Respiratory Care and Neuromuscular Disease

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Respiratory Care and Neuromuscular Disease

Aside from the heart, the respiratory muscles are the acute and chronic neuromuscular diseases that are seen in
only ones in the body that are absolutely necessary for life. clinical practice. Supportive options for failure of both the
It is therefore not surprising to learn that respiratory-mus- ventilatory muscles and the muscles that allow adequate
cle dysfunction is the leading cause of morbidity and mor- cough function are detailed, and data supporting their use
tality in those with acute and chronic neuromuscular ill- are reviewed. In addition to noninvasive options, the ap-
ness. In this and the next issue of RESPIRATORY CARE, we propriate use of invasive (tracheostomy) ventilation is also
discuss acute and chronic neuromuscular diseases and their discussed. We highlight the crucial role of the respiratory
effects on the respiratory system. therapist in the support of the individual with neuromus-
The crucial nature of the respiratory muscles in their cular disease.
function as a “vital pump” has been known for nearly the These papers correspond to the presentations at the 37th
past 2,000 years. However, it has been only in the past 100 RESPIRATORY CARE Journal Conference, by a multidisci-
years or so that devices have been available that can sup- plinary group of pulmonologists, intensivists, anesthesiol-
port or even replace the ventilatory function of the respi- ogists, neurologists, and respiratory therapists. It is un-
ratory muscles. The development of the iron lung in re- usual to have such a diverse group together in the same
sponse to the polio epidemics of the 20th century was a room discussing issues related to respiratory failure in pa-
major turning point in the care of individuals with acute tients with neuromuscular disease. The discussions that
and chronic effects of this deadly neuromuscular disease. resulted were lively and the papers produced are superb.
Respiratory care was essential to the survival and recuper- Our thanks to the faculty and the American Respiratory
ation of individuals with the effects of polio. However, Care Foundation for their support of this conference.
there were several problems with the iron lung and related
Joshua O Benditt MD
devices, not the least of which was their size and bulki-
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
ness. It was in the 1980s, with the advent of equipment for
Department of Medicine
the treatment of sleep apnea, that a real revolution in the
University of Washington
care of individuals with acute and chronic neuromuscular
Seattle, Washington
respiratory failure occurred. Comfortable lightweight in-
terfaces that enabled delivery of phasic positive-pressure Dean R Hess PhD RRT FAARC
with portable ventilators allowed for nighttime (and day- Department of Respiratory Care
time) treatment of the hypoventilation that frequently ac- Massachusetts General Hospital
companies neuromuscular diseases. and
The articles in this and the following issue of RESPIRA- Harvard Medical School
TORY CARE detail the physiology of some of the major Boston, Massachusetts


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