En Us
En Us
En Us
1. Identification
Covestro LLC CALL CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300
1 Covestro Circle INTERNATIONAL: (703) 527-3887
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Emergency Phone: Call Chemtrec
Information Phone: (844) 646-0545
2. Hazards Identification
GHS Classification
Acute toxicity (Inhalation): Category 4
Respiratory sensitisation: Category 1
Skin sensitisation: Category 1
Specific target organ toxicity - Category 3 (Respiratory system)
single exposure:
Combustible dust:
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Hazardous Components
The specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage of component(s) have been withheld as a trade
May cause skin irritation with symptoms of reddening, itching, and swelling. Can cause sensitization.
Persons previously sensitized can experience allergic skin reaction with symptoms of reddening, itching,
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swelling, and rash. Cured material is difficult to remove.
May cause eye irritation with symptoms of reddening, tearing, stinging, and swelling. May cause
temporary corneal injury. Vapor or aerosol may cause irritation with symptoms of burning and tearing.
May cause irritation of the digestive tract; Symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and
,Contact with heated material can cause thermal burns.
Delayed: Symptoms affecting the respiratory tract can also occur several hours after overexposure.
Eye Contact
In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Use lukewarm water
if possible. Use fingers to ensure that eyelids are separated and that the eye is being irrigated. Then remove
contact lenses, if easily removable, and continue eye irrigation for not less than 15 minutes. Get medical
Skin Contact
If direct skin contact with isocyanates occurs, immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wipe
off the isocyanate product from the skin using dry towels or other similar absorbent fabric. If readily
available, apply a polyglycol-based cleanser (e.g. SKC, Inc. (SKC) D-TAM™ Skin Cleanser) or corn oil.
Wash with soap and warm water and pat dry. If a polyglycol-based cleanser is not available, wash with
soap and warm water for 15 minutes. If available, use a wipe test pad to verify decontamination is complete
(e.g. SKC SWYPE™). Get medical attention if irritation develops. Discard or wash contaminated clothing
before reuse.
Move to an area free from further exposure. Extreme asthmatic reactions that may occur in sensitized
persons can be life threatening. Get medical attention immediately. Administer oxygen or artificial
respiration as needed. Asthmatic symptoms may develop and may be immediate or delayed up to several
Do NOT induce vomiting. Wash mouth out with water. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Get medical attention.
Notes to Physician
Eyes: Stain for evidence of corneal injury. If cornea is burned, instill antibiotic/steroid preparation as
needed. Workplace vapors could produce reversible corneal epithelial edema impairing vision. Skin: This
compound is a skin sensitizer. Treat symptomatically as for contact dermatitis or thermal burn. Ingestion:
Treat symptomatically. There is no specific antidote. Inducing vomiting is contraindicated because of the
irritating nature of the compound. Inhalation: Treatment is essentially symptomatic. An individual having
a dermal or pulmonary sensitization reaction to this material should be removed from further exposure to
any diisocyanate.
5. Firefighting Measures
Suitable Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Foam, water spray for large
For more information about neutralization solutions, please refer to spill cleanup and neutralization
information available on Covestro’s Product Safety First website. www.productsafetyfirst.covestro.com
Note: Always wear proper PPE when cleaning up an isocyanate spill or when decontaminating surfaces,
tools, or equipment using a neutralization solution. It may take two or more applications of the
neutralization solution to decontaminate the surface. Residual surface contamination can be checked using
a surface wipe method such as the SKC Swype™ pad.
Handling/Storage Precautions
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This product may form explosible dust/air mixtures. Avoid creating dust. Remove all sources of ignition,
including flames, heat, and sparks. Do not breathe vapors, mists, or dusts. Use adequate ventilation to keep
airborne isocyanate levels below the exposure limits. Wear respiratory protection if material is heated,
sprayed, used in a confined space, or if the exposure limit is exceeded. Warning properties (irritation of the
eyes, nose and throat or odor) are not adequate to prevent overexposure from inhalation. This material can
produce asthmatic sensitization upon either single inhalation exposure to a relatively high concentration or
upon repeated inhalation exposures to lower concentrations. Individuals with lung or breathing problems
or prior allergic reactions to isocyanates must not be exposed to vapor or spray mist. Avoid contact with
skin and eyes. Wear appropriate eye and skin protection. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not breathe
smoke and gases created by overheating or burning this material. Decomposition products can be highly
toxic and irritating. Store in tightly closed containers to prevent moisture contamination. Do not reseal if
contamination is suspected.
Storage Period:
6 Months: after receipt of material by customer
Storage Temperature
Maximum: 30 °C (86 °F)
Storage Conditions
Employee education and training in the safe use and handling of this product are required under the OSHA
Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Substances to Avoid
Water, Amines, Strong bases, Alcohols, Copper alloys, Aluminum
The recommendations in this section should not be a substitute for a personal protective equipment (PPE)
assessment performed by the employer as required by 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I.
Exposure Limits
Any component which is listed in section 3 and is not listed in this section does not have a known ACGIH
TLV, OSHA PEL or supplier recommended occupational exposure limit.
Respiratory Protection
When heated, airborne NDI can exceed the exposure limit; therefore, in inadequately ventilated
environments, respiratory protection must be worn. The type of respiratory protection selected must
comply with the requirements set forth in OSHA's Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134).
The type of respiratory protection available includes (1) an atmosphere-supplying respirator such as a self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or a supplied air respirator (SAR) in the positive pressure or
continuous flow mode, or (2) an air-purifying respirator (APR). If an APR is selected then (a) the cartridge
must be equipped with an end-of-service life indicator (ESLI) certified by NIOSH, or(b) a change out
schedule, based on objective information or data that will ensure that the cartridges are changed out before
the end of their service life, must be developed and implemented. The basis for the change out schedule
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must be described in the written respirator program. Further, if an APR is selected, the airborne
diisocyanate concentration must be no greater than 10 times the exposure limit. An organic vapor (OV)
cartridge is recommended for APR use.
Hand Protection
Ensure gloves remain in good condition during use and replace if any deterioration is observed.
Gloves should be worn. Nitrile rubber showed excellent resistance. Butyl rubber, neoprene, and PVC are
also effective.
Eye Protection
When directly handling liquid product, eye protection is required. Examples of eye protection include a
chemical safety goggle, or chemical safety goggle in combination with a full face shield when there is a
greater risk of splash.
Skin Protection
Avoid all skin contact. Depending on the conditions of use, cover as much of the exposed skin area as
possible with appropriate clothing to prevent skin contact and thermal burns., Animal tests and other
research indicate that skin contact with NDI can play a role in causing isocyanate sensitization and
respiratory reaction., This data reinforces the need to prevent direct skin contact with isocyanates.
Medical Surveillance
All applicants who are assigned to an isocyanate work area should undergo a pre-placement medical
evaluation. A history of eczema or respiratory allergies such as hay fever, are possible reasons for medical
exclusion from isocyanate areas. Applicants who have a history of adult asthma should be restricted from
work with isocyanates. Applicants with a history of prior isocyanate sensitization should be excluded from
further work with isocyanates. A comprehensive annual medical surveillance program should be instituted
for all employees who are potentially exposed to diisocyanates. Once a worker has been diagnosed as
sensitized to any isocyanate, no further exposure can be permitted. Refer to the Covestro pamphlet
(Medical Surveillance Program for Isocyanate Workers) for additional guidance.
Hazardous Reactions
Contact with moisture, other materials that react with isocyanates, or temperatures above 350 F (177 C),
may cause polymerization, Moisture (water and high humidity) or high heat (temperatures greater than 350
F (177C)) can cause pressure build-up with possible explosive rupture.
Materials to Avoid
Water, Amines, Strong bases, Alcohols, Copper alloys, Aluminum
May cause skin irritation with symptoms of reddening, itching, and swelling. Can cause sensitization.
Persons previously sensitized can experience allergic skin reaction with symptoms of reddening, itching,
swelling, and rash. Cured material is difficult to remove.
May cause eye irritation with symptoms of reddening, tearing, stinging, and swelling. May cause
temporary corneal injury. Vapor or aerosol may cause irritation with symptoms of burning and tearing.
Prolonged contact with skin can cause reddening, swelling, rash, and, in some cases, skin sensitization.
Animal tests and other research indicate that skin contact with isocyanates can play a role in causing
isocyanate sensitization and respiratory reaction. This data reinforces the need to prevent direct skin
contact with isocyanates.
Delayed: Symptoms affecting the respiratory tract can also occur several hours after overexposure.
Skin Irritation
rabbit, OECD Test Guideline 404, slight irritant
Eye Irritation
rabbit, OECD Test Guideline 405, slight irritant
Respiratory sensitization: positive
Skin sensitization (local lymph node assay (LLNA)):: positive (Mouse, OECD Test Guideline 429)
No carcinogenic substances as defined by IARC, NTP and/or OSHA
Cyprinus carpio (Carp), Exposure time: 42 d, < 4.5 BCF
Bioaccumulation is unlikely. Studies of hydrolysis products.
354 BCF
Bioaccumulation is unlikely.
Toxicity to Microorganisms
EC50: > 10,000 mg/l, (activated sludge, 3 h)
One method for disposing of empty drums is to contract with an approved drum re-conditioner. A state by
state listing of drum re-conditioners can be obtained from the Reusable Industrial Packaging Association
(RIPA) at www.reusablepackaging.org.
If not sent to a re-conditioner, it is important that the company contacted to dispose of the drums be notified
of the hazards associated with the isocyanate-containing product. Metal recycling firms may require that
the drum be thoroughly decontaminated with a neutralizing agent prior to disposal. Contact Covestro LLC
for the proper procedure to neutralize and remove product residue from the drum. If not recycled, empty
drums should be crushed by mechanical means, such that reuse is impossible. Consult federal, state and
local regulations, as well as a licensed waste disposal facility to determine proper disposition of crushed
Bulk Containers
Some Covestro products are shipped in portable tanks referred to as Monotainers®. Covestro LLC owns
these Monotainers® and assists the customer in their return to Covestro LLC when empty. Other Covestro
products may be shipped in composite intermediate bulk containers, commonly referred to as totes. These
containers are returned to the tote manufacturer, not Covestro, when empty. Instructions on returning these
containers when empty are provided with each container.
Flexible intermediate bulk containers, commonly referred to as supersacks, should be shredded when empty
in such a way that reuse is impossible.
Other Containers
For all other packaging (e.g., aluminum bullet sample containers, and 1- and 5-gallon pails), these
containers are non-returnable and should not be reused for any other purpose. Remove any remaining
product and store in an appropriate waste container for proper disposal. Consult federal, state and local
regulations, as well as a licensed waste disposal facility to determine proper disposition of these empty
US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title III
Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance (40 CFR 355, Appendix A) Components:
US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title III
Section 313 Toxic Chemicals (40 CFR 372.65) - Supplier Notification Required Components:
1,5-Naphthalene Diisocyanate
US. EPA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Composite List of Hazardous Wastes
and Appendix VIII Hazardous Constituents (40 CFR 261):
Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the person who generates a solid waste, as defined in 40 CFR
261.2, to determine if that waste is a hazardous waste.
New Jersey Environmental Hazardous Substances List and/or New Jersey RTK Special Hazardous
Substances Lists:
Concentration Components CAS-No.
>=95% 1,5-Naphthalene Diisocyanate 3173-72-6
The method of hazard communication for Covestro LLC is comprised of product labels and safety data
sheets. Safety data sheets for all of our products and general product declarations are available for
download at www.productsafetyfirst.covestro.com.
The handling of products containing reactive NDI prepolymer and/or monomeric NDI requires
appropriate protective measures referred to in this SDS. These products are therefore recommended only
for use in industrial or trade (commercial) applications. They are not suitable for use in Do-It-Yourself
Information contained in this SDS is believed to be accurate but is furnished without warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The information relates
only to the specific material designated herein. Covestro LLC. assumes no legal responsibility for use of or
reliance upon the information in this SDS and such information shall in no case be considered a part of our
terms and conditions of sale. The user is responsible for determining whether the Covestro product is
suitable for user’s method of use or application. Covestro is not liable for any failure to observe the
precautionary measures described in this SDS or for any misuse of the product.
Changes since the last version are highlighted in the margin. This version replaces all previous versions.