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Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika

An Occupational Safety and Health Management System

To Minimize Work Accidents

Indrayani1, Djoko Dwi Kusumojanto2

Economy Faculty, Malang State Of University, Malang, Indonesia

Economy Faculty, Malang State Of University, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract: Industrial activities are planning and controlling well through the implementation of
occupational safety and Health management. The purpose of this research is to know the
implementation of occupational health and safety management in order to minimize work
accidents. This research is done by qualitative research methods with a type of
descriptive research. The results showed the planning and implementation of
occupational safety and health management that has been well implemented so as to
minimize work accidents.

Keywords: Safety First, Health Management, Work Accidents, Occupational, Management System


The National development today is running in line with the rapid and independent industry
development in order to realize the era of industrialization characterized by mechanisms,
electrification, and modernization. Industry activities are planning and controlling well
through the application of occupational safety and Health management (Kousaka & Suyama,
2011) Important factors in the implementation of the industry activities are the collaboration
of human resources, capital resources and occupational safety and health Management
(Drenth, Pieter Ming, 2012) . Article 9 Law Number 14 Year 1969 re Principal Provisions on
Manpower of the workforce are mentioned that each workforce is entitled to protection of
safety, health, morality, maintenance of occupational morals and treatment in accordance
with human dignity and moral religion.
In line with the law above, since January 1970, Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 has
been applied on occupational safety which mandated that each workforce get protection for
its safety in doing work, every other person in the workplace needs to be assured of safety,
every source of production used and used safely and efficiently and avoid blasting, damage to
production process, fire, illness due to work that in turn can create a healthy workforce,
productive and improvement of the welfare of the workforce thoroughly.

Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika

Based on data on work accidents at PT. Jamsostek, the number of work accident cases in
Indonesia in 2006 was 103,804 cases. In a year, it increased by 2,402 cases. However, the
data showed that there was a fluctuating trend of accidents at PT Jamsostek in 2008, 2009,
2011, and 2012, respectively 95,418 cases, 99,023 cases, 95,624 cases, 81,852 cases of
accident work. (www.jamsostek.co.id).
The high number of occupational accidents in Indonesia, the government issued a Undang-
Undang RI Nomor 13 Tahun 2007 about employment. Pasal 87 Undang-Undang was requires
each company to implement OHS as part of the company's management, and for those who
do not apply it will be sanctioned. In addition, it has been issued by PERMENAKER Nomor
05/ MEN/ 1996 on the implementation guidelines of OHS and audit parameters OHS (Fadli,
PT. Kayada Sakti Mandiri is a company that manufactures precast concrete such as concrete
electric pole, concrete telephone pole, concrete pile pile, rail road bearing, bridge girders, PC-
U girders, sheet piles used in bridge construction process, building, highway as well as
various other infrastructures.
From the results of preliminary surveys and interviews with one of the P2K3 members in PT.
Kayada Sakti Mandiri It is known that during the period of implementation of OHS in this
company there was a work accident in the year 1999 as many as 12 cases, in 2000 as many as
11 cases, year 2001 occurred 9 cases, year 2006 occurred 9 cases, the year 2007 occurred 7
cases, the year 2008 occurred 4 cases, the year 2009 occurs 2 cases, the year 2011 occurred 4
cases, the year 2012 occurred 3 cases and the year 2013 until October has not happened a
single case of a work accident.
Therefore, the author is interested to know how the overview of the implementation of
OHS in general from the beginning of its application in the year 1999 to 2013 as an effort to
minimize the work accident in PT. Kayada Sakti Mandiri sharpen North Paser.


This study used a qualitative approach with the type of descriptive research as it investigated
a social phenomenon and human problems by making a complex picture, examine words,
detailed reports of the view of the speaker, conduct studies on the situation experienced, to
know the meaning of the hidden, to understand the social interaction, to develop the theory,
to exploit how the social reality that occurs by describing variables that correspond to the
problems and units examined in this case is a matter of implementation of occupational safety

Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika

and health management system. In an effort to minimize the work accident at PT. Kayada
Sakti Mandiri Penajam Paser Utara.
The source of data and information is done by the snowball sampling technique performed by
taking anyone who is viewed according to the intent and purpose of the study. The primary
data source is a source of data obtained directly from the informant in the field namely
through in-depth interviews and participatory observation. In connection with this,
interviews, in-depth conducted to the head of the committee chairman of Occupational Health
and Safety (P2K3) at PT. Kayada Sakti Mandiri Penajam Paser Utara
The basic data collection techniques will use interviews while for complementary data
collection will be done observation and documentation study that will be done in the


Implementation of occupational safety and health management system
In general, the implementation of occupational safety and health management system in PT
Kayada Sakti Mandiri is categorized well. In accordance with the manual module P2K3
issued by the Ministry of Manpower, P2K3 function is to compile and process all data and/or
problems of occupational safety and Health in the workplace, so that the management has a
firm P2K3 understand and understand how the implementation of OHS in the company.

Implementation of commitment and occupational safety and health policy

Implementation of commitment and discretion of management to occupational safety and
health. But it is necessary to follow the implementation of occupational safety and health.
Therefore, the company needs to explain the performance assessment of further employees.

Implementation of occupational safety and health management system

The results of the research are known that 12 respondents (75%) Stating that the company's
planning is categorized well, while there are 4 respondents (25%) Who only categoris for
planning. This happened because the four respondents were many who did not know in detail
about the planning. Their average answer did not know because of the planning problems,
goal setting and K3 policy is done at the central level and which is co-laying is P2K3 central

Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika

Implementation of occupational safety and health management system

The results of the study showed all respondents (100%) stated that the implementation of
SMK3 is categorized properly. According to PERMENAKER Nomor 05/MEN/1996
Lampiran I mentioned that in achieving achieving the implementation of a good SMK3 the
company should appoint qualified personnel who are in accordance with the system applied.
PT. Kayada Sakti Mandiri has placed the qualified personnel who have the required
qualifications such as OHS member and certified machine operators. The company has also
integrated K3 management system with quality management system. The company has also
had documentation procedures and Document control. The company only needs to monitor
the implementation of the field so that it actually delivers the expected results.

Implementation of measurement and evaluation

The results of the study showed all respondents (100%) Certify that the implementation of
OHS measurements and evaluations is well categorized. Implementation of K3 inspection in
the company went well, every day inspection for work process or work facilities that have
potential danger done randomly and once a week in the inspection as a whole.

Review implementation
From the results of the research known that 13 respondents (81.25%) Stated the
implementation of the SMK3 review, and there were 3 respondents (18.75%) Which states
the implementation of the review is categorized.


The Conclusion of Occupational safety and health commitments and policies are
communicated to all employees, guests, contractors, customers, suppliers and other relevant
parties. The company currently has a documented procedure that considers the identification
of hazards and risk assessments at the stage of planning or replanning. The company has a
procedure that requires all the old manpower, new or newly moved to get explanation about
OHS policy and training according to the type of work. The implementation of the good OHS
management plays a role in minimizing work accidents so as to meet 97% of OHS audit
criteria with 6 minor audit criteria.

Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika


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Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, 4(2), 191.
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