Economic Review - Extracted
Economic Review - Extracted
Economic Review - Extracted
The basic idea of social security is to use social important to ensure comprehensive coverage,
means to prevent deprivation and vulnerability to identify the need for new interventions if there
deprivation. It is the responsibility of the State to are critical gaps in coverage, avoid duplications
ensure a minimum standard of material welfare and overlapping in Government schemes to
to all its citizen on a basis wide enough to cover achieve the targets of Sustainable Development
all contingencies of life from womb to the tomb. Goals (SDGs).
The policies for social security are vital elements
of national development strategies to reduce Kerala has been acclaimed for its several
poverty and vulnerability across the life cycle achievements in providing social security
and support inclusive and sustainable growth by measures for vulnerable groups like persons
raising household incomes, fostering productivity with disabilities, aged people or senior citizens,
and human development, boosting domestic transgenders, women and children in difficult
demand, facilitating structural transformation circumstances. In Kerala, the Departments of
of the economy and promoting decent work. Social Justice, and Women and Child and its allied
According to the World Social Protection Report, agencies are involved in providing social security.
2017-19 of International Labour Organisation, The departments and agencies envision a caring
nations should provide for a social protection and equitable society and their major activities
floor to all its citizens, from birth to old age, if are enumerated in Appendix 8.3.1.
necessary, complemented by contributory social
insurance schemes that provide increased levels Categorisation of Social Security
of protection. Programmes in Kerala
Social security measures aim to support and The social security programmes in Kerala can be
empower its target groups through programmes categorised into two: A. Institutional Care and B.
of educational, economic and social development, Social Assistance Programmes.
and rehabilitation wherever necessary. Touching
the lives of all for ensuring their wellbeing is the A. Institutional Care
basic rule of good governance and development.
Targeted interventions are required for the In the State, Government, as well as NGOs
upliftment of people in any disadvantaged and other voluntary organisations, provide
position. With growing evidence of increasing institutional care to the disadvantaged
income/asset inequalities across the world, sections of the population. The Social Justice
the need for public provisioning of basic goods Department (SJD) is the nodal department for
and services assumes critical significance. It is the implementation of social security schemes in
Agriculture Labour pension
Indira Gandhi National Old
Age Pension Scheme
Indira Gandhi National
Disabled Pension Scheme
Pension for Unmarried
Women above 50 years
Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme
with various barriers may hinder their full As being discussed globally, overcoming
and effective participation in society on an disability should no more be viewed merely
equal basis with others. Disability is not just a from the welfare prism but recognised as a
health problem. It is a complex phenomenon, human rights and development issue. From
understood to arise from the interaction between being passive beneficiaries of doles, the disabled
a person’s health condition or impairment have to be considered as citizens who can be
and the multitude of influencing factors in equal stakeholders in development. The State
their environment. Barriers to full social and has accepted a rights-based comprehensive
economic inclusion of persons with disabilities life cycle approach to the services for persons
include inaccessible physical environments and with disabilities (along the lines of the Rights
transportation, the unavailability of assistive of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016) which
devices and technologies, gaps in service delivery, has been given due importance in the 13th Five-
and discriminatory prejudices and stigma in Year Plan. As part of this approach, the State
society. Persons with disabilities are more likely implements a scheme named ANUYATHRA which
to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes includes prevention initiatives, early screening,
such as less education, poorer health outcomes, early intervention through District Early
lower levels of employment, and higher poverty Intervention Centres (DEICs) and other health
rates. Overcoming the difficulties faced by and social sector institutions, education support
people with disabilities requires interventions to through special anganwadis, Buds Schools, Model
remove environmental and social barriers. The Child Rehabilitation Centres, Special Schools,
highest attainable standard of health and well- inclusive education and vocational training,
being is a precondition for a full and productive Community based rehabilitation and assisted
life for persons with disabilities because one’s living projects among others. While schools
health and well-being affects one’s ability to admit students with disabilities, appropriate
participate fully in work, in education and in mechanisms have to be put in place to make
the community. Majority of the persons with them inclusive. Teachers, in general, need to be
disabilities can lead a better quality of life, if they sensitised to the needs of such students. Special
have equal opportunities and effective access to education training needs to be more practice-
rehabilitation measures. based like nursing training attached to hospitals.
Special attention should be given to cognitive
disability. Diversity in cognitive disability should
Social Support Scheme for Children Affected Our Responsibility to Children Kerala
with Juvenile Diabetes (Mittayi) (ORC)
Social security and Welfare – Covid-19 Food and shelter: Department of Social Justice
activities in association with Food and Civil Supplies
Department supplied free ration to all welfare
The senior citizens, persons with disabilities, institutions. Fresh garden vegetables were also
transgenders, women, and children are the supplied through Horticulture Corporation.
sections of population which need to be provided The Department provided food kits to 1,000
with special care and attention during the period Transgender persons and arranged shelter for
of Covid19 pandemic and associated lockdown. transgender persons who are in crisis and those
Social Justice Department (SJD) and Women and who lost their residence due to lockdown.
Child Development Department (WCD) have 73
welfare institutions and 2 vocational training Support to disabled, destitute, and others:
centres functioning under it. These institutions Guidelines were issued to the parents of children
include Old age homes, Asha Bhavan, Pratheeksha with disabilities and students with disabilities to
Bhavan, Prathyasa Bhavan, Vocational Training be within their homes. In view of the Covid-19
Centre and After Care Home for Adolescents, outbreak, interactive sessions, therapies, and
Nirbhaya shelter homes (renamed as Women and activities are being provided online through
Children Homes) foundling homes (homes for Community Disability Management and
abandoned children), and assisted living homes Rehabilitation Project of National Institute of
for children with intellectual disabilities. Speech and Hearing(NISH), State Nodal Agency
Centre(SNAC), and Local level Committee(LLC),
At the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Essential medicines were supplied to 90 families
the State, the Departments took precautionary as part of Pariraksha scheme, 22 families were
measures based on the guidelines issued by the given direct counselling and 242 families were
Government. Restrictions were put in place with provided online counselling sessions. District
respect to the visitor in all welfare institutions. Social Justice Officers rehabilitated 2,326
The welfare institutions usually receive support destitute persons and street dwellers in the
from the society and relatives. The pandemic has temporary shelter homes in association with
however affected the inflow of assistance to these LSGs. NISH started 24x7 helpline for persons
institutions; however, the Department undertook with hearing impairments. Therapies as well as
measures to assist all the sections of population counselling sessions were provided.
under its mandate.
ICDS supplementary foods delivered to
Support to Elderly: Senior citizens are the homes: Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, as a
most vulnerable group of population and hence preventive measure, the anganwadis are closed.
they need special care and attention during During the period from March 11, 2020 to
the pandemic. Senior citizens who have been September 30, 2020, 517841 children under
quarantined in their houses are prone to physical, 3 years and 444175 children in the age group of
mental stress as well as emotional problems. 3-6 years are given food by Take Home Ration
Psychosocial counselling is being given to such scheme as part of Supplementary Nutrition
elderly persons to cope up with such problems. Programme. Accordingly, food items ensured