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Open RAN

Security Report

May 2023

Outcome from
Critical and Emerging
Working Group
Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5

Background ................................................................................................................................. 5

Objectives of this research study ................................................................................................ 6

Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 6

1 Categorizing security risks of 5G networks........................................................................... 9

2 Scope and method of research ............................................................................................. 10

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Scope and limitations ................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Assumptions on the Radio Access Network ................................................................ 11

2.3.1 Deployment assumptions ............................................................................................. 12

2.3.2 Security assumptions ................................................................................................... 14

2.4 Risk analysis ................................................................................................................ 15

2.4.1 Threat identification ..................................................................................................... 15

2.4.2 Risk rating .................................................................................................................... 17

2.4.3 Risk mitigation ............................................................................................................. 20

2.4.4 Mitigation owners ........................................................................................................ 20

2.5 Previously published views on Open RAN security ................................................... 21

2.5.1 BSI – Open RAN Risk Analysis (5GRANR) .............................................................. 21

2.5.2 NIS Group – Report on the cybersecurity of Open RAN ............................................ 21

2.5.3 CISA – Open Radio Access Network Security Considerations ................................... 22

2.5.4 IFRI – “Open” Telecom Networks (Open RAN)......................................................... 23

2.5.5 NTT Docomo – 5G Open RAN Ecosystem White paper ............................................ 24

2.5.6 Summary of previously published views ..................................................................... 25

3 Comparison of Open RAN and traditional RAN................................................................. 29

3.1 Security risks associated to Open RAN ....................................................................... 29

3.1.1 Result of the threat identification ................................................................................. 29

3.1.2 Result of the risk rating ................................................................................................ 31

3.2 Potential Open RAN security challenges...................................................................37

3.3 Potential security advantages of Open RAN .............................................................40

4 Risk mitigation measures ....................................................................................................42

4.1 Mitigation measures defined by O-RAN specifications ............................................42

4.1.1 Specification analysis.................................................................................................42

4.1.2 Analysis results ..........................................................................................................46

4.1.3 Summary of O-RAN defined mitigating measures ....................................................50

4.2 Supplementary mitigation measures ..........................................................................51

4.2.1 Analysis & design ......................................................................................................51

4.2.2 Implementation & test................................................................................................54

4.2.3 Sourcing & procurement ............................................................................................56

4.2.4 Integration & deployment ..........................................................................................58

4.2.5 Operations & maintenance.........................................................................................60

5 Lab Verification and Analysis ............................................................................................63

5.1 Purpose of Lab Verification.......................................................................................63

5.2 Lab verification scope and procedure ........................................................................63

5.2.1 Scope..........................................................................................................................63

5.2.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................64

5.3 Test scenarios.............................................................................................................65

5.3.1 Open Interface............................................................................................................65 Characteristics of Open Interface............................................................................65 Open Fronthaul Test Scenario ................................................................................67 Other Open Interface Test Scenarios ......................................................................69

5.3.2 Virtualization .............................................................................................................70 Characteristics of Open Interface............................................................................70 Test scenario for virtualization ...............................................................................70

5.3.3 Intelligence.................................................................................................................71 The Characteristics of Intelligence .........................................................................71

3 Intelligence Testing Scenario.................................................................................... 71

5.4 Test Environment..................................................................................................... 73

5.5 Validation Results .................................................................................................... 74

5.5.1 Open Interface.............................................................................................................. 74 Verification items and procedures ............................................................................ 74 Test Results ............................................................................................................... 79 Analysis .................................................................................................................... 80

6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 82

6.1 Open RAN security risks and mitigations ................................................................... 82

6.1.1 Risk analysis findings .................................................................................................. 82

6.1.2 Mitigating measures ..................................................................................................... 83

6.1.3 Comparison to traditional RAN ................................................................................... 84

6.1.4 Lab Verification and Analysis ..................................................................................... 85

6.2 Open challenges ........................................................................................................... 85

6.2.1 AI/ML poisoning ......................................................................................................... 85

6.2.2 Privacy considerations ................................................................................................. 85

6.3 Aspects unrelated to security ....................................................................................... 86

6.3.1 Lower prices for wireless communication equipment ................................................. 86

6.3.2 Optimizing energy efficiency through intelligence (Energy saving) ........................... 86

6.3.3 Improved monitoring and maintenance functions by SMOs ....................................... 86

7 References ................................................................................................................................. 88

Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 91

A1 Duplicate threats identified in the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation

Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 91

A2 Security threats unique to Open RAN ......................................................................... 96

A3 Security checklist for Open RAN .............................................................................. 104

A3.1 Objective of this checklist.............................................................................................. 104

A3.2 Description of parameters in this checklist .................................................................... 104

A3.3 Supplementary information ........................................................................................... 105


Mobile communication systems and other information and communication infrastructures are an

essential part of the social economy and people's lives. 5G networks, which are currently being

deployed globally, differ from conventional mobile communication systems in that, in addition to

ultra-high speed and high capacity, they are equipped with requirements such as ultra-low latency

and multiple simultaneous connections, and are expected to be used as a platform for improving

efficiency and convenience in industry and society and creating new added value. The importance

of these systems in society and the economy is increasing, and it is important to ensure their

security. Traditionally, base stations necessary for the deployment of mobile communication

systems were designed by vendors using their proprietary technologies and standards and were

provided as a single solution. Therefore, if a telecommunications operator adopts a certain vendor's

base station and builds a network, it will be forced to continue building its network with that same

vendor's base station from then on, resulting in so-called vendor lock-in. This has made it difficult

for new entrants, even those with superior technology, to enter the base station market, leading to

market oligopoly and vendor lock-in, and the global market for mobile communication system base

stations has become an oligopoly dominated by a small number of vendors. In addition, if the

vendor lock-in situation persists for a long time, it is assumed that the specifications and operational

methods of base stations may become increasingly black boxed. Furthermore, as the procurement

of products is dependent on a specific vendor, if procurement from that vendor stagnates or is

disrupted for some reason, there is a potential for so-called supply chain risk, where the entire

service may become inoperable.

In response to this situation, worldwide efforts are underway to open up the interfaces between the
devices that make up the base station, beginning with Open RAN. The Open Radio Access Network

(O-RAN) Alliance, an international association for open and intelligent Radio Access Networks

(RANs), was launched in 2018. As of May 2023, nearly 330 carriers and vendors belong to this

organization, which has grown into a global and large industry association.

The O-RAN Alliance is developing open technical specifications for signal interfaces between the

devices that make up the 5G base station. In addition, studies are being conducted on the

certification and interoperability testing of Open RAN components and interfaces through Open

Testing and Integration Centres (OTICs), which are open and neutral interoperability verification

centres. Currently, several OTICs are established in Europe, the USA and Asia, including Japan.

Open RAN allows for the free choice of the equipment that makes up the base station, making it

possible to develop a highly scalable and flexible base station. Vendors will also be able to introduce

high-demand and differentiated products to the market that use their own specialist technologies,

and mobile network operators (MNOs) will be able to adopt better products without

being locked into existing vendors. The widespread use of O-RAN specifications is expected to

break the telecoms base station oligopoly, and market competition between vendors is

expected to improve the performance of individual devices and reduce the cost of equipment

considering increased market competition.

On the other hand, reports published by government organizations in some countries have pointed

out that Open RANs have security issues due to the inclusion of interfaces such as Open fronthaul

and components such as O-Cloud, SMO (Service Management and Orchestration) and RIC (RAN

Intelligent Controller).

Objectives of this research study

Given the above background, it is envisaged that in the future, vendors will actively develop O-RAN

equipment, number of 5G base stations compliant with the O-RAN Alliance specifications will

increase, and networks consisting of a diverse range of base stations provided by various vendors

are expected to be formed.

On the other hand, reports published by government organizations in some countries have

pointed out that Open RANs have security issues.

In response to these points, this study will firstly develop a categorization of security risks for 5G

networks, review existing expert reports, and consider how to set conditions in a neutral and non-

biased manner. A comparative study of Open RAN and traditional vertically integrated networks is

then carried out to identify the security advantages and challenges of Open RAN. For the issues

identified as security challenges for Open RAN, risk mitigation measures are studied for each issue,

and laboratory experiments are conducted for items considered necessary or beneficial. With such

attention to security in Open RANs, it is necessary to assess issues pointed out in those reports and
possibilities for the mitigation in an objective manner.

5G network faces multifaceted risks such as market oligopoly of base stations, the rising cost

of fossil fuel-based energy resources and increased complexity associated with technological

evolution. Among them, in this investigation, security risks for typical 5G network are

categorized and compared between traditional RAN and Open RAN.

Comparison of Open RAN and traditional RAN

• Several findings are derived from the STRIDE Threat Modeling and associated risk

analysis performed on the basis of the O-RAN specifications

- In total, 10 O-RAN components and interfaces have high-rated security risks

associated to them. The component with the highest number of security

threats according to the analysis is the O-Cloud

- However, it can be considered a virtualization-related security threat that is not

limited to Open RAN. A total of 4% of the analyzed security threats are

considered unique to Open RAN

- Compared to non-disaggregated, non-virtualized RAN, Open RAN has


security advantages, incl. openly specified, verifiable security controls and

capabilities associated to virtualization and cloudification that can help to

improve operational security tasks

• Mitigation measures based on O-RAN specifications are evaluated as follows:

- Analysis of the technical specifications shows that defined security controls

mainly focus on the Analysis & design phase of the Open RAN lifecycle

- Supplementary mitigation measures are provided to cover the entire Open


life cycle beyond Analysis & design

- Analysis & design : Open RAN vendor to ensure compliance with

relevant technical specifications (incl. O-RAN, 3GPP) and follow best

practices for secure solution design

- Implementation & test : Open RAN vendor to enforce secure

development practices, perform security testing, and confirm

interoperability using O-RAN test specifications

- Sourcing & procurement:MNO, Open RAN vendor, and other involved

parties to contractually agree security requirements, roles and

responsibilities, e.g., by signing SLAs and utilizing RFPs/ RFQs/ SBOMs

- Integration & deployment : Involved parties to perform network

integration, security configuration and hardening tasks

- Operations & maintenance: MNO to leverage operational security


automation capabilities of O-Cloud and SMO to enforce established

best practices for identifying and mitigating security incidents

- A security checklist attached as an Appendix to this report is also beneficial


mitigation of security risk

- With these mitigation measures, it is possible to ensure equivalent security level

compared to traditional RAN

Lab Verification and Analysis

• For lab verification purpose, Open Fronthaul is selected as a representative interface

as it includes all CUS + M-Plane components and was the first interface to be opened

up. This interface is an appropriate representative test subject due to its maturity and

advanced implementation

• The tests conducted here were based on the O-RAN specification, and it was confirmed
that the risk of Open Fronthaul can be addressed by adhering to the standard specification
• Furthermore, Open Fronthaul includes typical connection types (Ethernet L2

connections, TCP/IP connections) and security controls Open FH, which means that it

can be estimated that the risk of other interfaces can also be reduced by adhering to

the standard specifications, leading to security assurance

In addition, from aspects unrelated to security, Open RAN can be expected to have the following
- Improvement of the performance and reducing the cost of equipment by

stimulating competition in the base station market;

- Mitigating supply chain risks (diversifying suppliers) according to the multi-vender


- Optimizing energy efficiency through intelligence (Energy saving);

- Improvement of monitoring and maintenance functions by SMOs.

So, in 5G network deployment, MNOs will be able to make comprehensive decisions based on

these aspects as well as security.

Finally, A security checklist summarizing the security requirements to be met by Open RAN is

also attached as an Appendix to this report. This checklist is mainly intended to be used to

check whether the security measures for Open RAN networks are sufficient in the following two


- For MNOs currently operating Open RAN: use the checklist to assess if the current

Open RAN network deployment meets the necessary security requirements.

- For MNOs considering new Open RAN deployments: use the checklist as a
reference to evaluate, eliminate or reduce security concerns prior to deploying
Open RAN in the future.

1 Categorizing security risks of 5G networks
Mobile networks are subject to a plethora of security risks throughout their lifetime. 5G adopts

many technologies and architectural concepts from the domain of IT and thus, it needs to take

those potential risks into account, for example, related to the increased adoption of cloud

computing and AI. These developments are not just constrained to the Core Network, but also

affect the Radio Access Network (RAN).

For the purposes of identifying and appropriately mitigating these risks, it is useful to categorize

them. One approach is to distinguish the life cycle phase in which each risk commonly occurs. Both

5G deployments and Open RAN deployments share a system life cycle that is typically comprised

of the following phases:

1. Analysis & design

2. Implementation & test

3. Sourcing & procurement

4. Integration & deployment

5. Operations & maintenance

Throughout these life cycle phases, different security threats have the potential to affect individual
network components or even the entire network deployment. Table 1 illustrates the different
categories in relation to the system life cycle outlined above. In the remainder of this report, these
categories will be leveraged to analyze Open RAN security risks further and identify associated
dependency vuln.

Supply chain /


Analysis & design ●
Design flaw



/ Lack of

Implementation & test ●

Sourcing & procurement ●

Integration & deployment ●

Operations & maintenance ● ●

Table 1: Categorization of security threats

2 Scope and method of research

2.1 Introduction
Globally, mobile network connections have continued to increase ever since mobile networks

were introduced, and they are expected to increase further. At the same time, the use cases

for mobile networks are expected to expand and mobile networks will become increasingly

essential for daily life.

The Radio Access Network (RAN) is responsible for providing the access stratum. Said

differently, the RAN’s primary task within a mobile network is to provide coverage to mobile

devices and using that coverage, enable data communications between connected devices and

the core network. Within that system, it is the core network’s responsibility to handle that data

and to route it to an external party, either directly or through the internet.

Due to its distributed nature of deployment, the RAN accounts for a considerable part of the

investment in mobile network deployments. Therefore, it is understandable that mobile network

operators would like to understand what the security risks are associated with this investment

and how those security risks can be addressed.

This chapter describes a threat modeling and risk analysis approach to Open RAN. It defines

the scope of Open RAN, our method, and the key assumptions underpinning the assessment.

Finally, it contains a summary of reports previously published by third parties on the topic of

Open RAN security and how the present report further extends on this work.

2.2 Scope and limitations

The following chapter describes the threat modeling and risk analysis performed on the Open

RAN system. This theoretical exercise is performed to assess the threat surface presented by

Open RAN system components and derive appropriate security controls.

Basis for the analysis described in this document are the technical specifications developed by the

O-RAN Alliance. Since these O-RAN specifications build on the work done by the 3rd Generation

Partnership Project (3GPP), the relevant security specifications for Next Generation Radio Access

Network (NG-RAN) are also taken into account. Hence, throughout this document, the term “Open

RAN” is understood to mean “Open RAN as per O-RAN and 3GPP NG-RAN specifications”. From both

of these sources, the latest available document versions as of March 2023 are utilized. Part of this

analysis is also a comparison between security risks unique to Open RAN and those that affect RAN

deployments in general, incl. traditional RAN. This distinction is intended to help mobile network

operators identify genuinely new threats that need to be managed when transitioning to Open RAN.
The high-level architectural diagram in Figure 1 illustrates all network components and interfaces

of Open RAN that fall within the scope of this analysis. This diagram, which is created based on

the logical architecture diagram of O-RAN [1], provides a high-level overview of how individual

components and interfaces are connected within the RAN, as well as specifies which of them

are defined and standardized by 3GPP and O-RAN.

• Security protocols between the RAN

and the core network are defined by
3GPP (3GPP TS 33.501)

R1 N o n -
• Security solutions for SMO
software defined DU and CU are O2
implemented and integrated by
multiple vendors
• Open interfaces between
RAN components are standardized by O1
the O-RAN Alliance A1

Fronthaul E2
M-Plane E2

Air interface O-CU-CP
E1 ...
• User Plane and Control Open
Fronthaul O-CU-UP
Plane are protected by 3GPP security of F1-u NG-u
3GPP TS 33.501 CUS+M-Plane Xn-u
User Plane traffic
Control Plane traffic
3GPP defined interface
O-RAN interface

For future study

Radio Access Network Core Network

Figure 1: High-level architectural diagram of Open RAN deployments

Out of scope of this analysis are system components outside of NG-RAN (e.g., eNB, 5G Core, User

Equipment), system components and interfaces of previous mobile generations (e.g., 4G/LTE), and

any proprietary components outside the scope of 3GPP and O-RAN specifications (e.g., specific

cloud implementations).

2.3 Assumptions on the Radio Access Network

Open RAN deployments can vary greatly between use cases and therefore, security controls differ
as well. The problem this poses, is that the likelihood of a risk will be affected by the type of

deployment that is selected. For example, the likelihood of an attack on an isolated deployment
within the perimeter of a factory is different than the likelihood of an attack on a public network

that leverages public cloud resources. To address that problem, a risk assessment for each type of

deployment would need to be performed. Even then, the variation between deployments would
limit the value of such a risk assessment.

As such, the first underlying assumption of the risk assessment in this document is as follows.

1. The Open RAN deployment is assumed to be part of a public mobile network.

Another assumption has been made on the security controls already present in the network.

Specifically, it is assumed that minimum security controls necessary are already in place. Examples

for minimum security controls include such fundamental capabilities such as a system inventory,

secrets management, and public key infrastructure. The reason for this assumption is that without

it, the risk assessment will rate many risks as high, whereas in practice, mitigating measures will

be in place (and in some cases mitigating measures themselves are subject to additional risks).

As such, the assumption of ‘reasonable security’ is made to avoid long lists of threats that may be

theoretically relevant, but in practice are always mitigated. This assumption is based on expert

opinions as well as public data, where available.

2. Minimum security controls are already present in the mobile network integrating the Open

RAN deployment.

In the following, it is described in more detail what these assumptions mean specifically.

2.3.1 Deployment assumptions

Mobile network operator deployments are far from homogeneous, even within one mobile network.

For example, shopping malls, tunnels, remote areas can all have different deployments depending

on the local situation. This report focuses on public network deployments that are expected to be

most commonly used.

Domain Assumption

O-RU - deployed in physically accessible locations, such as on poles, or on

roof tops

- physically accessible by an attacker by relatively simple means

O-DU - deployed in a local data center, such as a dedicated building station

or in the basement of a building

- access to local data centers restricted, but shared with other

t t
O-CU - deployed in physically secured data centers

- only authorized personnel can access premises

- data center assets separated for each client

SMO - deployed in large, physically secured data centers

Table 2: Deployment assumptions of Open RAN components

The risk assessment also includes a comparison between Open RAN and traditional RAN.

Because 12
the term “traditional RAN” is not clearly defined, it is assumed that traditional RAN deployments

are comprised of Base Band Units (BBU) and Radio Remote Units (RRU), also called Radio Remote

Heads (RRH). The architectural diagram in Figure 2 illustrates the network components in traditional

RAN deployments. While this type of deployment implements a non-disaggregated RAN as specified

by 3GPP, individual RAN components are often provided by a single vendor, tightly coupled, and

rely on proprietary security controls.

Figure 2: High-level architectural diagram of traditional RAN deployments

With regard to traditional RAN components, the following assumptions have been made.

Traditional RAN interface specification is not openly published. So, third parties in the industry

cannot proactively discover and address security issues in the interface specification.

Domain Assumption

RRU/RRH - deployed in physically accessible locations close to the radio antenna,

such as on poles, or on roof tops

- connected to the BBU via unsecured Ethernet or Fiber link

BBU - deployed in physically accessible locations, such as roof tops or

separate room inside a building

- physically accessible by an attacker by relatively simple means

Table 3: Deployment assumptions of traditional RAN components

2.3.2 Security assumptions
Both 3GPP specifications and O-RAN specifications come with security controls that operators can

choose to employ. The reason behind the optionality is that the standards need to work across

different geographies, including those that may prohibit or limit the use of encryption or other

cryptographic protocols. As such, technical specifications are defined in a way that security can be

enabled or disabled, so that standard equipment can be used across the globe. At the same time,

this does not mean that each operator will always enable all of the security functionality available

in the 3GPP and O-RAN specifications. Operators may opt to not include security features if they

find that it hampers performance or that it may not mitigate a significant risk, in their view. For this

analysis, the following assumptions are made.

Domain Assumption

3GPP User Plane - AS Encryption: Assumed to be turned on

- AS Integrity: Assumed to be turned off

- Backhaul (NG-U, NG-C) security: Assumed to be turned off

3GPP Control Plane - NAS Encryption: Assumed to be turned on

- NAS Integrity: Assumed to be turned on

- SUCI: Assumed to be plain text SUPI

- IMSI paging: Assumed to not be used

- GUTI: Assumed to be rotated

O-Cloud - O-CUs are assumed to be deployed on a public cloud

Physical security - O-RUs are not physically secure

- O-DUs are deployed in shared facilities

- O-CUs are deployed in a shared data center

Table 4: Security assumptions

As said before, operators do not always turn on all security features of 3GPP for various reasons.

As a result, in the table above, AS Integrity protection, Backhaul security, and SUCI are assumed

to be turned off. It is the authors view that these security features are the most likely ones not to

be used by operators even in developed countries. However, for 5G networks designed and used

for critical communications, security can be further enhanced by turning these specific security

procedures on.

For the physical security of the O-RAN components assumptions were made based on both

physical and design limitations. For example, an RU is more likely to be found on a roof of a

building or a pole in a field, or just attached to a ceiling and is therefore assumed to be not

physically secure. For the O-DU a slightly more secure shared facility like a locked cabinet in a

building was assumed. Finally, for the CU, the assumption was made that it sits in a larger data

center on a public cloud and is therefore reasonably physically secured. For the O-Cloud, the

assumption of a public cloud was made for O-CUs only as this seemed reasonable and a reflection

of operators teaming up with cloud providers for building out their networks. The important aspect

for the analysis, though, is the fact that the O-CU is located in a physically secured environment.

2.4 Risk analysis

Risk is commonly defined as the product of impact and likelihood of an adverse event, i.e., a threat.

Therefore, to get to a risk rating that allows for prioritization, these two variables need to be

determined first. For this study, a qualitative assessment is utilized for both impact and likelihood,

assigning high-level values LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. A quantitative assessment is not feasible due

to a lack of available data. Therefore, the assessment is bound to be subjective to an extent.

Readers are encouraged to use this document as a general guideline, and make necessary

adjustments based on the specific operating environment when determining the security risk of

their Open RAN deployment.

2.4.1 Threat identification

First, previously published reports on Open RAN security are reviewed and summarized. Given that

the security of Open RAN has been subject of active debate, this initial step helps to establish an

overview of security expectations and potential security risks associate to this new deployment

approach. Since some of the selected reports also comment on the O-RAN specifications, this review

also allows for a comparison of these previous findings with the technical specifications in their

current form.

The O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis [2] is the basis for the threat modeling and

risk analysis described in this document. It focuses on an analysis of the O-RAN security threat

modeling and its remediation measures based on the ISO 27005 standard which provides guidance

for risk management. It has also identified relevant security stakeholders, critical assets that include

the O-RAN components and interfaces to be protected within the O-RAN system, and threats

against the O-RAN components considering threat agents who may manifest a threat and potential

vulnerabilities that may be exploited.

In the current version of the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis, the threats against

the O-RAN components are classified into eight categories with consideration to the expanded

threat surface from additional functions and interfaces, as well as the Lower Layer Split (LLS)

introduced by the O-RAN architecture. In these categories, the decoupling of hardware and

software, leveraging virtualization, and the use of open-source components are also considered.

1. Threats against O-RAN system

2. Threats against O-CLOUD

3. Threats to open-source code

4. Physical Threats

5. Threats against 5G radio networks

6. Threats against ML system

7. Protocol stack threats

8. SMO threats
Each threat category contains several threats with unique IDs and threat descriptions that describe

how specific vulnerabilities in the O-RAN components can compromise Confidentiality, Integrity,

and Availability with specific threats. As an extension of the classification of relevant threats against

each O-RAN component, a threat inventory is also developed to provide a mapping between threats,

vulnerabilities, and targeted critical assets.

The afore-mentioned eight threat categories consist of a well-defined set of descriptions for

individual O-RAN components. However, a number of duplicates are identified. To be specific, the

common threat section under the category of threats against the O-RAN system covers a wider

range of threats and may also include threats that are covered in other categories. In turn, the

result of the threat analysis may be skewed as some threats will weigh heavier because of this

duplication. The duplicates should be removed in order to conduct the risk analysis with the

underlying skew corrected. To address this issue, deduplication was carried out as following:

- First, based on the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis, a list of affected

O-RAN components and associated threats is compiled to confirm the completeness of

the associated threats.

- Second, the list is reviewed to check if duplicate or overlapping threats are mapped

to any of the O-RAN components.

- Finally, the specific threats that found to be duplicate or overlapping are removed if

they do not describe a unique threat scenario not covered in more general threats.

Next, the STRIDE framework is used to categorize the security threats that have been

deduplicated in the previous step. STRIDE is a mnemonic for six fundamental types of security

threats a system may be subject to. Each of these security threats relates to a protection goal

that it violates, as illustrated in Table 5 below.

Security threat Protection goals

Spoofing Authentication

Tampering Integrity

Repudiation Non-repudiation

Information disclosure Confidentiality

Denial of service Availability

Elevation of privilege Authorization

Table 5: Overview of the STRIDE mnemonic

Leveraging a framework such as STRIDE helps to ensure a structured way of identifying security

threats and contributes to a better coverage of the resulting model. STRIDE is generally well-

suited for performing threat modeling on a (technical) system level making it an appropriate choice

for analyzing Open RAN. Alternative approaches exist for performing threat modeling in different

scenarios, for example, at an organizational scope.

As noted previously, Open RAN builds on, and extends, the radio access network as specified

by 3GPP. For this reason, there may be security threats relevant to Open RAN deployments

that do not apply to traditional RAN. As part of this step, it is therefore also assessed whether

an identified threat is specific to Open RAN or not.

2.4.2 Risk rating

In order to create a prioritized lists of security risks, it is required to determine impact and likelihood

of the threats identified. Given the afore-mentioned dependencies to individual deployment

scenarios and the use cases supported by a given Open RAN system, a qualitative assessment is

performed. Both impact and likelihood are classified in the generic categories HIGH, MEDIUM, and

LOW. Eventually, both impact and likelihood ratings are combined into one risk rating that follows

the same classification. The following sections outline how impact and likelihood ratings have been


The O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis [2] considers the following five factors in

determining the severity rating of a security threat:

- Impact on privacy of network subscribers;

- Impact on the basic security properties confidentiality, integrity, and availability;

- Scale of impact, depending on the number of affected O-RUs and/or O-DUs;

- Impact on the Clock Model and Synchronization Topology configurations;

- Adverse impacts depending on whether existing requirements and controls are already

defined in the O-RAN requirements specifications.

This approach to determining threat impact poses two issues. Firstly, risk assessments should

not 17
take into account security requirements or controls. Ideally, they are determined as a result of the

risk assessment. Even if security controls are considered, they may be able to reduce the likelihood

of a given threat, but they cannot affect its impact. Secondly, impacts on privacy and

synchronization data are treated as separately from confidentiality, integrity, and availability

threats. Privacy is indeed distinct from security, as it concerns not just data protection, but also

aspects such as the legality of data processing and the data owner’s rights. However, from a purely

technical point of view, a privacy impact occurs where the security of personal-identifiable

information –such as user data, user location data, or user identifiers – is breached. Therefore,

analysis in this report will assume privacy risks as being directly related to threats on network

components processing personal-identifiable information. Similarly, any risks to synchronization

data are also directly related to threats against components which provide clock and

synchronization functionalities.

Considering the above, for the purposes of the risk assessment described in this document, the

threat impact rating is determined only by the following ratings:

- Service impact, describing the impact on a single subscriber’s session if a threat of

confidentiality, integrity, or availability materializes against a given component; and

- Scale of impact, describing the impact on the overall network deployment or

subscriber base when a given component is compromised.

These two ratings are distinguished because the compromise of an individual network component

may not necessarily have a significant effect on the overall deployment. It is assumed that the

primary concern of mobile network operators is to ensure security at the service layer, rather than

preventing the compromise of every single component. Due to this fact, more weight is placed on
the Scale of impact than on the Service impact rating.

Table 6 illustrated how these two ratings are leveraged to derive one consolidated impact rating

per threat.

Scale of Impact
High Medium Low

Service Impact High High Medium Medium

Medium High Medium Low

Low Medium Medium Low

Table 6: Impact rating scheme


The O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis [2] determines the likelihood rating of a

threat based on the following four factors:
- Threat event initiation, depending on the capabilities that attackers possess and the

potential entry points to exploit a vulnerability to initiate an attack;

- Exposure, which is related to the number of external interfaces and/or services that

are exposed to attackers;

- Zero Trust Approach (ZTA), depending on the implementation of a zero trust

architecture protecting against attackers; and

- Adverse impacts depending on whether existing requirements and controls are

already defined in the O-RAN requirements specifications.

As noted previously, security requirements and controls should not be considered as part of a

risk assessment, rendering Zero Trust Approach and Adverse impacts as unsuitable. Instead,

the likelihood rating is determined by the following two factors:

- Attacker value, characterized by the assumed value of compromising a given

component/interface based on the associated functionality and data; and

- Exposure, characterized by the number of components/interfaces in a typical

network deployment

Both Exposure and Attacker value are assumed to have approximately the same influence on

the likelihood of a threat. Table 7 shows how the two ratings are combined to determine the

overall likelihood rating.

Attacker Value
High Medium Low

Exposure High High High Medium

Medium High Medium Low

Low Medium Low Low

Table 7: Likelihood rating scheme

The overall risk rating is determined by impact and likelihood of a given threat. The formula

used can be expressed as follows: Risk= Impact x Likelihood. The resulting classification is

shown in Table 8 below.

High Medium Low

Impact High High High Medium

Medium High Medium Low

Low Medium Low Low

Table 8: Risk rating scheme

2.4.3 Risk mitigation

Following the analysis and prioritization of security risks is the documentation of mitigating

measures. In a first step, the technical specifications of 3GPP and O-RAN are reviewed to identify

essential security controls required for interoperability. These security controls are mapped to the

collection of security risks created in the previous stage. For risks that are not addressed by the

technical specifications, generic security standards and best practices published by reputable

organizations are leveraged, such as NIST or CIS.

2.4.4 Mitigation owners

The present document distinguishes different mitigation owners, i.e., stakeholders responsible for

implementing mitigating measures. Specifically, the following roles are assumed based on a life

cycle view on the Open RAN system: Open RAN vendor, Infrastructure provider, Network operator

(i.e., internal threat actors). Note that these roles can be associated to the same or different
Design flaw, etc.

vulnerabilities, etc.

dependency vuln.,

Supply chain /

hardening, etc.

/ Lack of


stakeholders, depending on the operating model of a given deployment.

Analysis & design OV, MNO

Implementation & test


Sourcing & procurement OV, MNO

Integration & deployment IP, OV, MNO

Operations & maintenance IP, OV,

Table 9: Categorization of security threats, incl. associated mitigation

owners 20
2.5 Previously published views on Open RAN security

2.5.1 BSI – Open RAN Risk Analysis (5GRANR)

In February 2022, Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) published an Open RAN

risk analysis [3]. The authors examine the security risk of Open RAN implementations along five

central protection goals (confidentiality, integrity, accountability, availability, privacy) and from the

perspective of three different stakeholders (end user, network operator, state/society). The risk

analysis performed is based on a qualitative assessment of the likelihood of occurrence (high,

medium, low) and does not take into account impact. Different attacker types are considered.

Security safeguards that may reduce the identified risks are based on the technical specifications

by 3GPP and the O-RAN Alliance. The authors account for optionality of certain security controls in

the specifications by considering the best-case, i.e., all optional controls are implemented, and

worst-case, i.e., no optional controls are implemented.

The study finds that, at the time of its creation, 3GPP and O-RAN specifications are not sufficiently

developed according to “security/privacy by design/default” and “zero trust” best practices, thus

exhibiting multiple security risks. In particular, the authors point out the optionality of security

controls and ambiguity regarding the mandatory use of security mechanisms. On the O-RAN

specifications specifically, it is noted that there are multiple areas of the system that are

underspecified with regard to security, incl. system interfaces, O-RAN apps, and the underlying O-

Cloud. The authors provide recommendations for improvement.

2.5.2 NIS Group – Report on the cybersecurity of Open RAN

In May 2022, NIS Cooperation Group published a report on cybersecurity implications of Open

RAN [4]. The report focuses primarily on two points: security risks with an estimation on the

impact Open RAN will have on each of them (Both identified security risks currently associated

with traditional RAN, as well as new risks introduced by Open RAN) and potential security

opportunities that will be increased by utilizing Open RAN solutions.

The impact of Open RAN on identified security risks is classified by whether the risks are somewhat

similar, amplified, or reduced, depending on how the impact changes relative to Traditional RAN.

In addition, a new risk classification is also presented in the report, but the potential impact is not

identified at the time of its publication.

The authors point out that the concept of Open RAN is still uncertain and under development
including its specifications. Specifically, the attack surface is increased due to its new approach,

new interfaces, and new types of RAN components that are potentially supplied from multiple
vendors. Beyond the security issues, there is also mention of increased dependency on specific

stakeholders such as cloud service/infrastructure providers, as Open RAN deployment relies on

virtualization and cloudification.

The key areas of opportunity to be improved by Open RAN are analyzed based on the level of

potential benefit (high, medium, low), enabling factors, such as the maturity of open interfaces and

robust standardization, and associated counter-risks, i.e., conditions that could threaten the

potential benefit. It is mentioned that the nature of Open RAN could present opportunities for mobile

network operators. For instance, functional disaggregation and interoperability allow the RAN to be

customized for specific needs without replacing the entire RAN. Additionally, openly specified

interfaces provide visibility and transparency that help with auditing. These opportunities can be

realized when certain conditions are met, such as the maturity of open interfaces and robust


Based on the security risk analysis, the authors highlight the need to take appropriate measures

against potential risks. For this purpose, they provide guidance on Open RAN risk mitigations

based on the EU 5G toolbox [5], consisting of measures for strategic, technical, and supportive


2.5.3 CISA – Open Radio Access Network Security Considerations

In September 2022, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National

Security Agency (NSA) published a white paper on Open Radio Access Network Security

Considerations [6]. The authors mainly discuss the benefits of Open RAN and the security

considerations associated with implementing Open RAN as specified by the O-RAN Alliance. The

authors identify four security considerations associated to Open RAN, specifically:

- Multi-vendor management: While traditional proprietary RANs are single-vendor,

the Open RAN architecture will lead to more complexity due to the increased number

of vendors.
- Open Fronthaul security: Since the Open Fronthaul is a key element for operating

5G base stations, its security aspects such as Confidentiality and Integrity of data,

Availability of interfaces, and Authenticity for the Fronthaul should be considered.

- rApps/xApps security: The introduction of xApps and rApps bring vendor diversity,

but at the same time the increased vendor diversity also increases the risk of supply

chain issues associated to rApps/xApps vendors.

- AI/ML hardening: AI/ML algorithms in Open RAN components should be continually

hardened since they can behave unpredictably or maliciously when be under to data

poisoning attacks.

In addition to the above considerations, it is noted that the security concerns for Open RAN

regarding applications, open-source software, supply chain, zero-trust, etc., are the same as

those found in the industrial sector of information and communications technology (ICT).

The authors conclude that these security considerations can be overcome with continuing efforts

by the Open RAN ecosystem, specifically:
- Operators should be conscious of Open RAN components and functions from different

vendors and diagnose and prevent problems in the earliest time.

- Each communication between components should be encrypted and protected

properly. - Secure peering between xApps/rApps should be provided with mutual

authentication for confidentiality and integrity while using secure AI and ML data sets
and models. - Open RAN needs to adopt ICT best practices to mitigate the same

security concerns as ICT.

2.5.4 IFRI – “Open” Telecom Networks (Open RAN)

In October 2022, The French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) published a white paper [7]

which covers both technical aspects of Open RAN, as well as geopolitical considerations. Regarding

the technical aspects, the author identifies that the distinguishing factors of Open RAN, namely

virtualization, automation, disaggregation, and openness offer benefits that could not be found with

traditional closed RAN solutions. For example, the author notes that the benefits of combining

virtualization and automation are reduced risks of human error, easier maintenance, faster

adaptation, improved network resilience, etc. In addition to the benefits of virtualization and

automation, the disaggregation of RAN functionalities promotes a more diverse ecosystem, which

reduces the risks of over dependency on a single vendor and allows for a mix of solutions from

multiple suppliers. The concept of openness, which consists of three traits –open interfaces, the use

of open-source components, and open standards–, may have the potential to increase transparency

of network operations and the trust between RAN components as opposed to closed interfaces.

However, regardless of these benefits, the author points out that Open RAN may increase security

risks, especially those associated with disaggregation and openness of the system. The

disaggregation of RAN functionalities may result in lower-quality performance due to components

provided by multiple suppliers. Because not all suppliers are trusted, the performance of the

components compared to proprietary solutions and their inherent security vulnerabilities remain

in question. Integrating components from different suppliers may also increase configuration

complexity and the risks of misconfiguration. Moreover, the attack surface of Open RAN
deployments is increased due the introduction of new interfaces and the increased adoption of

open-source software. The latter may allow untrusted actors to access and perhaps even modify

the source code to introduce security vulnerabilities. Even more uncertainty is created by the fact

that its specification body, the O-RAN Alliance, does not disclose publicly the process of how the

O-RAN specifications are developed.

2.5.5 NTT Docomo – 5G Open RAN Ecosystem White paper
In June 2021, NTT Docomo published a white paper on the 5G Open RAN Ecosystem [8]. The

document discusses the distinguishing factors of Open RAN –namely, open interfaces,

virtualization, and intelligence–, and expected benefits from the perspective of mobile network

operators. In addition, a brief outlook on NTT Docomo’s Open RAN Ecosystem (OREC) project

is provided.

Security is only featured in a short section of the report. The authors identify several security

issues associated to Open RAN, specifically:

- security risks of open-source software and off-the-shelf technologies;

- increased attack surface due to disaggregated/modular system architecture;

- functional security concerns with newly introduced RAN functions;

- physical attacks, amplified due to distributed network deployments; and

- cloud security risks.

Beyond these technical considerations, process related challenges are also mentioned, such as

the increased complexity of multi-vendor management and the security life cycle management

of heterogenous Open RAN deployments.

The white paper contains recommendations to mitigate these challenges. These include

establishing a holistic security life cycle, from design to operations, that incorporates security

by design and zero trust paradigms. This life cycle is expected to be supported by automation

capabilities, such as for automated monitoring, response and operations. Because the

ecosystem may comprise a number of different stakeholders, the need for a clear separation

of roles and security responsibilities is emphasized. The authors further mention opportunities
for security improvements due to the nature of Open RAN that should help address the afore-

mentioned challenges. Specifically:

- increased control over RAN security for mobile network operators;

- opportunity to mix-and-match security solutions;

- potential for fixing security issues quicker with less overall system impact;

- increased operational visibility;

- greater automation potential; and

- ability to streamline security processes/resources between Open RAN and IT.

The authors conclude that these could achieve an “overall security level far beyond

anything existing today”.

2.5.6 Summary of previously published views

Publication Summary

BSI – Open RAN Risk - Examines the security risk of Open RAN considering five
Analysis (5GRANR) protection goals of confidentiality, integrity, accountability,
availability, and privacy and three stakeholders, such as
end user, network operator, and state/society
- Outlines worst-case and best-case scenario to account

for optionality in the specifications

- Notes that O-RAN specifications should contain less optionality

and more concrete provisions on what is required or not allowed

NIS Group – Report on the - Outlines common security risks associated to traditional
cybersecurity of Open RAN RAN in addition to new security risks of Open RAN and its
potential security opportunities

- Points out that Open RAN specifications still under

development and need to mature further; especially

security considerations at an early stage

- Highlights the need to take cautious approach to Open RAN

transition and provides guidance on Open RAN risk mitigations

based on the EU 5G toolbox

CISA – Open Radio - Outlines security considerations related to Open RAN

Access Network Security component and associated technology, e.g., virtualization
Considerations and open-source software (OSS), but also looks at Open
RAN from multi-vendor management aspect
- Identifies security concerns related to applications, OSS,

supply chain, and zero trust which are similar concerns as

those in the industrial ICT sector

- Concludes that concerns can be overcome with continuing

effort, if Open RAN adopts established ICT best practices

IFRI – “Open” Telecom - Identifies the distinguishing factors of Open RAN, namely
Networks (Open RAN) virtualization, automation, disaggregation, and openness,
and their security benefits
- Emphasizes that security drawbacks are still beyond

resulting benefits

- Highlights challenges regarding maturity, security,
performance, and transparency of the O-RAN specification

NTT Docomo – 5G Open - Outlines distinguishing factors of Open RAN and expected
RAN Ecosystem White benefits from the perspective of mobile network operators,
paper e.g., reduced TCO, increased operational efficiency, and
improved security
- Examines security issues associated to Open RAN in terms

of technology and process; introduces recommendations to

mitigate these challenges

Methodology and key findings

Publication Identified security Identified security Methodology

benefits risks

BSI – Open RAN - - O-RAN development - Risk assessment of

Risk Analysis process not following technical specifications

(5GRANR) security/privacy by based on qualitative

design/default likelihood estimation

approach - Considers five protection

- Lack of specification goals and three different

& optionality stakeholders

introduces - Distinguishes worst-

considerable risks case/best-case scenarios,

- Rights & roles based on implementation

concept not of optional security

sufficiently defined controls

- Selection of security
protocols does not
always follow best

NIS Group – - Increased supplier - Expanded threat - Builds on EU
Report on the diversity (incl. greater surface Coordinated risks
cybersecurity role of EU-based - Increased complexity assessment of 5G
Open RAN suppliers) for network fault - Assesses Open RAN risks

- Greater management in relation to existing

i k
interoperability - - Deficiencies in to traditional RAN

Improved visibility and technical specifications deployments

transparency - Increased - Opportunities are

- Opportunities dependency on infra analyzed based on level

associated to providers potential benefit, enabling

technologies that are - Impacts on network factors, and associated

part of, but not specific security and counter-risks

to Open RAN, such as, performance due to

intelligent automation, mix-and-match
cloudification and - Security risks due to

virtualization resource sharing

CISA – Open - For MNOs, Open RAN - Changing threat - Considers the broader
Radio Access may result in a more surface due to technology stack (incl.

Network robust supplier network virtualization) and Open

Security ecosystem and disaggregation RAN life cycle

Considerations networks with - Security - Focuses on security

i k
increased agility, considerations related at later life cycle stages,
resiliency, and flexibility to open-source after technical design and

- For vendors, Open software specification

RAN can lower the - Security concerns

barrier of entry & foster not unique to Open
innovation RAN, e.g., cloud risks,
secure virtualization/
containerization, and

Distributed Denial of

Service (DDoS)

IFRI – “Open” - Summarizes technical - Increased risk of - Focuses on risks in the
Telecom design principles of mis-configuration and Open RAN specification

Networks (Open Open RAN (i.e., vulnerabilities in low- development process and
RAN) virtualization, quality components supply chain risks rather
automation, dis- - Larger attack surface than detailed technical

aggregation, - Potentially greater risks on each component

openness), and reliance on unreliable

resulting security (e.g., open-source)
benefits components &

- Risk of increased
dependency on
foreign suppliers

NTT Docomo – - Greater security - Security issues of - Assesses challenges and

5G Open RAN control for network open-source software opportunities from a life
Ecosystem operators and off-the-shelf cycle view on Open RAN

White paper - Enabling mix-and- technologies - Considers risks related

match of best security - Increased threat to Open RAN technical

solutions surface due to components as well as

- Possibility to address exposed interfaces process challenges due to

identified issues faster - Security issues shift in responsibilities

- Increased visibility, related to added RAN

allowing for better functions

incident response - - Higher probability of

Automation potential physical attacks

- Re-use of IT - Cloud security

security processes issues - Process
and resources vulnerabilities

3 Comparison of Open RAN and traditional RAN

3.1 Security risks associated to Open RAN

3.1.1 Result of the threat identification
Following the analysis of the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis [2] as described in

section 2.4.1 (Threat identification), a total of 40 threats have been determined to be duplicated

while 82 threats are non-duplicate. That is, duplicate threats are already covered by general threats

that may apply to the entire system, rather than individual components/interfaces only. For

reference, Appendix A1 contains a list of specific threats that are removed and a mapping to the

related general threats retained.

Next, the resulting list of threats has been broken down by their STRIDE categorization and the

component/interface affected. Whereas the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis

regularly combines different threat types and affected components into a single threat, this risk

assessment distinguishes these aspects. For instance, T-O-RAN-01 describes the general threat

related to insecure design or lack of adoption of security controls. As per the O-RAN Threat

Modeling and Remediation Analysis, T-O-RAN-01 may affect all components/interfaces and may

cause security threats relating to any of the threat types in the STRIDE framework.

By contrast, for the risk assessment described in this document, a distinct threat is created for

each affected component and each STRIDE category to calculate the risk rating of each

component/interface in a more precise manner. This allows for a more accurate risk rating,

since impact and likelihood may vary based on the component/interfaces affected and the

threat type in question.

Figure 3 shows an example of how components (Near-RT RIC and O-RU) that may be affected

by the general threat T-O-RAN-01 are classified by each STRIDE category. Further elaboration
on how each component/interface is rated by a threat impact rating, which is determined by

combining the scale of impact and the service impact, and a likelihood rating, which is

determined by combining the attacker value and the exposure, will be discussed in section

3.1.2 (Result of the risk rating).

Figure 3: Overview of STRIDE category breakdown for each affected component

As a result of the deduplication and detailed classification of threats per affected

component/interface and STRIDE category, a total of 1338 unique security threats have been

identified. Based on this information, we can already derive valuable information about security

threats that the Open RAN system is exposed to. The analysis shows that the largest percentage of

threats (27%) is related to denial of service, i.e., a compromise the availability, as illustrated in

Figure 4. This is followed by Tampering (20%), Elevation of privilege (19%), Information disclosure

(18%), and Spoofing, which makes up the smallest percentage of identified security threats with

16% of all threats. One exception is the threat classification Repudiation, which has no threats

associated to it. Non-repudiation is a legal concept describing that the validity of a fact cannot be

denied. As such, its relevancy is limited in the domain of network security.

Figure 4: Distribution of threat by STRIDE classification

3.1.2 Result of the risk rating

Based on the threats identified in section 3.1.1 (Results of the threat identification), a qualitative

assessment of impact and likelihood is performed for each of the threats to determine their risk.

As described in section 2.4.2 (Risk rating), the impact is determined by two aspects: Service

impact and Scale of impact. Service impact describes the impact of a breach of confidentiality,

integrity, or availability of a given component/interface on a single subscriber’s session. The base

assumption is that the impact of any security breach is high, unless there is valid reason to lower

the rating considering the functionality of a given component/interface and the type of data


Table 10 contains the assigned Service impact ratings for each component and interface. The

components/interfaces related to the O-RAN RICs and RAN Apps have been rated “Medium” in each

threat category. This includes the Near-RT RIC, xApp, E2 interface, Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1 interface,

and R1 interface. The reason for not rating them “High” is that their functionality is primarily related

to network optimization tasks. As such, a compromise of either confidentiality, integrity, or

availability may result in a potential degradation of service, but no critical service impact, such as a

dropped subscriber session. In addition, a “Medium” rating was also assigned to the management

components/interfaces SMO, O1, O2, and Open Fronthaul M Plane specifically for confidentiality

threats. The rationale behind this rating is that a confidentiality breach of network management data

(e.g., configuration parameters, log files, etc.) may reveal sensitive data about the network, but it

has no direct service impact. In contrast, a breach of integrity or availability of management

components/interfaces may directly degrade service, because certain information exchanges are
tampered with or cannot happen at all. No component was assigned lower rating than “Medium” for

either confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

Service Networkcomponent/interface

Threat Confidentiality Integrity Availability


F1U, F1C, O-CU, O-Cloud, CUS, F1U, F1C, O-CU, O- OFH CUS, F1U, F1C,
XnU, XnC, NgU, NgC, E1 Cloud, O1, O2, XnU, XnC, O-CU, O-Cloud, O1,
NgU, NgC, E1, SMO O2, XnU, XnC, NgU,
NgC, E1, SMO

Medium Near-RT RIC, xApp, E2, Near-RT RIC, xApp, Near-RT RIC, xApp,
Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1, E2, Non-RT RIC, rApp, E2, Non-RT RIC, rApp,
R1, SMO, O1, O2, OFH M A1, R1 A1, R1

Low - - -

Table 10: Service impact

The second aspect affecting a threat impact rating is the Scale of impact. Table 11 shows the

assigned Scale of impact ratings for each component and interface. This rating is determined

based on how a breach of a single component/interfaces would affect the entire network. If a

compromised component/interface has to potential to impact the service in large parts of the

network, the assumed Scale of impact is high. In contrast, if the compromise of a

component/interface only impacts a small, geographically limited area of the network, the

Scale of impact is lower.

Because all O-RAN functions rely on central system components, such as the O-Cloud and the

SMO, which are connected to essential management interfaces, these parts of the system are

assigned a “High” rating. Comparatively, components such as the O-DU, O-CU, Near-RT RIC,

xApp, and associated interfaces only affect a limited area of the network and thus, are rated

“Medium”. The least impact on the overall network is assumed when individual O-RUs and Open

Fronthaul interfaces are compromised and rated “Low”.

Scale of impact Network components / interfaces

High SMO, O1, O-Cloud, O2, E2, Non-RT RIC, rApp, R1, A1

Medium F1U, F1C, O-CU, O-DU, Near-RT RIC, xApp, XnU, XnC, NgU, NgC, E1

Low O-RU, Open Fronthaul M Plane, Open Fronthaul CUS Plane

Table 11: Scale of Impact

Aside from impact, the second factor affecting the risk rating is the likelihood of a threat. As

outlined in section 2.4.2 (Risk rating), the aspects considered for determining the likelihood

are exposure of a component/interface as well as the Attacker value.

Exposure of a given component or interface is greater for those RAN components deployed in large

numbers and insecure locations, providing malicious actors with more opportunities. Table 12

shows the Exposure rating assigned to each component/interface. Fronthaul and midhaul

components have been rated “High” because they are assumed to be deployed in physically

accessible locations, such as on street poles or on roof tops. Components such as the O-CU and

associated interfaces are rated “Medium”, because they are assumed to be deployed in local data

centers to which access is restricted, but potentially shared between different tenants, as

described in section 2.3.1 (Deployment Assumptions). Lastly, the SMO, Non-RT RIC, rApps and

associated interfaces have been assigned a “Low” rating, as they would likely be deployed on

network operator premises or in large data centers that are physically secured.

Exposure Network components / interfaces

High O-RU, O-DU, O1, OFH M Plane, OFH CUS Plane, E2, F1U, F1C

Medium O-CU, O-Cloud, Near-RT RIC, xApp, XnU, XnC, NgU, NgC, E1

Low SMO, rApp, O2, A1, Non-RT RIC, R1

Table 12: Exposure

The Attacker value is determined by the sensitivity of a given component or the sensitivity of data

carried over a given interface. Central components that would allow attackers to negatively

influence large parts of a network deployment, if compromised, will have a higher value for

attackers than those on the far edge of the network. Similarly, interfaces carrying management

traffic that potentially contains sensitive information about the network, such as O1 and O2 will be

more valuable to an attacker than interfaces carrying User Plane or Control Plane traffic, such as

XnU, XnC, NgU, and NgC. A special case is the fronthaul and midhaul interfaces that are assumed

to be protected at a higher protocol layer. Specifically, Open Fronthaul CUS Plane, F1-U, and F1-C

have been assigned the value “Mitigated”. Due to the mitigation measures described in section

2.3.2 (Security assumptions), it is assumed that information carried over those interfaces would be

of no value to an attacker, even if the interface is compromised. Table 13 summarizes the assigned

Attacker value ratings for each component and interface.

Attacker value Network components / interfaces

High SMO, O-Cloud, rApp, O1, O2, A1, E2, Non-RT RIC, R1

Medium O-CU, Near-RT RIC, xApp, XnU, XnC, NgU, NgC, E1, OFH M Plane

Low -

Mitigated O-RU, OFH CUS Plane, O-DU, F1U, F1C

Table 13: Attacker value

Based on the above ratings for Service impact, Scale of impact, Exposure, and Attacker value,

a consolidated risk rating is calculated for each threat previously identified as described in

section 2.4.2 (Risk rating). Figure 5 illustrates the distribution of risk ratings as well as the

network components/interfaces with the most high-rated threats.

Figure 5: Overall risk rating and highest risk component

The results indicate that 46% of security threats are rated “High”, 33% are rated “Medium”, and

21% are rated “Low”. In the underlying calculations, components/interfaces associated with high-

risk threats have high or medium impact and likelihood, and components/interfaces associated with

medium-risk threats have medium impact and likelihood. Conversely, components/interfaces

associated with low-risk threats are calculated based on low impact and medium likelihood.

Importantly, this does not mean that components/interfaces with higher ratings are more important

than others, only that failure to protect them is associated with a higher risk of affecting the broader

network and network service.

As shown on the right-hand side of , a total of 10 components and interfaces (i.e., O-Cloud, R1,

Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1, SMO, O2, O1, E2, and OFH M) are mapped to the most high-risk threats.

The O-Cloud is the component connected to the most high-rated risks, accounting for 18% due

to its essential role for the Open RAN system. In short, O-Cloud is the underlying infrastructure

that provides cloud computing capabilities to host various RAN network functions. As such, O-

Cloud is associated with a wider range of threats compared to the other components/interfaces,

ranging from threats concerning hardware resources, VMs/containers, the virtualization layer, to

threats that also affect other parts of O-RAN, such as software flaws and secure network

communication. This is highlighted by Figure 6 which shows the distribution of threats per O-RAN

component/interface. Whereas the majority of components/interfaces is affected by

approximately the same number of threats, the O-Cloud has a notably higher number of threats

associated to it.

30 Spoofing Tampering Information disclosure Denial of Service Elevation of Privilege




Figure 6: STRIDE distribution for each O-RAN component/interface

Security risks unique to Open RAN

Open RAN is a new approach to deploying radio access networks in a disaggregated, interoperable,

and extensible manner. As established before, Open RAN as defined by the O-RAN Alliance builds

on established standards defined in the 3GPP technical specifications. Its most important

accomplishment is arguably that functional RAN components are clearly defined and communication

between them is carried out via standardized interfaces. However, the fact that interfaces are

specified in open standards does not mean that, from a technical point of view, Open RAN is truly

different from traditional RAN in its internal way of working. Considering the above, determining

whether a given security threat is specific to Open RAN is not entirely straightforward. Certain

interfaces specified by the O-RAN Alliance may not completely new but were previously

implemented by network equipment vendors in a non-standard manner (e.g., fronthaul interface,

management and orchestration systems). For example, the Open Fronthaul interface was

previously non-standardized. Although the interface itself is one of the key developments of the O-

RAN architecture over that of traditional RAN deployments, its specification does not affect the

potential security risks that the interface is subject to. Rather, the open specification allows for

testing and verification of an interface that previously relied on security by obscurity. Testing and

verification may be performed by the MNOs and by any other party, such as security researchers.

This public review process can help to improve security. A similar approach can be observed in

cryptography. For example, cryptographic algorithms are only considered trusted if their

specification is publicly available (e.g., AES).

Taking into account the above, this risk analysis takes an approach in that only those risks

associated to the following components and interfaces are considered unique to Open RAN

- Near-RT RIC and Non-RT RIC;

- xApps, rApps, and associated Machine Learning (ML) models;

- Interfaces A1, E2, and R1.
In contrast, risks that are associated to the increased virtualization and disaggregation of the RAN

are generic and may affect non-Open RAN deployments as well. Namely, O-Cloud, O-CU, O-DU, and

related interfaces are considered not unique to this type of deployment. It can be argued that the

initiatives that resulted in the O-RAN specifications were the initial driver for these RAN technology

changes. However, due to other industry developments such as the proliferation of Cloud RAN and

the introduction of functional splits in the 3GPP technical specifications, these are by no means unique

to Open RAN. Figure 7 illustrates the percentage of Open RAN specific threats among high-rated

risks as well as the overall risk rating of Open RAN specific threats.

Figure 7: Percentage of high-risk threats and risk rating of Open RAN specific threats

Out of total threats only 4% are considered unique to Open RAN, while the remaining 96% of the

threats are common. The total number of threats unique to Open RAN is 55. For reference,

appendix A2 contains a list of Open RAN specific threats, along with their corresponding risk

ratings. Out of those, 67% pose a high risk to the system, and 33% pose a medium risk.

Accordingly, the risk analysis shows that five out of ten highest-risk components/interfaces are

unique to Open RAN (i.e., Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1, E2, and R1).

Security risks independent of Open RAN

As an extension to the 3GPP technical specifications, Open RAN shares the majority of general

security risks with traditional RAN deployments. Among others, these include design flaws, cloud

security risks, network security risks, software security considerations, or risks pertaining to

existing RAN components, such as O-RU, O-DU, or O-CU. By and large, none of these are

particularly new to mobile network operators, but some of them may be affected by the RAN

deployment approach.
This document uses the assumption that a component or interface is not specific to Open RAN if

its functionality already exists in traditional RAN, regardless of whether it was newly specified by

O-RAN specifications or not. Therefore, this risk analysis considers the risks associated to the

following components and interfaces are considered independent of Open RAN deployments:

- Existing RAN components, such as O-RU, O-CU, and O-DU;

- SMO;

- O-Cloud;

- Interfaces O1, O2, OFH M, OFH CUS, XnU, XnC, NgU, NgC, E1, F1U, and F1C.

Figure 8 illustrates the distribution of threats per life cycle phase, which influences the distribution

of mitigation owners. The majority of threats relate to the four life cycle phases after analysis and

design. Accordingly, the majority of threats is assumed to be managed by either Open RAN vendors

or MNO. A smaller part falls under the responsibility of the infrastructure provider, which is primarily

expected to address threats against the underlying platform the Open RAN system is deployed on.

Of course, this distribution is not clearly determined and will depend on the operational model

chosen by the MNO and the way it distributes security responsibility among other Open RAN

stakeholders. For example, part of the mitigations assigned to the MNO may instead be outsources

to a system integrator that could take fulfil certain tasks during integration & deployment and even

operations & maintenance.

Figure 8: Distribution of mitigation owners

3.2 Potential Open RAN security challenges

Previously published reports identified certain security risks that are introduced or further increased

by the introduction of Open RAN, as summarized in section 2.5 (Previously published views on Open

RAN security). The detailed view of concrete security risks developed in the current chapter allows

for a validation of some of these findings. In the following, previously highlighted

Open RAN threats are discussed in the context of the data obtained from the performed risk


Increased RAN attack surface

The large number of security threats (i.e., 1338) against Open RAN components and interfaces

shows that the system exposes a significant attack surface to malicious actors. However, as

previously outlined, very few of these threats are actually new and unique to Open RAN. While the

associated components/interfaces may not have been openly specified before, the threats

themselves are similar to those affecting traditional RAN deployments. Simply based on the number

of Open RAN specific threats, one may conclude that Open RAN only increases the attack surface

of the RAN marginally.

AI/ML related risks

The use of AI/ML in RANs for intelligent optimisation and automation is a development specific

to Open RANs, which is seen as having benefits such as reducing human error in RANs and
reducing TCO.

Although the number of relevant threats in this risk assessment is small (16 out of 1388) and the

affected components are limited (Near-RT RICs, Non-RT RICs, xApps and rApps), depending on the

scale at which these technologies are used in the network, the security risk may be considered

medium to high. AI/ML has new security challenges, such as data poisoning (attacks that alter the

training data used to generate deep learning models to make incorrect decisions).

What is more, best practices to address these challenges have yet to be studied and

documented by the industry.

However, AI/ML is widely used in society, not only in the networking field, and research is ongoing

on security risks and mitigation measures for this technology. The results of such research and best

practices in other fields can also be used to mitigate security risks in RANs.

Cloud related risks

With increased centralization of components in the O-Cloud, the RAN becomes more dependent on

this common platform providing compute, network, and storage resources to different RAN

resources. This introduces a single point of failure that did not exist in traditional RAN deployments.

A compromise of the O-Cloud affects any other O-RAN components deployed on top of it, incl. O-

DU, O-CU, Near-RT RIC, xApps, and parts of the SMO. This is also reflected by the large number of

O-Cloud security threats rated “High” (i.e., 112 or 18%).

While cloud computing risks may not be entirely new to MNOs, moving essential network resources

like the RAN into the cloud –instead of business IT applications– could pose significant


Unreliable vendors and open-source software related risks

Previous reports highlighted the risk of potentially untrusted vendors and the components supplied

by them, particularly xApps and rApps. As third-party extensions to the RAN Intelligent Controllers,

the barrier to entry for new, less mature vendors is particularly low with regard to these

components. At the same time, the number of security threats associated to them is substantial,

at 123 out of 1338. What is more, since the functionality of these components is not clearly defined

by the O-RAN specifications, the potential impact of compromised or intentionally malicious

xApps/rApps is medium to high. This emphasizes the importance for every stakeholder in the

supply chain to analyze and test their technology dependencies and harden the resulting products

– both Open RAN vendors as well as network operators integrating network components into a

complete deployment.

Another category of untrusted components is open-source software (OSS). Given its widespread

use even in commercial solutions, OSS could potentially affect almost any component in the entire

Open RAN system. This is highlighted by the fact that there is a large number of threats (i.e., 230

out of 1338) connected to this topic. It is important to note that OSS is not a threat that is unique

to Open RAN. Already today, network elements make use of open-source components and network

vendors as well as operators have to manage the associated security threats. However, the

diversification of suppliers and technology components used in the RAN may make it even more

difficult to keep track of all software components, incl. OSS. This introduces additional challenges

for testing and hardening in order to ensuring a consistent security posture. Whereas the

technology stack of a network deployment supplied by a single vendor may be fairly homogenous,
there is a chance for Open RAN deployments to contain multiple different versions of the same

software which all need to be hardened appropriately.

Stakeholder management and process challenges

A component-based risk assessment as described in this document cannot yield concrete evidence

about potential process challenges associated with the transition to Open RAN. However, due to the

addition of new stakeholders in the Open RAN life cycle, it is fair to assume that alignment between

different parties will be more complex than a single RAN vendor taking primary responsibility for the

security of RAN components, as is the case with traditional RAN. For example, if the transition to Open

RAN is accompanied with a move into the cloud, MNOs will likely depend on the infrastructure provider

for certain security controls. If specialized service providers are used to support integration and

deployment tasks, yet another external dependency is introduced into the Open RAN life cycle. While

these external parties can be made responsible for

implementing appropriate security controls, it is important to note that accountability always

remains with the MNO. As the party providing telecommunication services and thus, the party

bound to regulatory requirements, the MNO is required to ensure that its vendors and service

providers are suitable.

Beyond the expected increase in complexity due to additional stakeholders, it is difficult to make

generic statements about the process related security challenges introduced by Open RAN. This is

because there is no standard way of sourcing, integrating, and deploying Open RAN. Rather, it is

up to the MNO to define security roles and responsibilities as part of its operating model and

enforce them throughout the Open RAN life cycle.

3.3 Potential security advantages of Open RAN

Similar to the security challenges, some of the previous reports summarized in section 2.5

(Previously published views on Open RAN security) also pointed to potential security

opportunities of Open RAN. These include openness and interoperability, virtualization and

cloudification as well as automation. While these aspects provide the potential for improvement,

it is important to note that security gains will not come automatically but require effort at every

stage of the solution life cycle to come to fruition.

Openness and interoperability

Although the disaggregation of RAN functions necessarily exposes interfaces previously

contained in a black box, the use of open technical specifications is what allows network

operators to test and verify associated security controls. Whereas previously, MNOs had to trust

that their RAN vendor to protect non-standard interfaces appropriately, the O-RAN

specifications can provide a clearly defined industry standard. For the O-RAN technical

specifications to facilitate improvements to RAN security, they need to be unambiguous and

contain minimal optionality. In addition, the openness of the interface can make it available for

inspection and monitoring in live environments as well; this provides increased opportunities for

security monitoring and detecting malicious activity.

Virtualization and cloudification

As the risk analysis shows, the majority of significant security risks are associated to the O-

Cloud, which includes the infrastructure, the virtualization layer, and virtual deployment units

(i.e., virtual machines and containers). At the same time, addressing security threats to these

lower layers of the technology stack in a centrally and in a de-facto standardized manner can

improve the security posture of large parts of the deployment. While in traditional RAN, platform

security needed to be addressed separately for each deployment site, these issues can

be taken care of much more efficiently when deploying in a cloud environment. However,

doing so also requires streamlining of the technology stack. For example, if Open RAN

components require different virtualization platforms, depend on specific hardware support,

or a certain operating system, it may be difficult to fully leverage the cloud benefits.

With Open RAN comes the potential to automate a lot of manual tasks, in part thanks to new

functions such as the RAN Intelligent Controllers and associated RAN Apps, but also due to the

shared cloud platform which can help to improve operational visibility and configuration

management. However, one should not expect automation to be a feature provided “out-of-

the-box”. Considering that Open RAN is also expected to lead to a diversified supplier

ecosystem, ensuring full interoperability to the level of intelligent automation will require

significant integration efforts. Without RAN technology suppliers filling this role, it will be on

MNOs –or specialized system integrators on behalf of them– to manage this integration.

Mitigation of supply chain risk and cost reduction
In conventional vertically integrated RANs, it is difficult to change only some components such
as CU/DU/RU to another vendor's equipment because the equipment configuration includes

each vendor's own interfaces. If this vendor lock-in situation persists for a long time, it is
assumed that the specifications and operational methods of base stations will become

increasingly 'black boxed'. Furthermore, as the procurement of products is dependent on a

specific vendor, if procurement from that vendor stagnates or is disrupted for some reason,
there is a potential for so-called supply chain risk, in which the entire service may become


Open RAN, on the other hand, not only eliminates vendor lock-in and reduces supply chain

risk by making the interfaces open, but also allows operators to build networks at lower prices

than vertically integrated RANs due to the price competition principle.

4 Risk mitigation measures

As discussed in the previous chapter, Open RAN is affected by many of the same security risks
as traditional RAN deployments. Beyond these common security risks, there are also those which

are either new or more pronounced due to Open RAN, such as AI/ML related risks and cloud
security risks. The O-RAN technical specifications already provide certain security requirements

to mitigate some of these risks. One example is the O-RAN Security Requirements Specification


This chapter considers all identified risks, not just 4% of risks (55 risks) and describes an analysis

of the O-RAN documents carried out to determine the coverage of the security requirements and
controls defined by the O-RAN Alliance. Moreover, supplementary mitigating measures based on

established industry standards and best practices are documented for each phase of the Open RAN

life cycle.

4.1 Mitigation measures defined by O-RAN specifications

4.1.1 Specification analysis

Similar to the risk analysis described in Chapter 3, the analysis of mitigating measures is conducted

based on the O-RAN specifications, specifically, the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation

Analysis [2] and the O-RAN Security Requirements Specification [9] . The purpose of this analysis

is to assess the coverage of security requirements and controls defined by the O-RAN Alliance with

regard to the threats identified in section 3.1 (Security risks associated to Open RAN). This way,

potential control gaps can be identified which may need to be addressed by supplementary

mitigation measures.

In the first step of this analysis, the relation between O-RAN security principles and O-RAN

components/interfaces is assessed. Security principles, defined in the O-RAN Threat Modeling

and Remediation Analysis, are goals to be achieved for the protection of the O-RAN system and

the data processed. As such, they outline high-level security measures to address the threats

discussed in section 3.1.1 (Result of the threat identification). Table 14 shows the list of security


ID Security Principle Description

SP-AUTH Mutual Authentication A mutual authentication protection with a unique

identifier and one or more credentials should be

SP-ACC Access Control An access control protection is recommended to

prevent unauthorized access to the system
should be implemented

SP-CRYPTO Secure cryptographic, key It is recommended to use secure and unbroken

management and PKI cryptographic schemes and protocols, a reliable PKI for

authentication, and certificates should be issued by a

trusted Certificated Authority (CA). A secure key

management of O-RAN keys should be also

implemented to manage all steps of the key life


SP-TCOMM Trusted Communication Integrity, confidentiality, availability, authenticity,

and replay protection of data in transit should be

SP-SS Secure storage Integrity, confidentiality, availability of data at rest

should be ensured.

SP-SB Secure boot and self- A secure boot process through establishing a chain
configuration of trust should be implemented to ensure the

security of all layers from the underlying hardware,

firmware, and configuration.

SP-UPDT Secure Update A secure update management process should be in

place, including continuous monitoring and patching.

SP-RECO Recoverability & Backup A secure recoverability process and backup system
should be implemented to prepare against malicious

SP-OPNS Security management of It is recommended to apply industry coding best
risks in open-source practices, maintain SBOMs, and perform security

components analysis to mitigate the risk of open-source


SP-ASSU Security Assurance Security assurance of hardware and software used in

the Open RAN system should be pursued (e.g., 3GPP
SCAS and the security requirements and test cases
provided by the O-RAN Alliance).

SP-PRV Privacy Privacy of subscribers’ information should be


SP-SLC Continuous security A CI/CD process should be integrated along with

development, testing, continuous testing, logging, monitoring, and

logging, monitoring, and vulnerability management.

vulnerability handling

SP-ISO Robust Isolation Security isolation should be ensured for all resources
used in the O-RAN system.

SP-PHY Physical security The O-RAN system should be housed in a physically

secure environment and protected against threats
from physical access.

SP-CLD Secure cloud computing Protection of underlying hardware, firmware and

and virtualization virtualization software should be implemented.

SP-ROB Robustness Robustness of software or hardware resources, as

well as the cognitive radio channel should be


Table 14: Security principles

The most recent version of the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis contains a

mapping between security principles and security threats (e.g., the general threat T-O-RAN-01

relates to SP-UPDT, SP-ASSU, and SP-SLC). The mapping appears to be incomplete, as it only

covers 83 of the 122 identified security threats1. The document does not provide details on how

The following steps of the assessment are based entirely on the contents of the most recent
version of the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis. The existing mapping between
security threats and security principles has not been completed.
each security principles addresses the individual threats.
In order to assess the coverage of security requirements and controls defined in the O-RAN

specifications per component, it is necessary to establish a connection between security principles

and O-RAN components/interfaces. Although the current version of the O-RAN Threat Modeling and

Remediation Analysis does not contain this information, such a mapping can still be performed via

the security threats that are meant to be addressed by the security principles and that affect certain

O-RAN components/interfaces.

In the second step of this analysis, the security principles are correlated to the related security

requirements and security controls. The O-RAN Security Requirements Specification defines a set

of security requirements and associated security controls to protect O-RAN components and

interfaces. These comprise both specific requirements on O-RAN components and interfaces as

well as general requirements that are applicable to the entire O-RAN system. Although the

document states that the security requirements are based on security principles, no direct mapping

is provided. The connection between the two was established retroactively as part of this analysis

in order to assess the coverage of security requirements and security controls. The correlation

with security principles was performed based on the content of the security requirements and

security controls using professional judgement.

For instance, if a given component/interface is connected to the security principle “SP-AUTH”, in

this analysis mutual authentication protection was derived as the relevant security requirement and

implementing TLS/mTLS was determined to be the corresponding security control to address the

security requirement.

In the third and final step of this analysis, the result of the previous two steps is used to determine

the coverage of the security requirements and controls as they pertain to (1) security threats in

different life cycle phases and (2) individual O-RAN components and interfaces.

The process described above is illustrated by Figure 9 Security threats are linked to an affected

component/interface, which is in turn connected to related security principles. From security

principles, security requirements are derived which are addressed by security controls. For

example, the A1 interface is affected by a variety of potential security threats, as shown below:
- threats against open-source code (T-OPENSRC-01, T-OPENSRC-02, T-OPENSRC-


- general threats against the entire O-RAN system (T-O-RAN-01, T-O-RAN-02, T-O-

RAN-03, T-O-RAN-06, T-O-RAN-07, T-O-RAN-08, T-O-RAN-09); and

- physical threats (T-PHYS-01).

The security threats affecting the A1 interface are connected to the security principles SP-

AUTH, SP-ACC, and SP-TCOMM, which map to the existing security requirements REQ-SEC-A1-

1 and REQ-SEC-A1-2. Finally, the security controls SEC-CTL-A1, SEC-CTL-A1-2, and SEC-CTL-

A1-3 address the security requirements.

Figure 9: Mapping processes of the specification analysis

4.1.2 Analysis results

Coverage of O-RAN life cycle phases

Based on the analysis described in 4.1.1 (Specification analysis), the affected components and

interfaces are found to be subject to multiple identified threats, and as a result, several security

principles have been linked to these components and interfaces, with some overlap. However, not

all security principles associated with these components/interfaces could be linked to relevant

security requirements due to incomplete documentation of the security requirements in the O-RAN
Security Requirements Specification. At this stage, the security requirements primarily focus on the

following security principles: SP-SCC, SP-AUTH, SP-TCOMM, SP-SB, SP-SS, SP-CRYPTO, SP-UPDT,

SP-ASSU, and SP-CLD. In particular, the majority of security requirements pertain to SP-ACC, SP-

SB, SP-TCOMM, and SP-CLD. As previously mentioned in Table 14, security principles SP-ACC and

SP-TCOMM aim to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and availability of data being

transmitted between components, with SP-SB for secure boot protection, and SP-CLD for protecting

the underlying O-Cloud environment. For instance, a requirement to achieve SP-TCOMM described

in the O-RAN specifications is the mutual authentication of communication

between xApps and Near RT RIC platform APIs. While the listed security principles have

corresponding security requirements, others such as SP-PRV on privacy aspects lack such

security requirements.

Similarly, the relation between security requirements and controls appears to be incomplete.

Ideally, it should be possible to trace back each security control to a specific security requirement

that is addresses. However, such a clear mapping between controls and requirements is not always

possible, based on the current version of the O-RAN specifications. In some scenarios, more than

one control is needed to fully address a broad security requirement (e.g., Both mTLS and OAuth

are needed to address the requirement for mutual authentication and authorization of an

interface). Moreover, certain security requirements have no corresponding security controls at all.

As described in section 4.1.1 (Specification analysis), the security requirements are categorized
into two main types: specific requirements for individual O-RAN components and interfaces, and

general requirements, to which the O-RAN document refers to as transversal requirements. The

focus of the specific requirements is the design of individual components and interfaces. That is,

all of them relate to the Analysis & design phase of the Open RAN life cycle. In contrast, transversal

requirements are phrased more broadly and apply across the entire O-RAN system. The O-RAN

document in the latest version outlines seven groups of transversal requirements, including

software bills of material (SBOM), network protocols and services, and robustness of common

transport protocols. Each group includes a number of requirements that are applicable to later

phases of the life cycle. For example, the requirements associated with the SBOM are most

relevant to the Sourcing & procurement phase, while documentation of a list of protocols supported
on the O-RAN components and disabling the unused protocols can be applicable to both Sourcing

& procurement and Integration & deployment phases. Meanwhile, robust implementation is a

requirement for the Implementation & test phase. The O-RAN Security Requirements Specification

also provides a brief explanation of the importance of addressing the transversal requirements.

However, the document does not specify concrete security controls in order to do so. Furthermore,

no explanation is provided on the criteria used to select these requirements, or the responsibilities

of different stakeholders for their enforcement.

Figure 10: Percentage of Security requirements and security controls per life cycle phase

Figure 10 illustrates the distribution of security requirements and security controls over different

phases of the Open RAN life cycle. With 88%, the majority relates to the Analysis & design phase.

The afore-mentioned transversal requirements account for the remaining 12%, which address

later life cycle phases. This finding is expected, as technical specifications –such as those

developed by the O-RAN Alliance and 3GPP– are primarily concerned with ensuring an

interoperable design of system components and associated security requirements and controls.

Security requirements and controls beyond that, which are often deployment specific, are usually

less suitable to be addressed in specifications that apply to the industry as a whole.

Coverage of O-RAN components and interfaces

Aside from the life cycle perspective, the existing security requirements and controls are further

assessed based on the O-RAN components and interfaces covered. Figure 11 shows the O-RAN

components and interfaces for which dedicated security requirements and security controls have

been defined. Note that this view does not take into account the afore-mentioned transversal

requirements, which apply across multiple components/interfaces.

O-Cloud O1 / NACM
xApps OFH NonRT
RIC / rApps R1 A1 E2

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Security Controls Security Requirements

Figure 11: Number of security requirements and controls per O-RAN component/interface

The data shows that the O-RAN specifications define requirements and controls for most of

components/interfaces that are affected by high-risk threats as per the risk assessment in section

3.1.2 (Result of the risk rating). This includes the O-Cloud, Non-RT RIC, rApps, and the interfaces

O1, O2, R1, A1, E2, and Open Fronthaul. Aspects concerning components and interfaces defined

by 3GPP are not covered by the O-RAN specifications, such as the mid-haul interfaces F1 and E1.

However, the specification suggests that additional requirements and controls may be defined in

the future for O-RU, O-DU, O-CU, and O-eNB.

The largest number of security requirements and controls defined so far focuses on the O-Cloud. In

total, there are 35 security requirements and 10 security controls defined for this component. Just as

the security threats analyzed in section 3.1 (Security risks associated with Open RAN), these apply

not just to the cloud environment itself but also the virtualized workloads, for example, requirements

on how to secure software images. Specifically, the O-RAN Security Requirements Specification

outlines seven areas associated to the security of the O-Cloud: Generic requirements, Software

Package Protection at the O-Cloud Network Functions and Applications Layer, Software Package

Protection at the O-Cloud Infrastructure Layer, O-Cloud Virtualization and Isolation, Secure update,

Secure storage of cryptographic keys and sensitive data, and Chain of Trust. With

the exception of Software Package Protection at the O-Cloud Infrastructure Layer, security

requirements and/or controls have been defined for all of them.

Security requirements defined for the management interface O1 focus primarily on network

protection at transport layer, the NETCONF protocol, and the associated network configuration

access control model (NACM). While the latter two are needed to enforce access control, Transport

Layer Security (TLS) ensures confidentiality, integrity, and mutual authentication. Which TLS

version to use and how to profile the protocol is defined in the dedicated O-RAN Security Protocol

Specifications [10].

The SMO, also identified as one of the high-risk components, is addressed by 11 security

requirements in the O-RAN specifications. Notably, these requirements focus solely on securing

event logs in SMO at this point. This partial coverage of SMO security aspects highlights that the

O-RAN Security Requirements Specification is still under development. In fact, an Editor’s Note

explicitly mentions that the same section is to be updated in the future.

The 14 requirements and 6 controls defined for the RAN Intelligent Controllers and associated

RAN Apps primarily relate to authentication and authorization, the protection of information

exchanged between these components, and the ability to recover from DDoS attacks.

The Open Fronthaul interface is addressed by generic requirements for the point-to-point LAN

segment as well as dedicated requirements and controls for each traffic plane carried over this LAN.

For the Synchronization Plane, requirements and controls are defined to protect the authenticity

and integrity of time information and to enable redundancy of time sources. With regards to the

Management Plane, the security requirements specification points to the O-RAN Management Plane

Specification [11] for security requirements and controls. No security requirements or controls are

defined for the User Plane of Open Fronthaul, since it is protected by the PDCP protocol, as also
described in section 2.3.2 (Security assumptions) of this document.

4.1.3 Summary of O-RAN defined mitigating measures

The following key findings have been derived from the analysis of mitigation measures defined by

O-RAN specifications:
- The O-RAN specifications primarily address Analysis & design and thus, can only

provide limited protection throughout the Open RAN life cycle.

- The O-RAN specifications do not contain details on how each Security Principle

addresses the identified security threats.

- Several security requirements lack corresponding controls and vice versa. As a

result, not all security principles are covered by security controls.

While the limited scope of industry-defined technical specifications is to be expected, the

analysis 50
shows that the specification of O-RAN security requirements in particular is still a work in progress.

Firstly, it is positive that the O-RAN Alliance utilizes a structured approach for the definition of

security requirements and controls, based on high-level security principles. However, the

specifications lack sufficient detail that allows readers to retrace how these elements relate to each

other. Secondly, missing content in a number of document sections in the Security Requirements

Specification [9] as well as corresponding Editor’s Notes highlight that the current version of O-RAN

specifications still contain obvious gaps. Thirdly, the security requirements and controls defined so

far are not always consistently marked as such and are spread across different documents. While

the Security Requirements Specification captures most security requirements and controls and

highlights them explicitly, centralizing requirements and controls contained other documents (e.g.,

O-RAN Management Plane Specification [11]) could go a long way to further improve the


The above findings highlight the necessity to describe supplementary controls, beyond those

defined in the technical specifications, to ensure a comprehensive controls framework during

all stages of the Open RAN life cycle, incl., Implementation & test, Sourcing & procurement,

Integration & deployment, and Operations & maintenance. In this document, the readers can

secure their posture by implementing the mitigation measures in the next section 4.2

(Supplementary mitigation measures) and utilizing the checklist in the Appendix.

4.2 Supplementary mitigation measures

To supplement the security requirements and controls in the O-RAN specifications, this section

provides recommendations for securing the Open RAN system beyond the technical specifications.

The mitigating measures described in this section are based on industry-standards and best practices

and grouped by the life cycle phase in which they would typically be used. Grouping measures by

their life cycle phases allows for an estimation of the associated mitigation owners and relevant

security threats. Although the roles and responsibilities in the Open RAN life cycle may shift

depending on the agreement between the involved parties, as a whole, the following mitigating

measures can help to establish a robust security posture for the Open RAN system.

4.2.1 Analysis & design

General statement
The Analysis & design phase is the first step in every system life cycle. It is here that requirements

on functionality and security are determined, system components and interfaces are defined, and

the high-level system architecture is developed. In the case of Open RAN, some of this work is done

by industry stakeholders participating in the development of the O-RAN technical

specifications. However, the design work performed internally at Open RAN vendors and MNOs may

also be considered part of this phase, incl. the design of specific Open RAN network products or

that of security controls in the network which are usually not standardized, for example, identity

management, log collection, and monitoring.

During this phase, Open RAN vendors have a primary responsibility to securely design Open RAN

components that can serve as the foundation for a strong security posture in the final product that

will be developed and implemented in later phases. Meanwhile, MNOs need to define their security

architecture and requirements to ensure the desired security capabilities and outcome. What sets

Open RAN deployments apart is an increase in flexibility, which also extends to security controls.

MNOs may choose to simply utilize the security controls provided by their RAN vendors as they do

in traditional RAN deployments. Alternatively, they also have the option to turn to specialized

security vendors or leverage controls provided by other parties, such as the infrastructure provider.

What is more, RAN (security) capabilities may further be extended using third-party xApps and


Compliance with O-RAN and 3GPP specifications

The technical specifications by 3GPP and O-RAN Alliance provide the basis for securing network

components and interfaces. While O-RAN specifications focus on O-RAN components/interfaces

specifically, the scope of 3GPP specifications goes beyond just the RAN. One particularly important

specification is 3GPP TS 33.501 [12], which defines security aspects for the 5G System, including

network security requirements, security procedures, and security protocols. 3GPP TS 33.210 [13]

goes into further detail, specifying how to profile security protocols. Together, 3GPP and O-RAN

technical specifications provide the foundation for securing interfaces required to ensure

interoperability between Open RAN components. While the technical specifications already cover
many security aspects, it is important to consider how to improve them further and to recognize

that technical specifications can only ever be a starting point for a comprehensive security

framework. In addition, MNOs, Open RAN vendors, and other stakeholders also need to consider

more widely adopted industry standards and best practices.

Utilization of CSRIC best practices

The US Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council VIII (CSRIC VIII) [14]

recently published a report on “challenges to the development of ORAN technology and

recommendations on how to overcome them”, outlining recommendations both for the O-RAN

industry as well as specific stakeholder groups (e.g., network operators). As far as the design of O-

RAN technology is concerned, CSRIC VIII recommends the industry to strive for improvements to

the technical specifications and industry standards, incl. the Open RAN security specifications and

“test specifications for xApps and rApps to ensure secure integration into the RIC platforms and

protection of sensitive data”. It specifically highlights the following best practices related to

the design and implementation phase of Open RAN system components:
- Open RAN implementations should be based on the principles of Zero Trust
Architecture (ZTA).
- Open RAN architectures should implement defenses to prevent Adversarial Machine
Learning (AML) attacks.
- Putting Security at the core of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by
utilizing best practices such as NIST DevSecOps [15], NIST SSDF [16], BSA
Framework for Secure Software [17], or SAFECode [18].

Utilization of NIST CSF and NIST 800-53 best practices

Other publications, such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) [19], can be utilized to

supplement technical specifications for telecom. The CSF provides comprehensive guidelines and

best practices to help organizations enhance their security posture and manage and minimize

security risks effectively. The framework is designed in a way that it can easily integrate with the

security processes already in place within any organization, regardless of industry. It identifies five

core functions that organizations should perform to manage the cybersecurity risks, which are

Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. Each function includes specific activities designed

to achieve each function (e.g., Risk assessment under the Identify function), a set of results for each

specific activity (e.g., Asset vulnerabilities are identified and documented when the risk assessment

is performed), and references to other resources that are most frequently referenced during the

framework development process, for example, the Controls defined by the Center for Internet

Security (CIS). The CIS Controls are a comprehensive set of guidelines that outline necessary

security controls an enterprise needs to put in place to protect against cyberattacks. The importance

of each security control is described along with requirements, procedures, and associated tools. O-

RAN Technical Reports which document studies performed on the security of individual O-RAN

components also recommend the use of CIS Controls along with several security guidelines and best

practices (O-Cloud [20], SMO [21], shared O-RU [22]). Alternatively, NIST 800-53 [23] may also

be utilized to identify and define concrete security controls. The document, which is specifically

recommended for strong security controls in the afore-mentioned O-RAN Technical Reports, outlines

recommended security and privacy controls for federal information systems. Controls are classified

into families (e.g., Access control) and can be viewed as description of protection capabilities

appropriate for achieving the specific security and privacy objectives of the organization. The O-RAN

Technical Reports highlights the following NIST 800-53 control families related to security controls

for Open RAN system components:

- Access Controls;

- Risk Assessment;

- System and Communications Protection; and

- System and Information Integrity.

The O-RAN Technical Reports do not provide a rationale for how the above recommendations are

derived. Given the comprehensiveness and the broad range of controls of the NIST publication,

careful attention is required to determine which control families are applicable.

Open RAN vendors and MNOs can utilize NIST and CIS frameworks to assess whether sufficient

security controls are in place, or as a basis for creating more specific and detailed security controls.

4.2.2 Implementation & test

General statement
In the Implementation & test phase, individual components of the Open RAN system designed

previously are developed and tested to verify that they meet the identified security requirements.

The purpose of testing during this stage of the system life cycle is to ensure that the individual

components implement the required security controls, are developed according to secure coding

practices, and are free of known vulnerabilities.

Open RAN differs from traditional RAN deployments in that it introduces new network functions,

interfaces, and deployment options. In particular, new network functions Near-RT RIC and Non-

RT RIC with xApps and rApps and associated interfaces, such as A1 and E2. However, the

approach to securely implementing these system components remains similar. That is, Open RAN

vendors are required to practice secure system engineering and software development and need

to ensure that the resulting products meet the security requirements defined during Analysis &

design. To do so, they may utilize established security guidelines as a reference to identify and

adopt best practices for secure development and testing. These guidelines can be tailored and
expanded to align with the specific security requirements of the Open RAN components under


O-RAN Alliance Test Cases and Specifications

The O-RAN Alliance has published a series of test cases [24] to validate the implementation

of security requirements and protocols. Test cases are designed to simulate security attacks

on O-RAN components, interfaces, and the system as a whole, in order to evaluate the

robustness of the O-RAN system and overall impact on service, incl.:

- Security protocol validation (SSH Server & Client, TLS, DTLS, IPSec, and OAuth 2.0);
- Common network security tests for O-RAN components include service

enumeration, password-based authentication, etc.; and

- System security evaluation for O-RAN components include vulnerability scanning,

data and information protection, and system logging.

Currently, the O-RAN Security Test Specifications does not cover test cases for ML-related threats,

such as data poisoning and data extraction, and test cases for specific O-RAN components, with

the exception of the Open Fronthaul and the O1 interface.

Utilization of NESAS best practices

To ensure a commonly agreed security baseline for network equipment, 3GPP and GSMA have

jointly established the Network Equipment Security Assurance Scheme (NESAS). NESAS

comprises product development and security life cycle requirements as well as product security

requirements. Compliance with the NESAS indicates that the vendor has processes in place that

enable it to develop secure products and that the resulting products comply with technical best

practices defined by 3GPP. For the Implementation & test phase, NESAS requires vendors to

implement the following security measures in their development processes (see GSMA FS.16


- Source Code Review;

- Source Code Governance;

- Automated Build Processing;

- Build Process Management;

- Security Testing;

Additionally, FS.16 also contains general requirements which are relevant during and beyond

Implementation & test, such as the implementation of a Version Control System and a Change

Tracking process.

Utilization best practices from other industries

Apart from best practices specific to the telecom industry, there are several general best practices

used across industries that can also be utilized by Open RAN vendors. One example is the OWASP

Secure Coding Practices Quick Reference Guide [26]. The guide is independent of the concrete

functionality to be developed or the programming language used and aims to provide developers

with generic best practices to help them write more secure code.

As the Open RAN system is designed to be modular, one particular type of system component that

is becoming increasingly important is Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). As such, it is

necessary for Open RAN vendors to enforce not only common application security but also API

security best practices. For this purpose, they can refer to several OWASP publications such as

Top 10 Web Application Security Risks [27] and Top 10 API Security [28]. Each contains a list of

the ten most critical and common security risks (e.g., Broken access control and broken user

authentication) as well as guidance on how to identify and address them.

Initiatives Related to O-RAN Vendors

O-RAN vendors can also leverage reference implementations provided by the O-RAN Software

Community (OSC) to develop prototypes for O-RAN solutions. The OSC is an open-source

community for O-RAN development founded by a collaboration between O-RAN and the Linux

Foundation. The community aims to develop open-source software solutions for Open RAN that

are in line with the O-RAN specifications, with the objective of creating deployable open-source


Utilization of Two concepts, DevSecOps and Shift Left

As far as security testing and enforcement are concerned, two related concepts that have gained
lots of popularity are DevSecOps and Shift Left. Together, they try to make developers take

ownership of security matters and enforce security controls as early as possible in the development
life cycle. While DevSecOps may only be applicable to a limited extent to mobile network

components, because the network operator is usually not implementing the individual system

components, Shift Left can certainly benefit the Open RAN security life cycle. Rather than
performing security checks at the end of the implementation task, various security checks are

integrated from the first day of development. The fundamental idea is that the earlier a security
flaw is identified, the easier and cheaper it is to rectify. Further details on these topics can be found

in the NIST DevSecOps resources [15] mentioned earlier or the OWASP DevSecOps Guideline

Utilization of NIST SSDF best practices

The afore-mentioned recommendation by the CSRIC VIII group to utilize the NIST Secure

Software Development Framework (SSDF) [16] applies not just during design, but also

implementation and test of the solution. NIST SSDF is a framework specifically focused on

ensuring the secure software development. Open RAN vendors may leverage its list of high-

level best practices (e.g., prevent future reoccurrence of vulnerabilities by identifying root

causes of vulnerabilities) throughout the entire software life cycle.

4.2.3 Sourcing & procurement

General statement
Sourcing & procurement is a life cycle phase that concerns both Open RAN vendors as well as

MNOs. On one hand, Open RAN vendors need to securely package and deliver their final

products. On the other hand, MNOs assess vendors and their products to perform a selection
and, once a purchasing decision has been made, validate the products received to ensure they

perform as expected. For both parties, it is vital to agree clear security responsibilities and

service level agreements (SLA) in binding contracts.

Utilization of RFP/RFQ and SBOM by early stage

When comparing the sourcing of third-party components in Open RAN to traditional RAN, the

fundamental principles are not different, as the process itself remains unchanged. However,

sourcing from multiple vendors in Open RAN can lead to increased complexity for MNOs as

opposed to a single vendor, as it may be more difficult to ensure that components from different

vendors meet the expected security requirements. In order to address the increased complexity

and supply chain risks, MNOs adopt a cradle-to-grave approach to effectively source and procure

RAN components from multiple suppliers. This involves specifying clear security requirements

during the Request for Proposal (RfP) or Request for Quotation (RfQ) processes that allows MNOs

to enforce security requirements early on and helps identify suitable vendors and products. In

addition, MNOs may require their vendors to provide detailed information on the vendor’s security

processes and the security of its products. Part of the product security documentation should be an

SBOM, as mentioned in the transversal requirements of the O-RAN Security Requirements

Specification [9]. Such information about subcomponents of the supplied products can be utilized

to identify security vulnerabilities and increase the transparency and security of the MNO supply

chain. Specifically, NTIA provides a definition of Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials

[30], incl. basic use cases and key security features. The document can help MNOs and Open RAN

vendors understand the importance of SBOM and ensure that theirs includes the elements required

to improve software supply chain security.

Utilization of NIST SP 800 best practices

To implement the best practices mentioned above, both MNOs and Open RAN vendors can refer to

the existing industrial guidelines. Specifically, NIST SP 800-161 [31] provides general guidance to

organizations on how manage cybersecurity risks throughout the supply chain, including

information on identifying, assessing, selecting, and implementing appropriate risk management

processes, as well as implementing mitigating measures. Open RAN vendors should refer to section

1.4.5, which points to recommended practices and control for system development, system

engineering, and system implementation. For MNOs, section 1.4.3 is more relevant, as it introduces
recommended practices and control for acquisition and procurement owners and operators.

Concrete security controls, which are defined in NIST SP 800-53 [23] include the establishment of,

for example:

- A Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) Plan;

- Processes to verify the provenance of supplied goods;

- Appropriate acquisition strategies, tools, and methods;

- Supplier assessments and reviews; and

- Notification agreements.

Utilization of NIST IR 7622 best practices

NIST IR 7622 [32] is another document that offers guidance on managing risks related to the

procurement and use of ICT systems, products, and services. It provides a set of practices and

considerations for managing supply chain risks specifically for federal information systems.

Although this document is primarily aimed at federal departments and agencies, other non-federal

organizations can also benefit from it by implementing the high-security level of their supply chain

processes. This is because many of the concepts and best practices outlined in the document are

applicable to other organizations as well.

Utilization of ATIS best practices

In addition to these NIST publications, ATIS provides a more telecom-specific standard for 5G

network supply chains [33]. The standard describes a number of requirements for the supply

chain, each with corresponding levels of assurance. In line with the afore-mentioned cradle-to-

grave approach, these requirements cover the entire life cycle of the procured software and

hardware. The standard also outlines high-level controls and mitigations required to meet these

requirements, such as:

- Solution design (e.g., network segregation and zero-trust mechanisms between

internal resources/functions);

- Inbound supply (e.g., software scans to identify potential malware);

- Build environment (e.g., verification of the software development environment);

- Distribution (e.g., secure software packaging and storage);

- Delivery and installation (e.g., robust tracking and transit capabilities);

- Operational tasks (e.g., secure update processes);

- Post operation tasks (e.g., data clearing); and

- Management and administration (e.g., certification, accreditation, and security


4.2.4 Integration & deployment

General statement
In the Integration & deployment phase, MNOs combine, test, and roll-out the individual

components that have been sourced in the previous phase. The aim is to ensure that all

components and interfaces of the network are fully functional, are configured correctly, and

functionality and security meet the needs of the MNO. Usually, this phase also relies on the

involvement of other stakeholders, such as the Open RAN vendors and Infrastructure providers.

Moreover, MNOs may also decide to outsource certain tasks during Integration & deployment

to specialized service providers (e.g., System Integrators).

Given the disaggregation and newly specified components and interfaces, Open RAN introduces

new challenges for MNOs. Managing the network integration in a multi-vendor environment

necessarily involves more effort than sourcing a complete RAN solution from a single vendor.

Additionally, although 3GPP and O-RAN technical specifications ensure basic interoperability,

different vendors may still use different technologies and protocols for non-standard functionality

(e.g., access management, logging), which may cause additional compatibility issues.
Importance of roles and responsibilities regarding integration and deployment

As there is no dedicated guideline for the Integration & deployment of Open RAN, it is on MNOs to

define roles and responsibilities of each party involved during this phase (e.g., System integrator

for software testing, MNO for software roll-out). This is crucial to ensure that each party involved

has a clear understanding of what is expected of it, and to avoid confusion that may lead to delays

in the process or, at worst, control gaps.

Once responsibilities and roles are clarified, the party responsible for system integration has to

configure all components in a manner that allows for the correct operation of Open RAN

components and security controls. It is recommended to conduct both component testing as well

as integration testing to validate end-to-end interoperability and to verify the entire Open RAN

system meets performance, reliability, and security requirements. With regards to integration

testing, the O-RAN Alliance has developed a set of tests to promote interoperability across

different implementations of the O-RAN interfaces, in addition to afore-mentioned tests for

validating each component/interface. For example, interoperability testing of O-RUs and O-DUs

from different vendors connected through the Open Fronthaul interfaces[34]. Referring to the

test specifications, it is specified which tests should be conducted to ensure interoperability

between different components/interfaces and provided guidance on how to conduct the tests in

a manner that aligns with industrial standards.

Utilization of NIST SP 800-53, NIST SP 800-161 and CIS Controls

Further, Open RAN vendors, MNOs, and Infrastructure providers need to ensure that their systems

are securely hardened to minimize the attack surface, for example, by disabling unnecessary

services, tightening access rights and privileges. To assist MNOs and Infrastructure providers in

identifying and adopting best practices for integration and deployment, some of the afore-

mentioned industry guidelines may be referred. NIST SP 800-53 [23], NIST SP 800-161 [31], and

CIS Controls [35] include guidance on integration, testing, and deployment.

While the CIS Controls provide a broader framework of cybersecurity best practices, CIS

Benchmarks [36] offer guidance for configuring and securing individual technology

components, such as operating systems, applications, and cloud environments. Depending on

the exact implementation, the following CIS benchmarks may be relevant for Open RAN

technology components:

- Virtualization software (e.g., VMware, Docker, Kubernetes);

- Operating systems (e.g., Ubuntu Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux);

- Web servers (e.g., NGINX, Apache HTTP Server); and

- Database servers (e.g., Microsoft SQL server, PostgreSQL).

Utilization of CIS benchmarks and ETSI NFV for O-cloud services
If the Open RAN deployment utilizes cloud resources, the MNO may also refer to CIS benchmarks

for cloud services by popular Infrastructure providers, such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and

Microsoft Azure. By following the CIS Benchmarks, the Open RAN stakeholders can effectively

harden core technology components of the Open RAN system.

When it comes to integrating the Open RAN components with the underlying O-Cloud, Open
RAN vendors, MNOs, and infrastructure providers can refer to the specifications by ETSI NFV.

Specifically, ETSI GS NFV-SEC 021 [37] provides the security requirements for protecting the
authenticity and integrity of the VNF package during onboarding onto the NFV infrastructure,


- Each individual artifact in a VNF Package shall have a cryptographic signature

when it is stored in the NFV-MANO catalogue(s); and

- Before instantiation, all available signatures on the artifacts shall be verified by


Utilization of CSRIC VIII report

The CSRIC VIII report [14] also contains recommendations for this phase of life cycle, such as

deploying Open RAN software on secure server hardware with encrypted and securely stored

credentials and keys and using a secure boot with software signing to establish an end-to-end
chain of trust.

4.2.5 Operations & maintenance

General statement
During the Operations & maintenance phase, it is on the MNO to continuously ensure the

availability of network infrastructure and services. In contrast to the previous life cycle phases,

this involves not just preventive, but also reactive and corrective security controls. To that end,

Operations & maintenance tasks for Open RAN are not different from those for traditional RAN


Important aspects of operational security

First, a key aspect of operational security is ensuring visibility. This requires such fundamental

controls such as a complete, up-to-date system inventory and identity management system, so

that the MNO can know what needs to be secured. Further, information about security relevant

events throughout the network should be collected, which may involve information such as log files

collected at the level of network functions and the underlying infrastructure, alerts issued by

network elements and security controls, and network connections and traffic flows.

Second, MNOs need to be able to identify security defects and incidents in a timely manner. This

requires capabilities to analyze the different operational data points collected as well as awareness

of continuously emerging security threats. A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

can help to correlate data points from different sources and identify individual events or anomalies.

Additionally, MNOs may want to regularly scan their deployments for vulnerabilities and indicators

of compromise (IOC), in order to detect known security issues.

Third, processes should be in place to take corrective action, once security issues are identified. If

an incident is identified, a coordinated response process should ensure containment, the eradication

of the incident, and a complete recovery from it. If a vulnerability is detected, a vulnerability

management process should document, assess, prioritize, and eventually mitigate it, for example,

by rolling out relevant software updates. The latter also requires a structured configuration and

change management process that ensures changes to the network are properly documented,

reviewed, tested, and approved before being rolled-out into the network.

Although it may seem as if the Operations & maintenance phase only depends on the MNO, all the

capabilities described above require active involvement by the other Open RAN stakeholders as

well. Open RAN vendors and infrastructure providers need to develop products that can be

monitored effectively by implementing established industry standards for system management and

monitoring. If security vulnerabilities or weaknesses are identified in Open RAN components or the

cloud infrastructure, MNOs need to be informed about them. Furthermore, security updates and

mitigating measures need to be provided by as contractually agreed during the Sourcing &

procurement life cycle phase.

Utilization of a variety of specifications

For best practices regarding operational security measures, MNOs can refer to some of the

guidelines referred to in previous sections. The CIS Controls [35] as well as the CSA Control

Matrix [38] provide actionable advice on how to protect individual systems and the underlying

cloud infrastructure.

While the afore-mentioned resources document generic IT security best practices, there are also

those which are tailored specifically at telecom environments. One of these is MITRE FiGHTTM

[39]. Modelled after the popular MITRE ATT&CK® framework [40], FiGHTTM extends the generic

guidance by additional attack techniques (e.g., Registration of malicious network functions,

gNodeB Component Manipulation) and mitigations that are relevant to 5G networks. Like

ATT&CK®, it is structured like a typical flow of actions of a malicious actor attempting to

compromise the system. By doing so, it can help to perform more realistic threat assessments,

identify potential control gaps, and design defenses so that stop attackers as early as possible in

the process. Some of the recommended mitigations that are also relevant to Open RAN

components include:

- Enforcing resource Isolation in virtualization environments;

- Ensuring physical and environmental protection; and

- Providing for continuity of power supplied to equipment deployed in the field.

5 Lab Verification and Analysis

5.1. Purpose of Lab Verification

In the previous chapters, security risks of Open RAN described in Chapter 3 and risk mitigation

measures described in Chapter 4 have been examined and compared to traditional RAN. When

MNOs deploy Open RANs, in addition to risk analysis, the actual network equipment on which

the Open RAN is built should be checked to ensure that it is secure. This is an important factor

in the decision-making process.

In this chapter, it is verified whether some of the identified security risks of Open RAN

are addressed by implementing the measures specified by O-RAN Alliance on the

network equipment.

5.2. Lab verification scope and procedure

5.2.1 Scope
The transformation of radio access with Open RAN is driven by three technology areas: Open

Interfaces, Virtualization, and Intelligence. The interfaces and components included in each

area are summarized in Table 15. Security risk mitigation measures will be tested against

the three areas. In this report, all the test items in three areas have been examined and the

open interface test was conducted among them.

Area Interface Component

Open Interface Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane, Components interconnected

Open Fronthaul M-Plane, A1, by Open Interfaces
O1, O2, E2, R1

Virtualization O2 O-Cloud, SMO

Intelligence A1, O1, O2, E2, R1 SMO, Non-RT RIC, Near-RT

RIC, xApp, rApp

Table 15: Open RAN Technical Areas

The interfaces and components corresponding to the three areas (Open Interface, Virtualization,
and Intelligence) in the O-RAN architecture are shown in Figure 12

R1 ③
SMO Non-
rApps RI RIC

① A1
② ①
③ xApps ①
Fronthau E2
l E2

① ① ③ AMF

① F1-c ...
Legend Fronthaul F1-u NG-u
CUS+M- Xn-u
① Open Interface
② Virtualization ③ Backhaul
3GPP defined interface
O-RAN interface O-Cloud

Figure 12: Interfaces and Components in O-RAN Technical Areas

5.2.2 Procedure

Firstly, test scenarios are defined for each targeted area to confirm the implementation of

security measures. In O-RAN Alliance, Security Work Group is developing security-related

test specifications, and the Test & Integration Focus Group also includes a security
perspective in its end-to-end testing specification. The test scenarios are developed based

on O-RAN test specifications and referencing 3GPP test specification [24] [41] [42].

Secondly, a test environment is prepared to conduct representative test scenarios. It is used to

validate the test scenarios (testing to ensure that the security measures are properly

implemented and functioning) and assess the effectiveness of the measures (testing to ensure

that the risk is being effectively addressed by the security measures). Because typical scenarios

are designed to confirm the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures, confirmation of the

effectiveness of scenarios leads to confirmation of the effectiveness of measures. When

conducting tests, if the number of tests that can be conducted is limited due to the constraints

of the test environment or other reasons, the tests will be prioritized from cases that can cover

a wider range of Open RAN issues.

When cases are found where measures have not been implemented, the measures to
be implemented to avoid security risks are considered and presented in this report.

As the purpose of the actual equipment testing is not to evaluate individual devices, results
that indicate vulnerabilities of specific devices will be excluded from this report.

5.3. Test scenarios

The O-RAN security test specifications verify that devices are adequately compliant with Open

RAN security requirements. This chapter therefore checks whether the risks of Open RAN are

addressed by specifying test scenarios based on the O-RAN and 3GPP test specifications. As

mentioned in 4.1.3, in the Open RAN system life cycle, the O-RAN specification mainly covers

the Analysis & design phase. In addition, testing based on the specification can cover a part of

Implementation & test phase.

5.3.1 Open Interface Characteristics of Open Interface

The O-RAN architecture specifies six open interfaces: Open Fronthaul, A1, O1, O2, E2, and

R1 and Open Fronthaul has CUS + M-Plane in one interface. Some of these interfaces exist

in traditional RAN systems, but opening up and standardizing them enables a strong,

robust, industry-driven, evolvable, regulatable and standardized set of security measures

against attackers. The security controls of each interface are summarized in Table 16 from

the perspective of the security controls and features that they must achieve [43]. Open

and standardized interfaces between components without the standard security measures,

theoretically provide the attack surfaces to attacker. It is therefore necessary to verify that

O-RAN equipment is able to address risks by implementing standard security measures

based on standard specifications.

Potential Goals Open Fronthaul Non-Fronthaul

C- U- S- M-
A1 O1 O2 E2 R1
Plane Plane Plane Plane

Authenticity TLS TLS TLS IPsec TLS

Confidentiality PDCP TLS TLS TLS IPsec TLS


Authorization NACM OAuth NACM OAuth OAuth

Data TLS/S
Origination SH

Replay TLS/S
Prevention SH

Table 16: Mandatory O-RAN interface security controls

The protocol stack of Open Fronthaul is shown in Figure 13 [44] and Figure 14 [11]. The Open

Fronthaul CUS-Plane is an Ethernet L2 connection, while the Open Fronthaul M-Plan other open

interfaces are TCP/IP connections.

Figure 13: Open Fronthaul CUS-Plane Protocol Stack

Figure 14: Open Fronthaul M-Plane Protocol Stack Open Fronthaul Test Scenario

In developing test scenario for open interfaces, Open Fronthaul is selected as a

representative interface that includes CUS + M-Plane.

As described in Section 2.3.1, it is assumed that traditional RAN deployment comprised of

Base Band Units (BBU) and Radio Remote Head (RRH), and connections between

components are made through closed interfaces. In the O-RAN specification, Open

Fronthaul was the first interface to be opened up and is an appropriate representative test

subject due to its maturity and advanced implementation.

Furthermore, Open Fronthaul includes typical connection types (Ethernet L2 connections, TCP/IP

connections) and security controls, and the learnings gained by examining its differences with

other interfaces can be applied to mitigate security risks of other open interfaces.

Test scenario for Open Interface is shown in Table 17.

# Test Item Overview Target Source

Service Enumeration/
Assess TCP and M- O-RAN Security Test
1 Network Boundary
UDP open ports Plane Spec 7.2.1

Verify the proper M-

O-RAN Security Test
2 SSH Server & Client implementation of the Plane
Spec 6.2
SSH protocol

Verify the proper M-

implementation of the Plane O-RAN Security Test

TLS secure Spec 6.3
communication protocol

Verify the robustness of Plane
Password-Based O-RAN Security Test
4 every management plane
Authentication/PWDAUTH Spec 7.3.1

Verify that policies M-

Password Policy on acceptable Plane O-RAN Security Test
Enforcement password values are Spec 7.3.3

enforced properly.

Security events shall be M-

3GPP TS 33.117
6 Security Event Logging logged together with a Plane
unique system reference

The element shall M-

Log Transfer to support forwarding of Plane 3GPP TS 33.117
Centralized System security event log to
an external system.

The system shall have M-

Protecting Session – a function that allows a Plane 3GPP TS 33.117
Logout Function signed in user to logout
at any time.

An OAM user interactive M-

session shall be Plane
Protecting sessions - 3GPP TS 33.117
9 terminated automatically
inactivity timeout
after a specified period of

An attack method that M-

sends a large number of Plane O-RAN Security Test
10 TCP SYN/FIN Flooding
SYN packets that request Spec 7.5.1

TCP connections

An attack method that
C- O-RAN E2E Test
sends unexpected (not
Unexpected Input in-line with protocol Plane Spec.7.2.4
(Fuzzing) specification) input S- O-RAN E2E Test

towards O-DU C-Plane Plane Spec.7.2.5

and S-Plane.

An attack method that

C- O-RAN E2E Test
sends a predefined
Plane Spec.7.2.1
12 DoS volumetric pocket against
S- O-RAN E2E Test
O-DU C-Plane and S-
Plane Spec.7.2.2

Table 17: Open Fronthaul Test Scenario Other Open Interface Test Scenarios

Open interfaces other than Open Fronthaul require testing against the security controls they

are required to implement. Table 18 specifies test scenarios for each open interface.

# Test Item Overview Target Source

Validate the NACM enforcement

NACM on the O-RAN component O1
1 O1 O-RAN Security Test 17.2
Validation interface for the role-based
access control

Verify the proper
2 TLS implementation of the secure O-RAN Security Test 6.3
communication protocol TLS

Verify the proper

3 IPSec implementation of the secure E2 O-RAN Security Test 6.5

communication protocol IPsec.

Verify the proper implementation

of the authorization of O-RAN
application’s (e.g. xAPP) API
4 OAuth 2.0 O2, O-RAN Security Test 6.6
service request to O-RAN
resource provider (e.g., Near-RT
RIC) based on OAuth 2.0

Table 18: Open Interface Test Scenarios

5.3.2 Virtualization Characteristics of Virtualization

Because O-RAN systems run on O-Cloud, the virtualization foundation, an attack on the

virtualization leads to an impact on the entire O-RAN system deployed on it. While the

virtualization is a key element of Open RAN, the elements used are not specific to Open RAN

alone, but are widely used throughout the entire 5G system, including the 5G core. For this

reason, the test items for the virtualization in the O-RAN test specification are generic. Test scenario for virtualization

Test scenario for the virtualization is shown in Table 19.

# Test Item Overview Target Source

Verify that a noisy neighbor

DoS attack against O-Cloud for O-
O-RAN E2E Test
1 Side channel DoS attack resource starvation will not Cloud,
degrade service availability or MANO


Check whether App/VNF/CNF O- O-RAN Security

2 Software Image Signing
package is digitally signed. Clou Test 9.5.1

Check whether signature of
Software Signature O- O-RAN Security
3 App/VNF/CNF package is
Verification Clou Test 9.5.2
verified by Service provider.
Service Enumeration/
Cloud, O-RAN Security
4 Network Boundary Assess TCP and UDP open ports
MANO, Test Spec 7.2.1

Password-Based Verify the robustness of every Cloud, O-RAN Security
Authentication/PWDAUTH management plane protocol MANO, Test Spec 7.3.1


Verify whether out-of-band O-

Unauthorized Password mechanisms exist and exposed Cloud, O-RAN Security

Reset to circumvent, disable, or reset MANO, Test Spec 7.3.2
the password O2

Verify that policies on
Password Policy Cloud, O-RAN Security
7 acceptable password values are
Enforcement MANO, Test Spec 7.3.3
enforced properly.

Table 19: Virtualization Test Scenario

5.3.3 Intelligence The Characteristics of Intelligence

Open RAN introduces RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) and related RAN apps (rApp, xAPP) to

enable autonomous and automated RAN operations by leveraging machine learning and

artificial intelligence. RIC is a logical component that designs and sets parameters of base

stations and automates and optimizes operations to realize intelligent network operations.

There are two types of RICs, Near-RT RIC and Non-RT RIC, and their control algorithms are

specified by rApp and xApp, respectively. Thus, security testing for intelligence centers on

interfaces and authentication interconnecting each component. Intelligence Testing Scenario

Intelligence Testing Scenario is listed in Table 20

# Test Item Overview Target Source

Validate the NACM

enforcement on the O-RAN O-RAN Security Test
1 NACM Validation O1
component O1 interface for 17.2

the role-based access control

Verify the proper
O1, O-RAN Security Test
2 TLS implementation of the secure
O2, 6.3
communication protocol TLS

Verify the proper
implementation of the O-RAN Security Test
3 IPsec E2
secure communication 6.5
protocol IPsec.

Validate how handling of SMO,

large amounts of requests Non-
is done. DoS/DDoS attacks RT
O-RAN Security Test
4 DDoS will come in three forms: RIC,
Protocol layer attacks, Near
Volume based attacks and -RT
Application layer attacks. RIC

Check whether App/VNF/CNF xApp, O-RAN Security Test

5 Software Image Signing
package is digitally signed. rApp 9.5.1

Check whether signature of

Software Signature xApp, O-RAN Security Test
6 App/VNF/CNF package is
Verification rApp 9.5.2
verified by Service provider.

Verify the proper

implementation of the
authorization of O-RAN
application’s (e.g. xApp) O-RAN Security Test
7 OAuth 2.0 O2,
API service request to O- 6.6
RAN resource provider
(e.g., Near-RT RIC) based
on OAuth 2.0

Service Enumeration/ RT
Assess TCP and UDP open O-RAN Security Test
8 Network Boundary RIC,
ports Spec 7.2.1
Examination Near

Verify the robustness of SMO,

Password-Based O-RAN Security Test
9 every management Non-
Authentication/PWDAUTH Spec 7.3.1
plane protocol RT


Test and verify whether any
out-of-band mechanisms
Unauthorized Password exist (and are exposed), O-RAN Security Test
10 RIC,
Reset which can be used to Spec 7.3.2
circumvent, disable, or
reset the password.

Verify that policies on RT
Password Policy O-RAN Security Test
11 acceptable password values RIC,
Enforcement Spec 7.3.3
are enforced properly. Near

AI/ML can be susceptible

O-RAN Security Test
to security attacks such as
xApp, Spec 10.2
12 ML data poisoning data poisoning, backdoor,
rApp (To be updated in
evasion, model stealing
subsequent version)
and data extraction.

Table 20: Intelligence Test Scenario

5.4. Test Environment

A test environment needs to be constructed to perform lab verification. The test environment

assumes a commercial environment for MNOs, which must include a virtualized radio access

network (vRAN) consisting of equipment from multiple vendors. It is first necessary to construct

and integrate the multi-vendor system and establish stable end-to-end mobile communications.

Secondly, a representative test scenario is selected from the test scenarios specified in the

previous section, and verification tests are conducted using this test environment. Selection of

test scenarios is prioritized for those that can cover a wider range of Open RAN issues and can

be performed in the test environment.

5.5. Validation Results

5.5.1 Open Interface Verification items and procedures

As mentioned above, Open FH is selected for the following lab verification because it is a

representative interface which includes CUS + M-Plane components, typical connection types

(Ethernet L2 and TCP/IP connections) and security controls.

Figure 15 shows the test target.

R1 Non-
O2 Test Target


Open E2
Fronthaul AMF

F1-c ...
Legend Fronthaul F1-u NG-u
CUS+M- Xn-u
① Open
Interface ② Backhaul
Virtualization ③
3GPP defined interface
O-RAN interface O-Cloud

Figure 15: Test Target


(1) Connect test PC to same VLAN as O-DU and O-RU

(2) Precondition

A) IP address and MAC address of O-DU and O-RU are provided

B) M-Plane uses Netconf/SSH profile

(3) Perform verification as black box test based on pre-information

Test procedure

1. Service Enumeration/ Network Boundary Examination

Target: O-DU and O-RU

Precondition: Access to IP addresses of target systems

Test tool: Nmap and manual validation of ports exposure


TCP Port Scan

(1) Send a TCP SYN packet to each port of O-DU and check if the port is open

(2) Check if the service is available for the open port

(3) Identify active services and attempt to compromise

(4) Send a TCP SYN packet to each O-RU port and check if the port is open

(5) Check if the service is available for the open port

(6) Identify active services and attempt to compromise

Figure 16: Service Enumeration/ Network Boundary Examination

2. SSH Server & Client

Target: O-RU

Precondition: Access to SSH interface

Test tool: BASH script and nmap test cases against encryption


(1) Access and attempt to iterate over known weak/insecure cipher suites available and

agreed upon from server

(2) Review the tool’s output for reported vulnerabilities

Figure 17: SSH Server & Client

Server-side (Gray box test)

(1) Retrieve credential information (username, id, authentication key)

(2) Confirm login with credential information

(3) Verify SSH protocols and algorithms (for host key, symmetric encryption, key exchange,

and MACs) as defined by Security Protocol Specifications.

Figure 18: SSH Server & Client (Gray Box Test)

3. TLS

Target: O-RU

Precondition: Access to TLS interface

Test tool: BASH script and nmap test cases against encryption


(1) Access and attempt to iterate over known weak/insecure cipher suites available and

agreed upon from server

(2) Review the tool’s output for reported vulnerabilities

Figure 19: TLS

4. Password-Based Authentication/PWDAUTH

Target: O-RU
Precondition: Access to password policies (authenticated), access to
authentication interfaces

Test tool: Manual evaluation from service (command line/browser) with proxy or other

capture tools

(1) Using a common set of usernames and password combinations, continually connect and

guess user/password.

Figure 20: Password-Based Authentication /PWDAUTH

5. Password Policy Enforcement

Target: O-RU
Precondition: Access to password policies (authenticated), access to

authentication interfaces

Test tool: Manual evaluation from service (command line/browser) with proxy or

other capture tools

(1) Test the resistance of the equipment against password attack guessing using

available password dictionaries by evaluating the length, complexity, reuse, change

frequency, and aging requirements of passwords.

Figure 21: Password Policy Enforcement

Test 6 to Test 9 were not performed.

10. TCP SYN/FIN Flooding

Target: O-DU
Precondition: Network access to two resources on same subnet

Test tool: Tools to mass send TCP SYN packets


(1) Send large number of packets to target system, and evaluate service stability and resilience

Figure 22: TCP SYN/FIN Flooding

11. Unexpected Input (Fuzzing)

Target: O-DU

Precondition: Authenticated access to the device, network access to services

Test tool: Nmap and manual validation of ports exposure, manually interacting with

protocols and sending error packets


(1) Ensure packet communication from test PC to O-DU on C-Plane and S-Plane

(2) Use sample packet or packet made from legitimate message sent towards the O-DU

(3) Use fuzzing tool to send test packet while keeping original source/destination MAC address

(4) Observe the functional and performance impact of the target

Figure 23: Unexpected Input (Fuzzing)

12. DoS

Target: O-DU
Precondition: Network access to two resources on same subnet mapping of known hosted

Test tool: Bash and other scripts/binaries for ending large amounts of

packets Procedure:

(1) Ensure packet communication from test PC to O-DU on C-Plane and S-Plane
(2) Use test tool to generate various level of volumetric DoS attack against the MAC address

of the O-DU

(3) Observe the functional and performance impact of the target

Figure 24: DoS

78 Test Results

Test results for each test item are shown in Table 21.

# Test Item Result Remarks

2 TCP open ports at O-

Service Enumeration/ RU and 3 at O-DU are
1 Network Boundary found, but found no
Examination vulnerability to open

SSH login failed to SSH

server in O-RU (Black
box test) In M-Plane, O-RU becomes a

Successful login to SSH server using SSH + NETCONF,

2 SSH Server & Client server using credential prevents any login to higher

information in O-RU, devices (O-DU or SMO) and is

and supported considered a safe design.

algorithms are verified.

(Gray box test)

Open Fronthaul M-Plane has

O-DU and O-RU used
TOT profiles of NETCONF/SSHv2
in this test does not
3 TLS support and NETCONF/TLS 1.2
support, and this time a system
1.2, so it is not tested
that supports the former is used

Brute force attack on O-

4 RU authentication, but
login was unsuccessful

Confirmed that no
Password Policy dictionary-registered
Enforcement password was used in
O-RU authentication

Since it is confirmation of the

6 Security Event Logging Not performed component function, it will be
covered by the vendor hearing.

Since it is confirmation of the

Log Transfer to Centralized
7 Not performed component function, it will be
covered by the vendor hearing.

Since it is confirmation of the
Protecting Session –Logout internal component operation, it
8 Not performed
Function will be covered by the vendor

Since it is confirmation of the

Protecting sessions - internal component operation, it
9 Not performed
inactivity timeout will be covered by the vendor

No abnormality occurred
10 TCP SYN/FIN Flooding
in O-DU condition

Unexpected Input No abnormality occurred

(Fuzzing) in O-DU condition

No abnormality
12 DoS occurred in the
condition of O-DU.

Table 21: Test Result Analysis

As a representative of open interfaces, lab verification of Open Fronthaul was conducted.

Open Fronthaul has M-Plane over TCP/IP connections and CUS-Plane over Ethernet L2

connections, and the other open interfaces specified by O-RAN Alliance are TCP/IP

connections. Since all open interface has supported TCP/IP connection, black-box and gray
box test for M-Plane was conducted first.

The M-Plane risk is that by opening up and standardizing the interface without the mandatory

security controls, an attacker can analyze the interface, break into the component, and perform

a service outage.

For O-RU, it can be determined from the standard specification that there is an SSH server,

which could be an entry point. Based on the port scan results, an attempt was made to break

into the SSH Server, but no login was possible. Then, in a gray box test using credentials

information, it successfully logged in to the SSH server on the O-RU and confirmed that there

were no problems with the algorithms.

In M-Plane, placing a NETCONF + SSH server at the O-RU does not make it an attack surface

to log in to upper devices (e.g.,O-DU,SMO). Even if it is invaded, the damage will not be

expanded. It can be said that it enhances the safety of the design.

For C-Plane and S-Plane, no impact was observed on the O-DU in response to DoS/Fuzzing

tests for Ethernet L2 connections.

The lab validation of Open Fronthaul included the general risks of open interfaces, and it was

observed that Open Fronthaul is capable of mitigating these risks. The tests conducted here

were based on the O-RAN specification, and it was confirmed that the risk of Open Fronthaul

can be addressed by adhering to the standard specification. Since Open Fronthaul covers

typical connection types and security controls for open interfaces, the findings from Open

Fronthaul tests can be applied to other open interfaces. As with Open Fronthaul, it can be

estimated that for other open interfaces, the risk can be reduced by adhering to the

standard specifications, leading to security assurance.

6 Conclusion

6.1 Open RAN security risks and mitigations

6.1.1 Risk analysis findings

The latest stage of the RAN evolution, Open RAN, introduces new network components,

interfaces, and features in an effort to raise operational efficiency, foster interoperability and

innovation. These developments also have the potential to enhance the security RAN

deployments. Meanwhile, there are also a number of security risks that are either entirely new to

the RAN or more pronounced than in traditional RAN deployments. This report aims to resolve

concerns about the security of Open RAN by providing structured analysis of the associated

security risks and recommended mitigating measures to address them.

The analysis builds on related work performed by the O-RAN Alliance. By reviewing and further

detailing their threat modelling and risk analysis work [2], it was possible to obtain a

comprehensive picture of the security risk Open RAN components and interfaces are subject

to. Key findings include:

- In total, 10 Open RAN components and interfaces have high-rated security risks

associated to them. These are O-Cloud, R1, Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1, SMO, O2, O1,

E2, and Open Fronthaul (M Plane).

- The most critical component, based on the number of high-rated security threats, is

the O-Cloud. The O-Cloud is subject to a number of security threats that are not

directly connected to other Open RAN components, i.e., virtualization-related

security threats. Nevertheless, these threats still have the potential to affect other

network components, if the underlying O-Cloud is compromised.

- A total of 55 (or 4%) of the analyzed security threats are considered unique to Open
RAN. That is, they are threats that do not affect traditional RAN deployments. Out of

those 4%, two-thirds are security risks rated high, while the remaining one third is
rated medium.

As such, these findings substantiate the claim that Open RAN increases the attack surface as

compared to traditional RAN deployments, albeit only by a small degree. Similar to traditional RAN

deployments, centralized network components and interfaces that can have large impact on the

overall network deployment if compromised can be considered more critical than those at the edge

of the network serving a limited area and subscriber count. Specifically, the utilization of cloud

resources poses a high risk to RAN deployments, as a breach of security at the infrastructure layer

–be it intentionally malicious or unintentional– can have a critical impact on large parts of the


6.1.2 Mitigating measures

Specification gaps and inconsistencies

Previous reports on Open RAN security commented on the state of the O-RAN specifications and

improvements that would be necessary to improve the security of Open RAN. As the analysis

described in this report relies on the work performed by the O-RAN Alliance, it is important to

recognize potential gaps and necessary shortcomings of the O-RAN specifications in their current

state. During the analysis, the following points became apparent:

- The technical specifications mainly focus on Analysis & design phase, but also

contain general requirements for certain aspects in other life cycle phases, for

example, SBOM (see Figure 10).

- Parts of the O-RAN security specification appear to be incomplete, for example:

- Security requirements do not cover all security principles (see section 4.1.2

(Analysis result))

- Specified security controls do not cover all security requirements (see Figure


- Security controls do not cover all components/interfaces (see Figure 11)

- It is often unclear how guidance has been determined or how it relates to


parts of the security specification, for example:

- No details on how security principles have been derived and how the

security controls address the security threats (see section 4.1.1

(Specification analysis))

- It is unclear how the O-RAN Alliance selected security guidelines and


practices related to Open RAN security. For example, relevant CIS

controls and NIST 800-53 control families are recommended in some of

the Technical Reports on individual components, such as O-Cloud, SMO,

and shared O-RU (see section 4.2.1 (Analysis & design))

The first finding is to be expected. Technical specifications are limited in scope by necessity

because they ensure an interoperable design of system components and associated security

controls. As such, they cannot provide a holistic security framework that covers all phases for

the Open RAN life cycle. For this purpose, supplementary mitigating measures that do not need

to be standardized should be put in place by the relevant Open RAN stakeholders.

The second and third finding, however, can be addressed by further work to the O-RAN

specifications. The O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis [2] provides a good

foundation for defining Open RAN security requirements and controls that go beyond the current

level of coverage. It may be improved even further by incorporating some of the observations
made in section 2.3 (Risk analysis). Importantly, the specifications would benefit significantly from

further details on how some of the recommendations have been derived. Given the attention by

industry and regulatory bodies, this could go a long way to dispel some of the concerns regarding

Open RAN security.

Supplementary mitigation measures

Based on the analysis of security controls and requirements defined in the technical specifications,

supplementary mitigation measures are provided to cover the entire Open RAN life cycle beyond

Analysis & design. Where available, these recommendations are based on telecom-specific guidance

developed by organizations such as GSMA. Alternatively, generic industry standards and best

practices are referenced. It is apparent that, with the exception of the O-RAN test specifications

concerning security requirements [24] and interoperability [45], few aspects require guidance

specifically tailored to Open RAN or even telecommunications. Instead, it is expected that common

IT security best practices can be leveraged for valuable information on securing Open RAN

deployments. Further study would be required to gauge the potential benefits of closer alignment

between network and IT security requirements and controls in network operators.

The large number of referenced best practices shows that relevant guidance does exist, just

not yet in a consolidated form. Additional efforts from industry groups will be required to

support Open RAN stakeholders identify and adopt relevant security best practices. This applies

in particular to MNOs, as the absence of a single RAN vendor requires them to take on new

security responsibilities in the Open RAN life cycle.

6.1.3 Comparison to traditional RAN

The findings of the Open RAN risk analysis show that Open RAN does not fundamentally change

the risk landscape that also affects traditional RAN deployments. While it is true that the system

design introduces components and interfaces that were previously less visible due to their

proprietary nature, the risks they are subject to are hardly new. This includes fronthaul interfaces,

management and orchestration systems, and cloud computing capabilities. An exception are

genuinely new RAN functionalities, such as RAN Intelligent Controllers as well as xApps and rApps.

The AI/ML capabilities used in these components introduce novel types of security threats, such as

AI/ML poisoning or transfer learning attacks. This relatively small group of novel threats is not to

be dismissed, as associated components and interfaces (i.e., Non-RT RIC, rApp, A1, E2, and R1)

make up five out of ten high-risk items identified.

When comparing Open RAN to traditional RAN deployment models, more fundamental changes can

be identified in the roles and responsibilities for ensuring security. As outlined in section 2.4.4 (Risk

owners and mitigation owners), different stakeholders are required to implement and

enforce security controls throughout the system life cycle. With Open RAN, the responsibilities

between them are not as clearly defined as in single-vendor, non-cloud RAN deployments. It is

on the MNOs as ultimately accountable party to define security requirements and a controls

framework aligned to their operating model and enforce those across multiple suppliers and

service providers. If stakeholders follow security best practices, such as those outlined in

chapter 4 (Risk mitigation measures) throughout the Open RAN life cycle, Open RAN can be

built as secure as traditional RAN.

To what extent Open RAN can improve on the security posture of existing RAN deployments

will depend on the extent to which implementors, integrators, and operators will be able to

leverage the theoretical advantages that an openly specified and software-defined system

provides over a proprietary solution that depends on specialized hardware.

6.1.4 Lab Verification and Analysis

In this lab validation, the Open Fronthaul was examined as a representative of open interfaces, on

which various security breach tests were performed. The validation of Virtualization and

Intelligence remains an important item for future study.

O-Cloud, which constitutes the virtualization foundation, is an essential element of the O-RAN

system and has a high-risk rating. The virtualization technology used in Open RAN is generic

and common across a wide range of 5G systems, and there are few elements unique to Open

RAN. Intelligence is a newly introduced field in Open RAN.

This verification was for Open Fronthaul and was sufficiently valid. Further verification will be

possible by conducting the remaining test for virtualization and intelligence.

6.2 Open challenges

6.2.1 AI/ML poisoning

AI/ML security is still a topic of ongoing research. Hence, the authors are not aware of established

best practices for comprehensively securing AI/ML models against poisoning and other specialized

attacks. However, the industry appears to recognize this issue and work on possible mitigations.

3GPP is currently studying security aspects of AI/ML for the NG-RAN (see 3GPP TR 33.877 [46]).

Aside from data poisoning, this document also discusses key issues related to secure information

transfer and user privacy.

6.2.2 Privacy considerations

As described in section 2.4.2 (Risk rating), privacy involves more than just data protection. To

ensure systems and services respect the privacy of individuals, aspects such as lawfulness of

processing, consent, and the rights of data subjects are just as important as technical

considerations. Thus, a system-level analysis, as described in this report, cannot provide a

comprehensive assessment of privacy aspects. Privacy assessments have to be performed per

use case to determine the potential privacy impact and appropriate controls.

6.3 Aspects unrelated to security

6.3.1 Increased competition in the base station market

Historically, openness, i.e. standardization, has contributed to market competition and achieved

cost reductions and performance improvements in various areas. (e.g. DVD, Blu-ray, SD, TCP/IP,

etc.) Similarly, the widespread use of O-RAN specifications is anticipated to reduce or even eliminate

the oligopoly of telecommunications base stations, and market competition between vendors is

expected to improve the performance of each function while reducing the cost of equipment. In this

way, an ecosystem based on O-RAN equipment offers many potential benefits for the mobile

industry. Specifically, the virtualization of base stations (vRAN) enables software and hardware

separation. This enables the use of general-purpose equipment instead of the expensive dedicated

equipment that was previously required, which is anticipated to reduce OPEX/CAPEX. The

virtualization working groups of the O-RAN Alliance, working toward its key principle of separating

RAN hardware and software for all components and the deployment of software components on

commodity server hardware, is helping to realize costs savings in telecommunications equipment

compared to traditional vertically integrated RANs. The multi-vendor configuration of the O-RAN

specification also enables the selection of best-of-breed products for various deployment scenarios.

It also contributes to supply chain risk mitigation.

6.3.2 Optimizing energy efficiency through intelligence (Energy saving)

O-RAN is currently actively working on optimizing energy efficiency (Energy saving) as a means

of reducing the OPEX of telecom operators, which is important in light of the rising cost of fossil

fuel-based energy resources and the urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions. The optimization of

O-RUs, which account for the majority of the power consumption of radio access networks, is

essential for the realization of energy efficiency optimization. O-RAN Alliance standardization

activities are looking at improving the overall energy consumption of radio access networks by

turning off or reducing the coverage of cells with few users through Non-RT/Near-RT RIC. In

addition, the use of intelligent control, such as AI/ML-based forecasting of future traffic volumes

and user mobility, could further improve energy efficiency optimization.

6.3.3 Improved monitoring and maintenance functions by SMOs

In Open RAN, RIC, MANO and Slice Management support a higher level of optimization of RAN

operations by using SMO. The use of a standardized interface also allows for a free choice of

applications. Automatic adjustment of RAN parameters and automation of operational settings

leads to a reduction in OPEX. Furthermore, service availability can be improved by autonomous

operation according to policy settings and the detection of predictive failure signs using AI/ML.

7 References
[1] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Architecture Description 7.0," 2022.
[2] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Security Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis 5.0,"

[3] BSI, "Open RAN Risk Analysis (5GRANR)," 2022.

[4] NIS Group, "Report on the cybersecurity of Open RAN," 2022.
[5] European Commission, "The EU Toolbox for 5G security," 2021.
[6] CISA, "Open Radio Access Network Security Considerations," 2022.
[7] IFRI, ""Open" Telecom Networks (Open RAN)," 2022.
[8] NTT Docomo, "5G Open RAN Ecosystem Whitepaper," 2021.
[9] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Security Requirements Specification 5.0," 2022.
[10] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Security Protocols Specifications 5.0," 2022.
[11] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Management Plane Specification 11.0," 2022.
[12] 3GPP, "TS 33.501: Security architecture and procedures for 5G System; 18.0.0," 2023.
[13] 3GPP, "TS 33.210: Network Domain Security (NDS); IP network layer security; 17.1.0,"
[15] NIST, "Software Supply Chain and DevOps Security Practices: Implementing a Risk-Based
Approach to DevSecOps," 2022.
[16] NIST, "SP 800-218: Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) Version 1.1:
Recommendations for Mitigating the Risk of Software Vulnerabilities," 2022.

[17] BSA, "The BSA Framework for Secure Software Version 1.1," 2022.
[18] SAFECode, "Managing Security Risks Inherent in the Use of Third-party Components,"

[19] NIST, "Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity 1.1," 2018.
[20] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Study on Security for O-Cloud 2.0," 2023.
[21] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Study on Security for Service Management and Orchestration
(SMO) 1.0," 2023.
[22] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Study on Security for Shared O-RU (SharedORU) 1.0," 2023.

[23] NIST, "SP 800-53 Rev.5: Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
Organizations," 2020.
[24] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Security Test Specifications 3.0," 2022.
[25] GSM Association, "FS.16 – NESAS Development and Lifecycle Security Requirements
v.2.2," 2022.
[26] OWASP, "Secure Coding Practices-Quick Reference Guide," 2022.
[27] OWASP, "Top 10 Web Application Security Risks," 2021.
[28] OWASP, "Top 10 API Security," 2021.
[29] OWASP, "DevSecOps Guideline - v-0.2".
[30] NTIA, "The Minimum Elements For a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)," 2021.
[31] NIST, "SP 800-161r1: Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management Practicies for
Systems and Orgnizations," 2022.
[32] NIST, "IR 7622: Notional Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal
Information Systems," 2012.

[33] ATIS, "ATIS Standard: 5G Network Assured Supply Chain," 2022.

[34] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Fronthaul Interoperability Test Specification (IOT) 8.0,"
[35] CIS, "CIS Critical Security Controls Version 8," 2021.
[36] CIS, "CIS Benchmarks".
[37] ETSI, "GS NFV-SEC 021: VNF Package Security Specification v2.6.1," 2019.
[38] CSA, "Cloud Controls Matrix and CAIQ v4," 2021.
[39] MITRE, "FiGHTTM(5G Hierarchy of Threats) v1.0.0," 2022.
[40] MITRE, "ATT&CK Framework v4.0.1," 2022.
[41] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN TIFG, End-to-end Test Specification 4.0," 2022.
[42] 3GPP, "TS 33.117 “Catalogue of General Security Assurance Requirements” (Release 16),"

[43] O-RAN Alliance, "Security Work Group Continues Defining O-RAN Security
Solutions, https://www.o-ran.org/blog/the-o-ran-alliance-security-work-group-
continues-defining-o-ran-security-solutions," 2022.
[44] O-RAN Alliance, "O-RAN Control, User and Synchronization Plane Specification 11.0,"

[45] O-RAN Alliance, "Security Work Group Continues Defining O-RAN Security

Solutions, https://www.o-ran.org/blog/the-o-ran-alliance-security-work-group-
continues-defining-o-ran-security-solutions," 2022.
[46] 3GPP, "TR 33.877: Study on the security aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine
Learning (ML) for the NG-RAN; 0.5.0," 2023.


A1 Duplicate threats identified in the O-RAN Threat Modeling and Remediation

Threat ID Title Duplicate of Title

T-AAL-01 Insecure API to gain access T-ProtocolStack-01 REST API Exploits

to AAL services

T-AAL-02 Internal Overload DoS attack T-O-RAN-09 Compromise of O-

targeting AAL services RAN components'
integrity and

T-ADMIN-01 Denial of service against T-O-RAN-09 Compromise of O-

NFO/FOCOM RAN components'
integrity and

T-FRHAUL-01 An attacker penetrates O-DU and T-O-RAN-05 Penetration and

beyond through O-RU or the compromise of the
Fronthaul interface O-RAN system
through the open O-
RAN’s Fronthaul, O1,
O2, A1, and E2

T-FRHAUL-02 Unauthorized access to Open T-PHYS-02 An intruder into the

Front Haul Ethernet L1 physical exchange over the
layer interface(s) Fronthaul cable
network attempts
to gain electronic
access to cause
damage or access
sensitive data

T-NEAR-RT-01 Malicious xApps can exploit UE T-NEAR-RT-02 Risk of deployment

identification, track UE location of a malicious xApp
and change UE priority on Near-RT RIC

T-NEAR-RT-03 Attackers exploit non T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authenticated, weakly or mechanisms for
incorrectly authenticated Near-RT authentication and
RIC APIs authorization

T-NEAR-RT-04 Attackers exploit non authorized T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper
Near-RT RIC APIs to access to mechanisms for
resources and services which they authentication and
are not entitled to use authorization

T-NONRTRIC-03 Data Corruption/Modification T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

RAN data integrity,
confidentiality and

T-O-RAN-04 Jamming attack through IoT T-RADIO-01 Disruption through

devices radio Jamming ,
Sniffing and


T-R1-01 Gaining unauthorized access to R1 T-O-RAN- Insufficient/improper

06 services mechanisms for
authentication and

T-rApp-02 rApp vulnerabilities T-GEN-01 Software flaw attack

T-rApp-03 rApps misconfiguration T-O-RAN-02 Misconfigured or

poorly configured O-
RAN components

T-rApp-04 Bypassing authentication and T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authorization mechanisms for
authentication and

T-rApp-06 Bypassing authentication and T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authorization using an injection mechanisms for
attack authentication and

T-rApp-07 rApp exploits services T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp

T-SMO-01 External attacker exploits T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authentication weakness on SMO mechanisms for
authentication and

T-SMO-02 External attacker exploits T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authorization weakness on SMO mechanisms for

authentication and

T-SMO-04 Internal attacker exploits T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authentication weakness on mechanisms for
a SMO function authentication and

T-SMO-05 Internal attacker exploits T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

authorization weakness on a mechanisms for
SMO function authentication and

T-SMO-09 Sensitive data in transit is T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

exposed to an internal attacker RAN data integrity,
confidentiality and

T-SMO-10 Sensitive data at rest is exposed T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

to an internal attacker RAN data integrity,
confidentiality and

T-SMO-11 AI/ML poisoning by internal T-ML-01 Poisoning the ML

attacker training data (Data
poisoning attacks)

T-SMO-12 AI/ML exposure on external entity T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

RAN data integrity,
confidentiality and

T-SMO-13 Malicious actor views local logs T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-

RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-14 Malicious actor modifies local log T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-

entries RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-15 Malicious actor deletes local log T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-
entries RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-16 Malicious actor intercepts T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-

exports of local logs RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-17 Malicious external actor gains T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-

unauthorized access to logs RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-18 Malicious internal actor gains T-O-RAN-07 Compromise of O-

authorized access to logs RAN monitoring
mechanisms and log
files integrity and

T-SMO-19 Internal attacker exploits O2 T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

interface to view data in transit RAN data integrity,
between SMO and O-Cloud confidentiality and

T-SMO-20 Internal attacker exploits O2 T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

interface to modify data in transit RAN data integrity,
between SMO and O-Cloud confidentiality and

T-SMO-26 External attacker exploits External T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

interface to view data in transit RAN data integrity,
between SMO and external service confidentiality and

T-SMO-27 External attacker exploits External T-O-RAN-08 Compromise of O-

interface to modify data in transit RAN data integrity,
between SMO and external service confidentiality and

T-SMO-28 External attacker uses External T-SMO-08 Attacker exploits
interface to exploit API insecure API to gain

vulnerability to gain access to access to SMO


T-SMO-29 External attacker floods External T-SMO- External Overload

03 interface to cause DDoS at SMO DoS attack
targeted at SMO

T-SMO-30 External attacker uses External T-O-RAN-06 Insufficient/improper

interface to gain access to mechanisms for
sensitive data-at-rest at the SMO authentication and

T-xApp-01 xApps vulnerabilities and T-GEN-01 Software flaw attack


T-xApp-03 Compromising xApp isolation T-VM-C-02 VM/Container

escape attack

T-xApp-04 False or malicious A1 policies from T-O-RAN-02 Misconfigured or

the Non-RT RIC inform behavior poorly configured O-

of xApps RAN components

A2 Security threats unique to Open RAN

Threat ID Title STRIDE Affected Risk rating

categorization component
T-NEARRT-02 Risk of T xApp Medium
deployment of a
malicious xApp
on Near-RT
T-NEARRT-02 Risk of I xApp Medium
deployment of a
malicious xApp
on Near-RT
T-NEARRT-02 Risk of T Near-RT RIC Medium
deployment of a
malicious xApp
on Near-RT
T-NEARRT-02 Risk of I Near-RT RIC Medium
deployment of a
malicious xApp
on Near-RT
T- An attacker D Non-RT RIC High
NONRTRIC- penetrates the
01 Non-RT RIC to
cause a denial of
service or
degrade the
T- An attacker D rApp High
NONRTRIC- penetrates the
01 Non-RT RIC to
cause a denial of
service or

degrade the
T- UE tracking in I Non-RT RIC High
02 RIC
T- UE tracking in I rApp High
02 RIC
T-xApp-02 Conflicting T xApp Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-xApp-02 Conflicting D xApp Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-xApp-02 Conflicting T Near-RT RIC Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-xApp-02 Conflicting D Near-RT RIC Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN

T-xApp-02 Conflicting T CU Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-xApp-02 Conflicting D CU Medium
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-rApp-01 Conflicting D rApp High
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-rApp-01 Conflicting D Non-RT RIC High
or maliciously
impact O-RAN
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp S rApp High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp T rApp High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp I rApp High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp D rApp High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp S Non-RT RIC High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp T Non-RT RIC High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp I Non-RT RIC High
T-rApp-05 Malicious rApp D Non-RT RIC High
T-R1-02 Modifying T R1 High
T-R1-02 Modifying D R1 High
T-R1-03 Malicious actor I R1 High
to Request Data
T-R1-04 Bypassing I R1 High
authorization to
discover data
T-R1-04 Bypassing E R1 High
authorization to
discover data
T-R1-05 Gaining I R1 High
access to data
T-R1-05 Gaining E R1 High
access to data
T-R1-06 Modifying a T R1 High
Data Request
T-R1-06 Modifying a I R1 High
Data Request
T-R1-06 Modifying a D R1 High
Data Request
T-R1-07 A malicious T R1 High
actor snoops
Data Delivery
to the Data
T-R1-07 A malicious I R1 High
actor snoops
Data Delivery
to the Data
T-A1-01 Untrusted S A1 High
between Non-
RT RIC and
T-A1-02 Malicious I A1 High
function or
across A1
T-A1-03 Malicious T A1 High
function or
across A1
T-ML-01 Poisoning the T rApp High
ML training
data (Data
T-ML-01 Poisoning the T xApp Medium
ML training
data (Data
T-ML-01 Poisoning the T Non-RT RIC High
ML training
data (Data

T-ML-01 Poisoning the T Near-RT RIC Medium
ML training
data (Data
T-ML-02 Altering a T xApp Medium
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a I xApp Medium
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a T rApp High
learning model
compromise of
ML data

and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a I rApp High
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a T Near-RT RIC Medium
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a I Near-RT RIC Medium
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a T Non-RT RIC High
learning model

compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-02 Altering a I Non-RT RIC High
learning model
compromise of
ML data
and privacy)
T-ML-03 Transfer T xApp Medium
learning attack
T-ML-03 Transfer T rApp High
learning attack
T-ML-03 Transfer T Near-RT RIC Medium
learning attack
T-ML-03 Transfer T Non-RT RIC High
learning attack

A3 Security checklist for Open RAN

A3.1 Objective of this checklist

This checklist is created as a tool with hope of the improving convenience, the security measures

for Open RAN networks sufficient.

The O-RAN security requirement document is formatted as a checklist and related information

(vulnerability information, threat values, etc.) is added to improve visibility and operability.

This checklist is intended to be used in the following two situations.

 For MNOs currently operating Open RAN: use the checklist to assess if the current

Open RAN network deployment meets the necessary security requirements.

 For MNOs considering new Open RAN deployments: use the checklist as a reference
to evaluate, eliminate or reduce security concerns prior to deploying Open RAN in the


In this document, we assume that 3GPP security requirements are met. Unless explicitly stated,

features relate to O-RAN specifications. Therefore, the scope of this checklist is not within for

the 3GPP security requirements area.

A3.2 Description of parameters in this checklist

 Number: Serial number of this checklist.

 Check Items: Security requirements to be checked.

 Check Result: Result column to be filled in by the operator/vendor.

 Rationale: An information from which the "Check Result" response filled by the

operator/vendor was derived.

 Scope-Category: The classification of the check target, which is the same as the

classification in the O-RAN security requirements.

 Scope-Subject: The specific name of the target component or interface. This parameter

can be used to extract information for evaluation of specific components.

 Representative Threat: Typical threat information. Specific details can be found in "O-

RAN Working Group 11 (Security Working Group), O-RAN Security Threat Modeling and

Remediation Analysis O-R003-v05.00.01" please see the threat section in the "O-RAN

Security Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis.

 Representative Vulnerability: Typical Vulnerability Information. For specific details, please

refer to the threat inventory in "O-RAN Working Group 11 (Security Working Group) O-

RAN Security Threat Modeling and Remediation Analysis O-R003-v05.00.01".

 Security Baseline: Mandatory as "Basic" and enhanced as "Advanced" are assigned

as security baseline of the check items.

 C.I.A: Applicable information on the security elements Confidentiality (C)/Integrity

(I)/Availability (A).
 Affected Component: Information on components that could be affected if the Check
Item is not met or is insufficient.

 Service Impact: The degree of impact at the service level, expressed as


 Scale of Impact: Network impact, expressed as High/Medium/Low.

 Impact: Impact calculated from the service level impact and network impact,

expressed as High/Medium/Low.

 Source: The source document in the check items.

 Security Requirement ID: This is the security requirement ID number associated with

the "Representative Threat" content of the O-RAN specification.

 Threat ID: This is the vulnerability ID number associated with the "Representative

Vulnerability" content in the O-RAN specification.

 Remarks: Prepared as a free text field by the operator/vendor.

A3.3 Supplementary information

 Regarding the relationship between "Security Requirement ID" and "Threat ID".
i. For each target component name in Security Requirement ID, extract target

matches by target component name in Threat ID. Associate with the security

requirement content if it matches. Extract Non-RT RIC from REQ-SEC-

NonRTRIC-1 as a target component element.

ii. If the content does not match the security requirement in i). Extract comprehensive

Threat IDs with a higher level of abstraction that match the security requirement

contents and associate them.

 Methodology for Calculating Scale of Impact.

We use a combined evaluation of "Service Impact," which represents the impact at

the service level if a threat materializes, and "Scale of Impact," which represents the

impact on the network as a whole. Please see to Chapter 2.4 Risk Analysis for the

calculation method regarding the calculation.

 Regarding the "Will be updated" notation of check items in this Checklist

Check items in this Checklist are based on the security requirements established by

the O-RAN Alliance, and there are some areas that are still under development as
requirements. Therefore, items that are expected to be updated in the future are

indicated with "n/a".

 Regarding the "n/a" notation in the "Impact" column.
As described in Chapter 2.4 Risk Analysis, "n/a" is used for a configuration with

multiple components or a wide range of targets because the impact on individual

specific components unable evaluated.

 Regarding the "n/a" notation in the "Security Baseline" column.

Check items in this Checklist are based on the security requirements established by
the O-RAN Alliance, and there are some areas that are still under development as

requirements. Therefore, items that are expected to be updated in the future are
indicated with "n/a".

Table 22: Security checklist
Scope Scal Security
Check Representative Representative Security Affected Service
Number Check Items Rationale C.I.A e of Impact Source Requireme Threat ID Remarks
Result Category Subject Threat Vulnerability Baseline Component Impact
Impact nt ID

Missing or weak SMO O-RAN Security

Malicious actor
SMO shall support forwarding of NFs confidentiality Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
1 SMO intercepts exports Basic C Medium High High T-SMO-16
event logs to a remote location. and protection of data in SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-1
of local logs
Apps transit Functions Analysis [2]

SMO shall provide Missing or weak SMO O-RAN Security

confidentiality protection for NFs Malicious actor confidentiality Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
2 SMO Basic C Medium High High T-SMO-13
event logs over protected and views local logs protection of data at SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-2

protocols to remote server. Apps rest Functions Analysis [2]

SMO may support configuration Missing or weak SMO O-RAN Security

settings that allow selection of NFs Malicious actor confidentiality Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
3 SMO Advanced C Medium High High T-SMO-13
remote servers to securely and views local logs protection of data at SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-3

transfer the event logs. Apps rest Functions Analysis [2]

Missing or weak SMO O-RAN Security

SMO shall be capable of logging NFs Malicious actor confidentiality Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
4 SMO Basic C Medium High High T-SMO-13
the event logs locally on itself. and views local logs protection of data at SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-4

Apps rest Functions Analysis [2]

SMO shall provide

NFs Malicious actor Missing or weak SMO O-RAN Security REQ-SEC-
5 confidentiality protection for SMO Basic C Medium High High T-SMO-13
and views local logs confidentiality Framework, Requirement [9] SMO-Log-5
the locally stored event logs.

protection of data at SMO O-RAN Threat

rest Functions Analysis [2]

SMO O-RAN Security

SMO shall provide integrity Malicious actor Missing integrity
NFs Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
6 protection for the locally stored SMO modifies local log protection of data at Basic I High High High T-SMO-14
and SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-6
event logs. entries rest
Apps Functions Analysis [2]

External attacker Non-RT O-RAN Security

SMO shall support access to Missing or improperly
NFs exploits RIC, SMO, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
7 event logs by authorized SMO configured Basic C.I.A High High High T-SMO-02
and authorization External O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-7
external services. authorization
Apps weakness on SMO interfaces Analysis [2]

External attacker

Non-RT O-RAN Security

exploits External
SMO shall be capable of Missing integrity
NFs interface to modify RIC, SMO, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
8 reporting to authorized external SMO checking for data in Basic I High High High T-SMO-27
and data in transit External O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-8
services. transit
Apps between SMO and interfaces Analysis [2]

external service

External attacker O-RAN Security

Missing or improperly Non-RT RIC,
SMO shall be able to record all NFs exploits Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
9 SMO configured Basic C.I SMO High High High T-SMO-01
the security related log events. and authentication O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-9
authentication. Framework
Apps weakness on SMO Analysis [2]

The security logs of SMO should Missing or improperly Non-RT RIC,

NFs External attacker O-RAN Security REQ-SEC-
10 be separate from other system SMO configured Advanced C.I SMO High High High T-SMO-01
and exploits Requirement [9] SMO-Log-10
logs. authentication. Framework

authentication O-RAN Threat

weakness on SMO Analysis [2]

The SMO shall not permit

Malicious internal SMO O-RAN Security
Missing or improperly
configuration change to logging
NFs actor gains Framework, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
11 level(s) of any component on SMO configured Basic C Medium High High T-SMO-18
and authorized SMO O-RAN Threat SMO-Log-11
the SMO system without proper authorization
Apps access to logs Functions Analysis [2]

An attacker
Improper or missing
O-RAN Security
penetrates the Non-
The Non-RT RIC shall support Non-RT authentication and T-
NFs RT RIC to cause a Non-RT RIC, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
12 authorization as a resource RIC authorization Basic A Medium High High NONRTRI
and denial of service or rApps O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-1
owner/server and client. and processes on the C-01
Apps degrade the Analysis [2]
rApps Non- RT RIC or SMO

An attacker
Improper or missing
The Non-RT RIC Framework, as O-RAN Security
penetrates the Non-
Non-RT authentication and T-
a resource owner/server, shall NFs RT RIC to cause a Non-RT RIC, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
13 RIC authorization Basic C.I.A Medium High High NONRTRI
provide authorization to and denial of service or rApps O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-2
and processes on the C-01
requests from rApps as a client. Apps degrade the Analysis [2]
rApps Non- RT RIC or SMO

rApps may be

misconfigured or
An attacker O-RAN Security
rApps shall provide client compromised.
NFs bypasses rApps, Non- Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
14 authorization requests to the rApps Failing or Basic C.I.A Medium High High T-rAPP-04
and authentication and RT RIC O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-3
Non-RT RIC Framework. misconfigured
Apps authorization. Analysis [2]
authentication and

authorization in

rApps may be

An attacker
misconfigured or
O-RAN Security
rApps shall provide client bypasses
NFs rApps, Non- Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
15 authorization requests to the rApps authentication and Failing or Basic C.I.A Medium High High T-rAPP-06
and RT RIC O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-3
Non-RT RIC Framework. authorization using misconfigured
Apps Analysis [2]
an injection attack. authentication and

authorization in

The Non-RT RIC shall be able to An attacker

Improper or missing
O-RAN Security
recover, without catastrophic penetrates the Non-
Non-RT authentication and T-
failure, from a volumetric DDoS NFs RT RIC to cause a Non-RT RIC, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
16 RIC authorization Basic A Medium High High NONRTRI
attack across the A1 interface, and denial of service or rApps O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-4
and processes on the C-01
due to misbehavior or malicious Apps degrade the Analysis [2]
rApps Non- RT RIC or SMO
intent. performance.

The Non-RT RIC Framework Non-RT An attacker Improper or missing T-

NFs Non-RT RIC, O-RAN Security REQ-SEC-
17 shall be able to recover, without RIC penetrates the Non- authentication and Basic A Medium High High NONRTRI
and rApps Requirement [9] NonRTRIC-5
catastrophic failure, from a and RT RIC to cause a authorization C-01

volumetric DDoS attack across denial of service or processes on the Non- O-RAN Threat

the R1 interface, due to degrade the RT RIC or SMO Analysis [2]

misbehavior or malicious intent. performance.

Conflicting rApps

rApps shall be able to recover,
O-RAN Security
or maliciously
without catastrophic failure, rApp stems from an
NFs impact O-RAN rApps, Non- Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
18 from a volumetric DDoS attack rApps untrusted or Basic C.I.A Medium High High T-rAPP-01
and system functions RT RIC O-RAN Threat NonRTRIC-6
across the R1 interface, due to unmaintained source.
Apps to degrade Analysis [2]
misbehavior or malicious intent.
performance or

trigger a DoS

xApp images shall be

An attacker O-RAN Security

authenticated during
xApp stems from an O-CU, Near-
onboarding using a signature NFs exploits xApps Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-
19 xApps untrusted or Basic C.I.A RT RIC, Medium Medium Medium
that is generated by the xApp and vulnerabilities and O-RAN Threat XAPP-1 xAPP-
unmaintained source. xApps
Solution Provider and validated Apps misconfiguration. Analysis [2] 01

by the Service Provider.

xApp instances shall be

An attacker O-RAN Security

validated during Registration
xApp stems from an O-CU, Near-
to the Near-RT RIC platform NFs exploits xApps Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-
20 xApps untrusted or Basic C.I.A RT RIC, Medium Medium Medium
using signatures from both the and vulnerabilities and O-RAN Threat XAPP-2 xAPP-
unmaintained source. xApps
Service Provider and the xApp Apps misconfiguration. Analysis [2] 01

Solution Provider.

Attackers exploit

Near-RT RIC shall authenticate Non authenticated, O-RAN Security

non authenticated,
xApp access to the Near-RT RIC NFs Near-RT weakly or weakly or incorrectly Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
21 Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
database(s) during SDL and RIC incorrectly authenticated Near- O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-1 RT-03
registration. Apps authenticated RT RIC APIs. Analysis [2]

Near- RT RIC APIs.

Attackers exploit

non authorized

O-RAN Security
Near-RT RIC shall provide Near-RT
NFs Near-RT to access to Non-authorized Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
22 authorized access to Near- Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
and RIC resources and RT RIC APIs O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-2 RT-04
RT RIC database(s). xApp
Apps services which Analysis [2]

they are not

entitled to use.

Attackers exploit

The communication between Non authenticated, O-RAN Security

non authenticated,
xApps and Near-RT RIC NFs Near-RT weakly or weakly or incorrectly Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
23 Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
platform APIs shall be mutually and RIC incorrectly authenticated Near- O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-3 RT-03
authenticated. Apps authenticated RT RIC APIs. Analysis [2]

Near- RT RIC APIs.

Near-RT RIC architecture shall

Attackers exploit
provide an authorization

non authorized
framework for the consumption

of the services exposed in the Near-RT RIC APIs O-RAN Security

platform APIs by the xApps, NFs Near-RT to access to Non-authorized Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
24 Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
that takes operator policies into and RIC resources and RT RIC APIs O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-4 RT-04
consideration. The framework Apps services which Analysis [2]

should be used by the specified they are not

API procedures in [O-RAN.WG entitled to use.

3.RICARCH-v 02.01].

Attackers exploit

non authorized

The Near-RT RIC shall support O-RAN Security

authorization as a resource NFs Near-RT to access to Non-authorized Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
25 Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
owner/server (A1-P) and client and RIC resources and RT RIC APIs O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-5 RT-04
(A1-EI). Apps services which Analysis [2]

they are not

entitled to use.

Attackers exploit
The Near-RT RIC shall be able O-RAN Security

non authorized Near-RT

to recover, without catastrophic NFs Near-RT Non-authorized Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-NEAR-
26 Near-RT RIC Basic C.A RIC, UE, Medium Medium Medium
failure, from a volumetric DDoS and RIC RT RIC APIs O-RAN Threat NEAR-RT-6 RT-04
APIs to access to xApp
attack across the A1 interface, Apps Analysis [2]
resources and

due to misbehavior or malicious services which they

intent. are not entitled to


Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly

An attacker exploits O-RAN Security

design architecture.

NFs O-CU-CP insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-

27 Will be updated n/a C.I.A All High Medium Medium -
and O-CU-UP lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat 01

Apps O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]



m ponent.


component from
An attacker exploits O-RAN Security
the lack of update
NFs insecure designs or Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-
28 Will be updated O-DU or patch n/a C.I.A All High Low Medium -
and lack of adoption in O-RAN Threat 01
Apps O-RAN components Analysis [2]
Poorly design


security hardening.

Unnecessary or




An attacker stands O-RAN Security

NFs up a false base Requirement [9]

29 Will be O-RU False O-Rus n/a C.I O-RU High Low Medium - T-ORU-01
updated and station attack by O-RAN Threat

Apps attacking an O-RU. Analysis [2]

Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly

An attacker exploits design architecture. O-RAN Security

NFs insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-

30 Will be O-eNB n/a C.I.A All High Low Medium -
updated and lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat 01

Apps O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]



m ponent.

Lack of

authentication, secret

Cloud/Clo exposure (insufficient NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security

Abuse a O-Cloud
User should be authenticated NFs ud safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-ADMIN-
31 administration Advanced C.I.A High High High
and authorized. and Platform credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat OCLOUD-1 02
Apps Managem vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]

ent exploits, design


Shared tenancy



environment), Lack of

Cloud/Clo strong VM/Container O-RAN Security

Means of isolation of control O-Cloud,
NFs ud VM/Container isolation, lack of Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-VM-
32 and resources among different Basic C.I.A Apps/VNFs/ High High High
and Platform escape attack authentication, O-RAN Threat OCLOUD-2 C-02
users shall be implemented. CNFs
Apps Managem Insecure networking, Analysis [2]

ent Unrestricted




The App/VNF/CNF package

shall be certified by the

App/VNF/CNF Provider using SW

industry recognized software package

testing suites (e.g., vulnerability

protection O-RAN Security
Vulnerable code O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
scanning, static and dynamic
NFs and at the O- Software flaw Requirement [9] O-
33 exploits, Design Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-01
testing, penetration testing) to
Apps Cloud NW a t t a c k RAN Threat
Weakness. CNFs IMG-1
find any flaws and defects
functions Analysis [2]
within the package and to
and App
eliminate them before its
delivery to the Service Provider.

Test results shall be shared

with the Service Provider.


The App/VNF/CNF package


shall be signed by the O-RAN Security

Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
App/VNF/CNF Provider prior NFs at the O- Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
34 in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
to its delivery to the Service and Cloud NW VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
images. CNFs IMG-2
Provider for ensuring its Apps functions Analysis [2]

authenticity and integrity. and App


The App/VNF/CNF package

shall include minimally the

following artifacts according to
protection O-RAN Security
[ETSI GS NFV-SEC 021], Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
NFs at the O- Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
35 [ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004]: the in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
and Cloud NW VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
App/VNF/CNF software image, images. CNFs IMG-3
Apps functions Analysis [2]
the signing certificate, and
and App
signature(s) of App/VNF/CNF


If the App/VNF/CNF package


refers to external artifacts O-RAN Security

Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
[ETSI GS NFV-SEC 021], [ETSI NFs at the O- Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
36 in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
GS NFV-SOL 004], those and Cloud NW VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
images. CNFs IMG-4
artifacts shall be signed by the Apps functions Analysis [2]

App/VNF/CNF Provider. and App



Untrust binding O-RAN Security

The Service Provider shall Lack of integrity O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
NFs protection between the Requirement [9]
37 verify the signatures on all verification during Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-03
and at the O- different O-Cloud O-RAN Threat
external artifacts. boot or runtime. CNFs IMG-5
Apps Cloud NW layers. Analysis [2]


and App



Lack of
The App/VNF/CNF package shall
Authentication & O-RAN Security
be validated by NFO upon its Lack of O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
NFs at the O- Authorization in Requirement [9]
38 reception using the signature authentication, Basic C.A Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-04
and Cloud NW interfaces O-RAN Threat
generated and provided by the Insecure interfaces. CNFs, O2 IMG-6
Apps functions between O-Cloud Analysis [2]
App/VNF/CNF Provider.
and App components


Developers use
The App/VNF/CNF package SW inventories of open-
SW components
shall be tested by the Service package source software.
with known
Provider for known security protection Lack of O-RAN Security
vulnerabilities and REQ-SEC- T-
vulnerabilities (e.g., NFs at the O- consistent Supply Requirement [9]
39 untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- OPENSRC-
vulnerability scanning). All and Cloud NW Chain traceability O-RAN Threat
that can be IMG-7 01
discovered vulnerabilities Apps functions and security. Analysis [2]
exploited by an
must be reported and and App Lack of coding best
attacker through a
remediated where possible. layer practices.
backdoor attack.
Modules with known

vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

The App/VNF/CNF package shall

be cryptographically bound to

one Telco Operator before its

on-boarding to the O-Cloud

images repository. This will protection Untrust binding O-RAN Security

Lack of integrity O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
prevent unauthorized package NFs at the O- between the Requirement [9]
40 verification during Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-03
to be instantiated even if it has and Cloud NW different O-Cloud O-RAN Threat
boot or runtime. CNFs IMG-8
valid App/VNF/CNF certificate Apps functions layers. Analysis [2]

[ETSI GS NFV-SEC 021], [3GPP and App

TR 33.848: Study on Security layer

Impacts of Virtualisation],

[3GPP TR 33.818].

App/VNF/CNF packages shall be SW

Lack of O-RAN Security
Lack of O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
successfully authenticated and package
NFs Authentication & Requirement [9]
41 verified during instantiation to protection authentication, Basic C.A Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-04
and Authorization in O-RAN Threat
the O-Cloud Platform from the at the O- Insecure interfaces. CNFs, O2 IMG-9
Apps interfaces between Analysis [2]
trust O-Cloud images repository Cloud NW

using signatures from both functions O-Cloud

App/VNF/CNF Provider and and App components

Service Provider. layer

Signatures reaching the end of

their lifetime shall be renewed

before the certificate times out

(signatures provided by the

App/VNF/CNF Provider might be

ignored if the signature of the protection Insecure O-Cloud O-RAN Security

Unsecured REQ-SEC-
Service Provider is valid). NFs at the O- APIs, Lack of integrity Requirement [9]
42 credentials and Basic C O-Cloud n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-GEN-05
App/VNF/CNF packages during and Cloud NW verification during O-RAN Threat
keys IMG-10
instantiation that do not include Apps functions boot or runtime. Analysis [2]

valid certificates shall be and App

removed from the O-Cloud layer

images repository and from any

type of O-Cloud Platform


SW Lack of NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security

App/VNF/CNF packages stored Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
NFs package authentication, secret M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
43 within the O-Cloud images administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
and protection exposure (insufficient Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
repository shall be protected in service. IMG-11
Apps at the O- safeguarding of CNFs Analysis [2]

terms of integrity and Cloud NW credentials),

confidentiality. functions vulnerable code

and App exploits, design

layer weakness.

App/VNF/CNF packages stored SW Lack of

within the O-Cloud images package authentication, secret


repository shall be accessible to protection exposure (insufficient
Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
only authorized actors (e.g., NFs at the O- safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
44 administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
authorized users and authorized and Cloud NW credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
service. IMG-12
systems) and over networks Apps functions vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]

that enforce authentication, and App exploits, design

integrity, and confidentiality. layer weakness.

SW Lack of

package authentication, secret

O-Cloud images repository
protection exposure (insufficient
shall be clear of vulnerable Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
NFs at the O- safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
45 App/VNF/CNF packages and administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
and Cloud NW credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
of packages with expired or service. IMG-13
Apps functions vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]
missing certificates.
and App exploits, design

layer weakness.

Sensitive information (e.g L1

Apps/VNFs/CNFs, keys, PII,

passwords or other critical

configuration data) that is

needed during the lifecycle of

SW Lack of
the App/VNFs/CNFs shall be
package authentication, secret
protected in terms of
protection exposure (insufficient NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security
confidentiality at rest and in Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
NFs at the O- safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
transit [CIS Benchmarks for administration OCLOUD-
46 Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a
and Cloud NW credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
Docker v1.4.0, Section 4.10], service. IMG-14
Apps functions vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]
and App exploits, design
Package Security Specification”,
layer weakness.
V2.6.1 (2019-06), Section 6.4],


Package and PNFD Archive

specification V4.3.1 (2022-07),

Section 5.5].

NFO shall contain a pre- SW Lack of


installed root certificate of package authentication, secret
Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
trusted CA (trusted by the NFs protection exposure (insufficient M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
47 administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
Telco Operator) before the on- and at the O- safeguarding of Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
service. IMG-15
boarding of the App/VNF/CNF Apps Cloud NW credentials), CNFs Analysis [2]

package for verifying its functions vulnerable code

authenticity and integrity. Root and App exploits, design

certificate shall be delivered via layer weakness.

a trusted channel separately

from an App/VNF/CNF package


App/VNF/CNF Packages shall


contain a Change Log. Change

package Lack of

log captures the changes from

protection authentication, NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security
one version to another including Denial of service REQ-SEC-
NFs at the O- vulnerable code M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
48 but not limited to features against Basic A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
and Cloud NW exploits, design Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 01
added/removed, issues fixed as NFO/FOCOM IMG-16
Apps functions weakness, insecure CNFs Analysis [2]
well as known issues not
and App O2 interface.
resolved [ETSI GS NFV-IFA

O-Cloud Platform shall monitor SW

Lack of
stored App/VNF/CNF Packages package

authentication, NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security

downloaded from the O-Cloud protection
Denial of service REQ-SEC-
images repository within SMO NFs at the O- vulnerable code M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
49 against Basic A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
to the O-Cloud platform to and Cloud NW exploits, design Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 01
determine if any unauthorized Apps functions weakness, insecure CNFs Analysis [2]

modification, deletion, or and App O2 interface.

insertion has occurred. layer

SW Lack of

SMO and O-Cloud Platform

package authentication, secret

shall support a strong protection exposure (insufficient NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security

Abuse a O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
protection of keys and NFs at the O- safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] T-ADMIN-
50 administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
algorithms for the code signing and Cloud NW credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat 02
service IMG-18
and encryption/decryption Apps functions vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]

processes. and App exploits, design

layer weakness.

Misconfiguration O-RAN Security

O-Cloud shall implement Virtualizat Abuse of a O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
NFs or Insecure Requirement [9] T-VM-C-
51 means of preventing privilege ion and privileged Basic C.I.A Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
and VM/Container O-RAN Threat 01
escalation by Apps/VNF/CNF. Isolation VM/Container CNFs ISO-1
Apps configurations. Analysis [2]

The communication between O-RAN Security

Virtualizat REQ-SEC-
the different Apps/VNF/CNF NFs VM/Container Host misconfiguration, Requirement [9]
52 ion and Basic C.I.A O-Cloud n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-VL-01
shall be mutually authenticated and hyperjacking attack lack of authentication. O-RAN Threat
Isolation ISO-2
and authorized. Apps Analysis [2]

The O-Cloud consumer and

provider shall together ensure

O-RAN Security

that the Apps/VNF/CNF have Virtualizat REQ-SEC-

NFs VM/Container Host misconfiguration, Requirement [9]
53 only the minimum required ion and Basic C.I.A O-Cloud n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-VL-01
and hyperjacking attack lack of authentication. O-RAN Threat
capabilities and privileges as Isolation ISO-3
Apps Analysis [2]
well as minimum required

access to NFVI resources.

The O-Cloud platform shall

O-RAN Security
ensure that there is strict
Virtualizat Insecure O-Cloud REQ-SEC-
isolation between NFs and Attack internal Requirement [9]
54 ion and APIs, Lack of Basic A O-Cloud n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-VL-03
Apps/VNFs/CNFs in terms of Apps network services O-RAN Threat
Isolation authentication. ISO-4
data in transit, data in use and Analysis [2]

data at rest.

Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

All software within the O-Cloud

management. Poorly

platform shall be kept up to An attacker exploits O-RAN Security

design architecture.
date with the last security NFs and Secure insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-
55 Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
updates for adding additional Apps Update lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat 01
security protections and O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]

correcting vulnerabilities [49]. insecure


m ponent.

Before updating O-Cloud, all O-

O-RAN Security

Cloud software images shall be Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-

NFs and Secure Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
56 signed by O-Cloud Software in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
Apps Update VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
Providers prior to their delivery to images. CNFs images SU-2
Analysis [2]
O-Cloud Service Provider for

ensuring their authenticity and


Before updating O-Cloud, all O-

O-RAN Security
Cloud software images shall be
Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
validated by SMO upon their NFs and Secure Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
57 in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
reception using signatures Apps Update VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
images. CNFs images SU-3
generated and provided by O- Analysis [2]

Cloud Software Providers.

The O-Cloud platform shall

O-RAN Security

verify prior to the update Secrets disclosure O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-

NFs and Secure Secret exposure in Requirement [9]
58 process, the digital signature in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-IMG-03
Apps Update VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat
contained in the new O-Cloud images. CNFs images SU-4
Analysis [2]
software image.


component from the

In case of an incomplete
An attacker exploits O-RAN Security
lack of update or
update, or incident during the REQ-SEC-
NFs and Secure insecure designs or patch management. Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-
59 installation process, the O- Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
Apps Update lack of adoption in Poorly design O-RAN Threat 01
Cloud platform shall remain in SU-5
O-RAN components architecture. Analysis [2]
its initial working state.
Missing appropriate

security hardening.

Unnecessary or




Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly

The O-Cloud platform shall An attacker exploits O-RAN Security

design architecture.
prevent the unauthorized NFs Secure insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] T-O-RAN-
60 Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
rollback of its software to an and Update lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat 01
earlier vulnerable version. Apps O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]



m ponent.

Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly

The update of O-Cloud An attacker exploits design architecture. O-RAN Security

software should be completed NFs Secure insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] T-O-
61 Advanced C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
with minimal disruption and and Update lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat RAN-01
downtime. Apps O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]



m ponent.

Improper or missing

ciphering of sensitive

Secure data in storage or in

All cryptographic keys and
storage of An attacker transfer.
sensitive data within the O- O-RAN Security
Cryptogra compromises O- Improper or missing REQ-SEC-
Cloud platform shall be NFs Requirement [9] T-O-
62 phic keys RAN data integrity, integrity mechanisms Basic C.I All n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
protected in terms of integrity and O-RAN Threat RAN-08
and confidentiality and to protect sensitive SS-1
and confidentiality at rest and Apps Analysis [2]
sensitive traceability data in storage or in
in transit.
data transfer.

Presence of active

function(s) that reveal

confidential internal


No traceability

(logging) of access to

personal data.


The O-Cloud platform shall

storage of
delete cryptographic keys and O-RAN Security
Cryptogra Lack of O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
sensitive data using a secure NFs and VM/Container data Requirement [9] T-VM-C-
63 Basic C.I n/a n/a n/a
phic keys authentication, Apps/VNFs/ OCLOUD-
deletion method from both Apps theft O-RAN Threat 03
insecure data storage. CNFs SS-2
active and backup storage Analysis [2]
The O-Cloud platform shall

ensure that any data

contained in a resource is not

available when the resource is

de-allocated from one Secure

Lack of
VM/Container and reallocated storage of Failed or incomplete
authentication, O-RAN Security
to a different VM/Container. Cryptogra VNF/CNF O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
NFs misconfigurations Requirement [9] T-VM-C-
This requirement requires phic keys termination or Apps/VNFs/ OCLOUD-
64 Basic C n/a n/a n/a
and (VNF/CNF, Host OS, O-RAN Threat 06
protection for any data and releasing of CNFs SS-3
Apps Hypervisor/Container Analysis [2]
contained in a resource that sensitive resources
has been logically deleted or data

released but may still be

present within the resource

which in turn may be re-

allocated to another

The O-Cloud platform shall

support a root of trust that

Misconfiguration O-RAN Security

verifies the integrity of every
Abuse of a O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-
relevant component in the O- NFs Chain of or Insecure Requirement [9] T-VM-C-
65 privileged Basic C.I.A Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD-
Cloud platform [NIST SP 800- and Trust VM/Container O-RAN Threat 01
VM/Container CNFs COT-1
190 APPLICATION CONTAINER Apps configurations. Analysis [2]


SECURITY IN 5G Challenges

and Best Practices], [IBM

Securing the container

platform, Build a chain of trust].

It shall be possible to attest an

O-RAN App/VNF/CNF through

the full attestation chain from

O-RAN Security

the hardware layer through the O-Cloud, REQ-SEC-

NFs Chain of VM/Container Host misconfiguration, Requirement [9]
66 virtualization layer to the O- Basic C.I.A Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a OCLOUD- T-VL-01
and Trust hyperjacking attack lack of authentication. O-RAN Threat
RAN App/VNF/CNF layer [3GPP CNFs COT-2
Apps Analysis [2]
TR 33.848: Study on Security

Impacts of Virtualisation], [ETSI

GR NFV-SEC 018].

Untrusted peering O-RAN Security

A1 interface shall support
between Non-RT- weak mutual Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
67 confidentiality, integrity, replay IF A1 Basic C.I.A A1 interface Medium High High T-A1-01
RIC and Near-RT- authentication. O-RAN Threat A1-1
RIC. Analysis [2]

Untrusted peering O-RAN Security

A1 interface shall support
between Non-RT- weak mutual Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
68 mutual authentication IF A1 Basic C.I.A A1 interface Medium High High T-A1-01
RIC and Near-RT- authentication. O-RAN Threat A1-2
and authorization.
RIC. Analysis [2]

Improper or missing

authentication and


Confidentiality, Integrity and
Improper or missing
An attacker ciphering and integrity rApps,
Management Service providers
penetrates and
checks of sensitive xApps, O- O-RAN Security
and consumers that use TLS
compromises the O-
data exchanged over RU, O-DU, Requirement [9] REQ-TLS- T-O-RAN-
SHALL support TLS as specified RAN system
69 IF O1 Basic C.I.A High High High
O-RAN interfaces. O-CU, Near- O-RAN Threat FUN-1 05
in O-RAN Security Protocols through the open
Analysis [2]
Improper or missing RT RIC,
Specification [O-RAN Security O-RAN’s Fronthaul,
replay protection of Non-RT RIC
O1, O2, A1, and E2
Protocols Specification 4.0]
sensitive data
section 4.2.
exchanged over O-

RAN interfaces.

Improper prevention

of key reuse.


access to O-RAN



Least Privilege Access Control
Management Service providers

Use of Predefined/
and consumers that use An attacker exploits
default accounts.
NETCONF SHALL support the insufficient/imprope

Weak or missing O-RAN Security

Network Configuration Access r mechanisms for
password policy. Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-RAN-
70 Control Model (NACM) as IF O1 authentication and Basic C.I.A All High High High
FUN-1 06
Lack of mutual O-RAN Threat
specified in RFC 8341 to restrict authorization to
authentication to O- Analysis [2]
NETCONF protocol access for compromise O-RAN

RAN components and

users to a preconfigured subset components
of available NETCONF protocol

Failure to block
operations and content.
consecutive failed

login attempts.


authorization and

access control policy.


access to O-RAN




The NETCONF implementation

for O1 SHALL set the default

Use of Predefined/
values of the NACM Global An attacker exploits
default accounts.
Enforcement Controls as insufficient/imprope

Weak or missing O-RAN Security

follows. r mechanisms for
password policy. Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-RAN-
71 • enable-nacm = true IF O1 authentication and Basic C.I.A All High High High
FUN-2 06
Lack of mutual O-RAN Threat
• read-default = permit authorization to
authentication to O- Analysis [2]
• write-default = deny
compromise O-RAN

RAN components and

• exec-default = deny components
• enable-external-groups =

Failure to block
consecutive failed

login attempts.


authorization and

access control policy.

Management Service providers

that support NETCONF SHALL

support the following pre-

defined groups in NACM to

restrict NETCONF protocol

access for users.

Outdated component
• O1_nacm_managem
t from the lack of

Allows changes to the /nacm

update or patch
objects which includes the
NACM Global Enforcement
An attacker exploits Poorly design O-RAN Security
insecure designs or architecture. Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-RAN-
72 • O1_user_managem IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
ent: lack of adoption in Missing appropriate O-RAN Threat FUN-3 01

Allows assignment and deletion

O-RAN components security hardening. Analysis [2]
of users and assignment of

Unnecessary or
users to roles on the O1
o Mandatory if the

network device supports a ponent.

local user store.

o Not provided if the

network device does not

support a local user store and

requires all user/role

information to be provided by



• O1_network_management:

Allows read, write and execute

operations on the <running>

datastore and read, write,

execute and commit operations

on the <candidate> datastore

if <candidate> is supported. All

operations on the /nacm

objects are prohibited.

• O1_ network_monitoring:

Allows read operations on

configuration data in the

<running> datastore, except

for the /nacm objects.

• O1_software_management

: Allows installation of new

software including new

software versions.

Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch
Users assigned to the
management. Poorly
O1_nacm_management group
An attacker exploits design architecture. O-RAN Security
SHALL have read and write
insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-
73 permission for the /nacm IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat FUN-4 RAN-01
objects and attributes, which
O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]
include the NACM Global
Enforcement Controls.

m ponent.


component from the

Users assigned to the

lack of update or

O1_user_management An attacker exploits patch management. O-RAN Security

group SHALL have read and insecure designs or Poorly design Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-
74 IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
write permissions for the lack of adoption in architecture. O-RAN Threat FUN-5 RAN-01

locally defined user store O-RAN components Missing appropriate Analysis [2]

objects and attributes. security hardening.

Unnecessary or




Users assigned to the

Outdated component

group SHALL have read, write

from the lack of

and execute permissions for

update or patch

the <running> datastore and

management. Poorly
read, write, execute and An attacker exploits O-RAN Security
design architecture.
commit permissions on the insecure designs or Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-RAN-
75 IF O1 Missing appropriate Basic C.I.A All High High High
<candidate> datastore if lack of adoption in O-RAN Threat FUN-6 01
security hardening.
<candidate> datastore is O-RAN components Analysis [2]
Unnecessary or
supported. Users assigned to
the O1_network_management
group SHALL NOT have any
m ponent.
permissions for the /nacm


Outdated component

from the lack of

Users assigned to the
update or patch
O1_network_monitoring group
management. Poorly
SHALL have read permissions
An attacker exploits design architecture. O-RAN Security
for the <running> datastore.
insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-
76 Users assigned to the IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat FUN-7 RAN-01
O1_network_monitoring group
O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]
SHALL NOT have read
permissions for the /nacm
m ponent.


component from the

lack of update or

Users assigned to the An attacker exploits patch management. O-RAN Security

O1_software_management insecure designs or Poorly design Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-

77 IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
group SHALL have permissions lack of adoption in architecture. O-RAN Threat FUN-8 RAN-01

to install new software. O-RAN components Missing appropriate Analysis [2]

security hardening.

Unnecessary or




Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly
support external user to group
An attacker exploits O-RAN Security
design architecture.
mapping via at least one of the
insecure designs or Missing appropriate Requirement [9] REQ-NAC- T-O-RAN-
78 following protocols: LDAP with IF O1 Basic C.I.A All High High High
lack of adoption in security hardening. O-RAN Threat FUN-9 01
StartTLS [RFC4513], OAuth
O-RAN components Unnecessary or Analysis [2]
2.0, RADIUS with EAP, and

m ponent.

Outdated component

from the lack of

update or patch

management. Poorly
Management Service providers An attacker exploits O-RAN Security
design architecture.

MAY allow the definition of insecure designs or Requirement [9] R E Q - N A C - T - O - R A N -

Missing appropriate
79 IF O1 Advanced C.I.A All High High High
users in the <groups> NACM lack of adoption in O-RAN Threat FUN-10 01
security hardening.

object. O-RAN components Analysis [2]

Unnecessary or



m ponent.

O2 interface shall support O-RAN Security

MitM attacks on O2
Insecure O2 interface, REQ-SEC-
confidentiality, integrity, replay Requirement [9]
80 IF O2 interface between Basic C.I.A O2 High High High T-O2-01
protection and data origin lack authentication. O-RAN Threat O2-1
O-Cloud and SMO
authentication. Analysis [2]

Improper or missing

authentication and



Improper or missing
An attacker
ciphering and integrity rApps,
penetrates and
E2 interface shall support checks of sensitive xApps, O- O-RAN Security
compromises the O-
confidentiality, integrity, replay data exchanged over RU, O-DU, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-O-
81 IF E2 RAN system Basic C.I.A Medium High High
protection and data origin O-RAN interfaces. O-CU, Near- O-RAN Threat E2-1 RAN-05
through the open
authentication. Improper or missing RT RIC, Analysis [2]
O-RAN’s Fronthaul,
replay protection of Non-RT RIC
O1, O2, A1, and E2.
sensitive data

exchanged over O-

RAN interfaces.

Improper prevention

of key reuse.

The C-Plane shall support Lack of authentication

O-RAN Security
Open T-
authentication and could allow an
Spoofing of DL C- Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
82 authorization of O-DUs that IF Fronthaul adversary to inject Basic A O-DU, O-RU High Low Medium CPLANE-
plane messages O-RAN Threat OFCP-1
exchange C-plane messages C-plane own DL C-plane 01
Analysis [2]
with O-RUs. messages.

Open Fronthaul U-plane

transports 5G System Control

Plane and User Plane messages

between O-CU-CP and UE, and Lack of sufficient

An attacker
O-CU-UP and UE. The Packet security measures in O-RAN Security
Open attempts to T-
Data Convergence Protocol the Fronthaul due to Requirement [9]
83 IF Fronthaul intercept the Basic C.I.A O-DU, O-RU High Low Medium n/a UPLANE
(PDCP) [3GPP TS 38.323 NR] the negative impact O-RAN Threat
U-plane Fronthaul (MITM) -
provides confidentiality and on the performance Analysis [2]
over U Plane 01
integrity protection of 5G requirements.

System Control Plane and User

Plane between O-CU-CP and

UE, and O-CU-UP and UE.

The S-Plane shall support

authentication and
Inaccurate timing
authorization of PTP nodes that
communicate with other PTP
Improper O-RAN Security
nodes within Configuration LLS- Open A Rogue PTP T-
synchronization Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
84 C1, Configuration LLS-C2, or IF Fronthaul Instance wanting to Basic A O-DU, O-RU High Low Medium SPLANE
between clocks. O-RAN Threat OFSP-1
Configuration LLS-C3. S-plane be a Grand Master -
ANNOUNCE messages Analysis [2]
NOTE: This ensures least 03
can be sent publicly
privilege access to the S-Plane
in clear text.
where authenticated and

authorized PTP nodes

communicate over the Open

Fronthaul network.

NOTE: There is no specific

requirement for authentication

and authorization mechanism

of S-plane PTP messages.

Inaccurate timing

Impersonation of a information.

Master clock Improper O-RAN Security

The S-Plane should provide a Open T-
(Spoofing) within a synchronization Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
85 means to prevent spoofing of IF Fronthaul Advanced A O-DU, O-RU High Low Medium SPLANE
PTP network with a between clocks. O-RAN Threat OFSP-2
master clocks. S-plane -02
fake ANNOUNCE ANNOUNCE messages Analysis [2]

message can be sent publicly

in clear text.

For the O-DU at the Data Inaccurate timing

information. O-RAN Security

Centre deployment model the
Open T-
S-Plane should protect against Packet delay Improper Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
86 IF Fronthaul Advanced A O-DU, O-RU High Low Medium SPLANE-
MITM attacks that degrade the manipulation attack synchronization O-RAN Threat OFSP-3
S-plane 05
clock accuracy due to packet between clocks. Analysis [2]

delay attacks or selective ANNOUNCE messages

interception and removal can be sent publicly in

attacks [RFC 7384]. clear text.

The Open Fronthaul shall Lack of sufficient

An attacker
Near-RT O-RAN Security
provide a means to security measures in
Open attempts to T-
authenticate and authorize the Fronthaul due to RIC, Non-RT Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
87 IF Fronthaul intercept the Basic C.A High Low Medium MPLANE-
point-to-point LAN segments the negative impact RIC, O-CU, O-RAN Threat OFHPLS-1
M-plane Fronthaul (MITM) 01
between Open Fronthaul on the performance O-DU, SMO Analysis [2]
over M Plane
network elements. requirements.

The Open Fronthaul shall Unauthorized Lack of authentication
O-RAN Security
xApps, O-
provide a means to detect Open access to Open and access control to T-
RU, O-DU, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
88 and report when an IF Fronthaul Front Haul Ethernet the Open Front Haul Basic C.I.A High Low Medium FRHAUL-
O-CU, Near- O-RAN Threat OFHPLS-2
authorized point-to-point LAN M-plane L1 physical layer Ethernet L1 physical 02
RT RIC, Analysis [2]
segment is made or broken. interface(s) layer interface.

The Open Fronthaul shall

provide a means to block access

to unused Ethernet ports in an

Open Fronthaul network

element. rApps,
Unauthorized Lack of authentication
Open Fronthaul xApps, O- O-RAN Security
Open access to Open and access control to T -
implementations may support RU, O-DU, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
89 IF Fronthaul Front Haul Ethernet the Open Front Haul Basic C.I.A High Low Medium F R H AU L -
IEEE 802.1X-2020 to satisfy the O-CU, Near- O-RAN Threat OFHPLS-3
M-plane L1 physical layer Ethernet L1 physical 0 2
requirements listed above. RT RIC, Analysis [2]
interface(s) layer interface.
Implementations that support Non-RT RIC

optional 802.1X shall provide

the security controls as

specified in sections


An attacker gains O-RAN Security

R1 interface shall support
unauthorized weak mutual Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
90 confidentiality, integrity, and IF R1 Basic C.I.A R1 interface Medium High High T-R1-01
access to R1 authentication. O-RAN Threat R1-1
replay protection.
services. Analysis [2]

Malicious actor O-RAN Security

R1 interface shall support
weak mutual REQ-
bypasses Requirement [9]
91 mutual authentication IF R1 Basic C.I.A R1 interface Medium High High T-R1-03
authentication to authentication. O-RAN Threat SEC-R1-2
and authorization.
Request Data. Analysis [2]

O-RAN Security
The Application Package Applicatio Secrets disclosure O-Cloud,
Secret exposure in Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
92 shall be digitally signed by Transversal n in VM/Container Basic C.I Apps/VNFs/ n/a n/a n/a T-IMG-03
VNF/CNF images O-RAN Threat ALM-FUN2-1
the Solution Provider. Lifecycle images. CNFs images
Analysis [2]

Lack of

authentication, secret
The SMO shall have the NFO/FOCO O-RAN Security
exposure (insufficient
Applicatio Abuse a O-Cloud
capability to verify the digital safeguarding of M , O-Cloud, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-ADMIN-
93 Transversal n administration Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a
signature of the Application credentials), Apps/VNFs/ O-RAN Threat ALM-FUN3-1 02
Lifecycle service.
Package. vulnerable code CNFs Analysis [2]
exploits, design


component from the

A list of network protocols and

lack of update or

services supported on the O- Network An attacker exploits patch management. O-RAN Security

RAN component shall be Protocols insecure designs or Poorly design Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-O-RAN-
94 Transversal Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a
clearly documented by its and lack of adoption in architecture. O-RAN Threat NET-1 01

vendor. Unused protocols shall Services O-RAN components Missing appropriate Analysis [2]

be disabled. security hardening.

Unnecessary or




Common transport protocols


HTTP and HTTP2) used in O-

RAN system should be able to

Attacks from the

handle unexpected inputs (not Robustne Errors in the design

internet exploit O-RAN Security
in-line with protocol s s of and implementation of
weak authentication Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-O-RAN-
95 specification) without Transversal Common the network protocols Advanced C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a
and access control O-RAN Threat TRAN-1 03
functional compromise. The Transport (HTTP, P, TCP, UDP,
to penetrate O-RAN Analysis [2]
unexpected inputs include Protocols application protocols).
network boundary
random mutations of the

protocol headers and payloads,

as well as targeted fuzzing

with state awareness.

Improper or missing

authentication and



An O-RAN component with Improper or missing

An attacker
external network interface shall ciphering and integrity rApps,
Robustnes penetrates and
be able to withstand network checks of sensitive xApps, O- O-RAN Security
s against compromises the
transport protocol based data exchanged over RU, O-DU, Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-O-RAN-
96 Transversal Volumetri O-RAN system Basic C.I.A n/a n/a n/a
volumetric DDoS attack without O-RAN interfaces. O-CU, Near- O-RAN Threat DOS-1 05
c DDoS through the open
system crash and returning to Improper or missing RT RIC, Analysis [2]
Attack O-RAN’s Fronthaul,
normal service level after the replay protection of Non-RT RIC
O1, O2, A1, and E2
attack. sensitive data

exchanged over O-

RAN interfaces.

Improper prevention

of key reuse.

Developers use Inaccurate inventories

Known vulnerabilities in the OS Robustnes of open-source

SW components
O-RAN Security
and applications of an O-RAN s of OS with known software. T-
Requirement [9] REQ-SEC-
97 component shall be clearly Transversal and vulnerabilities and Lack of consistent Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
O-RAN Threat SYS-1
identified and documented by its Applicatio untrusted libraries Supply Chain 01
Analysis [2]
vendor. ns that can be traceability and

exploited by an security.

attacker through a Lack of coding best

backdoor attack. practices.

Modules with known

vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

If password is used as an

authentication attribute, O-RAN

Attacks from the

component vendors shall follow
Errors in the design
Password- internet exploit O-RAN Security
security best practices to
and implementation of
mitigate risks resulting from Based weak authentication Requirement [9] REQ-SEC- T-O-RAN-
98 Transversal the network protocols Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a
different password-based Authentic and access control O-RAN Threat PASS-1 03
authentication attacks such as ation to penetrate O-RAN Analysis [2]
application protocols).
brute-forcing, unauthorized network boundary

password resets, man-in-the-

middle, and dictionary attacks.

The SBOM delivery should be O-RAN Security

made under contractual Requirement [9] Prerequisite

- SBOM - - - Basic - - -
agreement with specific terms O-RAN Threat of SBOM

that include the following items: Analysis [2]


inventories of open-
Developers use
source software.
SW components
Lack of
The O-RAN vendor should with known
consistent Supply O-RAN Security
provide the SBOM with every vulnerabilities and T-
Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
99 O-RAN software delivery, SBOM untrusted libraries Advanced C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
and security. O-RAN Threat 001
including patches, to the that can be 01
Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
network operator. exploited by an
attacker through
Modules with known
a backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

Developers use
inventories of open-
SW components
source software.
The minimum set of data fields with known
Lack of O-RAN Security
must be according to NTIA vulnerabilities and T-
consistent Supply Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
100 guidance. Additional SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
Chain traceability O-RAN Threat 002
fields may be required that can be 01
and security. Analysis [2]
on a contractual basis. exploited by an
Lack of coding best
attacker through
a backdoor attack
Modules with known

vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

Vulnerabilities must not be

included as an additional data

field because it would

represent a static view from a

specific point in time, while

vulnerabilities are constantly

Inaccurate inventories of

NOTE: The SBOM should be Developers use SW

used by vendors and operators components with
Lack of consistent
to periodically check against known

Supply Chain O-RAN Security

known vulnerability databases vulnerabilities and T-
traceability and Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
101 SBOM Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a
to identify potential risk. untrusted libraries OPENSRC-
security. O-RAN Threat 003
NOTE: The level of risk for a that can be 01
Analysis [2]
Lack of coding best
vulnerability should be exploited by an
determined by the software attacker through a

vendor and operator with Modules with known

backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and
consideration of the software
untrusted libraries.
product, use case, and network


NOTE: The SBOM provides

transparency into the use of

open-source software having

known vulnerabilities or

contributions from individuals or

companies in adversarial

nations, but it does not protect

against zero-day vulnerabilities

that were unintentionally or

maliciously inserted, exploited,

or discovered and not reported.

Developers use SW Inaccurate inventories

components with of open-source

O-RAN Security
known software. T-
SBOM Depth must be provided Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
102 SBOM Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a
vulnerabilities and Lack of consistent OPENSRC-
at top-level. O-RAN Threat 004
untrusted libraries Supply Chain 01
Analysis [2]
that can be traceability and

exploited by an security.

attacker through a Lack of coding best

backdoor attack practices.

Modules with known

vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.


inventories of open-
Developers use
SBOM depth must be source software.
SW components
provided to a second-level for Lack of
with known
O-RAN Software Community consistent Supply O-RAN Security
vulnerabilities and T-
(OSC) sourced software to Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
103 SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
indicate which OSC modules and security. O-RAN Threat 005
that can be 01
are used and which individual Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
exploited by an
and/or company contributed practices.
attacker through
the software for that module. Modules with known
a backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.


inventories of open-
Developers use
source software.
SW components
Lack of
with known
consistent Supply O-RAN Security
SBOM depth should be provided vulnerabilities and T-
Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
104 to second-level for any used SBOM untrusted libraries Advanced C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC
and security. O-RAN Threat 006
open source software. that can be -01
Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
exploited by an
attacker through
Modules with known
a backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

Developers use
inventories of open-
SW components
source software.
with known
Lack of O-RAN Security
vulnerabilities and T-
A hash must be generated for consistent Supply Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
105 SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC
the SBOM. Chain traceability O-RAN Threat 007
that can be -01
and security. Analysis [2]
exploited by an
Lack of coding best
attacker through
a backdoor attack
Modules with known

vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.


inventories of open-
Developers use
source software.
SW components
Lack of
with known
consistent Supply O-RAN Security
vulnerabilities and T-
A digital signature must be Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
106 SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
provided for the SBOM. and security. O-RAN Threat 008
that can be 01
Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
exploited by an
attacker through
Modules with known
a backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.


inventories of open-
Access control to the SBOM Developers use
source software.
must be established on a SW components
Lack of
need-to-know basis to limit with known
consistent Supply O-RAN Security
security risk and protection of vulnerabilities and T-
Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
107 intellectual property. Access SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC
and security. O-RAN Threat 009
controls should be agreed that can be -01
Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
upon between the vendor and exploited by an
operator and contractually attacker through
Modules with known
specified. a backdoor attack
vulnerabilities and

untrusted libraries.

The SBOM must be encrypted

Developers use
in transfer and storage. NOTE:
inventories of open-
As stated in the DoC/NTIA SW components
source software.
report, “...some have raised with known
Lack of O-RAN Security
concerns that vulnerabilities and T-
consistent Supply Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
108 adversaries could take SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC
Chain traceability O-RAN Threat 010
advantage and target those that can be -01
and security. Analysis [2]
critical components for novel exploited by an
Lack of coding best
attacks. Further research is attacker through
necessary to understand the a backdoor attack
Modules with known
optimal structure and incentives

for sharing, protecting, vulnerabilities and

and using SBOM data." untrusted libraries.

The SBOM must be provided

in Software Package Data

eXchange (SPDX), inventories of open-

Developers use
CycloneDX, or Software source software.
SW components
Identification (SWID) format. Lack of
with known
NOTE: ISO/IEC 5962:2021 - consistent Supply O-RAN Security
vulnerabilities and T-
Information technology — Chain traceability Requirement [9] REQ-SBOM-
109 SBOM untrusted libraries Basic C.I.A All n/a n/a n/a OPENSRC-
SPDX® Specification V2.2.1, and security. O-RAN Threat 011
that can be 01
published August 2021, Lack of coding best Analysis [2]
exploited by an
specifies SPDX as the standard practices.
attacker through
data format for communicating Modules with known
a backdoor attack
the component and metadata vulnerabilities and

information associated with untrusted libraries.


*This report was commissioned and financed by the Ministry of Internal

Affairs and Communications of Japan, prepared in cooperation with industrial

partners including a MNO and cybersecurity companies and reported to the

Quad Critical and Emerging Technology Working Group.


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