Brief Wri

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Task 1


1, Increase:
Verbs Past Tense Nouns
Increase Increased An increase
Grow Grew A growth
Rise Rose A rise
Climb Climbed A climb
Go up Went up

2, Decrease
Verbs Past Tense Nouns
Decline Declined A decline
Drop Dropped A drop
Fall Fell A fall
Go down Went down

3, Adjectives + Adverbs
3.1, Significant changes:
Adjectives Adverbs
Dramatic Dramatically

3.2, Continuous changes:

Adjectives Adverbs

3.3, Small changes:

Adjectives Adverbs
Marginal (very small ) = tiny
3.4, No changes: remain stable/ Experience a period of stability/ Reach a plateau
at/stay flat
Adjectives Adverbs

4, Top/ Bot

- Hit / reach a high of / Peak at / reach a peak of

- Hit / reach a low of / Reach the lowest point of / bottom out at

Making predictions Language of estimation:

E.g. The number is likely to increase - About, Around, Almost

- Just under
….is predicted to ………….
….is anticipated to………. - Just above
….is estimated to…………...
- Approximately, roughly, nearly
….is forecast to……………...

There will be ……………...

Paraphrase Linking words:

People over 65 = senior citizens = elderly - Next, then

people = The elderly population - Following that, after that
- In the next ……….
The percentage of = the proportion of = the - Finally, lastly
figure for/of= the rate of= the data of = the - Over a period of ………
statistics of = the quantity of
From to / between and / during / over a
25 -30-year-old people span of .. years from
25 – 30-year olds
People aged 25 – 30
People in the age group 25 to 30
Structure 1: Subject + a verb + an adverb + data + time
E.g.: The number of students increased sharply from about 300 to around 2000 in just
two years.
The number of students increased sharply by almost 1700 in just two years.

Structure 2: There is + a noun + data + time

E.g.: There is a decrease of 25 % in the percentage of students participating in Spanish

Structure 3: Subject + experience/undergo + a noun + time

E.g.: The number of students experienced a double increase in the period between 2005
and 2009.

Structure 4: A clause, which + a verb

The percentage rose significantly by 27%, which climbed from nearly 10% to about 37%
in 10 years

Structure 5: Subject + see + object + verb / verbing + data

E.g.: Apple saw its sales increase by 50% in Asian markets last year


1. Linking words

Similarly, likewise, also

In contrast, however, on the contrary, On the other hand
Meanwhile # while = whereas
Regarding = in terms of = with respect to = when it comes to = with regards to
2. Compared to/In comparison with + a phrase / an object
In contrast to / As opposed to
3. Half + Object
Double + Object >< more than double that of
The number of female students is double that of male ones.
4. Noun (subject) + is + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
The figure of A is two times larger than that of B
5. As… as
Females spend twice as much time as males on household chores
6. The difference ……………………….is slight/ significant ……….. + data
The difference in the number of boys and girls who enjoy this free time activity is significant (90
boys compared to 15 girls).

Modal Quantifiers Comparative Adjectives Verbs Adverbs

verbs + other ways
Can Many More possible appears to Possibly

May Some Less likely seems to Seemingly

Might Several More/less tends to Frequently

Could Most Have a higher contributes to Usually
opportunity to
May be The Have more Often
able to majority of chances to
Eating a large amount of fast-food may lead to several heart problems

Eating a large amount of fast-food leads to a higher risk of developing heart problems
Sequencers Explanations Examples Ending sentence

Firstly, To be specific, For example, Clearly,

Furthermore, In more detail, For instance, It is clear that

Moreover, In other words, To illustrate, It seems that

Another point to Specifically, X is a prime Obviously,

consider is that example,
Finally, To explain, Take…….as an As a result / As a
example, consequence

Causes – Effects - Solutions

Solve A solution Cause – verb A cause of- A consequence

Handle An effective Lead to A reason for A result from

Tackle method
Deal with A measure Result in A culprit An effect
Cope with behind the of/from
Mitigate A good idea Give rise to A contributing A problem
Alleviate An answer factor to A repercussion

X The reason that leads to ……………

 A factor / an element that leads to ………..
 A reason for ………………..
 A reason why ……………….

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