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Cover CLS-CLH 7.2.2005 11:41 Pagina 1

Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Istruzioni per l’Installazione e per la Manutenzione
Instructions pour l’Installation et pour la Maintenance
Installations- und Wartungsanleitung
Instrucciones para la Instalación y para el Mantenimiento


English Italiano Français Deutsch Español

40 kW Air-Cooled Water Chillers and Heat Pumps


Refrigeratori d’Acqua e Pompa di Calore Raffreddati ad Aria

150 kW
Refroidisseurs d’Eau et Pompe à Chaleur Refroidis à l’Air
Luftgekühlte Flüssigkeitskühler und Wärmepumpen
41 kW
Enfriadores de Agua y Bomba de Calor Condensadas con Aire

131 kW
HS 00
9001:2 0

Code / Codice / Code / Teile-Nr. / Código 035B09043-000
Supersedes and Replaces / Annulla e sostituisce / Annule et remplace / Ersetzt und hebt auf / Anula y
sustituye: N/A / Nulla / Rien / Entfällt / Ninguna
"Notified Body No. 1115 / Organismo Notificato N° 1115 / Organisme Notifié N° 1115 /
Benannte Zertifizierungsstelle Nr.1115 / Organismo Notificado N° 1115 ”
Documento2 7.10.2004 12:16 Pagina 1
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 1

Table of contents

Table of contents

1.1 Introduction 3 5.1 Preliminary check 19

1.2 Warranty 3 5.2 Start-up 19

1.3 Emergency stop/Normal stop 3 5.3 Checking the operation 20

1.4 An introduction to this manual 3 5.4 Delivery to the customer 20

2.1 Foreword 4 6.1 General information 21

2.2 Definitions 4 6.2 Control system 21

2.3 Access to the unit 5 6.3 Display 22

2.4 General precautions 5 6.4 Start-up 23

2.5 Precautions against residual risks 5 6.5 Switching the working temperature 23

2.6 Precautions during maintenance 6.6 Main alarms 24

operations 6
2.7 Safety labels 7
7.1 Introduction 25
2.8 Safety regulations 9
7.2 General specifications 25
AND POSITIONING 7.3 Compressors 25

3.1 Inspection 12 7.4 Refrigeration circuits 25

3.2 Lifting 12 7.5 Water-type heat exchanger 26

3.3 Anchoring 13 7.6 Air-type heat exchanger 26

3.4 Storage 13 7.7 Fans 26

4 INSTALLATION 7.8 Power supply and control system 28

4.1 Positioning of the unit 14 7.9 Accessories 28

4.2 Installation of Spring Shock 8 TECHNICAL DATA

Absorbers 14
8.1 Pressure drops in the evaporator 29
4.3 External hydraulic circuit 15
8.2 Technical Data 30
4.4 Hydraulic connection 16
8.3 Electrical data 50
4.5 Draining the Defrosting
Waste Water 8.4 Position of shock absorbers and
(for heat pump unit only) 16 weight distribution on supports 62

4.6 Power supply 16 8.5 Overall dimensions 69

4.7 Electrical connections 17 8.6 Service spaces 74

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Table of contents

9.1 General requirements 75

9.2 Planned maintenance 75

9.3 Refrigerant charge 76

9.4 Compressor 76

9.5 Condenser 76

9.6 Fans 76

9.7 Dehydrating filter 77

9.8 Sight glass 77

9.9 Thermostatic expansion valve 77

9.10 Evaporator 77


11.1 Spare parts list 80

11.2 Oil for compressors 80

11.3 Wiring diagram 80

12.1 Generalities 81

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1 FOREWORD 1.3 Emergency stop / Normal stop
1.1 Introduction The emergency stop of the unit can be enabled using
the master switch on the control panel (move down
Itelco-Clima units, manufactured to state-of-the-art de- the lever).
sign and implementation standards, ensure top per-
formance, reliability and fitness to any type of air- For a normal stop, press the relevant push-buttons.
conditioning systems.
To restart the appliance, follow the procedure de-
These units are designed for cooling water or gly- tailed in this manual.
coled water (and for water heating in heat pump
models) and are unfit for any purposes other than 1.4 An introduction to the manual
those specified in this manual.
For safety reasons, it is imperative to follow the in-
This manual includes all the information required for structions given in this manual. In case of any dam-
a proper installation of the units, as well as the rele- age caused by non-compliance with these instruc-
vant operating and maintenance instructions. tions, the warranty will immediately become null and
It is therefore recommended to read this manual
carefully before installation or any operation on the Conventions used throughout the manual:
machine. The chiller installation and maintenance
must be carried out by skilled personnel only (where The Danger sign recalls your attention to a
possible, by one of Itelco-Clima’s Authorised Service certain procedure or practice which, if not
Centers). followed, may result in serious damage to
people and property.
The manufacturer may not be held liable for any
damage to people or property caused by improper
installation, start-up and/or improper use of the unit
and/or failure to implement the procedures and in- The Warning sign precedes those proce-
structions included in this manual. dures that, if not followed, may result in seri-
ous damage to the appliance.
1.2 Warranty
These units are delivered complete, tested and ready
for being operated. Any form of warranty will be-
come null and void in the event that the appliance is The Notes contain important observations.
modified without Itelco-Clima’s preliminary written

This warranty shall apply providing that the installa-

tion instructions have been complied with (either is-
sued by Itelco-Clima, or deriving from the current The Useful Tips provide valuable informa-
practice), and the Form 1 (“Start-up”) has been filled- tion that optimises the efficiency of the ap-
in and mailed to Itelco-Clima (attn. After-Sales Ser- pliance.

In order for this warranty to be valid, the following

conditions shall be met: This manual and its contents, as well as the docu-
mentation which accompanies the unit, are and re-
h The machine must be operated only by skilled per- main the property of Itelco-Clima, which reserves
sonnel from Itelco-Clima’s Authorised After-Sales any and all rights thereon. This manual may not be
Service. copied, in whole or in part, without Itelco-Clima’s
h Maintenance must be performed only by skilled written authorization.
personnel - from one of Itelco-Clima’s Authorised
After-Sales Centers.
h Use only original Itelco-Clima spare parts.
h Carry out all the planned maintenance provided
for by this manual in a timely and proper way.

Failure to comply with any of these conditions will

automatically void the warranty.

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2 SAFETY The guards of the fans (only for units pro-

vided with air heat exchangers) must be al-
2.1 Foreword ways mounted and must never be removed
before de-energising the appliance.
These units must be installed in conformity with the
provisions of Machinery Directive 98/37/EC, Low
Voltage Directive 73/23/EC, Pressure Vessels Direc- It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that
tive 97/23/EC, Electromagnetic Interference Direc- the unit is fit for the conditions of intended
tive 89/336/EC, as well as with other regulations use and that both installation and mainte-
applicable in the country of installation. If these pro- nance are carried out by experienced per-
visions are not complied with, the unit must not be sonnel, capable of respecting all the recom-
operated. mendations provided by this manual. It is
important that the unit is adequately sup-
The unit must be grounded, and no installa- ported, as detailed in this manual. Non-
tion and/or maintenance operations may compliance with these recommendations
be carried out before deenergising the elec- may create hazardous situations for the
trical panel of the unit. personnel.

The unit must rest on a base which meets

Failure to respect the safety measures mentioned the characteristics specified in this manual;
above may result in electrocution hazard and fire in a base with inadequate characteristics is
the presence of any short-circuits. likely to become a source of serious injury
to the personnel.
Inside the heat exchangers, the compres-
sors and the refrigeration lines, this unit The unit has not been design to withstand
contains liquid and gaseous refrigerant un- loads and/or stress that may be transmitted
der pressure. The release of this refrigerant by adjacent units, piping and/or structures.
may be dangerous and cause injuries. Each external load or stress transmitted to
the unit may break or cause breakdowns in
The units are not designed to be operated the unit’s structure, as well as serious dan-
with natural refrigerants, such as hydrocar- gers to people. In these cases, any form of
bons. Itelco-Clima may not be held liable warranty will automatically become null
for any problems deriving from the replace- and void.
ment of original refrigerant or the introduc-
tion of hydrocarbons. The packaging material must not be dis-
posed of in the surrounding environment or
Itelco-Clima units are designed and manufactured burnt.
according to the requirements of European Standard
PED 97/23/EC (pressure vessels).
– The used refrigerants are included in group II (non- 2.2 Definitions
hazardous fluids).
– The maximum working pressure values are men- OWNER: means the legal representative of the com-
tioned on the unit’s data plate. pany, body or individual who owns the plant where
Itelco-Clima unit has been installed; he/she has the
– Suitable safety devices (pressure switches and safe- responsibility of making sure that all the safety regu-
ty valves) have been provided, to prevent any lations specified in this manual are complied with,
anomalous overpressure inside the plant. along with the national laws in force.
– The vents of the safety valves are positioned and
oriented in such a way as to reduce the risk of con- INSTALLER: means the legal representative of the
tact with the operator, in the event that the valve is company who has been given by the owner the job
operated. Anyway, the installer will convey the dis- of positioning and performing the hydraulic, electric
charge of the valves far from the unit. and other connections of Itelco-Clima unit to the
plant: he/she is responsible for handling and prop-
– Dedicated guards (removable panels with tools) erly installing the appliance, as specified in this man-
and danger signs indicate the presence of hot ual and according to the national regulations in
pipes or components (high surface temperature). force.

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OPERATOR: means a person authorised by the own- h do not use your hands to check for any pressure
er to do on Itelco-Clima unit all the regulation and drops
control operations expressly described in this manu-
al, that must be strictly complied with, without ex- h use tools in a good state of repair; be sure to have
ceeding the scope of the tasks entrusted to him. understood the instructions before using them

ENGINEER: means a person authorised directly by

h be sure to have removed all tools, electrical cables
Itelco-Clima or, in all EC countries, excluding Italy, and any other objects before closing and starting
under his full responsibility, by the distributor of Itel- the unit again
co-Clima product, to perform any routine and extra-
ordinary maintenance operations, as well as any 2.5 Precautions against residual risks
regulation, control, servicing operations and the re-
placement of pieces, as may be necessary during the Prevention of residual risks caused by the
life of the unit. control system
h be sure to have perfectly understood the operating
2.3 Access to the unit instructions before carrying out any operation on
the control panel
The unit must be placed in an area which can be ac-
cessed also by OPERATORS and ENGINEERS; oth- h when you have to work on the control panel, keep
erwise the unit must be surrounded by a fence at not always the operating instructions within reach
less than 2 meters from the external surface of the
machine. h start the unit only after you have checked its perfect
connection to the plant
OPERATORS and ENGINEERS must enter the fenced
area only after wearing suitable clothing (safety h promptly inform the ENGINEER about any alarm
shoes, gloves, helmet etc.). The INSTALLER personnel involving the unit
or any other visitor must always be accompanied by h do not reset manual restoration alarms unless you
an OPERATOR. have identified and removed their cause
For no reason shall any unauthorised personnel be Prevention of residual mechanical risks
left alone in contact with the unit.
h install the unit according to the instructions provid-
2.4 General precautions ed in this manual
The OPERATOR must simply use the controls of the h carry out all the periodical maintenance opera-
unit; he must not open any panel, other than the one tions prescribed by this manual
providing access to the control module.
h wear a protective helmet before accessing the inte-
The INSTALLER must simply work on the connections rior of the unit
between plant and machine; he must not open any
panels of the machine and he must not enable any
h before opening any panelling of the machine,
control. make sure that it is secured to it by hinges
h do not touch air condensation coils without wear-
When you approach or work on the unit, follow the ing protective gloves
precautions listed below:
h do not remove the guards from moving elements
h do not wear loose clothing or jewellery or any oth- while the unit is running
er accessory tat may be caught in moving parts
h check the correct position of the moving elements’
h wear suitable personal protective equipment guards before restarting the unit
(gloves, goggles etc.) when you have to work in
the presence of free flames (welding operations) or Prevention of residual electrical risks
with compressed air
h connect the unit to the mains according to the in-
h if the unit is placed in a closed room, wear ear pro- structions provided in this manual
tection devices
h periodically carry out all the maintenance opera-
h cut off connecting pipes, drain them in order to tions specified by this manual
balance the pressure to the atmospheric value be-
fore disconnecting them, disassemble connections, h disconnect the unit from the mains by the external
filters, joints or other line items disconnecting switch before opening the electrical

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h check the proper grounding of the unit before start- h place a warning sign “do not turn on - mainte-
up nance in progress” on the external disconnecting
h check all the electrical connections, the connecting
cables, and in particular the insulation; replace h make sure that on-off remote controls are inhibited
worn or damaged cables
h wear suitable personal protective equipment (hel-
h periodically check the board’s internal wiring met, safety gloves, goggles and shoes etc.)
h do not use cables having an inadequate section or To carry out any measurements or checks which re-
flying connections, even for limited periods of time quire the activation of the machine:
or in an emergency
h work with the electrical board open only for the
Prevention of other residual risks necessary time
h make sure that the connections to the unit conform h close the electrical board as soon as the measure-
to the instructions provided in this manual and on ment or check has been completed
the unit’s panelling
h for outdoor units, do not carry out any operations
h if you have to disassemble a piece, make sure that in the presence of dangerous climatic conditions
it has been properly mounted again before restart- (rain, snow, mist etc.)
ing the unit
The following precautions must be always adopted:
h do not touch the delivery pipes from the compres-
sor, the compressor and any other piping or com- h do not scatter the fluids of the refrigeration circuit
ponent inside the machine before wearing protec- in the surrounding environment
tive gloves
h when replacing an eprom or electronic cards, use
h keep a fire extinguisher fir for electrical appliances always suitable devices (extractor, antistatic
near the machine bracelet, etc.)
h on the units installed indoor, connect the safety h o replace a compressor, the evaporator, the con-
valve of the refrigeration circuit to a piping net- densing coils or any other weighty element, make
work that can channel any overflowing refrigerant sure that the lifting equipment is consistent with the
outside weight to be lifted
h remove and leak of fluid inside and outside the unit h in air units with independent compressor compart-
ment, do not access the fan compartment unless
h collect the waste liquids and dry any oil spillage you have disconnected the machine by the discon-
necting switch on the board and you have placed
h periodically clean the compressor compartment, to a warning sign “do not turn on - maintenance in
remove any fouling progress”
h do not store flammable liquids near the unit h contact Itelco-Clima for any modifications to the re-
h do not disperse the refrigerant and the lubricating frigeration, hydraulic or wiring diagram of the
oil into the environment unit, as well as to its control logics

h weld only empty pipes; do not approach flames or h contact Itelco-Clima if it is necessary to perform
other sources of heat to refrigerant pipes very difficult disassembly and assembly operations

h do not bend/hit pipes containing fluids under pres- h use only original spare parts purchased directly
sure from Itelco-Clima or the official retailers of the com-
panies on the recommended spare parts list
2.6 Precautions during maintenance h contact Itelco-Clima if it is necessary to handle the
operations unit one year after its positioning on site or if you
wish to dismantle it.
Maintenance operations can be carried out by au-
thorised technicians only.
Before performing any maintenance operations:
h disconnect the unit from the mains with the external
disconnecting switch

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2.7 Safety plates
The labels below will be affixed to each unit in the in-
dicated point:

Identification of the refrigerant - External door



Gravity centre - Base

Identification of the unit -

Outside, on the right-hand front column Electrical warning
Adjacent to the master switch

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Start-up warning - Outside the door of

the electrical board

Lifting point - Base

Fitting identification -
Adjacent to fittings

Grounding connection - On the electrical

board, adjacent to the connection

Final Test Certificate -

Inside the external door

Warning - safety Warning - high-

valves’ vents temperature zones
Adjacent to hot
pipes or

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2.8 Safety regulations

Refrigerant data Safety data: R407C, R134a

Toxicity Low
Contact with skin If sprayed, the refrigerant is likely to cause frost burns. If absorbed by
the skin, the danger is very limited; it may cause a slight irritation, and
the liquid is degreasing. Unfreeze the affected skin with water. Remove
the contaminated clothes with great care - in the presence of frost
burns, the clothes may stick to the skin. Wash with plenty of warm wa-
ter the affected skin.
In the presence of symptoms such as irritation or blisters, obtain med-
ical attention.
Contact with eyes Vapours do not cause harmful effects. The spraying of refrigerant may
cause frost burns. Wash immediately with a proper solution or with tap
water for at least 10 minutes, and then obtain medical attention.
Ingestion Very unlikely - should something happen, it will cause frost burns.
Do not induce vomiting. Only if the patient is conscious, wash out
mouth with water and give some 250 ml of water to drink. Then, obtain
medical attention.
Inhalation R407C, R134a: remarkable concentrations in the air may have an
anaesthetic effect, up to fainting. The exposure to considerable
amounts may cause irregular heartbeat, up to the sudden death of the
patient. Very high concentrations may result in the risk of asphyxia, due
to the reduction in the oxygen percentage in the atmosphere. Remove
the patient to fresh air and keep warm and at rest.
If necessary, give oxygen. In case of breathing difficulties or arrest, pro-
ceed with artificial respiration. In case of cardiac arrest, proceed with
cardiac massage. Then, obtain medical attention.
Recommendations Semiotics or support therapy is recommended. Cardiac sensitisation
has been observed that, in the presence of circulating catecholamines
such as adrenalin, may cause cardiac arrhythmia and accordingly, in
case of exposure to high concentrations, cardiac arrest.
Prolonged exposure R407C, R134a: a study on the effects of exposure to 50,000 ppm dur-
ing the whole life of rats has identified the development of benign testi-
cle tumour. This situation should therefore be negligible for personnel
exposed to concentrations equal to or lower than professional levels.
Professional levels R407C, R134a: Recommended threshold: 1000 ppm v/v - 8 hours
Stability R407C, R134a: Not specified
Conditions to avoid Do not use in the presence of flames, burning surfaces and excess hu-
Hazardous reactions May react with sodium, potassium, barium and other alkaline metals.
Incompatible substances: magnesium and alloys with magnesium con-
centrations > 2%.
Hazardous decomposition R407C, R134a: Halogen acids produced by thermal decomposition
products and hydrolysis.

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General precautions Do not inhale concentrated vapours. Their concentration in the atmos-
phere should not exceed the minimum preset values and should be
maintained below the professional threshold. Being more weighty than
the air, the vapour concentrates on the bottom, in narrow areas. There-
fore, the exhaust system must work at low level.
Respiratory system protection If you are in doubt about the concentration in the atmosphere, it is rec-
ommended to wear a respirator approved by an accident-prevention
Authority, of the independent or oxygen type.
Storage Cylinders must be stored in a dry and fresh place, free from any fire
hazard, far from direct sunlight or other sources of heat, radiators etc.
Keep a temperature below 45°C.
Protective clothing Wear overalls, protective gloves and goggles or a mask.
Accidental release measures It is important to wear protective clothing and a respirator. Stop the
source of the leak, if you can do this without danger. Negligible leaks
can be left evaporating under the sun, providing that the room is well
ventilated. Considerable leaks: ventilate the room. Reduce the leak with
sand, earth or other absorbing substances. Make sure that the liquid
does is not channelled into gutters, sewers or pits where the vapours
are likely to create a stuffy atmosphere.
Disposal The best method is recovery and recycling. If this method is not practi-
cable, dispose according to an approved procedure, that shall ensure
the absorption and neutralization of acids and toxic agents.

Fire fighting information R407C, R134a: Not flammable in the atmosphere.

Cylinders The cylinders, if exposed to fire, shall be cooled by water jets; other-
wise, if heated, they may explode.
Protective fire fighting In case of fire, wear an independent respirator and protective clothing.

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Refrigerant oil data Safety data: Polyolester oil (POE)
Classification Not harmful
Contact with skin May cause slight irritation. Does not require first aid measures. It is rec-
ommended to follow usual personal hygiene measures, including wash-
ing the exposed skin with soap and water several times a day. It is also
recommended to wash your overalls at least once a week.
Contact with eyes Wash thoroughly with a suitable solution or tap water.
Ingestion Seek medical advice immediately.
Inhalation Seek medical advice immediately.
Conditions to avoid Strong oxidising substances, caustic or acid solutions, excess heat.
May corrode some types of paint or rubber.
Protection of the respiratory Use in well ventilated rooms.

Protective clothing Always wear protective goggles or a mask. Wearing protective gloves
is not mandatory, but is recommended in case of prolonged exposure
to refrigerant oil.
Accidental release measures It is important to wear protective clothing and, especially, goggles.
Stop the source of the leak. Reduce the leak with absorbing substances
(sand, sawdust or any other absorbing material available on the mar-
Disposal The refrigerant oil and its waste will be disposed of in an approved in-
cinerator, in conformity with the provisions and the local regulations
applicable to oil waste.
Fire fighting information In the presence of hot liquid or flames, use dry powder, carbon dioxide
or foam. If the leak is not burning, use a water jet to remove any
vapours and to protect the personnel responsible for stopping the leak.
Cylinders The cylinders exposed to a fire will be cooled with water jets in case of
Fire fighting protective In case of fire, wear an independent respirator.

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Transport, Lifting and Positioning

3 TRANSPORT, LIFTING h Hook near the barycentre of the unit.

AND POSITIONING h The cables must be long enough to form, if ten-
Refrigerators are supplied assembled (apart from sioned, an angle of at least 45° with respect to the
standard antivibrating rubber supports, that will be horizontal plane.
installed on site). The equipment are full of refriger-
ant and oil (except to the condensing unit), in the
quantity required for a proper operation.

3.1 Inspection
L = Depth
When the unit is delivered, it is recommended to L
check it carefully and to identify any damage oc-
curred during transportation. The goods are shipped
ex-factory, at the buyer’s risk. Check that the delivery
includes all the components listed in the order.

In case of damage, note it down on the carrier’s de-

livery note and issue a claim according to the instruc-
tions provided in the delivery note.

In the presence of any serious damage, that does not

affect the surface only, it is recommended to inform
Itelco-Clima immediately.

Please note that Itelco-Clima may not be held liable

for any damage to the equipment during transporta-
tion, even though the carrier has been appointed by
the factory.

3.2 Lifting
The unit must lifted with cables inserted in the eye-
bolts provided. It is recommended to use a spacer to
prevent the cables from damaging the unit (see the

Before positioning the unit, make sure that the place

of installation is appropriate and sturdy enough to
hold the weight and to withstand the stress caused
by the operation of the whole assembly. Eyebolts
Do not displace the unit on rollers, and do
not lift it with a lift truck.

To lift and displace the unit:

h Insert and secure eyebolts into the holes marked
on the frame.
h Connect cables to eyebolts.
h Insert spacer between cables.

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Transport, Lifting and Positioning

For lifting operations, use only tools and
material fit for this purpose, in accordance
with accident-prevention regulations.

During the lifting and handling of the unit,

be careful not to damage the finned pack of
the coils positioned on the sides of the unit.
The sides of the unit must be protected by
cardboard or plywood sheets.

It is recommended not to remove the protec-

tive plastic envelope, that should prevent
scraps from penetrating into the appliance
and any damage to the surfaces, until the
unit is ready for operation.

3.3 Anchoring
It is not essential to secure the unit to the foundations,
unless in areas where there is a serious risk of earth-
quake, or if the appliance is installed on the top of a
steel frame.

3.4 Storage
When the unit is to be stored before installation,
adopt a few precautions to prevent any damage or
risk of corrosion or wear:
h plug or seal every single opening, such as water
h do not store the appliance in a room where the
temperature exceeds 50°C for the units using
R407C and, if possible, do not expose to direct
h it is recommended to store the unit in a roof where
traffic is minimized, to prevent the risk of acciden-
tal damage
h the unit must not be washed with a steam jet
h take away and leave to the site manager all the
keys providing access to the control board

Finally, it is recommended to carry out visual inspec-

tions at regular intervals.

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4 INSTALLATION 4.2 Installation of Spring Shock

4.1 Positioning of the unit
h Prepare the base, that must be flat and plane.
Before installing the unit, make sure that the
structure of the building and/or the support- h Lift the appliance and insert shock absorbers as
ing surface can withstand the weight of the follows:
appliance. The weights of the units are list-
ed in Chapter 8 of this manual.

These units have been designed for outdoor installa-

tion on a solid surface. Standard accessories include
antivibrating rubber supports, that must be posi-
tioned under the base.

When the unit is to be installed on the ground, it is

necessary to provide a concrete base, to ensure a
uniform distribution of the weights.

As a general rule, no special sub-bases are required.

However, if the unit is to be installed on the top of in-
habited rooms, it is advisable to rest it on spring
shock absorbers (optional), that will minimise the
transmission of any vibration to the structures.

To choose the place of installation of the unit, bear in

mind that:
h the longitudinal axis of the unit must be parallel to
the direction of prevailing winds, so as to ensure a
uniform distribution of the air on finned exchang- 1) proceed with the assembly of the jack components
h the unit must not be installed near boilers’ vent
h the unit must not be installed leeward with respect
to sources of air contaminated by greases, such
as, for example, the outlets to kitchen exhaust
hoods into the atmosphere. Otherwise, the grease Insert
is likely to deposit on the fins of the refrigerant /air
exchangers, and would fix every type of atmos-
pheric impurity, resulting in the quick clogging of
the exchangers
h the unit must not be installed in areas subject to
considerable snow falling
h the unit must not be installed in areas subject to
flooding, under gutters etc.
h the unit must not be installed in air shafts, narrow
courts or other small places, where the noise may
be reflected by the walls or the air ejected by fans
may short-circuit itself on refrigerant/air heat ex-
changers or condenser
h the place of installation must be have all the neces- 2) insert the jack into the threaded seat provided on
sary spaces for air circulation and maintenance the upper plate of the shock absorber. Then insert the
operations (see Chapter 9). jack mounted on the shock absorber, in the hole pro-
vided on the base of the machine.

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The capacity of the expansion vessel must
allow for an expansion of at least 2% of the
volume of the fluid in the circuit (evapora-
tor, piping, user circuit and standby tank, if
any). The expansion vessel needs not be
isolated, because no water can circulate in-
side it.
h A flow meter, to disable the appliance when the
water is not circulating.

The flow meter must be connected in series,

as shown in the wiring diagram of the con-
trol panel.

To install the flow meter, conform to the manufactur-

er’s instructions.

As a general rule, the flow meter must be mounted

on a horizontal pipe, and its distance from the
3) make sure that the base of the machine is resting curves must be 10 times the diameter of the pipe, far
on the flat washer (E) of the jack. To offset any dif- from valves or other components that may hinder the
ference in height, work on high nut (D), using a water flow upstream of or downstream from the flow
24 wrench. Clamp in the obtain position with the meter.
grower washer (F) and the relevant low nut (C).
h The air exhaust valves must be mounted in the
At the end of this operation, check that the machine highest point of the piping.
is elastic on its axes, and preset for the installation of
antivibrating joints in the water connections. h The stop valves must be mounted on the water in-
let/outlet piping of the evaporator and the heat re-
4.3 External hydraulic circuit covery condenser.
The external hydraulic circuit must ensure h The drain points (provided with plugs, cocks etc.)
the water flow to the evaporator under any must be positioned in the lowest point of the pip-
working conditions and with any adjust- ing.
The external hydraulic circuit should consist of the fol- h Provide the evaporator with a by-pass circuit
lowing elements: equipped with valve, to wash the plant.
h A circulation pump which delivers a sufficient wa- h Insulate the piping, to prevent the risk of heat loss.
ter flow and discharge head.
h Install a filter on the suction side of the evaporator
h The capacity of the primary hydraulic circuit or the heat recovery condenser.
should not be less than 5 litres/KW of cooling ca-
pacity, in order to prevent the repeated start-up of
the compressor and any damage to it. If the water
capacity in the primary piping of the circuit and in
the evaporator is lower than this value, an insulat-
ed storage tank shall be installed.
h A membrane expansion vessel provided with safe-
ty valve with vent, that must be visible.

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GA: Flexible hoses
I: Pressure gauge connection R: Drain cock
S: Gate valve T: Thermometer
Fl: Flow meter F: Filter

Before filling the circuit, it is important to 4.5 Draining the defrosting

check that it is free from any foreign matter, waste water
sand, gravels, rust, welding deposits, waste (for heat pump unit only)
and other materials that may damage the
evaporator. When heat pump units work in heating mode, dur-
ing defrosting cycles, they may discharge water from
When cleaning the lines, it is recommended to cre- the base. This is why the units should be installed at
ate a circuit by-pass. It is important to mount a filter- least 200 mm above the floor level, so as to allow
ing medium (30 mesh) upstream of the chiller. the free drainage of waste water, without the risk of
producing ice banks.
If necessary, the water required to fill the
circuit must be treated to obtain the request- The heat pump units must be installed in positions
ed PH. where the defrosting water cannot create any dam-

4.6 Power supply

4.4 Hydraulic connection
Before carrying out any operations on the
The water inlet/outlet fittings shall conform to the in- electrical system, make sure that the unit is
structions provided by the plates affixed neat the deenergised.
connection points.

It is important that the appliance is ground-


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The company in charge of the installation Before connecting the power supply lines,
shall conform to the standards applicable to check that the available voltage value does
outdoor electrical connections. not exceed the range specified in the Elec-
tric Data (Chapter 8).

Itelco-Clima may not be held liable for any damage For 3-phase systems, check also that the unbalance
and/or injury caused by failure to comply with these between the phases does not exceed 2%. To perform
precautions. this check, measure the differences between the volt-
age of each phase couple and their mean value dur-
The unit conforms to EN 60204-1. ing operation. The maximum % value of these differ-
ences (unbalance) must not exceed 2% of the mean
The following connections shall be provided: voltage. If the unbalance is unacceptable, contact
the Energy Distributor to solve this problem.
h A 3-phase and grounding connection for the pow-
er supply circuit. Supplying the unit through a line whose un-
balance exceeds the permissible value will
h The electrical distribution system shall meet the automatically void the warranty.
power absorbed by the appliance.
h The disconnecting and magnetothermal switches
must be sized to control the starting current of the
h The power supply lines and the insulation devices
must be designed in such a way that every line in-
h It is recommended to install differential switches,
to prevent any damage caused by phase drops.
h The fans and compressors are supplied through
contactors controlled from the control panel.
h Each motor is provided with an internal safety
thermal device and external fuses.
h The power supply cables must be inserted into
dedicated openings on the front of the unit, and
the will enter the electrical board through holes
drilled on the bottom of the board.

4.7 Electrical connections

The unit must be installed on site according to the
Machinery Directive (98/37/EC), the Low Voltage Di-
rective (73/23/EC), the Electromagnetic Interference
Directive (89/336/EC) and the usual procedures and
standards applicable in the place of installation. The
unit must not be operated if its installation has not
been carried out according to the instructions provid-
ed in this manual.

The power supply lines must consist of insulated cop-

per conductors, dimensioned for the maximum ab-
sorbed current.

Connection to terminals must be performed accord-

ing to the diagram of connections provided in this
manual and according to the wiring diagram which
accompanies the unit.

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Terminal box CLH EH














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5 START-UP 5.2 Start-up
The unit must be started for the first time by Start-up sequence:
personnel suitably trained by one of Itelco-
Clima’s Authorised Service Centre. Failure h Turn on the master switch (at least 12 hours be-
to meet this requirement will immediately fore).
void the warranty.
h Check that the oil in the compressor has reached
The operations carried out by Itelco-Clima the requested temperature (the minimum tempera-
personnel are limited to the start-up of the ture outside the pan must be approx. 40°C) and
unit, and do not include any other opera- that the auxiliary control circuit is energised.
tion on the plant, such as, for example,
electrical and hydraulic connections etc. All h Check the operation of all the external equipment,
the other operations before start-up, includ- and make sure that the control devices of the plant
ing oil pre-heating for at least 12 hours, are properly calibrated.
must be performed by the Installer.
h Start the pump and check that the water flow is
5.1 Preliminary check correct.

The checks listed below shall be performed before h Set the desired fluid temperature on the control
starting the unit and before the arrival of the person- board.
nel authorised by Itelco-Clima.
h Start the appliance (see Chapter 6).
h Check the section of power supply and grounding
cables; make sure that terminals are tightened and h Check the correct direction of rotation of compres-
check the correct operation of contactors, with the sors. Scroll compressors cannot compress the re-
master switch open. frigerant when they rotate in the opposite direc-
tion. To make sure that they are rotating in the cor-
h Check that any voltage and phase variation in the rect direction, simply check that, just after the start-
power supply does not exceed the prefixed thresh- up of the compressor, the pressure drops on the LP
olds. side and rises on the HP side. Furthermore, if a
scroll compressor rotate in the opposite direction,
h Connect the contacts of the flow meter and the there is a considerable rise in the sound level of
thermal relay of the pump and of the other devices the unit, as well as in a dramatic reduction of cur-
(if any), to terminals 1-2 and 3-4, respectively. rent absorption compared to normal values. In
case of wrong rotation, the scroll compressor can
h Check that the components of the external water be definitely damaged.
circuit (pump, user equipment, filters, power sup-
ply tank and reservoir, if any) have been installed h After about 15 minutes of operation check that
properly, and according to the manufacturer’s in- there are no bubbles, through the sight glass on
structions. the liquid line.
h Check the filling of the hydraulic circuits, and The presence of bubbles may indicate that
make sure that the fluid circulation is correct, with- a part of the refrigerant charge has been re-
out any trace of leaks and air bubbles. If you use leased in one or more points. It is important
ethylene glycol as antifreeze, check that its per- to remove these leaks before proceeding.
centage is correct.
h Check that the direction of rotation of the pumps is h Repeat the start-up procedure after removing the
correct, and that fluids have been circulating for at leaks.
least 12 hours for both pumps. Then, clean the fil-
ters on the suction side of the pumps. h Check the oil level in the compressor’s sight glass.
h Adjust the liquid distribution network in such a way
that the flow rate is within the specified range.
h Check that the water quality is up to the specifica-
h Check that oil heaters, if any, have been turned on
at least 12 hours before.

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5.3 Checking the operation

Check the following:
h The temperature of the water entering the evapo-
h The temperature of the water leaving the evapora-
h The level of the water flow rate in the evaporator,
if possible.
h The current absorption upon the start of the com-
pressor and in case of stabilised operation.
h The fan’s current absorption.

Check that the condensing and evaporation temper-

atures, during operation at high and low pressure
detected by the pressure gauges of the refrigerant,
are within the following range:
(On the units not provided with HP/LP pressure
gauges for the refrigerant, connect a pressure gauge
to the Schreader valves on the refrigeration circuit).

HP side Approx. 15 to 21°C above the

temperature of the air entering the
condenser, for R407C units.
LP side Approx. 2 to 4°C below the tem-
perature of the leaving chilled wa-
ter, for R407C units.

5.4 Delivery to the customer

h Train the user according to the instructions provid-
ed in Section 6.

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6 CONTROL h Antifreeze functions

The standard equipment of the units includes a con- These units are provided with antifreeze protection
trol and monitoring electronic system, which ensures for the chilled fluid. This protection consists of a resis-
the deployment of all control, monitoring and alarm tor in contact wit the refrigerant/fluid heat exchang-
functions of these units. er, which is enabled (also when the unit is off) when
the fluid temperature drops below 5 °C: standard
6.1 General information value for non-glycoled units. The activation of the an-
tifreeze protection causes the safety stop of the in-
The system consists of an electronic card and a pan- volved circuit.
el terminal.
This safety device supplements the action of the dif-
Control functions: ferential safety pressure switch (glycoled). An an-
tifreeze alarm is activated. If the circulating fluid is
h Checking of the heating/cooling capacity of the water, before the beginning of winter it is advisable
unit. to drain the circuit to prevent the icing of the water
h Management of the compressors’ delayed start- inside it.
If the circuit cannot be drained, it is imperative to
h Defrosting (CLH models). deenergise the unit, so as to allow, when necessary,
h Antifreeze protection. the activation of the antifreeze protection.
h Pump control (internal hydronic kit) h Defrosting
6.2 Control system The CLH heat pump units are provided with an auto-
matic defrosting system that prevents the formation of
h Temperature regulation excess ice on the refrigerant/air heat exchanger dur-
ing heat pump operation.
The regulator mounted on the units (COOLING ON-
LY version) is shop-calibrated to check the unit, as a This system, which is part of the electronic control
function of the temperature of the chilled water back system, is of the time /temperature type, and when
from the plant. the temperature measured by a sensor at the inlet of
the coil, once the preset time has expired, drops be-
Its sensor is then installed on the water inlet in the re- low a pre-determined value, switches the operation
frigerant/water heat exchanger, so that it can mea- of the unit from heating to cooling.
sure the plant load.
During the defrosting cycle the compressor works
The only regulation required for the regulator is the normally, but the fans of the external coil remain off.
calibration of the set point, in the +7 to +20 °C The defrosting cycle stops after the coil has been de-
range (the shop calibration is +10 °C). frosted; at this point the unit works in heating made
In case of HEAT PUMP units, the regulator can be
calibrated in the +20 to +47 °C range for heating Both circuits are defrosted at the same time. For safe-
(the shop calibration is +40 °C); as for cooling, refer ty reasons, if the delivery pressure reaches consider-
to the data provided for the cooling only version. able values, fans are started also during defrosting.
If you wish to set the set point of the enter-
ing water temperature to values below +9
°C, consult our Technical Dept. to learn all
the precautions required to obtain the ideal
operation of the appliance. Anyway, con-
sider always the _T between water inlet and
water outlet, so as not to exceed the mini-
mum temperature of the produced water.

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6.3 Display
The display allows to indicate, in particular:
h The temperature of the water entering the machine
in Celsius degrees
h The alarm code, if an alarm has been activated


1 Displays the “Heating” mode of operation

2 Displays the “Cooling” mode of operation
3 Selects the operation mode
4 Unit start/stop; Reset of the alarms
5 Displays the parameter values and quantities
6 Displays Compressor 2 running (blinking = timing
in progress)
7 Displays Resistor on (CLH Extra Heater versions)
8 Displays Compressor 1 running (blinking = timing
in progress)

If LED’s 1 and 2 are both off, the control is in stand-


If LED’s 6 and 8 are slowly blinking at the same time,

the control is in defrosting mode.

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6.4 Start-up 6.5 Switching the working
Once you have checked that the electrical connec-
tions are workmanlike, the unit can be started as fol- – Put the machine in Standby (using the MODE key).
– “Cold only” models :
– Hold down the ON-OFF button for 2 seconds to
turn on the regulator. 1) Press the MODE and ON OFF buttons at the same
time and release them after a second; the “SET”
– If, upon start-up, only the decimal point appears on message will appear.
the screen of the display, the regulator is in stand-
by mode. 2) Repeat step 1); the “Coo” message will appear on
the display.
– “Cooling only” models: 3) Repeat step 1) to display the preset temperature.
h Press the MODE button to restart the machine, the To modify it, use the UP and DOWN arrows.
water return temperature will appear on the dis-
play and the cooling LED will light up. To store the change, press the MODE and ON-OFF
keys at the same time for 5 seconds; the “Coo” mes-
When the compressor LED starts blinking, there is sage will appear on the display.
a demand for cooling capacity, and the timing is
in progress. Repeat this step another time to display the “SET”
h To stop the machine, press the MODE button message, and a third time to go back to normal dis-
again. play.

h When you press the MODE button, you obtain the – “Heat pump” models:
following sequence : h Carry out the operations 1) and 2) as described
Standby or Cooling or Standby above, then press either arrow to display the
“HEA” message.
– “Heat pump” models: h Carry out the operation 3) to switch the program-
h For heat pump operation, follow the same proce- ming to hot, and then go back to normal display.
dure adopted for operation in cooling mode.
h To operate the machine in heat pump mode, press
the MODE button again; the Heating LED will light
up. To stop the machine, press the same button
h When you press the MODE button, you obtain the
following sequence:
Standby or Cooling or Heating or Standby

Do not switch from heating to cooling mode

suddenly; wait until the temperature of the
circulating water drops below +25 °C.

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6.6 Main alarms

Code Description Reset

E00 Remote Off Automatic
E01 High pressure 1 Manual
E02 Low pressure 1 Automatic/manual
E03 Thermal protection, compressor 1 Manual
E04 Thermal protection, fans Manual
E05 Antifreeze, circuit 1 Manual
E06 Failure of leaving water sensor 1 Automatic
E07 Failure of coil sensor 1 Automatic
E21 High pressure 2 Manual
E22 Low pressure 2 Automatic/manual
E23 Thermal protection, compressor 2 Manual
E25 Antifreeze, circuit 2 Manual
E26 Failure of leaving water sensor 2 Automatic
E27 Failure of coil sensor 2 Automatic
E40 Failure of entering water sensor Automatic
E41 Flow meter - no water Manual
E42 Failure of ST4 sensor Automatic
E44 Machine discharge Manual
E45 Configuration error Manual
E46 High temperature of entering water Automatic

Once you have solved the problem that originated Antifreeze alarm
the alarm, reset the alarms by pressing the ON-OFF
button. This alarm is enabled when the temperature of the
fluid leaving the evaporator drops below 4 °C. After
E00 does not close the relay that signals an alarm the activation of this alarm, the control system halts
state (terminals 121-122) the operation of the involved refrigeration circuit.
The reset is manual from he control panel.
High pressure alarm
External interlock alarm
When this alarm is activated, the control system halts
the operation of the involved refrigeration circuit and When this alarm is activated, the control system halts
opens the compressor’s control chain (safety against the operation of the unit. The reset is automatic.
failures). The alarm is reset manually from the control
panel when the pressure switch has been reset auto-

Low pressure alarm

When this alarm is activated, the control system halts
the operation of the involved refrigeration circuit.
The activation of this alarm is inhibited for approx.
40 seconds from start-up. The reset is automatic for
the first three times during the same hour. Upon the
fourth activation, a manual reset is required.

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General Description

7.1 Introduction other types of fluids, such as, for example, glycoled
water, that can be used in industrial processes.
The CLS/CLH units are water chillers/air - water heat
pumps with hermetic scroll compressors with double The units are fit for outdoor installation on the roof of
refrigeration circuit. a building, or at ground level.
These units are fit for cooling and heating the water The series includes the following variances:
necessary for each air-conditioning application and

Version Description
CLS/CLH Standard (STD) version
CLS/CLH Low Noise (LN) version Chillers/ Heat Pumps with air condensation, working
CLS/CLH Extra Low Noise (ELN) version with the R407C refrigerant (or with R22, on demand, in
CLS/CLH High Pressure Fans (HPF) version extra European countries)
CLS High Temperature (HT) version

For each CLS version is available the eqivalent con-

densing unit: CLC.

Available options:

Options Description
CLS/CLH P Unit provided with hydronic kit, 1 pump
CLS/CLH 2P Unit provided with hydronic kit, 2 pumps
CLS/CLH 1PT Unit provided with hydronic kit, 1 pump and 1 storage tank
CLS/CLH 2PT Unit provided with hydronic kit, 2 pumps and 1 storage tank
CLH EH Heat pump unit, with 1 or 2 pumps + tank with additional resistors

7.2 General specifications Compressors are mounted on shock absorbers to re-

duce vibrations. Motors are of direct start-up type,
The CLS/CLH units are supplied complete and pro- cooled by the sucked refrigerant gas.
vided with all connecting pipes for the refrigerant
and internal wiring. Thermistors protect the windings from any overtem-
The refrigeration circuit of each CLS/CLH unit under- peratures and the electronic control checks that the
goes a pressure test, is drained, vacuumised, dehy- delivery temperature is within the permissible range.
drated and filled with refrigerant, and includes the
necessary oil. Once assembled, each unit is subject- The capacity control, as well as the control of the de-
ed to a complete final testing and the correct opera- livered cooling capacity, are always ensured by the
tion of all refrigeration circuits is checked. electronic control.

The base and the frame of each unit are made of 7.4 Refrigeration circuits
very thick galvanised sheet, and are secured by
screw and tropicalised steel bolts. All panels can be Each unit has two complete refrigeration circuits, one
disassembled for easy access to internal compo- per each compressor. Each refrigeration circuit in-
nents. cludes: a service valve to fill the unit with refrigerant,
shut-off valves, thermostatic expansion valve, dehy-
All galvanised steel parts are painted with white drating filter, sight glass with humidity indicator, a
polyester resin (RAL 9001), to ensure the resistance differential pressure switch for the water. Condens-
of the unit to corrosion and weather agents over ing unit CLC deriving from CLS and are without
time. evaporator. This units have check valve on suction
line and liquid line, it allows to collect with remote
7.3 Compressors evaporators. Furthermore, each circuit is equipped
with safety devices in accordance with PED
The CLS/CLH units are provided with hermetic scroll 97/23/EC: high and low pressure switches, safety
compressors, with built-in motor protection. valves providing protection in case of fire or malfunc-
tion of compressors.

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General Description

7.5 Water heat exchanger 7.7 Fans

The evaporators are of stainless steel plate type. Fans are of directly coupling propeller type, provid-
ed with aluminium blade with wing profile.
Their thermal insulation is ensured by a thick flexible Each fan is provided with galvanised steel accident-
closed-cell heat-insulating jacket. prevention guard.
Furthermore, the frost protection is ensured by elec-
tric heaters. These exchangers can work at pressures Finally, motors are completely closed, protection
up to 10 bar on the hydraulic side and 30 bar on the class IP54, protection thermostat immersed in wind-
refrigerant side. ings.
The hydraulic connections to the evaporator are of The continuous speed regulator is provided as shop-
2” Victaulic type, while the connection to the net- mounted accessory (standard on the ELN version).
work is ensured by 2” threaded male fittings.
7.6 Air heat exchanger
Coils are made of copper pipes in staggered rows,
mechanically expanded inside an aluminium finned

CLS refrigeration diagram


Components of the refrigeration Components of the hydraulic plant Safety devices:

system: (optional):
1 Compressors C1 / C2 A Shut-off valve A HP pressure switch
2 Delivery cock B Pump(s) B LP pressure switch
3 Silencer (ELN only) C Nonreturn valve C Transducer
4 Coil D Expansion valve D Water differential pressure switch
5 PED safety valve E Plant discharge safety valve
6 Liquid cock F Air vent
7 Filter G Filling valve Pressure and charge/discharge inlets
8 Liquid sight glass H Discharge valve Freon
9 Thermostatic valve I Pressure gauge
10 Plate-type heat exchanger L Storage tank

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General Description

CLH refrigeration diagram


Components of the refrigeration Components of the hydraulic plant Safety devices:

system: (optional):
1 Compressors C1 / C2 A Shut-off valve A HP pressure switch
2 Silencer (ELN only) B Pump(s) B LP pressure switch
3 Reversing valve C Nonreturn valve C Transducer
4 Delivery cock D Expansion valve D Water differential pressure switch
5 PED safety valve E Plant discharge safety valve
6 Coil F Air vent
7 Liquid cock G Filling valve Pressure and charge/discharge inlets
8 Filter H Discharge valve Freon
9 Liquid sight glass I Pressure gauge
10 Check valve L Storage tank
11 Thermostatic valve
12 Liquid receiver
13 Plate-type heat exchanger
14 Liquid separator

CLC refrigeration diagram


Components of the refrigeration

1 Compressors C1 / C2
2 Delivery cock
3 Silencer (only ELN)
4 Coil
5 Ped Safety Valve
6 Liquid cock

Safety devices:

A HP Pressure switch
B LP Pressure switch

Pressure and charge/discharge

inlets freon

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General Description

7.8 Electric power supply and control

The control compartment contains and electronic
card with keyboard and a display for working para-
meters, alarms, if any, and operating blocks.

It is complete with remote control switches and pro-

tection fuses for the motors of compressors, fans and

7.9 Accessories
List of available accessories, provided separately, to
be mounted on site by the installer:

Water flow meter

Prevents the operation of the unit when the chilled flu-
id is insufficient. It is advisable to install a flow meter,
to ensure the correct operation of the unit.

Water filter
Filter to be mounted on the suction side of the water
heat exchanger.

Antivibrating supports (AVM)

Isolating spring supports, equipped with bolts for fas-
tening to the base. They are supplied separated from
the unit and must be mounted on site by the cus-
tomer, at his own expense.

Wire-type remote control kit

The kit includes a remote control for wall mounting,

complete with 3m-long connecting cable, and instal-
lation manual and a transformer.

For longer distances (i.e. up to 50m) you can use a

multipolar cable of minimum section (0.25mm). Con-
ductors should be connected directly and according
to the diagram with accompanies the installation in-

Remote wall terminal (200 m)

Makes it possible to check the unit through a remote

terminal, up to a maximum distance of 200 meters.

RS 485 MODBUS serial card

A communication interface makes it possible to con-

trol and manage the unit from a local station, with
RS485 connection, up to a distance of 1,000m.

It is possible to obtain the remote control and the

management, by inserting the control into the man-
agement plant of the building.

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Technical data

8.1 Pressure drops in the evaporator


CLS 182 CLS 202 CLS 242 CLS 302 CLS 352
K 52.3 41.5 29.4 21.0 12.5
Min. water flow rate l/s 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.5 3.1
Nominal flow rate l/s 1.9 2,6 3,1 3.5 4.3
Max. water flow rate l/s 3.2 4.3 5.2 5.9 7.2
Min. pressure drops kPa 10.1 14.1 14.4 13.5 11.8
Nominal pressure drops kPa 19.9 27.7 28.3 26.4 23.2
Max. pressure drops kPa 55.3 77.0 78.6 73.3 64.4


CLS 402 CLS 502 CLS 552 CLS 602
K 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6
Min. water flow rate l/s 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1
Nominal flow rate l/s 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.1
Max. water flow rate l/s 8.4 9.7 10.8 11.9
Min. pressure drops kPa 13.7 18.2 22.7 27.6
Nominal pressure drops kPa 26.9 35.7 44.4 54.1
Max. pressure drops kPa 74.6 99.5 123.5 150.4


CLH 182 CLH 202 CLH 242 CLH 302 CLH 352
K 52.3 41.5 29.4 21.0 12.5
Min. water flow rate l/s 1.4 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.0
Nominal flow rate l/s 1.9 2,6 3,2 3.8 4.2
Max. water flow rate l/s 3.2 4.4 5.4 6.3 7.0
Min. pressure drops kPa 10.1 14.5 15.5 15.1 11.3
Nominal pressure drops kPa 19.9 28.4 30.4 29.5 22.1
Max. pressure drops kPa 55.3 78.9 84.5 82.1 61.5


CLH 402 CLH 502 CLH 552 CLH 602
K 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6
Min. water flow rate l/s 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.5
Nominal flow rate l/s 4.7 5.3 5.8 6.3
Max. water flow rate l/s 7.9 8.8 9.6 10.5
Min. pressure drops kPa 12.0 15.1 18.1 21.3
Nominal pressure drops kPa 23.6 29.5 35.4 41.8
Max. pressure drops kPa 65.6 82.0 98.4 116.2

qP = K · Q2 / 10

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Technical data

8.2 Technical data

CLS STD 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 12.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 1.8 2.6 3.1 3.5 4.3
Pressure drop kPa 20.0 27.7 28.3 26.4 23.2
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 610 640 764 818 898
Unit with single pump kg 642 672 796 850 930
Unit with double pump kg 662 692 816 870 950
Unit with tank and single pump kg 907 937 1061 1115 1350
Unit with tank and double pump kg 927 957 1081 1135 1370
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 31

Technical data

CLS STD 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 12.0 17.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.1
Pressure drop kPa 26.9 35.7 44.4 54.1
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2" 2"
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2" 2"
Basic unit kg 972 1060 1195 1230
Unit with single pump kg 1004 1092 1227 1262
Unit with double pump kg 1024 1112 1247 1282
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1424 1602 1737 1772
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1444 1622 1757 1792
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 31
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 32

Technical data

CLS LN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 12.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up typeo Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 1.8 2.6 3.1 3.5 4.3
Pressure drop kPa 20.0 27.7 28.3 26.4 23.2
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 610 640 764 818 898
Unit with single pump kg 642 672 796 850 930
Unit with double pump kg 662 692 816 870 950
Unit with tank and single pump kg 907 937 1061 1115 1350
Unit with tank and double pump kg 927 957 1081 1135 1370
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 33

Technical data

CLS LN 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 13.0 17.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.1
Pressure drop kPa 26.9 35.7 44.4 54.1
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2" 2"
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2" 2"
Basic unit kg 972 1060 1195 1230
Unit with single pump kg 1004 1092 1227 1262
Unit with double pump kg 1024 1112 1247 1282
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1424 1602 1737 1772
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1444 1622 1757 1792
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 34

Technical data

CLS ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.5 7.5 9.0 11.0 12.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 2.0 2.6 3.0 3.3 4.2
Pressure drop kPa 19.9 27.7 27.3 23.0 22.6
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 652 678 806 828 960
Unit with single pump kg 684 710 838 860 992
Unit with double pump kg 704 730 858 880 1012
Unit with tank and single pump kg 949 975 1103 1125 1412
Unit with tank and double pump kg 969 995 1123 1145 1432
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 35

Technical data

CLS ELN 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 12.0 17.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 4.7 5.5 6.5 7.1
Pressure drop kPa 23.8 35.7 44.4 54.1
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 984 1080 1215 1250
Unit with single pump kg 1016 1112 1247 1282
Unit with double pump kg 1036 1132 1267 1302
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1436 1622 1757 1792
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1456 1642 1777 1812
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 35
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 36

Technical data

CLS HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.5 7.5 9.0 11.0 12.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 2.0 2.6 3.1 3.5 4.3
Pressure drop kPa 20.0 27.7 28.3 26.4 23.2
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 610 640 764 818 898
Unit with single pump kg 642 672 796 850 930
Unit with double pump kg 662 692 816 870 950
Unit with tank and single pump kg 907 937 1061 1115 1350
Unit with tank and double pump kg 927 957 1081 1135 1370
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 37

Technical data

CLS HPF 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 12.0 17.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.1
Pressure drop kPa 26.9 35.7 43.1 51.2
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 972 1060 1195 1230
Unit with single pump kg 1004 1092 1227 1262
Unit with double pump kg 1024 1112 1247 1285
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1424 1602 1737 1772
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1444 1622 1757 1792
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 37
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 38

Technical data

CLS HT 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.5 7.5 9.0 11.0 12.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 2.1 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.5
Pressure drop kPa 23.0 32.2 32.9 30.2 25.0
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 610 640 764 818 898
Unit with single pump kg 642 672 796 850 930
Unit with double pump kg 662 692 816 870 950
Unit with tank and single pump kg 907 937 1061 1115 1350
Unit with tank and double pump kg 927 957 1081 1135 1370
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 38
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 39

Technical data

CLS HT 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 12.0 17.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 5.2 6.0 6.5 7.1
Pressure drop kPa 28.9 38.4 47.8 58.2
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 972 1060 1195 1230
Unit with single pump kg 1004 1092 1227 1262
Unit with double pump kg 1024 1112 1247 1282
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1424 1602 1737 1772
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1444 1622 1757 1792
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 39
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 40

Technical data

CLC STD-LN-HPF-HT 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuit 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Refrigerant connections
Type To be welded
Liquid diameter inch 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Suction diameter inch 7/8” 7/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8”
Shipping weight kg 578 603 730 776 840
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height (2) mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.
(2) STD Version Height 1750 mm

CLC STD-LN-HPF-HT 402 502 552 602

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuit 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Refrigerant connections
Type To be welded
Liquid diameter inch 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Suction diameter inch 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8”
Shipping weight kg 907 995 1131 1167
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height (2) mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.
(2) STD Version Height 1750 mm

Page 40
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 41

Technical data

CLC ELN 182 202 242 302 352
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuit 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Refrigerant connections
Type To be welded
Liquid diameter inch 1/2” 1/2” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Suction diameter inch 7/8” 7/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8”
Shipping weight kg 620 641 772 786 903
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2760
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

CLC ELN 402 502 552 602

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuit 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Refrigerant connections
Type To be welded
Liquid diameter inch 5/8” 5/8” 5/8” 5/8”
Suction diameter inch 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8”
Shipping weight kg 919 1015 1151 1187
Length mm 2760 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 41
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 42

Technical data

CLH STD 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.0 11.0 13.0 14.5 15.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 1.5 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.2
Pressure drop kPa 19.9 28.4 30.4 29.5 22.1
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 650 700 860 910 1010
Unit with single pump kg 682 732 892 942 1042
Unit with double pump kg 702 752 912 962 1062
Unit with tank and single pump kg 947 997 1157 1362 1552
Unit with tank and double pump kg 967 1017 1177 1382 1572
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2760 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 42
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 43

Technical data

CLH STD 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 17.0 20.0 22.0 24.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 4.7 5.3 5.8 6.3
Pressure drop kPa 23.6 29.5 35.4 41.8
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 1160 1160 1295 1330
Unit with single pump kg 1192 1192 1327 1362
Unit with double pump kg 1212 1212 1347 1382
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1702 1702 1837 1872
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1722 1722 1857 1892
Length mm 3110 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 43
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 44

Technical data

CLH LN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 7.0 11.0 13.0 14.5 15.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 1.8 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.3
Pressure drop kPa 19.9 28.4 30.4 29.5 22.1
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 650 700 860 910 1010
Unit with single pump kg 682 732 892 942 1042
Unit with double pump kg 702 752 912 962 1062
Unit with tank and single pump kg 947 997 1157 1362 1552
Unit with tank and double pump kg 967 1017 1177 1382 1572
Length mm 2100 2100 2100 2760 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 44
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 45

Technical data

CLH LN 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 17.0 20.0 22.0 24.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 4.8 5.4 5.8 6.3
Pressure drop kPa 23.6 29.5 35.4 41.8
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 1160 1160 1295 1330
Unit with single pump kg 1192 1192 1327 1362
Unit with double pump kg 1212 1212 1347 1382
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1702 1702 1837 1872
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1722 1722 1857 1892
Length mm 3110 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 45
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 46

Technical data

CLH ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge 1) kg 9.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scrolll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 2.0 2.6 3.1 3.4 4.2
Pressure drop kPa 19.9 27.7 27.9 24.4 21.7
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 670 720 910 960 1130
Unit with single pump kg 702 752 942 992 1162
Unit with double pump kg 722 772 962 1012 1182
Unit with tank and single pump kg 967 1017 1362 1412 1672
Unit with tank and double pump kg 987 1037 1382 1432 1692
Length mm 2100 2100 2760 2760 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 46
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 47

Technical data

CLH ELN 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 17.0 20.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 4.4 5.0 5.8 6.3
Pressure drop kPa 21.0 26.3 35.4 41.8
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 1180 1180 1315 1350
Unit with single pump kg 1212 1212 1347 1382
Unit with double pump kg 1232 1232 1367 1402
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1722 1722 1857 1892
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1742 1742 1877 1912
Length mm 3110 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 47
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 48

Technical data

CLH HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 2 2 3
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 50/100 50/100 43-57/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 9.0 12.0 15.0 15.0, 15.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 2.0 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.2
Pressure drop kPa 19.9 28.4 30.4 29.5 22.1
Minimum water content l 3.3 3.9 2.8 3.3 4.4
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 650 700 860 910 1010
Unit with single pump kg 682 732 892 942 1042
Unit with double pump kg 702 752 912 962 1062
Unit with tank and single pump kg 947 997 1157 1362 1552
Unit with tank and double pump kg 967 1017 1177 1382 1572
Length mm 2100 2100 2760 2760 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

Page 48
Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 49

Technical data

CLH HPF 402 502 552 602
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400/3/50
Number of circuits 2 2 2 2
Number of steps 2 2 3 2
Capacity control steps % 50/100 50/100 43-57/100 50/100
Type R407C
Charge (1) kg 17.0 20.0 18.5 20.0
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Number 2 2 2 2
Start-up type Direct
Type Plate type
Number 2 2 2 2
Water flow rate l/s 4.7 5.3 5.8 6.3
Pressure drop kPa 23.6 29.5 35.4 41.8
Minimum water content l 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Type Coil type (Al/Cu)
Hydraulic connections
Type Gas threaded male type
Inlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Outlet diameter inch 2” 2” 2” 2”
Basic unit kg 1160 1160 1295 1330
Unit with single pump kg 1192 1192 1327 1362
Unit with double pump kg 1212 1212 1347 1382
Unit with tank and single pump kg 1702 1702 1837 1872
Unit with tank and double pump kg 1722 1722 1857 1892
Length mm 3110 3110 3110 3110
Width mm 1110 1110 1110 1110
Height mm 1850 1850 1850 1850

(1) Indicative value. Always refer to the value specified on the unit’s label.

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Technical data

8.3 Unit Electrical data

CLS/CLC STD 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 18.8 25.4 30.0 35.6 42.5
Rated current A 22.2 30.6 41.9 50.5 58.5
Max. current (FLA) A 32.1 43.3 49.9 59.9 70.3
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 116.0 149.6 175.9 205.9 246.8
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLS STD with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.6 26.2 31.5 37.1 44.3
Rated current A 24.3 32.7 45.7 54.3 63.4
Max. current (FLA) A 34.2 45.4 53.7 63.7 75.2
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 118.1 151.6 179.7 209.7 251.7
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLS/CLC STD 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 49.0 59.4 64.7 71.8
Rated current A 65.6 79.8 81.3 91.2
Max. current (FLA) A 79.8 97.2 108.8 119.8
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 256.3 320.0 370.0 381.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLS STD with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 50.8 61.2 66.5 73.6
Rated current A 70.5 84.7 86.2 96.1
Max. current (FLA) A 84.7 102.1 113.7 124.7
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 261.2 324.9 375.0 386.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLS/CLC LN-ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.3 25.9 30.4 36.0 43.2
Rated current A 22.6 31.0 42.3 50.9 59.2
Max. current (FLA) A 32.5 43.7 50.3 60.3 71.0
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 116.4 150.0 176.3 206.3 247.5
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLS LN-ELN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 20.1 26.7 31.9 37.5 45.0
Rated current A 24.7 33.1 46.1 54.7 64.1
Max. current (FLA) A 34.6 45.8 54.1 64.1 75.9
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 118.5 152.1 180.1 210.1 252.4
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLS/CLC LN-ELN 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 49.7 60.1 65.4 72.5
Rated current A 66.3 80.5 82.0 91.9
Max. current (FLA) A 80.5 97.9 109.5 120.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 257.0 320.7 371.0 382.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLS LN-ELN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 51.5 61.9 67.9 74.3
Rated current A 71.2 85.4 86.9 96.8
Max. current (FLA) A 85.4 102.8 114.4 125.4
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 261.9 325.6 376.0 387.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLS/CLC HT-HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.8 26.4 31.0 36.6 44.0
Rated current A 23.7 32.1 43.4 52.0 60.8
Max. current (FLA) A 33.6 44.8 51.4 61.4 72.6
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 117.5 151.1 177.4 207.4 248.0
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLS HT-HPF with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 20.6 27.2 32.5 38.1 45.8
Rated current A 25.8 34.2 47.2 55.8 65.7
Max. current (FLA) A 35.7 46.9 55.2 65.2 77.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 119.6 153.2 181.2 211.2 254.0
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLS/CLC HT-HPF 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 50.5 60.9 64.7 73.3
Rated current A 67.9 82.1 83.6 93.5
Max. current (FLA) A 82.1 99.5 111.1 122.1
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 258.6 322.3 373.0 384.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLS HT-HPF with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 52.3 62.7 66.5 75.1
Rated current A 72.8 87.0 88.5 98.4
Max. current (FLA) A 87.0 104.4 116.0 147.0
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 263.5 327.2 378.0 389.0
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Manuale CLS-CLH1 7.2.2005 10:17 Pagina 53

Technical data

Electrical Data Compressors and pumps

Compressors CLS/CLC 182 202 242 302 352

Number 2 2 2 2 2
Absorbed power rating, compr. 1 kW 6 8.5 12 13.7 13.7
Absorbed power rating, compr. 2 kW 6 8.5 12 13.7 18.6
Max. absorbed power, compr. 1 kW 9 12 15 17 17
Max. absorbed power, compr. 2 kW 9 12 15 17 24
Rated current, compressor 1 A 10.1 14.4 20 24.3 24.3
Rated current, compressor 2 A 10.1 14.4 20 24.3 31.4
Max. current (FLA), compressor 1 A 15 21 24 29 29
Max. current (FLA), compressor 2 A 15 21 24 29 38.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 1 A 99 127 150 175 175
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 2 A 99 127 150 175 215
Oil pan resistor, compressor 1 W 70 70 65 75 75
Oil pan resistor, compressor 2 W 70 70 65 75 130
Pump (unit with 1 pump)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power kW 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.5
Absorbed rated current A 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.1 3.8
Pump (unit with 2 pumps)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power (2) kW 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.8
Absorbed rated current (2) A 2.1 2.1 3.8 3.8 4.9

Compressors CLS/CLC 402 502 552 602

Number 2 2 2 2
Absorbed power rating, compr. 1 kW 18.6 23 20.3 25.3
Absorbed power rating, compr. 2 kW 18.6 23 25.3 25.3
Max. absorbed power, compr. 1 kW 24 29 28 35
Max. absorbed power, compr. 2 kW 24 29 35 35
Rated current, compressor 1 A 31.4 38.5 34.3 44.2
Rated current, compressor 2 A 31.4 38.5 44.2 44.2
Max. current (FLA), compressor 1 A 38.5 47 48 59
Max. current (FLA), compressor 2 A 38.5 47 58.5 59
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 1 A 215 270 272 320
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 2 A 215 270 320 320
Oil pan resistor, compressor 1 W 130 130 150 150
Oil pan resistor, compressor 2 W 130 130 150 150
Pump (unit with 1 pump)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power kW 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Absorbed rated current A 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9
Pump (unit with 2 pumps)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power (2) kW 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Absorbed rated current (2) A 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9

(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Fans Electrical data

Fans CLS/CLC STD 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 2 2 2 2 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
Max. absorbed current per fan A 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

Fans CLS/CLC STD 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Numero n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
Max. absorbed current per fan A 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

Fans CLS/CLC LN/ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 2 2 2 2 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Fans CLS/CLC LN/ELN 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Numero n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Fans CLS/CLC HT/HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 2 2 2 2 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

Fans CLS/CLC HT/HPF 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLH STD 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 18.8 25.4 31.0 36.0 42.1
Rated current A 22.2 30.6 41.9 51.4 51.3
Max. current (FLA) A 32.1 43.3 49.9 60.8 71.6
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 116 150 176 207 256
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLH STD with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.6 26.2 32.5 37.5 43.9
Rated current A 24.3 32.7 45.7 55.2 56.2
Max. current (FLA) A 34.2 45.4 53.7 64.6 76.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 118 152 180 211 260
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLH STD 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 49.9 57.6 64.7 71.8
Rated current A 56.2 66.4 81.3 91.2
Max. current (FLA) A 84.8 97.8 108.8 119.8
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 269 322 370 381
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLH STD with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 51.7 59.4 66.5 73.6
Rated current A 61.1 71.3 86.2 96.1
Max. current (FLA) A 89.7 102.7 113.7 124.7
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 274 327 375 386
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLH LN 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.3 25.9 31.4 36.7 42.8
Rated current A 22.6 31.0 42.3 52.1 52.0
Max. current (FLA) A 32.5 43.7 50.3 61.5 72.3
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 116 150 176 207 256
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLH LN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 20.1 26.7 32.9 38.2 44.6
Rated current A 24.7 33.1 46.1 55.9 56.9
Max. current (FLA) A 34.6 45.8 54.1 65.3 77.2
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 119 152 180 211 261
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLH LN 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 50.6 58.3 65.4 72.5
Rated current A 56.9 67.0 82.0 91.9
Max. current (FLA) A 85.5 98.5 109.5 120.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 269 323 371 382
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLH LN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 52.4 60.1 67.2 74.3
Rated current A 61.8 71.9 86.9 96.8
Max. current (FLA) A 90.4 103.4 114.4 125.4
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 274 328 376 387
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLH ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.3 25.9 32.1 36.7 42.8
Rated current A 22.6 31.0 43.5 52.1 52.0
Max. current (FLA) A 32.5 43.7 51.5 61.5 72.3
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 116 150 177 207 256
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLH ELN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 20.1 26.7 33.6 38.2 44.6
Rated current A 24.7 33.1 47.3 55.9 56.9
Max. current (FLA) A 34.6 45.8 55.3 65.3 77.2
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 119 152 181 211 261
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLH ELN 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 50.6 58.3 65.4 72.5
Rated current A 56.9 67.0 82.0 91.9
Max. current (FLA) A 85.5 98.5 109.5 120.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 269 323 371 382
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLH ELN with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 52.4 60.1 67.2 74.3
Rated current A 61.8 71.9 86.9 96.8
Max. current (FLA) A 90.4 103.4 114.4 125.4
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 274 328 376 387
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Unit Electrical data

CLH HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 19.8 26.4 32.0 37.5 43.6
Rated current A 23.7 32.1 43.4 53.7 53.6
Max. current (FLA) A 33.6 44.8 51.4 63.1 73.9
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 118 151 177 209 258
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (1) mm2 16 25 25 35 35
CLH HPF with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 20.6 27.2 33.5 39.0 45.4
Rated current A 25.8 34.2 47.2 57.5 58.5
Max. current (FLA) A 35.7 46.9 55.2 66.9 78.8
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 120 153 181 213 263
External fuses (A) 50 63 63 80 100
Max. cable section (2) mm 2
16 25 25 35 35

CLH HPF 402 502 552 602

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 51.4 59.1 66.2 73.3
Rated current A 58.5 73.8 83.6 93.5
Max. current (FLA) A 87.1 100.1 111.1 122.1
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 271 325 373 384
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (1) mm2 35 50 70 70
CLH HPF with pump
Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Max. absorbed power kW 53.2 60.9 68.0 75.1
Rated current A 63.4 78.7 88.5 98.4
Max. current (FLA) A 92.0 105.0 116.0 127.0
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 276 330 378 389
External fuses (A) 100 125 125 160
Max. cable section (2) mm2 35 50 70 70

(1) The dimensioning of the unit’s power cables is the responsibility of the installer, who shall consider: the rating, the maximum working temperature
in the room, the type of insulation and the cable laying, the maximum length of the power supply line.
(2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Electrical Data Compressors and pumps

Compressorsi CLH 182 202 242 302 352

Number 2 2 2 2 2
Absorbed power rating, compr. 1 kW 6 8.5 12 13.7 12.9
Absorbed power rating, compr. 2 kW 6 8.5 12 13.7 15.8
Max. absorbed power, compr. 1 kW 9 12 15 17 16
Max. absorbed power, compr. 2 kW 9 12 15 17 24
Rated current, compressor 1 A 10.1 14.4 20 24.3 21.8
Rated current, compressor 2 A 10.1 14.4 20 24.3 26.7
Max. current (FLA), compressor 1 A 15 21 24 29 28
Max. current (FLA), compressor 2 A 15 21 24 29 41
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 1 A 99 127 150 175 198
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 2 A 99 127 150 175 225
Oil pan resistor, compressor 1 W 70 70 65 75 70
Oil pan resistor, compressor 2 W 70 70 65 75 120
Pump (unit with 1 pump)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power kW 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.5
Absorbed rated current A 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.1 3.8
Pump (unit with 2 pumps)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power (2) kW 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.8
Absorbed rated current (2) A 2.1 2.1 3.8 3.8 4.9

Compressors CLH 402 502 552 602

Number 2 2 2 2
Absorbed power rating, compr. 1 kW 15.8 18.8 20.3 25.3
Absorbed power rating, compr. 2 kW 15.8 18.8 25.3 25.3
Max. absorbed power, compr. 1 kW 24 28 28 35
Max. absorbed power, compr. 2 kW 24 28 35 35
Rated current, compressor 1 A 26.7 31.8 34.3 44.2
Rated current, compressor 2 A 26.7 31.8 44.2 44.2
Max. current (FLA), compressor 1 A 41 48 48 59
Max. current (FLA), compressor 2 A 41 48 58.5 59
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 1 A 225 272 272 320
Max. start-up current (LRA) compr. 2 A 225 272 320 320
Oil pan resistor, compressor 1 W 120 150 150 150
Oil pan resistor, compressor 2 W 120 150 150 150
Pump (unit with 1 pump)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power kW 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Absorbed rated current A 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9
Pump (unit with 2 pumps)
Supply voltage V-ph-Hz 400 / 3 / 50
Rated power (2) kW 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Absorbed rated current (2) A 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9
2) Data which refer to a single pump.

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Technical data

Fans Electrical data

Fans CLH STD 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 2 2 2 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
Max. absorbed current per fan A 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

Fans CLH STD 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
Max. absorbed current per fan A 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

Fans CLH LN/ELN 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number LN/ELN n° 2 2 2/3 3 3
PRated power per fan kW 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Fans CLH LN/ELN 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Fans CLH HPF 182 202 242 302 352

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 2 2 2 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

Fans CLH HPF 402 502 552 602

Power supply V-ph-Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Number n° 3 3 3 3
Rated power per fan kW 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Max. absorbed current per fan A 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

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Technical data

CLH with additional resistances

CLH HE Option 0 182 202 242 302 352 402 502

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Additional resistances kW 24 24 32 32 32 48 48
Max. absorbed power kW 43.6 50.2 64.5 69.5 75.9 99.7 107.4
Rated current A 58.9 67.3 91.9 101.4 102.4 130.3 140.5
Max. current (FLA) A 68.8 80.0 99.9 110.8 122.7 158.9 171.9
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 153 186 226 257 307 343 396

CLH HE Option 1 182 202 242 302 352 402 502

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Additional resistances kW 32 32 48 48 48 56 56
Max. absorbed power kW 51.6 58.2 80.5 85.5 91.9 107.7 115.4
Rated current A 70.5 78.9 114.9 124.4 125.4 141.9 152.1
Max. current (FLA) A 80.4 91.6 122.9 133.8 145.7 170.5 183.5
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 164 198 249 280 330 354 408

CLH HE Option 2 182 202 242 302 352 402 502

Rated voltage V(%)/ph/Hz 400 ±10% / 3 / 50
Additional resistances kW 48 48 56 56 56 64 64
Max. absorbed power kW 67.6 74.2 88.5 93.5 99.9 115.7 123.4
Rated current A 93.5 101.9 126.5 136.0 137.0 153.5 163.7
Max. current (FLA) A 103.4 114.6 134.5 145.4 157.3 182.1 195.1
Max. start-up current (LRA) A 187 221 260 291 341 366 420

CLH EH Resistors 6 kW 12 kW 16 KW
Power kW 6 12 16
Current A 8.7 17.3 23.1

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 62

Technical data

8.4 Position of shock absorbers and weight distribution on supports

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).

CLS Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 610 211 196 94 109
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 640 225 208 95 112
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 764 271 254 111 128
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 818 284 267 125 142
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 898 317 297 132 152
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 972 336 317 150 169
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1060 367 346 163 184
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1195 414 390 184 207
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1230 426 401 189 214
182 ELN 652 220 204 106 122
202 ELN 678 231 215 108 124
242 ELN 806 279 263 124 140
302 ELN 828 288 270 126 144
352 ELN 960 330 311 150 169
402 ELN 984 340 320 152 172
502 ELN 1080 374 351 166 189
552 ELN 1215 420 395 187 212
602 ELN 1250 432 407 193 218


CLS Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 642 223 207 98 114
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 672 236 219 100 117
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 796 282 265 116 133
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 850 296 278 129 147
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 930 328 308 137 157
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1004 348 328 154 174
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1092 378 356 168 190
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1227 425 400 189 213
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1262 437 412 194 219
182 ELN 684 231 214 111 128
202 ELN 710 242 225 113 130
242 ELN 838 291 274 128 145
302 ELN 860 299 281 131 149
352 ELN 992 341 322 155 174
402 ELN 1016 352 331 156 177
502 ELN 1112 385 362 171 194
552 ELN 1247 431 406 192 218
602 ELN 1282 444 417 197 224

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 63

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4



C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato Compressori
Compressor side Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).


CLS Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 662 229 213 102 118
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 692 243 225 103 121
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 816 289 272 119 136
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 870 303 284 132 151
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 950 335 315 140 160
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1024 354 334 158 178
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1112 385 363 171 193
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1247 432 407 192 216
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1282 444 418 197 223
182 ELN 704 238 220 114 132
202 ELN 730 249 232 116 133
242 ELN 858 297 280 132 149
302 ELN 880 306 287 134 153
352 ELN 1012 348 328 158 178
402 ELN 1036 358 337 160 181
502 ELN 1132 392 368 174 198
552 ELN 1267 438 412 195 221
602 ELN 1302 450 424 201 227


CLS Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 907 314 292 139 162
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 937 329 305 140 164
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1061 376 353 155 177
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1115 388 364 170 193
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1350 476 447 199 228
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1424 493 465 219 247
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1602 555 523 246 278
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1737 601 567 267 302
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1772 613 578 273 308
182 ELN 949 321 297 154 177
202 ELN 975 333 309 155 178
242 ELN 1103 382 360 169 191
302 ELN 1125 391 367 172 195
352 ELN 1412 486 458 220 248
402 ELN 1436 497 467 221 251
502 ELN 1622 561 528 250 283
552 ELN 1757 608 572 271 307
602 ELN 1792 620 583 276 313

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 64

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).


CLS Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 927 321 298 142 165
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 957 336 311 143 167
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1081 383 360 158 181
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1135 395 371 173 197
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1370 483 454 202 231
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1444 500 471 222 251
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1622 561 529 250 282
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1757 608 573 270 305
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1792 620 585 276 311
182 ELN 969 328 303 157 181
202 ELN 995 340 316 158 182
242 ELN 1123 389 367 172 195
302 ELN 1145 398 374 175 199
352 ELN 1432 493 464 223 252
402 ELN 1456 504 474 224 254
502 ELN 1642 568 534 253 287
552 ELN 1777 615 578 274 310
602 ELN 1812 627 590 279 316

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 65

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5.

CLC Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF/HT 578 200 186 89 103
202 STD/LN/HPF/HT 603 212 196 90 105
242 STD/LN/HPF/HT 730 258 243 106 122
302 STD/LN/HPF/HT 776 270 254 118 134
352 STD/LN/HPF/HT 841 296 278 124 142
402 STD/LN/HPF/HT 907 314 296 139 157
502 STD/LN/HPF/HT 995 344 325 153 173
552 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1131 391 369 174 196
602 STD/LN/HPF/HT 1167 404 381 179 203
182 ELN 620 210 194 100 116
202 ELN 641 219 203 102 117
242 ELN 772 268 252 118 134
302 ELN 786 273 257 120 136
352 ELN 903 311 293 141 159
402 ELN 919 318 299 141 160
502 ELN 1015 351 330 156 177
552 ELN 1151 398 375 177 201
602 ELN 1187 411 386 183 207

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 66

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).

CLH Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF 650 224 209 101 116
202 STD/LN/HPF 700 238 223 112 127
242 STD/LN/HPF 860 296 280 134 150
302 STD/LN/HPF 910 317 300 138 155
352 STD/LN/HPF 1010 355 336 150 169
402 STD/LN/HPF 1160 401 379 179 201
502 STD/LN/HPF 1160 401 379 179 201
552 STD/LN/HPF 1295 447 423 200 224
602 STD/LN/HPF 1330 459 435 206 230
182 ELN 670 225 211 110 124
202 ELN 720 239 224 121 136
242 ELN 910 298 283 157 172
302 ELN 960 327 311 153 169
352 ELN 1130 388 367 177 198
402 ELN 1180 407 385 183 205
502 ELN 1180 407 385 183 205
552 ELN 1315 453 429 204 228
602 ELN 1350 465 441 210 234


CLH Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF 682 236 220 105 121
202 STD/LN/HPF 732 249 233 117 133
242 STD/LN/HPF 892 307 291 139 155
302 STD/LN/HPF 942 328 311 143 160
352 STD/LN/HPF 1042 367 347 154 174
402 STD/LN/HPF 1192 412 390 184 206
502 STD/LN/HPF 1192 412 390 184 206
552 STD/LN/HPF 1327 458 434 205 230
602 STD/LN/HPF 1362 470 445 211 236
182 ELN 702 236 221 115 130
202 ELN 752 249 234 127 142
242 ELN 942 309 292 162 179
302 ELN 992 338 321 158 175
352 ELN 1162 399 378 182 203
402 ELN 1212 418 396 188 210
502 ELN 1212 418 396 188 210
552 ELN 1347 464 440 209 234
602 ELN 1382 476 451 215 240

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 67

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).


CLH Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF 702 242 226 109 125
202 STD/LN/HPF 752 255 239 121 137
242 STD/LN/HPF 912 314 297 143 159
302 STD/LN/HPF 962 335 317 146 164
352 STD/LN/HPF 1062 374 353 157 178
402 STD/LN/HPF 1212 419 396 187 210
502 STD/LN/HPF 1212 419 396 187 210
552 STD/LN/HPF 1347 465 440 208 233
602 STD/LN/HPF 1382 477 452 214 239
182 ELN 722 243 227 118 134
202 ELN 772 256 240 130 146
242 ELN 962 315 299 166 182
302 ELN 1012 344 327 162 179
352 ELN 1182 405 384 186 207
402 ELN 1232 425 402 191 214
502 ELN 1232 425 402 191 214
552 ELN 1367 471 446 212 237
602 ELN 1402 483 458 218 243


CLH Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF 947 327 305 146 169
202 STD/LN/HPF 997 339 317 160 181
242 STD/LN/HPF 1157 398 377 181 202
302 STD/LN/HPF 1362 474 449 207 232
352 STD/LN/HPF 1552 546 516 230 260
402 STD/LN/HPF 1702 588 556 263 295
502 STD/LN/HPF 1702 588 556 263 295
552 STD/LN/HPF 1837 634 600 284 318
602 STD/LN/HPF 1872 647 612 289 324
182 ELN 967 325 304 158 180
202 ELN 1017 337 317 171 192
242 ELN 1362 446 423 235 258
302 ELN 1412 481 457 225 249
352 ELN 1672 574 544 262 292
402 ELN 1722 593 562 268 299
502 ELN 1722 593 562 268 299
552 ELN 1857 640 606 289 323
602 ELN 1892 652 617 294 329

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 68

Technical data

A3 A4

A3 A4


V1 V1

C1 C2 C1 C2

A2 A1 A2 A1
Lato side
Compressori Compressor
Lato side
(For the support position, see paragraph 8.5).


CLH Weight (kg) Support 1 (A1) Support 2 (A2) Support 3 (A3) Support 4 (A4)
182 STD/LN/HPF 967 334 311 150 172
202 STD/LN/HPF 1017 345 323 163 185
242 STD/LN/HPF 1177 405 383 184 205
302 STD/LN/HPF 1382 481 456 210 235
352 STD/LN/HPF 1572 553 523 233 263
402 STD/LN/HPF 1722 595 563 266 298
502 STD/LN/HPF 1722 595 563 266 298
552 STD/LN/HPF 1857 641 607 287 322
602 STD/LN/HPF 1892 653 618 293 328
182 ELN 987 332 310 162 183
202 ELN 1037 344 323 175 196
242 ELN 1382 453 429 238 262
302 ELN 1432 487 463 229 253
352 ELN 1692 580 550 266 296
402 ELN 1742 600 568 271 303
502 ELN 1742 600 568 271 303
552 ELN 1877 647 613 292 326
602 ELN 1912 659 624 297 332

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 69

Technical data

8.5 Overall dimensions
35 mm
for transport B


Lifting point
Lifting point

Cable inlet

177 A 177 36.5 1037 36.5


2” male

2"male 2"




(+35 mm for transport only) ~368 VIEW C
VIEW C 501
with tank without tank

Models Versions Dimensions A (mm) Dimensions B (mm) Dimensions C (mm)

CLS 182- STD 1756 2110 1750
302 LN/ELN/HT/HPF 1756 2110 1850

Note: Do not extract dimensions if not specifyed in the drawings.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 70

Technical data


35 mm
for transport
only B


Lifting point
Lifting point
cable inlet

177 A 36.5 1037 36.5


2” male

2" male 2"





(+35 mm for transport only)
VIEW B with tank without tank

Models Versions Dimensions A (mm) Dimensions B (mm) Dimensions C (mm)

CLS 352- STD 2406 2760 1750
402 LN/ELN/HT/HPF 2406 2760 1850
CLS 502- STD 2756 3110 1750
552-602 LN/ELN/HT/HPF 2756 3110 1850

Note: Do not extract dimensions if not specifyed in the drawings.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 71

Technical data


D1 - D2 = Liquid line CLC D1-D2 E1-E2

E1 - E2 = Suction line
182-202 1/2” 7/8”
242-602 5/8” 1 5/8”

Back view shows the refrigerant attacks. For the other dimensions to reference to CLS units.
The refrigerant connections doesn’t arrive to the back frame (see above) but they are easily attainable from the outside.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 72

Technical data

CLH 182-242 STD-LN-HPF / CLH 182-202 ELN

35 mm
for transport

Lifting point

Cable inlet Lifting point

177 A 177 36.5 1037 36.5


2” male

2" male 2"




501 VIEW C
(+35 mm for transport only) 368 VIEW C without tank
with tank

Models Versions Dimensions A (mm) Dimensions B (mm) Dimensions C (mm)

STD 1756 2110 1750
CLH 182
LN/ELN/HPF 1756 2110 1850
STD 1756 2110 1750
CLH 202
LN/ELN/HPF 1756 2110 1850
STD 1756 2110 1750
CLH 242
LN 1756 2110 1850

Note: Do not extract dimensions if not specifyed in the drawings.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 73

Technical data

35 mm
for transport
Cable inlet

Lifting point

Lifting point
177 A 177 36.5 1037 36.5


2” male
2 " male




(+35 mm for transport only)
368 VIEW C 501 VIEW C
VIEW B with tank without tank

Models Versions Dimensions A (mm) Dimensions B (mm) Dimensions C (mm)

CLH 242 ELN/HPF 2406 2760 1850
STD 2406 2760 1750
CLH 302
LN/ELN/HPF 2406 2760 1850
CLH 352- STD 2756 3110 1750
552-602 LN/ELN/HPF 2756 3110 1850

Note: Do not extract dimensions if not specifyed in the drawings.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 74

Technical data

8.6 Service spaces

Installation of Single Units

3000 mm

For all sizes:

1000 mm

1000 mm
1000 mm

For all sizes:

1000 mm


Installation of several Units


1.5 m

A1 A2 A3

1.5 m
2.0 m


1.0 m 1.0 m


A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
Arrangement 1 (m) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0
Arrangement 2 (m) 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 1.0 1.5 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.0
A wall only may be higher that the units.
The area between the walls must be kept free from any obstacle which may hinder the free air inflow towards the unit(s).

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 75


9 MAINTENANCE Planned maintenance
Carefully read the “Safety” section of this manual
before carrying out any maintenance operations.

End of season
Do not discharge the refrigerant into the at-

of season

mosphere while the refrigeration circuits

are being drained. Use appropriate recov-

ery equipment.
When the recovered refrigerant cannot be
re-used, return it to the manufacturer. Check the temperature
of the leaving fluid •
Do not throw away the waste oil of the Check the pressure drops
compressor, because it contains refrigerant in the heat exchanger •
in solution.
The waste oil must be returned to the manu- Check for electric
facturer. absorption •
Check suction pressure
Unless otherwise specified, the operations described
below may be carried out only by a trained mainte-
and temperature •
nance operator. Check delivery pressure
and temperature •
9.1 General requirements Check the oil level
Itelco-Clima units have been designed for continuous
in the compressor •
operation, providing that they are subjected to regu- Check that there are no gas
lar maintenance, within the limits specified in this bubbles in the liquid line •
manual. Each unit must be serviced according to the
Check that the fins of the
programme by the User/Customer, and must be in-
spected at regular intervals by the personnel of one external coil are clean (if any) •
of Itelco-Clima’s authorised Service Centers. Check the operation
of the oil heaters •
It is the responsibility of the User to meet these main-
Check the remote
tenance requirements and/or to enter into an agree-
ment with one of Itelco-Clima’s Service Centers, so control switches •
as to properly safeguard the operation of the appli- Check the operation
ance. of the LP pressure switch •
During the warranty period, in case of damage or Check the operation
failures caused by improper maintenance, Itelco-Cli- of the HP pressure switch •
ma will not refund the costs incurred to repair the ap- Check the insulation
pliance in its original state. of the heat exchanger •
The provisions of this section apply only to standard Check that terminals
units; according to the order requirements, other are tightened •
documentation may be added, concerning any mod- Check that the terminals’
ifications or supplementary accessories. screws are tightened •
9.2 Planned maintenance Clean the exterior of the
unit with water and soap •
Maintenance inspections must be carried out accord-
Check the density
ing to the program below, by a qualified person.
As a general rule, units cannot be repaired directly of the antifreeze (if any) • •
by the user, who shall not try to service or repair any Check the operation
failures or anomalies identified during daily inspec- of the flow switches •
tions. If you are in doubt, please contact Itelco-Clima
Service Centre. Check the operation
of the solenoid valve • •

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 76


9.3 Refrigerant charge Compressors use polyester oil, for both the
versions manufactured for R134a and
Do not inject refrigerant liquid into the LP R407C. During maintenance operations on
side of the circuit. Be very careful, and the compressor, or if you have to open the
charge the circuit properly. If the charge is refrigerant circuit in any point, remember
insufficient, the efficiency of the unit will be that this type of oil is highly hygroscopic,
lower than expected. In the worst of cases and accordingly it is important that it is not
the LP pressure switch may be activated, re- left exposed to the weather for prolonged
sulting in the halting of the unit. periods, as this would require the replace-
In the presence of an excess charge, the ment of the oil.
condensing pressure will rise (in the worst In a few cases, the polyester oil may be pre-
of cases, the HP pressure switch may be ac- sent also in R22 units (a refrigerant that can
tivated, resulting in the stop of the equip- be used also in extra UE countries).
ment), and the consumption will increase as
well. 9.5 Condenser
It is strictly forbidden to use the compressor The condenser’s coils consist of copper pipes and
as a vacuum pump to drain the plant. aluminium fins. In the presence of leaks caused by
any damage or shock, the coils shall be repaired or
replaced by one of Itelco-Clima’s authorised Service
Centers. To ensure the effective and correct opera-
tion of the condenser coils, it is important to keep the
condenser’s surface perfectly clean, and to check
Fill the refrigeration circuit after it has been drained that there is no foreign matter, such as leafs, wires,
for maintenance purposes (leaks, replacement of the insects, waste etc. If the coil becomes dirty, there is
compressor etc.). The amount of the charge is indi- an increase in the absorption of electric energy. Fur-
cated on the plate affixed to the unit. thermore, the maximum pressure alarm may be acti-
vated and may halt the unit.
Before refilling, it is important to drain and de-hy-
drate the circuit, thus obtaining a minimum abs. pres- Be careful not to damage the aluminium fins
sure value of 50 Pa. during cleaning.

Inject the refrigerant fluid before removing the vacu-

um, then fill the circuit up to 90% of the total gas re-
quirement (in liquid form). The appliance must be
filled through the filling valve on the liquid line, on The condenser must be cleaned with a LP com-
the outlet side of the condenser. pressed air jet, parallel to the aluminium fins, in the
direction opposite to the air circulation.
It is recommended to connect the refrigerant cylinder
to the filling valve on the liquid line, and to arrange it To clean the coil you can use also a vacuum cleaner,
in such a way as to inject only liquid refrigerant. or a jet of water and soap.

Then start the compressor and let the gas flow from 9.6 Fans
the cylinder, up until the liquid flow, which can be
observed through the sight glass, is limpid. The fans of the condenser, of axial type, are com-
plete with impeller with aerodynamic profile blades
9.4 Compressor and a cylindrical nozzle. The motor’s bearings are
lubricated forever.
Compressors are delivered with the necessary
charge of lubricating oil. During normal operation, Before starting the appliance, after any maintenance
this charge is sufficient for the whole life of the unit, operations involving the disconnection of 3-phase
providing that the efficiency of the refrigeration cir- connections, check that the direction of rotation of
cuit is satisfactory and if it has not been overhauled. the fans is the one indicated by the arrow (upward
air current). If the direction of rotation is wrong, in-
If the compressor needs to be replaced (following a vert two of the three supply phases to the motor.
mechanical failure or if burnt), contact one of Itelco-
Clima’s Service Centers.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 77


9.7 Dehydrating filter Make the adjusting screw follow a complete turn,
and operate the appliance for five minutes.
The refrigeration circuits are provided with dehydrat- Check again and, if necessary, repeat the regula-
ing filters. tion.
The filter clogging is marked by the presence of air
bubbles in the sight glass, or by the difference be- If the expansion valve cannot be regulated, it is prob-
tween the temperatures measured downstream from ably broken, and shall be replaced. The replace-
and upstream of the drying filter. If, once the car- ment must be carried out by a Service Centre.
tridge has been cleaned, there are still some air bub-
bles, the appliance has lost a part of the refrigerant 9.10 Evaporator
charge in one or more points, that must be identified
and serviced.
Check at regular intervals that the water side of the
9.8 Sight glass heat exchanger is perfectly clean. To do this, mea-
sure the pressure drop, water side (see Section 8) or
The sight glass is used for inspecting the refrigerant measure the temperature of the liquid leaving and
flow and the humidity % of the refrigerant. The pres- entering the heat exchanger, and compare it to the
ence of bubbles indicates that the dehydrating filter evaporation temperature.
is clogged or the charge insufficient.
To obtain an effective heat exchange, the difference
A colour indicator is positioned inside the sight between the temperature of the leaving water and
glass. If you compare the colour of the indicator to the saturated evaporating temperature must be in the
the scale on the ring of the sight glass, you can calcu- 2 - 4°C range. A greater difference would indicate a
late the percentage of humidity of the refrigerant. If it low efficiency of the heat exchanger (i.e. the heat ex-
is excessive, replace the filter’s cartridge, operate changer is dirty).
the appliance for 1 day and then check the humidity
% again. When the humidity % is within the pre-de- In this case, the heat exchanger must be subjected to
termined range, no other operations are required. If chemical cleaning, an operation that shall be carried
the humidity % is still too high, replace the dehydrat- out by authorised engineers.
ing filter again, start the unit and operate it for anoth-
er day. For other maintenance operations (extraordinary
overhauling, replacement of the heat exchanger
9.9 Thermostatic expansion valve etc.), contact an authorised Service Centre.

The circuit of the unit is equipped with a thermostatic

expansion valve, with external equalizer.
The valve is shop-calibrated for an overheating of

Procedure to check for overheating:

– Measure the suction pressure with the pressure
gauges on the board of the unit o using a pressure
gauge connected to the service valve on the suc-
tion side.
– From the pressure gauge’s temperature scale, mea-
sure the saturated suction temperature (Tsa) which
corresponds to the pressure value.
– Using a contact pressure gauge affixed to the out-
let fitting of the gas of the evaporator, measure the
actual temperature (Tse).

Overheating calculation (S):

S = Tse - Tsa

Overheating is regulated through the thermostatic

expansion valve.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 78


The table below lists the anomalies of operation of the unit, the relevant causes and the corrective measures.
For anomalies of any other type or not listed, contact one of Itelco-Clima’s Service Centre for technical assis-

Anomaly Cause Operation

The unit continues to work, Insufficient charge of refrigerant. Refill.
but without cooling.
The dehydrating filter is clogged. Replace.

Ice on the suction line. Wrong calibration of overheating. Increase overheating.

Check the charge.
Excessive noise. Vibration of lines. Check the clamping brackets,
if any.
Whistler emitted by the thermostatic Refill.
expansion valve.
Check the dehydrating filter.
Noisy compressor. Seized bearings; replace the com-
Check that the compressor’s locknuts
are tightened.
Low oil level in the One or more gas or oil leaks in the Identify and remove leaks.
compressor. circuit
Mechanical failure of the compres- Request the intervention of a Service
sor. Centre.
Anomaly of the oil heater of the Check the electric circuit and the resis-
compressor’s base. tor of the heater of the motor base,
and replace defective components.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 79


Anomaly Cause Operation
One or both compressors Breaking of the electric circuit. Check the electric circuit and detect
are not working. any ground dispersions and short cir-
cuits. Check fuses.
Intervention of the HP pressure Reset the pressure switch and the con-
switch. trol panel and restart the appliance.
Identify and remove the cause that en-
abled the pressure switch.
The fuse of the control circuit is bro- Check for ground dispersions and
ken. short circuits. Replace fuses.
Loosened terminals. Check and tighten.
Halt caused by thermal overload of Check the operation of check and
the electric circuit. safety devices. Identify and remove
the cause.
Wrong wiring. Check wiring of check and safety de-
The line voltage is too low. Check voltage. If problems regard the
system, solve them. If they are caused
by the distribution network, inform the
Energy Distributor.
Short-circuit of the compressor’s mo- Check the continuity of the winding.
Seized compressor. Replace the compressor.
Activation of the LP alarm, Gas leak. Identify and remove the leak.
stop of the unit.
Insufficient charge. Refill.
Failure of the pressure switch. Replace the pressure switch.
Activation of the HP alarm, Failure of the pressure switch. Check the operation of the pressure
stop of the unit. switch, replace it if defective.
The delivery valve is partially Open the valve and replace it, if
closed. faulty.
Substances with condensable gases Drain the circuit.
in the circuit.
The fan (i) of the condenser is Check cables and motor. If defective,
stopped. repair or replace.
The liquid line is too hot. Insufficient charge. Identify and remove the cause of the
loss of charge and refill.
Frosting of the liquid line. The valve of the liquid line is partial- Check that valves are open.
ly closed.
The liquid filter is clogged. Replace the cartridge or the filter.

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 80

Spare parts

11.1 Spare part list
The table below shows the list of spare parts recom-
mended during the first two years of operation.

Component Number
HP pressure switch 1
LP pressure switch 1
Gas filter 2
Thermostatic valve 2
Auxiliary relays 2
Fan’s fuses 6
Compressor’s fuses 6
Auxiliary fuses 6
Set of compressor contactors 1
Fan’s contactor 1
Water sensor 1
Air sensor 1
Electronic card 1
Keyboard 1
Compressor oil resistor 1

11.2 Oil for compressors

The compressors are lubricated with polyester oil

11.3 Wiring diagrams

The wiring diagrams are installed inside the doors of
the electrical panels of the unit. Any request for
wiring diagrams shall be forwarded to Itelco-Clima’s
Service Centre..

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Manuale CLS-CLH2 7.2.2005 10:23 Pagina 81

Dismantling, Demolition and Scrapping

12 DISMANTLING, DEMOLITION After draining operations, the piping of the hydraulic
AND SCRAPPING networks can be disconnected and disassembled.

During the draining of the refrigeration cir- Once they have been disconnected as specified, the
cuits, do not let the refrigerant overflow in packaged units can be disassembled in a single
the surrounding atmosphere. piece. First of all, disassemble the anchoring screws
The circuit must be drained using suitable and then lift the unit from the position of installation,
recovery equipment. and hook it to the lifting points provided, using suit-
able lifting equipment.
Do not disperse the waste oil of the com-
pressors in the environment, since it con- To this end, refer to Chapter 4 for the installation of
tains some dissolved refrigerant. these appliances, to Chapter 8 for their weights and
Chapter 3 for handling.
The units that, once disconnected, cannot be re-
moved in a single piece, must be dismantled on site;
For the disposal, contact the competent authority for in this case, be very careful with the weight and han-
information. dling of every single component.

Unless otherwise specified, the maintenance opera- It is always advisable to dismantle the units following
tions listed below may be carried out by any trained the installation steps, but in reverse.
maintenance operator.
Some residues of oil, glycoled water or sim-
12.1 Generalities ilar solutions may remain in certain parts of
the unit. These residues must be recovered
Open each line that supplies the unit, including the and disposed of according to the proce-
ones of control circuits. Make sure that all discon- dures specified above.
necting switches are secured in the off position. The
power cables can be disconnected and disassem- It is very important to ensure that, while a component
bled. Refer to Chapter 4 for the position of connec- of the unit is being removed, all the others are prop-
tion points. erly supported.

Remove all the refrigerant from the refrigeration cir- Use only lifting means of adequate capaci-
cuits of the unit and store it in suitable containers, us- ty.
ing a recovery unit. If its characteristics have re-
mained the same, the refrigerant can be used again.
Contact the competent authority to obtain informa-
tion about disposal. In NO event shall the refrigerant
be discharged into the atmosphere. The oil in each Once disassembled, the components of the unit can
refrigeration circuit must be drained and collected in- be disposed of in conformity with current regula-
to a suitable container; then it shall be disposes of in tions.
conformity with local regulations that apply to the
disposal of waste lubricants. Any oil spillage must be
recovered and disposed of in like manner.

Isolate the unit’s heat exchangers from the external

hydraulic circuits and drain the heat exchange sec-
tions of the plant.

If no shutoff valves have been provided, it

may be necessary to drain the whole plant.
If a glycoled solution or a similar fluid has
been used in the hydraulic circuits, or if
chemical additives have been added to the
circulating water, the circulating fluid MUST
be drained in a proper way.
For NO reason shall a circuit containing
glycoled water or a similar solution be dis-
charged directly into the drains or surface

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ITELCO-CLIMA si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche ai prodotti e alle caratteristiche dei modelli senza preavviso.
Le immagini dei prodotti sono puramente indicative e non sono soggette ad alcun vincolo contrattuale.
With a concern for a constant improvement, our products can be modified without notice. Photos non contractual.

ITELCO-CLIMA S.r.l. - Via XXV Aprile, 29 - 20030 Barlassina (MI) - Tel. +39 0362 6801 - Fax +39 0362 680281 -

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