An Inventory Model With Deteriorating Items Under In#ation When A Delay in Payment Is Permissible
An Inventory Model With Deteriorating Items Under In#ation When A Delay in Payment Is Permissible
An Inventory Model With Deteriorating Items Under In#ation When A Delay in Payment Is Permissible
This study develops an inventory model for initial-stock-dependent consumption rate when a delay in payment is
permissible. In the inventory model, shortages are not allowed. The e!ect of the in#ation rate, deterioration rate,
initial-stock-dependent consumption rate and delay in payment are discussed. In the study, mathematical models are also
derived under two di!erent circumstances, i.e., Case I: The credit period is less than or equal to the cycle time for settling
the account; and Case II: The credit period is greater than the cycle time for settling the account. Besides, expressions for
an inventory system's total cost are derived for these two cases. Moreover, a computational procedure and GINO
(Lasdon et al., ACM Transactions Mathematical Software 4 (1978) 34}50) are proposed to obtain the optimal order size
and cycle time. The results can help managers determine the optimal total cost. Finally, a numerical example
demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model. ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0925-5273/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 1 5 - 8
208 H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214
consumption rate and deterioration of items when and also developed a relatively simple economic
delay in payment is permissible. order quantity model with a constant decay rate.
The area of permissible delay in payments has Covert and Philip [17] derived a revised form of
received some attention. Davis and Gaither [1] the EOQ model under the assumption of Weibull
developed EOQ models for "rms o!ering a one distribution for deterioration. Also, Cohen [18]
time opportunity to delay payments by their sup- formulated and solved an inventory model by
pliers for the order of a commodity. Goyal [2] simultaneously considering pricing and ordering
developed mathematical models for determining policies for exponentially decaying inventory. Dave
the EOQ under conditions of a permissible delay in [19] proposed a deterministic inventory model in
payments. Shah et al. [3] studied the same model continuous units and discrete time for deteriorating
when a delay in payments of order and shortages items.
are permitted. Mandal and Phaujdar [4] studied Many studies have modi"ed inventory policies
the same situation by considering the interest by considering the `stock dependent consumption
earned from the sales revenue. Shah [5] extended ratea. Gupta and Vrat [20] considered this phe-
an EOQ model in which delays in payment are nomenon by using the following relation:
permissible and items in inventory deteriorate at
j"a#bQq, j"a!bQq, j"a#beQ, j"a!beQ,
a constant rate over time. Shah [6] also developed
a probabilistic time-scheduling model for an expo- where a, b, q are positive constants (q is initial-
nentially decaying inventory when payment delays stock-dependent consumption rate parameter; and
are permissible. Aggarwal and Jaggi [7] developed Q is order size). Their calculation of the average
ordering policies of deteriorating items under per- system cost was based on order size rather than
missible delay in payments. Shah and Sreehari [8] inventory level. Mandal and Phaujdar [21] sugges-
developed an EOQ model when the delay in ted that the demand rate depends on the current
payment is permitted and the capacity of own stock level. Mandal and Phaujdar [22] also
warehouse is limited. Jammal et al. [9] extended developed a model for deteriorating items with
Aggarwal and Jaggi's model with allowable short- a stock-dependent consumption rate. In 1988,
age. Baker and Urban [23] developed an inventory
Several studies have examined the in#ationary model with an inventory level-dependent demand
e!ect on an inventory policy. Buzacott [10] rate. In addition, Vrat and Padmanabhan [24]
developed an approach of modeling in#ation by developed an inventory model under a constant
assuming a constant in#ation rate. Misra [11] in#ation rate for initial-stock-dependent consump-
proposed an in#ation model for the EOQ, in which tion rate. Padmanabhan and Vrat [25] proposed
the time value of money and di!erent in#ation rates an EOQ model for items with initial-stock-depen-
were considered. Mangianeli et al. [12] not only dent consumption rate and exponential decay.
reviewed and classi"ed models appearing in Moreover, Datta and Pal [26] studied the inven-
previous literature, but also presented some exam- tory problems for deteriorating items with inven-
ples with relaxed assumptions. Brahmbhatt [13] tory level-dependent demand rate and shortages.
also developed an EOQ model under a variable Pal et al. [27] developed a deterministic inventory
in#ation rate and marked-up prices. Later, Hwang model for deteriorating items with stock-dependent
and Sohn [14] developed a deterministic inventory demand rate. Urban [28] developed inventory
model for items that deteriorate continuously and models with the demand rate dependent on stock
follow an exponential distribution when a price in- and shortage levels. The model includes the e!ect
crease is anticipated. Gupta and Vrat [15] de- of a stock-dependent demand rate, considering
veloped a multi-item inventory model for a resource both initial-stock-dependent demand and instan-
constraint system under a variable in#ation rate. taneous-stock-dependent demand rate. Karabi
Other investigators have described inventory et al. [29] developed an inventory model with two-
policies for decaying items. Ghare and Schrader component demand rate and shortages. Su et al.
[16] "rst analyzed the decaying inventory problem, [30] developed an inventory model under in#ation
H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214 209
for initial-stock dependent consumption rate and M permissible delay period for settling ac-
exponential decay. counts
This study develops an inventory model for QH the optimal order size in Case I
initial-stock-dependent consumption rate when a QH the optimal order size in Case II
delay in payment is permissible. Shortages are not ¹H the optimal cycle time in Case I
allowed and the e!ect of the in#ation rate, deterio- ¹H the optimal cycle time in Case II
ration rate, initial-stock-dependent consumption The following assumptions are made:
rate and delay in payment are discussed. Math- (1) The unit price is subject to the same in#ation
ematical models are also derived under two di!er- rate as other inventory related costs, thereby
ent circumstances, i.e., implying that the ordering size can be deter-
Case I: The credit period is less than or equal to mined by minimizing the total cost over
the cycle time for settling the account and a planning period.
Case II: The credit period is greater than the (2) The in#ation rate is constant.
cycle time for settling the account. (3) The replenishment rate is in"nite, i.e., the re-
Also, expressions for an inventory system's total plenishment is instantaneous.
cost are derived for the above two cases. Moreover, (4) Backlogging is not allowed.
a computational procedure and GINO [31] are (5) Lead time is zero.
proposed to obtain the optimal ordering size and (6) The demand rate is known and constant.
cycle time. Those results help the decision-makers (7) Initial-stock-dependent consumption rate is
in accurately determining the optimal total cost. assumed, in which the demand rate depends on
Finally, a numerical example demonstrates the ap- the order size and follows the function
plicability of the proposed model. j"a#bQq, where a, b, q are positive con-
stants and Q is order size (QO0).
(8) The inventory carrying charge is a constant.
2. Notations and assumptions (9) A constant fraction, h, of the on-hand
inventory which deteriorates per unit time
The notations adopted in this paper are as fol- and there is no repair or replenishment of
lows: the deteriorated inventory during a cycle time
H length of planning horizon (10) During the "xed credit period M, a deposit is
¹ cycle time made of the unit cost of generated sales revenue
I inventory level into an interest bearing account. The daily
I inventory level at time t expenses of the system can be met by retaining
Q order size the di!erence between retail price and unit
k constant rate of in#ation ($/$/unit time) cost. At the end of the credit period, the ac-
C(t) unit purchase cost for an item bought at count is settled and interest charges are pay-
time t. That is, C(t)"C ekt where C is the able on the account in stock.
0 0
unit price at time zero
A(t) ordering cost for an order placed at time t. The following considers the period in which
That is, A(t)"A ekt, where A is the order- accounts of the purchased quantities are not
0 0
ing cost at time zero settled. The generated sales revenue is deposited in
i inventory holding cost per unit per year an interest bearing account which earns an annual
excluding interest charges interest at a rate of i per unit. After the account is
h a constant fraction of the on-hand inventory settled, the system starts remitting interest charges
which deteriorates per unit time on the outstanding amount in inventory at a rate of
i Annual interest that can be earned per unit i per unit. Only the unit cost from the generated
% #
i Annual interest charges payable per unit revenue is assumed herein to be deposited in an
(Note: We generally have i 'i ) interest bearing account. Consequently, the system
# %
210 H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214
can retain the di!erence between the retail price and holding cost in (0, H) is
and unit cost to meet daily expenses.
m~1 T
C "i + C(n¹) I(n¹#t) dt
# *
n/0 0
3. Model development m~1 Tj
"i C + eknT (e(hT~t)!1) dt
* 0 h
Assume that H"m¹, where m is an integer for n/0 0
the number of replenishments to be made during ji C ekH!1
" * 0 (ehT!h¹!1) . (7)
period H, and ¹ is a constant interval of time h2 ekT!1
between replenishments. The change in the inven-
tory level during an in"nitesimal time is a function Interest charged for the inventory not being sold
of the deterioration rate, demand rate and inven- after the due date M in (0, H) is
tory level. Thus, we have
m~1 T
C "i + C(n¹) I(n¹#t) dt
!dI"I h dt#j dt. (1) * #
t n/0 M
After adjusting the constant of integration, the ji C 1 ekH!1
solution of Eq. (1) is " # 0 (M!¹)# (eh(T~M)!1) ,
h h ekT!1
j (8)
I " (eh(T~t)!1), 0)t)¹. (2)
t h
and interest earned in (0, H) is
Consequently, initial inventory after replenishment
becomes m~1 M
C "i + C(n¹) I(n¹#t) dt
%1 %
j n/0 0
I "Q" (ehT!1). (3)
0 h ji C M2 ekH!1
" % 0 . (9)
Since the inventory model considers delay in pay- h2 ekT!1
ment e!ect, there are two distinct types of cases in From Eqs. (4), (5), (7)}(9), the total system cost over
inventory system. (0, H) is
¹C (H, ¹)"C #C #C #C !C
Case I: M)¹ 1 3 1 # * %1
Let A(t) and C(t) denote the replenishment cost ji C
and unit purchasing cost at time t, respectively. " A #QC # * 0 (ehT!h¹!1)
0 0 h2
Then replenishment cost in (0, H) is
ji C 1
C "A(0)#A(¹)#A(2¹)#2#A((m!1)¹)
3 # # 0 (M!¹)# (eh(T~M)!1)
h h
0 ekT!1
, (4) ji C M2 ekH!1
! % 0 . (10)
2 ekT!1
and purchasing cost in (0, H) is
Case II: M'¹
C "Q[C(0)#C(¹)#C(2¹)#2#C((m!1)¹)]
1 No interest charged in (0, H) because the supplier
ekH!1 can be paid in full at the permissible delay and
"QC . (5)
0 ekT!1 interest earned in (0, H) is
For inventory carrying cost, let I(t) be the inventory m~1 T T
C "i + C(n¹) j dt#(M!¹) j dt
level at time t. Since Q"(j/h)(ehT!1), we have %2 %
n/0 0 0
j ekH!1
I(n¹#t)" (eh(T~t)!1), 0)t)¹ (6) "i C j(¹M!1¹2) . (11)
h % 0 2 ekT!1
H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214 211
From Eqs. (4), (5), (7) and (11), the total cost over and
(0, H) is
¹C (H, Q)
¹C (H, ¹)"C #C #C !C
2 3 1 # %2
i C QN(Q) QC i (2M!N(Q))
" A #QC # * 0 ! 0%
ji C 0 0 2#hN(Q)
" A #QC # * 0 (ehT!h¹!1) 2#hN(Q)
0 0 h2
ekH!1 , (16)
!i C j(¹M!1¹2) . kN(Q)#(k2N(Q)2/2)
% 0 2 ekT!1
Substituting the quadratic approximation of ¹"N(Q)" . (17)
eh(T~M)"1#h(¹!M)# , 4. Special cases
(k¹)2 Case (i): When M"0, i "0 and i"i #i , Eqs.
ekT"1#k¹# , and % * #
2 (15) and (16) reduce to Su et al. [30]. Setting
(d¹C (H, Q))/dQ"0 and (d¹C (H, Q))/dQ"0,
j 1 2
Q" (ehT!1) the optimal value of Q becomes
in Eqs. (10) and (12) yield C #C i*
0 0 MM(Q)N2
¹C (H, Q)
1 (A #QC #QiC N(Q)/M(Q))(=(Q)#kN(Q)=(Q))
! 0 0 0
i C Q¹ QC i (¹!M)2 N(Q)#k/2MN(Q)N2
" A #QC # * 0 # 0 #
0 0 2#h¹ ¹(2#h¹) "0, (18)
C Qi M2 ekH!1
! 0 % , (13) 2Qh
¹(2#h¹) k¹#(k2¹2/2) M(Q)"1# 1# , (19)
¹C (H, Q)
2 (a#bQq)!qbQq
. (20)
i C Q¹ QC i (2M!¹) =(Q)"
" A #QC # * 0 ! 0 % (a#bQq)2J1#(2Qh/(a#bQq))
0 0 2#h¹ 2#h¹
Case (ii): When M"0, i "0, i"i #i , and
% * #
ekH!1 h"0, Eqs. (15) and (16) reduce to Vrat and
] . (14)
k¹#(k2¹2/2) Padmanabhan [24]. Setting (d¹C (H, Q))/dQ"0
and (d¹C (H, Q))/dQ"0, the optimal value of
In the proposed model, consumption rate is as- 2
sumed to follow the relationship j"a#bQq. In- Q becomes
corporating this into Eqs. (13) and (14) yields 1
¹C (H, Q) 2(a#bQq)#kQ
i C QN(Q) QC i (N(Q)!M)2 kbqQq Q2C i#4(a#bQq)(A #QC )
" A #QC # * 0 # 0# * a#bQq 0 0 0
0 0 2#hN(Q) N(Q)(2#hN(Q)) 2(a#bQq)Q
C Qi M2 ekH!1 2(A #QC )(a#bQq(1!q)#kQ
! 0 % #QC i! 0 0
N(Q)(2#hN(Q)) kN(Q)#(k2N(Q)2/2) 0 Q
(15) #C "0. (21)
212 H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214
Q" . (24) According to the proposed computational pro-
C i
0 cedure, the results listed in Table 1 are obtained for
M"0.1, 0.4 and 0.7 year. This table reveals that an
increase in the permissible delay causes both the
5. Computational procedure order size and cycle time to increase. Moreover, the
total cost is markedly reduced.
Eqs. (15) and (16) are the total system cost for The e!ect of h on the optimal order size, cycle
M)¹ and M'¹, respectively. Since these equa- time and total cost is not signi"cant [7,9]. To
tions are nonlinear, the optimal value of Q can be illustrate the intersection e!ect M, k and q, they are
found by using a commercial software GINO assumed 0.05, 0.1 or 0.15 (change in the same rate
which utilizes a powerful CRG2 [31] optimizer. By 50%). Meanwhile, the other parameter values fol-
doing so the total cost can be minimized. The low those data mentioned above. By using the
optimal order size, cycle time and total cost can be computational procedure, Table 2 displays the
obtained as follows:
Step 1: Determine QH from Eq. (15) and ¹H from
1 1
Eq. (17), if ¹H*M, obtain ¹C (H, QH) from Eq.
1 1 1 Table 1
Results obtained from the example
Step 2: Determine QH from Eq. (16) and ¹H from
2 2
Eq. (17), if ¹H(M, obtain ¹C (H, QH) from Eq.
2 2 2 M"0.1 year M"0.4 year M"0.7 year
Step 3: By comparing ¹C (H, QH) and Case I II II
1 1 Ordering size 79.45 80.77 81.06
¹C (H, QH), select the order size and cycle
2 2 Cycle time 0.153 0.155 0.156
time with the least total cost evaluated in Step 1,
Total cost 1417.90 1381.44 1345.24
Step 2.
H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214 213
Table 2
E!ects of M, q and k on the optimal ordering size, cycle time and total cost
0.05 Ordering size 95.35 95.08 94.69 95.91 95.65 95.25 96.87 96.61 96.22
Cycle time 0.188 0.188 0.187 0.190 0.189 0.188 0.191 0.191 0.190
Total cost 1359.72 1360.57 1361.63 1353.20 1354.04 1355.10 1347.00 1347.85 1348.90
0.1 Ordering size 103.82 103.49 103.01 104.38 104.06 103.58 105.37 105.05 104.57
Cycle time 0.205 0.204 0.203 0.206 0.205 0.204 0.208 0.207 0.206
Total cost 1387.80 1388.69 1389.81 1381.10 1381.99 1383.10 1374.72 1375.60 1376.71
0.15 Ordering size 114.88 114.47 113.86 115.42 115.01 114.40 116.43 116.03 115.43
Cycle time 0.227 0.226 0.224 0.228 0.227 0.225 0.230 0.229 0.227
Total cost 1416.14 1417.07 1418.25 1409.26 1410.19 1411.37 1402.68 1403.61 1404.79
optimal order size, cycle time and total cost. From 7. Concluding remarks
above results, we can infer that:
This study presents deterministic inventory mod-
1. When the parameter k increases and parameters
els for initial-stock-dependent consumption rate
M and q remain unchanged, the optimal order
under a situation in which the supplier o!ers
size, cycle time and total cost increase;
a credit period to settle the account of a purchased
2. When the parameter q increases and parameters
quantity. Shortages are not allowed and the e!ect
M and k remain unchanged, the optimal order
of the in#ation rate, deterioration rate, initial-
size and cycle time decrease only slightly and the
stock-dependent consumption rate and delay in
optimal total cost increases only slightly;
payment are discussed as well. Five special cases
3. When the parameters q and k increase and para-
are also presented. The proposed models can assist
meter M remains unchanged, the optimal order
the manager in concisely determining the order
size, cycle time and total cost increase;
size, cycle time and total cost. Numerical results
4. When the parameters M and k increase and
indicate that an increase in the permissible delay
parameter q remains unchanged, the optimal
causes both the order size and cycle time to
order size, cycle time and total cost increase; and
increase. Moreover, the total cost is markedly
5. When the parameters M and q increase and
reduced. The intuitive reason is that, when the
parameter k remains unchanged; the optimal
permissible payment period increases, the pur-
order size, cycle time and total cost decrease
chaser earns more by investing the cash from the
only slightly.
sales of inventory resulting in lower costs. Also, the
From Tables 1 and 2, we can know that the purchaser tends to hold more inventory which ex-
parameters M, k and q a!ect the optimal order size, tends the cycle time. The results of sensitivity analy-
cycle time and total cost. In terms of the intersec- sis indicate that the parameters M and k are more
tion e!ect, the parameter k is stronger than the sensitive toward the optimal total cost. That is, for
parameters q and M about the optimal order size, the parameters M, k, h and q, the e!ects of delay in
cycle time and total cost. The parameter q is stron- payment and in#ation are strong. The proposed
ger than the parameter M about the optimal order model can be used in inventory control of certain
size and cycle time. However, the parameter M is decaying items such as photographic "lm, elec-
stronger than the parameter q about the optimal tronic components, and radio active materials.
total cost. A future study should further incorporate the
214 H.C. Liao et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 63 (2000) 207}214
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