ENGLISH 8 Q1 W2 Use Conventions in Citing Sources

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School: Doongan ILaya National High School Grade Level: 8

Teacher: Melvin Ochinang Learning Area: ENGLISH

GRADES 1 to 12 Week 2
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: September 4 −7, 2023 Quarter: 1st QUARTER


A. GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts
STANDARDS: types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning Competencies MELC: Use conventions in citing sources EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4

Objectives A. realize the importance of Cite sources through in-text 1. define key concepts of
citation; and reference citation in APA bibliography.
B. differentiate in-text citation format 2. identify the bibliographic
and reference citation parts of a printed or online
Designing a book cover with
Cite Sources Writing Bibliography proper parts. ICL
II. CONTENT Citing Sources
(See Developing Mastery) (See Developing Mastery)
A. References
1. Additional Materials from 480468773-ENGLISH-8-Q1- 480468773-ENGLISH-8-Q1- English – Grade 8 English – Grade 8
Learning Resource (LR) Mod4-Conventions-in-Citing- Mod4-Conventions-in-Citing- Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode
Portal Sources-pdf Sources-pdf Quarter 1 - Module 2: Quarter 1 - Module 2:
Writing Bibliography Writing Bibliography
First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Vocabulary Development: Review on hot to site sources Read the sentences Review on the different parts
or presenting the new Use context clues to define carefully and determine the of bibliography
lesson the underlined words. meaning of the underlined
1. Their songs are under
through context clues.
copyright that’s why we
cannot just use them as
Write the letter of your
background music for our answer on a separate
Youtube videos. sheet of paper.
2. Anthony’s professor found
out that he plagiarized from
an article that he read in the
internet that’s why he got 1. In doing your research
suspended. paper, you have to make
3. Her book is now ready for sure that you use
publication. I can’t wait to see information taken from
its printed copy.
reliable sources.
A. common
C. trustworthy
B. intelligent
D. understandable
2. Scholarly published
articles are good sources
of reliable information.
A. academically
C. timely
B. professionally
D. wisely
B. Establishing a purpose for Intellectual Property (IP) If you were asked to do a
the lesson refers to anything created out research work on stories
of the human mind that the of Filipino women, how will
law protects from the you find a reliable source
unauthorized used by others.
of information about the
These could be inventions,
design, literary and artistic
topic? Will you search it on
works, a brand name (trade the internet or visit
mark), symbols, or images thelibrary to find
used in commerce. appropriate books? In
doing so, do you closely
look at the parts or details
of the
sources that you use?
C. Presenting What are the mistakes Look at the text below.
Examples/Instances of new making citations? Study and analyze it.
lesson 1. Failure to use a source
2. No in-text citation, only
3. No references, only in-text
What is the complete
title of the book?
How many authors are
there in the book?
What is the name of
the publisher?
Where was the book
D. Discussing new concepts HOW DO WE CITE SOURCES? Look at the sample text
and practicing new skills A. In-Text Citation (a inside the box. How many
#1 reference made within the sources do you see? One
body of text) way of
B. Reference Citation (a list of
citing your sources is
the sources you have cited
that come at the
through listing them on a
end of your paper.) separate page of your
research paper. This
page is what we call a

E. Discussing new concepts ----------------- What is a Bibliography?

and practicing new skills #2-- A bibliography is taken
from the Greek word
‘biblion’ which means
‘book’ and
‘graphia’ which means ‘to
write.’ A bibliography
contains an alphabetical
list of sources like
books, periodicals, and
websites used by the
writer or researcher.
F. Developing mastery Complete the Table Pairing Activity: Solve the Riddle Design It!
(Leads to Formative Directions: Place the given Uncover the mystery
Assessment) information in their right Directions: Study the bibliography entry by Design your own cover
column to complete the chart. following screen-captured
solving the riddle, then page of a book or website.
images and create an in-text
citation based on the
answer the Do not forget to include all
underline statements, and a questions that follow. Write the
reference citation based on your answer on a separate bibliographic information of
the given source of sheet of paper. the book or website.
information. Draw/Illustrate your work
neatly in a separate
1 sheet of paper.

Below is the rubric in

rating your work.

G. Finding practical -------------------- 1. What was the first

applications of concepts information of the source
and skills in daily living mentioned in the riddle?
2. In what paragraph
number was the copyright
year mentioned?
3. Based on the format of
the bibliography entry,
what type of source of
information is
referred to?
4. Which lines of the
bibliography were
indention applied?
5. To separate the place of
publication from the name
of the publisher, what
should be used?
H. Making generalizations and Making Reference I believe writing a
abstractions about the bibliography is important
lesson Directions: Arrange the
following information to because….
create a reference citation.

1. Magazine
2. Book
3. Author(s): Alex Rivera and
Carol Keyk
I. Evaluating Learning 1. ______refers to anything Arrange and write the
created using human intellect following list of sources or
that is protected by law. references to form a
2. ______ is the practice of correct bibliography.
taking someone else’s work
and claiming it as one’s own.
3. The mistakes of making
citations are: failure to use a
source, making in-text
citations only without
reference citations, and ___.
4. The format of in-text
citation is: Author’s last
name+ ______ + page

Arrange the following:

7. Book - Author’s Last
Name, First Name Initial,
Middle Name
Initial (______). Book title:
Subtitle, City
of Publication, Abbreviation of
state of publication:
8. Online Article- _________,
First Name Initial, Middle
NameInitial (Year, Month
Day). ______.
azine Name,
Retrieved from _______
J. Additional activities for Bring the following materials Prepare for a quiz tomorrow
application and tomorrow.
remediation A4 bond paper clean
Used short folder
Pentel Pen
Art Materials
V. Remarks

A. No. of learners who earned

80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?



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