Chapter 12 Conflict Negotiation
Chapter 12 Conflict Negotiation
Chapter 12 Conflict Negotiation
Chapter 15
Page 667
Definition of Conflict
A process that begins when one party perceives that
another party has negatively affected, or is about to
negatively affect, something that the first party cares
– That point in an ongoing activity when an interaction
“crosses over” to become an interparty conflict
Encompasses a wide range of conflicts that people
experience in organizations
– Incompatibility of goals
– Differences over interpretations of facts
– Disagreements based on behavioral expectations
Transitions in Conflict Thought
Traditional View of Conflict
– The belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avoided
– Prevalent view in the 1930s-1940s
Functional conflicts:
- Conflicts which are constructively support the goals of
the group and improve its performance
Dysfunctional conflicts:
-Conflicts that destructively hinder group performance or
involve personal attack.
Types of Interactionist Conflict
Task Conflict
– Conflicts over content and goals of the work
– Low-to-moderate levels of this type are
Relationship Conflict
– Conflict based on interpersonal relationships
– Almost always DYSFUNCTIONAL
Process Conflict
– Conflict over how work gets done
– Low levels of this type are FUNCTIONAL
The Conflict Process
We will focus on each step in a moment…
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Source: K. Thomas, “Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations,” in M.D. Dunnette and L.M. Hough (eds.), Handbook of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., vol. 3 (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1992), p. 668. With permission.
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Stage III: Intentions
Dimensions of conflict-handling intentions:
– Competing
• One seeks to satisfy his/her own interests, regardless of the impact on other
parties, one wins and the other losses.
– Collaborating
• Search for cooperation and a mutually beneficial outcome—Win-Win
solution. Party solve problems by clarifying differences rather than by
accommodating various points of view.
– Avoiding
• One to withdraw or suppress the conflicts. E.g. trying to ignore a conflict
and avoid others with whom you disagree.
– Accommodating
• One attempts to place the other conflicting party’s interest above his/her
own in order to maintain relationship. More self sacrificing
– Compromising
• Each party to a conflict seeks to give up something to results a
compromised outcome. No clear winner or loser.
Stage IV: Behavior
Conflict Management
– The use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve the
desired level of conflict
Conflict- Resolution Techniques:
1. Problem solving: Face to face meeting of the conflicting parties to
identifying the problems and resolving it through open discussions.
2. Super-ordinate goals: Creating a shared goal that cannot be attained without
the cooperation of each of the conflicting parties
3. Expansion of Resources: If conflict is caused by scarcity of resources,I.e.
money, promotion and opportunities– expansion of resources can create win-
win solution.
4. Avoidance: Withdrawal from or suppression of the conflict.
Stage IV: Behavior
Conflict- Resolution Techniques (con’t):
5. Smoothing: Playing down differences while emphasizing common interests
between the conflicting parties
6. Compromise: Each party to the conflicts gives up something of values.
7. Authoritative command: Management uses its formal authority to resolve
the conflict then communicates its desires to the parties involved.
8. Altering the human variable: Using behavioral change techniques such as
human relation training to alter attitudes and behaviors that cause conflict.
9. Altering the structural variables: Changing the formal organization
structure and the interaction patterns of conflicting parties through job
redesign, transfer, creation of coordinating position..
Bargaining Tactics and the Bargaining Zone
Distributive Tactics Integrative Tactics
– Make an aggressive – Bargain in teams
first offer – Put more issues on the table
– Don’t compromise
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