Coaching Games - Comparisons and Contrasts ACCEPTED
Coaching Games - Comparisons and Contrasts ACCEPTED
Coaching Games - Comparisons and Contrasts ACCEPTED
Price, Amy, Collins, David John, Stoszkowski, John Robert and Pill,
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Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
A key feature of any coach’s role is to decide on the most appropriate approach to
develop player learning and performance at any given time. When coaching games,
these decisions are even more challenging due to the interactive nature of games
approaches may compliment rather than oppose each other, to avoid a one-size-fits-all
approaches used for coaching games, whilst clarifying and contrasting their theoretical
and practical differences. In doing so, we propose that there is a space in the coach’s
toolbox for a games approach that hones the metacognitive skills of players. We also
suggest reasons why coaches might use metacognitive game design as a tool to develop
players’ deep understanding of game play to support player learning and performance.
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
and complex nature of game play where interaction between players, skills, strategies,
space and rules (to name but a few) influence how individuals and the team respond to
any given situation (Grehaigne & Godbout, 2014). Considering these complex and
interactive variables, we would suggest that there is not one method (and nor should
there be) amongst current espoused coaching tools that can meet all the needs of games
players in the process of self and team development. Using Mosston and Ashworth’s
(2008, p.5) metaphor of tools as “invaluable to reaching the overall intended purpose,”
we take the outlook that coaching games requires purposeful adoption of a blended tool
kit in order to find appropriate and effective context-specific solutions that enhance
player learning and performance. In this paper, the term “approach” refers to the range
of potential tools available for a coach to use. We understand that a tool becomes a tool
(rather than a method) when coaches are aware of what it seeks to do, and how to use
its principles appropriately. When discussing the notion of games, we refer to Almond’s
striking/fielding, target and invasion) because it summarizes the broad range of game
metaphor of tools as a means to achieving an outcome, this paper sets out the coaching
conundrum of selecting which approaches to use for developing games players, and
Metacognitive Approach (MA) via “Digital Video Games” (DVG) (Price, Collins,
Dating back to the early sports coaching literature of Wade (1967), Wein (1973)
player learning and performance in sport. It is logical to claim that there is no one “best
way” to develop games players and there is an argument that the decision of “what”
and “how” to support player learning is a matter of Professional Judgment and Decision
Making (PJDM: Abraham & Collins, 2011), dependent upon what is needed, for whom,
and in what context (Abraham & Collins, 2011). As a key focus of this paper, and one
of the difficulties with this decision-making process for neophyte coaches, is the need
to understand “why” a particular approach should be used over others so that the
approach (Ford, Yates, & Williams, 2010; Harvey, Cushion, & Massa-Gonzalez, 2010),
pedagogy, motor behavior and/or social and cognitive psychology (Cushion, Ford, &
Williams, 2012). For example, a historically common youth soccer training session
begins with “training forms” (drills) and ends with “playing forms” (games), with
explicit coach feedback a dominant behavior (e.g., using “stop standstill”) to support
learning (O’Connor, Larkin, & Williams, 2018). Furthermore, within training forms,
the coach typically uses demonstration followed with verbal instruction in the quest to
perfect execution of a technique (Williams & Hodges, 2005), which is vastly different
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
the process of skill execution. As such, with so many decisions for coaches when
pursuing their goal of impacting players’ learning and performance, the coaching
conundrum is one of determining what is needed, for whom, in what context and why
Coaching Games
when deciding how to impact player learning, primarily due to games being open and
complex (Bunker, Thorpe, & Almond, 1986) game forms to guide the process of
in the case of games provide infinite opportunities for player-decision making under
your opponent through a process of puzzle solving (Almond, 2015), a term used to
contextualize how problems emerge within an open system. The solutions (techniques,
skills, tactics and strategies) that players use in these open systems can be considered
as probabilities but cannot be pre-determined by the coach (Storey & Butler, 2013).
Underpinning these solutions is the internal logic of the game itself (Grehaigne,
Godbout, & Bothier, 1999; Grehaigne, Richard, & Griffin, 2005). In defining the
internal logic of any game category, Grehaigne, et al. (p. 8) explain that central to the
cooperation with partners, attack on the adverse camp, and defence of one's own camp.”
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
Considering the internal logic of games, the most effective players resolve problems
in-action and with intent to outwit the opponent, driven by an understanding of how the
Unsurprisingly, there are a wide range of tools that can support players’ in their
learned for net/wall, striking/fielding, target and invasion games, and thus performed
As discussed earlier, the difficulty for coaches lies in discerning between each
approach. For the purposes of this paper, we have intentionally selected four contrasting
approaches for developing games players. All four approaches can be considered
alongside the notion of outwitting the opposition, the essence of any game (Almond,
2015), and the underpinning of all problem-solving activities in games. With this view,
we recognize a space in the coaching toolbox for a tool that supports players’
Price, Collins, Stoszkowski, & Pill, 2017, p. 2). Price et al. (2017) provide theory and
practice examples of a MA, seeking to translate and transfer Gee’s (2007; 2013) “Good
Digital Game Design” features (see Gee, 2013 for a detailed summary) into a sport
coaching and teaching tool, known as a “Digital Video Games Approach” (DVG) (see
Table 2). Prior to DVG as a coaching tool, the coaching literature did not present a
In short, DVG for sport coaching focuses on practices that help players to
become good learners, not just good players, by developing players’ knowledge about
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
their understanding, as well as what they do to monitor and control their learning.
Metacognitive game skills occur during game play itself and are classed as
metacognitive (and not cognitive) “if they have a conscious impact” (Brown, 1984,
consciously outwit the opponent. Examples of metacognitive game skills that relate to
all four games categories include (but are not limited to): planning and re-planning
information is needed (from the game or game players) and setting out to find it.
player(s) (or team) consciously thinking about when and why to combine knowledge
of the game, score line, time remaining, rules) with knowledge of the opponent and/or
characteristics), in order to have an impact. Previous work in sports coaching that has
tested knowledge structures in games includes the extensive work of McPherson and
Thomas (1989) and Nevett and French (1997), in which high level performers show
greater flexibility in their sport specific tactical knowledge, and are therefore more
This notion of being flexible with tactics is also prominent in the work of
Grehagine et al. (1999) within a team sport context, although in their case, tactics are
authors as cognitive processes that are influenced by reflecting without time constraints
(i.e., devising a game plan in advance). Building from this empirical and conceptual
flexible application of strategic, tactical, skill and technical knowledge, even under
The principal objective for using a MA such as DVG is nested in the concept of
“deep understanding” as a blanket learning principle (Gee, 2007; 2013). Although there
have been various attempts to unravel the concept of understanding itself within game
categories (e.g., Almond & Ayres, 2013; Ayres & Almond, 2014) to help coaches
facilitate effective learning and assessment of players, a distinction in the present paper
is to propose how metacognitive game design has the potential to improve players’ deep
understanding. We propose the notion of deep understanding for playing games (in
outwit the opponent. In contrast to a player without deep understanding, who does not
join together their thoughts about the game and the players playing the game, to
It is important to highlight that none of Gee’s work in digital game design makes
explicit links to work on metacognition. Initial links between Gee’s notion of deep
made by Price et al. (2017), who originally introduced DVG. Therefore, it is timely to
explain the relevance of Flavell’s (1979) work for games coaching. Writing from the
(knowledge, experience, goals and strategies), which Robinson (1983) later suggests
metacognition remain “fuzzy” (Perry, Lunder, & Golder, 2018), despite recent
strategies used in school, and across curriculum (Mannion & Mercer, 2016). Cross-
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
curricular evidence is significant given that sport and games operate within distinctly
different boundaries to typical classroom subjects, such as math and science. Games as
open and complex systems require players to use both declarative (know-about) and
This particular framework of person, task and strategy for metacognitive knowledge is
relevant for playing games due to the strategic, tactical, skill and technical elements,
The following section is organized into three elements that explain deep
understanding in the context of playing games. For each element we provide a principle
relevant to learning in games (in the form of a player’s thought process), and a
suggestion in regard to game design (to support coaches with practical application). We
finish with potential implications of the principle for player learning and performance.
and why to use knowledge of the game, and knowledge of players playing the game, in
Principle. “The plan is to use this strategy, though we might need to re-plan depending
Game design. Designing a game that uses an overarching goal (mission), avoiding
allusion to any kind of skill specific or tactic driven learning outcomes or processes has
Effects for player learning and performance. Proposing a broad “mission” (Price et al.,
2017, p.7) rather than specific processes or outcomes creates opportunity for players to
strategize by consciously selecting the appropriate tactics and skills and then
deliberately practicing these strategies in order to get closer to achieving the mission.
When designing a mission, the coach is encouraged to begin the mission with a verb
that does not directly link to any kind of sport specific skill. For example, the mission
is to unlock players from zones (invasion games), or the mission is to collect more
points that your opponent (net/wall games), or the mission is to build new areas of the
pitch (striking/fielding), or the mission is to stay on the green (target games) (for
comprehensive examples of how coaches can design games that use missions, see Price
et al., 2017, p 7-8). Given the dynamic complexities of physical games themselves
(layers of actions designed to outwit opponents), players may need to alter their strategy
in-action, and therefore change what tactics and skills they plan on using (deliberately
practicing) in the game. Importantly, the coach will accept any strategies, tactics and
skills decided on by the players, and appreciates that these choices will (and should)
In game play, players will. Think strategically and develop a capacity to adapt strategy
based upon the state of the game, to achieve the game’s mission, as opposed to
Principle. “This is how to solve the problem we face, and we’re using this solution so
Game design. Integrating a mechanism into game design to provide teaching for players
should they decide. This will extend players’ awareness of their own problem-solving
the game design affords opportunities for teammates and/or opposition to find success.
Effects for player learning & performance. Applying the “4 C’s” idea by “using the
pause button” (Price et al., 2017, p. 8) in game design facilitates player led pauses for
players to select from different types of support (e.g., cheat, change, clue, challenge).
new ways to interact with the game, and thus encourages development of procedural
examples of how coaches can design games that use player led pauses, see Price et al.,
2017, p. 7-8). Thus, by offering opportunities for players to decide what support they
teammates, opponents and the game design. Importantly, players seek to make
conscious decisions for action based upon the game mechanisms and other players’
actions in order to find appropriate solutions to outwit the opponent. The focus here is
to problem solve by thinking like a player (the opponent is doing X, so I/we need to do
Y), and to problem set by thinking like a game designer (if I/we do Y, then the opponent
In game play, players will. Identify when, how and with what they require support with
a view to set a problem for the opponent, rather than the coach initiating (and leading)
Good learners and teachers (players identify what they need to find out, and set out
to find it)
Coaching Games: Comparisons and Contrasts
Principle. “I’ve realized that we are finding X situation difficult in this game; I’m going
to find new knowledge of the game to alter how I deal with this situation in the future.”
Game design. Facilitating opportunities in the game for players to earn “super powers”
(Price et al., 2017, p. 9) so that players become more effective in short periods will
provide further sources of knowledge for players to evaluate how to deal with new or
difficult circumstances.
Effects for player learning & performance. Players can see that the game has the
potential to alter its design depending on how super powers can be earned and then
used. This encourages players to deliberately seek out and persist in locating specific
examples of how coaches can design games that use super powers, see Price et al.,
identify what they can do, and what they can’t do, and are encouraged to recognize their
(individual or team) progress in the game. Of particular relevance is the notion that
players are not dependent on a significant other (i.e., coach) to control the challenge of
the game; instead they are able to use the game’s design to pick out “nuggets” of
information that will help them to progress. Importantly, super powers that are carefully
performance in the game, and thus players act as their own teachers.
In game play, players will. Self-direct their own learning by being “deliberate learners,”
who are pro-active in teaching themselves in any game context, rather than relying on
the coach to simplify or deconstruct the game form when a situation is new or difficult.
We have set out some items for a MA via DVG that may contribute towards the
makeup of a coach’s toolbox, should the coach be aiming to enhance players’ deep
coaching games, whilst clarifying and contrasting their theoretical and practical
differences. It is our intention that clarifying the processes for each approach will
support coaches in their endeavor to effectively develop players and ultimately help
coaches to make and justify professional judgments on the use of specific tools in
specific contexts (Abraham & Collins, 2011). With this in mind, we propose that there
is a space in the coach’s toolbox for a method that hones the metacognitive skills of
players, which are important for games players because the process of consciously
outwitting an opponent requires interacting knowledge of not just the game but also of
the people playing it. Using the theoretical work of Flavell (1979) and conceptual work
of Gee (2007; 2013) and Price et al. (2017) we propose three metacognitive game skills,
and their effects on player learning and performance. These skills occur during game
play, and consist of planning and re-planning strategy, replying to a problem by setting
the opponent a problem, and identifying what they need to find out and setting out to
find it. Of course, it should be noted that these are currently propositions, and there is
should make clear that we are not suggesting that a MA is superior to any other. Instead,
and in doing so, detailed a tool that coaches might deploy should they wish to enhance
their players’ metacognitive skills and knowledge for games. In summary, we refer to
Abraham and Collins’ (2011) work on PJDM to empower coaches to make evidence-
informed decisions (rather than evangelical choices) and present the comparative
Abraham, A., & Collins, D. (2011) Taking the next step: Ways forward for coaching
Almond, L. (1986). Games making. In . Thorpe, R., Bunker, D., & Almond, L. (Eds.),
Technology Loughborough.
Almond, L., & Ayres, M. (2013). Taking the first steps: An exploration of the meaning
Ayres, M., & Almond, L. (2014). Understanding in the teaching of games and its
Brown, G. (1984). Metacognition: New insights into old problems? British Journal of
Bunker, D. J., & Thorpe, R. D. (1982). A model for the teaching of games in secondary
Cushion, C., Ford, P. R., & Williams, M. (2012). Coach behaviours and practice
34(10), 906–911.
Ford, P. R., Yates, I., & Williams, A. M. (2010). An analysis of practice activities and
instructional behaviours used by youth soccer coaches during practice:
Exploring the link between science and application. Journal of Sports Sciences,
28(5), 483–495.
Gee, J. P. (2007). Good video games and good learning (New literacies and digital
Gee, J. P. (2013). Good video games and learning. New York, NY: Peter Lang
Publishing Inc.
Grehaigne, J. F., Richard, J. F., & Griffin, L. (2005). Teaching and learning team sports
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Harvey, S., Cushion, C., & Massa-Gonzalez, A. N. (2010). Learning a new method:
Teaching games for understanding in the coaches’ eyes. Physical Education and
Mannion, J., & Mercer, N. (2016). Learning to learn: Improving attainment, closing the
tennis: Age and expertise. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 48, 190-
Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (2008). Teaching physical education: First online edition.
O’Connor, D., Larkin, P., & Williams, M. A. (2018). Observations of youth football
Perry, J., Lundie, D., & Golder, G. (2018). Metacognition in schools: What does the
Price, A., Collins, D., Stoszkowski, J., & Pill, S. (2017). Learning to play soccer:
Renshaw, I., Araujo, D., Button, C., Chow, J. Y., Davids, K., & Moy, B. (2016). Why
Storey, B., & Butler, J. (2013). Complexity thinking in PE: Game centred approaches,
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Williams, A. M., & Hodges, N. J. (2005). Practice, instruction and skill acquisition in
Worthington, E. (1974). Teaching soccer skill. 1st ed. London: Lepus Books.
Table 1
Table 2
Principle Characteristics
Using the Pause Button • Integrating varying degrees of support for players via the
“4 C’s” - Cheat, Change, Clue, Challenge
• Players decide when, how and with what they’d like
support via the “4 C’s”
• Coach mindset shifts from “how can I help or challenge the
players” to “how are players responding to the mission”
Level-Up! • Complexity (variations of time and space) moves from
simple to complex levels, where players can be on different
levels within the same game
• Initial assessment of players occurs via their meta-
cognitive skills
• Coach mindset shifts from “what’s my next progression for
this practice” to “who’s likely to level-up next”?
Earning a Super Power • Providing players with the opportunity to be more effective
for a short period of time
• Players decide when and why they need the power, and
how best to use it
• Coach mindset shifts from “how do I adjust the task to
meet the ability of all players” to “what super power might
be helpful for players to earn”
Saving Progress • Individual players/teams end and re-start the game at
different points and therefore with a challenge point that is
• Players are inclined to take risks in game play because the
game won’t allow for regression
• Coach mindset shifts from “we need to cover all of this
technical or tactical content” to “let’s allow the players to
spend time mastering this game”
Pedagogical principles for a Digital Video Games Approach