Weekly Safety Meeting Minutes - 06 September 2023
Weekly Safety Meeting Minutes - 06 September 2023
Weekly Safety Meeting Minutes - 06 September 2023
Jacques requested that everyone should have a constant uneasiness to question Noted
systems, processes, training, communication, etc.
- Injuries: Slide 11 noted.
• Safety Engagement Index: Jacques congratulated the teams on the safety
engagements. A few years ago the mine was battling to get to 6.5 on engagements
and a goal was set of 2.93. Now the index stands on 11 264 engagements and
Jacques stated that this is not only safety contacts but all the engagement done where
performance is measured, how to create better understanding, etc. He requested
that the momentum is kept as a huge reduction in accidents is seen.
• WHPI A-Hazards not Closed-out: Eddie and Louwtjie outstanding but Jacques will
follow-up after the meeting as the role players had a discussion and he is sure that
close-outs has been done.
• WHPI Submissions per Department: Noted figures as per Slide 14.
5. ISO 45001 - SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Slides 16 and 17) - Information on Noted
the South Deep Safety Web Page
Jacques said that it should become second nature to refer to these clauses and used an
example that if risk assessments and PTO’s are not done one is in foul of the Law. He
added that one should not be doing this only because it is a requirement from the Law
but this is done because one cares.
• Clause 6 - Planning:
- 3. Risk Management:
~ Baseline Risk Assessment.
~ Bow Tie Risk Assessments.
~ Critical Control Management.
~ Legal Register.
~ Risk Matrix.
- 5. DMRE Instructions: 2015 to 2023
- 6.1.3 Legal and Other Requirements:
~ Exemptions and Permissions.
~ Legal Compliance Audit - Internal Audit.
- 6.2 OH&S Objectives: Sustainable Development Strategy.
- Understanding the need and expectation of workers and interested parties: Risk
- Scope of the OHS Management System.
• Clause 7 - Support:
- 4. Communication Awareness:
~ Covid-19.
~ Notice Boards.
~ Internal Communication.
~ Contact Sessions.
~ Communication - Certification.
~ In Our Hands Campaign.
~ OH&S Management System Communication.
- 7.1 Resources:
~ Link to the Safety Web Page.
~ SD-PRC-OHS-ISO_45001-003 - South Deep Gold Mine - Organigram –
April 2023.
- 7.2 - 7.3 Competency, Awareness and Training:
~ CSL Training.
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WEDNESDAY SAFETY MEETING Effective date: 01 November 2020
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Next Revision: 01 November 2023
~ ISO Training. Noted
~ Planned Task Observations.
~ Mechanised Mining Career Path.
~ ISO 45001 Training Slides.
~ Link to Safety Web Page.
~ Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
6. IN OUR HANDS CAMPAIGN (Slides 19 and 20) Noted
Jacques stated that there are many fatalities in the industry currently but it is all about
understanding the hazard. Learn from each other and share your stories. Discussions
to be held in teams on the hazards in the workplace, to assess the risk and to implement
actions to close it out. A lot of effort is also placed on energies and identifying the
energies present in the workplace and to implement an elimination plan based on
elimination, prevention, engineering and administrative controls. Noted that Stephen and
his team has put a lot of effort in at the TSF’s with regards to confined space and
hazardous material.
7. HEALTH CORNER (Slides 22 and 23) Noted
• ISO 45001 - Safety Management System: Surface Fire Drills: Francois explained
that during a gap audit on the ISO 45001 Safety Management System it was identified
that there is room for improvement on how fire drills are done. Edison is currently
distributing a fire drill attendance template that has to be complied with and Francois
requested that the attendance register is pre-populated and kept readily available
within the Departments. On the day of a fire drill the names of visitors can then just
be added. He said that if a meeting is held in a boardroom that an attendance register
is taken with. He further requested that the forms to be standardized as during a fire
drill the wrong documents are still used.
• Covid-19: Eris Variant: Covid-19 is still around and there is now a new variant -
Eris. The symptoms are the same as with other variants (runny nose, fever, fatigue,
cough, sore throat and changes in smell and taste) and there have been employees
who had tested positive for this variant. The Department of Health is still
recommending vaccines but also sanitize, wash hands, wear a mask when in
crowded spaces and stay home when sick to limit the spread.
• General: Francois added that an audit has been launched by the Environmental
Engineering team in conjunction with the Rock Engineering team on the silencing of
fans. He said that fans are sent underground with a silencer but only the fan is
installed and not the silencer. Currently sitting on 60 / 65 % compliance. This affects
the health of the employees and noted that there has been a big increase in noise-
induced hearing loss. The DMRE also scheduled a few inspections where they will
focus on this matter.
8. HOUSEKEEPING CAMPAIGN (Slides 25 and 26) Noted
Housekeeping Rules and Q3/F2023 Monitoring: Good progress and uptake on
housekeeping. Jacques requested that the Departments who have not submitted to do
so and added that housekeeping reduces costs and prevent accidents.
9. REFUGE BAY COMPLIANCE: 28 August 2023 to 04 September 2023 Noted
Slide 27 refers: Brian congratulated the sections and requested that reporting is kept up.
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10. SAFETY DASHBOARDS (Slides 29 to 34) Noted
• Mining - Yuan Prins: Focus to be on the closing out of the A-Hazards and Rock
Engineering A-Hazards. Yuan said that there are issues where the teams have to do
rehabilitation support especially going into the long hole stopes and some of the back
areas. As to the submissions of VFL’s and PTO’s in Section 8, it was submitted but not
recorded at the Safety Department. He said that close-outs have to be done by a Monday
and to follow-up on the submission of the VFL’s and PTO’s. Jacques congratulated
Vincent for making a difference and on his WHPI reporting.
• Mining - Ofentse Debete: Ofentse says that she agrees with Yuan on the closing-out
of A-Hazards and Rock Engineering A-Hazards. She added that there is an improvement
from the East team but focus is on the physical condition rating and reporting of WHPI’s
in Section 1.
• Engineering - Sarel Klopper: Sarel congratulated the team on driving the greens and
said that he is proud of them. The challenge however is to keep up the performance.
• Engineering - Ruan Briel: The A-Hazard reflecting under the section is an ICAM that is
scheduled for tomorrow (07 September 2023) on an incident that occurred in last week.
Focus is on more constant performance on physical condition ratings.
• Metallurgy - Stephen Joseph: Thanked the team on the effort during the assurance
audit this week of which the outcome will be available during the day.
• Projects - Andre Marais: The team is driving White Flag Days and Schalk indicated
that he is addressing the A-Hazards not closed out, the overdue action as well as the
WHPI reporting.
• Technical Services - Siyanda Dludla: Focus is on the submission of VFL’s and PTO’s.
Siyanda added that some of the positive things that came out by doing a PTO properly
are that there are key learnings which could assist with improvement and closing the
gaps. He thanked the team for the performance especially the drive from the Survey
• Services - Francois van der Walt: Good performance from Jimmy and the team and
as to the Medical Clinic submission is good - Just have to work on the balance of
• Human Resources - Dean Maharaj: Focus will be on WHPI reporting. As to physical
conditions rating, Dean added that the TM3 Training Centre is currently under
construction and the construction of the Training Centre on South Shaft has just been
completed. He urged attendees to ensure that contractors working in a section is
compliant as there has been a couple of incidents where people were brought onto site
without being engaged on the system or undergoing induction. The matter will be
addressed through the Procurement Department.
• Strategy and Business Development - Donovan Walker: Donovan said that during
the day QR codes will be send out in order for employees especially in the Services
Departments to complete a VFL on their phones and to partake in walk-abouts in the
• Business Partners: Jacques said that the Business Partners are performing well and
the accidents are diminishing at a rapid rate.
11. GENERAL Noted
• Roelof Niehaus: Roelof congratulated Sarel and Armand’s teams and their
dashboards is a good indication of the condition improvements as well as discipline
improvement on execution. He requested teams to look at the items contained in
the dashboard - It contains the information in each team’s control in terms of safety.
He encouraged the teams to attend to the WHPI reporting that has diminished as
well as the overdue actions on IsoMetrix.
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WEDNESDAY SAFETY MEETING Effective date: 01 November 2020
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Next Revision: 01 November 2023
• Grant Webber: Noted
- Feedback is being obtained through the culture sessions around the nature of
engagement during PVFL and VFL sessions where the employees indicated
that they ensure that they are not visible or available during sessions. This
speaks to the safety culture and the way the sessions are conducted. Have a
good look on how engagements are done with individuals and teams and make
sure that engagements are constructive. One should not be going underground
to see who is breaking the rules as the purpose is to understand why something
has not been done and what can be done to improve compliance and reduce
risk exposure.
- Secondly, there had been an incident on surface with regards to the applicable
emergency fire procedure. Grant said that he wants to reinforce the fact that
teams are ready to deal with underground emergencies - There is not time to try
and figure out which way to travel of which refuge bay to use. Things get out of
control quite quickly - Teams to know what to do! The refuge bays are green
and that means the environment is in order and know the focus should be on
the employees’ knowledge and the execution thereof.
Jacques thanked attendees and wish them well for the week. Be leaders that influence Noted
change. Next meeting will be held in the Safety Boardroom.