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D. 3 years
24. During examination, an 8- E. 10 days
year-old child was diagnosed with
torsiversion of the lateral maxillary 27. A 56-year-old woman
incisors and an arch length deficiency undergoes a preventive examination
caused by macrodontia. To prevent by a dentist. She has an oval erosion
the vestibular position of the canines, on the vermilion border of her lower
a Hotz serial extraction lip. The erosion is deep red, its
was performed. What is the correct surface is smooth. Bloody scabs that
order of teeth extraction in this case? are difficult to remove are observed
A. Deciduous canines, first on the erosion surface. Removal of
deciduous molars, first premolars the scabs causes mild bleeding. Slight
B. Second incisors, deciduous injury of the erosion in the places
canines and first deciduous where there are no scabs causes no
molars bleeding. What type of lower lip
C. First deciduous canines, second precancer is it?
premolars molars, deciduous A. Limited precancerous
D. First deciduous molars, deciduous hyperkeratosis of the vermilion
canines, first premolars border of the lip
E. First deciduous molars, first B. Bowen's disease
premolars, deciduous canines C. Lupus erythematosus
D. Verrucous precancer of the
25. What is used to transfer to the vermilion border of the lip
articulator the data about the position E. Manganotti's abrasive
of the upper jaw in relation to the precancerous cheilitis
hinge axis of the temporomandibular
joint? 28. In a 3-year-old child, a dentist
A. Facebow has detected a carious cavity on the
B. Bite blocks masticatory surface of tooth 74
C. Occluder within the mantle dentin. The
D. Parallelometer overhanging edges of the enamel are
E. Auxiliary impressions matte white. The dentin of the carious
cavity is light-colored, soft, and can
26. A newborn child has been be removed in layers. Probing of the
diagnosed with congenital unilateral dentinocnamel junction is tender.
complete non -union of the upper lip Cold stimulus provokes pain that
with deformation of the cutaneo- quickly stops after the stimulus is
cartilaginous portion of the nose. At removed. What material should be
what age should the surgical used for the filling of the carious
treatment be performed in this case? cavity in this case?
A. 6 months A. Composite filling material
B. 1.5 years B. Amalgam
C. 12 months C. ICON
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B. Bronchial asthma attack temple. One year ago, the patient had
C. Epilepsy attack an intense pain in this tooth, but did
D. Angioedema not consult a dentist. The pain
E. Pulmonary edema recurred three days ago. Objectively,
tooth 27 has a deep carious cavity
43. A 32-year-old man came to a that communicates with the pulp
dentist with complaints of pain in the chamber. Probing of the exposed spot
lower jaw on the right and problems is extremely painful. X-ray of tooth
with mouth opening. Objectively, the 27 shows widening of the periodontal
face is symmetrical, mouth opening fissure in the area of its root apices.
is somewhat difficult (first degree), What is the most likely diagnosis in
the mucosa behind tooth 47 is this case?
swollen, hyperemic, and painful to A. Acute diffuse pulpitis
palpation. The mesial cusps of tooth B. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous
48 that has not fully erupted are pulpitis
visible. What diagnosis can be made C. Exacerbation of chronic
in this case? gangrenous pulpitis
A. Acute odontogenic periostitis D. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous
B. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic E. Exacerbation of chronic
granulating periodontitis granulomatous periodontitis
D. Pericoronitis
E. Abscess of the pterygomandibular 46. A 42-year-old man came to a
space. dentist with complaints of bleeding
gums and bad breath. After
44. When receiving tuberal examination the following
anesthesia intraorally, a patient provisional diagnosis was made:
developed a rapidly progressing chronic generalized parodontitis, II
edema of the left check that soon degree. examination technique would
spread to the temporal region. What be most informative for establishing
complication has likely occurred in the final diagnosis in this case?
this clinical case? A. Kotzshke test
A. Ischemia B. X-ray
B. Quincke's edema. C. Depth of periodontal pockets
C. Hematoma D. Teeth mobility
D. Emphysema E. Kulazhenko test
E. Abscess
47. A 39-year-old woman
45. A 34-year-old man came to a complains of general malaise,
dentist with complaints of a constant headache, fever of 38° C, and pain in
dull pain in his upper left tooth. The the oral cavity. Similar condition
pain intensifies when cold stimuli are occurs periodically, more often in
applied and radiates to the ear and autumn and spring. Objectively, her
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61. A person has been hospitalized 64. A 44-year-old man has been
into the department of maxillofacial diagnosed with generalized
surgery with the following diagnosis: parodontitis, II-degree, chronic
a displaced traumatic open right- progression. What must be done first
sided mental fracture of the during the management of this
mandible. What is the typical patient?
direction of displacement of the A. Extraction of mobile teeth.
larger fragment? B. Professional oral hygiene
A. Only towards the fracture C. Elimination of traumatic
B. Upwards and outwards occlusion
C. Downwards and inwards D. Adhesive splinting of mobile
D. Upwards and inwards teeth
E. Downwards and outwards E. Curettage of periodontal pockets
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E. Make a new frame for the bugel cm 1 with even margins not penetrate
(clasp) denture into the oral cavity and is filled with
a blood clot. What suture should be
71. During a visit to the dentist, a applied to the wound in this case?
patient complained of feeling unwell. A. Early secondary suture
Objectively. the patient presents with B. Late secondary suture
sharp pallor of the skin, cold sweat, C. C Delayed primary suture
sunken peripheral veins, mental D. -
confusion. The pulse is 130 / min. E. Primary blind suture.
thready, arrhythmic, of poor volume.
The blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. 74. A 28-year-old man came to the
The respiration is rapid and shallow. maxillofacial surgery department He
Make the diagnosis. complains of a cutaneous neoplasm
A. Myocardial infarction in his right submandibular region.
B. Hypertensive crisis The neoplasm appeared 2 years ago.
C. Collapse In the process of shaving, the
D. Anaphylactic shock neoplasm is frequenily injured. The
E. Unconsciousness following provisional diagnosis has
been made: papilloma. In the
72. During preparation of the teeth neoplastic area, examination shows
for installment of an orthopedic an ulcer against the background of
appliance, a 65-year-old woman hyperemic skin. What tactics should
complained of a sharp headache, a the dental surgeon choose?
sensation of heat, nausea, numbness A. Removal of the papilloma
of the limbs, and impaired vision. B. Anti-inflammatory therapy
Objectively, asymmetric due to the followed by removal of the
smoothed-out nasolabial fold on one papilloma and
side, she has difficulty speaking. Her C. Removal of the papilloma
blood pressure is 150/90 mm Hg. postoperative radiation therapy
Make the provisional diagnosis. D. Prevention of malignant
A. Angina pectoris transformation. of the papilloma
B. Acute cerebrovascular accident followed by removal of the
C. Unconsciousness papilloma.
D. Myocardial infarction E. Anti-inflammatory therapy
E. Hypertensive crisis followed by observation
73. A 21-year-old man 3 hours ago 75. A 45-year-old man has been
received a knife wound to the right diagnosed with a non-displaced
check. The wound was initially median mandibular fracture. For the
bleeding, but by the time of the treatment of the fracture, a smooth
examination the bleeding has already splint-bracket is indicated. To what
stopped. Objectively, in the area of group of maxillofacial appliances
the right check there is a wound 4x1 does it belong?
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pop a pimple in this area on her own. 26. What treatment method would be
Objectively, she has a dense painful optimal in this case?
infiltration on the skin of her upper A. Devital amputation
lip. The infiltration is rounded, cone- B. Vital amputation
shaped. up to 2.5 cm in diameter. The C. Vital extirpation
skin over the infiltration is sharply D. Biological method
hyperemic, with a necrotic rod in the E. Devital extirpation.
center. Make the diagnosis.
A. Carbuncle on the upper lip 93. A 35-year-old man complains
B. Hematoma of the upper lip at the of missing teeth on his lower jaw.
stage of suppuration Objectively, teeth 36, 37 and 38 are
C. Atheroma of the upper lip at the missing. Other teeth on the lower jaw
stage of suppuration are intact. What type of dentition
D. Furuncle with abscess on the restoration would be optimal in this
upper lip case?
E. Odontogenic abscess of the upper A. Porcelain-fused-to-metal
lip cantilever denture with abutment
crowns on teeth 34 and 35
91. A 52-year-old man complains B. Removable partial laminar
of unpleasant sensations during denture for the lower jaw
swallowing and erosions appearing C. Clasp (bugel) denture with a
on his oral mucosa. The disease onset continuous clasp (clammer) for
was over a month ago. Objectively, the lower jaw
on the normal mucosa of the soft D. Adhesive dental bridge
palate, checks, and gums there are E. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns
bright red erosions with the remains with abutment implants in place
of erupted vesicles. The mucosa of teeth 36 and 37
easily sloughs off. The Nikolsky's
sign is positive. What medicines must 94. Dentures are being made for a
be prescribed for the treatment first? 50-year-old woman with
A. Proteolytic enzymes compensated insulin dependent
B. Antifungal agents diabetes mellitus. She has been in a
C. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory clinic for several hours already,
drugs during which she was nervous and
D. Antibiotics. skipped her meals. In the process of
E. Corticosteroids obtaining her dental impressions, she
suddenly became aggressive, paled,
92. A 14-year-old girl came to a broke out in cold sweat, and fell
dentist with complaints of a severe unconscious. What should be used
long-term pain in the area of her for emergency aid in this clinical
upper left tooth. She was diagnosed case?
with acute diffuse pulpitis of tooth A. Valocordin
B. Nitroglycerine
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denture for the lower jaw and food asymmetry that developed because of
particles accumulating under the a painful swelling in the left parotid
denture base. The lower third of his area that appeared 3 days ago. His
face is shortened. The alveolar body temperature is 37.2°C. Two
processes are markedly atrophied. weeks ago he had a case of acute
What anatomical structure of the respiratory disease. Objectively, in
lower jaw can be used for the left parotid area there is a dense
improvement of full removable round infiltration up to 2 cm in size
denture fixation? that is slightly mobile and moderately
A. Internal oblique line painful. The excretory duct of the
B. Mylohyoid ridge parotid gland produces clear saliva.
C. Retroalveolar space Make the provisional diagnosis.
D. Vestibule of the oral cavity A. Herzenberg pseudoparotitis
E. Mucogingival fold B. Acute purulent parotitis
C. Pleomorphic adenoma of the
110. Tooth 46 is being parotid gland
endodontically treated for chronic D. Mikulicz disease
fibrous periodontitis. Its root canals E. Exacerbation of chronic parotitis
are narrow and sclerosed. What tool
should be used to widen the root 113. A 14-year-old girl came to a
canals in this case? dentist. complaining of a growth on
A. Chlorhexidine bigluconate her tongue. It appeared
B. Sodium hypochlorite approximately 1.5 years ago and has
C. Orthophosphoric acid been slowly growing since then.
D. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Objectively, on the left lateral surface
E. Aminocaproic acid of her tongue there is a pink
formation. This formation is mobile,
111. A 25-year-old woman came to painless, dense, and spherical. It has
a dental surgeon for a planned tooth a clear margin, wide base, and
extraction. Objectively, the crown of smooth surface. Make the provisional
her tooth 37 is destroyed by 2/3. The diagnosis.
gingival mucosa in the area of tooth A. Papilloma
37 is without changes. What type of B. Atheroma
anesthesia should the doctor use to C. Hemangioma
remove tooth 37? D. Fibroma
A. Mental E. Lymphangioma
B. Tuberal and palatal
C. Intraoral infraorbital 114. A 51-year-old man complains
D. Infiltration of mobility of his porcelain-fused-to-
E. Mandibular and buccal metal dental bridge with 43 and 47 as
abutment teeth. He has been using
112. A 26-year-old man came to a this denture for 9 months. X-ray
dentist complaining of facial shows atrophy of the alveolar process
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unchanged. What diagnosis can be E. ply a splint with loops for the
made in this case? lower jaw
A. Abscess of a minor salivary gland
B. Papilloma of the lower lip 139. A dentist performs a
C. Cyst of a minor salivary gland preventive examination of a 12-year-
D. Fibroma of the lower lip old girl. Objectively, her face is pale,
E. Lipoma of the lower lip the vermilion border of her lips is dry
and covered in small scales, she has
137. A porcelain-fused-to-metal cracks in the corners of her mouth.
crown is being made for tooth 24 of a Her oral mucosa is pale and
32-year-old patient. At the stage of edematous, while the tongue is bright
fitting the crown, its placement on the red and smooth, with atrophied
tooth stump turned out to be difficult filiform papillae. What general
due to an excess of porcelain and somatic disorder is typically
metal mass on the surfaces that are in accompanied by such signs?
contact with the adjacent teeth. What A. Acute leukemia
can be used to detect the areas with B. Werlhof disease
an excess of the porcelain mass? C. Hemophilia
A. A - D. Von Willebrand disease
B. Chemical pencil E. Iron deficiency anemia
C. Basic wax
D. Corrective impression material 140. A 16-year-old girl came to a
E. Copy paper into the dentist complaining of darkened
crowns of her teeth 11 and 12.
138. A 32-year-old man has been According to the girl, approximately
hospitalized maxillofacial one year ago she had a sports trauma.
department of a clinic. The following Objectively, the crowns of teeth 11
diagnosis has been made: an open and 12 are dark gray, intact. painless
displaced bilateral fracture of the to percussion. The mucosa of the
lower jaw in the area of the gonial alveolar process is unchanged. X-ray
angle. X-ray shows a large diastasis shows round areas of bone tissue
between the fragments and muscle destruction in the region of the root
interposition. What main treatment apices of teeth 11 and 12. These bone
technique should be chosen for this lesions are 0.3-0.4 cm in diameter
patient? and have clear margins. What tactics
A. Perform bilateral osteosynthesis should the doctor choose in this case?
of the lower jaw A. Extraction of teeth 11 and 12
B. Apply a smooth splint-bracket B. Conservative and surgical
C. Make a Port splint for the fixation treatment of teeth 11 and 12
of the lower jaw C. Aesthetic restoration of teeth 11
D. Make a Vankevich splint for the and 21
fixation of the lower jaw D. Conservative treatment of teeth
11 and 12
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E. Monitoring the condition of teeth has lost its natural luster in the
11 and 12 for six months paracervical regions of her teeth 11
and 21. The enamel surface is smooth
141. A 44-year-old man complains and dense to probing. Thermal
of indisposition, fever of 38°C, and a stimulation results are negative. The
swelling under the lower jaw on the lesions can be stained with a 2 %.
left. The patient's history states that aqueous solution of methylene blue.
throughout the last week he felt pain In this case, the infiltration technique
in the area of his tooth 36. was chosen for the treatment of initial
Objectively, in the left caries. What material is used in this
submandibular area there is an technique?
enlarged painful nodule. The skin A. ICON
above the nodule is hyperemic, B. Calcium hydroxide-containing
strained, and cannot be pinched. paste
Tooth 36 is partially destroyed in the C. Glass ionomer cement
oral cavity. What diagnosis can be D. Silver nitrate solution
made in this case? E. Dental compomer
A. Abscess of the submandibular
region 144. A 30-year-old woman came to
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis a dentist with complaints of an
C. Acute scrous lymphadenitis unpleasant bursting sensation in her
D. Chronic lymphadenitis upper right tooth. Heat makes this
E. Furuncle sensation worse. Objectively, the
masticatory surface of tooth 17 has a
142. A 37-year-old patient has been deep carious cavity that
diagnosed with acute osteomyelitis communicates with the pulp
of the mandible on the right in the chamber. Docp probing is painful.
area of teeth 45, 46, and 47 Percussion of tooth 17 is mildly
Examination detects Vincent's sign. painful. X ray shows slight widening
Name the characteristics of this sign. of the periodontal fissure at the root
A. Intense pain in the area of the apices Electric pulp testing-70
causative tooth microamperes. What diagnosis can
B. Numbness of the soft tissues the be made in this case?
lower lip and chin A. Chronic gangrenoux pulpitis
C. Mobility of the causative tooth B. Acute purulent pulpitis
and its adjacent teeth C. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
D. Presence of an infiltrate on the D. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
both sides of the alveolar process E. Exacerbation of chronic
E. Painful percussion of the granulating periodontitis
causative and its adjacent teeth
145. A 54-year-old woman
143. In a 16-year-old girl, a dentist complains of a neoplasm on her
detected patches of white enamel that lower lip that appeared 6 months ago.
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During the last 20 days, it started the gingival mucosa in the area of
sharply increasing in size. tooth 16, closer to the gingival
Objectively, on the vermilion border margin. The tooth is intact, with the
of the lower lip there is a round gray- II-degree mobility Its horizontal and
red node that protrudes by 0.5 cm vertical percussion is painful. The
above the underlying tissues, is periodontal pocket is 4-5 mm deep.
demarcated, and has a funnel-shaped What diagnosis can be made in this
indent in its center, filled with case?
keratinized masses. The node is A. Periodontal abscess
dense, mobile, and painless to B. Acute serous periodontitis
palpation. What is the most likely C. Exacerbation of chronic
diagnosis in this case? periodontitis
A. Keratoacanthoma D. Maxillary periostitis
B. Verrucous leukoplakia E. Acute suppurative periodontitis
C. Manganotti's chcilitis
D. Verrucous precancer 148. A 38-year-old man has been
E. Papilloma diagnosed with chronic generalized
parodontitis, initial stage.
146. The parents of an 8-year-old Professional oral hygiene was
girl came. to a dental orthodontist performed. What oral care product
complaining of an aesthetic defect in should be recommended to this
their child. Objectively, the lower patient for removal of food debris and
part of the face is shortened, the chin massage of the gums?
is pushed forward, the upper lip A. Toothpicks
sinks. When teeth are closed, reverse B. Irrigator
deep incisal overlap is revealed. C. Hygienic toothbrush
Mesioocclusion is observed laterally. D. Interdental stimulator.
Select the appliance for the treatment. E. Dental floss
A. Frankel functional regulator, type
2 149. A 30-year-old woman
B. Andresen-Haupl activator complains of a painless swelling in
C. Frankel functional regulator, type the area of her right lower jaw. The
1 swelling appeared 6 months ago and
D. Osadchy appliance is slowly increasing in size.
E. Frankel functional regulator, type Objectively, on the body of the lower
3 jaw on the right in the area of teeth 45
and 46. there is a dense neoplasm
147. A 43-year-old man complains 2.5x1.5 cm in size, painless to
of a sharp pulsing pain in the area of palpation. The skin and mucosa over
his right upper jaw. The pain the neoplasm are mobile and without
appeared three days ago. Objectively, discoloration. The oral cavity is
an inflamed round infiltration can be sanated. The teeth on the lower jaw
palpated on the vestibular surface of are intact. The sensitivity of the lower
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