Economic Review - Extracted

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3 Social Security Measures

The basic idea of social security is to use social important to ensure comprehensive coverage,
means to prevent deprivation and vulnerability to identify the need for new interventions if there
deprivation. It is the responsibility of the State to are critical gaps in coverage, avoid duplications
ensure a minimum standard of material welfare and overlapping in Government schemes to
to all its citizen on a basis wide enough to cover achieve the targets of Sustainable Development
all contingencies of life from womb to the tomb. Goals (SDGs).
The policies for social security are vital elements
of national development strategies to reduce Kerala has been acclaimed for its several
poverty and vulnerability across the life cycle achievements in providing social security
and support inclusive and sustainable growth by measures for vulnerable groups like persons
raising household incomes, fostering productivity with disabilities, aged people or senior citizens,
and human development, boosting domestic transgenders, women and children in difficult
demand, facilitating structural transformation circumstances. In Kerala, the Departments of
of the economy and promoting decent work. Social Justice, and Women and Child and its allied
According to the World Social Protection Report, agencies are involved in providing social security.
2017-19 of International Labour Organisation, The departments and agencies envision a caring
nations should provide for a social protection and equitable society and their major activities
floor to all its citizens, from birth to old age, if are enumerated in Appendix 8.3.1.
necessary, complemented by contributory social
insurance schemes that provide increased levels Categorisation of Social Security
of protection. Programmes in Kerala

Social security measures aim to support and The social security programmes in Kerala can be
empower its target groups through programmes categorised into two: A. Institutional Care and B.
of educational, economic and social development, Social Assistance Programmes.
and rehabilitation wherever necessary. Touching
the lives of all for ensuring their wellbeing is the A. Institutional Care
basic rule of good governance and development.
Targeted interventions are required for the In the State, Government, as well as NGOs
upliftment of people in any disadvantaged and other voluntary organisations, provide
position. With growing evidence of increasing institutional care to the disadvantaged
income/asset inequalities across the world, sections of the population. The Social Justice
the need for public provisioning of basic goods Department (SJD) is the nodal department for
and services assumes critical significance. It is the implementation of social security schemes in

444 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

the State. In 2017-18, in order to give meaningful careful planning for establishing new institutions
thrust to the activities aimed at welfare and to address issues of serious concern. The District-
empowerment of women and children, a separate wise coverage of beneficiaries in major welfare
department of Women and Child Development institutions run by SJD and WCD is given in
(WCD) was formed by bifurcating the SJD. Appendix 8.3.2 and that of registered welfare
This department acts as a nodal agency for institutions in Appendix 8.3.3.
matters pertaining to women and children and
implements State and Central schemes related B. Social Assistance Programmes
to women and children. SJD addresses the needs
of people with disabilities, senior citizens and Social assistance programmes aim to reduce
transgenders. There are 29 welfare institutions poverty and vulnerability among the people
and 2 vocational training centres under the aegis having little or no regular means of subsistence.
of SJD for the care, protection and rehabilitation Various social assistance programmes are listed
of disabled and senior citizens; of which, 16 are below. Details on welfare of senior citizens are
for senior citizens and 15 for disabled. There are given in Chapter 6 of this Review.
44 welfare institutions functioning under the
WCD for the care, protection and rehabilitation of Social Security Pension Schemes
children and women; of these, 28 institutions are through Local Governments
for children and 16 for women.
The major pension schemes implemented by
Through institutional care and support, SJD and the State Government are pension for the aged,
WCD have provided rehabilitation services to pension for persons with disabilities, pension
more than 2,000 persons in different categories for the widowed, pension for unmarried women
and more than 55,000 persons are benefited above 50 years and pension for agriculture
every year through the registered institutional workers. The beneficiaries of old-age pension,
support. However, the number of occupants disability pension and widow pension receive
is less compared to the sanctioned strength of an amount as Central assistance; however the
inmates for certain categories of institutions. As larger share is from State assistance. From April
against the total sanctioned strength of 91,042 2015, the disbursement of pensions is being done
inmates in the registered welfare institutions, the at the State level through the newly introduced
occupants were 53,111 in 2019-20. This is about Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system. As on
58 per cent of the total sanctioned strength of October 2020, there are 49.14 lakh pensioners in
inmates. the State. The highest number of pensioners are
recipients of old-age pension (52.89 per cent)
Among the welfare institutions under the followed by those with widow pension (27.85 per
departments where the number of inmates is cent) (Figure 8.3.1).
higher than sanctioned strength are Asha Bhavan,
Pratheeksha Bhavan, Vocational Training Centre Among the Districts, Thiruvananthapuram
and Home for physically handicapped, and has the highest number of beneficiaries and
Nirbhaya shelter homes (renamed as Women Wayanad has the least number of beneficiaries.
and Children Homes). However, the number of The District-wise coverage is given in
inmates are less in foundling homes (homes Appendix 8.3.4.
for abandoned children). Indeed, it is a major
concern that the State does not have adequate Welfare of Persons with Disabilities
care institutions/assisted living homes for (PwDs)
children with intellectual disabilities (Autism,
Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Disabilities and Mental Persons with disabilities include those who
Retardation) except one in Kozhikode. All these have long-term physical, mental, intellectual
necessitate an integrated policy framework and or sensory impairments which in interaction

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 445

Figure 8.3.1 Number of pensioners in the State, in per cent

Agriculture Labour pension
Indira Gandhi National Old
Age Pension Scheme
Indira Gandhi National
Disabled Pension Scheme
Pension for Unmarried
Women above 50 years
Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme

Source: Information Kerala Mission, Sevana Pension

with various barriers may hinder their full As being discussed globally, overcoming
and effective participation in society on an disability should no more be viewed merely
equal basis with others. Disability is not just a from the welfare prism but recognised as a
health problem. It is a complex phenomenon, human rights and development issue. From
understood to arise from the interaction between being passive beneficiaries of doles, the disabled
a person’s health condition or impairment have to be considered as citizens who can be
and the multitude of influencing factors in equal stakeholders in development. The State
their environment. Barriers to full social and has accepted a rights-based comprehensive
economic inclusion of persons with disabilities life cycle approach to the services for persons
include inaccessible physical environments and with disabilities (along the lines of the Rights
transportation, the unavailability of assistive of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016) which
devices and technologies, gaps in service delivery, has been given due importance in the 13th Five-
and discriminatory prejudices and stigma in Year Plan. As part of this approach, the State
society. Persons with disabilities are more likely implements a scheme named ANUYATHRA which
to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes includes prevention initiatives, early screening,
such as less education, poorer health outcomes, early intervention through District Early
lower levels of employment, and higher poverty Intervention Centres (DEICs) and other health
rates. Overcoming the difficulties faced by and social sector institutions, education support
people with disabilities requires interventions to through special anganwadis, Buds Schools, Model
remove environmental and social barriers. The Child Rehabilitation Centres, Special Schools,
highest attainable standard of health and well- inclusive education and vocational training,
being is a precondition for a full and productive Community based rehabilitation and assisted
life for persons with disabilities because one’s living projects among others. While schools
health and well-being affects one’s ability to admit students with disabilities, appropriate
participate fully in work, in education and in mechanisms have to be put in place to make
the community. Majority of the persons with them inclusive. Teachers, in general, need to be
disabilities can lead a better quality of life, if they sensitised to the needs of such students. Special
have equal opportunities and effective access to education training needs to be more practice-
rehabilitation measures. based like nursing training attached to hospitals.
Special attention should be given to cognitive
disability. Diversity in cognitive disability should

446 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

be emphasised. Individual Care Plan formulation Institutions for Empowering
and follow up should be another major initiative.
Persons with Disabilities
This requires convergence of services, resources
and institutions. National Institute of Speech and
Hearing (NISH)
In Kerala, a Statewide Census of PwDs was
undertaken by the Kerala Social Security Mission NISH is a premier institute in the area of
in 2015, the first of its kind in India, covering 22 disability for Disability Studies and Rehabilitation
types of disabilities. As per the survey, 7.94 lakh Sciences and provides an excellent environment
people equivalent to 2.32 per cent of the total for pursuit of higher studies for people with
population of the State are disabled, of whom, disabilities. The programmes of the NISH
females constitute 44.57 per cent, Transgender include early intervention programme and
persons 0.15 per cent, Scheduled Castes 10.93 extension services, hearing and speech-language
per cent and Scheduled Tribes 2.15 per cent. disorders programme, medical psychology and
The highest number of disabled persons are in allied services, academic programmes, training
Malappuram District (12.15 per cent) followed and industry placement and volunteering and
by Kozhikode (9.89 per cent) and the lowest in internship opportunity. From April 2019 to
Wayanad District (2.91 per cent). Regarding type March 2020, NISH has attended to 173 students
of disabilities, locomotor disability stands at the under early intervention programmes, 11,614
top with 32.89 per cent and multiple disabilities cases seen/sessions given under hearing and
is second (17.31per cent). Of the total disabled speech-language disorders programme and
population, 63,229 persons were completely 3,833 cases under medical psychology and allied
bed ridden. Around 1.69 lakh disabled persons services. The academic programmes conducted
are engaged in Government/Private firms, by NISH benefited 274 students. The training
temporary and daily wage jobs and 2.59 lakh and industry placement benefited 10 persons
disabled are having education upto 10th and and the volunteering and internship opportunity
higher levels. 3.46 lakh disabled persons dropped benefited 54 persons. NISH also has facilitators
out of education before reaching the 10th level trained to cater to the needs of the hearing
because of lack of transportation facilities, severe impaired whose services are provided for
disability, financial backwardness, inability, low meetings/conferences/functions as required.
interest of parents and other reasons.
Kerala State Handicapped Persons
State Policy for Persons with Welfare Corporation
The Corporation provides economic
GoK enacted a policy for PwDs in the year 2015 empowerment and rehabilitation to persons
recognising the necessity and inevitability with disabilities. In 2019-20, the Corporation
of including disability dimensions in the supplied equipment like motorised vehicle,
development agenda, programmes and action wheelchair, and hearing aid to 1,213 persons
Plans of the State. Participation of PwDs in the with disabilities. Also, the Corporation
developmental process, viewing disability as a distributed loans to 141 disabled persons for
human rights issue, protection from abuse and self-employment from the funding provided by
creating a positive environment and attitude National Handicapped Finance and Development
for inclusive development and empowerment Corporation. In addition, the Corporation
of PwDs are the key strategic focal dimensions itself distributed bank loan subsidy to 26
of the policy. From being passive beneficiaries, differently-abled persons across the State for
the disabled have to be considered as equal self-employment. The Corporation also assisted
stakeholders and contributors to development. 23 children through the fixed deposit scheme

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 447

of ₹20,000 for severely disabled children. Centre are the other major institutions working
Proficiency award given to 300 differently abled in this area. The particulars of these institutions
children having higher marks in the exams, are given in the section on Health of this Review.
assistance was given to 20 self-help groups for
undertaking appropriate micro projects, 273 Programmes for Persons with
differently abled persons were given assistance Disabilities
for starting lottery ticket sales and smart phones
were distributed to 1,000 blind persons. The schemes for the welfare of persons with
disabilities are being implemented through Social
State Commissionerate for Persons Justice, Health and Education Departments. The
with Disabilities schemes implemented through SJD and KSSM are
listed below.
The State Commissionerate was set up as per
the Persons with Disabilities Act (PwD Act) Issuing Disability Certificate to
enacted by the GoI in 1995. Co-ordinating Differently Abled
the programmes implemented by different
departments and monitoring the utilisation According to the 2015 Disability Survey, total
of funds for the benefit of the disabled in the number of disabled in Kerala is 7.9 lakh.
State are the functions of the Commissionerate. According to the Persons with Disability Act,
The other functions of the Commissionerate 1995 it is mandatory to provide disability
are conducting awareness camps, redressal certificate to all the disabled. From 2009 to March
of the complaints of disabled persons, and 2018, Kerala Social Security Mission distributed
inspection of institutions for disabled. Awareness 3,66,109 identity cards through 1992 disability
seminars were conducted for District officers, certification camps across the State. In 2019-
LSGI secretaries, Special school teachers and 20, Mission distributed 325 identity cards. The
Advocates of Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Kasaragod benefit of such camps is that it reduces the
and Thiruvananthapuram Districts. Also it difficulties faced by PwDs to travel to distant
produced a short film, “Iruliloruthirinalam” for places for getting medical certificates.
advertisement through TV channels.
Aswasakiranam Scheme
National Institute of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation (NIPMR) The scheme is implemented to provide monthly
assistance to caregivers of the following
NIPMR is an institute dedicated to the assessment categories of patients like 100 per cent blind,
and therapy of children and adults with multiple bedridden patients suffering from cancer,
disabilities especially cerebral palsy and other cerebral palsy, autism, mental illness, mental
associated disorders. The persons affected with retardation and bedridden due to old age,
stroke or accidents are also to be treated with who need a full-time caregiver. The number of
available facilities in NIPMR. A programme Plan beneficiaries in 2019-20 was 1,13,717.
has been made for home-based training and
demonstrations are given to parents for carrying State Initiative on Disabilities (SID)
out the skill training or therapy programme
for home management. This centre initiates This is a special initiative of the Government
awareness programmes, research and studies on for prevention, detection, early intervention,
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and organises education, employment and rehabilitation of the
training programme for professionals. Institute persons with disabilities through Kerala Social
for Cognitive and Communicative Disorders and Security Mission. Since 2017-18 all the activities
Neuro Sciences (ICCONS) and Child Development under SID and other related interventions have

448 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

been given a new approach, called ANUYATRA, d. Cochlear implant at 18 months: It is
to be implemented as a Rights Based Life done in convergence with the existing
Cycle Approach in disability management. The Shruthitharangam scheme. Around
objective is to transform the State into a disabled- 1,070 cochlear implant surgeries were
friendly one and empower the children with conducted at free of cost.
disabilities by inducting them into the main e. Post implant habilitation therapy up to
stream of society and bring them to the fore- 42 months: This will be provided through
front of social activity in line with the Rights of all Government Medical Colleges, major
Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. The major hospitals and institutions like NISH,
achievements are: NIPMR.
f. Follow up at Anganwadies and schools:
• MMR Vaccination: MMR vaccination was Mainstream education will be promoted
started to prevent disabilities caused by and will be monitored through DEICs.
Mumps, Measles and Rubella and given
free of cost to new-born babies through • Early Intervention Centres: Steps have been
Government hospitals up to PHC. In 2019-20, taken for establishing full-fledged permanent
81,701 doses of vaccines were supplied. DEICs with all modern facilities in all Districts
• Kathoram: A life cycle approach in Hearing for ensuring early screening of disabilities
Disability Management with interventional and for providing appropriate services.
approach at different months as detailed The construction of DEIC is progressing
below. in 9 Districts and expected to finish in 5
a. Universal Hearing Screening: Hearing Districts by 2020. It will act as a Disability
screening of newborn babies has been hub in the District. 25 Mobile intervention
established in 63 Government delivery Centresare functioning from August 2017
points. 97per cent of the babies born in onwards. An average of 3,000-4,000 children
these hospitals are screened for hearing are benefitted per month. Regional Early
impairments. About 1,35,842 neonates Intervention Centres are at medical college
were screened in 2019-20. level and have been established in 5 medical
b. Confirmation of hearing disability colleges (Thiruvananthapuram, Alappuzha,
by 3 months: For the advanced test for Kottayam, Trissur and Kozhikkode). About
identifying hearing problem, Brain stem- 10,012 children with developmental delay
Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) and disabilities have been supported through
equipment in each District is installed the REICs. Special Early Intervention cum
in National Programme for Prevention Disability Management Unit started at Agaly
and Control of Deafness (NPPCD) centres for tribal community. 100 children are
at District/General hospitals, except supported per month.
Palakkad. 786 babies were tested in
2019-20. • Establishing of Special Anganwadis for
c. Support with Hearing Aids and Pre-school Children with Disabilities:
Auditory Verbal Therapy at 6months: For providing appropriate training and
Auditory Verbal Therapy will be done remedial therapy to pre-school children with
through all Government Medical Colleges, disabilities, one anganwadi in every ICDS
major hospitals and institutions like project is designated as special anganwadi.
NISH, NIPMR and hearing aids will be At present, the project is implemented in
made available through existing national Kozhikode District. 1110 children are being
programmes for prevention and control supported and 374 children with disabilities
of deafness or through KSHPWC and other enrolled in regular school in 2019-20.

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 449

• M Power Incubator: A permanent magic issues in their day-to-day life activities. This
training and performance centre has been group needs more attention for acceptance into
established for intellectually disabled children society. Various schemes, under the umbrella
at Magic Planet. Five children from M Power programme, Mazhavillu, were implemented in
team perform magic at this centre and are 2019-20 for the welfare of transgenders. Skill
earning an income. As a follow up to the magic development training has been given to 30
training to ID children and employment of 5 transgenders, 7 transgenders have been provided
of them in the Magic Planet to perform magic, self-employment assistance, beautician training
the latter in association with KSSM has set up has been given to 100 transgenders, educational
a Different Arts Centre (DAC) in the campus, scholarship given to 20 Transgender students,
a proud initiative of the Government. The 20 have been given financial assistance for
centre is functioning as a platform to engage hostel facilities, Financial assistance given to
and empower 100 children with autistic 41 transgenders for sex reassignment surgery
disorders by showcasing their talents in music, (SRS), 33 transgenders given financial assistance
dance, painting and skills in various musical for aftercare SRS, financial assistance provided
instruments; art therapy which would play a to one student for aviation course, 13 sewing
significant role in bringing positive changes machines given for livelihood and 5 transgenders
among such children. were given training for driving. Department
was able to conduct sensitisation programme in
• As part of the project for empowering Schools/Colleges and offices and also held an art
intellectually disabled children through festival, named ‘Varnnapakittu’.
Horticulture Therapy and Social Farming,
14 children with disabilities were provided One of the primary objectives of the Government
therapy and training in 2019-20 in the is the welfare and empowerment of women.
Agricultural College, Vellayani, Department of Empowerment and protection of women and
Community Science with support from KSSM. ensuring their holistic development is crucial for
sustainable and equitable development of the
State Initiative on Dementia State. Women empowerment is widely recognised
as the precondition for achieving the several
The Department of Social Justice has started a targets of the SDGs like poverty eradication,
daycare centre in Thrissur Corporation and a full- inequality, good health, decent work and
time centre at Edavanakkad old age home for the economic growth. The empowerment of women
rehabilitation of dementia patients in the State. has to be understood as a process of change to
improve women’s position in society, in terms
Transgenders (TGs) of their economic, social, cultural and political
Kerala is the first State to establish a policy for
transgenders in the country. A State-wide survey The Department for Women and Children was
on all aspects of their social and personal life carved out of the Social Justice Department for
was conducted by the Social Justice Directorate, the welfare of women and children in 2017-18.
prior to the framing of the policy. Based on This department implements all the activities
snowballing techniques, the survey estimates the related to the welfare and empowerment of
presence of more than 25,000 TGs in the State. women and children in the State. In the State,
This figure needs to be reviewed. The Disability Government, as well as NGOs and voluntary
census 2015-16 estimates that 1,187 TGs are organisations, provide institutional care to
disabled. Many of them are reluctant to reveal women and children. The programmes seek
their identity and hence this number seems to to empower women and enable them to
be an underestimate. Transgenders face several contribute as equal partners in development

450 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

in an environment free from violence and Kerala State Women’s Development
discrimination, mainstream gender concerns, Corporation
create awareness about their rights and facilitate
institutional and legislative support for enabling Self-employment schemes for women,
them to realise their rights and develop to their flagship programme on gender awareness and
full potential. Finishing School are the major programmes
of the Corporation. Corporation became the
Women constitute 52 per cent of State population channelising agency of National Scheduled Tribe
and the overall sex ratio of Kerala is 1,084 Development Corporation Ltd. (NSTFDC) for
females per 1,000 males. Female literacy rate is the first time and disbursed loan to 11 tribal
92 per cent which is highest in India. Maternal women, distributed ₹107 crore from National
mortality rate was much lower in Kerala when Corporations to 4,493 women under self-
compared to the situation in India. The present employment loan scheme and ₹7.42 crore to
status of women in Kerala is given in the section 286 women in general category through Plan
on Gender and Development of this Review. fund. The Corporation received the special award
The activities of the institutions for women for Women Empowerment in implementation
empowerment and major schemes promoting of National Backward Classes Finance and
social and economic rehabilitation of women are Development Corporation (NBCFDC) schemes
as follows. in Kerala and Annual Performance Excellence
Award from National Scheduled Castes Finance
Institutions for Welfare and and Development Corporation (NSFDC).
Empowerment of Women
Under the flagship programme on finishing
Kerala Women’s Commission schools, the Resource Enhancement Academy for
Career Heights (REACH) at Thiruvananthapuram
The Commission was established in 1996 to and Kannur imparted skill training to 979
improve the status of women in Kerala and students. As part of gender awareness
enquire into unfair practices against women and programme, KSWDC women cells are functioning
recommend remedial measures. The Commission in 62 women colleges with over 5,000 members.
implements gender awareness programmes and The main objective of the women cell is to make
undertakes legal workshops/seminars, adalaths, the youth aware of the issues in the society and to
and provides for conducting DNA test. In 2019- equip them with adequate management skills to
20, the Commission conducted 148 seminars/ handle day to day affairs. The Corporation started
legal workshops, 32 training programmes for women cells in mixed colleges too, to promote
Panchayat Jagratha Samithis on various laws the idea of gender equality and create gender-
related to women and other legal procedures friendly campuses in the State. In 2019-20,
and 119 adalaths. Under gender awareness educational scholarship was given to one women
programme, the Commission undertook 28 pre- cell member from the 62 colleges where women
marital counseling sessions across the State with cells have been formed. The help line service as
the participation of women NGOs and conducted envisaged by the Ministry of Women and Child
Kalalaya Jyothi in 254 educational institutions. Development, GoI is an emergency response
In 2019-20, the Commission received 5408 system for women in distress. Mithra Helpline
complaints; the nature of complaints shows that (181) was launched in Kerala on March 27, 2017,
harassment of women, domestic violence and and is presently functioning successfully as a
family problems dominate. The category-wise 24/7 accessible and emergency response service
and District-wise details of complaints received for women in need. Help line has provided
as on March 2020 are given in Appendix 8.3.5. effective intervention in over 78,436 cases so far.
The corporation with the objective of reaching

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 451

out to Scheduled Tribe (ST) women, has set into the driving sector are some other activities.
up an integrated skill development centre for The International Women’s Trade Centre is
ST women, on a pilot basis in Chakkitappara a visionary project of Gender Park towards
tribal settlement in Kozhikode for developing creating a safe and sustainable environment
sustainable livelihood options in the tribal for the growth of industry, business, trade and a
hamlet. In 2019-20, 52 tribal women have been destination cultural centre for women. Building
identified from the 4 colonies for providing on previous collaborative efforts (strengthened
training in cattle rearing, fodder and veterinary during the International Conference on Gender
support to the tribal women dairy farmers. Equality-1 in 2015), the UN Women has agreed to
As part of Menstrual Hygiene Management be equal partners with GP to develop it as a South
(MHM) Programme, awareness programmes Asian Gender Hub for all gender related activities
were completed in 550 schools in 2019-20. covering countries such as Bhutan, Maldives, Sri
Corporation distributed around 22 lakh packets Lanka and India.
of sanitary napkins, 1,201 incinerators and 1,346
almirahs in 1,524 schools of 359 LSGIs in Kerala. Programmes for the Welfare and
The corporation has also implemented She PAD Empowerment of Women run by
project in 1,524 Government/Aided Schools for WCD and KSSM
benefit of 2.77 lakh girl students. The project
ensures supply of high-quality sanitary napkins The schemes for the welfare and empowerment
and incinerators for safe disposal of napkins to of women are being implemented through the
Government schools free of cost. Women and Child Department (WCD). The
schemes implemented through WCD and Kerala
Gender Park Social Security Mission (KSSM) are listed below.

Gender Park, at Kozhikode, was conceptualised Pradhan Manthri Mathru Vandana

by the Department of Social Justice in 2013 Yojana/Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog
(though its genesis goes back to 2011) as a Yojana
platform for learning and research on gender
This Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) provides
equality and empowerment of women. It
financial assistance to pregnant women and
provides a space for all gender identities to
lactating mothers for the first living child. The
overcome the socio-economic and political
boundaries imposed on them by society and financial assistance of ₹5,000 is given in three
installments. The total number of beneficiaries of
contribute to the economic, cultural, and social
the schemein2019-20 were 1,80,290.
aspects of the State and society. The main
activities envisaged are ‘action research’ for
policy-making; Skill Development Centre, and a
production centre which can be an outlet of the
This scheme implemented by KSSM aims to
SDC or can be independent in nature; Library
address the problem of unwed mothers. Monthly
and documentation centre; Heritage Museum
assistance of ₹2,000 is given to all such mothers.
to maintain a historical legacy of women; a
The scheme benefited 2,074 women in 2019-20.
cultural space for women to express their
Women Development Programme.
creativity in drawing, painting, dance and music,
martial art and other areas of culture. It also
This is a major programme of WCD focusing
has an amphitheatre and a Convention centre,
on the implementation of dowry prohibition,
equipped to host 500+ individuals. Women in
protection of women from domestic violence and
Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WiSE), a fellow
sexual abuse, rehabilitation of victims including
ship programme to achieve SDGs, and She Taxi,
health care and compensation, economic support
one of the initiative to encourage women to break

452 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

to women-headed families and women belonging change attitudes, behaviours and beliefs that
to BPL families and assistance to low salaried reinforce inequalities between women and
women for self-improvement through capacity men by providing evidence and arguments on
building. A major programme being run by the various topics relating to gender equality to
Department is a comprehensive programme increase awareness and knowledge, to foster
on Gender Awareness, reaching out to different communication and information exchange, to
population sections to create a gender-conscious mobilise communities and society as a whole so
society. as to improve mutual understanding and learning
about gender equality. Sadhairyam Munnottu
NirbhayaProgramme programme is a major component of Gender
Awareness programme. The series of night walks
Nirbhaya programme of Women and Child was a major milestone in creating awareness
Department envisages setting up of ‘Nirbhaya towards a society free of gender bias and
Homes’ (now called Women and Children homes) discrimination. In September 2019, the Women’s
for sexually abused women. There are 14 shelter Development Corporation has launched a scheme
homes in the State (except in Pathanamthitta called “Bodhyam” for gender sensitisation of civil
and Kottayam) for protection of victims of police officers in all the police stations numbering
sexual abuse. It ensures the protection of sex 523 across the State. Training was conducted
crime survivors as they are the prime witnesses in batches of 30 civil police officers each at
in prosecution cases and their safety and co- Police Training College, Thiruvananthapuram
operation are indispensable to ensure the and Kerala Police Academy, Thrissur.
maximum punishment to perpetrators. In 2019-20, the KSWDC completed training of
484 police personnel. This programme is to
One Stop Centre improve effectiveness of emergency response
services for women as well as to create a gender-
One Stop Centres (OSCs) are intended to support friendly environment in the State.
women affected by violence, in private and public
spaces, within the family, community and at the Empowerment and Social Welfare of
workplace through convergence of services. Children
The OSC scheme will be implemented by States
through the Nirbhaya Fund. In 2018-19, 5 one The true measure of a nation’s standing is how
stop centres were functional. In 2019-20, it has well it attends to its children – their health and
been extended to other 9 Districts and Kerala safety, their material security, their education
became one of the first States in India to have One and socialisation and their sense of being
Stop centres in all the Districts. loved, valued, and included in the families and
societies into which they were born (UNICEF,
Gender Awareness Programme 2007). Children’s well-being is based on healthy
individual development, positive relationships
Gender awareness aims to promote and and contexts where all children are valued
encourage a general understanding of gender- and experience protection, social justice and
related challenges. It also aims to show how participation in civil society. Well-being of
values and norms influence our reality, reinforce children is essential for country’s development as
stereotypes and support the structures that they constitute the future human resource of the
produce inequalities. It plays an important country.
role in informing women and men about
gender equality, the benefits of a more gender- As per Census 2011, the children in the age group
equal society and the consequences of gender 0-18 constitute less than 30 per cent of the State’s
inequality. Gender awareness intends to total population and children in the age group 0-6

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 453

is 10.4 per cent of State’s population. According marriage for 15-19 year old girls as reported in
to the Sample Registration System (SRS) Report NFHS-3 and NFHS-4 reveals that it has fallen from
2019, the under-five mortality in the State is 10 6.2 per cent in NFHS-3 to 2.4 per cent in NFHS-4
deaths per 1,000 live births. As per the NFHS-4 in Kerala against the national average of 11.9 per
Report, under-five mortality in Kerala is 7 deaths cent
per 1,000 live births. Kerala has achieved marked
improvement in promoting survival, protection, Children’s Right to Development
development and participation rights of children
in a holistic manner. Early childhood is the most significant phase of
development of a person. Holistic development
Major Programmes on Child of children up to 18 years includes all areas of
Protection, Care and Development growth-physical, mental, emotional and social
development. Kerala has always been at the
The programmes and schemes related to forefront for promoting the above four domains
protection, care and development of children are of child development. However, some lacunae
being implemented by the Department of Women in early childhood care remain. As per the
and Child Development and KSSM. The major NFHS-4 report, the State shows a high level of
Acts, policies and programmes in addressing the immunization coverage, though short of 100
rights of children are detailed below. per cent (full immunisation coverage for 12-23
months is 82.1 per cent). Exclusive breastfeeding
Children’s Right to Protection (first six months of infancy) rates in Kerala show
decrease (exclusive breastfeeding among 0-6
Child protection means to create a safe and months is 56.2 per cent and 53.3 per cent in
caring environment for all children, free from NFHS-3 and NFHS-4 respectively). Unhealthy
neglect, violence, abuse and exploitation. Kerala feeding practices such as pre-lacteal feeding
performs much better than other States in practice, late initiation of breast milk and bottle
protecting children from all kinds of ill-treatment feeding practices are noted in several research
and violence. However, crimes against children studies in Kerala. However, in the case of children
continue to show an upward trend, with rising of age 6-59 months, anaemic rates show an
figures for rape and other crimes. Child abuse improvement in health status (the rate is 35.7
cases especially incidence of sexual abuse of in NFHS-4 and 44.5 in NFHS-3). A disturbing
girl children are on the increase. The growing set of information revealed by the latest NFHS
tendency, especially in adolescence, towards for 2019 - 20 reverses some of these indicators:
substance abuse, use of alcohol and cyber abuse percentage immunised for instance has declined
is another key area of concern. As per the State by 4 percent and anaemia across all age groups
Crime Records Bureau, 1,137rape cases were has increased in Kerala (The Hindu December 13,
reported in Kerala in 2018; in 2019 it is 1113. 2020)
The total crimes reported against children in
Kerala is 4,253 in 2018 and 4,350 in 2019 an Children’s Right to Survival
increase of 2% from 2018.
Infant mortality and prevalence of low birth
Child Marriage weight babies are the two major determinants
of child survival. The State’s Sustainable
Child marriage is a violation of child rights. As Development Goals target for IMR is to reduce it
per the ‘Report on India child marriage and from 12 per 1,000 live births to 8 per 1,000 live
teenage pregnancy based on NFHS-4’ of the births, MMR from 66 to 30 per 1 lakh live births
National Commission for Protection of Child and U5MR from 14 to 9 per 1,000 live births by
Rights (NCPCR), a comparative analysis of child 2020. Although the State has done well in above

454 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

parameters, the prevalence of malnutrition Kerala State Commission for
(NFHS-4, around 16.1 per cent children below Protection of Child Rights
5 years are underweight and 19.7 per cent are
stunted), anaemia (NFHS-4, 35.7 per cent have The Commission, functioning as a statutory body
anaemia), shortfall in full immunisation (17.9 has the mandate to examine and review the
per cent of children in the State do not get all 5 existing laws for the protection of child rights,
vaccines in the age 12-23 months) are high in inquire into cases of violation of child rights,
certain Districts of the State, particularly in the look into factors inhibiting the enjoyment of
tribal population. All of these present a challenge, those rights and suggest remedial measures. In
even more so now with respect to immunisation 2019-20, 1,933 complaints were received by the
and anaemia, due to the latest date from NFHS Commission and 1,244 cases were disposed. Of
for the Government to achieve the target of SDG. the complaints received, 73 cases are related to
the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
Children’s Right to Participation (POCSO) Act, 77 cases are related to Right to
Education (RTE) Act, 9 cases related to Juvenile
Right to participation provides children with an Justice (JJ) Act, and the remaining 1,774 were
environment to participate in decision-making child rights violation.
processes and gives them an opportunity to
express their views freely. Kerala’s model of Bala Adoption Services
Sabha and Bala Panchayat as a neighbourhood
network of children under the Kudumbashree There are 17 specialised adoption agencies,
for holistic development of children’s health has functioning in Kerala for helping the State
been widely acknowledged. Adoption Resource Agency. During 2013-14 to
2019-20, 994 in-country and 93 inter-country
Protection of Children from Sexual adoptions took place. In 2019-20, 117 children
Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 were adopted in Kerala, out of which 62 were
females (111 in-country adoptions and 6 inter-
The Act deals with child abuse and provides country adoptions). Details of adopted children
protection to children from the offences of sexual are given in Appendix 8.3.6.
assault, sexual harassment and pornography.
Steps have been taken in the State for the Child Line Services
effective implementation of the Act. 14 ‘Women
and Children Homes’ (erstwhile Nirbhaya Homes) The service focuses on the needs of children
have been set up to provide care and protection living alone on the streets, child labourers,
to children covered by this Act in all Districts. domestic workers, run away children, children
Special Juvenile Police Units are being set up in all of sex workers and sexually abused children.
Districts. To expedite the trial of cases registered Child line system is a 24-hour toll free telephone
under the Act, Special Courts have already been service (1,098) for children in distress. The
notified in the courts of Thiruvananthapuram, service is now available in 430 cities in India
Ernakulam and Kozhikode for the trial of cases and 14 in Kerala. Childline service would be
regarding sexual harassment and abuse against strengthened further in consultation with NGOs
women and children. The number of cases and other voluntary organisations.
registered under POCSO has increased in the
State. In 2017, the number of cases registered Integrated Child Development
was 2,697. It increased to 3,175 in 2018 and Services (ICDS)
3,609 in 2019. 28 POCSO courts have been
sanctioned in Kerala by the Central Government ICDS, one of the flagship programmes of
Scheme, out of which 17 courts have started GoI, aims at early childhood development by

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 455

providing an integrated package of services such in the JJ Act. The programmes related to various
as Supplementary Nutrition, Immunisation, social legislations like Child Marriage Restraint
Health Check-up, Referral Service, Health and Act, Kerala Beggary Prevention Act, programmes
Nutrition Education and Pre School education to on Child Rights Convention, and adoption
children less than 6 years along with pregnant related laws are also being implemented under
and lactating mothers. In 2019-20, 33,115 the scheme. Special courts have been started in
Anganwadi centres were operational across the the State to expedite the trial cases registered
State, covering 12.91 lakh beneficiaries under under POCSO Act. In implementation of the
Supplementary Nutrition Programme and 4.11 Shafeeq Committee report, the GoK has issued a
lakh children in the age group 3-6 years under ‘model’ protocol on Balasuraksha detailing with
pre-school education. Of the beneficiaries of (1) implementation of measures to prevent
SNP, 3.55 lakh were pregnant and lactating violence against children (2) identification of
women. District-wise coverage is given in cases and intervening early (3) provide care
Appendix 8.3.7. and protection to the victim and (4) preventing
reoccurrence of abuse.
With State Government support, the LSGIs have
initiated various innovative practices under Poshan Abhiyan (80 per cent CSS)
ICDS. To improve nutritional status of children
in the tribal areas, Kudumbasree has established This scheme aims to reduce malnourishment
production units in Wayanad for micronutrient from the country in a phased manner through life
fortification of Amrutham Nutrimix. To combat cycle concepts, adopting a synergised and result
severe malnourishment, a community based –oriented approach using real time monitoring
nutrition rehabilitation programme has been and coordination of various schemes by several
introduced in the Attappady tribal project area departments related to nutrition. A mobile
with UNICEF support. GIS based Jatak and Janani exhibition on nutrition, Float on the importance
for monitoring of under 5 year children on real- of first 1,000 days during Onam pageantry and
time basis, through mobile telephony comprising Poshanvani whatsapp based daily information
voice file, picture and location is functioning dissemination system are some of the activities
in Attappady, Mananthawady, Devikulam and undertaken under this scheme. WCD has opened
Iritty. Social Audit was also done in all 33,115 Nutrition Clinics for women and children across
AWCs in the State. Anganwadi Welfare Fund the state to improve nutritional levels as part of
Board is constituted in Kerala for the welfare the Sampushta Keralam project. The clinics will
of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers. The Early function in ICDS offices in all 152 blocks and six
Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme corporations in the state. That this is imperative
provides early childhood care and education for and very timely is suggested by the not so rosy
children of pre-school age through anganwadis. picture on anemia revealed by the latest NFHS
2019-20 for Kerala. Wasting, stunting and
Integrated Child Protection Scheme underweight in children under 5 and anemia
across all age groups and pregnant women has
This Centrally Sponsored Scheme provides increased since 2015-16.
preventive, statutory care and rehabilitation
services to children who are in need of care and Health related Schemes for Children
protection and children in conflict with law. Child
Protection Units, Child Welfare Committees, Cancer Suraksha and Thalolam Schemes for Child
Special Juvenile Police Units, State Child Patients
Protection Society and District Child Protection
Units and Juvenile Justice (JJ) Boards have These schemes of KSSM give free treatment
already been established in the State to speed through Government approved hospitals to
up implementation of the provisions contained children below 18 years who are suffering from

456 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

cancer and life threatening diseases. The Cancer Snehapoorvam
Suraksha Scheme is being implemented through
12 Government hospitals and Thalolam Scheme Kerala Social Security Mission provides financial
is being implemented through 18 Government support to children who lost both parents or
hospitals in the State. In 2019-20, the Cancer either of them and the other parent is not in
Suraksha scheme benefited 7,092 children and a position to look after the child because of
the Thalolam scheme benefited 16,507 children. financial constraints. The scheme aims to give
educational assistance to children up to degree
Cochlear Implantation in Children level. HIV/AIDS affected students are also
included under this scheme. This programme
The project of KSSM provides cochlear implant to benefited 31,933 children in 2019-20.
children in the age group of 0-5 years selected by
regional and State level technical committees and Snehasanthwanam
provides financial support for Auditory Verbal
Habilitation (AVH) to operated children through The scheme, acts as a relief measure to
empanelled hospitals. In 2017-18, a new project endosulfan victims in the State. The financial
named ‘Dhwani’ to provide free speech processor assistance under this scheme is being provided to
upgradation to the children with implants was endosulfan victims. It also provides educational
launched. While 55 beneficiaries were benefited assistance to children studying in class I to XII.
under Dhwani, the cochlear implantation project The number of beneficiaries under the scheme in
assisted a total of 108 children in 2019-20. 2019-20 is 6,619.

Social Support Scheme for Children Affected Our Responsibility to Children Kerala
with Juvenile Diabetes (Mittayi) (ORC)

The scheme is to provide comprehensive care to Our Responsibility to Children (ORC) is an

the children/adolescents with type-1 diabetes. integral project of Integrated Child Protection
This endocrine disorder mainly affects children Scheme (ICPS), under Department of Women
of age group 5-18 years. Awareness about this and Child Development Department, Kerala.
illness is very little among the public and also ORC is a school based partnership effort of
among caregivers. Insulin is the only treatment different Government/Non-Government agencies
option and frequent monitoring is the only way responsible for protection and development
for good glycemic control. Mittayi clinics have of children such as Departments of Education,
been established in 5 Government Medical Health, Home, LSGD and Civil Society. It aims at
Colleges in the State. Project supported 750 better protection and development of children
children in 2019-20. through enhancing life skills, nurturing strengths,
addressing vulnerabilities, and promoting
First 1,000 Days Programme for Infants in mentoring and good parenting. As part of the
Attappadi scheme, Kutty Desk – awareness programme for
prevention of Covid-19, Kaliyarangu – creativity
This is a special programme of the WCD for of children during vacation period, vegetable
infants in Attappadi focusing on early initiation kit to financially backward children during
of breast feeding, timely introduction of lock down period, Chiri – a telecounseling
complementary foods at six months, hygienic programme, life skill training programme for
complementary feeding practices and full nodal teachers, 3 series awareness video released
immunisation and Vitamin A supplementation to help the parents in engaging of children with
with de-worming. disabilities were implemented during April 2020
to August 2020.

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 457

It is an innovative programme implemented by
Women and Child department with technical The scheme provides ₹2,000 per child per month
support from Department of Psychiatric Social for supporting education. It helps to prevent
Work, NIMHANS, Bengaluru to support children institutionalisation and restore children in
in conflict with law. The psychosocial services their own homes. 828 children are supported
provided to children reduces the chance of a under this programme in 2019-20. As part of
child being drawn into anti-social gangs and deinstitutionalisation about 200 children in
causing potential harm to society. In 2019-20, various Govt. run children homes are provided
333 children reinitiated their studies, 257 joined education in residential schools. The expenses
vocational training, 78 children were placed in are met by the department.
varied jobs after the training, 154 children were
educated and sent for de-addiction treatment. 96 Registration of Child Care Institutions
children successfully completed de-addiction and in Kerala
508 children out of the education system were
placed in jobs. The project is implemented with In Kerala, 1,154 institutions were functioning
the help of collaborating NGOs in the State. under the control of Orphanage Control Board,
registered as per the Orphanage Control Act,
Psycho Social Services for Adolescent 1961 and financially assisted through Orphanage
Girls Control Board. As per the Government order to
register under section 41 of JJ Act, 2015, nearly
This Scheme of WCD provides counseling and 817 including Government institutions have been
guidance support to adolescent girls. The Psycho registered under this Act.
Social Counseling Centres were started in 163
selected schools in 2009-10 and now extended Mangalya
to 1,012 schools with the support of Education
Department. Full time school counselors were This scheme provides financial assistance
posted in each school for giving counseling and of ₹25,000 to widows for their re-marriage.
guidance support to children. In 2019-20, assistance was given to 235
beneficiaries. Abhayakiranam, Sahayahastham,
GIS Based Mother and Child Health One Day Home Abhayakiranam is for providing
Tracking System in Mananthawadi a safe and better living environment to destitute
and homeless widows. Close relatives who
This is a programme run by WCD for tracking the provide protection and shelter to the above
health status of pregnant women and children in will be given monthly assistance of ₹1,000. 779
Mananthawady block of Wayanad District with beneficiaries were given financial assistance
the support of the JATAK and JANANI software in 2019-20. Sahayahastham provides financial
applications. assistance to widows for self-employment. 131
widows were benefited in 2019-20. One Day
Saranabalyam Home provides accommodation and food at a
reasonable rate for women who come to the
Saranabalyam is a project to ensure that State is city alone for various purposes. The One Day
free from child labour, child begging, trafficking Home is at the 8th floor of KSRTC building in
and children on streets with no place to go. It Thiruvananathapuram city and this project is a
provides emergency services for such children at joint venture of Thiruvananthapuram corporation
risk. Rescue officers have been appointed under and Women and Child Development Department.
this project in all the 14 Districts. 203 children
were benefited in 2019-20.

458 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

Aswasanidhi Vayomithram, a scheme implemented by KSSM
for elderly in corporations, municipalities and
This scheme provides financial support to victims certain block panchayat, provided medicines, and
of sex crimes and heinous gender based violence, necessary services to its beneficiaries through
domestic violence and acid attacks, as an interim its mobile unit consisting of a doctor, staff
relief. Aswasanidhi victim compensation fund nurses, Junior Public Health Nurse (JPHN), and
was released to 84 beneficiaries in 2019-20. coordinator.

Social security and Welfare – Covid-19 Food and shelter: Department of Social Justice
activities in association with Food and Civil Supplies
Department supplied free ration to all welfare
The senior citizens, persons with disabilities, institutions. Fresh garden vegetables were also
transgenders, women, and children are the supplied through Horticulture Corporation.
sections of population which need to be provided The Department provided food kits to 1,000
with special care and attention during the period Transgender persons and arranged shelter for
of Covid19 pandemic and associated lockdown. transgender persons who are in crisis and those
Social Justice Department (SJD) and Women and who lost their residence due to lockdown.
Child Development Department (WCD) have 73
welfare institutions and 2 vocational training Support to disabled, destitute, and others:
centres functioning under it. These institutions Guidelines were issued to the parents of children
include Old age homes, Asha Bhavan, Pratheeksha with disabilities and students with disabilities to
Bhavan, Prathyasa Bhavan, Vocational Training be within their homes. In view of the Covid-19
Centre and After Care Home for Adolescents, outbreak, interactive sessions, therapies, and
Nirbhaya shelter homes (renamed as Women and activities are being provided online through
Children Homes) foundling homes (homes for Community Disability Management and
abandoned children), and assisted living homes Rehabilitation Project of National Institute of
for children with intellectual disabilities. Speech and Hearing(NISH), State Nodal Agency
Centre(SNAC), and Local level Committee(LLC),
At the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Essential medicines were supplied to 90 families
the State, the Departments took precautionary as part of Pariraksha scheme, 22 families were
measures based on the guidelines issued by the given direct counselling and 242 families were
Government. Restrictions were put in place with provided online counselling sessions. District
respect to the visitor in all welfare institutions. Social Justice Officers rehabilitated 2,326
The welfare institutions usually receive support destitute persons and street dwellers in the
from the society and relatives. The pandemic has temporary shelter homes in association with
however affected the inflow of assistance to these LSGs. NISH started 24x7 helpline for persons
institutions; however, the Department undertook with hearing impairments. Therapies as well as
measures to assist all the sections of population counselling sessions were provided.
under its mandate.
ICDS supplementary foods delivered to
Support to Elderly: Senior citizens are the homes: Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, as a
most vulnerable group of population and hence preventive measure, the anganwadis are closed.
they need special care and attention during During the period from March 11, 2020 to
the pandemic. Senior citizens who have been September 30, 2020, 517841 children under
quarantined in their houses are prone to physical, 3 years and 444175 children in the age group of
mental stress as well as emotional problems. 3-6 years are given food by Take Home Ration
Psychosocial counselling is being given to such scheme as part of Supplementary Nutrition
elderly persons to cope up with such problems. Programme. Accordingly, food items ensured

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 459

for a total of 962016 children in the above two counselling techniques- dos and don’ts with the
categories. Anganwadi workers delivered THR help of UNICEF.
at the doorsteps of all beneficiaries. Amrutham
Nutrimix is given to children of 0 to 3 years and Break the Chain Campaign: A pioneering
Rice, Green gram, Broken wheat are given to initiative of KSSM for creating awareness
children of 3-6 years. regarding the Covid protocol and enabling
supplies of preventive equipment (sanitisers,
Anganwadi workers conducted follow up of masks and PPE): Kerala Social Security Mission
quarantined persons and ensured support in (KSSM) distributed 12,000 litres of sanitisers
association with health department and LSGD. across the State as per the request from district
They also conducted a survey of around 44 collectors and also considering the need in hot
lakh elderly via phone and the data was shared spots and other red zones. 1 lakh reusable face
with various departments for follow ups and masks made of cloth were manufactured in bulk
intervention. Anganwadi workers interacted with the help of Department of Prisons and
with each and every beneficiary of their survey distributed across the State through coordinators
area through telephones and conducted regular of KSSM. KSWDC facilitated CSR funds worth
follow up interactions. Initiative was taken to Rs. 10 lakhs from NBCFDC and NSFDC for
supply 150 ml flavoured, sweetened , Vitamin A procurement and supply of 800 PPE kits
and D fortified milk to pregnant women, lactating (consisting of gown, goggles, gloves, N95 mask,
mothers, and children who are the beneficiaries and shoe cover) to doctors, nurses and health
of Anganwadies in all the districts of Kerala. workers treating Covid-19 affected persons.

Women Protection: A 24 hour Whatsapp/SMS Financial Assistance: Pension for caregivers

helpline number ‘9400080292’ was initiated of bedridden people and those intellectually
by the department with the support of National disabled provided under Ashwasakiranam
Service Scheme technical cell to enable people to scheme was provided to 1,14,188 beneficiaries
report cases related to domestic violence, safety by KSSM. Three months pending assistance was
of women and children during lockdown period. released by KSSM to 8172 beneficiaries under
Residential facility in KSWDC’s Working women’s Samashwasam scheme.
hostels was extended to 41 female health care
workers engaged in care giving for Covid-19 KSSM released five months pending salary to
affected persons. care providers for inmates of welfare institutions
under Social Justice Department and six
Psychosocial support: 1050 counsellors months pending salary for those working under
(School counsellors/ICPS counsellors/Family WCD. Assistance was also released to 4917
counsellors) were assigned to work with health beneficiaries of the comprehensive scheme
department for endosulphan victims and 813 caregivers of
endosulphan victims.
Support to children: To keep the children
engaged in constructive activities by promoting Welfare of Ex-Servicemen and War
their creative skills and to deal with the pressure Widows
of lock down, ICPS conducted a contest, titled
“login to sargalayam” among CCIs in the State The Department of Sainik Welfare is looking after
from April 15 to May 15. Online counselling the welfare and rehabilitation of ex-servicemen
training was held for all the counsellors in DCPUs and their dependents. The department intends
and in the government. CCIs in the State are to train the ex-servicemen and widows for
supporting children by focusing on online safety competitive examinations for re-employment
and child sex abuse, providing messages related and self-employment. Rehabilitation training
to Covid-19 prevention , stress management, and on vocational/professional/technical courses

460 Economic Review 2020, Kerala State Planning Board

for equipping the ex-service men/war widows
and their dependents is a major programme.
In 2019-20, Kerala State Ex-Servicemen
Development and Rehabilitation Corporation
(KEXCON) has started two Uniforms
and Garments manufacturing unit in
Thiruvananthapuram and one in Thalassery. A
total of 15 women and 3 men have been given
employment in these units. 1,500 face masks
were supplied free of cost to ASHA workers
engaged in Covid duties. Solar Energy Project has
also been started.

Hunger Free City Scheme

The scheme is to provide free food at least once

in a day to those who reach cities and are in need
of food. Kozhikode is the first city to introduce
this scheme. The scheme is implemented in
Kozhikode Medical College Hospital, District
Homoeo hospital, Malappuram, Medical College
and SAT hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, District
and taluk hospitals, Kollam and Government
General Hospital. The number of beneficiaries
under this scheme in 2019-20 were 6,07,403.


In any society no individual is so capable of

and versatile as to satisfy all his / her needs.
Every one is dependent upon others for the
fulfilment of some or other needs, and many on
social provisioning. Social security is beyond a
social insurance programme providing social
protection, or protection against socially
recognised conditions, including poverty, old
age, disability, unemployment and others.
Effective and efficient social security systems
are the key factors to long term social and
economic development. Strong and well governed
organisations are vital for social security’s
credibility and sustainability. The Government
aims to strengthen the social protection systems
in the State and expand its coverage to ensure
that those who are in need of assistance are not
excluded. More efforts are necessary to ensure
that the right to social security becomes a reality
for all.

Chapter 8, Initiatives for Social Inclusion 461

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