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38 [ATENEO LAW JOURNAL von. 5829 flvem in cases where the prone chose to stay ithe place of Bs confinement Penal Prion ‘The legit otent tehind R.A. No. 1092, which to benefit prone, 's made all dhe more evident by Section 6 thereat which provides for spo Alaseadseened otto the prnones hat to the pubic ificen er employer ‘who ae easked withthe Esl compliance withthe prowsny ofthe aw, Sexton 6. Penal Chie — Fail corpne wi tbe rosin of hit ‘Acti hereby maned Ath he poy fone Yor promt {See o Bronco ol) sd pres dase hold nc al be imped sguine ay pbc ero plone who laste provi G Trasory Pew ‘The final proviso i the fourth pargaph of Anicle 29 of the RPC, at amended by Section 1 of FLA. Ne. 10392, exprenly exer reidv abies! deingaens, and ecapees ©! Persons changed with heinous crimes 2 sso exces fom the coverage of the sid Act” Relee pendent le fan therefore be avd of only by detention prone who ate not reeidivs, habitul delinquent, or escapees provided hey ae not Being Charged with heinous cement? Tw may farther be observed tha ese Scicrion prsoner who have ately been convicted of beinow crimes by the mal cour pot othe elect of RA. No. 10592 are ikewse covered. by the provsions on reese pnd lr, notwithstanding the pendency of ay appeal or auomane appelite review. Th i 40 considering tht they Ite abeady paved the pot of being charged, they have aleay been conviced, ever though such convictions have yet to become Ha and ‘executry in view ofthe pending apes ora a 4h 66 Bs Ss 6RA.No. 1990.51 writ Correcting an 80 Year-Old Mistake: A Review of the Indeterminate Sentence Law Rona C. Ch Uae Vide 7 Mamond-Caa® fi Turlbercroaniate Searence Law A Expt the Rae W. Tne s0 YEAR-OLD MISTAKE, 6 A Compaion of Indcemnnate Pete poed Based ee (Gane an Care intapettions 8 When ISL Shu No Be Spd G. Supr ss Flin Appling SL WV. Conetuson. {pe lay ee thy fo ptt ly me = JD. wh non, Araco Se Mal Unneiy Sl of aw Fs A sea Decor he Off the Che Paseo Lap Count OCP) He ‘thes Lop Wing Lp Reser, peal Proce ad Speco Pel Laws dake Anco de tt Unneaty Stoo af tow He ao spake or he Numi Csntiming Top Elvan MCLE) Sx vet by dy deceted wee prover Caery be the Gammon Sect he ees Conn on ow Corse (BEGG) a the OIC Den of he Tie Eases Unra-De 1a sae Une FEU-DISU) Law Schl, He [rev we Thr Rd Id Cai Yer ar Prion. ATENEO tm) an co-wrote Th Sach or Clay Pr Taman of cn Cred f eal of Pa Tat 36 TINO L833) a tt a8 TEM, Sin Bs Cage of Laws The Author carey eng in Gea $8 ATENEO. 399 (200, 2. Ca Hoenig, A Sony Loe, Ine, ae at p/n fing on som/cn-horig bing gen-lo-gnodne-.b-A32591 ml Pe Scovel Sep 1985) 360 ATENEO LAW JOURNAL von. sk59 Lixronvction Tei general accepts ft tht the pp of imi ation, comet wth ele of rete fie to pans he enc oer {> deer him and ten fom coming the ume or sia fee, Sle hin fom sce eto ad cle hin in genre, ‘inn scl onde Conary to tac ew herein te hay ht sl aml po fh me {eringroa Be cnn: apow which depot the sence sd ‘30 al pn oa] Ts wick fa life) paneer ot ‘cel tw ef coping mer apron the mee a However. the Filipino ration, being nadon offers opted a criminal sic sptem anchored on the more fan view of imposing pelos for he prove of raising the convicted fr olan Out [en wsrater han phing them Ie precly Becase of the Filipino people's ble in che inherent foodies ofthe human bes tht, soon tothe Revoed Peal Ce (RPC the’ Indeerminte Sentence Liw (SL) ws emeted and plemented ‘The IL, however. ot 4 new liltive invention. The ISL was corgnaly sed ducing the Mise Ages to dacourge revivm Lace Anchored onthe ve tha cumin were the remy af the ate the ‘Concept of posing «massa penalty for cena elles wa doped So ov. Reon Tal Cour, Braschi, hy of May, SERA {46 (01) cng Rane Jer Sundpbupa, eA SCRA 185 (20), 4 Mapyo Coan of Apps a0 SCRA an. (98) feting Rac ‘Aguino, THe Reo Frnt Cope 1 a6 4 Yale Comers, Fins iholy Femi, Sas Soy, Pal. DAKY I Ser Pope «acon, 9 Pi 09,1899). Cone Aer Noo a) : 1 Am Acco Provide fra Indeterminate Sentence and Pate fr Al Reson Convicted of Cerin Cries bythe Coury fhe Palgpae, tae te {Gres Boarl often Semen ne Pie Hee ce aod fer Other Puss (The Inder Sonam Law, et No oh a ‘Amel (i) 1 SALVADON LAUREL, LAUREL ROH on Pat ResOwA: Tuk S808 (OF PLM PENAL NSTIFUMONS aM Pano 4s). nese Pov ors] THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW yo ‘he purpose fering the xin wit the cad po ice the ‘Meter or rearing oem te coving esses Th ee ipte une the nea of greemment benemene, fr more ees foley of ehbtain Comer ath pple he Supreme Cart oy he revonty held — Kei in mind the Buc ppm of he (St lt and em {Sse the etna, san a and eh ke et \Comideing the criminal sn nial ome of he tn th shold ‘camer te (1) Bag ecy wh cane serene ath le) spe ea nly cnn, asa edn] and psn! hab he pow onda emonnet ‘nd mde af a cima ce say) he penn ‘eh telecl andmor hi poi sl ps es (hiner tase) hn demon dangle hs se ‘pr the cme comme th mone unas ih ‘Herne ws comet) he ty afte oe tn comiering the xin emer of sce, i relation, G ‘tah depen and cn a ser en eh Sediccat inn ta ee esa af poceng the socal spat teehee Aesacse ase Su sw ah redeeming te inal fcoom utes hr sae Inn whe ft st Indus he lmao t Php! clon age sk 1 tnown ute fees Wt he fogged inet cours cn pe al fc oth hentac on he Tepe ‘The ISL doesnot only manbate the inpostion of an intrminate ay. I¢ ao eles 2 parle Goin consnance with the oe ‘xtreme wew af the proponent of this concep whch compl ‘earls power of deeming he time of rete or thei cott noer agency but ley within the cones of 2 cour to impose the Indecrmiate ene, 9 Se Dain 9 Pak we 12 The ndorminteSrene Law § Bugs / ATENEO LAW JOURNAL, von. S399 Tie INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW Seton 1 ofthe ISL provides — Ss Seco Heese in nig» ton stn fle ie ‘Sr jare or senna spe hes ‘emia ere maf tc sl ace Soret andes oat pre a ip se RPC mon ot neh a a eg ic ey wet ansay efaPe ee SSE ofen su by ay ecco soe Tins mets ere ean a bcd msn lyst nde ea a {danse mn ped bythe ae “The aplication of the ISL is mandatory and, une the cate fills under tion 2. the cours must apply a maximum aad a minimum peti sentencing an accued. On the one hand, the maximum petod. (SL Masmum) should be tht which could be properly ipod under the sicurgeances, which means that any mitigating or aggravating etetanee On ima fnt he considered before determining the appiable ISL Maximum the other hand, the muaimam period (SL: Minimum) shall be the enly within the range ofthe penalty next lower to that preserbed bythe RPC, wathout consdenng any modiffing ccumstance stendant t0 the omnmion ofthe crime" sy People. Lee J. 182 SCRA O67 (980 ‘he Indeterminate Sentence Ln, § 2. Thi Section provides — Secon 2 [The Indeterminate Setece Law (ISL) shill ot pp 0 enon convited of mes puted wth dewth py oF Imprisonment wo hte conviced of eson, compact propel to emma eon wo thve convicted of mapien often elon, Sediton or sion, to tone conte of pry othe whe ne ‘bel dengue; to hse wba hve expe confinement aed semences to those who hang, teen gated conta arden bythe Chie Excase dhl have vied te terms hee thos whine macmum tem of sapronment dacs mw exceed ne yet rt thon ead erence by fa igen a the te a dpproval fhe Steep pore Seta ea Hold Hliang, Revising “SLAW” sie at p//a judiciary gop de pptin-me cng) Qt ed ph u ots} THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW. In Pople. Duca the SC ruled thas — “This lx up othe import ution: How hl the ‘masa othe nn penal be deere? “The msimurm pesky ms be deterring in any exe pine by he [ROC naecorlnce wth bere nd povtony fe RPC eet {tbe It] had never been pane [The Coun nk) Hen fon reading of he ISL] tha ws ot prone to mak nope ay of {8 ron of the RC] Nee thee no te bey fhe SL Inge any tenon on the par ofthe [ole vo ees sent fy ofthe prowsons of the [RPC]. "The ep sy a the St Farr show he seen wa slid othe seem fl ong sae 3 ‘a0 to ring the provisos ofthe Stn confit with the pono of {the Pppie] penal laws pecially with hoe ean wt pnb {Tie Commitee Report of the Ninth Phiipine Leste ges an lweaton of the apieion ofthe ISL] tone pened ty the iRect: “Suppose thats man found uy of vention of pbb a nthe moot of [Pron 00] No ming for sererang eeu: pce. Unde [te IL) the cour ry impos fas usr ference no exceting [so] yeas Sgt tba esta ine Yes, four mun. bd on dy, nd mann ich sl nt es than fur yeas 0 mort and one iy The cou thse my Sentence the sce be pine frm ethane yess no oe than 1] yeas fr aot en than even yeas or mre Yo a fiche mont 1 wl ee forthe gig eal ate mau Some an wile peas we WR sean prot mt ce oo gn sre iRhC ps he toa ate py pe mwiet im ncn od nnn pe Te ply 5c tela pee co of ie af many toga Secon! tbe. pion aon me tr sn sd es‘ op mf hs ‘an et tel het) ays ped he ‘Shite ope ed te RCT ce ep fier eater alone a pe ihe Te alse may i red sont Rica meal py ole ie Coun eed re 2 ol) [co oa ey 2 ye wh ne op ot [The Conf ht | 10] ye aon iy af prone cons to the provions and tues oF the [RPC] and throne Bed 2nd 6 304 ATENEO LAW JOURNAL [wot 8359 ‘tli he man ofthe sence which hal bmp pa ‘he apie [the Coa low] deemine the sina sptonmen pro Few soin Re ft Set the [RT poe a ne {Tat ow ews he mm point pond fe pay fw lowe et pestle RP) kr the fe? We ‘Evening she tana ony tat the SE] cond op thet ihe fu of pray te wen onthe ces hie eet arden of ie roots we ihe ‘mov tne meal mine he eee of he ‘cin jon and he ad sin of te fr ands (Sr hel ee he ds te ange ii pray Inds, porto the emcsment ofthe ISL, oe need nt Be concemed with Jeera of “masa and “minimum tems, aceon ips ty the ISL Sag penais were Bed by the our and wet 0 [mode onl by spec provisions ofthe RPC. Since enacment, however, dhe ISL as Been matory, wit — ‘The request of smpoung an indeterminate sentence in all tii Brn wheter punch yc RPC] or bye tuna ee ‘imu anf umm oie Cut dos proper ok he ea SSS che peu speed by ee tw mt there, be deemed Fring the “minimam” tenn of the indeterminate sentence, on one tnd parca of ges mpore 2+ Once sch nin ter serve ‘he Bod of Idee Serene, om the eons of the pra Satan nde ach may be rceed acer withthe alt ‘epic pot, am he dy td ecmmeaon mae Beit teh poner ed ye rm fore ‘Bathe ns eset pobby tha ch ner wl ive ad ea Widtry aime lege ns and tar rach lee vel ot be Incompule wn the elie of sacy, tan Deon! ] may ‘deretan, tad sconce on] ees and mpaavorm sed ‘Scand, sures Ge sae ef tach poner pe spon mc pt, ey Seu) WT PARI COD, ts 2179) 4 acre 22 (ting KIVSID PINAL Cor, a 48 98, 9-57, 4-4, 4-65, 9, & 2 25, Tt: People SCA 35,38 G0) 24 So The Indeterminate Sentence La os) THEINDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW 365 Pieter soe oau ee ceeae coqpolinliunpjaues pou unin nay ee a eae icon oat rm ech pe ly als se be ey Sek ree 8 oem ie ec ee erie aie ee sa ie Capa fearet rn Senate "ami me ern oh, tn ren te tee ts nga cre eae eee rere ce le meer wee ney aos Accompanying the convicts spervied rene it 4 Probstion Onder otining the terms and condisony which the convict should comply Sth Volos of any fsck conditions wil warant an ares.” In sch he, the prtoner shall serve the remaining snexpred. potion of hit ‘imum onence for which he was orignal commute to pron A. spin othe Re Seton 2 of the ISL provides fo dhe spec stances where the aw shall ote applicable — Sion 2. [The ISL sal oe apply 0 penom conitd of ofees ied wih deh penalty ot it mprsonment: to tho conte tuo. company of ppl o commit renent the conte igen of wen eo, ston page to ne come ‘tps them ae ub duct the shall ae feaped fom ronnenset eve scenes those Bang Bom fat onl pon by he Chet Exec sal have Vole the 35, The deerme Seen Lam, 5 27. People v. Sion, Bt 29 Depart, Roy a Reon Inpementing the robin Las ta reer Deeee No. 684 3 Qn 3204, pw W5s0 3 M5 20, SCIA $5590 366 ATENEO LAW JOURNAL Ivor. 58359 ‘sewed one year, tne sendy sence yl ete neo opel fhe Seep posed Sexton et tn 20 Ape 19, the SC ade another exception In Pape». Nig Kay the scased ve found guy of Heal posesion of Brews fr ‘which dhe Cour sentenced hn fo suerte penal of wpesonmen of Bee Jens and ne diy. The SC, in vo eli nd wing sit perl of Imponmen fora er of ve yeah one de. at tht the ese fe ‘which Nang Kay ws fund guy was pushed with nprsonment of not Tew than five yeam nor more than to yer. An apcoon of the ISL ‘would have meant tha acrawed Nang Kay watt cre prone fom {ve pean to To yams more les Junijng the sigh penaly meted the Cour had he ocean to emphasize the apphing the ISL in ach oe ‘would run counter #90 spat "The SC ale hat — [The Cour thereof the pion al fe] that a cae where Spgs of te [wold be entices the aed eng steegahnng oe rigs ete, et tl ee Is 16 December 2009, oF 8 yews later, the SC recognized che exception tothe generale of mandatory application set orth under the [Nant Kay ruling im Pe Bai Thun, ance the SCs pronouncement fm tosis has Been the provaling doctrine that im exer where the {pplication of the TL would rele nthe lengthening of the proon ‘Eutence the ISL should ot be applied” IIL THe 80 Vean-Otb MISTAKE [A survey of Criminal Law jenspradence wl show tht among the potions ofthe rings of tral courts and appelnte cours that are moxt commonly Je The Inder Setence Law, 6 33 People Nang Kay, 8 Ph. 15 (195) 3s Mesa yr Mats BA Mae sa 49, Navy Kay 86 Ph a0, hs Se Nag Kay, 8 Ph at joo] THEINDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW ar a ee ee Uehara lle emer ieee “able, nls mposed for Homicide Using the Conet tdeterinate ncerprenion cron INDETERAUNATE PENALTY Towne | Maxie] — Minne (Penay Pesce: Reason Tenpent) —Faaling Crcarance | Recon temp | Pi maar ay ‘emedium period | oft pods No mitigating and agri cocurtances eenng Grcamsences | Redan wpe | Pri mayor a7 One oxtnary mtigaing | 8 imam pei | of poss iran ad we “Aending Circumstance” | Reco omar | Pil mayor a ieimanunumn pero | of upon One aggrrating re srumetnce and 0 gang cecamstince ‘ending Cicumstnce: | Resin topo a | Pil mara any ‘Two aggeaing, | H8iavmum peril | of apes TE Se pony People Maney, @ SERA tt (79) oeruming Pople w Coma et aly ro5 Ph 6 (oss People 8 Gone, 73 Phil si (198) “netang Pople Pa 6 PA sf 8) 8 ope Map, 7) Pa 65 C7 severing People. Halo, 6 Ph 739 (1027 1. Soler, 1a SCRA a 45. SwePeple Tempera, $74 SCRA 2,286 2008 Tis ATENEO LAW JOURNAL In the foregoing examples, the application of the ISL cretes no problem, “Under Section 1, the SC merely apn! the nequvora Browsions ofthe ISL" However, the same cannot be ai ty be tue when there ae pete mitgatng iumtanes and/or there ae at leas two Imiogatng cacurstance, wth no rating ciemsance Ivor. 582359 “The problem sare in the very fine cate decid by the SC involving the ISLA" Ix Duin, dhe SC ruled that to “conte the expen i Section tf] the penalty next lower to that pried hy the RPC} forthe ‘fens [shoul] mean the penalty next lower to that determined by the court in the eat before ta fhe masa | Intel of ging one egvee Tower fom "kat prescribed by dhe [RPCI,” the SC ii te minim, went one degree lower from the maximum. The SC id wot merely perform function of jada interpretation but engaged in the prohibited 2 of jc legalaton Tes imporant to iferntiate presmbed peal. impale pny. and penly aly ompoved The prescribed pealy i he penalty tha the RPC We Ti inten Senn aw, 12. Se Doin, 9 Pa 109. Wau $0. According Fomer Supreme Cour (SC) Juice Mens Dinan Val — “he Jasin en vary pei the wes among he thes branches of pvermentcosideng that dos ot have the fuer afthe pone nor doe hive he per ofthe ord. The Felons oly weed th» pn to tee he vs icing the [Clomsmon toc On the comay, withthe words at Bow fo juin the Jey may Hwee debe he ‘ges tanch nce hare power promune, wth ena GaUTinw ema And te people cng the ier Dances ovement, have no coke bu obey de, Trough the yeas, the Judiciary, in taking pen to sake a mvrmestl mesons ha been secs ying, steal of ‘Serpeting les Jl lepton tke place when a cout ssn {0 ca ming pr orto fil the ay inlaws or when erp deren! boundaresand goes Bey the aw to oi dacs (pce whee one wu bee Myrna Dinara Vid, Jc Leptin: Disc, wale a np Jubeary po pide ppeacton=manact_cotensdape josey Ca deeesed Sp. 12.2013) 44. Bekxanvo P Pak, THE ArticATION Ast) GRADUATION OF PARALTES Uno re fvsen Pest Cope Ax tt Inbrinbatt SecENCE Taw 78 2018) (tang Pompe 74 SCRA 31246 empha upped) ons] THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW 6 wily provided without appreciating the atendan circumstances Th, fo the crime of homicide, the preenbed penalty mks onpe The impouble pensey Is the penay ae mralied to be imposed afer pprettng the atendingccumeance,® Thay forthe cme of homie ‘Pio acenting circumstances ae preent, the imple pealy i ion impr in dhe mediuen period The penalty actly imposes the ect ly rose by the uge on the conwict shat sold be wth the apostle penal." To demonstrate, Pople», Dimas’ eld — Wish eet to te contention ofthe spelt ta be hold fe ees pn the Benen ofthe [SL car at he ent et a fem oe Re enon ta the pony pore upon lim does ser enced one (1 dor The applaton ofthe [St ed upon the psy sty inetd Tian il alt ipo a hh ny be ied de acto of However, such indeterminate sentence must always be within the confines of the law, otherwise sacha aden considered void” In ficng the ISL minimam, however, the cours should consider the penalty that sone degre lower from the preci perly and not fom {he imporble penal oF the penal acral spore Thi ea from 3 pn ean of Secuoa 1 ofthe ISL ‘The corect application of the ISL hat been explhned in Ppl v Gas flows — Under the SL, the maxi emf the penalty lb th wich, We of te atening ccometnc, coal! be prope spon ode he TRC}, sn the man sl be thi the tag of te py next omer tot pref the ofc The penny nex lowe shuld be ‘Boon the only pce bythe [RPC or the fn tout St omideing any nding cncumaunce senda fo the common Of ss War. 58 PARDO, sp nt 1078, 57 ewe PENAL Cos, a 4 $9. People Diana 2 Ph 239 (082 Ge. td aca ng The Inert Setece La §3) (empha opi. 165 The serine Semen La § 1 64 People. Gs, 37 SCRA 581 (957 Jo 370 [ATENEO LAW JOURNAL Ivor. 59 the eime. The determin the inn pay hy ht he sour dceton of the court an can he anywhere wth the re af the penay neat ne] wt any een the pr to hich ie be abe The mfg ss asd ny te ‘motion of te manna fh mate However, in cscs where the modiing cicumstance i 4 privileged ritigating cicumstance oF i let wo onary migating cicimsances Without any aggravating crcumeane, dhe SC conser the ining Circumstances inthe inposigon of both the ISL Maxaman andthe ISt “Mininvan devoid of any joecaton st why ther is depte fo the Provisions ofthe ISL Ia People» Cee? dhe SC red — “The proper method to sar om the pemy ipod by the [RPC telson tempos) then apy the prvieges igang cane ob minority ane deemine the penay sme nor in decree, Le ‘sie may a3 aly py the sme a he tun depee be ‘hin The munimam range terol Beco of the onary matting Srcumsance of ples of gut Pate meer, Being the rina ee incite setece the miu of the sneer stents Penal nthe ange fhe penly Met lowe oi presi by the RPC) Le, pin comma In People w. Lee J. the perl fo homicide, which was attended by ‘ro mitgzang ccumstanees without apy aggravating ecumstance, was set 2 prin mayor monamun™ asthe ISL Maxim and pri come a the ISL Misamis” By going ane degree lower from the maxim, the SC rot only engaged” io judicial leglation as dscused above, but abo contacted ther own pronouncement that modifjing Gcumstances ae onsiered only nfxng the ISL Maximum.” A. Compan of Indcteinate Penis Impaed Based onthe Curent end Comet Inert In vor of the current interpretation, it angued that the ISL should be construed liberally and interpreted in favor of the accused Thi true sf 65, Ha 95 (empha. (People v Cot, 22 SCRA 134 968 ol 6, Lee 132 SCRA 267. ‘70. Ie should be prin mayor medium. Ser Haan v. People, 61 SCRA 275,277 ona. 7h Lee 132 SCRA 216, 2 Halipngs apm not 17 22, Tenpont, 574 SCRA at 2658, Conon, separate opinion). soni) THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW m the IL 2 penal bw. “A pena aw i am act of the [Leite tht tis cetain ac and else penal for its vokton "The [cenuing opinion of former SC Chick fice Reynato Puna in Ppl» pond enlighening— 1 peal nw 6 an ae of the [egal tat pois censin ats and ‘ude pees or lon (Alot lok tthe It, homer ‘ved ht does noe make any ae pons coal ste hie ‘am Aut to Provide [or An Indeterminate Seen Ud Pale (or A enone Coniced [of Cent Crmes oy be Con ol the Phippine lism) (to Crese A Boul (of tdecranae Sec? [sad [io Prove Fund There aod for Other Purpose” Morconer the Elston of he ISU a penal we mad abe nowt ler eg fas [Ninn Key] hich ced the’ Cpa Ju Soundan, pts tothe [Ued Stes(US)] cae of Sue». ns auton fe spine dat fhe St ea petal ate A pero ofthe mid US vse sve homever thn dhe pol career of the SL wa ot put into ve ta ce, te that see merely med ha he ISL a pol Acces Jr isbested) Ue the proumption of iapocec em be el it {Goingenency sx he computation ofthe minum i the ISL" “Table 2 Comparion of the Curent and Correct Interpetatons ofthe ISL ‘CRIME: | INDETERMINATE PENALTY | INDETERMINATE PeISALTY Homeine | Baspon Cornet | Bast on Connect INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION, [NARRIN | MIN | MaxiMOM | Minna ‘One prveged | Polo major | — Drie | Pra mayor | Pin maar rmtiasing | nts medium | omsconal in| ins mea | ni circumstance or] "period | any oft | penod | sunmam “Two extnary Periods pend" titi a 25. Mx 6-47 (CJ Pao, denting opision. eM 78 Tecan anpbly be a igh pie mur nti at long ower than he ISL Mann snposed, Ak, wile the deeminason ofthe ISL Mint left by nw ose oul eon ofthe eur and can he ayers within the ge ofthe pensy next ower wll be ve sbue of dct om he po ofthe sou ihe ISL Murs Boe ger than SE Nr Tae noi cacumstancs ae cnmdeed only tbe apoio the asim ter of the acta sentence. Se PARDO, op nate 3,468 (ep ont. Jo” ATENEO LAW JOURNAL Woe. s8359 1, Who SL Shoal Not Be Api ‘ie fom the ses ertoned in Section 2 of the IL andthe Nan Ky ‘xcepton™ adsl shove the IL ald no be apd wl tek Svatuny The Legon suey any not nthe bo Sinan ln ene where the Sts apie cone wl eshte I Minimum beg hgh nn the IS Movin the TSU shuld mot be dered. The cour should tent pea tight peraky As Wim ikon ys sn a hath eg, tec he muy ae lous The merci oly be within the confines of the lw but ‘wil abo be conten wih he Nang” Kay xeon! Remax he pote out da SL dor ot prob the the commision ofthe cme, whch wl lowe the pen by ewe dees, the I ahold ne be apd Table 3. Compariton ofthe Curent and Correct Interpretations of the ISL that Lower the Pena by Two Degrees, came: | INDETERMINATE PENALTY | INDETERAUNATE PrsSALTY Howene | BisrDoNCURRENT | BASED ON ConnncT INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION Sasiaiow | MiinoM | MAROM | MINION ‘Acending | Pin | Ares mayor | Dri | Prin mayor CCarcumsance: | emeinalin | in any oft | comsionalin | in any oft One| ssmedium |" pends | emediam | penods ponleged | penod pero ‘nd Teo 8a, WHAM BLACKSTONE, COMMSTARIS C8 THE LAWS OF ENGLAND 76 ‘THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW ” e cy. the pel by te dewees) plying the corset interpretation of the ISL. woul! thus fad «0 twitysince"obviowly, the ISL" Minmum higher ehan the 1S ‘Mona based om the graduation of penies Tha ttead of spying the comect interpretation (appreciating modiyng excuse imposition ofthe ISL minim), the more. oper application cl, for tcting out sight penalty, consent withthe Nang Ray exception” a vi he SE . Step tole in Applying the ISL If crime is pisable under a speci perl lw the ISL. Maxim shall tot exceed the marimum fixed! by the special ae and the ISL. Minimun Sha not be ls than the minima preenbed hy sad law? Howeves ‘ould be ote that in eases where the special lw involved aes ss of {he pales under the RPC in thee technsa ers, the tle iret ‘The SC bs previouly pointed ut — [Where hough the ofc ined and aensly pushed under a Spel lew. the pea those wacker fom dhe RPC] ne {Eccl nomenchtare a, neceanly. sloped wh ts doeon ‘oxraoni andl tle under essen of fesse he [Rep Act (AD No. 6435, 6 nw amended by [R.A No. 9640, hav uguliealy aptd the puis unr te [RFC] i het tec tems, eae. wih their vec sgeton and fet iy ft fr Pups of tering he mac sa sentence, fe Con) sped the proviom of te atended Seton 30 aeke a pai me an ‘Arocle64of the [RPC] to mpone the sme tthe eho period Sach ‘fre aah povided for» peal law, a net Pons ‘lie he [RPC] Conant determine he mini fhe Cour 15 Ning Ka, Pi a so 6. special pel iv, pase by the Piipine Commision, Phiipine Asc Philpine Legare, National Aunty the Cong of te Piping ‘he Mun Patines are ep one of the ues of Canal Lae foe hippies. Se Cus B. REvEs THE Revista Pena Cope Book One (usted on) 374 ATENEO LAW JOURNAL Ivor. 58359 must apply the first part of the aforesaid Section 1 fof the ISL] which directs that in imposing a prison sentence for an offense punished by the [RPC], or its amendments, the court shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence the maximum term of which shall be that which, in View of the attending circumstances, could be properly imposed under the rules of said [RPC], and the minimum which shall be within the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the [RPC] for the offense.*? If the penalty imposed is exactly the minimum prescribed by law, the ISL should not be applied and the court should instead impose a straight penalty. Ifa crime is punishable under the RPC, these are the rules: (a) Determine if the ISL is applicable such as when the penalty to be imposed is imprisonment and the case does not fall under Section 2 of the ISL. (2) If the ISL is applicable, fix the ISL Maximum and the ISL Minimum. (3) The ISL Maximum shall be within the prescribed penalty under the RPC for the offense taking into consideration all modifying circumstances. (4) The ISL Minimum shall be within the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the RPC for the offense without considering the modifying circumstances. (5) If the ISL Maximum is lower than the ISL Minimum, do not apply the ISL and impose instead a straight penalty.9° i i i i IV. CONCLUSION “The balancing of the state’s interest in deterrence and retributive justice vis-4 “vis reformation and reintegration of convicts into society is exclusively within the domain of the Legislature.9" The SC, in applying the ISL in the last 80 years, has gone beyond what the law prescribes. © continuously examine the law and junsprudence, to question what may or may not be a mistake, €0 test the views of others and, for others to test his or her views. The leaning process in law should never cease. The desire to learn should never wane. It is important for law students t ‘This is the only way we can correct our mistakes This is the only way we can improve the legal system. This is the only way we can serve justice 89. Simon, 234 SCRA at 574 & 581 (emphasis supplied). 90. Huliganga, supra note 17. g1. Temporada, 574 SCRA at 295

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