137 - Creencia - Complete Portfolio

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Portfolio Entry #1 Test Blueprint

Joone Xyron V. Creencia Date Submitted: 24 April 2023

Student Number: 2015 - 03303 Submitted to: Assoc. Prof. Joanne R. Bantang, PhD
Test Development Plan
1. Topic or content title: Introduction to Baking and Baking Techniques
2. Brief description and purpose of the test: This test is a long exam which makes up 10%
of the students’ final grade. The purpose of this test is to gauge the knowledge and
understanding of students about baking and baking techniques discussed in class.
3. Target respondents or description of the test takers: Grade 9 students
4. Proposed number of items: 45 (80)
5. Test blueprint



Content outline/

General & Specific %
Learning Objectives

Understand the principles used 33%

in baking
1. Identify the main baking 5 5 5 15
ingredients and their functions
2. Recall the equipment used in 5 5 1 11 24%
baking and identify their uses

3.Understand the basic baking

techniques 5 10 2 17 38%

Apply knowledge into practice

4. Identify mistakes during the 2 2 4%

baking process
Total 15 20 6 4 45 100%
Percentage 33% 44% 13% 9% 0% 0% 100%
Bibliography (APA citation style please)

Sample test items

Give example of at least 5 items that should be included in the test with
the learning outcome that the items are supposed to satisfy.

Test Items
Objective 1 – Identify the main baking ingredients and their

1. This serves as the main ingredient in most baking products.

A. Flour
B. Sugar
C. Wheat
D. Milk
2. This ingredient serves to provide moisture and protein to the
baked product.
A. Water
B. Eggs
C. Butter
D. Milk
3. These ingredients give baked products their soft texture and
also help facilitate browning.
A. Leavening agents
B. Fats
C. Sweeteners
D. Milk
4. It is an ingredient that is also used in everyday cooking, and
serves as both a flavor enhancer and flavor balancer in
A. Eggs
B. Sugar
C. Salt
D. Oil
5. These are used to add sweetness and combat acidity or
bitterness to a baked product.
A. Sweeteners
B. Honey
C. Milk
D. Fats
Correct Answers:
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A

Creencia, J.X. (2022). HEEd 135 Lesson Plan.

Gisslen, W. (1994). Professional Baking (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New

Central Board of Secondary Education (n.d.). Bakery I Students Handbook and Practical
Manual. Accessed April 23, 2023 Retrieved from
Portfolio Entry #2 Exam
Joone Xyron V. Creencia Date Submitted: 24 April 2023
Student Number: 2015 - 03303 Submitted to: Assoc. Prof. Joanne R. Bantang, PhD
Name Date
Prepared by Joone Xyron V. Creencia

Home Economics
First Long Exam

Instructions: This questionnaire has five pages, check if you have a complete questionnaire.
Do not write anything on you test questionnaire, write your answers on the answer sheet

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter and word/s of the answer which matches the description
given. (2 pts each)

1. This is a large piece of equipment used for mixing the ingredients together during the
baking process. (B. Mixer)
A. Oven
B. Mixer
C. Whisk
D. Spatula

2. This is equipment necessary for producing any baked product. It can be wood-fired, gas
or electric. (A. Oven)
A. Oven
B. Stove
C. Toaster
D. Microwave oven

3. These are flat, metal sheets with a rim on the small side for easy gripping. The flat edges
allow the baked product to easily slide off the surface. (C. Cookie sheet)
A. Baking pan
B. Muffin pan
C. Cookie sheet
D. Baking sheet
4. These are loops of stainless-steel wire that are fastened to a handle. The loops may be
stiff or flexible and are use for mixing and blending or whipping foams, respectively.
(C. Whisk)
A. Sieve
B. Whisk
C. Strainer
D. Wire rack

5. It is a round metal screen that is supported by a stainless-steel frame used for sifting dry
ingredients like flour. (A. Sieve)
A. Sieve
B. Chinois
C. Strainer
D. Wire rack
6. The process of mixing dry ingredients together thoroughly is called ________.
(D. Blending)
A. Sifting
B. Mixing
C. Folding
D. Blending

7. Passing ingredients through a fine mesh to remove any oversized particles is called
________. (D. Sifting)
A. Straining
B. Graining
C. Dusting
D. Sifting

8. The process of working the dough into a smooth and elastic ball is called ________.
(B. Kneading)
A. Macerating
B. Kneading
C. Proofing
D. Scoring

9. The process of beating sugar together with butter is called ________. (B. Creaming)
A. Emulsifying
B. Creaming
C. Docking
D. Folding

10. The process of gently incorporating two mixtures together is called _________.
(C. Folding)
A. Folding
B. Blending
C. Creaming
D. Emulsifying

11. It is the most important ingredient in baking; it provides bulk and structure to a baked
product. (A. Flour)
A. Flour
B. Sugar
C. Cornstarch
D. Baking powder

12. Ingredients that add sweetness and flavor to baked products are called ________.
(C. Sweeteners)
A. Starch
B. Honey
C. Sweeteners
D. Dry ingredients

13. These ingredients add moistness, richness, and flavor to baked items, and they can also
assist in leavening or give flakiness. (A. Fats)
A. Fats
B. Milk
C. Sugar
D. Water
14. These ingredients help in emulsifying fats and liquids, provide moisture and flavor, as
well as structure for the baked product. (A. Eggs)
A. Eggs
B. Fats
C. Syrups
D. Liquid Ingredients

15. These ingredients help produce gases that increases the volume of baked products, as well
as give them shape and texture. (D. Leavening Agents)
A. Yeast
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Baking Powder
D. Leavening Agents

II. Modified True or False. The sentences below describe the functions of ingredients and some
of the techniques used in baking. Write True if the statement is true, and if not, identify the
word that made the statement false.

1. Salt is used to add and adjust the flavor of baked products. (True)
2. All-purpose flour has a lower gluten content than cake flour. (lower)
3. Milk contributes to the flavor and texture of baked products. (True)
4. Using large quantities of eggs can make baked products more tough and chewy. (True)
5. Yeast uses a chemical reaction to produce gas that causes baked products to rise. (Yeast)
6. The process of making cuts on the surface of bread before baking is called docking.
7. Proofing allows the gluten to relax as well allow the dough to regain some of its lost
airiness from shaping. (True)
8. Punching down dough is the process of gently deflating air pockets formed in the final
rise of a yeasted dough. (final)
9. Soaking fresh fruits in flavorful liquids such as juice or wine to draw out their flavors is a
technique called maceration. (True)
10. Mixing distributes ingredients evenly throughout the batters and doughs and increases the
size of air pockets, making the doughs easier to handle. (increases)

III. Matching Type. Match the descriptions in Column A with the correct terms in Column B.
Write only the letter of your answer.

Column A
Descriptions Column B
Baking Equipment
1. It is a special box that is used for
fermenting dough. (C.) A. Proofer
2. A rectangular pan with flared B. Chinois
sides for baking loaf breads (E.) C. Retarder
3. A cake pan with a removable D. Tart Pan
bottom. (G.) E. Loaf Pan
4. A conical strainer with a fine mesh F. Charlotte Ring
used for straining sauces. (B.) G. Springform Pan
5. A shallow, metal pan with fluted
sides, usually round. (D.)
Column A

6. Moist and perishable type of yeast,

preferred by bakers before the
development of instant yeast. (K)
7. A dry, granulated form of yeast
that needs to be dissolved in warm
water before use. (O)
8. A soft, dry, unaged cheese that can
be molded like dough. It has a low
fat content. (N)
9. It is milk that contains 3.5% fat
and 8.5% non-fat milk solids (M)
10. A water soluble protein extracted
from animals that is used as a
gelling agent (I)

Column B
Ingredients and Baking Techniques

H. Pectin
I. Gelatin
J. Skim Milk
K. Fresh yeast
L. Whole milk
M. Ricotta cheese
N. Baker’s cheese
O. Active dry yeast
P. Instant dry yeast
Q. Mascarpone cheese
IV. Fill-in the Blanks. The table below describes the stages of the baking process, the main component
that undergoes the process during each stage as well as what happens during the baking process.
Complete the table by providing the missing information

Stage of the Baking Process Main Component What happens during the process
Melting of Fats Solid fats 1. (Fats melt, releasing trapped
gases and water)
2. (Formation and
Gases and water Gases like carbon dioxide expand due
Expansion of Gases) to heat, water turns into vapor,
increasing the volume of the
baked product
Killing of Yeast and other 3. (Yeast) Yeast and other microorganisms
Microorganisms present in the dough die due to the
Coagulation of Proteins 4. (Gluten and egg
Proteins become firm, giving structure
proteins) to the baked product
Gelatinization of Starches 5. (Starch) Starch granules absorb water and
swell in size and bond with any
available water
6. (Escape of Water vapor Water vapor and other gases Some of the gases formed by
and other gases) leavening agents escape into the
Crust Formation and Browning Sugars, starches, and proteins 7. (Sugars caramelize and
Maillard browning occurs)

V. Essay. Answer the following questions as best as you can. You will be graded based on the
clarity and content of your answers.

1. Differentiate bread flour, cake flour, and all-purpose flour in terms of protein content.
Answer in five or less sentences. (6 pts)

Bread flour has high protein content, being around 11-13.5% protein. Cake flour is a low-gluten
flour, being made up of only around 8% protein. Lastly, all-purpose flour has slightly lower
protein content than bread flour, but has more than cake flour, containing around 10-11.5%

2. Why is it important to scrape the bowl when mixing dough or batter? Give at least two
reasons. (7 pts)

Scraping the bowl while mixing the dough or batter is an important part of the mixing process. It
is important because it helps ensure that the ingredients are well blended and well mixed,
which helps make sure the end product have an even distribution of the ingredients in them.
It also helps reduce the need to use more of the ingredients as scraping the bowl gathers any
unmixed ingredients which can then be mixed back into the dough or batter.
3. Marin wanted to try to bake a cake on her own for the first time. Searching for a recipe
online, she tried to follow the steps as best as she can. The recipe called for three cups of
flour and 2 cups of sugar, so she directly scooped it out of the bag of flour and sugar that she
bought. She needed a cup of oil so she measured a cup of oil and added it into the mixture.
The recipe also called for ½ teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of baking powder, two teaspoons
of vanilla, four eggs, and 1 ½ cups of milk. She carefully measured these ingredients and
added them to the mixing bowl then began mixing. After she had mixed the batter
thoroughly, she moved it to the cake pan, filling it almost to the brim scraping her mixing
bowl to ensure that all of the batter was transferred, then she put her cake into the oven to
bake and set the heat to 300 ℉ and the timer to 35 minutes as the recipe told her. She came
back after 35 minutes and was horrified with the result. She found that her cake batter
overflowed from the pan and whatever was left in the pan had collapsed inward. The cake
was also still a bit runny and raw. Identify the mistakes that she made while making her cake.
(10 pts)

Marin made a lot mistakes during the baking process. First, she did not use the scoop-and-level
method when measuring her dry ingredients, i.e., the flour and the sugar, resulting in her cake
batter not having enough flour. Second, she put too much batter into her cake pan which
caused it to overflow while it was baking. Third, she did not check the cake while it was
baking, otherwise she would have known that the batter was overflowing from the pan or that
the cake is cooking slowly. Lastly, but most importantly, she did not preheat her oven which
is why the cake was still not cooked even after the time the time specified by the recipe was
Planning For the Attitude Scale

Portfolio # 3: Attitude Scale

Agustin, Zyron Date:

Balgoa, Annathea Submitted to: Assoc. Prof. Joanne Bantang
Creencia, Joone
Daloria, Justine
Mangui-ob, Arnold
Santos, Eleila

Tentative Topics:
1. LGBTQ+ Couples Adoption
2. Modern family roles
3. Same-sex Couple Adoption

Approved topic: Same-sex Couple Adoption

Commented [1]: s
Modern Family🌈
The purpose of this survey is to investigate the openness of non LGBTQIA+ members on
LGBTQIA+ couples adopting (a) child/children. Furthermore, the results of this survey may be
utilized for future studies and research.
● To gather information about the openness of Filipinos towards LGBTQIA+ couples
adopting children in the Philippines
● To analyze the results of the survey gathered from the respondents
● To conduct the cronbach’s alpha method to create a valid set of statements

The target audience of this survey are non-members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Ideally from
different regions and locations of the country to gather various results. Furthermore, there is no
specific age limit to this survey.


● Main Variable
■ As defined from the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT
is the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The
QIA+ on the other hand stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other
communities aside from the heteronormative lens of simply man and
woman. LGBTQIA+ is then used to call the community as a whole.

○ Adoption
■ Adoption is a legal process, wherein institutionalized, orphan children are
rehomed and reassigned to legal guardians or parents (What Is Adoption?
And What Does It Mean to Adopt a Child Into Your Family, 2021).
■ In the context of the Philippines, to be eligible to adopt a child, the
adoptive parents must go through a court process, home study, and
submission of other requirements to prove their eligibility. Fulfilling the
requirements doesn’t automatically make those who wish to adopt
eligible(Domestic Adoption | Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc., n.d.).
● Sub-categories
○ Spirituality
■ According to Spencer (2012), Spirituality is defined as knowing the
significance of a life beyond the context of mundane existence at the level
of biological needs that are derived from selfishness and aggression. It
means that the person is aware that they are a part of purposeful and
meaningful life within the universe. Connect with family values
○ Culture
■ A set of customs, traditions, ideas, and beliefs, and includes art,
language, religion, rituals, ceremonies, laws, morals, and norms of
behavior shared by a group of people as their basis for their way of
■ Beliefs
● A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in
some person or thing
● Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an
opinion : something believed
● Conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some
being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of
○ Moral Values
■ Moral values are personal values that pertain to an individual’s character.
These are connected to emotions and experiences that motivate an
individual’s actions in certain ways or towards a certain direction. Add
more definition
○ Family Values
■ Family values can be defined as the beliefs that are shared in the family.
In the context of the Philippines, Filipinos define family values as being
present at all times, have close ties with each other, and have solidarity.
Establishing a family is important in the Philippines because this portrays
the strong bond they have with each other–any Filipino will do what it
takes to protect and help their family, no matter how hard it can get
(Gozum, 2020). For Filipinos, the family is always above everything
else, and that should be the case whatever happens (Filipino Culture -
Family, 2017).
○ Media
■ As defined by Macmillan Dictionary, media refers to any form of
communication that delivers information.
■ It can reach or influence people, including phones, television, radio,
Internet, social media, books, magazines, newspapers, video games, etc.
(Rouse, 2020)

○ LGBTQIA+ Openness
■ As defined by the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT is
the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The QIA+
on the other hand stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other
communities aside from the heteronormative lens of simply man and
woman. LGBTQIA+ is then used to call the community as a whole. In
this light, openness would prerequisite the acceptance of the community.

1) Subcategories affecting one’s openness towards LGBTQIA+ Couple Adoption

a) Spirituality
i) I believe that same-sex couples can enrich their adopted child/children’s
ii) I feel that same-sex couples are good influencers for their adopted
child/children’s spiritual direction.
iii) I believe that same-sex couples cannot fulfill the spiritual needs of their adopted
iv) I disapprove same-sex couples teaching spirituality to their adopted
child/children because the LGBTQIA+ community is against my spiritual
v) I think that same-sex couples are capable of supporting their adopted
child/children’s spiritual beliefs.
vi) I approve same-sex couples allowing their adopted child/children’s in choosing
their preferred spiritual formation.
vii) I believe that same-sex couples are equipped to be spiritual models
for their adopted child/children.
viii) I am open to seeing more same-sex couples sharing their spiritual
direction to their adopted child/children.
ix) I believe that same-sex couples know how to handle sensitive topics
of spirituality and religion when teaching them to their adopted child/children.
x) I believe same-sex couples can give a holistic purpose to their
adopted child/children’s spiritual direction.

b) Culture
i) I think LGBTQIA+ couples and children growing up in these types of families
should not be a subject of any kind of joke or humor.
ii) It feels awkward receiving hospitality from an same-sex family with adopted
children. Commented [2]: I don't welcome same sex couples
iii) I cannot accept same-sex adoption because it goes against my cultural with adopted children into my home
iv) I cant imagine myself to be relatives with same sex couples with adopted
Commented [4]: delete
vi) I like to see artworks that showcases same-sex families with their Commented [5]: pieces of art
adopted child/children.
vii) I believe that same-sex couples can create family traditions that are
holistically healthy for their adopted child/children. = Family values
viii) I believe that same-sex couples can impart a healthy emotional
behavior towards their adopted child/children. = Family values
x) I believe there should be communities that allow same-sex couples to
talk about their situation on adopting (a) child/children.

c) Beliefs

i) I believe that sexuality should not be a deterrent to adopting a child.

ii) I believe same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt as their
partnership is not recognized by the state.
iii) I believe that adoption is a tedious process regardless of the adopters’ gender
and/or sexuality.
iv) I believe that adoption should not be a right for same-sex couples.
v) I believe that children adopted by Same sex couples will
grow up to be members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
vi) I believe that
Adoption should only be allowed for heterosexual
vii) I believe that only children who are part of the LGTBQIA+ community should be
adopted by same-sex couples.
viii) I believe that allowing same-sex couples to adopt will lessen the
number of children in orphanages.
x) I believe that same-sex couples are as eligibile for
adoption as heterosexual couples.

d) Moral Values* Commented [6]: A religion's set of morals should not

i) I think people shouldn’t discriminate same-
sex couples from adopting children

ii) I believe that having a same-sex couple as parents will not have any
adverse effects on the upbringing of a child. = For beliefs


v) I believe that it is justified to give all couples, same-sex couples

included, a chance to experience parenthood.
vi) I believe that same-sex are capable of being responsible
parents for their children.
vii) I feel that losing the chance to have a family because the prospective adopter is
an same-sex couple is unfair to the child.
viii) I believe that same-sex couples are capable of being compassionate
ix) I do not believe that same-sex couples will be good role models for
the development of a child.
x) I believe that a child should be given a choice if he/she approves of being
adopted by a same-sex couple. = Beliefs

e) LGBTQIA+ Openness
ii) I believe that there is no specific gender requirement for raising a/an adopted

iv) I don’t feel safe for children around

LGBTQIA+ couples.


ix) Given adequate resources, I trust thet same-sex couples would be

able to raise children/ a child well. = Family

f) Family values
i) I believe that people in same-sex relationships can fulfill traditionally masculine
& feminine roles such as that of being a mother or a father figure to a child
ii) I think that a child raised by an same-sex couple will get picked on as they grow
iii) I think that an same-sex will be able to provide a stable home for their child
iv) I believe that an same-sex couple is capable of adequately providing the needs of
a child
v) I believe that same-sex couples hold values that are morally ambiguous
vi) I believe that being in a non-heterosexual relationship will hinder the relationship
a parent has with his/her child

g) Media (definition: )
i) I feel uncomfortable about the portrayal of same-sex families with
adopted children in any form of media


iii) I don’t tolerate media that poke fun at same-sex couples with adopted
iv) I neither support nor am against same-sex adoption because I’m
afraid of what people might think of me on social media.

I am open to knowing more stories of LGBTQIA+ couples adopting (a) child/children through different
forms of media.

It is okay with me to share media about same-sex couples adopting (a) child/children.

I feel annoyed whenever there is news about same-sex couples feeling discriminated when
they want to adopt a child.

● Same-sex couples ang target

Scale of concept Classification of Test Item Contributor

Positively stated Negatively stated

According to Spencer (2012), Spirituality is defined as knowing the
significance of a life beyond the context of mundane existence at the level of
biological needs that are derived from selfishness and aggression. It means that
the person is aware that they are a part of purposeful and meaningful life within
the universe.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa

couples can teach the concept of
spirituality to their adopted X

I feel that LGBTQIA+ couples Annathea Balgoa

are good influencers for their
adopted child/children’s spiritual
direction. X
I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa
couples cannot fulfill the
spiritual needs of their adopted
child/children. X
I disapprove LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa
couples teaching my spiritual
formation to their adopted
child/children because the X
LGBTQIA+ community is not
accepted in my spiritual

I think that LGBTQIA+ couples Annathea Balgoa

are capable of supporting their X
adopted child/children’s spiritual

I approve LGBTQIA+ couples Annathea Balgoa

allowing their adopted X
child/children’s in choosing
their preferred spiritual
I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa
couples are equipped to be X
models of their preferred
spiritual formation for their
adopted child/children.

I am open to seeing more Annathea Balgoa

LGBTQIA+ couples sharing X
their spiritual direction to their
adopted child/children.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa

couples know how to handle X
sensitive topics of spirituality
and religion when teaching them
to their adopted child/children.

I believe LGBTQIA+ couples Annathea Balgoa

can give a holistic purpose to X
their adopted child/children’s
spiritual direction.

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some
person or thing
2: something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion :
something believed
3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or
phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

I believe that sexuality should Justine Daloria

not be a deterrent to adopting a
I believe LGBTQIA+ couples Justine Daloria
should not be allowed to adopt as
their partnership is not
recognized by the state. X
I believe that adoption is a Justine Daloria
tedious process regardless of the X
adopters’ gender.

I believe that adoption should Justine Daloria

not be a right for LGBTQIA+ X
I believe that children adopted by Justine Daloria
LGBTQIA+ couples will grow X
up to be members of the
LGBTQIA+ community.

I believe that children would Justine Daloria

rather be adopted by X
heterosexual couples rather than
LGBTQIA+ couples.

I believe that only children who Justine Daloria

are part of the LGTBQ+ X
community should be adopted by
LGBTQIA+ couples.

I believe that allowing Justine Daloria

LGBTQIA+ couples to adopt X
will lessen the number of
children in orphanages.

I believe that parenting is Justine Daloria

something only heterosexuals X
couples should do.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Justine Daloria

couples are as capable of X
adoption as heterosexual

Family Values
To be a part of a family means that you are present at all times, have close ties
with each other, and have solidarity. This is how Filipinos would normally
describe what it means to be in a family and what makes up the Filipino family
values. Establishing a family is important in the Philippines because this
portrays the strong bond they have with each other–any Filipino will do what it
takes to protect and help their family, no matter how hard it can get (Gozum,
2020). For Filipinos, the family is always above everything else, and that should
be the case whatever happens (Filipino Culture - Family, 2017).

I believe that an LGBTQIA+ Eleila Santos

couple is less suitable for X

I believe that people in Eleila Santos

LGBTQIA+ relationships can X
fulfill traditionally masculine &
feminine roles such as that of
being a mother or a father figure
to a child
I think that it’s necessary for Eleila Santos
LGBTQIA+ couples to take on a X
masculine and feminine role
when raising a child

I believe that the gender of the Eleila Santos

parents won’t negatively affect X
the child’s holistic development

I think that a child raised by an Eleila Santos

LGBTQIA+ couple will get X
picked on as they grow up

I think that an LGBTQIA+ Eleila Santos

couple will be able to provide a X
stable home and family for their

I believe that the gender identity Eleila Santos

of one’s parents is not X
deterministic of the child’s own
gender identity

I believe that an LGBTQIA+ Eleila Santos

couple is capable of adequately X
providing the needs of a child

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Eleila Santos

couples hold values that are X
morally ambiguous

I believe that being in a non- Eleila Santos

heterosexual relationship will X
hinder the relationship a parent
has with his/her child

LGBTQIA+ Openness
As defined from the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT is the
abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The QIA+ on the
other hand stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other communities aside
from the heteronormative lens of simply man and woman. LGBTQIA+ is then
used to call the community as a whole. In this light, openness would
prerequisite the acceptance of the community.

I am comfortable around Zyron Agustin

members of the LGBTQIA+ X
I believe that there is no specific Zyron Agustin
gender requirement for raising X
a/an adopted child/children.

I don’t feel safe around Zyron Agustin Commented [7]: remove

LGBTQIA+ couples. X
- Not about the adoption

In connection with the previous Zyron Agustin

item, I don’t feel safe for X
children around LGBTQIA+

I have friends that is a/are Zyron Agustin

LGBTQIA+ couple/s. X
I dislike seeing couples that are Zyron Agustin
members of the LGBTQIA+ X
I would like for the LGBTQIA+ Zyron Agustin
couples to have the same rights X
as heteronormative couples. (e.g.
marital/ civil union rights, right
to adopt, etc.)

I feel that children require both a Zyron Agustin

mother and father figure so X
having none or too much of each
of the parental figures would
negatively affect children.

Given adequate resources, I trust Zyron Agustin

thet LGBTQIA+ couples would X
be able to raise children/ a child

LGBTQIA+ couples should not Zyron Agustin

be able to adopt a child/children. X
Definition: A set of customs, traditions, ideas, and beliefs, and includes art,
language, religion, rituals, ceremonies, laws, morals, and norms of behavior
shared by a group of people as their basis for their way of living.
I think LGBTQIA+ couples and Arnold Mangui-ob
children growing up in these X
types of families should not be a
subject of any kind of joke or

I cannot accept LGBTQIA+ Arnold Mangui-ob

adoption because it goes against X
my cultural background.

It feels awkward receiving Arnold Mangui-ob

hospitality from an LGBTQIA+ X
family with adopted children.

I couldn’t imagine myself living Arnold Mangui-ob

with an LGBTQIA+ family X
because I grew up thinking that a
traditional family of heterosexual
couples is necessary for a proper
upbringing of a child.

I stay indifferent to matters Arnold Mangui-ob

concerning LGBTQIA+ families X
and adoption because society
still hasn’t fully embraced it.

I like to see artworks that show Annathea Balgoa

LGBTQIA+ families with their X
adopted child/children.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa

couples can create family X
traditions that are holistically
healthy for their adopted

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Annathea Balgoa

couples can impart a healthy X
behavior towards their adopted

I like to hear more discussions Annathea Balgoa

about LGBTQIA+ couples X
adopting children.

I believe there should be Annathea Balgoa

communities that allow X
LGBTQIA+ couples to talk
about their situation on adopting
(a) child/children.
Definition: Media refers to any form of communication that delivers
information (Macmillan Dictionary) and can reach or influence people,
including phones, television, radio, Internet, social media, books, magazines,
newspapers, video games, etc. (Rouse, 2020)

I feel uncomfortable about the Arnold Mangui-ob

portrayal of LGBTQIA+ families X
with adopted children in stories,
TV shows, movies, commercials,
and skits.

I am willing to be informed Arnold Mangui-ob

about LGBTQIA+ adoption X
through any media.

I don’t tolerate media that poke Arnold Mangui-ob

fun at LGBTQIA+ families. X
I neither support nor am against Arnold Mangui-ob
LGBTQIA+ adoption because X
I’m afraid of what people might
think of me on social media.

I stay away from matters Arnold Mangui-ob

concerning LGBTQIA+ families X
and adoption in any media
because it’s too sensitive of a

I would like to see more Annathea Balgoa

LGBTQIA+ representation in the X
media in the context of adopting
(a) child/children.

I am open to knowing more Annathea Balgoa

stories of LGBTQIA+ couples X
adopting (a) child/children
through different forms of media.

It is okay with me to share media Annathea Balgoa

about LGBTQIA+ couples X
adopting (a) child/children.

I feel annoyed whenever there is Annathea Balgoa

news about LGBTQIA+ couples X
claiming they should be free to
adopt (a) child/children.
I am optimistic to read books or Annathea Balgoa
similar media that talks about the
journey of LGBTQIA+ couples
adopting children.

Moral Values

I think it is wrong to prevent Joone Creencia

LGBTQIA+ couples from X
adopting children because of
their sexual orientation, gender
identity, and expression.

I believe that having an Joone Creencia

LGBTQIA+ couple as parents X
will not have any adverse effects
on the upbringing of a child.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Joone Creencia

couples have a warped sense of X
morality compared to
heterosexual couples. Commented [8]: change to heterosexual couples
I think that a child that is adopted Joone Creencia _Assigned to Joone Xyron Creencia_
by an LGBTQIA+ couple may X
grow up to have the same sexual
orientation as his/her parents.

I believe that it is justified to Joone Creencia

give all couples, LGBTQIA+ X
members included, a chance to
experience parenthood.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Joone Creencia

couples are capable of being X
responsible parents for their

I feel that losing the chance to Joone Creencia

have a family because the X
prospective adopter is an
LGBTQIA+ couple is unfair to
the child.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ Joone Creencia

couples are capable of being X
compassionate parents.
I do not believe that Joone Creencia
LGBTQIA+ couples will be X
good role models for the
development of a child.

I believe that a child should be Joone Creencia

given a choice if he/she approves X
of being adopted by an
LGBTQIA+ couple

Chowdhury, M. (2016) ‘Emphasizing Morals, Values, Ethics, And Character Education In
Science Education And Science Teaching ’, The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational
Science, 4(2), pp. 1–16.

Domestic Adoption | Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc. (n.d.).


Filipino Culture - Family. (2017). Cultural Atlas. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from

Gozum, I. E. A. (2020). The Filipino Family in the Formation of Values in the Light of John Paul
II’s Familiaris Consortio. Philosophia-international Journal of Philosophy, 21, ISSN 2244-1875.

Kinneging, A. (2020). Defining Moral Values. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Belief. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from


Spencer, M. (2012). What is Spirituality - RC psych royal college of psychiatrists. What is

spirituality? A personal exploration. https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-
x.pdf?sfvrsn=f28df052_2ucdavis.edu. (2022, March 24). LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary.
LGBTQIA Resource
Center. Retrieved May 3, 2023, from https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/educated/glossary

What is adoption? And what does it mean to adopt a child into your family. (2021, August 2).
Adopt South West. https://www.adoptsouthwest.org.uk/adopting-a-child/what-is-adoption/

White, L. A. (2022). culture. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). culture. In Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from

Boston University. (2016, May 3). What is Culture?


Macmillan Dictionary. (2018). Media. Macmillan Dictionary Blog.


Rouse, M. (2020, December 23). Media. Techopedia.



Openness of Filipinos towards LGBTQIA+ Couple Adoption Survey:

Click this link!


or scan this QR code!

Portfolio # 3: Attitude Scale

Agustin, Zyron Date:

Balgoa, Annathea Submitted to: Assoc. Prof. Joanne
Creencia, Joone
Daloria, Justine
Mangui-ob, Arnold
Santos, Eleila

Tentative Topics:
1. LGBTQ+ Couples Adoption
2. Modern family roles
3. Same-sex Couple Adoption

Approved topic: Same-sex Couple Adoption

Modern Family🌈

The purpose of this survey is to investigate the openness of non LGBTQIA+ members on
LGBTQIA+ couples adopting (a) child/children. Furthermore, the results of this survey may be
utilized for future studies and research.
• To gather information about the openness of Filipinos towards LGBTQIA+ couples
adopting children in the Philippines
• To analyze the results of the survey gathered from the respondents
• To conduct the cronbach’s alpha method to create a valid set of statements

The target audience of this survey are non-members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Ideally from
different regions and locations of the country to gather various results. Furthermore, there is no
specific age limit to this survey.


• Main Variable
▪ As defined from the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT
is the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The
QIA+ on the other hand stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other
communities aside from the heteronormative lens of simply man and
woman. LGBTQIA+ is then used to call the community as a whole.
o Adoption
▪ Adoption is a legal process, wherein institutionalized, orphan children are
rehomed and reassigned to legal guardians or parents (What Is Adoption?
And What Does It Mean to Adopt a Child Into Your Family, 2021).
▪ In the context of the Philippines, to be eligible to adopt a child, the
adoptive parents must go through a court process, home study, and
submission of other requirements to prove their eligibility. Fulfilling the
requirements doesn’t automatically make those who wish to adopt
eligible(Domestic Adoption | Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc., n.d.).
• Sub-categories
o Spirituality
▪ According to Spencer (2012), Spirituality is defined as knowing the
significance of a life beyond the context of mundane existence at the level
of biological needs that are derived from selfishness and aggression. It
means that the person is aware that they are a part of purposeful and
meaningful life within the universe. Connect with family values
o Culture
▪ A set of customs, traditions, ideas, and beliefs, and includes art,
language, religion, rituals, ceremonies, laws, morals, and norms of
behavior shared by a group of people as their basis for their way of
▪ Beliefs
• A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in
some person or thing
• Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an
opinion : something believed
• Conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some
being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of
o Moral Values
▪ Moral values are personal values that pertain to an individual’s character.
These are connected to emotions and experiences that motivate an
individual’s actions in certain ways or towards a certain direction. Add
more definition
o Family Values
▪ Family values can be defined as the beliefs that are shared in the family.
In the context of the Philippines, Filipinos define family values as being
present at all times, have close ties with each other, and have solidarity.
Establishing a family is important in the Philippines because this portrays
the strong bond they have with each other–any Filipino will do what it
takes to protect and help their family, no matter how hard it can get
(Gozum, 2020). For Filipinos, the family is always above everything
else, and that should be the case whatever happens (Filipino Culture -
Family, 2017).

o Media
▪ As defined by Macmillan Dictionary, media refers to any form of
communication that delivers information.
▪ It can reach or influence people, including phones, television, radio,
Internet, social media, books, magazines, newspapers, video games, etc.
(Rouse, 2020)

o LGBTQIA+ Openness
▪ As defined by the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT is
the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The QIA+
on the other hand stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other
communities aside from the heteronormative lens of simply man and
woman. LGBTQIA+ is then used to call the community as a whole. In
this light, openness would prerequisite the acceptance of the community.

1. Subcategories affecting one’s openness towards LGBTQIA+ Couple Adoption

a. Spirituality
i.I believe that same-sex couples can enrich their adopted child/children’s spirituality.
ii.I feel that same-sex couples are good influencers for their adopted child/children’s spiritual direction.
iii.I believe that same-sex couples cannot fulfill the spiritual needs of their adopted child/children.
iv.I disapprove same-sex couples teaching spirituality to their adopted child/children because the
LGBTQIA+ community is against my spiritual formation.
v.I think that same-sex couples are capable of supporting their adopted child/children’s spiritual beliefs.
vi.I approve same-sex couples allowing their adopted child/children’s in choosing their preferred spiritual
vii.I believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples are equipped to be spiritual models for their adopted
viii.I am open to seeing more same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples sharing their spiritual direction to their adopted
ix.I believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples know how to handle sensitive topics of spirituality and
religion when teaching them to their adopted child/children.
x.I believe same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples can give a holistic purpose to their adopted child/children’s
spiritual direction.

b. Culture
i.I think LGBTQIA+ couples and children growing up in these types of families should not be a subject of
any kind of joke or humor.
ii.It feels awkward receiving hospitality from an same-sex family with adopted children.
iii.I cannot accept same-sex adoption because it goes against my cultural background.
iv.I cant imagine myself to be relatives with same sex couples with adopted
v.I stay indifferent to matters concerning LGBTQIA+ families and adoption because society still hasn’t
fully embraced it.
vi.I like to see artworks that showcases same-sexLGBTQIA+ families with their adopted child/children.
vii.I believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples can create family traditions that are holistically healthy for
their adopted child/children. = Family values
viii.I believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples can impart a healthy emotional behavior towards their
adopted child/children. = Family values
ix.I like to hear more discussions about LGBTQIA+ couples adopting children.
x.I believe there should be communities that allow same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples to talk about their
situation on adopting (a) child/children.

c. Beliefs

i.I believe that sexuality should not be a deterrent to adopting a child.

ii.I believe same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples should not be allowed to adopt as their partnership is not
recognized by the state.
iii.I believe that adoption is a tedious process regardless of the adopters’ gender
and/or sexuality.
iv.I believe that adoption should not be a right for same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples.
v.I believe that children adopted by LGBTQIA+ couples Same sex couples will grow up to be members of
the LGBTQIA+ community.
vi.I believe that children would rather be adopted by heterosexual couples rather than LGBTQIA+ couples.
Adoption should only be allowed for heterosexual couples.
vii.I believe that only children who are part of the LGTBQIA+ community should be adopted by same-
sexLGBTQIA+ couples.
viii.I believe that allowing same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples to adopt will lessen the number of children in
ix.I believe that parenting is something only heterosexuals couples should do.
x.I believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples are as capable of as eligibile for adoption as heterosexual

d. Moral Values*
i.I think it is wrong to prevent people shouldn’t discriminate LGBTQIA+ same-sex couples from adopting
children because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.
ii.I believe that having a LGBTQIA+ same-sex couple as parents will not have any adverse effects on the
upbringing of a child. = For beliefs
iii.I believe that same sexLGBTQIA+ couples have a warped sense of morality compared to heterosexual
iv.I think that a child that is adopted by an LGBTQIA+ couple may have his/her sexual orientation
influenced by his/her parents.
v.I believe that it is justified to give all couples, same-sex couples LGBTQIA+ members included, a chance
to experience parenthood.
vi.I believe that same-sex LGBTQIA+ couples are capable of being responsible parents for their children.
vii.I feel that losing the chance to have a family because the prospective adopter is an same-sexLGBTQIA+
couple is unfair to the child.
viii.I believe that same-sex LGBTQIA+ couples are capable of being compassionate parents.
ix.I do not believe that same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples will be good role models for the development of a
x.I believe that a child should be given a choice if he/she approves of being adopted by an same-
sexLGBTQIA+ couple. = Beliefs

e. LGBTQIA+ Openness
i.I am comfortable around members of the LGBTQIA+
ii.I believe that there is no specific gender requirement for raising a/an adopted child/children.
iii.I don’t feel safe for a child to be adopted by a same-sex couple. around LGBTQIA+ couples.
iv.In connection with the previous item, I don’t feel safe for children around LGBTQIA+ couples.
v.I have friends that is a/are LGBTQIA+ couple/s.
vi.I dislike seeing couples that are members of the LGBTQIA+
vii.I would like for the LGBTQIA+ couples to have the same rights as heteronormative couples. (e.g. marital/
civil union rights, right to adopt, etc.)
viii.I feel that children require both a mother and father figure so having none or too much of each of the
parental figures would negatively affect children.
ix.Given adequate resources, I trust thet same-sex LGBTQIA+ couples would be able to raise children/ a
child well. = Family
x.LGBTQIA+ couples should not be able to adopt a child/children.

f. Family values
i.I believe that people in same-sex relationships can fulfill traditionally masculine & feminine roles such as
that of being a mother or a father figure to a child
ii.I think that a child raised by an same-sex couple will get picked on as they grow up
iii.I think that an same-sex will be able to provide a stable home for their child
iv.I believe that an same-sex couple is capable of adequately providing the needs of a child
v.I believe that same-sex couples hold values that are morally ambiguous
vi.I believe that being in a non-heterosexual relationship will hinder the relationship
a parent has with his/her child

g. Media (definition: )
i.I feel uncomfortable about the portrayal of same-sexLGBTQIA+ families with adopted children in any
form of mediastories, TV shows, movies, commercials, and skits.
ii.I am willing to be informed about same-sexLGBTQIA+ adoption through any form media.
iii.I don’t tolerate media that poke fun at same-sex couples with adopted childrenLGBTQIA+ families.
iv.I neither support nor am against same-sexLGBTQIA+ adoption because I’m afraid of what people might
think of me on social media.
v.I stay away from matters concerning same-sexLGBTQIA+ couplesfamilies and their adopted
childrenadoption in any media because it’s too sensitive of a topic.

I would like to see more same-sex LGBTQIA+ representation in the media in the context of adopting (a)

I am open to knowing more stories of LGBTQIA+ couples adopting (a) child/children through different
forms of media.

It is okay with me to share media about same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples adopting (a) child/children.
I feel annoyed whenever there is news about same-sexLGBTQIA+ couples feeling discriminated when
they want to adopt a child. claiming they should be free to adopt (a) child/children.

I am optimistic to read books or similar media that talks about the journey of LGBTQIA+ couples
adopting children

• Same-sex couples ang target

Scale of concept Classification of Test Item Contributor

Positively Negatively
stated stated

According to Spencer (2012), Spirituality is defined as knowing the significance of a life
beyond the context of mundane existence at the level of biological needs that are derived
from selfishness and aggression. It means that the person is aware that they are a part of
purposeful and meaningful life within the universe.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples can teach the concept Annathea

of spirituality to their adopted child/children. Balgoa
I feel that LGBTQIA+ couples are good influencers for Annathea
their adopted child/children’s spiritual direction. Balgoa
I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples cannot fulfill the Annathea
spiritual needs of their adopted child/children. Balgoa
I disapprove LGBTQIA+ couples teaching my spiritual Annathea
formation to their adopted child/children because the Balgoa
LGBTQIA+ community is not accepted in my spiritual X

I think that LGBTQIA+ couples are capable of Annathea

supporting their adopted child/children’s spiritual X Balgoa

I approve LGBTQIA+ couples allowing their adopted Annathea

child/children’s in choosing their preferred spiritual X Balgoa

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples are equipped to be Annathea

models of their preferred spiritual formation for their X Balgoa
adopted child/children.

I am open to seeing more LGBTQIA+ couples sharing Annathea

their spiritual direction to their adopted child/children. X Balgoa

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples know how to handle Annathea

sensitive topics of spirituality and religion when teaching X Balgoa
them to their adopted child/children.

I believe LGBTQIA+ couples can give a holistic purpose Annathea

to their adopted child/children’s spiritual direction. X Balgoa
1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
2: something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something
3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon
especially when based on examination of evidence

I believe that sexuality should not be a deterrent to Justine

adopting a child. Daloria
I believe LGBTQIA+ couples should not be allowed to Justine
adopt as their partnership is not recognized by the state. Daloria
I believe that adoption is a tedious process regardless of Justine
the adopters’ gender. X Daloria

I believe that adoption should not be a right for Justine

LGBTQIA+ couples. X Daloria

I believe that children adopted by LGBTQIA+ couples Justine

will grow up to be members of the LGBTQIA+ X Daloria

I believe that children would rather be adopted by Justine

heterosexual couples rather than LGBTQIA+ couples. X Daloria

I believe that only children who are part of the LGTBQ+ Justine
community should be adopted by LGBTQIA+ couples. X Daloria

I believe that allowing LGBTQIA+ couples to adopt will Justine

lessen the number of children in orphanages. X Daloria

I believe that parenting is something only heterosexuals Justine

couples should do. X Daloria

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples are as capable of Justine

adoption as heterosexual couples. X Daloria

Family Values
To be a part of a family means that you are present at all times, have close ties with each
other, and have solidarity. This is how Filipinos would normally describe what it means
to be in a family and what makes up the Filipino family values. Establishing a family is
important in the Philippines because this portrays the strong bond they have with each
other–any Filipino will do what it takes to protect and help their family, no matter how
hard it can get (Gozum, 2020). For Filipinos, the family is always above everything else,
and that should be the case whatever happens (Filipino Culture - Family, 2017).
I believe that an LGBTQIA+ couple is less suitable for Eleila
adoption X Santos

I believe that people in LGBTQIA+ relationships can Eleila

fulfill traditionally masculine & feminine roles such as X Santos
that of being a mother or a father figure to a child

I think that it’s necessary for LGBTQIA+ couples to take Eleila

on a masculine and feminine role when raising a child X Santos

I believe that the gender of the parents won’t negatively Eleila

affect the child’s holistic development X Santos

I think that a child raised by an LGBTQIA+ couple will Eleila

get picked on as they grow up X Santos

I think that an LGBTQIA+ couple will be able to provide Eleila

a stable home and family for their child X Santos

I believe that the gender identity of one’s parents is not Eleila

deterministic of the child’s own gender identity X Santos

I believe that an LGBTQIA+ couple is capable of Eleila

adequately providing the needs of a child X Santos

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples hold values that are Eleila

morally ambiguous X Santos

I believe that being in a non-heterosexual relationship Eleila

will hinder the relationship a parent has with his/her child X Santos

LGBTQIA+ Openness
As defined from the LBTQIA+ Resource Center Glossary (2020) LGBT is the
abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. The QIA+ on the other hand
stands for Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other communities aside from the
heteronormative lens of simply man and woman. LGBTQIA+ is then used to call
the community as a whole. In this light, openness would prerequisite the acceptance of
the community.

I am comfortable around members of the LGBTQIA+ Zyron

X Agustin

I believe that there is no specific gender requirement for Zyron

raising a/an adopted child/children. X Agustin

I don’t feel safe around LGBTQIA+ couples. Zyron

• Not about the adoption X Agustin
In connection with the previous item, I don’t feel safe for Zyron
children around LGBTQIA+ couples. X Agustin

I have friends that is a/are LGBTQIA+ couple/s. Zyron

X Agustin

I dislike seeing couples that are members of the Zyron

LGBTQIA+ X Agustin

I would like for the LGBTQIA+ couples to have the same Zyron
rights as heteronormative couples. (e.g. marital/ civil X Agustin
union rights, right to adopt, etc.)

I feel that children require both a mother and father figure Zyron
so having none or too much of each of the parental X Agustin
figures would negatively affect children.

Given adequate resources, I trust thet LGBTQIA+ Zyron

couples would be able to raise children/ a child well. X Agustin

LGBTQIA+ couples should not be able to adopt a Zyron

child/children. X Agustin

Definition: A set of customs, traditions, ideas, and beliefs, and includes art, language,
religion, rituals, ceremonies, laws, morals, and norms of behavior shared by a group of
people as their basis for their way of living.

I think LGBTQIA+ couples and children growing up in Arnold

these types of families should not be a subject of any kind X Mangui-ob
of joke or humor.

I cannot accept LGBTQIA+ adoption because it goes Arnold

against my cultural background. X Mangui-ob

It feels awkward receiving hospitality from an Arnold

LGBTQIA+ family with adopted children. X Mangui-ob

I couldn’t imagine myself living with an LGBTQIA+ Arnold

family because I grew up thinking that a traditional X Mangui-ob
family of heterosexual couples is necessary for a proper
upbringing of a child.

I stay indifferent to matters concerning LGBTQIA+ Arnold

families and adoption because society still hasn’t fully X Mangui-ob
embraced it.
I like to see artworks that show LGBTQIA+ families with Annathea
their adopted child/children. X Balgoa

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples can create family Annathea

traditions that are holistically healthy for their adopted X Balgoa

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples can impart a healthy Annathea

behavior towards their adopted child/children. X Balgoa

I like to hear more discussions about LGBTQIA+ couples Annathea

adopting children. X Balgoa

I believe there should be communities that allow Annathea

LGBTQIA+ couples to talk about their situation on X Balgoa
adopting (a) child/children.

Definition: Media refers to any form of communication that delivers information
(Macmillan Dictionary) and can reach or influence people, including phones, television,
radio, Internet, social media, books, magazines, newspapers, video games, etc. (Rouse,

I feel uncomfortable about the portrayal of LGBTQIA+ Arnold

families with adopted children in stories, TV shows, X Mangui-ob
movies, commercials, and skits.

I am willing to be informed about LGBTQIA+ adoption Arnold

through any media. X Mangui-ob

I don’t tolerate media that poke fun at LGBTQIA+ Arnold

families. X Mangui-ob

I neither support nor am against LGBTQIA+ adoption Arnold

because I’m afraid of what people might think of me on X Mangui-ob
social media.

I stay away from matters concerning LGBTQIA+ Arnold

families and adoption in any media because it’s too X Mangui-ob
sensitive of a topic.

I would like to see more LGBTQIA+ representation in Annathea

the media in the context of adopting (a) child/children. X Balgoa

I am open to knowing more stories of LGBTQIA+ Annathea

couples adopting (a) child/children through different X Balgoa
forms of media.
It is okay with me to share media about LGBTQIA+ Annathea
couples adopting (a) child/children. X Balgoa

I feel annoyed whenever there is news about LGBTQIA+ Annathea

couples claiming they should be free to adopt (a) X Balgoa

I am optimistic to read books or similar media that talks Annathea

about the journey of LGBTQIA+ couples adopting Balgoa

Moral Values

I think it is wrong to prevent LGBTQIA+ couples from Joone

adopting children because of their sexual orientation, X Creencia
gender identity, and expression.

I believe that having an LGBTQIA+ couple as parents Joone

will not have any adverse effects on the upbringing of a X Creencia

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples have a warped sense Joone

of morality compared to heterosexual couples. X Creencia

I think that a child that is adopted by an LGBTQIA+ Joone

couple may grow up to have the same sexual orientation X Creencia
as his/her parents.

I believe that it is justified to give all couples, Joone

LGBTQIA+ members included, a chance to experience X Creencia

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples are capable of being Joone

responsible parents for their children. X Creencia

I feel that losing the chance to have a family because the Joone
prospective adopter is an LGBTQIA+ couple is unfair to X Creencia
the child.

I believe that LGBTQIA+ couples are capable of being Joone

compassionate parents. X Creencia

I do not believe that LGBTQIA+ couples will be good Joone

role models for the development of a child. X Creencia

I believe that a child should be given a choice if he/she Joone

approves of being adopted by an LGBTQIA+ couple X Creencia
Chowdhury, M. (2016) ‘Emphasizing Morals, Values, Ethics, And Character Education In
Science Education And Science Teaching ’, The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational
Science, 4(2), pp. 1–16.

Domestic Adoption | Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, Inc. (n.d.).


Filipino Culture - Family. (2017). Cultural Atlas. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from

Gozum, I. E. A. (2020). The Filipino Family in the Formation of Values in the Light of John Paul
II’s Familiaris Consortio. Philosophia-international Journal of Philosophy, 21, ISSN 2244-1875.

Kinneging, A. (2020). Defining Moral Values. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Belief. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from


Spencer, M. (2012). What is Spirituality - RC psych royal college of psychiatrists. What is

spirituality? A personal exploration. https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-
x.pdf?sfvrsn=f28df052_2ucdavis.edu. (2022, March 24). LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary.
LGBTQIA Resource
Center. Retrieved May 3, 2023, from https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/educated/glossary

What is adoption? And what does it mean to adopt a child into your family. (2021, August 2).
Adopt South West. https://www.adoptsouthwest.org.uk/adopting-a-child/what-is-adoption/

White, L. A. (2022). culture. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). culture. In Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved May 10, 2023, from

Boston University. (2016, May 3). What is Culture?


Macmillan Dictionary. (2018). Media. Macmillan Dictionary Blog.


Rouse, M. (2020, December 23). Media. Techopedia.


Openness of Filipinos towards LGBTQIA+ Couple Adoption Survey:

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or scan this QR code!

Portfolio Entry #4: Performance/Practical Exam and Rubric
Names of Members: Joone Xyron V. Creencia Date Submitted: 23 June 2023
Arnold Mangui-ob Submitted to: Assoc. Prof. Joanne
R. Bantang, PhD


1. TOPIC: Baking

This performance task will have the students create their own baked product while
following a recipe. The purpose of this performance task is to assess their understanding
of the baking techniques and processes.


This task will be used to assess the students’ understanding of the baking techniques and
processes discussed in class. This task is to be performed in the home economics
laboratory under the supervision of the faculty-in-charge. The students only need to
prepare the ingredients that will be used for the task. The equipment that will be used can
be found in the lab. They will be given two weeks to complete their preparations for this

The task will be to follow the provided recipe and make Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies.
The task will be graded based on the following:
● Using the proper ingredients
● Proper use of the baking equipment
● Knowledge of the baking techniques
● Taste of the final product

Below is the recipe to be used for this task:

Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

● 3 cups (380g) All-purpose flour
● 1 tsp baking soda
● 1 tsp salt
● 2 sticks (227g) unsalted butter*
● ½ cup granulated sugar (white sugar)
● 1 ¼ cups lightly packed light brown sugar
● 2 tsp vanilla
● 2 large eggs, at room temperature
● 2 cups (340g) semisweet chocolate chips
*may also use margarine

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line baking sheets with parchment
2. In a medium bowl, combine the flour,baking soda, and salt.
3. In a separate bowl, beat the butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar with an
electric mixer until creamy, about 2 minutes. Add the vanilla and eggs. Gradually
beat in the flour mixture. Stir in the chocolate chips.
4. Optional Step: If time permits, wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at
least 24 hours but no more than 72 hours. This allows the dough to “marinate”
and makes the cookies thicker, chewier, and more flavorful. Let dough sit at room
temperature just until it is soft enough to scoop.
5. Divide the dough into 3-tablespoon sized balls using a large cookie scoop and
drop onto prepared baking sheets.
6. Bake for 11-13 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes before
removing to wire racks to cool completely.
General Timeline:

Student Activity Task Time Frame

Preparation Students will plan for the task by 1 day, week 1

preparing their recipes and their list of
ingredients with the guidance of the

Buying ingredients Students will be given time to canvas 7 days, week 1-2
and purchase ingredients for their

Practice sessions Students will be given time to practice 2 days, week 2

(at least one session in the lab) for the
task under the supervision of the

Practical exam Students will be given 1 session to 1 day, week 2

accomplish their task The rest of the
session will be for tasting and

4 3 2 1

Texture The cookie is The cookie is The cookie is The cookie is

soft and chewy chewy on the only chewy or overcooked or
on the inside and inside and crispy only crispy. undercooked.
has a good on the outside.
amount of
crispness on the

Appearance The cookie is The cookie is The cookie has a The cookie looks
whole and has a whole and has a decent brown burnt or raw or
golden-brown golden-brown color and has crumbly or has
color with equal color with equal slightly crumbly no visible chips.
distribution of distribution of parts.
chips. It is not chips.
too flat and has a
thicker center.

Taste The cookie is The cookie is The cookie tastes The cookie tastes
oven fresh with a fresh with a sweet, buttery, stale or too salty.
sweet, buttery, sweet, buttery, and chocolatey. The dough is
and chocolatey and chocolatey bland.
taste that taste that
complements the complements
richness of the that rich flavored
dough and is dough.
further enhanced
by a bit of

Smell The cookie has a The cookie has a The cookie has a The cookie
rich buttery and buttery and buttery and smells burnt or
chocolatey smell chocolatey smell chocolatey smell unpleasant or has
from a distance. at arm’s length. when held near no smell at all.
the nose.

Arias, T. (2021, December 16). Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies. Handle the Heat with
Tessa Arias.

Salmon, S. (2003). Chocolate Chip Cookies and Rubrics: Helping Students Understand Rubrics
in Inclusive Settings. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(4), 8-11.
Item Analysis
Options sum of
who Difficult Disc
Ite all p D Analysi
got it y Index Inde
m Grou student Meaning Meaning s
A B C D correc (p) x (D)
p s

upper 1 1 5 7
1 14 50.00 Optimum 0.43 Good
2 3 2

upper 3 4 7
2 14 50.00 Optimum 0.14 Very Poor
4 3

upper 7 12
3 14 85.71 Easy 0.29 Poor
5 1 1

upper 7 13
4 14 92.86 Very Easy 0.14 Very Poor
1 6

upper 1 1 5 6
5 14 42.86 Hard 0.57
1 3 2 1

upper 2 5 11
6 14 78.57 Easy -0.14 Very Poor
1 6

upper 4 1 2 3
7 14 21.43 Very Hard 0.14 Very Poor
5 1 1

upper 1 6 13
8 14 92.86 Very Easy -0.14 Very Poor
upper 5 1 1 8
9 14 57.14 Optimum 0.29 Poor
3 1 3

upper 1 6 8
10 14 57.14 Optimum 0.57
1 3 1 2

upper 1 2 4 7
11 14 50.00 Optimum 0.14 Very Poor
3 1 3

upper 4 1 2 3
12 14 21.43 Very Hard -0.14 Very Poor
3 1 2 1

upper 1 6 0
13 14 0.00 Very Hard 0.00 Very Poor

upper 1 6 6
14 14 42.86 Hard 0.86
3 4

upper 3 2 2 4
15 14 28.57 Very Hard 0.29 Poor
1 2 4

Analysis For Item Analysis Exercise:

1. The question is well designed. The difficulty is optimal, and it discriminates well between the
well performing and poorly performing students.
2. The question a bit ambiguous. This can be seen from how there are almost equal number of
students from the upper group that chose the correct answer and a distracter. The difficulty is
optimal, but it does not discriminate the students very well. The question should either be revised
to be clearer or the most frequently chosen distracter should be changed to increase
discrimination index
3. The question is well designed. Although it has a poor discrimination index, it is something to be
expected from an easy difficulty question.
4. The question has a very low difficulty, which means that it also has a very low discrimination
5. The question is well designed. The difficulty is hard and has a high discrimination index, making
very good for differentiating between the students that did well and those that did not.
6. The question has an easy difficulty and a negative discrimination index, which does not make it a
good indicator for the students’ performance.
7. The question has a very high level of difficulty. There is also a possibility of miskeying that can
be seen from how a majority of the upper group of students chose a distracter over the correct
answer and the question’s very low discrimination index. The question should be revised to
increase its discrimination index.
8. The question has a very low difficulty and discrimination index. The question should be revised
to have an increased difficulty as too many easy questions can lower the test’s ability to evaluate
the students’ learning.
9. The question has an optimal difficulty. It has relatively poor discrimination index but there is no
need for a revision since the question is relatively well-made.
10. The question is very well designed. The difficulty is optimal and it discriminates the students
11. The question may need revising. Its difficulty is optimal but it has a very low discrimination
index which makes it a poor evaluator of the students’ performance. The reason may be because
it is a bit ambiguous as there are almost the same number of students who chose the correct
answer and the distracter.
12. The question needs revising. It has a very high difficulty but very low discrimination index. There
is a high possibility of ambiguity in the question as a majority of the students chose the distracter
rather than the correct answer.
13. The question needs revising. It has a very high difficulty but very low discrimination index. There
is a high possibility of ambiguity in the question as all of the students chose one of the distracters
over the correct answer.
14. The question is well designed. The difficulty is hard and has a high discrimination index, making
very good for differentiating between the students that did well and those that did not.
15. The question may need revising. The difficulty is very high but does not discriminate well
between the students. It would probably be best to lower the difficulty as there is a very high
possibility of guessing which can be seen from how the answers are spread almost evenly
between the answers.

Creating these portfolio entries gave me a hand-on experience on a part of the work of a
teacher/evaluator. The experience helped me understand how much work is put into creating these tools
that are used to evaluate the performance of the students. In the process of creating the test blueprint, I
learned how to categorize the lesson objectives into the type of questions are needed. This is where the
importance of clear lesson objectives was driven into me even more; without clear lesson objectives, it
would be difficult to plan your test because it would be hard to classify under which type of questions
those lesson objectives would be put under. Creating the exam itself proved to be even more challenging:
before taking this course, I only thought that creating the test items were easy, but I was proven wrong
when I started creating my exam. There are a apparently a lot of things to consider when creating an
exam, and I experienced this firsthand while creating my own exam: first of all, you must not leave any
hints—in short, you can not have similar questions for any portion of the exam, and you also can not
make a pattern for the answers in multiple choice questions. Second, there should always be extra choices
in a matching type exam, otherwise it would encourage guessing. I always hated teachers that did not give
the exact number of choices for matching type tests, but seeing that the reason for it is actually quite
important in evaluating how much a student learned from the lesson, then I guess it cannot be helped. And
lastly, but definitely not the least, is that there is a proper arrangement of the items in an exam: questions
that come from the same topic are grouped together, and even questions and answer choices should also
be arranged starting from the shortest question/answer choice to the longest, so that the exam would look
neat and orderly.
In creating our Attitude Scale portfolio entry, I learned how tedious the process of creating a scale
was. There are a lot of things to take into account, and while dividing the scale into different dimensions
helped in creating items for the scale, it also made it that much harder, especially when there are two or
more dimensions that are overlapping in some way. The scale my group and I created was different from
what the rest of the class did but it was meticulous work all the same, in fact, in some ways it could be
said that it was MORE work. Our group was tasked to create a Thurstone scale about the degree of
Openness to Same-Sex Couple Child Adoption. It was also a very meticulous process, with emphasis on
finding the right words to use to convey varying degrees openness. The experience allowed me to
understand the importance of having clarity in your questions, and helped me understand the process of
creating surveys even more deeply. The last portfolio entry was about creating a performance task and
rubric for grading said task. It was much simpler than creating the attitude scale but still required us to
take extra care in creating it. We needed to make sure that the task we create is developmentally
appropriate for the students, and at the same time create an easy to understand rubric for the task so that
the students actually understand how they are being graded. We also needed to make sure that the task
can effectively evaluate how much the students learned from the lessons.
In conclusion, all these portfolio entries impressed upon me the different methods of evaluation
that may be used in home economics. Of all these projects, I learned and enjoyed creating the first and
second portfolio entries the most, as they are the ones which were done individually, giving me
essentially free rein on what to do, so long as I follow the guidelines, mainly because I expect myself to
become a teacher in the future and these first two portfolio entries are what I would be making the most in
the future.

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