1 s2.0 S2590174521000969 Main
1 s2.0 S2590174521000969 Main
1 s2.0 S2590174521000969 Main
Keywords: The main operating costs of wastewater treatment plants are related to the energy consumption and the disposal
CHP of by-products. Energy recovery from sewage sludge may be a solution to face both these challenges, improving
Heat recovery the sustainability of wastewater treatment plants and making them an example of a circular economy. In this
Thermal drying
work, the energy and economic analysis of an integrated combined heat and power system based on sewage
Sewage sludge
sludge gasification is proposed. The whole process is simulated by using the commercial software Aspen Plus®. A
restricted equilibrium model is used to simulate the gasification of sewage sludge in an atmospheric fluidized bed
reactor using air as a gasification agent. Syngas produced from gasification is used as a fuel in an internal
combustion engine for combined heat and power production. Different solutions are compared: the internal
combustion engine is supposed to be fuelled with syngas or with syngas and methane. In line with the pertinent
literature on integrated biomass gasification–internal combustion engine systems, the engine is modeled by
combining a compressor, a combustor and a turbine to simulate the four thermodynamic steps of an internal
combustion engine. Electric and thermal energy produced by the system is used to supply a fraction of the de
mand for wastewater and sludge treatment. The energy analysis is carried out for a real wastewater treatment
plant that serves 1.2 million of population equivalent, located in Southern Italy. The obtained results are used to
carry out an energy and economic analysis, which aims at assessing the feasibility and environmental benefits of
the proposed system over conventional technologies.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: simona.difraia@uniparthenope.it (S. Di Fraia).
Received 15 September 2021; Received in revised form 23 December 2021; Accepted 27 December 2021
Available online 30 December 2021
2590-1745/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Nomenclature X
Roman Symbol Acronyms
c ER
Cp Greek Symbol
G γ - Ratio between specific heat at constant pressure and
H specific heat at constant volume
h η % Efficiency
ΔHV Subscripts/Superscripts
J 0
KY Compr
LHV el
ṁ Fuel
N Gas
NPV I Installation
NPP in
NTU is
p LW
PER ref
Q̇ Res
qL S
R Sl
SPB Syng
T th
V̇ Turb
Moreover, gasification associated to energy production appears to have process has been demonstrated in Balingen (with a throughput of 935 t/
a lower environmental impact compared to incineration [15,16]. In a ds) and Mannheim (with a throughput of 1955 t/a ds), in Germany,
addition, phosphorus is released as a solid residue [17] making its re where the ER has been varied between 0.28 and 0.35 and the optimum
covery easier. temperature range has been observed to be between 800 and 870 ◦ C
For these reasons, sludge gasification has been recently investigated [24].
by many authors, both experimentally and numerically, exploring Fewer works are available on sewage sludge gasification in bubbling
different types of gasifiers and operating conditions. fluidized bed reactors. Such works mostly focus on the effect of the bed
Sludge gasification has been tested in small-scale downdraft gas properties on the process. Increasing the bed height can improve the
ifiers, obtaining syngas with a Lower Heating Value (LHV) around 4 MJ/ process efficiency [25], using calcined dolomite [26] or alumina [27] as
m3 and a Cold Gas Efficiency (CGE) around 60–65% [18,19]. Despite bed material may increase the production of H2 as well as the tar
some authors have investigated downdraft reactors, fluidized beds are removal in syngas.
the most used to process sewage sludge due to the good gas–solid con As mentioned above, the advantage of gasification is the production
tact, mixing and flexibility [20,21]. Among them, in particular the of a useful energy vector [28] from sewage sludge. However, the use of
bubbling fluidized bed reactors are reported to exhibit a larger techno syngas from sewage sludge for energy generation has not been widely
logical strength and market competitiveness in regards to sewage sludge investigated and the available papers focus mainly on the gasification
gasification with respect to the circulating fluidized beds [22]. Such process itself [29]. Due to the low organic content, the syngas obtained
reactors have been tested at a laboratory scale for gasification of sewage by sewage sludge gasification may cause problems when it is used for
sludge, showing that, at a given equivalence ratio, larger throughput, power production [30], such as unstable combustion in the engine
which also means lower gas residence times, does not remarkably [31,32] and power drop of about 1/3 if compared to a spark-ignition
impact the CGE and the carbon conversion, but it increases the tar engine fueled with gasoline [33]. Using syngas from sewage sludge
production [23]. It has been observed that the most influencing gasification in a spark-ignited internal combustion engine driving a
parameter is the equivalence ratio (ER) and the ER values in the range of power generator (16 kW/1500 rpm) has been investigated by Szwaja
0.2–0.35 are suitable to optimize the gasification of sewage sludge et al. [30]. To fix several malfunctions due to the relatively low calorific
[20,22]. Also, the temperature has been found to significantly affect the value of the syngas, methane enrichment has been investigated finding
process, with higher efficiency observed at a higher temperature. that a satisfactory engine run can be achieved with 40% vol of methane.
However, this parameter has to be limited due to the risk of melting, A similar operation strategy has been proposed by Elsner et al. [29],
agglomeration, and sintering of the sewage sludge ash. where the authors suggested gasifying blends of sewage sludge and
Sewage sludge gasification in fluidized bed reactors has been wood pellets (60%/40%) to increase the calorific value of the produced
investigated also at a larger scale. The successful operation of the syngas and consequently the system performance.
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Since few studies are available on the use of syngas from sewage whereas the heat is used for thermal drying of the sludge produced into
sludge gasification in internal combustion engines, some data related to the plant. A WWTP of the Campania region, in southern Italy, where
syngas from other biomasses are illustrated in Table 1. electricity is purchased from the grid, is considered as a case study.
Some authors proposed to use Combined Heat and Power (CHP) The models developed to carry out the feasibility analysis of the
systems for energy generation from syngas. In the case of syngas from proposed system, along with the main assumptions taken into account,
sewage sludge, the waste heat has been proposed to be used for sludge are described in Section 2. Then, the results of the analysis are illustrated
drying. Indeed, the moisture content of sewage sludge needs to be in Section 3 and the main conclusions are drawn in Section 4.
reduced for efficient gasification since it causes more active endothermic
reactions, making keeping the temperature in the reactor difficult [34]. Methods
For this reason, sewage sludge is usually dried before gasification.
Thermal drying is a highly energy-intensive process [35], therefore The integrated system developed in this work is illustrated in Fig. 1.
using waste heat from gasification may be crucial to reduce its energy The wet sewage sludge enters the dryer at ambient temperature and
consumption. As an example, the project SEDIS (Sewage Sludge Disposal pressure (1) and is dried to a moisture content lower than 10% (2), using
with Energy Recovery through downscaled Fluidised Bed Gasification a hot drying stream (3). A fraction of the drying flow is recycled (4a) to
and CHP Units) has presented two processes to convert sewage sludge increase the efficiency of the system and to reduce the flow rate of the
into useful energy on-site at the WWTP [36]. In both processes, waste exhausted to be treated (4b). The dry sludge (2) feeds a bubbling bed
heat from gasification is used for sludge drying, which is carried through reactor gasifier that produces syngas (7) and char (6). The raw syngas is
a fluidized bed technology, and in one of the two systems, such waste cleaned through a cyclone (7–8) that separates the coarse ash particles
heat is integrated with solar energy. (9) and then cooled down through the heat exchanger (8–13), which is
The use of syngas in an internal combustion engine has been pro used to pre-heat fresh air used as a fraction of the drying flow (13–14).
posed by Kokalj et al. [37], where two scenarios have been compared. After cooling (10), syngas and eventually methane (11) power an in
Syngas has been supposed to be fed into the public natural gas grid or ternal combustion engine that produces electrical energy used to supply
stored on-site in a reservoir to be used based on power demand periods. the dryer and a fraction of the WWTP demand and thermal energy
The first scenario is more convenient in terms of initial investment due employed to supply the dryer demand. When dual fuel operation is
to the use of the existing natural gas distribution network and energy considered, the mass flow rate of methane needed to cover the entire
recovering infrastructure, whereas the second scenario allows producing thermal energy demand of the drying process is considered. When only
more power if complete onsite installation is available. syngas is used as a fuel, the exhausts (20) of a boiler powered by
Different scenarios for energy production based on sewage sludge methane (18) are used to meet the thermal demand of the drying
gasification have been also proposed by Alves et al. [49], where the process.
techno-economic analysis for a small-scale gasification plant processing As mentioned above, thermal energy for the drying process is sup
mixtures of solid recovered fuels and sewage sludge is presented. In that plied through a hot drying stream of which a fraction is recirculated. To
work, the two analyzed solutions are the production of electric energy replace the fraction of non-recycled drying flow, the exhaust gases of the
and the production of hydrogen. Both the scenarios result economically engine (17) and fresh air (12) are supplied to the system. Fresh air is pre-
feasible, with a lower payback period and higher internal rate of return heated (12–14) using the engine cooling water (12–13) and the hot
in the first case, and a higher net present value in the second one. syngas (13–14).
In the present work, a cogeneration system based on sewage sludge The proposed system is numerically simulated through the software
gasification in a bubbling bed reactor is numerically analyzed. Syngas Aspen Plus (Advanced System for Process Engineering) to assess its
produced from gasification is used as a fuel in an internal combustion energy performance. The system can be divided into three sub-systems
engine for combined heat and power production. Different solutions are that are thermal drying, gasification, and energy production. Sewage
compared: the internal combustion engine is supposed to be fuelled with sludge is modeled as a carbonaceous fuel [50], characterized by a par
syngas or with syngas and natural gas. The electrical energy produced by ticle size distribution, calculating the specific heat and density, and
the system supplies a fraction of the energy demand of the WWTP, enthalpy through statistical correlations based on the biomass ultimate,
Table 1
Literature data on the operation of internal combustion engines fuelled with syngas from biomass gasification.
Ref. Biomass Syngas LHV (MJ/Nm3) Engine efficiency Maximum capacity (kW) Compression De-
ratio rating
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
proximate, and sulfur analyses [51]. In Aspen Plus such materials are Where ṁDF is the mass flow rate and Y is the humidity, both on a dry
modeled as “non-conventional” streams. basis, of the Drying Flow (DF), ṁSl is the mass flow rate and X is the
The Peng Robinson-Boston Mathias modified method is used to moisture content of sludge (Sl), h is the specific enthalpy and qL repre
model the system since it deals with multiple phases, as well as con sents the rate of heat loss from the system. The numbering refers to the
ventional and nonconventional solids, and is suitable for high- sketch of Fig. 2.
temperature processes [52]. This method uses the Peng Robinson The Drying Flow is a vapor–gas mixture, whose specific enthalpy,
cubic equation of state with the Boston-Mathias alpha function for all hDF, can be assumed as the sum of the specific enthalpies of the Gas and
the thermodynamic properties, which is suitable for the nonpolar or the Vapor, as:
mildly polar mixtures such as hydrocarbons and light gases. [ ]
hDF = Cp,G T + Cp,LW TS + ΔHV + Cp,V (T − TS ) Y (3)
Thermal drying where Cp,G , Cp,LW and Cp,V are the average specific heats of dry Gas,
Liquid Water and Vapor, respectively, T is the temperature, ΔHV is the
ASPEN Plus provides built-in components to simulate thermal dry latent heat term for water vaporization, and the subscript S represents
ing. In this work, a convective belt dryer is considered, due to its high the saturation condition. As mentioned above, for carbonaceous mate
flexibility and the possibility of adjusting its operation by managing the rials, as sewage sludge, enthalpy is derived through correlations based
temperature and flow rate of the drying stream [53]. Thermal drying is on ultimate and proximate analyses.
analyzed considering the geometric parameters of the component and The kinetics of the process is considered implementing an experi
the thermodynamic parameters of the material flows. mental drying curve [55], that delineates the rate of moisture loss as the
The convective belt dryer, illustrated in Fig. 2, is modeled consid material dries out. To determine the temperature and drying-rate pro
ering the following mass and heat balances [54]: file, an index of performance of the dryer, called Number of Transfer
ṁDF Y1 + ṁSl X1 = ṁDF Y2 + ṁSl X2 (1) Units, NTU, is defined as [54]:
YS − YG,in KY AL
ṁDF h1 + ṁSl h1 = ṁDF h2 + ṁSl h2 + qL (2) NTU = ln = (4)
Where KY is the mass transfer coefficient for humidity differences, A
Drying flow is the interfacial area per unit dryer volume, L is the length of the dryer,
G is the specific dry Drying Flow and the subscript in represents the
initial condition.
Sludge Dryer
1 2
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
biomass gasification [56–59]. Therefore, such a component, together - the process is considered to be steady-state, no transient state is
with other blocks provided by Aspen Plus and some external subroutines modeled;
written in FORTRAN, is used to simulate the gasification process. - gasification is assumed to be run isothermally;
A scheme of the model developed in Aspen Plus is reported in Fig. 3. - the model is zero-dimensional and kinetic-free;
The dried sludge is fed into a decomposition reactor, used to - sludge devolatilization occurs instantaneously at the entrance of the
decompose non-conventional streams, such as sludge, into its constitu reactor;
ent elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen), water and ash. - syngas is modeled as a mixture of hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide
Indeed, the reactor that simulates chemical equilibrium by minimizing (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), moisture (H2O),
Gibbs free energy cannot deal with non-conventional components. The ethylene (C2H4) and ethane (C2H6);
RYield Reactor is used as a decomposition block since stoichiometry and - pressure for all components is set to atmospheric pressure;
kinetics are unknown, but a yield distribution is available. The mass - the formation of the tars and other heavy products is neglected.
yields of the RYield reactor are determined and set starting from the data
of ultimate and proximate analyses by using a subroutine written in Handling tar formation is still one of the biggest challenges in
FORTRAN. modeling gasification processes and there is still no consensus in the
A heat stream connects the decomposition and the gasification re literature [61]. Extensive discussions on modeling the formation of tar in
actors to account for the difference in enthalpy between the original the gasification process are not within the focus of this paper and can be
stream and the decomposed one. found elsewhere [62–64]. More details on the model adopted herein, as
The outlet stream from the decomposition block enters a separator to well as its validation, can be found in [65].
remove unreacted char before the gasification reactor. As mentioned The performance of gasification can be assessed through the CGE, an
above, for the gasification reactor an RGibbs is used, where the sludge index that represents the ratio between the energetic value of the pro
and the hot gasifying agent are fed and additional heat is supplied to duced syngas and the energy in the biomass fed in the gasifier:
sustain the process.
ṁSyng ∙LHV Syng
The unconverted char is heated up to the gasifier temperature and ηCGE = (11)
ṁSl ∙LHV Sl
then mixed with the gas stream leaving the gasifier. Finally, the
unreacted char and ash are separated from the raw syngas through a where ṁSyng and LHV Syng are the mass flow rate and the lower heating
cyclone. value of the produced syngas and LHV Sl is the lower heating value of the
It is well known that the gasification process does not straightfor treated biomass.
wardly reach the chemical equilibrium state due to the short residence To assess the efficiency of the gasification from an energy point of
time of gases in the reactor. Therefore, to better simulate the non- view, the net primary power available from the process is estimated as:
equilibrium conditions of real gasifiers, a modified equilibrium model
for sludge gasification is set by implementing a restricted chemical NPP = ṁSyng ∙LHV Syng − (12)
equilibrium, as proposed in [60]. The restricted equilibrium is per ηth
formed by specifying a temperature approach, which represents the where Q̇Gas is the thermal power supplied to carry out gasification
difference between the chemical equilibrium temperature and the real and ηth is a reference thermal efficiency.
reactor temperature. Essentially, the reaction equilibrium is moved to
wards the reagents or products so as to better simulate the nonequilib
rium conditions of the real gasifier. Cogeneration unit
The reactions (5) to (10) are considered to occur during sewage
sludge gasification. As commonly supposed in the available literature, to represent the
behavior of a combustion engine where the reaction with air occurs,
C + H2O ↔ H2 + CO Water Gas (5) compressors, chemical reactors, turbines, and heat exchangers are used
to model isentropic compression, combustion at constant volume,
C + O2 ↔ CO2 Carbon combustion (6)
isentropic expansion and cooling at constant volume [66,67].
C + 2 H2 ↔ CH4 Methanation (7) Both compressor and turbine work at fixed isentropic efficiency. The
isentropic efficiency refers to the deviation from the reversible, adia
CO + H2O ↔ H2 + CO2 Water Gas Shift (8) batic work, and is calculated for the compressor, ηis,Compr , and the tur
C2H4 + 3 O2 ↔ 2 H2O + 2 CO2 Ethylene combustion (9) bine, ηis,Turb , as:
Fig. 3. Scheme of the model developed in Aspen Plus to simulate gasification process.
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the inlet and outlet conditions, specific cost for its disposal.
respectively, and γ to the ratio between specific heat at constant pressure The economic indexes used for the analysis are the Simple PayBack,
and specific heat at constant volume. SPB, and the Net Present Value, NPV, which are reported in Equations
The isentropic expansion and compression coefficients are defined (20) and (21), respectively.
by calibrating the model through experimental data available in the
J0 + JI
literature. For the sake of completeness, some examples proposed in the SPB = (20)
literature are presented in Table 2.
The combustion chamber is modeled as an RGibbs operating at the ∑N
compressor outlet pressure. The air mass flow rate entering the com NPV = − (J0 + JI ) + (21)
(1 + a)i
bustion chamber is calculated to guaranty the best engine performance, i=1
considering an excess in relation to the amount of stoichiometric oxygen where a is the discounting rate, equal to 7.00%, and N is the service
needed for the combustion reactions. It is assumed that H2, CO, CH4, life, equal to 15 years. An overhaul of the system, whose cost is supposed
C2H4 and C2H6 participate as fuels in combustion reactions. To simulate to be 30.0% of the total investment cost, is considered during the 7th
heat losses, the reactor is assumed to be nonadiabatic by setting an year. ΔCF is the annual economic saving, which is the sum of the rev
exiting thermal stream. enues and the operational costs of the system:
The low-grade heat is estimated through a heat exchanger that cools
ΔCF = Rel,CHP + RFuel + RSl − Cfuel − M − CRes (22)
the turbine exhausts up to the common temperature at which they are
released in conventional internal combustion engines. where the cost for the fuel, Cfuel , and that for the solid residue of the
process, Cres , are calculated as:
The feasibility of the proposed system is assessed through an eco CRes = ṁRes ∙cRes ∙H (24)
nomic analysis. The economic model is based on several indexes,
in which V̇ Fuel is the volumetric flow rate of methane used by the
dependent on the investment and the operating costs.
proposed system, ṁRes is the mass flow rate of the solid residue of the
The investment cost of the gasifier can be derived as a function of its
gasification process and cRes is the specific cost for its disposal.
thermal power [69]. The specific investment cost for the CHP units, jCHP,
Power generation technologies based on the use of biomass are
can be determined as [70]:
usually more sustainable in terms of environmental impact compared to
jCHP = 4639∙Wel− 0.333 (15) reference solutions [72]. To assess the environmental performance of
the system the Primary Energy Ratio (PER) is calculated as:
The maintenance costs, M, of the whole system are supposed to be
5.00% of the total investment cost, J0 [71]: PER =
J0 = JGas + JCHP (16)
J0 is increased by 20.0% to account for the installation costs,JI . The Results and discussion
energy production of CHP unit allows reducing economic expenses
related to the purchase of electricity from the grid to supply the plant Input parameters
facilities and of fuel to produce heat for thermal drying. The revenue due
to electric energy saving, Rel,CHP , is defined as: A feasibility analysis of the proposed system is carried out for a
WWTP located in the Campania region, Southern Italy, which serves an
Rel,CHP = cel ∙Ẇ el,CHP ∙H (17) equivalent population of 1,200,000 inhabitants, with an electrical en
ergy demand of 31,916 MWh/year and a sludge production of 36,498 t/
where cel is the specific cost for electric energy purchase, Ẇ is the
year. Sludge ultimate and elemental analyses are reported in Table 3.
saved electrical power, and H represents the yearly hours of operation.
The main input parameters assumed for the simulation are summa
The thermal demand of sludge drying is partially or completely,
rized in Table 4.
depending on the configuration, supplied by the CHP unit. To determine
For the gasification, ER and temperature are varied to identify the
the related revenue, the volumetric flow rate of methane, V̇ Fuel,ref , needed
best conditions in terms of energy recovery. The ranges are defined
by a boiler to provide the same thermal energy is calculated. The related
considering the conditions suggested in the literature [20,22,65]. For
revenue is equal to:
the sake of completeness, the ER is defined as the fraction between the
RFuel = V̇ Fuel,ref ∙cFuel ∙H (18) actual air–fuel ratio and the stoichiometric air–fuel ratio.
For the drying process, the sludge mass flow rate and its moisture
where cFuel is the specific cost of methane. Due to gasification, the content are provided by the WWTP manager.
proposed system allows avoiding also the cost for sludge disposal, which The input parameters of the CHP unity, when syngas or syngas and
is calculated as: natural gas are considered as fuel, are derived by calibrating the model
RSl = ṁSl ∙cSl ∙H (19) through the experimental data reported in [30]. More in detail, a
sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying isentropic efficiency for
where ṁSl is the mass flow rate of gasified sludge and cSl is the
Table 2 Table 3
Literature data on the simulation of internal combustion engines fuelled with Main properties of the sludge, .
syngas from biomass gasification in Aspen Plus.
Proximate analysis Unit Value Ultimate analysis Unit Value
Ref. Isentropic expansion coefficient Isentropic compression coefficient
Volatile matter %wt,db 59.67 C %wt,db 31.89
[48] 87% 85% Fixed carbon %wt,db 5.63 H %wt,db 5.51
[68] 90% 90% Ash %wt,db 34.7 N %wt,db 3.84
[67] – 70% O %wt,db 24.06
[66] 90% –
adapted from [73]
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 4. Dry syngas composition (N2 is not plotted to improve the readability of the picture): variation with gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 5. LHV and mass flow rate of syngas: variation with gasification temperature (a) and ER (b).
Fig. 6. Primary power from syngas, thermal power needed for gasification and net primary power: variation with gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Fig. 7. CGE.
Cogeneration unit
variation of this parameter with temperature, with an increasing trend
up to 800 ◦ C for the reasons discussed above. However, beyond this For combined heat and power production different solutions are
value, the increase in the process performance allows compensating the numerically investigated, taking into account the experimental results of
need for external thermal demand. the use of syngas from biomass gasification available in the literature. To
Concerning the effect of the ER, it appears that the effect of calibrate the model developed to simulate an internal combustion en
decreasing external thermal power demand prevails on the decrease of gine fueled with syngas or syngas and methane, the experimental data
reported in [30] are considered. A sensitivity analysis on the isentropic
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 9. Electrical and thermal efficiency and electrical and high temperature (HT) and low temperature (LT) thermal power for the syngas engine: variation with
gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Fig. 10. Electrical and thermal efficiency and electrical and high temperature (HT) and low temperature (LT) thermal power for the dual-fuel engine: variation with
gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Table 6
Ranges of variation of electrical and thermal efficiency, electrical and thermal power for both the analyzed cases.
Case Electrical efficiency Thermal efficiency Electrical power, kW Thermal power, kW
Syngas engine T sensitivity 0.193–0.197 780 ◦ C 0.493–0.505 840 ◦ C 470–492 800 ◦ C 1116–1173 800 ◦ C
ER sensitivity 0.184–0.209 0.1 0.494–0.506 0.1 424–446 0.4 949–1123 0.4
Dual fuel engine T sensitivity 0.208–0.210 720 ◦ C 0.499–0.503 840 ◦ C 1344–1358 720 ◦ C 2987–3000 840 ◦ C
ER sensitivity 0.205–0.214 0.1 0.499–0.502 0.1 1315–1400 0.1 2964–3026 0.1
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 11. Mass flow rate of methane used in the boiler coupled to the syngas engine and in the dual-fuel engine: variation with gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Fig. 12. Thermal power for sludge drying in the configuration of the boiler coupled to the syngas engine: contribution of syngas cooling (Qsyngas), CHP (QCHP), and
boiler (QBoiler), variation with gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Fig. 13. Thermal power for sludge drying in the dual-fuel engine configuration: contribution of syngas cooling (Qsyngas) and CHP (QCHP), variation with gasification
temperature (i) and ER (ii).
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 14. Simple Pay Back and Net Present Value: variation with gasification temperature (a) and ER (b).
1. Lower heating value and mass flow rate of syngas are significantly
influenced by the equivalence ratio, whereas the process tempera
ture has a slight effect on these parameters. The trend of the lower
Fig. 16. Annual economic revenues and costs. heating value significantly influences the primary power of syngas
that increases with the process temperature and decreases with the
variation of methane cost that fluctuates over time. The results of this equivalence ratio.
analysis are shown in Fig. 17, where the variation of SPB with specific 2. Considering the cogeneration unit, the dual-fuel operation allows
costs of sludge disposal and methane for the best cases identified increasing the engine efficiency, especially the electrical one, due to
through the previous analysis (a, b, c and d) is reported. the higher energy content of methane. In terms of electrical energy
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 17. Variation of Simple Pay Back with specific costs of sludge disposal and methane for the cases a, b, c and d.
Fig. 18. Variation of Simple Pay Back with the specific cost of methane for the
methane engine. CRediT authorship contribution statement
production, the analyzed solutions allow supplying between 9.3 and Paola Brachi: Methodology, Software, Validation, Writing – review
10.8% and between 28.8 and 30.7% of the wastewater treatment & editing. Simona Di Fraia: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
plant demand when the syngas engine or the dual-fuel engine is used, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – original draft,
respectively. Writing – review & editing, Visualization. Nicola Massarotti: Re
sources, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Resources, Supervision,
P. Brachi et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100171
Fig. 19. PER: variation with gasification temperature (i) and ER (ii).
Table 8
Ranges of variation of SPB, NPV and PER for both the analyzed cases.
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Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain. 2016;1:35. https://doi.org/10.1051/rees/
[9] Werle S. Sewage sludge gasification: Theoretical and experimental investigation.
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emissions of a biomass gasifier inside a multifuel energy plant. Atmos. Pollut. Res.
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interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Innovative Technology in Search of Fertile Policy. Environ. Monit. Assess. 2003;84
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the work reported in this paper.
[12] Morris M, Waldheim L. Energy recovery from solid waste fuels using advanced
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