SAMM Circular 2 2019

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SAMM Circular 2/2019

Issue date: 17 September 2019

Circulated to:

SAMM Laboratories
SAMM Assessors
Accreditation Officers




This circular provides further elaboration on implementation of clause 7.8.6 of MS

ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This circular is applicable to SAMM applicant and accredited

Implementation Date

This circular will be implemented effective immediately.

Standards Malaysia Requirements

1. The laboratory is required to establish a policy if the laboratory does not provide
statement of conformity on their test report or calibration certificate.

2. The laboratory shall comply to clause 7.8.6 of MS ISO/IEC 17025 if the

laboratory provides statement of conformity. The laboratory may refer to relevant latest
edition of guidelines such as ILAC G8:09/2019 and JCGM 106:2012 or ISO/IEC Guide

3. Where an accredited laboratory provides statement of conformity on their test

report or calibration certificate this is not regarded as being part of opinions and

4. Based on clause 4.3 e) of SAMM Policy 1 (SP1) - Terms and Conditions

Governing the Laboratory Accreditation Scheme of Malaysia, any expression of expert
opinion and interpretations shall be qualified by a disclaimer that it is not under the
scope of accreditation under SAMM.”

5. The following scenario show examples of the different between ‘statement of

conformity’ and ‘opinions and interpretations’.
(Source: EA-INF/13 The Assessment and Accreditation of Opinions and Interpretations using ISO/IEC
17025:2005, Appendix A)

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SAMM Circular 2/2019
Issue date: 17 September 2019

Table 1: Examples of the different between ‘statement of conformity’ and ‘opinions and

Item Scenario Remarks

Statement of A sample of soil from an agricultural This part of the report is just
conformity field has been submitted for a statement of conformity
analysis. The sampling of the soil with the test requirements.
was done by an accredited sampling
facility that has demonstrated that Example*;
they can take a representative
sample. Analysis is carried out for Result of test:
levels of Nitrogen and Passed – the levels of
microbiological activity in the soil nitrogen conform to the
which can be compared with minimum requirements of
tabulated values which indicate Regulation A of the
whether the field is fit to grow a Department of Agriculture
certain crop. The laboratory (based on decision rules
compares the result with the that agreed by the customer
tabulated value and the report or inherent in the test
shows that it has passed the criteria method / regulations).
as listed in the documented table.

Opinion and The report then also contains a This part of the report is an
interpretations statement from the laboratory that opinions and interpretations
due to the levels of nitrogen and of the result in the
microbiological activity found and representative sample of
the use of other supporting data the that field and as such is a
field is likely to be able to support justified use of the opinions
growth of the certain crop for and interpretations clause in
another two years before levels are ISO/IEC 17025. In effect the
depleted and fertiliser will be field has been sampled and
required. so the result is actually for
the field and hence an
opinion / interpretation
made. It will be down to the
laboratory to justify its
approach to this opinions
and interpretations.


Result of test:
The levels of nitrogen are
sufficient for the growth of
crop A.

*NOTE: The examples are guidance and there may well be other factors that need to be considered to
ensure that the opinions and interpretations are valid.

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SAMM Circular 2/2019
Issue date: 17 September 2019


1. MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and

calibration laboratories

2. ILAC-G8:09/2019, Guidelines on Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity

3. JCGM 106:2012, Evaluation of measurement data – The role of measurement

uncertainty in conformity assessment.
Note: this document is also available as ISO/IEC Guide 98-4:2012

4. EA-INF/13:2015, The Assessment and Accreditation of Opinions and

Interpretations using ISO/IEC 17025:2005

Approved by:

Director of Accreditation
Department of Standards Malaysia

Date: 17 September 2019

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