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 Hasbro’s online Scrabble Dictionary (

 Any word not recognized in the reference is invalid


1. Each player, draw 1 tile
2. The one with a tile closest to “A” player first, followed by the player on their left, and
so on, following clockwise pattern
3. Each player, return all 1 tile, then draw 7 tiles

1. First player has to place their play on the center. The points of the first turn are
2. Score points by adding the values of all the letters in the player’s word
3. When counting points for a word with multipliers, add up the Double/Triple letter score
first, then the Double/Triple word score.
4. Double/triple letter/word score multipliers can only be used once.
5. Blank tiles can be used as any letter, but has 0 points.
6. If all seven (7) tiles are played in a single turn, add 50 points to the score (for that turn).

 Exchange Tiles
o 7 tiles = 7 vowels, can exchange none, some or all tiles (from the pile) and still
take their turn
o 7 tiles but with <7 vowels, can exchange none, some or all tiles (from the pile) but
loses the turn
o Exchanging tiles with other players are not allowed
 Word Validity Check
o Player can ask the validity of their word, only after placing their word.
o Per turn, a player can ask up to three times. After third failure attempt, they lose
the turn.
Durations *
 0 – 40 minutes of the game. Turns are untimed.
 40 minutes – 1 hour 16 minutes of the game. For the next three (3) rounds, each player
will be given up to 3 minutes to take their turn, else they lose that turn.
 The Final Turn. Each player will have a final untimed turn. Then, the game absolutely

How does the game end?

 The game ends when a player has zero tiles and can no longer draw from the pile;
when nobody can make a move; or when the time runs out*.
 Each player subtracts the number of points from the remaining tiles on their rack.
 Total points subtracted from other players are added to the player with 0 tiles.
 Player with the highest score wins.
 In case of a tie, the highest score before the subtraction/addition of the remaining
tiles wins.

* Custom and important rules

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