San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
We CERTIFY that this list is true and correct and that the same is complete for the precinct.
Date Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature
(Member) (Chairperson) (Member)
We CERTIFY that this list is true and correct and that the same is complete for the precinct.
Date Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature
(Member) (Chairperson) (Member)
We CERTIFY that this list is true and correct and that the same is complete for the precinct.
Date Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature
(Member) (Chairperson) (Member)
We CERTIFY that this list is true and correct and that the same is complete for the precinct.
Date Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature
(Member) (Chairperson) (Member)