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OS Food Production (Culinary) Level 4

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P.O. BOX 15745-00100

First published 2018
Copyright ©TVET CDACC

All rights reserved. No part of these Occupational Standards may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written
permission of the TVET CDACC, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to the Council Secretary/CEO, at the address below:

Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@tvetcdacc.go.ke

The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the government
overall strategy for social economic development. Quality training and development
will enable Kenya to achieve its Vision 2030 and the sustainable development goals.
This will make Kenya an industrialized country that supports provision of high quality
life for all citizens.
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision
2030 and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education
sector had to be aligned with the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and this resulted to the
formulation of the Policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training
(Sessional Paper No. 4 of 2016). A key fundamental feature of this policy is that, it is
radically changing the design and delivery of the TVET training. This policy
document emphasized the following: that training in TVET shall be competency
based, curriculum development shall be industry led, certification based on
demonstration of competence and allow for multiple entry and exit in TVET
These reforms demand that industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure curriculum addresses competence needs of the Industry. It is against this
background that these Occupational Standards were developed by the industry to
enable the packaging of the curriculum.
It is my conviction that the use of these Occupational Standards will play a great role
towards training of competent food production skilled people needed for the growth
and sustainable development of the sector.



The Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing,
“middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens by the year
2030”. Kenya intends to create a globally competitive and adaptive human resource
base to meet the requirements of a rapidly industrializing economy through life-long
training and education. TVET has a major responsibility of facilitating the process of
inculcating knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for catapulting the country to a
globally competitive country, hence the paradigm shift to embrace Competency Based
Education and Training (CBET).
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 and
Reforming Education and Training Sectors in Kenya policy emphasized the need to
reform curriculum development, assessment and certification in TVET. This called
for the shift to CBET in order to remove the mismatch between the skills training and
the industry needs as well as increasing the global competitiveness of our labour
The TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET
CDACC), in conjunction with Hospitality Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC)
developed occupational standards for Food Production (Culinary Arts) Artisan. The
occupational standards will be the foundation for packaging competency-based
curriculum for Food Production (Culinary Arts) Artisan.
The occupational standards are designed and organized with clear performance
criteria for each element of a unit of competency. They also outline the required
knowledge and skills as well as the evidence guide as provided by the expert workers.
I am grateful to the staff of TVET CDACC, Council Technical Committee Members,
Hospitality SSAC members and all those who participated in the development and
production of these occupational standards.


These food production occupational standards were developed through the combined
efforts of various stakeholders from both private and public organizations. I am most
sincerely thankful to the management of the organizations that allowed their staff to
participate in this important course. I wish to acknowledge the invaluable contribution
of industry players who provided valuable inputs towards the development of these
occupational standards.
My gratitude goes to the various individuals who participated in workshops to
develop these occupational standards. To each one of you I say thank you. I also
sincerely thank the various facilitators that moderated the workshops and ensured that
all deliberations and outputs were captured and compiled.
I cannot forget to thank TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and
Certification Council (TVET CDACC) who provided guidance on the development of
these occupational standards.
I wish to express my great gratitude to the Hospitality Sector Skills Advisory
Committee (SSAC) members for their immense contribution in the development of
these occupational standards.
I also wish to sincerely thank all the individuals and organizations who participated in
the validation of these occupational standards.
Last but not least, I am grateful to any other person, institution or organization who in
one way or another contributed to the success of this process but has not been
mentioned. I dearly acknowledge your contribution and support.


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS....................................................................8
KEY TO UNIT CODE.................................................................................................9
DEMONSTRATE COMMUNICATION SKILLS.................................................11
DEMONSTRATE NUMERACY SKILLS..............................................................15
DEMONSTRATE DIGITAL LITERACY..............................................................21
DEMONSTRATE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS..............................................25
DEMONSTRATE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS....................................................30
DEMONSTRATE ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY...........................................35
CORE COMEPETENCIES......................................................................................44
PREPARE STOCKS AND SOUPS..........................................................................44
PREPARE EGGS.......................................................................................................50
PREPARE FOOD ACCOMPANIMENTS..............................................................54
PREPARE CUTS OF MEATS.................................................................................61
COOK RED, WHITE MEATS AND OFFAL.........................................................67
PREPARE SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS..................................................74
PREPARE YEAST PRODUCTS..............................................................................79
PREPARE CAKES....................................................................................................86
PREPARE DESSERTS.............................................................................................93
PREPARE SANDWICHES.......................................................................................97
PREPARE BEVERAGES.......................................................................................101

BC : Basic Competency
CC : Common Competencies
CDACC ; Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council
CR : Core Competency
FP : Food Production
ICT : Information Communication Technology
MoE : Ministry of Education
HOS : Hospitality
PPE : Personal Protective Equipment
OS : Occupational Standards
OSH : Occupation Safety and Health
OSHA : Occupation Safety and Health Act
SSAC : Sector Skills Advisory Committee
TVET : Technical and Vocational Education and Training
WIBA : Work Injury and Benefits Act

HOS/OS/FP /BC/01/4/A

Industry or sector
Occupational Standards
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
Version control

Food production Level 4 consists of competencies that an individual must achieve to
carry out food production operations. It entails preparing stocks and soups, eggs, food
accompaniments, cuts of meats, cook meat, salads, yeast products, cakes, desserts
sandwiches and beverages.

The units of competency comprising this qualification include the following basic and
core units of learning as indicated below:


Unit Code Unit Title
HOS/OS/FP BC/01/4/A Communication skills
HOS/OS/FP/BC/02/4/A Numeracy skills
HOS/OS/FP/BC/03/4/A Digital literacy
HOS/OS/FP/BC/04/4/A Entrepreneurial skills
HOS/OS/FP/BC/05/4/A Employability skills
HOS/OS/FP/BC/06/4/A Environmental literacy
HOS/OS/FP/BC/07/4/A Occupational safety and health practices


Unit Code Unit Title
HOS/OS/FP/CR/01/4/A Prepare stocks and soups
HOS/OS/FP/CR/02/4/A Prepare eggs
HOS/OS/FP/CR/03/4/A Prepare food accompaniments
HOS/OS/FP/CR/04/4/A Prepare cuts of meats
HOS/OS/FP/CR/05/4/A Cook meats
HOS/OS/FP/CR/06/4/A Prepare salads
HOS/OS/FP/CR/07/4/A Prepare yeast products
HOS/OS/FP/CR/08/4/A Prepare cakes
HOS/OS/FP/CR/09/4/A Prepare desserts
HOS/OS/FP/CR/010/4/A Prepare sandwiches
HOS/OS/FP/CR/011/4/A Prepare beverages




This unit covers the competencies required demonstrate communication skills. It
involves obtaining and conveying workplace information, completing relevant work-
related documents, communicating information about workplace processes, leading
workplace discussion and communicating workplace issues.
These describe These are assessable statements which specify the required
the key outcomes level of performance for each of the elements.
which make up Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Obtain and 1.1 Specific and relevant information is accessed from
convey appropriate sources based on standard procedures
workplace 1.2 Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills
information are used to gather and convey information based on
communication needs
1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and
ideas in accordance with workplace guidelines
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal communication is used as per the
communication needs
1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and
colleagues are identified and followed based on workplace
1.6 Location and storage of information is undertaken
according to workplace procedures
1.1 Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
according to workplace requirements
2. Complete 2.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are
relevant work- completed according to workplace procedures
related 2.2 Workplace data is recorded based on workplace
documents requirements
2.3 Errors in recording information are identified and acted
upon in accordance with workplace policies
2.4 Reporting requirements are completed according to
organizational guidelines
3. Communicate 3.1 Information sources are identified according to workplace
These describe These are assessable statements which specify the required
the key outcomes level of performance for each of the elements.
which make up Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
information procedures
about 3.2 Methods of communication are selected based on
workplace workplace guidelines
processes 3.3 Multiple operations are communicated according to
workplace structure
3.4 Work-related questions are asked and responded based on
set protocols
3.5 Information is selected and organized according to
workplace requirements
3.1 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken as per
workplace requirements
3.2 Communication is maintained according to workplace
4. Lead 4.1 Response to workplace issues is sought and provided as per
workplace workplace protocol
discussions 4.2 Constructive contributions are made based on workplace
4.3 Workplace objectives and action plan are communicated
according to workplace requirements
5. Identify and 5.1 Issues and problems are identified as per workplace
communicate guidelines
issues arising 5.2 Problems and issues in the workplace are organized
in the according to workplace operations
workplace 5.3 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate personnel as per
workplace structure
5.4 Problems and issues raised are communicated as per the
workplace reporting procedures

This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Methods of  Non-verbal gestures
communication may  Verbal

Variable Range
may include but not  Face to face
limited to:  Two-way radio
 Speaking to groups
 Using telephone
 Written
 Internet
2. Workplace discussion  Coordination meetings
may may include but  Toolbox discussion
not limited to:  Peer-to-peer discussion


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Communication
 Active listening
 Interpretation
 Negotiation
 Writing

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Organization requirements for written and electronic communication methods
 Effective verbal communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning techniques (clarifying and probing)
 Workplace etiquette

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
1.2 Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
1.3 Sought workplace issues effectively
1.4 Responded to workplace issues promptly
1.5 Presented information clearly and effectively in written
1.6 Used appropriate sources of information
1.7 Asked appropriate questions
1.8 Provided accurate information
2. Resource 2. 1 Access to relevant workplace where assessment can
Implications take place
2. 2 Appropriately simulated environment where
assessment can take place
2. 3 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks

3. Methods of 3.1 Third-party reports

Assessment 3.2 Portfolio
3.3 Interview
3.4 Written tests
3.5 Observation
3.6 Oral questioning
4. Context of Competency may be assessed
Assessment 4.1 On the job
4.2 Off the job
4.3 During industrial attachment
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information sector, workplace and job role is recommended.

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate numeracy skills. It
involves identifying and using whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and
percentages for work, identifying, measuring and estimating familiar quantities for
work, reading and using familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work, identifying and
describing common 2D and some 3D shapes for work, constructing simple tables and
graphs for work using familiar data and identifying and interpreting information in
familiar tables, graphs and charts for work.
These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make required level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range.
1. Identify and use 1.1 Simple fractions, decimals and percentages identified
whole numbers and interpreted as per standard operating procedures.
and simple 1.2 Understanding of place value by organising numbers
fractions, from smallest to largest demonstrated as SOPs
decimals and 1.3 Required numerical information located and decision
percentages for made on appropriate method to solve a problem as
work per SOPs
1.4 Limited range of calculations performed using the
four operations using SOPs
1.5 Links between operations described as per SOPs
1.6 Estimations made to check reasonableness of results
of problem-solving process as SOPs
1.7 Numerical information recorded, and the result of the
task communicated using informal and some formal
language and symbolism as per workplace procedures
3. Identify, 2.1 Measurement information in workplace tasks and
measure and texts identified and interpreted as per workplace
estimate procedures.
familiar 2.2 Familiar units of measurement needed for tasks is
quantities for identified as per measurements manuals/charts
work 2.3 Familiar and simple amounts estimated as per
workplace procedures.
2.4 Appropriate measuring equipment selected as per
2.5 Simple measuring equipment graduated in familiar
units to measure relevant quantities is used as per

These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make required level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range.
graduation manuals.
2.6 Calculation done using familiar units of measurement
as per SOPs
2.7 Measurements and results checked against estimates
as per job specifications.
2.8 Results are recorded or reported as per workplace
2.9 Results relevant to the workplace task are
communicated using informal and some formal
mathematical and general language as per workplace

5. Read and use 3.1 Items and places are in familiar maps, plans and
familiar maps, diagrams as per SOPs
plans and 3.2 Common symbols and keys recognised in familiar
diagrams for maps, plans and diagrams as per SOPs
work 3.3 Understanding of direction and location demonstrated
by describing the location of objects, or route to
familiar places as per SOPs
3.4 Instructions to locate familiar objects or places are
given and followed as per SOPs
3.5 Informal and some formal oral mathematical
language and symbols are used as per SOPs

7. Identify and 4.1 Common 2D shapes and some common 3D shapes

describe in familiar situations are identified and named as per
common 2D job requirements
and some 3D 4.2 Common 2D shapes and designs are compared and
shapes for work classified as per SOPs
4.3 Informal and some formal language used to describe
common two-dimensional shapes and some common
three-dimensional shapes in accordance with
workplace procedures.
4.4 Simple items used to draw or construct common 2D
shapes as per workplace procedures.
4.5 Common 3D shapes matched to their 2D sketches or
nets as per SOPs

These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make required level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range.
9. Construct 5.1 Common types of graphs are identified and named as
simple tables per SOPs
and graphs for 5.2 Familiar data to be collected is determined in
work using accordance with job specifications.
familiar data 5.3 A method to collect data is selected in accordance
with workplace procedures.
5.4 A small amount of simple familiar data is collected as
per workplace procedures
5.5 One or two variables determined from the data
collected as per SOPs.
5.6 Data ordered and collated as per standard operating
5.7 A table is constructed and data entered as per SOPs
5.8 Graphs are constructed using data from table as per
job specifications
5.9 Results are promptly checked as per workplace
5.10 Graph information related to work is reported or
discussed using informal and some formal
mathematical and general language as per workplace

11. Identify and 6.1 Simple tables are identified in familiar texts and
interpret contexts in accordance with workplace procedures
information in 6.2 Title, headings, rows and columns located in familiar
familiar tables, tables as per SOPs
graphs and 6.3 Information and data in simple tables identified and
charts for work interpreted as per workplace procedures.
6.4 Information is related in accordance with workplace
6.5 Familiar graphs and charts are identified in familiar
texts and contexts as per SOPs
6.6 Title, labels, axes, scale and key from familiar graphs
and charts are located as per SOPs
6.7 Information and data in familiar graphs and charts are
identified and interpreted as per job requirements
6.8 Information is related to relevant workplace tasks as

These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the
outcomes which make required level of performance for each of the elements.
up workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range.
per job requirements.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Simple measuring  Rulers
equipment may may  Watches/clocks
include but not  Scales
limited to:  Thermometers
 AVO meter
2. Common 2D shapes  Round
and common 3D  Square
shapes may may  Rectangular
include but not  Triangle
limited to:  Sphere
 Cylinder
 Cube
 Polygons
 Cuboids


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Measuring
 Logical thinking
 Computing
 Drawing of graphs
 Applying mathematical formulas
 Analytical

Required knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Types of common shapes
 Differentiation between two dimensional shapes / objects
 Formulae for calculating area and volume
 Types and purpose of measuring instruments
 Units of measurement and abbreviations
 Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)
 Rounding techniques
 Types of fractions
 Different types of tables and graphs
 Meaning of graphs, such as increasing, decreasing, and constant value
 Preparation of basic data, tables & graphs

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competency 1.1 Simple fractions, decimals and percentages are
correctly identified and interpreted
1.2 Performed a limited range of calculations using the
4 operations
1.3 Performed calculations using familiar units of
1.4 Recognised common symbols and keys in familiar
maps, plans and diagrams
1.5 Constructed simple tables and graphs using
familiar data
1.6 Identified and interpret information in familiar
tables, graphs and charts
2. Resource 2.1 Access to relevant workplace where assessment can
Implications take place
2.2 Appropriately simulated environment where
assessment can take place
2.3 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written Test
3.2 Interview
3.3 Oral Questioning
4. Context of Competency may be assessed
Assessment 4.1 On the job
4.2 Off the job
4.3 During industrial attachment
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate digital literacy in a
working environment. It entails identifying computer software and hardware,
applying security measures to data, hardware, software , applying computer software
in solving task sand applying internet and email in communication at workplace.
These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Identify 1.1 Appropriate computer software is identified according
computer to manufacturer’s specification
software and 1.2 Appropriate computer hardware is identified according
hardware to manufacturer’s specification
2. Apply security 2.1 Data security and privacy are classified in accordance
measures to with the technological situation
data, hardware, 2.2 Security and control measures are applied in
software accordance with laws governing protection of ICT
2.3 Computer threats and crimes are detected as per
information security management guidelines.
2.4 Protection against computer crimes is undertaken in
accordance with laws governing protection of ICT
3. Apply 3.1 Basic word processing concepts are applied in resolving
computer workplace tasks
software in 3.2 Word processing utilities are applied in accordance with
solving tasks workplace procedures
3.3 Data is manipulated on worksheet in accordance with
office procedures
4. Apply internet 4.1 Electronic mail is applied in workplace communication
and email in in accordance with office procedures
communication 4.2 Office internet functions are defined and executed in
at workplace accordance with office procedures
4.3 Network configuration and uses are determined in
accordance with office operations procedures

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Range Variable
1. Appropriate  Operating system
computer software  MS office
may may include but  Web browser
not limited to:  Media players

2. Appropriate  Computer Case

computer hardware  Monitor
may may include but  Keyboard
not limited to:  Mouse
 Hard Disk Drive
 Motherboard
 Video Card
3. Data security and  Confidentiality
privacy may may  Cloud computing
include but not  Confidentiality
limited to:  Cyber terrorism
 Integrity -but-curious data serving
4. Security and control  Countermeasures and risk reduction
measures may may  Cyber threat issues
include but not  Risk management
limited to:


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills

The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:

 Analytical
 Interpretation
 Typing
 Communication
 Computing

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Input and output devices

 Central processing Unit (CPU)
 Peripherals
 Storage Media
 Software concept
 Types of concept
 Function of computer software
 Data security and privacy
 Security threats and control measures
 Computer crimes
 Detection and protection of computer crimes
 Laws governing protection of ICT
 Word processing;
 Functions and concepts of word processing.
 Documents and tables creation and manipulations
 Mail merging
 Word processing utilities
 Spread sheet;
 Meaning, formulae, function and charts, uses, layout,
data manipulation and application to cell
 Networking and Internet;
 Meaning, functions and uses of networking and internet.
 Electronic mail and world wide web
 Emerging trends and issues in ICT;
 Identify and apply emerging trends and issues in ICT
 Challenges posed by emerging trends and issues

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Aspects of 1.1 Identified input, output, CPU and storage media devices of
Competency computers in accordance to computer specification
1.2 Identified concepts, types and functions of computer
software according to operation manual
1.3 Identified and controlled security threats
1.4 Detected and protected computer crimes
1.5 Applied word processing in office tasks
1.6 Prepared work sheet and applied data to the cells in
accordance to workplace procedures
1.7 Used Electronic Mail for office communication as per
workplace procedure
1.8 Applied internet and World Wide Web for office tasks in
accordance with office procedures
1.9 Applied laws governing protection of ICT
2. Resource 2.1 Access to relevant workplace where assessment can take
Implications place
2.2 Appropriately simulated environment where assessment
can take place
2.3 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written tests
3.2 Practical assignment
3.3 Interview
3.4 Oral Questioning
3.5 Observation
4. Context of Competency may be assessed
Assessment 4.1 On the job
4.2 Off the job
4.3 During industrial attachment
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information sector, workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit covers the competencies required demonstrate entrepreneurial skills. It
involves creating and maintaining small scale business, establishing small scale
business customer base, managing small scale business and growing/ expanding small
scale business.


These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which
level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Create and 1. 1 Generation and evaluation of business ideas is
maintain undertaken in accordance with the existing
small scale procedure
business 1. 2 Competencies are matched with business
opportunities in accordance with business practices.
1. 3 Procedure for starting a small business is identified
as per the legal requirements
1. 4 SWOT/ PESTEL analysis and or industrial survey is
carried out according to office procedures
1. 5 Business operations are monitored and controlled
following established procedures.
1. 6 Quality assurance measures are implemented in
accordance with the business practices.
1. 7 Good relations are maintained with staff/workers as
per the workplace policies.
1. 8 Policies and procedures on occupational safety and
health and environmental concerns are constantly
observed as per the workplace policies
2. Establish 2. 1 Good customer relations are maintained in
small scale accordance with office procedures
business 2. 2 New customers and markets are identified, explored
customer and reached out to according to the marketing plan
base 2. 3 Promotions/Incentives are offered to loyal customers
in accordance with office procedures
2. 4 Additional products and services are evaluated and
tried in accordance with marketing strategy
2. 5 Customer record is maintained in accordance with
These describe the
These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which
level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
office procedures
3. Manage small 3.1 Enterprise is built up and sustained in line with
scale business judicious control of cash flows.
3.2 Profitability of enterprise is ensured as per the
internal controls.
3.3 Unnecessary or lower-priority expenses and
purchases are avoided as per the marketing strategy
3.4 Basic cost-benefit analysis are undertaken in
accordance with office procedures
3.5 Basic financial management are undertaken in
accordance with office procedures
3.6 Basic financial accounting in undertaken in
accordance with office procedures
3.7 Business internal controls are implemented in
accordance with office procedure
3.8 Setting business priorities and strategies is carried
out according to office procedures
3.9 Preparation and interpretation of basic financial
statements is undertaken in accordance with set
3.10 Preparation of business plans for small business is
undertaken in accordance with business strategy
3.11 Business Social Responsibility is maintained in
accordance with Standard Operations Procedures
4. Grow/ 4.1 Prepared business growth strategy for small sale
expand small business in accordance with office procedures
scale business 4.2 Incorporated technology in small scale business
growth in accordance with technological trends
4.3 Emerging issues and trends are considered in
accordance with business growth strategy
4.4 Built audience interest in product/service according
to growth strategy
4.5 Boosted cooperate communication according to
business communication strategy

This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect

Variable Range
1. Business  Purchasing
operations may  Accounting/administrative
may include but  Work production/operations/sales
not limited to:  Marketing
2. Internal control  Accounting systems
may may include  Financial statements/reports
but not limited  Cash management
to:  Human resource management

3. Business  Management of wastages

Strategy may  Environmental Conservation
may include but
not limited to:
4. Communication  Blue print of exchange of information
strategy may  Technology and exchange of information
may include but
not limited to:


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Marketing
 Advertising
 Basic bookkeeping
 Accounting
 Communication

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Generation and evaluation of business ideas
 Legal requirements for starting a small business
 SWOT/ PESTEL analysis
 Occupational Safety and Health
 Public relations concepts

 Business plan
 Business financing
 Marketing strategies
 Business management and control
 Production/ operation process
 Product promotion strategies
 Market and feasibility studies
 Business ethics
 Building customer relations
 Business models and strategies
 Types and categories of businesses
 Business internal controls
 Relevant national and local legislation and regulations
 Basic quality control and assurance concepts
 Building relations with customer and employees
 Building competitive advantage of the enterprise
 Business growth strategies

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

aspects of 1. 1 Demonstrated entrepreneurial skills
Competency 1. 2 Demonstrate competencies to create a small-
scale business
1. 3 Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and
plan a micro/small business
1. 4 Grew customer base for the small-scale
1. 5 Demonstrated ability to manage/operate a
micro/small-scale business
1. 6 Demonstrated competencies to grow a
micro/small-scale business
2. Resource The following resources should be
Implications 2.1 Assessment location provided:
2.2 Case studies on micro/small-scale enterprises
2.3 Assessment materials

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessmen 3.1 Written tests
t 3.2 Observation
3.3 Oral questioning
3.4 Portfolio
4. Context of Competency may be assessed
Assessmen 4.1 On the job
t 4.2 Off the job
4.3 During industrial attachment
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
informatio sector, workplace and job role is recommended.
n for



This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It
involves conducting self-management, demonstrating critical safe work habits,
demonstrating workplace learning and workplace ethics.


These describe the These are assessable statements which specify the required
key outcomes which level of performance for each of the elements.
make up workplace Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Conduct self- 1.1 Personal vision, mission and goals are formulated
management based on potential and in relation to organization
1.2 Emotional intelligence is demonstrated as per
workplace requirements.
1.3 Individual performance is evaluated and monitored
according to the agreed targets.
1.4 Assertiveness is developed and maintained based on
the requirements of the job.
1.5 Accountability and responsibility for own actions are
demonstrated based on workplace instructions.
1.6 Self-esteem and a positive self-image are developed
and maintained based on values.
1.7 Time management, attendance and punctuality are
observed as per the organization policy.
1.8 Goals are managed as per the organization’s
1.9 Self-strengths and weaknesses are identified based on
personal objectives
2. Demonstrate 2.1. Stress is managed in accordance with workplace
critical safe policy.
work habits 2.2. Punctuality and time consciousness is demonstrated
in line with workplace policy.
2.3. Personal objectives are integrated with organization
goals based on organization’s strategic plan.
2.4. Resources are utilized in accordance with workplace
2.5. Work priorities are set in accordance to workplace
goals and objectives.
2.6. Leisure time is recognized and utilized in line with
personal objectives.
2.7. Drugs and substances of abuse are identified and
avoided based on workplace policy.
2.8. HIV and AIDS prevention awareness is demonstrated
in line with workplace policy.
2.9. Safety consciousness is demonstrated in the
workplace based on organization safety policy.
2.10. Emerging issues are identified and dealt with in
accordance with organization policy.
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Learning opportunities are sought and managed
workplace based on job requirement and organization policy.
learning 3.2 Improvement in performance is demonstrated based
on courses attended.
3.3 Application of learning is demonstrated in both
technical and non-technical aspects based on
requirements of the job
3.4 Time and effort is invested in learning new skills
based on job requirements
3.5 Initiative is taken to create more effective and
efficient processes and procedures in line with
workplace policy.
3.6 New systems are developed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of the job.
3.7 Awareness of personal role in workplace innovation
is demonstrated based on requirements of the job.
4. Demonstrate 4.1 Policies and guidelines are observed as per the
workplace ethics workplace requirements
4.2 Self-worth and professionalism is exercised in line
with personal goals and organizational policies
4.3 Code of conduct is observed as per the workplace
4.4 Integrity is demonstrated as per legal requirement

This section provides work environment and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environment and situations that will affect
Range Variable
1. Personal objectives  Long term
may may include but  Short term
not limited to:  Broad
 Specific
2. Feedback may may  Verbal
include but not  Written
limited to:  Informal
 Formal
3. Team may may  Small work group
include but not  Staff in a section/department
limited to:  Inter-agency group
4. Drug and substance  Alcohol
abuse may may  Tobacco
include but not  Miraa
limited to:  Over-the-counter drugs
 Cocaine
 Bhang
 Glue
5. Emerging issues may  Terrorism
may include but not  Social media
limited to:  National cohesion
 Open offices
6. Range of media for  Mentoring
learning may may  peer support and networking
include but not  IT and courses
limited to:
7. Innovation may may  New ideas
include but not  Original ideas
limited to:  Different ideas
 Methods/procedures
 Processes
 New tools

This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Communication
 Interpersonal
 Critical thinking
 Observation
 Organizing
 Record keeping
 Problem solving
 Decision Making
 Resource utilization

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Work values and ethics
 Company policies
 Company operations, procedures and standards
 Occupational Health and safety procedures
 Fundamental rights at work
 Personal hygiene practices
 Workplace communication
 Concept of time
 Time management
 Decision making
 Types of resources
 Work planning
 Record keeping
 Workplace problems and how to deal with them
 Assertiveness
 Team work
 HIV and AIDS
 Drug and substance abuse
 Safe work habits
 Professional growth and development
 Technology in the workplace
 Emerging issues

o Social media
o Terrorism
o National cohesion

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. 2. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Conducted self-management
1.2 Demonstrated critical safe work habits
1.3 Demonstrated workplace learning
1.4 Demonstrated workplace ethics
3. 4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Access to relevant workplace where assessment can take place
2.2. Appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take
5. 6. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral questioning
3.2 Portfolio of evidence
3.3 Third Party Reports
3.4 Written tests
7. 8. Context of Competency may be assessed:
Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment
9. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
information for workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit specifies the competencies required to demonstrate environmental literacy.
It involves controlling environmental hazard, controlling environmental pollution,
demonstrating sustainable resource use and evaluating current practices in relation to
resource usage.


These are assessable statements which specify the
These describe the key
required level of performance for each of the
outcomes which make up
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Control environmental 1.1 Storage methods for environmentally hazardous
hazard materials are followed according to environmental
regulations and OSHS.
1.2 Disposal methods of hazardous wastes are
followed according to environmental regulations
and OSHS.
1.3 PPE is used according to OSHS.
2. Control environmental 2.1 Environmental pollution control measures are
pollution compiled following standard protocol.
2.2 Procedures for solid waste management are
observed according Environmental Management
and Coordination Act 1999
2.3 Methods for minimizing noise pollution complied
following environmental regulations.
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Methods for minimizing wastage are complied
sustainable use of with.
resource s 3.2 Waste management procedures are employed
following principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
3.3 Methods for economizing or reducing resource
consumption are practiced.
4. Evaluate current 4.1 Information on resource efficiency systems and
practices in relation to procedures are collected and provided as per work
resource usage groups/sector
4.2 Current resource usage is measured and recorded
as per work group/sector
4.3 Current purchasing strategies are analyzed and
These are assessable statements which specify the
These describe the key
required level of performance for each of the
outcomes which make up
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
recorded according to industry procedures.
4.4 Current work processes to access information and
data is analyzed following enterprise protocol.
5. Identify environmental 5.1 Environmental legislations/conventions and
legislations/convention local ordinances are identified according to the
s for environmental different environmental aspects/impact
concerns 5.2 Industrial standard/environmental practices are
described according to the different
environmental concerns

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. PPE may include but are  Masks
not limited to:  Gloves
 Goggles
 Safety hat
 Overall
 Hearing protector
 Safety boots
2. Environmental pollution  Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
control measures may ingestion of airborne particles
include but are not limited  Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
to: inhaling gases and fumes
 Methods for minimizing or stopping spread and
ingestion of liquid wastes
3. Waste management  Sorting
procedures may include  Storing of items
but are not limited to:  Recycling of items
 Disposal of items
 Handling
 Transport

Variable Range
4. Current resources usage  Electric
may include but are not  Water
limited to:  Fuel
 Telecommunications
 Supplies
 Materials


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Measuring
 Recording
 Analytical
 Monitoring
 Writing
 Communication

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 Storage methods of environmentally hazardous materials
 Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
 Usage of PPE Environmental regulations
 Types of pollution
 Environmental pollution control measures
 Different solid wastes
 Solid waste management
 Different noise pollution
 Methods of minimizing noise pollution
 Solid Waste Act
 Methods of minimizing wastage
 Waste management procedures
 Economizing of resource consumption
 Principle of 3Rs
 Types of resources
 Techniques in measuring current usage of resources
 Calculating current usage of resources
 Types of workplace environmental hazards
 Environmental regulations
 Environmental regulations applying to the enterprise.
 Procedures for assessing compliance with environmental regulations.
 Collection of information on environmental and resource efficiency systems
and procedures,
 Measurement and recording of current resource usage
 Analysis and recording of current purchasing strategies.
 Analysis current work processes to access information and data Analysis of
data and information

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. Critical Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Aspects of 1.1 Controlled environmental hazards
Competenc 1.2 Controlled environmental pollution
y 1.3 Demonstrated sustainable resource use
1.4 Evaluated current practices in relation to resource
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implication 2.1 Workplace with storage facilities
s 2.2 Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the tasks
(e.g. cleaning tools, cleaning materials, trash bags, etc.)
2.3 PPEs
2.4 Manuals and references
2.5 Legislation, policies, procedures, protocols and local
ordinances relating to environmental protection
2.6 Case studies/scenarios relating to environmental
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Observation
3.2 Oral questioning
3.3 Written tests
3.4 Third party reports
3.5 Portfolio
4 Context of Competency may be assessed:
Assessment 4.1 On the job
4.2 Off the job

4.3 During industrial attachment
5 Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit specifies the competencies required to practice safety and health and comply
with OSH requirements relevant to work. It involves observing workplace procedures
for hazards and risk prevention and participating in arrangements for workplace safety
and health maintenance.
These are assessable statements which specify the
These describe the key
required level of performance for each of the
outcomes which make up
workplace function.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Adhere to workplace 1.1 Arrangement of work area and items in
procedures for hazards accordance with workplace procedures
and risk prevention requirements
1.2 Work standards and procedures are followed based
on instructions
1.3 Prevention and control measures are applied
based on instructions
2. Participate in 2.1 Orientations on OSH requirements and
arrangements for regulations is undertaken in line with policy.
workplace safety and 2.2 Feedback on occupational health and safety are
health maintenance provided as per workplace instructions.
2.3 Workplace procedures for reporting hazards,
incidents, injuries and sickness are adhered to as
per workplace policy.
2.4 OSH-related training needs are identified and
proposed as per workplace policy.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Variable Range
1. Prevention and control  Eliminate the hazard
measures may include but  Isolate the hazard
are not limited to:  Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative
 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk
 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk
 Use personal protective equipment
 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of
2. Safety gears /PPE  Arm/Hand guard, gloves
(Personal Protective  Eye protection (goggles, shield)
Equipment’s) may include  Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
but are not limited to:  Hair Net/cap/bonnet
 Hard hat
 Face protection (mask, shield)
 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
 Anti-static suits
 High-visibility reflective vest
3. Incidents and  Chemical spills
emergencies may  Equipment/vehicle accidents
include but are not  Explosion
limited to:  Fire
 Gas leak
 Injury to personnel
 Structural collapse
 Toxic and/or flammable vapors emission.
4. OSH requirements /  Building code
regulations may  Permit to Operate
include but are not
limited to:

Variable Range
5. OSH-related trainings  Safety Orientations relevant to tasks
may include but are  Safe and Correct Operation of Tools and Equipment
not limited to:  Health Orientations/trainings
 Prevention and Control of OSH Hazards in the
 Chemical Handling
 Safety Trainings
 Prevention and Control of Work-related Injuries and
 Basic First-aid Trainings
 Emergency Response Trainings
 Trainings on use of fire-extinguisher


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.
Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Communication
 Knowledge management
 Collaborating
 Interpersonal
 Troubleshooting
 Critical thinking
 Observation

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge of:
 General OSH principles and legislations
 Principles of good housekeeping (5S)
 Company/workplace policies/ guidelines
 Standards and safety requirements of work process and procedures
 Standard Workplace emergency plan and procedures
 Safety and health requirements of tasks
 Workplace guidelines on providing feedback on OSH and security concerns
 OSH regulations
 Hazard control procedures
 OSH trainings relevant to work

1. This provides Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
advice on 1.1. Arranged work area and items in accordance
assessment and with
must be read in 1.2. workplace procedures requirements
conjunction 1.3. Followed work standards and procedures based
with the on instructions
performance 1.4. Applied Prevention and control measures
criteria, based on instructions
required skills 1.5. Undertook orientations on OSH requirements
and knowledge and regulations in line with policy.
and range. 1.6. Provided feedback on occupational health and
Critical safety as per workplace instructions.
Aspects of 1.7. Adhered to workplace procedures for reporting
Competency hazards, incidents, injuries and sickness to as per
workplace policy.
1.8. Identified and proposed OSH-related training
needs as per workplace policy.
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Access to relevant workplace where assessment can
take place
2.2 Appropriately simulated environment where
assessment can take place
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Oral questioning
3.2 Portfolio of evidence
3.3 Third Party Reports
3.4 Written tests
4. Context of Competency may be assessed:
Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry

information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present stocks,
soups and sauces. It involves the ability to prepare prepare brown, white, chicken and
ish stocks. The ablity to prepare cream,, clear, broth soups.



These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required
which make up workplace function. level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare brown stock 1.1 Ingredients are prepared as per the recipe
1.2 Hygienic standards and procedures are
observed while cleaning.
1.3 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
1.4 Prepare ingredients for stocks e.g. chop, cut
1.5 Brown bones, vegetables as per the
1.6 Stock is boiled and simmered in a stock pot as
per the SOPs
1.7 stock is strained and used as per the recipe
2. Prepare white stock 2.1 Ingredients are prepared as per the recipe
2.2 Hygienic standards and procedures are
observed while cleaning.
2.3 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
2.4 Prepare ingredients for stocks e.g. chop, cut
2.5 Stock is simmered in a stock pot as per the
2.6 stock is skimmed and strained and used as per
the recipe

3. Prepare fish stocks 3.1 Ingredients are prepared as per the recipe fish

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required
which make up workplace function. level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
stock specifications
3.2 Ingredients selected as per the hygienic
3.3 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
3.4 Fish stock ingredients are blanched as per the
3.5 Fish stock is boiled and simmered as per the
3.6 Fish stock is skimmed and strained as per the
3.7 Fish stock is cooled as per the recipe
3.8 Stock is stored/used as per the recipe

4. Prepare cream soups 4.1 Ingredients selected as per the recipe

4.2 Ingredients prepared as per the recipe
4.3 Hygiene standards and procedures observed as
4.4 Vegetables prepared (where necessary) as per
the recipe
4.5 Stock added as per the recipe
4.6 Soup simmered till cooked
4.7 Thickening agent (where necessary) added as
per the recipe
4.8 Seasoning and taste checked as per recipe
4.9 Cream/milk/béchamel added as per the recipe
4.10 Garnish, Present and dispense soup as per
recipe and style of service
4.11 Prepare appropriate soup accompaniments as
per the type of soup

5. Prepare clear soups 5.1 Ingredients selected as per the recipe

5.2 Ice cold Ingredients prepared as per the recipe
5.3 Hygiene standards and procedures observed as
5.4 Vegetables (where necessary) prepared as per

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required
which make up workplace function. level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
the recipe
5.5 Egg white is mixed with the ingredients as per
the recipe
5.6 Clarify with the egg shells as per the
5.7 Stock added as per the recipe.
5.8 Soup is boiled and simmered till cooked.
5.9 Seasoning and taste checked as per recipe
5.10 Garnish, present and dispense soup as per
recipe and style of service

6. Prepare broth 6.1 Ingredients selected as per the recipe

6.2 Ingredients prepared as per the recipe
6.3 Hygiene standards and procedures observed as
6.4 Vegetables/meat prepared as per the recipe
6.5 Broth is boiled and simmered till cooked
6.6 Broth is seasoned and skimmed as per recipe
6.7 Broth is served with the cuts of meat/vegetable
used topreapre the broth

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Ingredients may include but not  Bones

limited to:  Vegetables

2. Ice cold Ingredients may include  Minced beef

but not limited to:  Vegetables
 Herbs
 Egg white
 Stock

Variable Range

3. Garnish may include but not  Parsley

limited to:  Tomatoes
 Carrots
 Eggs
 Pancake
 Cheries
4. Vegetables Prepared may  Peeling
include but not limited to:  Cutting
 Trimming
 De-stocking
 Chopping
 Turning
 Shredding
 Slicing
5. Thickening agents may include  Corn flour
but not limited to:  Arrowroots
 Egg
 Coullis
6. Seasoning may include but not  Herbs
limited to:  Spices
 Salt
 Pepper
7. Cooking method may include  Boiling
but not limited to:  Frying
 Sauté


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Consistency
 Knife skills
 Vegetable cuts
 Cooking methods (e.g. boiling, simmering)
 Use of working tools and equipment
 Creativity/Innovation

 Garnishing
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations
 First aid
 Time Management
 Sweating

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Product knowledge
 Stocks and soups ingredients
 Food safety and hygiene
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Proper storage
 Purchase specification
 Processed foods
 Herbs and spices
 Sugar and salt
 Fats and oils
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Value addition
 Emerging food tends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified types of stocks and soups
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing stocks and soups

1.3 Identified equipment used in preparing stocks and soups
1.4 Prepared various stocks and soups using the appropriate
1.5 Observed gastronomic aspects when preparing stocks and
1.6 Observed hygiene when preparing the stocks and soups
1.7 Managed waste effectively
1.8 Communicated effectively.
1.9 Garnished stocks and soups
1.10 Used the stocks
1.11 Presented the stocks and soups with accompaniments.

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1 Fully equipped kitchen
2.2 A working environment meeting OSHA standard
2.3 A variety of ingredients

3. Method of Assessment Competency may be assessed through:

3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written or oral questions
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

6. Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed:

4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
for assessment workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present eggs and
egg dishes. It requires the ability to prepare boiled, poached, fried, scotch, omelette
and scrambled eggs



These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare boiled eggs 1.1 Nutritional value of eggs is identified.
1.2 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
1.3 Egg sizes are determined by weighing as per
the recipe
1.4 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
1.5 Eggs are boiled at the desired degree of
cooking as per the recipe
2. Prepare poached eggs 2.1 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
2.2 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
2.3 Eggs are poached as per the recipe.

3. Prepare fried eggs 3.1 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
3.2 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
3.3 Eggs are fried at the desired degree of
doneness as per the recipe

4. Prepare omelettes 4.1 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
4.2 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
4.3 Omelettes are prepared as per the recipe

5. Prepare scotch eggs 5.1 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
5.2 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
5.3 Scotch eggs are prepared as per the recipe
6. Prepare scrambled eggs 6.1 Types of eggs are selected as per the recipe
These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
6.2 Freshness is tested as per SOPs
6.3 Eggs are prepared as per the recipe

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Types of eggs includes but not  Chicken

limited to:  Ducks
 Goose
 Quill
 Ostrich
 Local/Layers


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Consistency
 Cracking and separating eggs
 Vegetable cuts
 Use of tools and equipment
 Frying pan preparation (with salt)
 Creativity/Innovation
 Garnishing
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Product knowledge
 Food safety and hygiene e.g. contamination
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Food storage
 Purchase specification
 Seasonings (Herbs, spices, sugar and salt)
 Condiments
 Fats and oils
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Value addition
 Emerging food tends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified the tools and equipment for preparing
various types of eggs
1.2 Identified the ingredients for preparing various types
of eggs
1.3 Observed hygienic standards and procedures as per
HACCP when preparing eggs and egg dishes.
1.4 Demonstrated creativity and innovations in cutting
vegetables for preparing omelettes
1.5 Produced various types of eggs
1.6 Garnished the eggs creatively
1.7 Served the eggs appropriately
1.8 Managed waste effectively
1.9 Communicated effectively.
1.10 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.11 Managed time effectively

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards
2.3 A variety of ingredients

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written or oral questions
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

7. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the

information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present food
accompaniments. It involves organizing entremetier section, identifying, cleaning,
preparing, cooking, presenting and dispensing food accompaniments.



These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify
which make up workplace the required level of performance for each of the
function. elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
1. Organise entremétier section 1.1. Kitchen is aerated as per SOPs.
1.2. Lights are turned on and stoves are checked
for defects.
1.3. Tools and equipment are assembled.
1.4. Temperatures of the cold rooms/fridges are
1.5. Cleaning and sanitization is performed.
1.6. Stock levels of perishables and dry
ingredients are checked.
1.7. Additional ingredients are requisitioned.
1.8. The menu of the day is interpreted.
2. Identify ingredients for food 2.1. Recipes are interpreted according to
accompaniments organizations SOP’s
2.2. Ingredients are collected as per the recipes
2.3. Organization standards and FIFO
procedures are adhered to.
2.4. Ingredients are weighed/measured as per
3. Clean ingredients for food 3.1 Hygienic standards and procedures are
accompaniments observed while cleaning.
3.2 Quality of ingredients is checked during
3.3 Cereals and legumes are selected before
These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify
which make up workplace the required level of performance for each of the
function. elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
3.4 Ingredients are placed in specified containers
after washing.
4. Prepare ingredients for food 4.1 Vegetable ingredients are prepared as per
accompaniments specifications
4.2 Starch ingredients are prepared as per

5. Cook food accompaniments 5.1 Cooking methods applied as per the recipe
5.2 Recommended equipment for cooking each
food item used.
5.3 Temperatures are observed as per the recipe.
5.4 Timings are adhered to as per the recipe.
5.5 Recipe is adhered to.
5.6 Food accompaniments are either presented
or preserved.

6. Prepare salad e.g. green 6.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable
salads Kachumbari to prepare the simple salads.
6.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per
the recipe.
6.3 Ingredients are weighed and measured
according to recipe.
6.4 Hygiene procedures are observed as per
6.5 Special vegetable cuts used to prepare
salads according to recipe.
6.6 Portion and prepare salad ingredients as per
6.7 Prepare dressings and store at
recommended temperature until required.
6.8 Make adjustments as per recipe.

7. Present food 7.1 Equipment for presentation selected as per

accompaniments SOPs.
7.2 Aesthetics and hygiene standards are

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify
which make up workplace the required level of performance for each of the
function. elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
7.3 Food accompaniment temperatures are
observed and maintained as per the recipe
7.4 Portion sizes are maintained as per the

8. Dispense food 8.1 Hygiene standards are observed as per SOP.

accompaniments 8.2 Temperatures are maintained as recipe.
8.3 Timings are adhered to as per the recipe.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Accompaniments may  Starches

include but not limited  Vegetables
to:  Salads

2. Vegetables may include  Leaf

but not limited to:  Tuber
 Root vegetables
 Bulbs
 Flower
 Fruit vegetables
 Fungi
 Stems
 Seeds

3. Vegetables prepared  Peeling

may include but not  Cutting
limited to:  Trimming

Variable Range

 De-stocking
 Chopping
 Turning
 Shredding
 Slicing
 Mashing
 Grating
 Piping

4. Starch may include but  Rice

not limited to:  Potatoes
 Pasta
 Wheat
 Maize
 Sorghum
 Millet

5. Cooking method may  Boiling

include but not limited  Grilling
to:  Roasting
 Braising
 Deep frying
 Pan frying
 Poaching
 Baking
7.1 Shallow frying (Sauté, Stir Fry, Sweating)

6. Menu may include but  A La Carte

not limited to:  Table D’ Hote
 Buffet
 Cocktail

7. Salad ingredients may  Lettuce

include but not limited  Cucumber
to:  Onions
 Tomatoes
 Carrots
 Cabbage

Variable Range

 Assorted sweet capsicums

 Parsley
 Onions
 Cappers
 Gherkin
 Sweet peppers
 Green chilli

8. Salad dressing  Oils eg Sunflower, olive, coconut

ingredients may include oil,siseme
but not limited to:  Black peper
 Vinegar
 Salad dresings eg Mayonnaise, vinaigrette
 Tomato ketchup


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and placement
 Knife skills
 Cooking methods e.g. blanching, steaming, grilling, baking, simmering
 Food presentation techniques
 Vegetable cuts e.g. batons, paysanne, mirepoix, macedoine chiffonade, julienne
 Cleaning methods e.g. scrubbing, wiping, dusting
 Use tools and equipment
 Methods of preparation e.g. kneading, whisking, shaping, rolling
 Garnishing
 Personal grooming
 Creativity/innovations
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Methods of cooking
 Product knowledge
 Food safety and hygiene e.g. contamination
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Food storage
 Purchase specification
 Processed foods
 Seasonings (Herbs, spices, sugar and salt)
 Condiments
 Fats and oils
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Value addition
 Emerging food trends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified and assembled all tools and equipment for
preparing food accompaniments
1.2 Assembled all the ingredients for preparing food
1.3 Combined texture, colour and taste when preparing
food accompaniments.
1.4 Demonstrated ability to use expertise in using various
cooking methods in preparing food accompaniments.
1.5 Portioned food and maintained ratios.
1.6 Demonstrated complete understanding of the different
nutritional values of various food items.
1.7 Demonstrated ability to present food.
1.8 Managed waste effectively.
1.9 Communicated effectively.
1.10 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.11 Managed time effectively.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards
2.3 A variety of ingredients

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written or oral questions
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

8. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the

information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to prepare various cuts of meats. It
requires the ability to clean and sanitize the working area, assemble the working tools
and equipment, prepare butchers meats, fish, sea foods poultry, cold cuts and offal


These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required
which make up workplace function. level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Clean and sanitize the 1.1 Cleaning equipment/materials are identified
working area the as per the HACCP and SOPs.
1.2 Working area surfaces are cleaned and

2. Assemble the working 2.1 Working equipment are identified the as per
equipment the recipe.
2.2 Working equipment are assembled as per the

3. Prepare cuts of meats 3.1 Identify meats based on menu and recipe.
(beef, goat, pork and 3.2 FIFO procedures are followed.
lamb) 3.3 The ingredients of the day are requesited and
3.4 Thawing (where applicable) is done adhering
to HACCP and SOPs.
3.5 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
3.6 The quality of the meat is checked using
quality standards.
3.7 Meats are prepared as per the menu
specifications (observe HACCP guidelines).
3.8 Meats are stored under recommended

4. Prepare fish 4.1 FIFO procedures are followed.

4.2 Fish are prepared using specified knives and
colour coded chopping boards

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required
which make up workplace function. level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
4.3 Thawing (where applicable) is done adhering
to HACCP and SOPs.
4.4 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
4.5 Scaling/shelling of fish (where applicable) is
done as per the quality and safety standards.
4.6 The fish is deboned (filleting) as per the recipe.
4.7 Fish is portioned and stored at the
recommended temperatures.
4.8 Fish is segregated from other foods to avoid
cross contamination.

5. Prepare poultry 5.1 FIFO procedures are followed as per the SOPs.
5.2 Poultry is prepared using specified knives and
colour coded chopping boards.
5.3 Thawing (where applicable) is done adhering
to HACCP and SOPs.
5.4 Freshness and quality is checked as per the
5.5 Poultry is prepared as per the recipe.

6. Prepare Offal’s 6.1 Types of offal’s to be prepared is identified as

per the recipe
6.2 Skinning (e.g. liver) and trimming (e.g.
kidney) as per recipe
6.3 Offal cleaned following HACCP procedures
6.4 Offal is cut as per the recipe
6.5 Offal is marinated as per the recipe
6.6 Offal is seasoned as per the recipe
6.7 Offal is storage as per SOPs
6.8 Offal is presented as observing hygiene

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Working equipment may  Knives

include but not limited to:  Chopping boards
 Meat bats
 Cleavers
 Thermometers
 Files (Sharpener)
 Clip boards
 Bone saw
 Sanitizing buckets
 Cleaning brushes
 Mincer
 Skewers
 Gloves
 Slicers

2. Quality standards may include  Colour

but not limited to:  Smell
 Texture
 Freshnes

3. Specifications may include but  Drum sticks

not limited to:  Chicken breasts
 Chicken wing
 Whole roast chicken
 Steak
 Minced
 Ribs
 Offal’s

This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and placement
 Knife skills
 Vegetable cuts e.g. batons, paysanne, mirepoix, macedoine chiffonade, julienne
 Cleaning methods e.g. scrubbing, wiping, dusting
 Use tools and equipment
 Methods of preparing meats cuts
 Tenderizing
 Garnishing
 Marinating
 Deboning
 Personal grooming
 Creativity/innovations
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Product knowledge
 Food safety and hygiene e.g. contamination
 Marinating
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Food storage
 Purchase specification
 Processed foods
 Seasonings (Herbs, spices, sugar and salt)
 Condiments
 Fats and oils
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating

 Value addition
 Emerging food tends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing cuts of
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing cuts of meats.
1.3 Sanitised the working area and surfaces as they
1.4 Checked the quality of the meats by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness.
1.5 Prevented cross contamination by use of colour coded
chopping boards, proper storage and sanitisation of
preparation surfaces
1.6 Cut all types of meats as per the specifications
1.7 Stored the meat cuts appropriately
1.8 Portioned meats as per the specifications
1.9 Managed waste effectively
1.10 Communicated effectively.
1.11 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.12 Managed time effectively.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards
2.3 A variety of ingredients

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written or oral questions
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

4. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present various
meats and sauces. It requires the ability to assemble all the ingredients, cook the
meats, fish, sea foods, poultry and sauces.


These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Assemble all the 1.1 The hands are cleaned and sanitized as per
ingredients and the SOPs.
equipment 1.2 The working area and surfaces cleaned and
sanitized as per the HACCP and SOPs.
1.3 Equipment needed are identified and
ensured functional as per the SOPs.
1.4 Identify the ingredients, weigh and measure
as per the recipe.
1.5 Assemble the equipment and ingredients as
per SOPs

2. Cook meats (beef, goat, 2.1 Hygiene procedures are observed as per
pork and lamb) HACCP
2.2 Identify the cooking methods as per the
2.3 Determine the quantities of meats to be
cooked as per the recipe.
2.4 Establish the cooking category ((degree of
doness -where applicable).
2.5 Season the meat as per the recipe and
customer specifications.
2.6 Carve meats (where necessary) using tools
and techniques as per SOPs.
2.7 Where meats are required for cold cuts, cool
and store as per recipe.
2.8 Add sauces and garnishes (where applicable)

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
according to recipe.
2.9 Present/dispense meats as per recipe and
style of service.
2.10 Maintain the holding temperatures as per
the SOPs and HACCP.

3. Cook poultry 3.1 Hygiene procedures are observed as per

3.2 Identify the cooking methods as per the
3.3 Determine the quantities of poultry to be
cooked as per the recipe.
3.4 Establish the cooking category ((degree of
doness) (where applicable).
3.5 Season the poultry as per the recipe and
customer specifications.
3.6 Carve poultry (where necessary) using tools
and techniques as per SOPs.
3.7 Where poultry are required for cold cuts,
cool and store as per recipe.
3.8 Add sauces and garnishes (where applicable)
according to recipe.
3.9 Present/dispense poultry as per recipe and
style of service.
3.10 Maintain the holding temperatures as per
the SOPs and HACCP.

4. Cook fish 4.1 Hygiene procedures are observed as per HACCP

4.2 Identify the cooking methods as per the
4.3 Determine the quantities of fish to be
cooked as per the recipe.
4.4 Establish the cooking category ((degree of
doness) (where applicable).
4.5 Season the fish as per the recipe and
customer specifications.
4.6 Carve fish (where necessary) using tools and
techniques as per SOPs.
4.7 Where fish are required for cold cuts, cool

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
and store as per recipe.
4.8 Add sauces and garnishes (where applicable)
according to recipe.
4.9 Present/dispense fish as per recipe and style
of service.
4.10 Maintain the holding temperatures as per
the SOPs and HACCP.

5. Cook offal’s 5.1 Hygiene procedures are observed as per

5.2 Cooking methods identified as per the
5.3 Qauantities of offal to be cooked are
determined as per the recipe.
5.4 Offal is seasoned as per the recipe and
customer specifications.
5.5 Offal is garnished as per the recipe.
5.6 Offal is dresented/dispensed offal as per
recipe and style of service.
5.7 Maintain the holding temperatures as per the

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Cooking method may  Boiling

include but not limited to:  Grilling
 Roasting
 Braising
 Deep frying
 Poaching
 Smoking
 Pan Frying
 Baking
 Steaming

2. Cooking category (degree)  Rare

may include but not  Medium
limited to:  Medium to well
 Well done

3. Type of sauce may include  White sauces

but not limited to:  Brown sauces
 Clear sauces
 Tomato sauce (concasse)

4. Thickening agents may  Roux

include but not limited to:  Potatoes
 Rice
 Pasta
 Arrowroots
 Corn flour


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and placement
 Knife skills
 Food presentation techniques
 Vegetable cuts e.g. batons, paysanne, mirepoix, macedoine chiffonade, julienne
 Cleaning methods e.g. scrubbing, wiping, dusting
 Use of tools and equipment
 Methods of cooking meats
 Garnishing
 Tenderizing meats
 Carving and portioning
 Seasoning
 Personal grooming
 Creativity/innovations
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Product knowledge
 Food safety and hygiene e.g. contamination
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Food storage
 Marinating
 Tenderizing
 Purchase specification
 Processed foods
 Seasonings (Herbs, spices, sugar and salt)
 Condiments
 Fats and oils
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Value addition
 Emerging food tends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Identified tools and equipment for cooking meats.
1.2 Identified ingredients for cooking meats.
1.3 Sanitised the working area and surfaces as he/she
1.4 Checked the quality of the meats by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness.
1.5 Prevented cross contamination by use of colour coded
chopping boards, proper storage and sanitisation of
preparation surfaces.
1.6 Tenderized the meat as required before cooking.
1.7 Marinated the meats before cooking.
1.8 Cooked the meats using various methods.
1.9 Seasoned the meat as per the recipe.
1.10 Garnished the meat dishes and presented
1.11 Portioned meats as per the specifications.
1.12 Managed waste effectively.
1.13 Communicated effectively.
1.14 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.15 Managed time effectively.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards
2.3 A variety of ingredients

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written or oral questions
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

5. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present salads. It
requires the ability to do mis-en –place, wash and sanitize, spin (remove excess
water), arrange and prepare salad dressings.


These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
1. Mis-en -place (pre-prepare) 1.1 Equipment are assembled according to
ingredients for salad the recipe
1.2 FIFO procedures are followed.
1.3 Salad ingredients are assembled per the
1.4 Working area organized and cleaned as
per HACCP and SOPs.

2. Wash and sanitize the 2.1 Freshness and quality is checked as per
vegetables the SOPs.
2.2 Ingredient are washed, rinsed and
sanitized (where necessary) as per the
three container system.
2.3 Exces water removed e.g by spinning,
patting dry or placing in a strainer.

3. Prepare simple salads 3.1 Uses of simple salads are identified as

per the recipe.
3.2 Ingredients for preparing simple salads
are identified and selected as per the
3.3 Equipment and tools for preparing simple
salads are assembled as per the recipe.
3.4 Simple salads are prepared following the
These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the
3.5 Simple salads are held at the required
3.6 Recognizing health eating options and
variations are considered as per customer

4. Prepare cooked salads 4.1 Uses of cooked are identified as per the
4.2 Ingredients for cooked are identified and
selected as per the recipe.
4.3 Equipment and tools for preparing
cooked are assembled as per the recipe.
4.4 Cooked are prepared following the
4.5 cooked salads are held at the required
4.6 Recognizing health eating options and
variations are considered as per customer

5. Prepare salad dressings 2.1 FIFO procedures are followed.

2.2 Salad dressing ingredients are identified
and selected as per the recipe.
2.3 Dressings are prepared as per the recipe.
2.4 Present/dispense salads as per recipe and
style of service.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Salad ingredients may include  Lettuce

but not limited to:  Cucumber
 Onions
 Tomatoes
 Carrots
 Cabbage
 Assorted sweet capsicums
 Parsley
 Onions
 Cappers
 Green chilli

2. Salad dressing ingredients may  Oil e.g olive, coconut, sunflower, sesame
include but not limited to:  Black peper
 Vinegar
 Mayonnaise
 Tomato ketchup
 Lemmon Juice


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and placement
 Knife skills
 Vegetable cuts
 Garnishing
 Food presentation techniques
 Vegetable cuts e.g. batons, paysanne, mirepoix, macedoine chiffonade, julienne
 Cleaning methods e.g. scrubbing, wiping, dusting
 Use of tools and equipment
 Methods of preparing salads
 Portioning
 Seasoning
 Personal grooming
 Creativity/innovations
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 HACCP- Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points
 SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
 OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
 Product knowledge
 Food safety and hygiene e.g. contamination
 Quality control
 Waste management
 Food storage
 Purchase specification
 Processed foods
 Seasonings (Herbs, spices, sugar and salt)
 Condiments
 Fats and oils
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Special needs
 Garnishes
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Value addition
 Emerging food tends


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing salads and salad
1.2 Identified ingredients for salads and salad dressings.
1.3 Sanitised the working area and surfaces as they worked.
1.4 Checked the quality of the ingedients by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness.
1.5 Prevented cross contamination by use of colour coded
chopping boards, proper storage and sanitisation of preparation
1.6 Prepared salads and salad dressings using various methods.
1.7 Dressed the salads as per the recipe.
1.8 Seasoned the salads and salad dressings as per the recipe
1.9 Garnished the salads and salad dressings and presented
1.10 Portioned salads as per the specifications

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1 Fully equipped kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards.
2.3 A variety of ingredients.

3. Method of Assessment Competency may be assessed through:

3.1 Direct observation using a checklist.
3.2 Written or oral questions.
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

6. Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed:

4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
for assessment workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present breads. It
involves preparing: white, whole meal, sweet yeast, deep fried, puff pastry, and
special and unleveaned breads.


These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare white breads. 1.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable
to prepare the white breads.
1.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per
the recipe.
1.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according
to recipe.
1.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
1.5 Mix dry ingredients as per the recipe.
1.6 Liquid ingredients added as per the recipe.
1.7 Dough handled as per the recipe.
1.8 Dough prooved as per the recipe.
1.9 Oven preheated to the temperatures
recommended in the recipe.
1.10 Baking trays prepared and dough placed
on the trays as per the recipe.
1.11 Baking period/time obseved as per the
1.12 Bread cooled on cooling racks as per
1.13 Presentation and display equipment
identified and used as per the specification.
1.14 Serve white bread as per the
specifications and style of service.

2. Prepare whole meal breads. 2.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable
to prepare the brown breads.
2.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per
These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
the recipe.
2.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according
to recipe.
2.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
2.5 Mix dry ingredients as per the recipe.
2.6 Liquid ingredients added as per the recipe.
2.7 Dough handled as per the recipe.
2.8 Dough prooved as per the recipe.
2.9 Oven preheated to the temperatures
recommended in the recipe.
2.10 Baking trays prepared and dough placed
on the trays as per the recipe.
2.11 Baking period/time obseved as per the
2.12 Bread cooled on cooling racks as per
2.13 Presentation and display equipment
identified and used as per the specification
2.14 Serve brown bread as per the
specifications and style of servicetrays as
per the recipe.
2.15 Oven preheated at the temperatures
recommended in the recipe.
2.16 Baking period/time obseved as per the
2.17 Presentation equipment identified and
used as per the specification.
2.18 Serve brown bread as per the

3. Prepare deep fried yeast 3.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable
products to prepare the deep-fried breads.
e.g kaimati, mahamri, 3.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per
doughnut the recipe.
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according
to recipe.
3.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per

These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
3.5 Mix dry ingredients as per the recipe.
3.6 Liquid ingredients added as per the recipe.
3.7 Dough handled as per the recipe.
3.8 Spice bread as per the recipe (where
3.9 Dough prooved as per the recipe.
3.10 Oil heated to the recommeded
temperatures in the recipe.
3.11 Deep fry the bread as per the recipe.
3.12 Drain oil briefly as per SOP’s.
3.13 Presentation and display equipment
identified and used as per the specification.
3.14 Serve deep fried breads as per the
specifications. and style of service trays as
per the recipe.

4. Prepare pizza dough 4.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable
to prepare the pizza dough.
4.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per
the recipe.
4.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according
to recipe.
4.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
4.5 Mix dry ingredients as per the recipe.
4.6 Liquid ingredients added as per the recipe.
4.7 Dough handled as per the recipe
4.8 Dough prooved as per the recipe.
4.9 Oven preheated to the temperatures
recommended in the recipe.
4.10 Baking trays prepared and dough placed
on the trays as per the recipe.
4.11 Baking period/time obseved as per the
Pizza cooled on cooling racks as per SOPs
4.12 Presentation and display equipment
identified and used as per the specification.

These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
4.13 Serve as per the specifications and
style of servicetrays as per the recipe.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Dry ingredients may include  Flour

but not limited to:  Sugar
 Salt
 Baking powder
 Instant yeast
 Spices and herbs

2. Liquid ingredients may  Eggs

include but not limited to:  Oil
 Water
 Milk
 Butter

3. Toppings may include but not  Vegetables eg tomatoes,onions,capsicum

limited to:  Meat eg beef, ham, chicken
 Mozzerella cheese
 Tomato concasse
 Olive oil
 Basil
 Oregano


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and use
 Food presentation techniques
 Baking and frying
 Techniques of preparing dough e.g. Kneading, resting, proving, knocking back
shaping, rolling,
 Method of finishing yeast products
 Cleaning methods (scrubbing, cleaning with cold/warm water, use of vegetable
 Use of other working tools and equipment (chopping board)
 Creativity/Innovation
 Personal grooming
 Presentation
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)
 Work place procedures
 Raising agents
 Time management
 Efficient workflow
 Culture and religion (kosher, halal, vegans)
 Food product knowledge
 Quality control
 Costing and cost control
 Cooling breads
 Storage of breads
 Portion control
 Purchase specification
 Fats and oils
 Sugar and salt and their substitutes
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Nutrition and dietetics
 Garbage management

 Food trends (organic products, molecular gastronomy)
 Hospitality law
 Professional ethics
 Different types of flours

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing yeast products
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing yeast products.
1.3 Sanitise the working area and surfaces as they worked
1.4 Checked the quality of the ingedients by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness
1.5 Decorated yeast products creatively.
1.6 Handled the dough as per the recipe.
1.7 Prooved the dough for making yeast products as per the recipe.
1.8 Preheated the ovens to the required temperatures as per the
recipe .
1.9 Stored the yeat products as per the recipe.

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1 Fully equipped kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards.
2.3 A variety of ingredients.

3. Method of Assessment Competency may be assessed through:

3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written tests
3.3 Oral questions
3.4 Assignments
3.5 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

7. Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed:

4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
for assessment workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present a range of
cakes. It involves preparing cakes using the creaming, rubbing in, melting, whisking,
all in one methods and preapring sweet sauces.


These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required level
which make up workplace of performance for each of the elements.
function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare cakes using 1.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
creamed method prepare cakes.
1.2 Baking tins are prepared (greasing, dusting, lining
with grease paper) as per the recipe.
1.3 Oven is preheated to the recommmednded time
and temperature as per the recipe.
1.4 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
1.5 The ingredients for preparing creamed cakes are
weighed and measured as per the recipe.
1.6 Hygiene procedures are observed as per HACCP.
1.7 Prepare a variety of cakes using creaming
method as per the recipe.
1.8 Recommeded temperatues and baking
period/time obseved as per the recipe.
1.9 Presentation equipment identified and used as per
the specification.
1.10 Cakes are served as per the recipe.

2. Prepare cakes using 2.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
rubbed in method prepare cakes.
2.2 Baking tins are prepared (greasing, dusting,
lining with grease paper) as per the recipe.
2.3 Oven is preheated to the recommmednded time
and temperature as per the recipe.
2.4 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required level
which make up workplace of performance for each of the elements.
function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
2.5 The ingredients for preparing cakes using rubbed
in method are weighed and measured as per the
2.6 Hygiene procedures are observed as per HACCP.
2.7 Prepare a variety of cakes using rubbing in
method as per the recipe.
2.8 Recommeded temperatues and baking
period/time obseved as per the recipe.
2.9 Presentation equipment identified and used as per
the specification.
2.10 Cakes are served as per the recipe.

3. Prepare cakes using 3.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
melting method prepare cakes.
3.2 Baking tins are prepared (greasing, dusting, lining
with grease paper) as per the recipe.
3.3 Oven is preheated to the recommmednded time
and temperature as per the recipe.
3.4 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
3.5 The ingredients for preparing cakes using
melting method are weighed and measured as per
the recipe.
3.6 Hygiene procedures are observed as per HACCP.
3.7 Prepare a variety of cakes using melting method
as per the recipe.
3.8 Recommeded temperatues and baking
period/time obseved as per the recipe.
3.9 Presentation equipment identified and used as per
the specification.
3.10 Cakes are served as per the recipe.

4. Prepare cakes using 4.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
all in one method prepare cakes.
4.2 Baking tins are prepared (greasing, dusting, lining
with grease paper) as per the recipe.
4.3 Oven is preheated to the recommmednded time

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the required level
which make up workplace of performance for each of the elements.
function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
and temperature as per the recipe.
4.4 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
4.5 The ingredients for preparing cakes using all in
one method are weighed and measured as per the
4.6 Hygiene procedures are observed as per HACCP.
4.7 Prepare a variety of cakes using all in one
method as per the recipe.
4.8 Recommeded temperatues and baking
period/time obseved as per the recipe.
4.9 Presentation equipment identified and used as per
the specification
4.10 Cakes are served as per the recipe.

5. Prepare sweet sauces 5.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
prepare cakes.
5.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
5.3 The ingredients for preparing sweet sauces are
weighed and measured as per the recipe.
5.4 Types of sweet sauces are as per the recipe.
5.5 Sweet sauce is served with the appropriate cake.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Equipment may include but  Mixers

not limited to:  Blenders
 Bowl cutters
 Dough sheets
 Accessories

Variable Range

 Ovens and proovers

 Scales and measures
 Mixing and baking utensils
 Baking tins
 Grease proof paper
 Dredger
2. Baking tins are prepared  Greasing
may include but not limited  Dusting
to:  Lining with grease paper

3. Variety of cakes made using  Marble

creaming method may  Rich fruit cake
include but not limited to:  Queen cakes

4. Variety of cakes made using  Fruit

rubbing in method may  Coconut
include but not limited to:

5. Variety of cakes made using  Ginger bread

melting method may include
but not limited to:

6. Variety of cakes made using  Fruit cake

all in one method may  Coconut
include but not limited to:  Speciality
 Marble
 Rich fruit
 Queen cakes

7. Types of sweet sauces may  Custard

include but not limited to:  Jam
 Lemon
 Orange
 Vanilla
 Chocolate
 Raspberry

This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen equipment selection and use
 Food presentation techniques
 Cooking methods (Baking)
 Kneading, whisking, shaping, rolling, piping
 Icing and decorating
 Cleaning methods (scrubbing, cleaning with cold/warm water, use of sanitizer)
 Use of other working tools and equipment (chopping board)
 Creativity/Innovation
 Garnishing
 Personal grooming
 Presentation
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)
 Work place procedures
 Time management
 Preservatives e.g. alcohol, spices, citric fruits, commercial preservatives
 Efficient workflow
 Food product knowledge
 Quality control
 Costing and cost control
 Storage of cakes
 Portion control
 Purchase specification
 Fats and oils
 Confectionary foods
 Sugar and salt and their substitutes
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Nutrition and dietetics
 Garbage management

 Food trends (organic products, molecular gastronomy)
 Hospitality law
 Professional ethics
 Different types of flour

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing cakes.
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing cakes.
1.3 Sanitise the working area and surfaces as they
1.4 Checked the quality of the ingedients by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness.
1.5 Preheated the ovens to the required temperatures as
per the recipe .
1.6 Started, operated, monitored and adjusted ovens to
achieve required quality outcomes.
1.7 Cooled the cakes on cooling racks.
1.8 Demonstrated ability to observe hygiene in the
kitchen/ food safety procedures.
1.9 Demonstrated ability to apply safe work practices and
identify OHS hazards and controls.
1.10 Demonstrated ability to safely shut down ovens.
1.11 Stored the cakes as required.
1.12 Presented the cakes as per the recipe.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA
2.3 A variety of ingredients.

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written tests
3.3 Oral questions
3.4 Assignments

3.5 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

8. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the

information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present a range of
desserts. It involves preparing hot, cold/frozen desserts and preapring sweet sauces
and fruits.


These describe the key These are assessable statements which specify the required level
outcomes which make up of performance for each of the elements.
workplace function. Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare hot 1.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
desserts prepare hot desserts.
1.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
1.3 The ingredients for preparing hot dessrts are
weighed and measured as per the recipe.
1.4 Types of hot desserts are prepared as per the
1.5 Hot desserts are decorrarted with recommednded
1.6 Hot desserts are served on appropriate equipment.

2. Prepare cold 2.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to

desserts prepare cold and frozen desserts.
2.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
2.3 The ingredients for preparing cold desserts are
weighed and measured as per the recipe.
2.4 Types of cold desserts are prepared as per the
2.5 Cold desserts are served on appropriate equipment.

3. Prepare sweet 3.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to

sauces prepare sauces..
3.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as per the
3.3 The ingredients for preparing sweet sauces are
weighed and measured as per the recipe.
3.4 Types of sweet sauces are as per the recipe.
3.5 Sweet sauce is served with the appropriate cakes.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Types of hot desserts iclude  Fritters eg. Banana and pineapple

but not limited to:  Puddings eg bread and butter

2. Cold Desserts include but not  Jellies

;limited to:  Fruit mixtures


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen tools and equipment selection and their use
 Ingredients for making desserts
 Desserts presentation techniques
 Technical skills e.g. mixing. Chilling, whisking
 Cleaning methods (scrubbing, cleaning with cold/warm water, use of sanitizer)
 Use of working tools and equipment
 Creativity/Innovation
 Hygiene (personal grooming, kitchen and food hygiene)
 Presentation
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)
 Work place procedures
 Time management
 Efficient workflow
 Food product knowledge
 Quality control
 Costing and cost control
 Portion control
 Purchase specification
 Sugar and salt and their substitutes
 Allergens (gluten free & nut allergy, milk intolerance)
 Nutrition and dietetics
 Garbage management
 Food trends (organic products, molecular gastronomy)
 Hospitality law
 Professional ethics
 Ingredients for desserts

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:

1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing desserts.
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing desserts.
1.3 Sanitised the working area and surfaces as they
1.4 Checked the quality of the ingedients by using quality
standards ie. colour, smell, texture and freshness.
1.5 Preheated the ovens to the required temperatures as
per the recipe.
1.6 Started, operated, monitored and adjusted ovens to
achieve required quality outcomes.
1.7 Demonstrated ability to observe hygiene in the
kitchen/ food safety procedures.
1.8 Demonstrated ability to apply safe work practices and
identify OHS hazards and controls.
1.9 Demonstrated ability to safely shut down ovens.
1.10 Managed the waste appropriately.

1.11 Stored the desserts as required.
1.12 Presented the desserts as per the recipe.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA
2.3 A variety of ingredients.

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written tests
3.3 Oral questions
3.4 Assignments
3.5 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

3. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the

information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.




This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present various
sandwiches. It requires the ability to prepare toasted, club, book maker, and tripple
decker, open and monsieur/madame sandwiches.


These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. 1. Prepare toasted sandwiches 1.1 Types of samdwiches identified as per the
1.2 Equipment suitable to prepare sandwiches
are identified and selected as per the recipe.
1.3 Ingredients are identified and selected as per
the recipe.
1.4 Toasted sandwich is prepared as per the
1.5 Sandwiches are garnished with array of
salad as recommednded.
1.6 Toasted sandwiches are served hot as per
the recipe or customer specifications

2. 2. Prepare open sandwiches 2.1 Equipment suitable to prepare sandwiches

are identified and selected as per the recipe.
2.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as
per the recipe.
2.3 Open sandwiches sandwich is prepared
as per the recipe.
2.4 Open sandwiches are garnished with a rray
of salad as recommednded.
2.5 Open sandwiches sandwiches are served
hot as per the recipe or customer

3. 3. Prepare closed sandwiches 3.1 Equipment suitable to prepare sandwiches

These describe the key outcomes which These are assessable statements which specify the
make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
are identified and selected as per the recipe.
3.2 Ingredients are identified and selected as
per the recipe.
3.3 Closed sandwich is prepared as per the
3.4 Closed sandwiches are garnished as
3.5 Closed sandwiches are served hot as per
the recipe or customer specifications

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Types of samdwiches may  Open

include but not limited to:  Closed
 Toasted


This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit of competency.

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Consistency
 Knife skills
 Vegetable cuts
 Cleaning methods
 Use of working tools and equipment
 Creativity/Innovation
 Garnishing
 Communication
 Interpersonal relations
Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)
 Work place procedures
 Time management
 Efficient workflow
 Culture and religion (kosher, halal, vegans)
 Food product knowledge
 Quality control
 Costing and cost control
 Storage of sandwiches
 Portion control
 Purchase specification
 Fats and oils
 Seasonings (Sugar, salt. Herbs and spices)
 Types of cheese
 Nutrition and dietetics
 Garbage management
 Food trends (organic products, molecular gastronomy)
 Hospitality law
 Professional ethics


This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidences that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Identified tools and equipment for preparing sandwiches.
1.2 Identified ingredients for preparing sandwiches.
1.3 Prepared a variety of sandwiches as per the recipe.
1.4 Demonstrated ability to apply safe work practices and identify
OHS hazards and controls.
1.5 Garnished sandwiches with array of salads.
1.6 Served the prepared sandwiches hot as per the recipe or as per
customer specifications.
1.7 Managed waste effectively.
1.8 Communicated effectively.
1.9 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.10 Managed time effectively.

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1 Fully equipped safe kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA standards.
2.3 A variety of ingredients.

3. Method of Assessment Competency may be assessed through

3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written tests
3.3 Oral questions
3.4 Assignments
3.5 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate.

4. Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed:

4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance information Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector,
for assessment workplace and job role is recommended.



This unit specifies the competencies required to plan, prepare and present hot and cold
beverages. It involves preparing ingredients for beverages, assembling cutlery
glassware and crockery.


These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
1. Prepare ingredients and 1.1 The working area is organised and cleaned
equipment for hot beverages as per the HACCP and SOPs.
1.2 Beverage equipment and materials
assembed as per the recipe.
1.3 Hot and cold beverage ingredients
assembled as per the recipe.

2. Prepare hot beverages e.g. 2.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
coffee, tea, cocoa milk prepare hot beverages.
drinks 2.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per the
2.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according to
2.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
2.5 Recommended methods of preparing hot
beverages are used as per the recipe.
2.6 Quality, taste, aroma, colour strength,
temperature and appearance for each drink is
prepared as per the recipe.
2.7 Beverages are presented according to
standard operating procedures and style of
2.8 Hot and beverages are stored as per the

3. Prepare cold beverages 3.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
prepare cold beverages.
3.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per the

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according to
3.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
3.5 Cold beverages are prepared as per the
recipe .
3.6 Chilling done (optional) as per the recipe.
3.7 A range of fruit cocktails is prepared as per
the recipe.
3.8 Beverages are presented according to
standard operating procedures and style of
3.9 Consistency (Flavour, temperature, serving
standards) in the cold beverage preparation
is adhered to.

4. Prepare energy drinks 4.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
prepare energy drinks.
4.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per the
4.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according to
4.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
4.5 Energy drinks are prepared as per the
4.6 Chilling done (optional) as per the recipe.
4.7 A range of energy drinks is prepared as per
the recipe
4.8 Energy drinks are presented according to
standard operating procedures and style of
4.9 Consistency (Flavour, temperature, serving
standards) is adhered to.

5. Prepare health drinks 5.1 Select type and size of equipment suitable to
prepare health drinks.
5.2 Ingredients identified and selected as per the

These describe the key outcomes These are assessable statements which specify the
which make up workplace function. required level of performance for each of the elements.
Bold and italicized terms are elaborated in the Range
5.3 Weigh and measure ingredients according to
5.4 Hygiene and procedures are observed as per
5.5 Health drinks are prepared as per the
5.6 Chilling (optional) done as per the recipe.
5.7 A range of health drinks is prepared as per
the recipe.
5.8 Health drinks are presented according to
standard operating procedures and style of
5.9 Consistency is adhered to.

This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance
criteria apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect

Variable Range

1. Consistency may include but  Flavour

not limited to:  Temperature
 Serving standards

2. Hot beverages ingredients  Tea

may include but not limited  Coffee
to:  Chocolate
 Sugar/honey/sweeteners

1. 3. Methods of preparing hot  Brewing

beverages may include but not  Infusing
limited to:

2. 4. Beverage equipment and  Percolators and urns

materials  Drip filter systems

may include but not limited to:  Blenders
 Fridges
 Juicers
 Milkshake machines
 Teapots
 Cutlery and crockery
 Glassware
 Filter papers

3. 5. Preparation procedures may  Decanting

include but not limited to:  Blending
 Brewing
 Juicing
 Mixing
 Shaking
 Stirring

4. 6. Cold beverage ingredients may  Fruits

include but not limited to:  Vegetables
 Ice cubes
 Milk
 Yoghurt
 Ice cream

5. 7. Health Drinks may include but  Dawa

not limited to:  Detox

Required Skills
The individual needs to demonstrate the following skills:
 Kitchen tools and equipment selection and their use
 Ingredients for making beverages
 Presentation techniques
 Technical skills e.g. mixing, chilling, blending, whisking,
 Decorating
 Cleaning methods (scrubbing, cleaning with cold/warm water, use of sanitizer)
 Use of working tools and equipment
 Creativity/Innovation
 Hygiene (personal grooming, kitchen and food hygiene)
 Communication.
 Interpersonal relations.

Required Knowledge
The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP).
 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
 Occupational Safety and Health (OHS).
 Work place procedures
 Preserving beverages
 Emerging trends
 Time management
 Efficient workflow
 Culture and religion (kosher, halal, vegans)
 Food product knowledge
 Quality control
 Costing and cost control
 Portion control
 Purchase specification
 Seasoning (Sugar, salt, herbs and spices)
 Nutrition and dietetics
 Garbage management
 Food trends (organic products, molecular gastronomy)
 Hospitality law
 Professional ethics
 Healthy eating
 Ingredients for beverages

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the
performance criteria, required skills and knowledge and range.

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identified and assembled equipment for preparing
1.2 Identified and selected beverage ingredients.
1.3 Weighed and measured ingredients according to
1.4 Observed hygiene procedures as per HACCP.
1.5 Prepared hot beverages using recommended methods
of brewing and infusing as per the recipe.
1.6 Maintained the quality, taste, aroma, colour strength,
temperature and appearance for each drink.
1.7 Presented the beverages as per the recipe.
1.8 Worked with speed and efficiency to deal with
numerous service tasks simultaneously.
1.9 Managed waste effectively.
1.10 Communicated effectively.
1.11 Demonstrated a positive attitude.
1.12 Managed time effectively.

2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

Implications 2.1 Fully equipped safe kitchen.
2.2 A working environment meeting the OSHA
2.3 A variety of beverage ingredients.

3. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct observation using a checklist
3.2 Written tests
3.3 Oral questions
3.4 Assignments
3.5 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the

6. 4. Context of Competency may be assessed:

Assessment 4.1 On-the-job
4.2 Off-the –job
4.3 During Industrial attachment

5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the
information for industry sector, workplace and job role is recommended.


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