Curriculum Map Science 10
Curriculum Map Science 10
Curriculum Map Science 10
Curriculum Map
S.Y. 2019-2020
Subject: Science
Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Joy V. Paceño
Term Unit Topic Content Content Standard Performance Standard Competencies/Skills Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
(No.): Core
Month Values
Plate Tectonics The learners The Learners shall be The learners should be able to….
1st 1.1 Distribution demonstrate an able to:
1.1.1 volcanoes understanding of:
Week 1 1.1.2 earthqua
ke epicentres The relationship 1.Demonstrate ways to 1. Describe the distribution of
1.1.3 mounta among the ensure disaster active volcanoes. Earthquake True or False Socratic Method Practical Science Self-
in ranges locations of preparedness during epicentres, and major mountain 10 Book Discipline
1.2. Plate volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, belts.
boundaries earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
1.3 Processes epicentres, and Explain the Plate Tectonic theory. Essay Experimentation Activity Sheet Self-
and landforms mountain ranges. 2.Suggest ways by which Discipline
along plate he/she can contribute
boundaries to government efforts
Week 2 1.4 Interna in reducing damages due 2. Describe the different types of Labelling Frayer Model Practical Science Integrity
l Structure of to earthquakes, plate boundaries. 10 Book
Week 3 the Earth tsunamis, and volcanic 3. Explain the different processes Essay Situation Analysis Practical Science Social
1.5 Mechanis eruption. that occur along the plate 10 Book Responsibi-
m (possible causes boundaries. lity
of movement)
1.6 Evidenc Make use of maps and graphs in
e of plate
identifying the connection of Labeling Map Reading Activity Sheet
volcanoes to earthquake-prone
Week 4 4. Describe the internal structure Picture analysis Picture Analysis Practical Science Integrity
of the Earth. 10 Book
Week 5 5. Describe the possible causes Video Analysis Short film Viewing Social
of plate movement Responsibil
Explain the different evidences of Hands- on Experimentation Activity Sheet Integrity
plate movements. Operation
Week 6 6. Enumerate the lines of Enumeration Enumerating and writing http://www.columbi Integrity
evidence that support plate ideas
movement. pl_tect.htm
Scaffold 3:
Hands on Activity –
Prepare Emergency kit