(F or the Students Admi tted fr om the Aca demic Year 2017 – 2018)
5th Mile, Upper Tadong, Gangtok, East Sikkim-737102, India
1. Department Vision Statement
Stmt - 1 To emerge as a repository of managerial education and skills of unmatched quality.
To empower a majority of learners from North Eastern region, other parts of the country, and
Stmt - 2
neighboring countries as well with a unique learner-centric model of managerial education.
To impart relevant industry oriented, cutting-edge management education which will foster a
Stmt - 3
holistic development of self and society.
5. Consistency of PO’s with Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Ethical standards
Lifelong learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Written and
Design and
Critical and
solutions /
and social
PO - 1 H H H H M M H H M
PO - 2 H H H H M M M M H
PO - 3 H M M M M M H M H
PO - 4 M M M H H M H M M
PO - 5 M H H M M H H H M
BBA1724 Business Statistics 3 0 2 4
BBA1725 Financial Accounting II 3 1 0 4 Hours/
Course Course
Information Security Week
BBA1764 / Code Title
Management / Customer 3 1 0 4 L T P C
BBA1765 SPD1716 Computer skills 2 0 2 3
Relationship Management
Total Learning Credits 15 BBA1737 Case Study 2 2 1 0 3
Computer Applications in
BBA1746 2 0 2 3
5. Project Work, Internship Accounting
In Quantitative Aptitude and
SPD1748 1 1 0 2
Industry / Higher Reasoning -I
Technical Institutions(P) BBA1756 Case Study 4 2 1 0 3
Hours/ Entrepreneurial
Course Course SPD1757 2 1 0 3
Week Development
Code Title
Quantitative Aptitude and
BBA1767 Project Work 0 0 8 4 SPD1758 1 1 0 2
Reasoning -II
Total Learning Credits 4
Leadership and Team
SPD1766 1 1 0 2
Total Learning Credits 21
6.Ability Enhancement
Courses (AEC)
(6 Courses)
7.Extension Courses
(Extension) Hours/
Course Course
(1 Course) Week
Code Title
Hours/ L T P C
Course Course LAE1711 English – I 3 0 0 3
Code Title GEN1715 Environmental Studies 2 0 2 3
EX*1727 NSS / NCC /Yoga [Internal 0 0 4 2 [Internal Evaluation]
*will be Evaluation] LAE1721 English – II 3 0 0 3
S/C/Y GEN1726 Human Rights and 3 0 0 3
Total Learning Credits 2 Professional Ethics [Internal
SPD1738 Soft Skills & Verbal aptitude 1 0 2 2
BBA1747 Case Study 3 [Internal 2 1 0 3
Total Learning Credits 17
Course Structure
Generic Skill Ability
e Extensio Project
Profession Elective Enhancemen Enhancemen Total Total
Semeste Specific n Work,
al Core s t t Credit Hour
r Electives Courses Internshi
Courses (C) Courses Courses(SE Courses(AE s s
Courses (EX) p (P)
(GE) C) C)
Sem I 3 1 1 1 2 0 28 420
Sem II 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 24 360
Sem III 3 1 0 1 1 0 21 315
Sem IV 2 2 0 2 1 0 24 360
Sem V 3 1 0 3 0 0 24 360
Sem VI 3 0 1 1 0 1 22 330
64 20 15 21 17 2 4 143 2145
7. Implementation Plan
Semester - II
Semester - I
Hours/ Course
Course Course Title Week C
Course Title Week C Code
Code L T P
BBA1723 Legal System in Business 3 1 0 4
BBA1712 Managerial Economics 4 0 0 4
BBA1724 Business Statistics 3 0 2 4
BBA1713 Financial Accounting-I 3 1 0 4
BBA1725 Financial Accounting II 3 1 0 4
BBA1714 4 0 0 4 BBA1722 Marketing Management 4 0 0 4
LAE1721 English – II 3 0 0 3
SPD1716 Computer skills 2 0 2 3
Human Rights and
LAE1711 English – I 3 0 0 3 GEN1726 3 0 0 3
Professional Ethics
GEN1715 Environmental Studies 2 0 1 3
EX*1727 NSS / NCC /Yoga 0 0 4 2
Total Learning Credits 21
Total Learning Credits 24
Semester – III
Semester – IV
Course Hours/
Course Title Week C Course
Code Course Title Week C
L T P Code
Management Strategic
BBA1733 3 1 0 4
BBA1742 3 1 0 4
Information Systems Management
Management and Sales
BBA1732 3 1 0 4
Cost Accounting Management/Retail 3 1 0 4
Training and A1745
BBA1734/ Development/
3 1 0 4 Production and
BBA1735 Creativity and BBA1741 Operations 3 1 0 4
Innovation Management
Human Resource BBA1743 Operations Research 3 1 0 4
BBA1731 3 1 0 4
BBA1737 Case Study 2 2 1 0 3 BBA1746 Applications in 2 0 2 3
GEN1736 Value Education 2 0 2 3 Accounting
Soft Skills & Verbal Quantitative Aptitude
SPD1738 1 0 2 2 SPD1748 1 1 0 2
aptitude and Reasoning -I
Total Learning BBA1747 Case Study 3 2 1 0 3
Total Learning
Semester – V Semester – VI
Hours/ Hours/
Course Course
Course Title Week C Course Title Week C
Code Code
Research Logistics and supply
BBA1753 3 1 0 4 BBA1761 3 1 0 4
Methodology chain management
Services Marketing/ BBA1763 Industrial Law 3 1 0 4
Investment 3 1 0 4 Information Security
Management Management /
BBA1764 /
Financial Customer 3 1 0 4
BBA1751 3 1 0 4 BBA1765
Management Relationship
Total Quality Management
BBA1752 3 1 0 4
Management BBA1762 Project Management 3 1 0 4
BBA1756 Case Study 4 2 1 0 3 Leadership and Team
SPD1766 1 1 0 2
Quantitative Aptitude Management
SPD1758 1 1 0 2
and Reasoning -II BBA1767 Project Work 0 0 8 4
Entrepreneurial Total Learning
SPD1757 2 1 0 3
Total Learning
24 Total Learning Credits: 139
Course Name
verbal communication skills
Individual and teamwork
Lifelong learning
LAE1711 English-I H H H M H H H H
BBA1712 Managerial Economics H M H M M M H M
BBA1713 Financial Accounting-I H H H H M H M M H
BBA1714 Organizational Behavior H H H H H M M H
GEN1715 Environmental Studies H H H H H H H H
SPD1716 Computer skills H H H H M H
LAE1721 English – II H M H H H H H H H
BBA1722 Marketing Management H M H H H H H M H
BBA1723 Legal System in Business H M H M M H M H H
BBA1724 Business Statistics H H H H
BBA1725 Financial Accounting II H H H H H H M M H
GEN1726 Human Rights and Professional Ethics H H H M H H H H M
EX*1727 NSS/NCC/Yoga H H M M H H H M M
BBA1731 Human Resource Management H H H H H H M H H
BBA1732 Management and Cost Accounting H H H H H H M H
BBA1733 Management Information Systems H H H H M M M M M
BBA1734 Training and Development H H M H M M
BBA1735 Creativity and Innovation H H H H M M H H H
GEN1736 Value Education H M H M M H
BBA1737 Case Study 2 H H H M H H M H H
SPD1738 Soft Skills & Verbal aptitude H H H H H H H H H
BBA1741 Production and Operations Management H M H H H M M H M
BBA1742 Strategic Management H H H H H H H H H
BBA1743 Operations Research H H H H M M M M M
BBA1744 Sales Management H M H M H M M M H
BBA1745 Retail Management H M H H H H M H H
BBA1746 Computer Applications in Accounting H H M H M
BBA1747 Case Study 3 H H H M H H M H H
SPD1748 Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning -1 H M H H M M M
BBA1751 Financial Management H H H H H H M H H
BBA1752 Total Quality Management H H H H H M H H M
BBA1753 Research Methodology H H H H M M M M H
BBA1754 Services Marketing H H H H M M M M H
BBA1755 Investment Management H H H H M H M H H
BBA1756 Case Study 3 H H H M H H M H H
SPD1757 Entrepreneurial Development H H H M M H H M M
SPD1758 Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning – II H M H H M M M
BBA1761 Logistics and supply chain management H M H H M M H H H
BBA1762 Project Management H H H H M H H H M
BBA1763 Industrial Law H M H M M H M H H
BBA1764 Information Security Management H M H H M H M H H
BBA1765 Customer Relationship Management H H H H M H M H H
SPD1766 Leadership and Team Management H M H M H H M M H
BBA1767 Project Work H H M M M M H
Program Average H H H H H H H H H
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
CLO-1 Identify strategies to become appreciative and empathetic listeners. H M H M H
3 M
Express facts, ideas and opinions with fluency, clarity and
CLO-2 confidence.
2 M M H H H H
Appropriateness Acceptability, Conciseness and flow Business Writing – Basic principles of business communication; Letter writing- Thank you
and follow-up letter, Complaint letter, inquiry letter, invitation letter, letter to the editor, Writing memo, notice, agenda and minutes of the
meeting, Report writing, Interpretation of data (flow charts, figures and pictures) Essay and Article Writing, Poster making
5 Grammar: Tense and Articles; Preposition; Direct to Indirect Speech; Active and Passive Voice 9 CLO 5
Learning Resources
1 Raman Meenakshi, Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication Principles and Practice”. Ed Second. Oxford University Press, Delhi,
Text Books
1 Dhanavel, S.P. “English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering”, Orient Blackswan Ltd., 2009
2 Green, David. “Contemporary English Grammar Structures and Composition.” McMillian Publishers India Ltd, Delhi,
Ref. Books
3 Raman, Meenakshi, Prakash Singh, “Business Communication”. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2013
4 Taylor, Shirley, Chandra. “Communication for Business. 4th Ed. Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr. Pramila Chettri, Associate Professor, Tadong Govt College, Ms. Manisha Takuri, Assistant Professor, SRM
Gangtok University Sikkim
Course Course Course Discipline Specific Elective Courses L T P C
Code Name Category (DSE) 4 0 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite NIL
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
social awareness
(BL) Level
Innovation and
Disciplinary /
Define economics, its relevance, and its functions in
CLO-1 1 H H M M H M
business micro and macroenvironment.
Demonstrate knowledge on the concepts of market
CLO-2 supply and demand with respect to consumer buying 2 H M H M H
Express the microeconomic market structure and its
CLO-3 2 H M H M M
usage in managerial decision-making process.
Analyze different macroenvironment variables and
CLO-4 4 H M H M M
indices used to understand national economy.
Explain the types of government policies with respect
CLO-5 3 H M H M M M
to domestic and global economy.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
of returns to scale and cost decision making, Cost Concepts and Cost Analysis, Types of Costs, Output Relations, and
Economies of scale.
Pricing decision under different form forms of market- Perfect competition market, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition
4. 12 CLO 3
and Oligopoly, Price discrimination, Break Even Analysis and Its usage in decision making process.
National Income-definition, measurement – Factors – difficulties in measurement. GDP-NDP-Business cycle phases –
5. 12 CLO 4, CLO 5
Inflation- types and control measures. Managerial Economics in the Context of Globalization.
Learning Resources
1. Mukherjee, D., (2010), “Essence of Micro and Macro Economics”, New Central Book Agency; 3rd Revised ed
Text Books
2. Ahuja, H.L., (2006), Modern Microeconomics Theory and Application, S. Chand, New Delhi
1. Karl.E.Case, Ray.C.Fair; “Principles of Economics”, Pearson 2012.
2. Kaushal H., “Managerial Economics – Case Study”, MacMillan, 2011.
3. Paul Samuelson William .d.Nordhaus, “Economics”, 19th Edition Mc GrawHill, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Dominick Salvatore, “Managerial Economics in a Global Economy” 4th Edition, Thomson South-Western.2011.
Ref. Books 5. Mote V.L. et al, “Managerial Economics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, India, 2011.
6. John Sloman. “Economics”, Pearson Education, India, 2011.
7. Joel Dean, “Managerial Economics”, Prentice – Hall of India, 2011.
8. Sumitra Pal, “Managerial Economics”, Cases & Concepts, MacMillon India Ltd., 2011.
9. Dwivedi, D.N., “Managerial Economics”. Vikas Publication, New Delhi, 2011.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1713 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – I Generic Elective Courses (GE)
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite NIL
professional knowledge
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
social awareness
(BL) Level
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Design and
Define the fundamental concepts of Accounting and its
CLO-1 1 H M H M H M M H
Demonstrate progressive learning on preparation of
CLO-2 2 H H H H M M H
final accounts of a sole trading concern.
Express the knowledge surrounding preparation of
CLO-3 financial statements and identify the various types of 3 H H H H M M H
errors and their rectification methods
Apply the methods of charging depreciation and
CLO-4 valuation of stocks, using both qualitative and 3 H H H M M M H
quantitative methods.
Implement domain knowledge of accounting and
CLO-5 incorporate them to solve real-world problems within 4 H H H H M M M M H
an ethical framework.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
(Only simple problems).
Depreciation – Meaning, Causes, Types – Straight Line Method – Written down Value Method (Change in Method
4. 12 CLO 4
excluded). Insurance claims – Average Clause (Loss of stock only)
Single Entry – Meaning, Features, Defects, Differences between Single Entry and Double Entry System – Statement of
5. Affairs Method-Company Accounts-an Introduction –Issue of shares at par, at premium and at Discount - Pro-rata 12 CLO 4, CLO 5
allotment-forfeiture and reissue of shares problems)
Learning Resources
Text Books Reddy T.S. & A. Murthy, “Financial Accounting”, Margham Publications, 2008.
1. Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S., “Advanced Accounting”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001.
Ref. Books
2. Tulsian, “Financial Accounting”, Pearson Education, 2004.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Munmun Goswami, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 4 0 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite NIL
Disciplinary / professional
communication skills
(BL) Level
solutions / practices
Innovation and
Define the concept of organizational behaviour at the
CLO-1 1 H H M M M
individual, group and organizational context.
Express the basic understanding of the complexities
CLO-2 2 H M H M M M
associated with organizational behaviour.
Identify the key areas which drive individual
CLO-3 3 H H H M M
behaviour and understand the various theories therein.
Analyze the importance of an individual’s decision-
CLO-4 making in the organizational context, and the role of 4 H H H H H M M H
leadership in doing so.
Explain the various types of organizations’ structure,
CLO-5 3 H M H H M M
their design and changes from the OB perspective.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
Motivation: Introduction - Motivation-Characteristics of motivation; Importance of Motivation; Motivation theories - Maslow’s need Hierarchy
theory; McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y; Value and Job Satisfaction - Introduction - Values - Types of values - Value-loyalty and ethical
3. 12 CLO 3, CLO4
behavior; Conflict Management: Introduction-Definition; Transition of Conflict-Types of Conflict; Conflict Process; Conflict Resolution Model-
Causes of Conflict
Perception and Individual Decision Making: Introduction - Meaning of perception - Perception process Factors affecting perception-Attribution
theory; Improving perception: Perception and its application in organization; Individual Decision Making; Leadership: Introduction - Ingredients
4. of leadership-Theories of leadership-Trait theory of leadership; Leadership styles based on authority - Managerial grid; Charismatic leadership - 12 CLO3, CLO 4
Transformational leadership; Power and Politics: Introduction-Power-Bases of power-Sources of power-Allocation of power; Politics -
Techniques of political plays
Organizational Structure: Introduction - Definition; Form of organisational structure - Organic form of organizational structure-Bureaucracy;
Concepts of organizational structure – Centralisation, Decentrarlisation, Bureaucracy, Formalization, Standardisation, Specialisation,
Stratification-Formal organisation, Informal organisation; Organisational Development: Introduction - Quality of work life-Objective of OD
5. 12 CLO 5
programme-Basic OD Assumptions; OD Interventions-Sensitivity training-Transactional analysis-Process consultations - Third party
interventions-Team building-Individual Counseling-Career planning; Learning Organizations; Organisational Culture and Climate: Introduction -
Input – Concept of organizational culture; Functions of organizational culture; Levels of culture; Management Philosophy; Organizational climate
Learning Resources
Text Books Knodalkar, V.G. (2012). Organizational Behaviour. New Age International (P) limited.
1. Robbins, S.R., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational Behaviour (Fifteenth Ed). Pearson publications.
Ref. Books
2. Bhattacharya., D. (2013). Organization Behaviour. Oxford University Press.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Course Course Course L T P C
GEN1715 Environmental Studies Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
Code Name Category 2 0 2 3
Pre-requisite NA Co-requisite NA
solutions / practices
(BL) Level
Lifelong learning
Define the meaning, causes and implications of climate
CLO-1 1 H M H H H H H H
Express the meaning of pollution, types and their
CLO-2 2 H M H H H H H M
Explain the national environmental laws and issues
CLO-3 3 H H H H H H H M
concerning the same and their regulation.
Classify biodiversity types, importance and issues along
CLO-4 4 H M H H H H H M
with an idea related to energy transition.
Implement the concepts of business social responsibility
CLO-5 in its true letter and spirits, its importance and 3 H H H H H H H M
endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity: in-situ and ex-situ conservations.
Energy resources and their exploitation. Conventional energy sources: -coal, oil, biomass and nature gas (overview) - over-
utilization... Non-conventional energy sources: hydroelectric power, tidal, wind, geothermal energy, solar collectors,
photovoltaic, nuclear-fission and fusion. Energy use pattern and future need projection in different parts of the world, energy
5 9 CLO-5
conservation policies.
Natural and Manmade disasters -types, causes, onset, impacts. (Viz. earthquake, flood, drought, cyclone, tsunami, volcanic,
landslide, industrial accidents.). Forecasting and managements
Learning Resources
1. Jeyalakshmi. R, “Principles of Environmental Science”, 1st Edition, Devi Publications, Chennai, 2006.
Text Books
2. De. A.K., “Environmental Chemistry”, New Age International, New Delhi, 1996.
1. Sharma. B.K. and Kaur, “Environmental Chemistry”, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1994.
Ref. Books 2. Dara S.S., “A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and pollution control”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3. Dr. Rahavan Nambiar, “Textbook of Environmental studies. SciTech Publication (India) Pvt. Ltd. Second edition
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
(Sl. Gd)
Course Course Course L T P C
SPD 1716 Computer Skills Internal
Code Name Category 2 0 2 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
professional knowledge
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
social awareness
(BL) Level
Innovation and
Disciplinary /
Define the concepts and components of computer
CLO-1 1 H H
Apply their understanding of MS-WORD in business
CLO-2 3 H H M
Analyze empirical data related to business operations
CLO-3 4 H M H H
using MS-EXCEL.
Demonstrate the outcomes of the analyzed data using
CLO-4 2 H H H
Create database using MS-ACCESS for business
CLO-5 6 H H H H M
The Word Processor - Creating a Document -Opening a Document -Laying Out the Page-Setting paper
size, margins, and orientation -Creating headers and footers -Numbering pages -Entering and Editing
Text-Modifying text-Moving and copying text -Finding and replacing text -Correcting mistakes
2 6 CLO 2
automatically-Printing -Adding character to your characters -Planning Your Paragraphs-Aligning
paragraphs -Spacing your lines -Making Lists -Bulleting lists-Numbering lists-Using a style -Creating a
style - tables and columns
The Spreadsheet - Creating a Spreadsheet -Inputting Your Data -Entering your data -Editing your data -
Filling cells automatically -Managing Columns and Rows-Copying, pasting, cutting, dragging, and
dropping your cells -Adding the Art -Formula Basics-Adding, Subtracting, and More -Adding and other
3 arithmetic -Adding with the Sum function -Rocketing into Orbit with Functions Using the AutoPilot: 6 CLO 3
Functions dialog box -Editing functions -Entering functions manually -Copying and pasting formulas -
Creating formula arrays -Recalculating formulas -Creating Magic Formula-Nesting functions -Creating
conditional formulas
The Power Point Presentation - Creating a Presentation -Opening an existing presentation -Adding Slides -
Adding text to a slide -Saving Your Presentation for Posterity - Making Presentations Picture Perfect -
Adding Images -Clipping art -Drawing objects -Colouring Backgrounds -Creating a plain-coloured
background -Creating a gradient background -Hatching a background -Using a bitmap image as a
4 6 CLO 4
background -Creating 3-D text-Inserting 3-D objects -Animating Impressively -Using Text Effects
Effectively -Creating Animation Effects -Creating Animated GIF files -Adding Slide Transition Effects -
Showing a Presentation -Setting slide timing -Hiding slides -Specifying slide show settings -Delivering a
Slide Show
Ms-Access - Database Development-Creating Access tables-Setting the primary key-Manipulating tables-
5 Entering data with access forms-Selecting data with queries-Creating a multiple queries-Presenting data 6 CLO 1, CLO 5
with access reports.
Tutorial no 1 – Provide hands on Training with the windows operating systems and using browser and
6 applications task assigned will be to download and install extensions in chrome and download any free 6 CLO 1
video editor application install on windows and then uninstall
Tutorial no 1 – Provide hands on Training with MS WORD, task assigned will be to make resume in a
7 6 CLO 2
given template ,edit and then save as pdf
Tutorial no 2 – Provide hands on Training with MS POWERPOINT task assigned will be to make a
8 6 CLO 3
presentation with animations and 10 slides on any topic of their choosing
Tutorial no 3 – Provide hands on Training with MS EXCEL a data set related to accounting will be
9 provided to the students and they will then do the necessary calculations using formulas and use pivot 6 CLO 3
tables and make charts and graphs.
Tutorial no 4 – Provide hands on Training with MS ACCESS the task given will be to create a relational
10 6 CLO 5
database with tables, fields and records and then they will conduct queries
Learning Resources
1. Sinha P.K. & Sinha Priti, Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publications, 2007
Text Books
2. Vishnu P. Singh, “Ms Office 2007”, BPB Publications, 2007.
1. Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Sheshasaayee G., “Computer Applications in Business & Management”, Margham publishers, 2004.
Ref. Books
2. Lisa A.Bucki, John Walkenbach, Faithe Wempen Michael Alexander and Dick Kusleika, “Microsoft office 2013 Bible”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Lifelong learning
social awareness
(BL) Level
Innovation and
Explain the nature and models of professional H
CLO-1 2 H M M
CLO-2 Employ technology ethically as an aid to communication. 3 H M H M H H H
Introduction; Concept of Cross- Cultural Communication; Ethnocentrism; Cultural Variables and Communication Sensitivity; Variables of
5 National Culture; Cross- Cultural Communication Strategies; Potential Hot Spots in Cross- Cultural Communication; Cross- Cultural 9 CLO 5
Communication Skills- Basic Tips
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Raman Meenakshi, Prakash Singh, Business Communication, second edition, Oxford University Press, Delhi 2013.
1 Raman Meenakshi, Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication Principles and Practice”. Ed Second. Oxford University Press, Delhi,
2 Shirley Taylor, V. Chandra, Communication for Business – A practical Approach 4th ed Pearson
Education Ltd., 2013
Ref. Books
3 Nawal, Mallika, “Business Communication”. CENGAGE Learning, 2012.
4 Sharma R.C. Business Correspondence and Report Writing, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private limited, New
Delhi, 2014
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr. Pramila Chettri, Associate Professor, Tadong Govt Ms. Manisha Thakuri, Assistant Professor, SRM
College, Gangtok University Sikkim
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1722 Marketing Management Core
Code Name Category 4 0 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
Disciplinary / professional
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Innovation and
Outcomes (BL) Level
Define marketing as a field and discipline - key concepts;
CLO-1 1 H M H M M M
explain the marketing mix and how to apply it.
CLO-2 Express consumer behavior and its importance; 2 H M H M M
CLO-3 Explain and apply demand forecasting and its techniques. 3 H M H H
Analyze the complexity of pricing decisions, various
CLO-4 4 H M H H M M M M
pricing objectives and pricing strategies.
Demonstrate the 5Ms of advertising, measuring
CLO-5 advertisement effectiveness and various tools of sales 4 H M H H H H H M H
and trade promotion;
Learning Resources
Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing Management: A South Asian
Text Books
Perspective, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008
1. Rajan Saxena, “Marketing Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2002.
Ref. Books 2. Ramaswamy & Nmakumary - Marketing Management-Global Perspective-Indian Context-Mac Millon
India Ltd
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Experts from Industry: Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
Dr. Shankar
NA (Sl. Gd)
Associate Prof., Sikkim University
Mr. Deepkant Gajmer, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite
professional knowledge
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
(BL) Level
social awareness
Innovation and
Disciplinary /
Define the fundamental framework of legal basis of
CLO-1 1 H M H M M H M H H
contracts and its applications.
capital – Debentures- Winding up.
The Laws of Trade Marks – Copyright – Patents – Designs – Trade related Intellectual Property Rights – Trips – FEMA –
4. 12 CLO4
Consumer Protection Act – Negotiable Instrument Act.
Cyber laws – Changes made in Indian Penal Code – Indian Evidence Act – bankers book Evidence act – Reserve Bank of
5. 12 CLO5
India – Information Technology Agreement ITA. Competition act.
Learning Resources
Text Books Sumathi S & Saravanavel P, Legal Aspects of Business, Himalaya Publishing House, 2003.
1. Kapoor N.D., “Business Law”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2005.
Ref. Books
2. Kapoor N.D., “Elements of Law”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Munmun Goswami, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1724 Business Statistics Generic Elective Courses (GE)
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
(BL) Level
Disciplinary /
Critical and
Design and
Create a strong foundation in the principles of statistics
CLO-1 1 H H H H _ - _ _ _
and probability.
Implement Statistical techniques for solving real life
CLO-2 2 H H H H _ _ _ _
Express and apply the measures of location of data:
CLO-3 2 H H H H _ _ _ _ _
quartiles and percentiles.
Express and apply the measures of the center of data:
CLO-4 2 H H H H _ _ _ _ _
mean, median, and mode.
Demonstrate and incorporate the ideas of measures of the
CLO-5 4 H H H H _ _ _ _ _
spread of data: variance, standard deviation, and range.
Learning Resources
1. N. G. Das, “Statistical Methods”, Volume – 1 and Volume 2, McGraw Hill Education; 1st Edition, 2008.
Text Books
2. S. P. Gupta, “Statistical Methods”, Sultan chand & Sons; 1ST edition (2014)
1 Sancheti D.C. and Kapoor V.K., Business Mathematics, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1993
Ref. Books
2 Gupta M.P. & Gupta S.P., “Business Statistics”, 16th Edition, Sultan Chand Publications, 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Bikash Thakuri, Assistant Professor.
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1725 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – II Generic Elective Courses (GE)
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – I Co-requisite
Disciplinary / professional
communication skills
Sustainable business
(BL) Level
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
Develop the concepts of balancing and preparation of
CLO-1 3 H H H H H H M M H
control accounts.
Demonstrate knowledge of branch accounting,
CLO-2 consignment accounting and their relevant concepts, 2 H H H H H H M M H
with focus on business situations.
Exhibit progressive affective domain development of
CLO-3 insurance claims and various types of losses incurred in 3 H H H H H H M M H
Implement the conceptual framework surrounding hire-
CLO-4 4 H H H H H H M M H
purchase and installment system.
Incorporate accounting knowledge in the context of
CLO-5 non-profit organizations, so as to plan and implement in 4 H H H H H H M M H
real-life scenarios
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
Concept of sectional balancing, preparation of control accounts. Self-balancing Ledger: advantages; Recording process;
12 CLO1
preparation of Adjustment accounts
Consignment Accounts: Basic features; difference with sales. Recording in the books of Consignor – at cost & at invoice
2. price, Valuation of unsold stock; Ordinary commission. Treatment and valuation of abnormal & normal loss. Special 12 CLO2
commission; Del credere commission (with and without bad debt). Recording in the books of Consignee
Branch Accounting - Concept of Branch; different types of Branches. Synthetic method – preparation of Branch account.
Preparation of Branch Trading and P/L account. (At cost & at IP) – Normal and abnormal losses. Independent branch
(Theory only) – concept of wholesale profit and basic idea of incorporation. Insurance Claims: Loss of stock: Physical &
3. 12 CLO2, CLO3
ownership concept; concept of under-insurance and average clause; computation of claim – with price change;
consideration of unusual selling line; price reduction etc. Loss of profit: Concept – insured & uninsured standing charges,
GP rate, short sales and increased cost of working, average clause and computation of claim (simple type)
Meaning; Difference with Instalment payment system; Recording of transaction in the books of buyer – allocation of
4. interest – use of Interest Suspense a/c – partial and complete repossession in the books of the seller – Stock and Debtors 12 CLO4
A/C (with repossession) in the books of the Seller – H.P. Trading A/C (with repossession).
Introduction to non-profit organizations, Preparation of accounts for non-profit organizations; Receipts and Payments
5. 12 CLO5
account; Income & Expenditure account
Learning Resources
Text Books Shukla, M.C., Grewal, T.S. and Gupta, S.C. Advanced Accounts. Vol.-I & II. S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
1. Maheshwari, S.N., and Maheshwari, S. K. Financial Accounting. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. R. L.Gupta & Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II, S. Chand
Ref. Books 3. Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Pearson
4. Compendium of Statements and Standards of Accounting. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, New Delhi.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Munmun Goswami, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course Ability Enhancement Courses L T P C
GEN 1726 Human Rights & Professional Ethics
Code Name Category (AEC) 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
(BL) Level
Disciplinary /
Critical and
Design and
CLO-1 Incorporate ethical practices in their management style 2 H H H M H H H M
Develop good moral values which are important in
CLO-2 2 H H H M H H H
furthering one’s professional life in workplaces
Apply principles of professionalism in the workplace in
CLO-3 3 H H H M H M M M
and as entrepreneurs
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Human Values - Types- morals- ethics- integrity- work ethics- service learning- virtues- respect for others-
1 honesty- courage- commitment- empathy- challenges in the workplaces- character- spirituality- corporate 9 CLO 1
Variety Of Moral Issues - Types of inquiry- Moral dilemmas- Moral autonomy- Kohlberg’s theory- 9 CLO 1, CLO 2
Gilligan’s theory- consensus and controversy- Models of professional roles- Theories about right action
Self Interest - Customs and religion- Use of ethical theories- Valuing time- Cooperation codes of ethics-
3 9 CLO 1, CLO 2
Outlook on law- The challenger case study.
Safety and Risk - Assessment- Responsibility and rights- Risk benefit analysis- Reducing risk- The three
4 9 CLO 1,CLO3
mile island and Chernobyl case studies.
Global Issues - Multinational corporations- Environmental ethics- Computer ethics- Weapons development 9 CLO 3
and ethics- Moral leadership.
Learning Resources
Naagarajan R S A “Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values, New Age International”, New Delhi 2006.
Text Books
Ref. Books Mike Martin. Ethics in Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York 1996.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
EX*1727 NSS Extension
Code Name Category 0 0 2 2
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
(BL) Level
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Design and
Identify the needs and problems of the community and
CLO-1 3 H H
involve them in problem-solving
CLO-2 Develop a sense of social and civic responsibility 2 H H H
Apply their knowledge in finding practical solutions to
CLO-3 4 H M M M H H M
individual and community problems
Implement skills in mobilizing community participation
CLO-4 3 H M H H H M
and leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural
CLO-5 disasters and practice national integration and social 2 H H H
5 Organizing events for celebration of Republic Day, Independence Day & birthdays of National Heroes 9 CLO 2, CLO 4
Learning Resources
Text Books NA
Ref. Books NA
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
professional knowledge
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
(BL) Level
social awareness
Innovation and
Disciplinary /
Define the basic concepts of managing human resource
CLO-1 1 H H H M M M H
Recruitment – Job Analysis – Purpose – Job Description – Job Specification
3. Recruitment policy – Centralized/ decentralized recruitment – Sources of– Factors affecting Recruitment – Recruitment 12 CLO 3
Process – Recruitment Vs Selection – Selection Procedure – Placement – Induction – Objectives – Advantages
Training & Development – Purpose – Need – Importance – Techniques (on the job & off the job) – Evaluation – Benefits
4. – Management Development Programme – Job Enlargement – Job Enrichment – Job Evaluation – Meaning – Purpose – 12 CLO 4
Performance Appraisal – Need – Importance – Techniques – Benefits – Career Planning –Need – Process – Succession
12 CLO 5
Planning – Career Development – Steps – Career Development Actions – Advantages
Learning Resources
Text Books Aswathappa K, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013
1. Rao, V. S. P. “Human Resource Management”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2005.
Ref. Books
2. Cascio, W. F., “Managing Human Resources”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Munmun Goswami, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite
Disciplinary / professional
communication skills
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
(BL) Level
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
Define the meaning, objective and importance of cost
CLO-1 1 H M H M M M H
and management accounting.
Labour: Importance of Labour Cost Control – Various Methods of Wage Payment –Time Rate System, Piece
Rate system-premium and Bonus Plans.
OVERHEADS: Overheads: Classification – Allocation and Apportionment of overheads-primary Distribution of Overheads-
3. 12 CLO-3
Secondary Distribution of Overheads. Including 'Machine Hour Rate'
FUNDS FLOW & CASH FLOW ANALYSIS: Funds Flow and Cash Flow Analysis: Schedule of changes in working capital – Preparation of 'funds
4. flow statement'-Preparation of 'Cash Flow Statement' – Importance of funds flow and cash flow Analysis – 12 CLO-4
Difference between funds flow and cash flow.
RATIO ANALYSIS & MARGINAL COSTING: Ratio Analysis: Utility and limitations of Accounting Ratios – calculation of Accounting Ratios –
Ratio Analysis for Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability and Leverage.
5. Marginal Costing: The Concept – Break Even Analysis – Break – Even Chart – Cost Volume Profit Analysis- 12 CLO-5
Break Even Point –Margin of Safety. Budget and Budgetary Control: Preparation of different types of Budget
– Production, Cash and Flexible Budget
Learning Resources
Text Books
Reddy T.S. & Y. Hariprasad Reddy, Cost Accounting, Margham publishers, 2003
1. Iyengar S. P., Cost Accounting: Principles and Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1980.
Ref. Books 2. Bhar B.K., Cost Accounting: Methods and problems, Academic Publishers, 1970
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Amit Kumar Dutta, Assistant Professor (Senior
Grade), Department of Commerce
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA 1733 Management Information Systems Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
communication skills
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Bloom’s Learning
Lifelong learning
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Outcomes (BL) Level
Innovation and
CLO-1 Define the types and importance of information systems. 1 H H H M
Explain the various types of information systems and
CLO-2 2 H H H M M M
application software.
Demonstrate knowledge of various hardware and
CLO-3 software components that comprise an information 2 H H H H M
Compile the idea surrounding various network devices,
CLO-4 4 H H H H M M M
topology, and architecture.
Demonstrate the role of databases and highlight the
CLO-5 2 H H H H M M M M
importance of DBMS.
Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Business Intelligence (BI);Management Information Systems (MIS)-
Applications of Management Information Systems (MIS Executive Information Systems (EIS); Group Decision Support Systems
Data Management: What is Database Management?; Database Concepts and Structures; What is a Database Management
Unit 5 System?; Models of Database Management Systems (DBMS); What is a Relational Database?; Types of Data; Structured Query 12 CLO-5
Language; Data Warehousing and Data Mining; Cloud Computing and Databases
Learning Resources
1. Kenneth C. Laudon, JaneP. Laudon. (2016) Management Information systems: Managing the Digital Firm
Text Books (14Edt). Pearson education.
2. Supplementary Materials: Self Learning Materials (Pdf)
James A O'Brien, George M. Markas, Ramesh Behl.(2017).Management information systems (10Edt).
Ref. Books
McGraw hill.
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
(Sl. Gd)
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 4 0 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Critical and
Design and
Define the concepts, principles and process of training
CLO-1 1 H H M M
and development.
Express how to assess training needs and design
CLO-2 2 H H H M
training programmes in an organizational setting.
Explain the levels, tools and techniques involved in
CLO-3 3 H H M H M M
evaluation of training effectiveness.
Incorporate the social aspects of training, e-learning,
CLO-4 3 H H M H M M
and employee development.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
1 Introduction to Employee Training and Development – Designing Training – Needs Assessment – Training Process – Conceptual Models 12 CLO 1
Pre Training- Expectations and Motivations -Training – Exposure to opportunities for learning Training Process for the Participant’s 12
2 CLO 2
Organization – Pre Training-objectives, and Motivation, Training Post Training Support and organizational, Adjustments
Training Strategy – External – Establishing Training Goals – Defining Training specifications. Internal – Organizing Training Inputs – Pre 12
3 CLO 2, CLO3
Training Phase – Organizational collaboration through clarifying needs – Individual Motivation
Training methods training requirements, business, game lab training, Training for Personnel and OD, Incidents Cases, Seminars and Lectures, 12
4 CLO 3
Sampling Real Life, Role Playing Sensitivity Training, In Basket, Designing the Programme-Building Training Groups.
Training phase – Developing the Group – Social Process – Standards of Behaviour – Indicators of Group Development, Post Training Phase – 12
5 Support and Evaluation – Input Overload – Unrealistic Goals – Linkage Failure – E-Learning and Use of Technology in Training – Employee CLO 4
Learning Resources
Text Books Raymond Noe, Employee Training & Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
1. Dr. Ratan Reddy, “Effective HR Training Development Strategy”, HPH, 2005.
Ref. Books
2. Mathews. S. “Designing and Managing a Training and Development Strategy”, Pearson, 2005.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Sreejana Saha, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1735 Creativity & Innovation Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
Disciplinary / professional
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Innovation and
Outcomes (BL) Level
CLO-1 Define the extent of creative artistic thinking capability 1 H H H H M - H H -
Explain the different creativity and analytical skills
CLO-2 2 H H H H M M H H M
building techniques.
Demonstrate the ideas of new product and project
CLO-3 3 H H H H M M H H M
development activities.
Analyze the factors and methods of project evaluation
CLO-4 4 H H H H M H H H
Plan national projects with acceptable level of quality
CLO-5 3 H H H H M M H H H
and testing.
Learning Resources
Text Books T.Buzan, The ultimate Book of Mind Maps, Thorsons, 2005
1. Bono, Six Thinking Hearts Penguin Books, 1999.
Ref. Books
2. Managing Creativity and Innovation, Harvard Business Press, 2003.
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Experts from Industry: Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
Dr. Shankar
NA (Sl. Gd)
Associate Prof., Sikkim University
Dr. Deepkant Gajmer, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 2 0 2 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
Course Learning
Individual and
Disciplinary /
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning (BL)
Design and
Outcomes (CLO)
Learning Resources
Text Books Moral Element by Dr. Shanthichitra, Published by Department of English, FSH, SRM University, Chennai
1. Collective Learning for Transformational Change by Valerie A. Brown, Judith A.Lambert.
Ref. Books 2. Defining the Humanities by Robert Proctor.
3. The Moral Animal by Robert Wright.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Sreejana Saha, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA 1737 Case study 2 Internal
Code Name Category 2 1 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
Express proficiency in summarizing and extracting
CLO-1 2 H H
relevant information from existing business cases
Analyze the business cases and clearly define the various
CLO-2 4 H M H M
reasons for the problems faced by organizations .
Learning Resources
Text Books NA
Ref. Books NA
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
SPD1738 Soft Skill and Verbal Aptitude Ability Enhancement Course
Code Name Category 1 0 2 2
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Re-engineer their attitude, understand its influence on
CLO-1 1 H H H H H M H M
behavior and set goals
Identify importance of time management and creativity
CLO-2 2 H M H H M M H M M
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Mitra, Barun K. “Personality Development and Soft Skills.” Oxford University Press, Delhi , 2013.
1 Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development. Ed. B. N. Gosh. Tata McGrraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd,
2 Kumar, Sujit. “The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability for the CAT and Other MBA Examinations. Pearson Publication, 2013.
Ref. Books
3 Sharma, Arun., Meenakshi Upadhya “How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT. McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited; 4 edition, 2011.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr. Pramila Chettri, Associate Professor, Tadong Govt Ms. Manisha Takuri, Assistant Professor, SRM
College, Gangtok University Sikkim
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
Lifelong learning
social awareness
Innovation and
(BL) Level
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Define insights on the principles and practices in shop
CLO-1 1 H M H H H M H M
floor management.
Express the importance of inventory management system
CLO-2 2 H M H H H M H
for ensuring a smooth flow of materials within a plant.
Explain the need to locate a plant facility to take
CLO-3 4 H M H H H M H M
advantage of economic and operational efficiencies.
Construct an optimum facility layout in a factory for
CLO-4 3 H M H H H M H
seamless materials handling.
Implement a minimum standard for quality of design,
CLO-5 conformance, and performance of products/processes in an 3 H M H H H M M H M
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Production system– Decision making in production (make or buy) (Numerical Problems) - production and operations Management – Recent
1 trends in Production and Operations Management -Methods of Manufacturing (Intermittent, Continuous, Flexible Manufacturing systems) – 12 CLO 1
Characteristics of Modern Manufacturing – Operations in the Service sector- Manufacturing Vs Service operations
Plant location – Location need analysis – Factors affecting plant Location decision – Comparison of site location area (Numerical Problems) –
2 Plant layout – Types of Layout – Comparison of Plant Layouts – Types of Maintenance – Total Productive Maintenance - Replacement 12 CLO 3
(Numerical Problems)
Materials Management - Material Handling System– Types of Material Handling Equipment –- Basic Inventory Management - Selective
3 12 CLO 2
inventory control techniques –ABC analysis (Numerical Problems)
Inspection and Quality Control – Statistical Quality Control – Types of Control Charts for Variables and Attributes – Numerical Problems - Work
4 12 CLO 5
study and Work Measurement
Objectives, Functions, purchasing cycle and Purchase Policies - Vendor Rating Methods (Numerical Problems) –stores management – Stores
5 12 CLO 1, CLO 4
Location – Stores Layout – Stock Verification and Documents pertaining to purchase and stores management.
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Paneerselvam R., “Production and Operations Management”, PHI Learning Private limited, 2013.
1 K. Aswathappa, K. Shridhara Bhat. Production and Operations Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2014
Ref. Books
2 Saxena J.P. “Production and Operations Management”; McGraw-Hill Education private limited; 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA 1742 Strategic Management Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
communication skills
solutions / practices
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
(BL) Level
Define the strategic objectives of framing vision and
CLO-1 1 H H H H H H H H
mission of organization.
Explain the procedure of macro-environment analysis
CLO-2 2 H M H M H H H H
and internal organization analysis.
Analyze the alternative strategy plan and implementation
CLO-3 4 H H H H H H H H H
Illustrate the strategy evaluation and control frameworks
CLO-4 2 H H H M H H H H H
for maintaining social and environmental concerns.
Policies; Resource Allocation; Managing Conflict; Matching Structure with Strategy;
Managing Resistance to Change; Strategy Implementation concerns; Implementing Strategies: Strategy implementation Issues;
Acquiring Capital to Implement Strategies;
Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control: The Nature of Strategy Evaluation; A Strategy-Evaluation Framework; The Balanced
Unit 5 Scorecard; Characteristics of an Effective Evaluation System; Contingency Planning; Auditing Business Ethics/Social 12 CLO-4 | CLO-5
Responsibility/Environmental Sustainability: Business Ethics; Social Responsibility; Environmental Sustainability;
Learning Resources
Text Books David, R. Fred. (2011). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (13th Edt). Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.
Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunder, Alan N. Hoffman, Charles E. Bramford. (2016). Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy
Ref. Books (14th Edt). Pearson.
AzharKazmi, “Strategic Management & Business Policy”, Tata McGraw
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Dr. Nitya Sundar, Associate Prof.
NA NA Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
(Sl. Gd).
Course Course Course Discipline Specific Elective Courses L T P C
BBA1743 Operations Research
Code Name Category (DSE) 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Elementary Mathematics Co-requisite Linear Algebra
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define the use of variables and parameters for formulating H H H H
CLO-1 2 M M
mathematical models of management problems.
Express quantitative representation of mathematical H H H H M M
CLO-2 3 M
models for reaching rational decisions.
Apply software packages for solving complex H H H H M M
CLO-3 mathematical models in optimization and decision 4 M
Evaluate the strategies of decision-makers under situations H H H H M M
CLO-4 4 M M
of trade-offs and uncertainties
CLO-5 Plan projects with consideration of the time-cost tradeoffs. 4 M
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Sharma J. K. “Operations Research”, Macmillan India Limited, 2012.
1 Kothari C. R. Quantitative Techniques, Vikas Publishing House, 2009.
Ref. Books
2 Pannerselvam R. “Operations Research”, Prentice Hall India Private Limited, 2011.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1744 Sales Management Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Marketing Management Co-requisite
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define selling procedure for reaching achievable selling
CLO-1 1 H M H M H M H
Express market and sales potential of any business
CLO-2 scenario using appropriate prediction and forecasting 2 H M H M H M H
Explain sales organization for leading sales personnel in
CLO-3 3 H M H M H M M H
implementing selling plans.
Implement methods of motivating sales personnel from
CLO-4 the perspectives of different motivation and compensation 4 H M H M H M H
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Sales Management – Objectives – Types of Personal Selling objectives – Market Potential – Sales potential – Sales Forecast – Analyzing
1 10 CLO 1, CLO 2
Market Potential – Market Indexes – Sales Forecasting Methods
Nature of Sales Management Positions – Functions of the Sales Executive – Qualities of Effective Sales Executives –Sales Organization –
2 Purpose -Setting up a Sales Organization – Basic types of Sales Organizational Structures – Organization of the sales department – Schemes 10 CLO 3
for dividing Line Authority in the Sales Organization
Sales Force Management – Job Analysis – Job Description – Organization for Recruiting and Selection – Sources of Sales Force Recruits –
3 The Recruiting Effort – Selecting Sales Personnel. Training, Motivation And Compensation Of Sales Force: Building Sales Training Programs – 12 CLO 3
Selecting Training Methods – Organization for Sales Training – Evaluating Sales Training Programs
Motivation – Motivational Help from Management – Requirements of a Good Sales Compensation Plan – Devising a Sales Compensation Plan
4 14 CLO 4
– Types of Compensation Plans – Fringe Benefits.
The Sales Budget: Purpose of the Sales Budget – Form and Content – Budgetary Procedure – Quotas: Objectives in using Quotas – Types of
5 Quotas and Quota-Setting Procedures – Sales Territories: Sales Territory Concept – Reasons for Establishing Sales Territories – Procedures 14 CLO 1, CLO 3
for Setting up Sales Territories – Routing and Scheduling Sales Personnel.
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Ramneek Kapoor, “Fundamentals of Sales Management”, Macmillan, 2008
1 Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff & Norman A. P. Govoni, “Sales Management”, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
Ref. Books
2 Inagram, LaForge, Avila, Schwepker Jr., Williams, “Sales Management”. 2004
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
social awareness
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Design and
Define the functions, characteristics, categorization, and
CLO-1 1 H H H H H H
significance of the retail management.
Explain the concepts of strategic retail planning, target
CLO-2 2 H H H H M H H
market, and retailing format.
Express the issues retail planning process, forecasting
CLO-3 3 H M H H H M H H
sales, and methods of merchandise procurement.
Analyze various pricing strategies, pricing techniques
CLO-4 4 H M H H H H M H H
and communication mix.
Evaluate recruitment, orientation, motivation,
CLO-5 5 H M H H H M H H
evaluation, and compensation of store employees.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
Advantage-Growth strategies-Global Growth opportunities-The strategic Retailing Planning Process-Retail locations-
Information Systems.
Merchandise Management: Process Overview-The Buying organization, Merchandise Category, Evaluating
3. Merchandise Management Performance, Types of Merchandise Management Planning Processes, Forecasting Sales, 12 CLO 3
Developing an Assortment Plan, Setting Inventory and Product Availability Levels-Merchandise Planning Systems-
Methods of Merchandise procurement: Merchandise Sourcing, Strategic Relationships.
Retail Pricing: Concept and considerations in setting Retail prices, Pricing Strategies, Pricing Techniques, The
4. Internet and Price Competition. Retail Communication Mix: Communication programs, Methods of Communicating with 12 CLO 4
Customers, Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Retail Communication Programs
Store Management: Recruiting, Orientation and Training, Motivating, Evaluating, Compensating and Rewarding
5. Store employees, Controlling Costs and Inventory Shrinkage-Store Layout, Design and Visual Merchandising: store 12 CLO 5
Design and Retail strategy, Space management, Visual merchandising, Atmospherics, Web Site Design. Customer
Service: Setting Service Standards, Meeting and exceeding service standards, Service recovery.
Learning Resources
Text Books Chetan Bajaj,Rajnishtuli, NidiVarmaSrivastava,Retail Management, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Ref. Books 1. Swapna Pradhan, “Retailing Management Text and Cases”, McGrawHill, 2009..
2. Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz & Ajay Pandit, “Retail Management, Tata” McGraw Hill, 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr. Moumita Dey, Asst. Prof.
BBA1746 Internal
Code Name ACCOUNTING Category 2 0 2 3
Pre-requisite SPD1716 Co-requisite
communication skills
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
Develop knowledge about Tally and other computer
CLO-1 2 H H
applications used in accounting.
5. Reports 6 CLO5
6 Tutorial 1 : The task assigned will be to creating a new company and enter all the relevant details in Tally and save it 6 CLO1
Tutorial 2 : The task assigned will be to create ledger for Capital account, Purchase account, Sales account, Direct 6
7 CLO2
expenses, Cash account, Profit & Loss account, Debtors account, Creditors account
8. Tutorial 3 : The task assigned will be to create inventory details i.e Stock group, Unit of measure, Stock item 6 CLO3, CLO4
Tutorial 4 : The task assigned will be to Create Single ledgers, Multiple ledgers, Voucher posting sales order, Purchase 6
9. CLO3, CLO4
10.. Tutorial 5 : The task assigned will be to generate financial statement for 1 quarter and conduct analysis 6 CLO5
Learning Resources
Text Books V. Sundaramoorthy , “Tally Bible”
Ref. Books V. Palanivel , “Tally”, Margham Publications, Chennai
1 Remember 50%
2 Understand 50%
3 Apply 25% 25% 50% 25% 30% 50%
4 Analyze 25% 25% 50% 25% 50% 50%
5 Evaluate 50% 50% 50% 20%
6 Create
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Munmun Goswami, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA 1756 Case study 3 Internal
Code Name Category 2 1 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
business practices
Lifelong learning
Ethical standards
development of
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Written and
Critical and
Design and
solutions /
and social
Develop proficiency in summarizing and extracting
CLO-1 3 H
relevant information from existing business cases
Analyze the business cases and clearly define the various
CLO-2 4 H M H M
reasons for the problems faced by organizations.
Present practical & creative solutions to the problems
CLO-3 6 H H H M H H M H H
mentioned in the cases
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
1 Case Study in Finance & Business Ethics 9 CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3
Learning Resources
Text Books NA
Ref. Books NA
1 Remember
2 Understand
3 Apply 50% 30% 25% 50% 25% 25% 25%
4 Analyze 50% 50% 25% 50% 25% 25% 25%
5 Evaluate 20% 50% 50% 50% 50%
6 Create
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Course L T P C
SPD1748 Internal
Code Name Reasoning – I Category 1 1 0 2
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Develop fundamental understanding of Quantitative
CLO-1 2 H M H H
Aptitude and logical reasoning.
Demonstrate abilities to reach expert judgmental decisions
CLO-2 3 H M H M M M M
for applying in real-life managerial scenarios.
Construct basic structure of logical and non-verbal
CLO-3 3 H M H M M
reasoning to handle subtle business situations.
Analyze arguments and situations to reach decisions based
CLO-4 4 H M H H
on expert judgement and professional evaluation.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
1 Partnership Simple Interest, Compound Interest; Profit and Loss 6 CLO 1
2 Problems on Clock, Calendar and Cubes; Permutation and Combination 6 CLO 2
3 Allegation and mixtures; Logical Reasoning 6 CLO 1, CLO 3
4 Letter and Symbol series; Number series 6 CLO 2
5 Analyzing arguments; Making judgments 6 CLO 4
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Edgar Thrope, Test Of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2012
1 Agarwal. R.S – Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, S. Chand Limited 2011
Ref. Books
2 Abhijit Guha, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2011
Bloom’s Continuous Learning Assessment (100% weightage)
Level of Thinking
Assignment I (10) Assignment II (20) Assignment III (20) Cycle Test (20) Model Test (30)
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
communication skills
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
Define the concepts of financial management and
CLO-1 1 H M H H M H H
access the proper sources of finance for business.
Express leverage and working capital structure of a
CLO-2 2 H H H H M H H
Cost of capital – Basic concepts, rational and assumptions – Cost of equity capital – Cost of debt – Cost of preference
3. 12 CLO 3
capital – Cost of retained earnings- Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
Capital structure decision of the firm – Composition and sources of long – term funds – Factors determining funds
4. 12 CLO 4
Financial Information systems – Capital Budgeting – Pay Back Period (PBP) – Net Present Value (NPV) – Average Rate
5. 12 CLO 5
of Return – Internal Rate of Return – Only Simple Problems
Learning Resources
Khan M Y & P K Jain, Financial Management: “Text, Problems Cases”, Tata McGraw - Hill Education,
Text Books
1. MurthyA., Financial Management, Margham Publications, 2010.
Ref. Books
2. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: “Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr Yoowanka Lyngdoh, Asst. Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1752 Total Quality Management Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite BBA1724 Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define total quality and its extent of influence in
CLO-1 1 H H H H M H M
organizational processes.
Explain the techniques and tools for improvement of
CLO-2 3 H H H H H M H H M
quality in products and processes.
Express the significance and importance of process
CLO-3 2 H H H H M H M
measurement and improvement.
Analyze the performance of organizational processes
CLO-4 4 H H H H M M H H M
using capability index.
Develop the concepts of benchmarking, voice of
CLO-5 2 H H H H H H H M
customers, six sigma, and quality standards.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Introduction to Quality: What is Quality?- Differences Between Manufacturing and Service Organizations Cost of Quality; What is Total Quality
Management (TQM)?; Total Quality Management Principles; Barriers to TQM- Benefits of TQM: TQM Philosophies: Approach to Quality -
1 12 CLO 1
Deming, Juran, Crosby, Kaizen, Shigeo Shingo, Ishikawa, Taguchi. Customer Satisfaction: Introduction; Customer Perception of Quality;
Feedback; Service Quality; Customer Retention
Flowchart basics: what is a flowchart; when to use a flowchart; how to create a flowchart; flowchart software Continuous Improvement Tools and
2 Methods: The Plan–Do–Study–Act Cycle (PDSA); 5S Technique for good house keeping; Check Sheets; Histograms; Pareto Charts; Cause & 12 CLO 2
Effect diagram (C&E diagram); Scatter Diagram; Control Charts; Stratification
The new seven tools: Affinity Diagrams; Relations Diagram; Tree Diagram; Matrix Diagram; Matrix Data Analysis Diagram; Benchmarking:
3 Benefits of benchmarking; Types of Benchmarking; Implementation Procedure; Limitations of Benchmarking; Quality Function Deployment 12 CLO 2
(QFD): QFD Methodology; Analysing The QFD Chart; Guidelines for performing analysis
Statistical Quality Control: Defining Statistical Quality Control - Understanding the Process, Variations and Causes of Variations, Acceptable
Sampling, Control Charts-Types of control charts: Process Capability- Process Capability Index- Cp index, Cpu and Cpl indices, Cpk index Six
4 12 CLO 3, CLO 4
Sigma -Six Sigma methodology; Deviation and Standard Deviation; Phases and Defective Units of Six Sigma; Its Importance; Overview of
Master Black and Green Belt
Performance Measures: Quality Costs; Basic Concepts; Performance Measure Presentation; Appraisal Cost Category; Collection and
5 Reporting; Analysis; Deming Prize; MBNQA Quality Management Systems: International organization for standard (ISO), ISO 9000 series of 12 CLO 5
standard, Quality management principles, ISO 9001 structure, Quality audits, ISO registration, Examples of ISO standard application
Learning Resources
Text Books 1. Poornima M. Charantimath. (2017). Total Quality Management. Pearson
1. Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield, Mary Besterfield, Glen. H. Besterfield, Hemant Urdhwareshe, R Urdhwareshe.(2015). Total
Quality Management (4Edt). Pearson.
Ref. Books
2. Managing of Total Quality by N, Logothetis, Publisher: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited
3. A Management Guide to Quality and Productivity by J. Bicheno and M. R Gopalan, Publisher: Wiley-Dreamtech, New Delhi
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite SPD1748 Co-requisite SPD1758
communication skills
solutions / practices
(BL) Level
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
CLO-1 Define the process, types and objectives of a research 1 H M H M M M M H
Data Collection – Types of data –sources – tools for data collection, methods of data collection, constructing
3. 12 CLO 3
questionnaire – pilot study – case study – data processing coding – editing and tabulation of data – data analysis
Test of significance – Assumptions about parametric and nonparametric tests. Parametric tests – chi-square, T-Test, F
4. 12 CLO 4
Test and z Test. Introduction to ANOVA
Interpretation – meaning, Techniques of interpretation, Report writing- significance- and steps – layout of report – types
5. of reports – oral presentation – executive summary – mechanics of writing research report – Precautions for writing report 12 CLO 5
– norms for using tables, chart and diagrams, – Appendix- norms for using Index and Bibliography
Learning Resources
Text Books Kothari C.R., “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques”, New Age International publisher, 2004.
1. Rao K.V., “Research Methodology in Commerce and Management”, Sterling Publishers, 1993.
Ref. Books 2. Wilkinson Bhadarkar, “Methodology & Techniques Of Social Research”, Himalaya Publishing House,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr Monu Singh, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1754 Services Marketing Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
innovative thinking
business practices
Lifelong learning
Ethical standards
development of
Innovation and
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
solutions /
and social
CLO-1 Define evolution and types of service-oriented business. 1 H H H H M H
Express the concepts of market potential and service
CLO-2 2 H H H H M M M H
marketing mix.
Explain service quality development and deployment
CLO-3 3 H H H H M M M M H
Demonstrate positioning, pricing and delivery strategies
CLO-4 3 H H H H M M M M H
for services.
Implement concepts of service marketing in different
CLO-5 4 H H H H M M H M H
business scenario
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Definition–Service Economy–Evolution and growth of service sector Nature and Scope –Unique
1 12 CLO 1
characteristics – Challenges and issues.
Assessing service market potential – Classification of services–Expanded marketing mix– Environment
2 12 CLO 2
and trends–market segmentation, targeting and positioning
Service Life Cycle–New service development–Service Blue Printing–GAP’s modeL of service quality–
3 12 CLO 3
Measuring service quality–SERVQUAL–Service Quality function development
Positioning of services–Designing service delivery System, Service Channel–Pricing of services,
4 12 CLO 4
methods–Service marketing triangle – Integrated Service marketing communication
5 Services marketing for health – Hospitality – Tourism – Financial – Educational –Entertainment Sectors) 12 CLO 5
Learning Resources
Textbook Palmer Adrian, "Principles of Services marketing",McGraw Hill
Ref. Books
1. Services Marketing, ChristopherH. Lovelock and JochenWirtz, PearsonEducation, 2004.
2. “Services Marketing”, Valarie Zeithamletal, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012 Pvt. Ltd. 2010
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite BBA1751
Disciplinary / professional
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Lifelong learning
(BL) Level
social awareness
Innovation and
Define the meaning, characteristics, objectives and
CLO-1 1 H M H M M H H
types of investment.
Fundamental and technical analysis-forecasting techniques (industry analysis –industry classification-industry life cycle)
4. – company analysis-technique analysis-charting analysis –trend analysis-difference between fundamental and technical 12 CLO 4
5. Portfolio analysis – portfolio selection-portfolio revision-portfolio evaluation 12 CLO 5
Learning Resources
Text Books Pandian P., Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Vikas publication
1. Murthy A., Financial Management, Margham Publications, 2010.
Ref. Books
2. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: “Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Dr Yoowanka Lyngdoh, Asst Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1756 Name
Case Study 3
2 1 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Develop proficiency in summarizing and extracting
CLO-1 3 H
relevant information from existing business cases
Analyze the business cases and clearly define the various
CLO-2 4 H H
reasons for the problems faced by organizations.
Present practical & creative solutions to the problems
CLO-3 4 H H H H H M H H
mentioned in the cases.
Evaluate case solutions from the perspective of managerial
CLO-4 5 H H M M M M M M
and social feasibility for better decision-making
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO
1 Case Study on Productions Planning and Inventory Management 9
CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO
2 Case Study on Human Resource Planning 9
CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO
3 Case Study on Capital Budgeting 9
CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO
4 Case Study on Quality Engineering Practices 9
CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO
5 Case Study on Service Operations Management 9
Learning Resources
Ref. Books NA
1 Remember
2 Understand
3 Apply 50% 30% 25% 50% 25% 25% 25%
4 Analyze 50% 50% 25% 50% 25% 25% 25%
5 Evaluate 20% 50% 50% 50% 50%
6 Create
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
SPD1757 Entrepreneurial Development Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Code Name Category 0 0 3 3
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
Disciplinary / professional
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Innovation and
Outcomes (BL) Level
Define entrepreneurial concept and process – challenges
CLO-1 1 H - H - M - - - -
and qualities.
Explain various entrepreneurial bodies – government and
CLO-2 3 H - H - M - H M -
Express the fundamentals of project management and
CLO-3 2 H H H M - M - - -
express how it applies to entrepreneurship
CLO-4 Demonstrate the entrepreneurial development programs 2 H - H - - H - - M
Analyze the relationship between entrepreneurism and
CLO-5 3 H - H - - - M - -
economic development
Learning Resources
Text Books Dr. Gupta C.B., Dr.Srinivasan N.P, “Entrepreneurial Development”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2009.
1. Saravanavel P., “Entrepreneurial Development”, Ess Pee kay Publishing House, 1997.
Ref. Books
2. Vasant Desai, “Project Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, 1999.
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Experts from Industry: Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. Prof
Dr. Shankar
NA (Sl. Gd)
Associate Prof., Sikkim University
Dr. Deepkant Gajmer, Asst. Prof.
Course Course Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Course L T P C
SPD1758 Internal
Code Name Reasoning – II Category 0 0 2 2
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Develop fundamental understanding of Quantitative
CLO-1 2 H M H H
Aptitude and logical reasoning.
Demonstrate abilities to reach rational decisions with by
CLO-2 3 H M H H M M M
considering various reasoning and logical conditions.
Analyze the numerical ability and accuracy in
CLO-3 3 H M H M M
mathematical calculations.
Write the alternative aspects of logical puzzles to establish
CLO-4 3 H M H M
decisions based on quantitative evaluation.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
1 Time and Distance; Height and Distance; Problems on Ages, Trains 6 CLO 1
2 Pipes and Cistern Boats and Streams; Probability 6 CLO 2
3 Solve quantitative and logical reasoning problems; Approach interviews and recruitments with confidence 6 CLO 1, CLO 2
4 Direction Sense test; Venn diagrams; Seating arrangements 6 CLO 2
5 Cause and effect; Blood relation test; Dice; Logical verbal puzzles 6 CLO 3, CLO 4
Learning Resources
Text Books 1 Edgar Thrope, Test Of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2012
1 Agarwal. R.S – Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, S. Chand Limited 2011
Ref. Books
2 Abhijit Guha, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2011
Bloom’s Continuous Learning Assessment (100% weightage)
Level of Thinking
Assignment I (10) Assignment II (20) Assignment III (20) Cycle Test (20) Model Test (30)
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define logistics, objectives, scope and the elements of
CLO-1 1 H M H M M H
logistics system.
Express the documentation procedure in logistics and the
CLO-2 2 H M H M M M M
modes of transportation.
Analyze strategies for supply chain and inventory
CLO-3 3 H M H H M M H M M
Explain the various strategies and application prospects of
CLO-4 2 H M H H M M M H M
supply chain management.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Logistics system – concept, objectives and scope – Logistics interface with Marketing – Logistics system elements – Importance and relevance
1 12 CLO 1
to export management – Managing towards logistics excellence.
2 Import and export documentation – Frame work – Standardized pre-shipment Export documents – Commercial and regulatory documents. 12 CLO 1, CLO 2
Concept of multi modal transport – Different transport modes – Modal interfaces – Intermodal systems – road/rail/sea; sea/air; road/air; road/rail,
3 12 CLO 1, CLO 2
sea/rail, sea/road – Inland Container Depot (ICD) & Container Freight Station (CFS) Terminals
Supply Chain Management – Global Optimization – importance – key issues – Inventory management – Economic lot size model. Supply
4 12 CLO 1, CLO 3
contracts – centralized vs. decentralized system
Supply chain Integrates- Push, Pull strategies – Demand driven strategies – Impact on grocery industry – retail industry – distribution strategies.
5 Procurement and Outsourcing: Outsourcing – benefits and risks – framework for make/buy decision – e-procurement – frame work of e- 12 CLO 3
Learning Resources
1. Logistics Management World Seaborne Trade” – Dr.KrishnaveniMuthiah, PHI, 2010
Text Books
2. Logistics and Supply Chain Management – G. Raghu ram, PHI 2010
Ref. Books 1. Text book of Logistics and Supply Chain Management; D. K. Agarwal, PHI 2010
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA 1762 Project Management Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite None Co-requisite None
communication skills
solutions / practices
Lifelong learning
Innovation and
(BL) Level
Define the phases, financing and cost analysis techniques
CLO-1 1 H M H M M H M
of projects.
Demonstrate project financial feasibility analysis using
CLO-2 2 H H H H M H H M M
an array of techniques.
Develop a Work Break Down Structure for any given
CLO-3 2 H H H H M H M M
Analyze projects from the perspectives of critical paths
CLO-4 3 H H H H M H M M
and resource levelling.
Illustrate project audit and different project closure
CLO-5 3 H H H H M H H M M
Project Planning: Initial project coordination; Project planning process-Project Task Definition and Development; Creating a
Unit 3 15 CLO-3
project Action Plan; Creating the Work Break Down Structure; Integration management and interface coordination
Project monitoring: Designing the monitoring system-Determine the method for data collection, Project reporting; Measuring the
performance of a project-Earned Value Analysis, Critical Ratio Control Charts; Computerized Project Management Systems
Unit 4 12 CLO-4
Project Control: Nature of the control process; Purpose of control; Cybernetic control, Go/No-Go Controls, Post Control,
Benchmarking; Balance in a control system; Control of change and scope creep
Project Audit: Purpose of Audit; Types of project audit; Project Audit Life Cycle, Depth of project audit; Audit levels, Timing of
Unit 5 the audit; Construction and Use of Audit Reports; Essentials of Audit/Evaluation (a/e) process; 12 CLO-5
Project Termination: Types of project termination, Termination Process; The final project report
Learning Resources
Text Books 1. Meredith, jack R.; Mantel, Samuel J.(2012). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (8edt). New Delhi: Wiley India (P.) Ltd.
1. Pinto, Jeffery K. Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage. Patparganj, Delhi. Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., 2009
Ref. Books
2. Erik Larson, Clifford Gray. (2017). project Management. The Managerial Process. McGraw Hill Education.
Course Designers
Internal Experts:
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions:
Dr. Wangchuk Chungyalpa, Asst. prof
(Sl. Gd)
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1763 Industrial Law Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define the basic concepts and understandings of industrial
CLO-1 law and its provisions under the constitutional framework 1 H H M H H H
of India.
Explain the laws relating to factories, payment of wages,
CLO-2 Industrial disputes, Trade unions and collective 2 H M H M M H H H
Plan the maintenance of industrial harmony and ensuring
CLO-3 healthy relationship among the workforce for achieving 3 H M H M M H M H H
the organizational goals.
Produce future business plans and strategies keeping the
CLO-4 4 H M H M H H H
legal frameworks and jurisdictions in consideration.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
Factories Act, 1948: Definitions – Health – Safety – Welfare – Working hours of Adults. Employment of women – Employment of young
1 12 CLO 1
person’s – Leave with wages.
The payment of Wages Act, 1936: Definitions – Responsibilities for payment – Wage periods – Time of payment – Deductions – claim for
wrongful deductions.
2 12 CLO 2
Minimum Wages Act, 1948: Interpretation – Fixing minimum rates of wages – Minimum rate of wages – Procedures for fixing – Committee and
Advisory boards – Payment of minimum wages – Register and Records – Inspectors – Claims – Penalties and Procedures – The schedule
The industrial Disputes Act, 1947: Definitions – Authorities under the Act – Reference of disputes – Procedures and powers of authorities –
3 12 CLO 3
Strikes and Lockouts – Layoff and Retrenchment – Special provision relating to Lay – off – Retrenchment and Lock – outs.
Trade Union Act 1926: Growth & Functions of Trade Union – Definitions – Agreements not affected by the Act – Regulation – Rights &
4 12 CLO 3, CLO 4
Privileges, Duties & Liabilities of a Registered Trade Union – General & Special Fund – Amalgamation & Dissolution of Trade Union.
Work Men Compensation Act 1923: Definition – need – Scope and coverage of act – Employer liability for compensation including theory of
5 national extension – Employer and occupational diseases – Defenses available to employer – Amount and distribution of compensation – Notice 12 CLO 3, CLO 4
of claim – Medical examination – Obligation and rights of employer and employee – Schedule of Act
Learning Resources
Text Books 1. Tripathi P.C. and Gupta C.B., “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1990.
1. Sreenivasan M.R., Commercial and Industrial Law, Margham Publications, 2000
Ref. Books
2. Kapoor, N.D., “Elements of Mercantile Law”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Rohan Nambiar, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
Lifelong learning
social awareness
Innovation and
Individual and
Course Learning
Disciplinary /
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning (BL)
Outcomes (CLO)
Learning Resources
Dr.MichealE.Whitman, Herbert J. Mattord,”Principles and Practices of Information Security” Cengage
Text Books
Learning Fourth Indian Reprint, 2010
1. Michael T. Simpson, “Ethical Hacking and Network Defense”, course technology, Language Learning, 2009
Ref. Books 2. Rajneesh Agarwal, Bharat Bhushan Tiwari, “Data communication and computer networks”,VIKAS
3. Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2009
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Sreejana Saha, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1765 Customer Relationship Management Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Marketing Management Co-requisite
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
business practices
Lifelong learning
Ethical standards
development of
Innovation and
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
and social
Define the various concepts of Customer Relationship
CLO-1 1 H H H M M H H
Express customer and business strategies of customer
CLO-2 2 H H H M M H M H H
relationship management.
Analyze the profitability, retention and lifetime value of
CLO-3 3 H H H M M M H H
Explain the channel strategies and applications of
CLO-4 2 H H H M M M M H H
customer relationship management.
CLO-5 Evaluate the CRM performance and budgeting system. 4 H H H H M H H
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
The origins of CRM-The key principles of relationship marketing; The role of CRM-Varying definitions of
CRM, The CRM continuum – three perspectives of CRM, Use of CRM and its terminology, A definition
1 12 CLO 1
of CRM; Types of CRM; Five key cross-functional CRM processes-The need for a CRM strategic
Business strategy: The role of business strategy, Business vision. Industry and competitive characteristics;
Customer strategy-The role of customer strategy, Customer choice and characteristics, the role of market
2 segmentation, Market segmentation, Segment granularity; Aligning business strategy and customer 12 CLO 2
strategy, CRM strategy development. The value the customer receives-The value proposition, Value
The value the organization receives-Customer profitability, Customer acquisition and its economics,
Customer retention and its economics, Acquisition and retention activities in practice, A framework for
3 customer retention improvement, Customer segment lifetime value. Channel participants and channel 12 CLO 3
options; Reviewing industry channel structures; Channel options and categories; Integration and the
channel categories
Channel strategies; Understanding the customer experience; Building a multi-channel strategy; Planning
channel strategy across stakeholders; The role of information, IT and information management; The
4 12 CLO 4
information management process; The technical barriers in CRM 232; The data repository; Analytical
tools; IT systems; Front-office and back-office applications; .
Understanding the key drivers of shareholder results; Developing appropriate standards, metrics and KPIs;
Establishing a CRM performance monitoring system; Evaluating and communicating CRM return on
5 12 CLO 5
investment CRM readiness assessment; CRM change management and project management; Employee
engagement; The CRM budget
Learning Resources
Payne, Adrian. (2005). HANDBOOK OF CRM: Achieving Excellence in Customer Management. Butterworth-Heinemann publications.
Text Books
Ref. Books Francis Buttle, "CRM Concepts & Technologies", Rout ledge, Second Edition, 2009
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
SPD1766 Leadership and Team Management Internal
Code Name Category 1 1 0 2
Pre-requisite NIL Co-requisite NIL
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
solutions / practices
innovative thinking
Lifelong learning
social awareness
At the end of this course, learners will be able to: Learning
development of
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
(BL) Level
Critical and
Design and
Define team management and leadership skills for
CLO-1 effectively working in a team and interact professionally 1 H M H M H M M H
in all means of expression.
Demonstrate several theories of leadership in evaluating
CLO-2 2 H H M H M M M H
company-wide decision problems.
Explain effective leadership communication and power for
CLO-3 2 H M H M H H M M H
proper subordinate management.
Analyze the importance of providing direction, alignment,
CLO-4 3 H M H M H H M M H
relationships, personal qualities, and outcomes.
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
S. No Course Content Hour Alignment to CLO
1 Leadership Attributes – Styles – Theories of Effective Leadership – charismatic leader, transformational leader. 6 CLO 2
2 Factors influencing Leadership Behaviour I: Personality, types, theories, Perception, factors – Learning Styles – theories. 6 CLO 1, CLO 2
Factors influencing Leadership Behaviour II: Emotional Intelligence – skills for Emotional intelligence – Cultural – formation – changing culture,
3 6 CLO 1, CLO 2
Organizational and Situational Factors.
Description of teams in the organizations – organizational context of teams -- structure, culture, support, human resource policies – team
4 6 CLO 3
topography – purpose of teams, types of teams, size, diversity, extent of use
Intra-team processes (task-related): mission, goals, objectives, action planning – intra-team processes (relationship-related): communication,
5 conflict, trust, and decision-making – inter-team processes: conflict, coordination – team effectiveness – measures of productivity, satisfaction, 6 CLO 3, CLO 4
Learning Resources
Text Books 1. David, R. Fred. (2011). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (13th Edt). Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.
1 Dr. SankaranS., Policy & Strategic Management, Margham Publications, 2010.
Ref. Books
2 PrasadL.M., “Strategic Management”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2008.
3 AzharKazmi, “Strategic Management & Business Policy”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Mitrabarun Ghosh, Assistant Professor
Course Course Course L T P C
BBA1767 Project Work Core
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4
Organizational behavior Marketing, Finance,
Pre-requisite Co-requisite NIL
Human Resource Management & Accounting
of solutions / practices
communication skills
Ethical standards and
Sustainable business
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Lifelong learning
social awareness
(BL) Level
Innovation and
Individual and
Disciplinary /
Gain 'on the field' experience and identify contemporary
CLO-1 3 H H M M
problems faced by the industry
Develop professional competency and market research
CLO-2 4 M M M M M H
Formulate strategies for improvement of products ,
CLO-3 5 H H M M M
services and their distribution and marketing
(Level of correlation: 3-High, 2-Medium, 1-Low can be used)
Summary of Course Content
Learning Resources
1. Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield, Mary Besterfield, Glen. H. Besterfield, Hemant Urdhwareshe, R Urdhwareshe.(2015). Total
Quality Management (4Edt). Pearson.
Ref. Books
2. Managing of Total Quality by N, Logothetis, Publisher: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited
3. A Management Guide to Quality and Productivity by J. Bicheno and M. R Gopalan, Publisher: Wiley-Dreamtech, New Delhi
Course Designers
Experts from Industry: Experts from Higher Education Institutions: Internal Experts:
Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official mail id Name, Designation with official id
Deepkant Gajmer, Assistant Professor