The MRI of the spine shows decreased bone density with biconcave appearance of
vertebrae known as codfish vertebrae. The given clinical scenario and the MRI
findings are suggestive of osteoporosis.
* The above image shows Von Rosen splint which is used to treat unstable hip joints
caused by congenital dysplasia.
* The splint is made of aluminium and covered with ethylene vinyl acetate which is
soft non- allergic and waterproof foam.
Thomas splint: It is a traction
splint which has a long leg splint
It is used for immobilization extending from a ring at the hip
and reduction of lower limb to beyond the foot, allowing
fractures and treatment of traction to a fractured leg.
other lower limb Used for emergencies and
pathologies. transportation.
The fracture line shown in the above image passes through the growth plate and
epiphysis, sparing the metaphysis which is classified as type III Salter Harris fracture.
It is a transverse fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal, 1.5 to 3 cm distal to the
proximal tuberosity at the meta-diaphyseal junction, without distal extension.
Mechanism: The fracture is believed to occur as a result of significant adduction force
to the forefoot with the ankle in plantar flexion.
Treatment: As displacement of the fracture can be increased with persistent weight
bearing, immobilization is important as part of the initial therapy, with a non-weight
bearing cast for 6-8 weeks.
* Internal fixation and even bone grafting may be required in cases of non-union, or
where the fracture is significantly displaced.
DUVERNEY FRACTURE: Isolated pelvic fractures involving only the iliac wing.
Maisonneuve Fracture is a spiral fracture of the upper third of fibula with disruption
of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis and associated injuries like fracture of medial
malleolus or deltoid ligament rupture. It results from external rotation injuries.
The X-ray radiograph shows bony Bankart lesion seen as a fracture of the
anteroinferior aspect of the glenoid.
* Bankart lesions are a common complication of anterior shoulder dislocation and are
usually seen in association with a Hill-Sachs lesion.
* They result due to detachment of the anterior inferior labrum from the underlying
glenoid as a direct result of the anteriorly dislocated humeral head compressing
against the labrum.
* The detachment may be labral only (known as "soft Bankart"), or may involve the
bony glenoid margin (impaction fracture) and this is called a "bony Bankart".
* Soft Bankart lesions are more common than bony Bankart lesions.
MALLET FINGER: - Disruption of the terminal extensor tendon distal to DIP joint.
Mechanism of injury: Traumatic impaction blow (i.e., sudden forced flexion) to the
tip of the finger in the extended position. This results in either a tear of the tendon or
the tendon pulling off a bit of bone. The disruption may be bony or tendinous.
Signs & Symptoms: Painful and swollen DIP joint following impaction injury to finger.
The fingertip is usually at rest at ~45° of flexion, with lack of active DIP extension.
Diagnosis: The diagnosis is generally based on symptoms and supported by X-
rays.The X-ray reveals bony avulsion of distal phalanx or may be a ligamentous injury
with normal bony anatomy.
Treatment: lt includes extension splinting of DIP joint for 6-8 weeks, and/or surgical
reconstruction of terminal tendon.
HILL SACHS LESION: Fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone
* Klein's Line: Aline drawn along superior border of femoral neck should cross at least
a portion of the femoral epiphysis
* Trethowan's sign is positive when Klein's line does not intersect the lateral part of
the superior femoral epiphysis on an AP radiograph of the pelvis.
* The above X-ray image shows Hill-Sachs lesion, which is characterized by cortical
depression in the posterolateral head of the humerus as a result of forceful impaction
of the humeral head against the anteroinferior glenoid rim due to recurrent anterior
shoulder dislocations.
* Inreverse Hill-Sachs lesion, the humeral head is dislocated posteriorly, resulting in
the anteromedial defect in the humeral head.
* In Bankart’s lesion there is injury to the anterior glenoid labrum due to anterior
shoulder dislocation.
The fracture shown in the X-ray radiograph is known as Chauffeur's fracture (also
known as Hutchinson fracture or backfire fracture).
Definition: Chauffeur fractures are the intra-articular fractures of the radial styloid
Mechanism: The injury is typically caused by compression of the scaphoid bone of
the hand against the styloid process of the distal radius.
It can be caused by falling onto an outstretched hand (FOOSH)
Mechanism of Injury: It usually results from an axial load on the back of the head or
hyperextension of the neck (as caused by diving), causing a posterior break, and may
be accompanied by a break in other parts of the cervical spine.
Diagnosis: CT demonstrates the fracture line which usually involves both the
anterior and posterior arches. MRI may reveal localised soft-tissue injury, and may
also be associated with ligamentous injury.
Treatment: The fracture is treated conservatively, by hard collar immobilisation,
provided the transverse atlantal ligament is intact. In cases where the ligament is
thought to be disrupted, the injury is considered unstableand more aggressive
management techniques which include halo immobilisation, posterior C1-C2 lateral
mass internal fixation or transoral internal fixation may be done.
The middle third of the clavicle is narrowest and has the least amount of surrounding
soft tissue structures. Therefore, 80% of fractures are seen in this area.
Within the middle-third of the clavicle, the junction of the medial 3/5t" and the
lateral 2/5™ has been described to be the weakest point. Lateral third fractures are
the second most common type of clavicular fractures.
Fall on the shoulder (direct impact) and fall on the outstretched hand are the most
common causes of clavicle fracture.
The lateral fragment in a clavicle fracture is displaced inferiorly due to the force of
gravity acting on the ipsilateral arm. The medial fragment is held up by the action of
the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
(Note: Both Pectoralis muscle and the weight of arm are responsible, but since the
weight of arm is superior to the muscle bulk and even as per standard reference we
would go with the rational explanation.)
Displaced fractures are treated with internal fixation either by contoured locking
plates or intramedullary nails.
HILL SACH LESION: This radiograph shows anterior dislocation of the shoulder. The
nerve commonly injured in anterior dislocation is the axillary nerve, not the radial
nerve. The radiograph shows the disturbed articulation between the humeral head
and glenoid fossa. The humeral head is seen below and medial to the glenoid socket.
This suggests anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint.
Common cause for anterior dislocation:
« Young adults - athletic injuries
« Elderly - falls
Bankart lesion is a tear in the anteroinferior part of the glenoid labrum caused by
the head of the humerus during anterior dislocation. Hill-Sachs lesion is a
compression fracture on the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head. It is caused
by the pressure of the anterior glenoid rim on the humeral head in recurrent
The bony Bankart lesion is a small, avulsion fracture of the glenoid rim.
During an anterior shoulder dislocation, the head of the humerus can tear the
anteroinferior part of the glenoid labrum. This is known as Bankart lesion. In some
cases, a small fragment of bone from the glenoid rim can also get avulsed. This is
known as bony Bankart lesion.
The fracture shown in the X-ray radiograph is known as Chauffeur's fracture (also
known as Hutchinson fracture or backfire fracture).
Definition: Chauffeur fractures are the intra-articular fractures of the radial styloid
Mechanism: The injury is typically caused by compression of the scaphoid bone of
the hand against the styloid process of the distal radius.
It can be caused by falling onto an outstretched hand (FOOSH)
The patient is made to place the hand on the opposite shoulder. The examiner then
applies gentle pressure on the flexed elbow to make it touch the chest.
In anterior shoulder dislocation, the elbow cannot be made to touch the chest.
In a normal shoulder, a ruler (scale) placed on the lateral side of the arm will not
touch the lateral condyle of the humerus and the acromion at the same time.
In anterior shoulder dislocation, the ruler will simultaneously touch the lateral
condyle of the humerus and the acromion.
The doctor applies a firm and steady pull on the semi-abducted arm of the patient by
keeping his foot on the axilla against the chest wall. The foot is used as the fulcrum.
Patient is left prone and weight is attached to the elbow or wrist on the affected
side. Gravity strefches the muscle and reduction occurs in 15-20 minutes.
Posterior dislocation of the shoulder usually occurs with an indirect force causing
marked internal rotation and adduction. This condition can be seen after a
convulsion, or an electric shock. It can also occur after a fall on the flexed and
adducted arm, or after a direct blow to the front of the shoulder.
The classical attitude of the arm is internal rotation and locked in that position. The
examiner will be unable to externally rotate the arm back to normal position.
LIGHT BULB SIGN: The light bulb sign can be seen on the given AP radiograph of the
left shoulder. It is seen in cases of posterior dislocation of the shoulder. In posterior
dislocation of the shoulder, the humerus rotates internally. This causes changes to
the normal radiographic contour of the head of the humerus. The humerus appears
similar to a lightbulb in AP views.
The reverse Hill-Sachs lesion is seen on the anteromedial aspect of the humeral
Inferior dislocation is rare and occurs when the arm is forcefully pulled up when in
full abduction (hyper-abduction force).
The head of the humerus gets forced out of the inferior part of the capsule and
comes to lie below the glenoid.The patient will present with the arm locked in
abduction. On examination, the humeral head may be felt in or below the axilla.
The X-ray below shows disturbed articulation between the humeral head and
glenoid. The humeral head is seen below the glenoid. The humerus shaft is in the
abducted position. This is characteristic of luxatio erecta.
SURGICAL NECK OF HUMERUS FRACTURE: It is most commonly seen in osteoporotic,
postmenopausal women. The most common mechanism of injury in fracture of the
proximal humerus is falling on the outstretched hand. The patient usually presents with
localized shoulder pain and limitation of movement in the affected arm.
Clinical features:
« Soft tissue swelling and ecchymosis
« Bony tenderness over the upper part of the humerus
« Normal contour of the shoulder is retained
« Axillary nerve is the most common nerve to be injured in proximal humerus fractures
« Undisplaced proximal humerus fractures are treated using an arm pouch or sling.
« Displaced and unstable fractures are treated by open reduction and internal fixation.
The radiograph shows a displaced spiral fracture of the humerus at the junction of
the middle-third and distal-third. This is known as Holstein-Lewis fracture.
There is a high risk of entrapment of the radial nerve in the bone fragments of this
fracture. Hence this fracture is associated with radial nerve injury (wrist drop).