicle and the
customer MSB cubicle.
The MEN link and main earth is performed inside the customer cubicle next to the POE cubicle.
The MEN link and the main earth cables are sized to Table 3 in Appendix A.
The MEN Link must be easily identifiable and readily accessible to Evoenergy staff.
The MEN link shall be performed inside the customer part of the switchboard. The chassis earth
bond (if applicable) and the main earth cable must be terminated in close proximity to the MEN
link with no joints in both the common earth busbar and the common neutral busbar. All cables
should terminate as close as possible to each other. (No cables are to be used for connections
between busbars).
Refer to Appendix D – Method 3 Schematic.
3.4 Method 4
Combined Point of Entry (POE) Cubicle and MSB with MEN link and main earth terminals
contained within the POE cubicle
Evoenergy will allow the MEN link to be housed inside the POE cubicle behind the Evoenergy
lock and not inside the customer part of the switchboard.
Refer to Appendix E – Method 4 Schematic.
Evoenergy documents
Document number Document title
PO07173 Service and Installation rules
Evoenergy drawings
Document number Document title
8911 – 313 Non Domestic – Small Installation POE/Meter Box for Installation with
Underground Service Cables up to 50mm2 Cu
8911 – 324 Typical Metering Cubicle for Multi-Installation and Looping or Paralleling of
Evoenergy Cables
8913 – 213 – 06 P.O.E. 315A to 630A Free Standing or Wall Mounted with Modular Feeder
8913 – 213 – 08 P.O.E. Radial Service Cubicle 800A to 2000A Free Standing or Wall
LV Low Voltage
PE Protective Earth
SIZE mm2
The 240mm2 multi-core network cable is the standard cable currently used by Evoenergy for the majority
of commercial installations subjected to site requirements and loads.
Please see an Evoenergy project officer for incoming cable size for POE cubicles that is serviced by
Evoenergy network cables.
For accurate neutral / earth bar layouts refer to Evoenergy drawing 8913-213-06
POE & MSB earth stake must comply with AS/NZS 3000
For accurate neutral / earth bar layouts refer to Evoenergy drawing 8913-213-06
POE earth stake must comply with AS/NZS 3000
M.E.N. can be made in Customer’s cubicle provided it is a common busbar arrangement within the
POE/MSB; No joints or cable is permitted for M.EN
POE & MSB earth stake must comply with AS/NZS 3000
For accurate neutral / earth bar layouts refer to Evoenergy drawing 8913-213-06 to be updated
POE & MSB earth stake must comply with AS/NZS 3000