SMM2021 Scoring Criteria For Video Presentations
SMM2021 Scoring Criteria For Video Presentations
SMM2021 Scoring Criteria For Video Presentations
To be successful, submissions must achieve a 65% score in Section A and in Section B. Submissions that achieve an ‘Insufficient’ score in any
will receive a fail.
The video offers a The video offers an The video fails to The video does not /3
Content and concise summary of adequate summary adequately summarise the
Messages the findings and of the findings and summarise the findings or
highlights the key some of the findings or highlights of the
points of the study. highlights of the highlights of the study. The
The objectives of study. Majority of study. The objectives are not
the study are clear the study objectives objectives are not given and
and methods and methods are clear and methods are
adequately given. There is methods are lacking. Many
described. adequate evidence vague. Some conclusions lack
Conclusions are to support the conclusions lack supporting
supported by strong conclusions. supporting evidence.
evidence. evidence.
The video The video The relevance of The video fails to /3
Relevance demonstrates the adequately the research to demonstrate the
relevance of the demonstrates the a wide audience relevance of the
research to a wide relevance of the is not clear. research to a wide
the audience. research to a wide the audience.
the audience.
The video has The video offers The video offers The video offers no /3
Educational educational value to some educational moderate educational value.
Value both the presenter’s value to both the educational value to
peers and a wider, presenter’s peers both the presenter’s
general audience. and a wider, peers and a wider,
general general audience.
Section B: Organisation, and Technical and Creative Ability
The video has a The video has The video lacks The video has no /3
Organization clear beginning, some structure structure with the structure or
middle and end that which features an appropriate sections organisation.
features an introduction, ill-defined. Majority Findings and their
introduction, methods, results of findings and relevance are not
methods, results and conclusion. their relevance are given.
and conclusion and The majority of not given.
is easy to follow. findings and their
The main relevance are given.
findings and their
relevance are
expressed well.
English is Occasional Inexcusable use of Very poor use of /3
Grammar and grammatically incorrect English English grammar. English grammar.
Vocabulary correct. Scientific grammar used. Many of the Scientific terms or
terms or Some of the scientific terms or acronyms are not
acronyms are scientific terms or acronyms are not defined.
clearly defined or acronyms are not adequately defined.
replaced with adequately defined.
more familiar
Narration is clear, Narration is mostly Narration is mostly Narration is /3
Delivery and relaxed, clear, relaxed, unclear, stressed, unclear, stressed,
Narration comprehensible, comprehensible, not very incomprehensible,
has a good pace has a reasonable understandable, has variable pace and is
and consistent in pace and mostly a variable pace and inconsistent in style
style throughout. consistent in style is often throughout. The
The speech is throughout. The inconsistent in speech is not
expressive and speech is style. The speech is expressive.
offers a cadence adequately not very expressive
that encourages expressive. and the cadence
listening. deters
Section B: Organisation, and Technical and Creative Ability
The story line is The story line is The story line lacks The story line is /3
Technical effectively expressed expression through hard to follow due
Production and expressed through adequately through inadequate use of to insufficient use
Editing video footage, video footage, video footage, of video footage,
sound, and special sound, and special sound, and special sound, and special
effects and is effects and overall effects and overall effects and overall
overall appealing. offers some appeal. offers little appeal. is confusing. There
Scenes flow The majority of Many of the scenes are many unnatural
smoothly from one scenes flow fail to flow breaks between
to the other without smoothly from one smoothly from one scenes and empty
empty space. to the other and to the other and spaces.
there is little there are many
empty space. empty spaces.
Video footage and Video footage and Video footage and The quality of the /3
Audio and Sound effects are effects are effects are audio and sound
improved through somewhat hampered by are consistently
consistently high improved through inconsistent quality poor and degrades
quality sound and mostly consistent, sound and audio, the quality of the
audio, and mostly high quality that together video footage and
together sound and audio. distract the viewer effects. The viewer
complement the from the storyline. is consistently
storyline. distracted.
Graphics, Graphics, Graphics, Graphics, /3
Visuals and animation and animation and animation and animation and
Graphics other visuals are other visuals are other visuals are other visuals are
effectively used to generally helpful for generally unhelpful ineffectively used
express the expressing the for expressing the to express the
purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and
findings of the findings of the findings of the findings of the
study and study and often study, and fail to study, add
complement the complement the complement the confusion and are
audio. audio. audio. more distracting
than helpful.
Section B: Organisation, and Technical and Creative Ability
The quality and The quality and The quality and The quality and /3
Video Quality resolution of the resolution of the resolution of the resolution of the
and Camera video are majority of video video are video are
Techniques consistently high. is high. Stills and consistently low. inadequate for
Stills and video video footage are Stills and video presentation. Stills
footage are in mostly in focus footage are and video footage
focus and and well often not in are mostly not in
effectively composed. focus and focus and poorly
composed. The Most of the ineffectively composed. The
movement of the movement of the composed. The movement of the
camera is smooth. camera is smooth. movement of camera is
the camera is distracting.
often wobbly.
Creativity The visual and For the most part, For the most part, The visual and /3
audio content of the visual and the visual and audio content of
the video are audio content of audio content of the video are not
creatively used to the video are the video are not creatively used and
effectively express creatively used to creatively used, fail to express the
the purpose, express the often distracting purpose, findings
findings and purpose, findings the viewer from and conclusions
conclusions of and conclusions of the main messages of the study.
the the study. of
study. the study.