Sustainability 11 04511 v2
Sustainability 11 04511 v2
Sustainability 11 04511 v2
Lane-Level Road Network Generation Techniques for
Lane-Level Maps of Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey
Ling Zheng 1,2 , Bijun Li 1,2, * , Bo Yang 1 , Huashan Song 3 and Zhi Lu 1
1 State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing,
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
2 Engineering Research Center for Spatio-Temporal Data Smart Acquisition and Application,
Ministry of Education of China, Beijing 100816, China
3 Three Gorges Geotechnical Consultants Co., Ltd. Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-27-6877-9785
Received: 9 July 2019; Accepted: 16 August 2019; Published: 20 August 2019
Abstract: Autonomous driving is experiencing rapid development. A lane-level map is essential for
autonomous driving, and a lane-level road network is a fundamental part of a lane-level map. A large
amount of research has been performed on lane-level road network generation based on various
on-board systems. However, there is a lack of analysis and summaries with regards to previous work.
This paper presents an overview of lane-level road network generation techniques for the lane-level
maps of autonomous vehicles with on-board systems, including the representation and generation of
lane-level road networks. First, sensors for lane-level road network data collection are discussed.
Then, an overview of the lane-level road geometry extraction methods and mathematical modeling of
a lane-level road network is presented. The methodologies, advantages, limitations, and summaries
of the two parts are analyzed individually. Next, the classic logic formats of a lane-level road network
are discussed. Finally, the survey summarizes the results of the review.
Keywords: lane-level map; lane-level road network; autonomous driving; road geometry
extraction; intersection
1. Introduction
An autonomous vehicle that is equipped with sensors, controllers, and other devices can drive by
itself efficiently and safely. In recent years, the technology and theory of autonomous driving have
made significant progress [1], although there are still substantial challenges to achieve autonomous
driving [2].
An autonomous driving system includes three basic modules: sensing and perception, planning,
and control [3]. Maps are crucially important for these modules [4–8]. For example, a map can not
only provide information out of the range of sensing, which reduces the complexity of sensing [9–11],
but also help an autonomous vehicle to obtain a highly accurate position [12–14]. In addition, a map
can offer global paths and planning based on previously stored information [15–17]. Accordingly, the
map is one of the key elements of autonomous driving [18].
Navigation electrical maps and road-level maps have been widely used in the automotive field.
These maps are insufficient for both the context of lane information and the accuracy of the lane
and segment geometry. Therefore, various types of maps have been developed for autonomous
driving [19–22]. In [23], maps were classified into two categories: planar and point-cloud maps. Planar
maps describe the geographic world with layers or planes on Geographic Information System (GIS)
software, such as high-definition (HD) maps [24] or lane-level maps [25]. Lane-level maps are enhanced
with lane-level details of the environment for autonomous driving compared with road-level maps.
Point-cloud maps are formed by a set of point-cloud data. For instance, the commercial companies of
TomTom, Google, and Here have developed this type of map to perform in real road conditions and
road surface situations. Furthermore, point-cloud maps or feature maps have been proposed with
obstacle features or environment features [26,27]. Since lane-level maps support autonomous driving
safety and flexibility, a critical review of the lane-level road network of a lane-level map is presented in
this paper.
A lane-level map includes a lane-level road network, lane-level attribution in detail, and lane
geometry lines with high accuracy, from the 10 cm level to the decimeter level modeling the real
world. A road network describes the road system of the real world and a lane-level road network
is a fundamental part of a lane-level map. Figure 1 shows examples of the road-level road network
and lane-level road network representing the real world. There are various research studies on
lane-level road networks in the literature, including different approaches to automatic lane-level road
network generation, lane-level intersection extraction, and lane-level road network graph construction.
However, there is a lack of summary and comparison of these works. This paper presents an overview
of the sensors and the techniques for the generation of a land-level road network. First, we introduce
the sensors for lane-level road network collection. Second, we discuss the lane-level road geometry
extraction methods of a lane-level road network for autonomous driving. Third, we present the
mathematical modeling and the logic representation of a lane-level road network. Finally, we provide
a discussion and conclusions of this work.
Figure 1. Examples of the road-level and lane-level road network: (a) the real world; (b) the road-level
road network; and, (c) the lane-level road network [28].
2. Sensors
There are different kinds of on-board systems for lane-level road network collection, the sensors
of which can be classified into two main categories: position sensors and perception sensors. The
former includes the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Inertial Navigation System (INS), and
Position and Orientation System (POS), and the latter includes lasers and cameras. The following
sections describe these sensors in detail.
Units (IMU) with gyro and accelerometers. Furthermore, the Position and Orientation System (POS)
combines the GNSS, the INS, and the Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI) to provide position
and posture information, which can further enhance the performance of the INS by integration with
differential GPS. This system has been adopted by a probe vehicle, which was equipped with other
on-board sensors for lane-level road network collection. NovAtel SPAN-CPT (NovAtel Inc., Calgary,
Canada) series devices have been used in preliminary studies. The data update frequency of this
system is 100 Hz, and the position accuracy is at the centimeter level [31]. OXTS RT3000 (Oxford
Technical Solutions Ltd., Oxfordshire, United Kingdom) has the same data update frequency and
position accuracy [32]. In addition, the NovAtel SPAN FSAS, which can support the addition of a DMI
SICK DFS60B, was designed with 200 Hz for raw data updates, whose absolute accuracies are 0.02
m for the spatial position, 0.08◦ for the pitch angle, 0.023◦ for the yaw angle, and 0.008◦ for the roll
angle [28]. Figure 2 shows the sample images of OXTS RT3002 and NovAtel SPAN-CPT.
Figure 2. Two sample images: (a) the sample image of OXTS RT3003; (b) the sample image of
less than 2 cm of measurement for distance accuracy and 70 m for distance. This sensor has been widely
used on a probe vehicle for lane-level road network extraction [34,35]. The scanning frequency of this
laser is 10 Hz, providing 700,000 points per second. In addition, the Velodyne HDL-64E is an improved
laser, with 120 m in measurement distance and 1.333 million survey points [36]. Moreover, a RIEGL
Vz-400 has been used for professional surveys such as the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) [37], which
has a 360◦ horizontal and 100◦ vertical field of view. The scanning distance of this laser reaches 600 m
for 90% reflectivity, and the accuracy is 3 mm. The emitting frequency is 1.2 million points per second.
2.2.2. Cameras
A digital camera sensor provides digital images where image information such as color, intensity,
and texture can be used to detect objects in the scene. Since cameras are low-cost compared to other
sensors such as laser scanners, it has been a research hotspot for lane extraction [38,39]. Sensors for
vision-based studies include single cameras and stereo cameras [40]. Additionally, multi-cameras
are used as vision sensors [41]. Although the theory of a monocular camera has made considerable
progress in recent years, a monocular camera is limited in terms of the position and size extraction of
objects due to the lack of depth information. Accordingly, stereo camera sensors have been adopted to
recover depth information [42]. These camera sensors obtain spatial 3D information with two planar
images shot from different perspectives. Fan and Dahnoun [43] improved the detection rate of lanes
successfully using these sensors. Furthermore, multi-cameras consist of several cameras that provide
complementary information and verification of information between cameras [39].
2.3. Summary
A single-position sensor can collect the lane-level road network data directly, but the sensor is
expensive, while a multi GPS approach obtains lower accuracy for a lane-level road network but has a
cheaper cost. Besides, crowdsourcing trajectory data updates rapidly. A laser scanner is appropriate
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4511 5 of 19
for extracting the high precision of a lane-level road network, but it costs a large amount and it can be
affected by bad weather such as snow or fog. A camera is cheap but sensitive to weather and light.
Table 1 shows the results of the sensors comparison.
• Provides
Multi-camera • Complex computation
supplementary information
on the crowdsourcing trajectories analyze the shape feature and direction feature of trajectories to
mine the lane information in detail using massive GPS trajectories. In general, the extraction of lane
geometry contains three steps. First, the noise of the raw trajectories is filtered. For example, previous
studies have used a Kalman filter and a particle filter algorithm [55] or kernel density methods [49]
for preprocessing. Second, the lane number of the segment is inferred. Third, the lane geometry
is constructed using traffic rules. In previous study [56], the authors used nonparametric Kernel
Density Estimation (KDE) to estimate the number and the locations of the lane centerlines. Tang et
al. [57] proposed a naive Bayesian classification to extract the number and the rules of traffic lanes, and
they achieved no more than 84% precision on the lane number extraction. In addition, an optimized
constrained Gaussian mixture model was proposed in order to mine the number and locations of the
traffic lanes, and the precision of the lane number was 85% [29]. The results revealed that there was still
room to improve the accuracy and precision of the lane geometry [58], although the crowdsourcing
trajectories method was economical.
the Hough Transform does not adapt well to complex conditions. Accordingly, multiscale threshold
segmentation methods were implemented to automate the extraction of various types of road markings
that combined both the distribution of the intensity values and the ranges of scanning [67]. For instance,
lane markings were successfully extracted by a trajectory-based multisegment thresholding method in
previous study [62]. In addition, the authors in [68] applied a range-dependent thresholding method
for extraction from surface point clouds, while the authors in [69] used a point-density-dependent
multi-threshold segmentation method to segment georeferenced images. Moreover, the road marking
precision was no more than 95% with the multisegment thresholding method used in previous
study [70]. In addition, an MSTV method was used in order to improve the extraction of a noisy
GRF image. For instance, the authors in previous study [71] used MSTV to extract the crack pixels
of a GRF image, which were segmented by a modified inverse distance-weighted method based on
point density.
3.4. Summary
Chapters in this section review lane-level road geometry extraction methods, and it is divided
into three parts based on different data sources for the methods. The trajectories-based methods
extract centerlines to generate lane-level road networks, while 3D point-cloud-based methods and
vision-based methods mainly extract the boundaries of lanes for lane-level road network generation.
In addition, 3D point-cloud-based methods are more accurate and costly compared to vision-based
methods. Moreover, each method category has advantages and disadvantages. Table 2 presents a
comparison of lane-level road geometry extraction methods.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4511 8 of 19
• Analyzes the shape features
and direction features • Low accuracy (meter level)
Crowdsourced GPS of trajectories • Mining methods need to
trajectories [56,57] • Extracts both the topology be improved
and geometry information
road network includes lane mathematical modeling and intersection mathematical modeling. We will
discuss these types of modeling in this section, and the latter type of modeling is key content that will
be described in detail.
Figure 5. An example of the virtual lanes and driving lines of one turning direction in an intersection.
B-spline representation of road geometry is widely used in road modeling [93,94]. In addition, a
B-spline curve has the advantages of a convex shape, local correction of control points, and numerical
stability, which are used to approximate the shape of the road. In previous study [90], the authors
proposed a progressive correction algorithm to reduce the number of control parameters in the B-spline
curve to accurately represent the lane geometry. Based on this research, the authors in previous
study [95] proposed an adaptive curve refinement method based on a dominant point that used a
B-spline mathematical curve model to describe the 3D road geometry information, which took into
account the road shape factors (the curvature, arc, etc.). This method reduced the number of nodes
and control points of the B-spline road model while ensuring the accuracy of the road network.
A cubic Hermite spline (CHS) is another type of cubic spline curve that is linearly
parameterized [96]. A CHS with two nodes is generally used. Given two nodes {λ0 , λ1 }, the
corresponding function values are {h00 , h01 } and the corresponding derivative values are {h10 , h11 }.
Then, the cubic Hermite polynomial between two points is as shown in Formula (3):
H (λ)
= h00 α0 (λ) + h01 α1 (λ) + h10 β0 (λ) + h11 β1 (λ)
0 ( if i , j)
αi λ j =
1 ( if i = j) (i, j = 0, 1)
α 0 λ =0
i j
β λj = 0
0 ( if i , j) (i, j = 0, 1)
β 0 λ =
i j
1 ( if i = j)
A CHS has the following characteristics: First, there is a C1 continuity between the control
points in each CHS segment. Second, the CHS curve representation has global C2 continuity between
adjacent control points at the series point, since the point between the cascaded CHS segments, the
interconnection point, and the tangent are the same. Third, the parameters indicated by the CHS are the
position and the tangent of the control points, and a series of point features can be used to parameterize
any lane curve. These vertex attributes are compatible with the data structures of common GIS database
software. Fourth, the accuracy of the CHS lane representation can be manipulated by increasing or
decreasing the CHS control point (i.e., increasing or decreasing the vertices) so that the CHS can extract
the lane parameters through local control. A Catmull–Rom spline is a subclass of a CHS that has been
successfully used to model the transition driving lane [45].
4.2.3. Polylines
Piecewise polynomial functions can be used to represent polylines, which refer to dividing
continuous space into m + 1 segments with m segment points, where each of the segments can be
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4511 11 of 19
represented by a separate polynomial primary function. Itnis assumed o that the continuous definition
domain X is a one-dimensional vector, and segment points ε0 , ε1,..., εm divide the definition domain X
of x into continuous space with a primary function of I (x). Then the piecewise polynomial function
f (x) can be expressed by Formula (3):
x0 < x < εi ( if i = 0)
εi < x < εi+1 (others)
f (x) = Ii (x) (3)
εi < x < εi+1 ( if i = m)
4.3. Summary
The mathematical model used to abstractly represent a drive line in an intersection corresponds to
the use for the representation of a lane or an abstracted segment of a road. In mathematical functions,
arc lines have been widely used for circle intersections because they require less computation compared
to other curves. Other curves exhibit flexibility in modeling irregular intersections, but they have the
problem of finding a proper control point or an optimal optimization.
Figure 6. Examples of the lane logic representation: (a) a real-world lane; (b) a lane based on a node-arc
model; and, (c) a lane based on a segment model.
The node-arc model is the model which is generally used in road-level road networks, where
segments of roads are abstracted by road centerlines and further represented by nodes and arcs. In a
lane-level road network, lane centerline model lanes consist of nodes and arcs, and the properties of
the lane are described by the attributes of the arcs or nodes. Additionally, the topology relationships of
lanes are represented by the link relationships of node-to-node, node-to-arc, or arc-to-arc. A Route
Network Definition File (RNDF) was first proposed on the 2007 DARPA urban challenge [99]. For
the basic structure of an RNDF, segments are composed of one or more than one lane, while lanes
are composed of one or more than one waypoint. The Navigation Data Standard (NDS) released the
Open Lane Model (OLM) [100], which proposed a high accuracy of more than 1 cm for the topology
structure and geometry of a lane. The connection model of the complex intersection was made with
arcs and points. Since it is a commercial format, the detail of this model was not open to the public. In
previous study [101], the authors proposed a seven-layer lane-level map model based on a traditional
road-level navigation electronic map by adding a lane layer. In this model, a lane was abstracted by
the centerline of the lane. In summary, the key basic structure of a line in a node-arc model cannot
precisely represent the shape of a lane, which is usually the additional attribution; however, this is
very advantageous for route planning and route searching.
The segment-based model uses the segment of the lane to abstract the lane instead of the shape of
a line or arc. The segment consists of the zone covered by a lane and the left and right bound of a lane.
Nonetheless, the representation of a lane bound may be a point or a polyline. For example, OpenDrive
set the reference line of a road to define the basic geometry. Lanes were divided into lane sections
along the road based on the attribution changes of a road and they were numbered by the offset of the
line [102]. In this format, the lane bounds are consisted of points. In addition, Bender, Ziegler, and
Stiller [21] proposed lanelets. In this format, a lanelet is an atomic lane segment that is characterized
by the left and right lane bounds. Road segments are abstracted by lanelets and the adjacent lanelets
are used to represent the topological relationship between lanes. The lane boundary line of a lanelet is
abstracted by a polyline. Based on the lanelet, lanelet2 revised the map structure and developed a
software framework available for the public [103]. Additionally, the format of OpenDrive can convert
to the format of lanelet2 [98]. To summarize, the segment model describes the precise shape of a lane.
However, it cannot directly support global route planning before extra work is done. Figure 7 shows
examples of a lane representation by OpenDrive and lanelets.
Generally, the two types of lanes provide detailed and precise lane information such as lane
boundaries and curves, which is essential for autonomous driving. However, lane-level road networks
for autonomous driving are still in the early stages, and there are many challenges to overcome for the
testing and updating of a large lane-level road network.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4511 13 of 19
Figure 7. Examples of a lane representation: (a) a real-world lane; (b) a lane representation by
OpenDrive; and, (c) a lane representation by lanelets.
In this paper, we reviewed lane-level road network generation techniques for the lane-level maps of
autonomous vehicles with on-board systems based on the generation and the representation of lane-level
road networks. For the generation of lane-level road networks, the paper was structured in two sections:
sensors and lane-level road geometry extraction methods. Based on the studies, each category of
sensors had advantages and disadvantages for different on-board systems. They were all the available
data sources for lane-level road network collection. The extraction methods were further divided
into three categories: trajectory-based methods, 3D point-cloud-based methods, and vision-based
methods. Point-cloud-based methods were the highest accuracy approaches, vision-based methods
were the most economical, and trajectory-based methods were direct approaches for constructing
centerline lane-level road networks. For the representation of lane-level road networks, we introduced
mathematical modeling and logic formats. Based on the studies, the mathematical modeling of a
lane-level road network included lane mathematical modeling and intersection mathematical modeling.
For the analysis of the literature of driving line models of intersections, an arc curve was simplest and fit
well for the condition of a roundabout intersection, while other curves were more adaptive for irregular
intersections. Finally, although the classic formats varied in the structure of lane representation, all
formats included complete lane information.
Author Contributions: This research was carried out by the co-authors. Conceptualization, B.L. and L.Z.; writing,
L.Z.; investigation, B.Y., H.S., and Z.L.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Numbers.
41671441, 41531177, and U1764262).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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