ATS Company Profile
ATS Company Profile
ATS Company Profile
Our Mission
Provide innovative technology, tailored services and customer centric approach in the field of
testing, inspection and certification to achieve sustainable growth, stimulating work environment and in-
country-value. Our Mission commits us to safely provide the very high standard of “World Class” testing;
inspection & certification solutions.
Who we are
Advanced Technical Service Company for Industrial Inspection and Radiological Services WLL is a well-
established Engineering Inspection Company to facilitate inspection and testing services to Oil, Gas,
Petrochemical and Commercial industries in Kuwait and other GCC Countries. Our Management and
Technical staff are well qualified and experienced to lead ATSi in a highly professional way to achieve the
best quality in Testing & inspection.
As a dynamic and competent expert in the industry, through our expertise and partnership with world’s
most recognizable health and safety training providers and accreditation bodies, we aim to train people in
all industries required to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Act. ATS training facilities include 25
seater each two training venue and specially equipped yard for the on-hands trainings, an office from
where all training at the training center is managed; and addition our training division is also mobile and
training can be conducted on site. ATS is an accredited IOSH, Highfield & AHA training provider.
Our scope of work includes Civil & Environment lab including testing of Air/water/soil and other petroleum
products, Land survey/topographic survey, Drilling and construction of water monitoring wells,
Geotechnical Investigation, Geotechnical Investigation, Soil/concrete/asphalt testing, Non-
Destructive/Destructive Testing, Corrosion/coating Testing, pipeline cleaning/hydro test/Caliper pigging,
equipment calibration/certification, skilled manpower supply and technical training etc.
Our Lab is equipped with latest state of art technology-oriented equipment, established QC/QA procedures
and well qualified/experienced staff in their respective category to produce the best inspection results for
the offered services to get the complete satisfaction of our clients.
We are actively involved in providing professional Engineers and Inspectors on secondment basis to meet
the Chemical, Electrical, Tubular, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering requirements. We have our direct
offices in Kuwait, Qatar, India and associate companies in 8 other countries to perform shop inspection for
all categories.
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Services Summary
Concrete Testing
ATSi offers facilities on a wide range of testing for concrete and cementitious materials. Some of the tests
▪ Design Mix of Concrete / Trial Mix
▪ Concrete inspection at the site including test sample preparation/Slump test/ Temperature /Air content
measurements at the site
▪ Cube / Cylinder / Core samples crushing strength (BS EN 12390-3, ASTM C39)
▪ Extractions of core samples
▪ Beam flexural strength and Modulus of rupture
▪ Water absorption and volume of permeable voids
▪ Rapid Chloride Ion Penetration Test
▪ Density tests on concrete, grout cubes
▪ Load tests
▪ Cement content
▪ Chloride and sulphates content in concrete
▪ Fineness of cement
▪ Consistency, initial and final setting of cement
▪ Curing facilities for concrete cubes and cylinders
▪ Water permeability
▪ Heat of hydration test
▪ Compression, modulus of rigidity, linear expansion, water absorption of refractory materials
▪ Shear tests on refractory materials
Soil Testing
ATSi has the latest equipment to test soils for their suitability and quality control. Some of the tests
performed on soils and aggregates include:
▪ Modified Proctor density test and Optimum moisture content
▪ Field density testing
▪ Field moisture content by Speedy moisture meter
▪ Moisture content of soils in the laboratory
▪ California Bearing Ratio of Soil Un-soaked and Soaked, Swelling index of Soil
▪ Sieve analysis and particle gradation of soils
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▪ Modified Proctor density test and Optimum moisture content
▪ Field density testing
▪ Field moisture content by Speedy moisture meter
▪ Moisture content of soils in the laboratory
▪ California Bearing Ratio of Soil Un-soaked and Soaked, Swelling index of Soil
▪ Sieve analysis and particle gradation of soils
▪ Classification of Soils for engineering purposes
▪ Uniformity Coefficient, Coefficient of Curvature
▪ Specific Gravity of soil solids
▪ Atterberg limits (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index) of Soil
▪ Field CBR
▪ Plate Load Test for bearing capacity measurement using digital and analog equipment
▪ Dynamic plate load test using deflectometer
▪ Soil Resistivity by Wenner’s Four probe electrode
▪ Soil Resistivity using electrode box
Asphalt Testing
▪ Design Mix of bituminous asphalt
▪ Bitumen extraction & Gradation
▪ Marshall stability tests
▪ Compaction and density of asphalt
▪ Voids in mineral aggregates
Material/Aggregate Testing
▪ Sieve analysis of Fine and Coarse aggregates (ASTM C 136)
▪ Percentage fines passing 75 Micron (No.200) Sieve (ASTM C 117)
▪ Moisture Content of Aggregates (ASTM C 566)
▪ Fineness Modulus by Sieving (ASTM C 136)
▪ Specific Gravity (ASTM C 127, C 128)
▪ Water Absorption (ASTM C 127, C 128)
▪ Compacted Bulk Density (ASTM C 29)
▪ Un-compacted Bulk Density (ASTM C 29)
▪ Voids in Aggregates (ASTM C 29)
▪ Flakiness Index (BS 812: Part 105.1)
▪ Elongation Index (BS 812: Part 105.2)
▪ Impact Value of aggregates (BS 812: Part 112)
▪ Crushing Value (BS 812: Part 110)
▪ Los Angeles Abrasion Test (ASTM C 131)
▪ Clay Lumps and friable particles (ASTM C 142) Sand Equivalent ASTM-D 2419 Shell
▪ Content BS 812 Part – 106
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Non-Destructive Test (Civil)
We provide a comprehensive testing solution for stability and integrity studies of the structures.
▪ Checking the Stability of the Old & Distressed Concrete Structure & Providing the Solution for restoring
the structure.
▪ Rebound hammer test on concrete for compressive strength assessment.
▪ Ultrasonic pulse velocity test for uniformity assessment of concrete
▪ Rebar location, diameter, and cover to the reinforcement
▪ Location of concrete defects using Ultra-sonic phased array techniques
▪ Internal defect assessment of concrete using GPR
▪ Corrosion mapping in concrete
▪ Crack mapping in Concrete
Geotechnical Investigation
ATSi, provide a comprehensive mix of Geotechnical Investigation services throughout all phases of
feasibility/planning, design development, construction, and post-construction. We offer a wide range of
services with well-qualified and experienced personnel for the execution of geotechnical investigation
projects. Our services include site investigation planning, sub-surface exploration, and in-situ Geotechnical
tests, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Analysis Seepage and Groundwater studies, Pile capacity
calculations .Some facilities available with us are:
▪ Drilling and Sampling
▪ Plate Load Tests (Static, Digital/Analog) for Bearing capacity determination
▪ Dynamic plate load tests
▪ In-situ CBR
▪ Wenner 4 Probe resistivity
▪ Soil Investigation
▪ Core sampling
▪ Boreholes
▪ Standpipes for Groundwater Monitoring
▪ Ground Penetrating radar
▪ Infiltration tests
▪ Thermal Conductivity & Resistivity
▪ Foundation Analysis
▪ Deep pile testing
Control Survey
ATSi is fully equipped with the latest survey quality GPS instruments and post processing software and can
carry out all aspect of GPS surveying. We can collect precise static base-station observations to provide
fully adjusted coordinated solutions for large scale mapping and major projects as well as undertaking real-
time detailed surveys or setting-out using a local grid system.
Volumetric Surveys
We are a specialist in stock pile volume surveys to measure the quantity of materials in the stock piles and
calculating the cut/fill volumes in case of earth work volume calculations. We use a combination of GPS,
Total Station to measure the stockpiles in which the entire surface area is visible. We provide the accurate
measurements of, manufacturing facilities including cement, glass and iron factories. The surveyed data
ensures regulatory compliance and allows our clients to manage their stock and inventory.
As-Built Surveys
As-built surveys are normally carried out in order to compare the position and dimension of a constructed
project compared to its designed dimensions and position. An as built survey is a drawing to scale of all
existing elements in the site and their spatial relationship to the boundary of the property. It is important
to know what you have in order to determine what you can do, and for further development of property.
As-built surveys reduce the costs and downtime associated with construction rework. Our team
systematically provides these services with the highest level of accuracy using high specification survey
equipment and the next generation’s survey technology.
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Construction Surveys
ATSi provides construction surveying services to clients involved in commercial and industrial
▪ Civil construction surveys (pile installation, concrete foundation & anchor bolt setting)
▪ Mechanical Surveys (Pumps, Turbines)
▪ Structural Surveys (Steel placement for buildings, modules and piping)
▪ Piping Surveys (Above Ground)
▪ Earthworks and Volume Surveys (Road construction)
We use auto levels for the quality, accuracy and precision required by type of work (e.g., earthwork,
drainage, landscaping, concrete formwork, precision leveling of industrial equipment, deformation
monitoring. GPS in static modes is also used for leveling as per demand.
Our Radiographers are trained and experienced in performing all kind of radiography work meeting all
international and local safety regulations. We offer following Radiography Services to meet our customers’
requirements: -
▪ Gamma Radiography
▪ X-Ray Radiography
▪ Pipeline X- Ray Crawler Computer
▪ Radiography Digitization of Radiographs
▪ Digital Radiography (DDR)
▪ Safe Distance Controlled Radiography for limited work space
Ultrasonic Testing
ATSi Ultrasonic Technicians are well qualified and trained to perform following services: -
▪ Thickness Survey
▪ Lamination Test
▪ Weld Inspection
▪ Corrosion Mapping – A, B & C Scans
▪ Time of Flight diffraction
▪ Phased Array
▪ Pipeline Girth Weld Inspection
▪ Velocity Measurements
▪ HIC detection
▪ Tank wall /Roof thickness Survey using Tank Crawlers
Our Latest Equipment, sophisticated software, updated technologies and professionally trained operators
produce the best quality of work in a timely schedule.
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Magnetic Particle Test
We have all kinds of equipment and highly sensitive consumables to do all kind of Magnetic Particle Testing
for weld pipes and tanks etc. Our Technicians are qualified and experienced to do Dry, Wet and WFMPI.
Hardness Test
We offer both Leeb rebound and Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) method hardness testing using latest
equipment and trained operators. Our Hardness Technicians are well trained and certified in-house to
provide maximum quality-oriented results.
Tube Inspection
Tube Inspection is another area where we are experts in providing accurate results. We offer the following
solutions to our valued customers: -
▪ Eddy current testing (ECT) for all non-ferromagnetic tubes
▪ Remote Field Eddy Current Testing (RFET) for ferromagnetic tubes
▪ Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) for ferromagnetic tubes
▪ Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) for ferromagnetic and non- ferromagnetic tubes
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Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
As many restrictions on Conventional Radiography has increased in recent times due to Health Hazards
caused by improper usage/Training, the need for Alternative weld inspection techniques such as Phased
Array Ultrasonic Testing has been indispensable. Unlike conventional UT we can attain different range of
angles & combination of Sectorial & Longitudinal waves at different angles to perfectly scan the entire weld
area. The Combination of TOFD & Phased array techniques provide characterization & sizing of flaw
accurately. The Phased array ultrasonic Testing otherwise called PAUT provides us with A, B, C & Sectorial
scan view as a digital record.
Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
TOFD employs two longitudinal wave angle beam transducers arranged symmetrically opposite to each
other, straddling the weld or base material to be inspected. While one probe acts as a transmitter of
ultrasonic energy & the other probe receives the ultrasonic energy. Measurement of the Time of Flight of
the diffracted beam enables accurate and reliable flaw detection & sizing, even if the defects are not
oriented to the initial beam direction. TOFD can also be used for detecting irregularly shaped areas of metal
loss during corrosion inspections and is highly sensitive to all weld flaw types.
Mechanical Lab
▪ Tensile Test
▪ Bend Test
▪ Compression Test
▪ Charpy Impact Test
▪ Nick Break Test
▪ Rockwell Hardness Test
▪ Vickers Hardness Test
▪ Brinell Hardness Test
▪ Flattening Test
Corrosion & Coating Testing
▪ Adhesion test
▪ Flexibility test
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▪ Cathodic Disbandment test
▪ Salt spray test
▪ Hardness test (Barcol)
▪ Abrasion Resistance test
▪ Impact Resistance Test
▪ Water Absorption Test
▪ Four-Point Bend test
Metallography Examination
▪ In-Situ Metallography (Field Replica)
▪ Ferrite Content Meters
▪ Weld Examination
▪ Macro Examination
▪ Micro Examination
▪ Metallurgical Phase Analysis (Ferrite)
▪ Grain Size Measurement
▪ Nodularity (Graphite Microstructure Testing)
▪ Decarburization Measurements
▪ Non-Metallic Inclusions
▪ Porosity
▪ Coating Thickness/Plating evolution
Calibration Services
Scaffolding Inspection
ATSi COMPANY offers an independent scaffold inspection service that meets requirements and
international standards. Our experienced and well trained scaffolding inspectors will carry out a thorough
scaffolding inspection providing full report and tagging system (if requested)
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Technical QA/QC Trainings
ATSi is a leading provider of QA/QC training for Civil & Mechanical services in GCC. We focus to help our
clients for preparing their staff to perform their job activities in safest and quality-oriented ways.
Our courses are design and deliver by our expert team adapting the required international specifications and
local rules. Our trainers are capable to lead your team and help them to carry out their duties in an effective
manner. We believe training of employees by exchanging experiences, teaching the requirements and
enhancement of knowledge is must to plan, build and operate any facilities.
With the experienced team of ATSi offer full support to our clients by sourcing out the best manpower
globally, focused on exceeding the expectations of both our clients and our candidates. Our efficient and
cost-effective supply option includes a wide spread of categories available for both short-term and long-term
jobs. Courses currently we offer are:
▪ Fresh concrete field inspection & Quality Control
▪ Concrete Tests
▪ Soil & Aggregate Tests
▪ Managing Safely
▪ Working Safely
▪ Fire Safety Awareness
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Highfield International
Highfield a global leader in compliance and work-based learning and apprenticeship qualifications and one
of the UK’s most recognizable awarding organizations. Learners achieving a Highfield qualification in health
and safety will develop the appropriate knowledge and attitude to contribute to an organization's safe
operations, and be rewarded with certification as proof of their knowledge of health and safety.
For example, in addition to our internationally accredited courses, we can deliver courses on-
demand, either from our extensive portfolio or tailored to customer requirements and held at ATSi
own training facilities or client owned premises. The most common clients on-demand training we
are delivering are follows, but not limited.
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Fire Safety
The Fire Safety Training Course is designed to raise awareness of fire hazards in the workplace, Fire
Science and how to act safely in the event of an emergency fire situation, including selection and
application the correct fire extinguishing method. The course is also designed to train staff in your fire
safety procedures.
Course Outline
• Fire Triangle • Classes of Fires
• Mechanics of Fire • Fire Fighting and Fire Detecting
• Type of Heat Energy
• Type of Fire Extinguishers and
• Phases and Spread of Fire Usage
• Fire Hazards General Fire • Fire Evacuation
❖ 4 Hours Theory and Practical session with assessment
Electrical Safety
This course has designed to introduce learners to Electrical safety in the work place and site. On
completion of the course, candidate will be familiar with the basic concepts of electricity, Understand the
potential effects of electricity on the human body. Be able to recognize common electrical hazards
associated with construction work and familiar with electrical protective devices.
Course Outline
Course Outline
• Risk of Hazardous • Storage of Chemicals
• Chemical Emergencies
• Route of Exposures & • First-aid for chemical exposures
• Incompatible Chemicals
• Handling of Chemicals
❖ 4 Hours Theory and Practical session with assessment
Hazard Communication
This training course is an overview of how the system of chemical hazard information and communication
works. We will review the updated Hazard Communication Standard and its alignment with the GHS. This
presentation will increase your knowledge of chemical hazards, hazard classification and the basic
personal protection methods to ensure safe handling and usage of chemicals.
Course Outline
• GHS Overview & Symbols
• Physical & Health Hazards
• Inventory, SDS, Labels Identification
• Staying Safe while handling chemicals
• PPE’s
Course Outline
• Introduction to Gas Testing • Toxic Gases
• Testing in Confined Space • Range of Frequency of Tests
• Relevant Legislative • Performing Gas tests in
Controls sequences
• Gas Testing in Confine
Course Outline
• H2S definition & Sources • H2S Monitoring
• Safety procedures • Respiratory Protection
Compressed gas cylinders must be safely stored and managed to reduce the risk of serious hazards,
including explosions, gas leaks and burns. This course will teach how to properly label, store, handle and
transport pressurized gas cylinders. The Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety course is ideal for any employee
who works with or around gas cylinders.
Course Outline
• Hazards of Compressed Gases • Cylinders Storage
• Essentials of Gases Cylinders • Use of Gas Cylinders
Course Outline
• Permits & Applications • Vehicle/Mobile Plant Entry
• Permit Applicant & Issuer
• Excavation Notification
• Cold & Hot Work
• Isolation, Multi Lock & Tag Out
• Radiography Work • Permit distribution &
• Confined Space Entry Suspension
Permit • Closing of work permit
❖ 4 Hours Theoretical session with assessment
Excavation & Trenching
Excavation and trenching are some of the most hazardous tasks in construction. Open excavations in the
Earth's surface can cave in unexpectedly, causing injury or death if the proper protective systems are not
in place. This course will increase your awareness of important safety procedures that help prevent
trenching and excavation incidents.
Course Outline
• Definitions • Excavation Hazards and Risks
• Key Personnel and
Responsibilities • Excavation Control Measures
Course Outline
• Types of Hand Tools and • Non-Spark / Spark Resistant
Power tools Tools
• Hand Tools Safety • Pneumatic/Power Actuated
Precautions Tools
• Electric Driven Power Tools • Hydraulic Tools
Hazards & Precautions
• Tools Maintenance &
• Hand Tools Hazards & Modification
Course Outline
• Hazards & Precautions
• Fire Prevention
• Emergency Procedures
Course Outline
• General Requirements • Safety Precautions
• Signage • Case Study
• Traffic Control Devices • Safety Precautions
• Work Zone Precautions
• Flagging
Course Outline
• Definitions • Fall Arresting Equipment
• Fall Hazards & Control Measures • Emergency Response
• Precautions Against fall from Height • Case Study
• Means of Access for Work at Height
• Personal Protective Equipment for
Work at Height
Course Outline
• First-Aid Introduction • Fractures First-Aid
• Cuts and Scrapes • Heady Injury First-Aid
• Puncture Wounds • Nose Bleed, Bite Wound
• Shock First-Aid • Basic Life Supports (BLS)
• Degrees of burns • Choking & First-Aid
• Electrocution First-Aid
❖ 6 Hours Theoretical & Practical session with assessment
This training involves teaching employees basic ergonomic principles and how to apply those principles to
the workplace. Topics that are typically covered during training include safe work practices, greater
awareness of tasks that raise the risk of injury, and the proper use of workplace tools, machines, and
Course Outline
• Management of Hazards • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Hazard Control Strategies • Neck, Leg & Knee Strain
• Analysis & Task Design • Manual Handlings
• Video Display Terminals • Sitting Posture
• Factors of MSD • Laptops, and Smart Phones
❖ 4 Hours Theoretical session with assessment
Hot Work Safety
Many destructive fires are caused by hot work or the cutting, welding and other work that generates heat
and sparks. when safety procedures followed properly, help ensure the workplace stay safe. This course
covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this
dangerous work. Ideal learners include all employees.
Course Outline
• Hot work definition • Fire Prevention
• General Safety Precautions for Hot • Ventilation & Protection
• Grinding Safety
• Gas Welding & Cutting
• Hot Work Hazards
• Transportation & Storage of Cylinder
• Control Measures &
• Arc Welding & Cutting PPE’s
Course Outline
• Pre-Start Checks • Types of lifting gear and the
• Operator Cab Checks
• Different types of slings and
• Weekly and daily checks of hitches
the cranes
• Sling angles and the factors
• Positioning of the Crane affecting the lifts
• Hazards of Crane Operation• Standard Signals
❖ 6 Hours Theoretical & Practical session with assessment
EOT Crane Operator
The aim of our overhead crane course is to teach the operators to safely sling loads and to use the
Pendant / Remote Controlled Crane On completion of the course, operators will know duties, the
correct procedure for using the Pendant / Remote Controller and basic concept of Rigging &
Course Outline
• Type of Cranes • Standard Signals
Course Outline
• Duties & Responsibilities • Case Studies
Course Outline
• Pre-Start Checks • Safety Considerations
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