Past Simple Tense With 'The Bad Waiter'.

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Yesterday, my friend and I went out for a meal. We chose an Italian restaurant, ‘Da Lino’. We booked
a table for 7.30pm and we arrived at 7.25. The receptionist said our table was not ready. We sat in the
bar and ordered two drinks. Finally, thirty minutes later, our table was
ready. We were happy and really hungry. A waiter came and took our
ladies. order. He was Italian (a good sign in an Italian restaurant), polite and
very friendly. However, he did not write anything down. After twenty
minutes, he arrived with our first course. He brought two soups, but
that was wrong! We ordered bruschetta. When we told the waiter, he
said the soup was excellent and he left our table. We thought it was bad
service, but funny, so we ate the soup. After half an hour, the waiter
brought us our main course. Our order was for pasta dishes, but he
brought us a pizza each. This time, we were not happy at all. We told the waiter we wanted to see the
manager. The waiter begged us not to. We did not want him to lose his job, so we ate the pizzas. My
friend and I had plenty to chat about, so we enjoyed our evening. We paid in full, but we did not leave
a tip for the waiter. As we left the restaurant, we heard the people at the next table complaining. They
said the waiter had served bruschetta instead of soup and pasta dishes instead of pizza. The waiter
had mixed our orders up! Later, we checked the online reviews. Two said, ‘There is an Italian waiter
there who refuses to write anything down and he makes mistakes. Try to avoid.’ By Lorna
Say if the statements are true or false and then answer the questions:

1. __ Lorna and her sister went to a 1. Who did Lorna go to the restaurant with?
restaurant. …………………………………………………………………………….
2. __ They went last week. 2. When did they go?
3. __ They checked the restaurant’s …………………………………………………………………………….
reviews before they went. 3. Where did they go?
4. __ They arrived ten minutes early. …………………………………………………………………………….
5. __ They were shown to their table 4. Did they arrive on time?
immediately. …………………………………………………………………………….
6. __ The waiter was nice and friendly. 5. What was the problem with the waiter?
7. __ The waiter wrote their order on his …………………………………………………………………………….
notepad. 6. Did they send their food back?
8. __ They waited twenty minutes for their …………………………………………………………………………….
first course. 7. Why did they not complain to the
9. __ They chose bruschetta, but ended up manager?
with soup. …………………………………………………………………………….
10. __ The waiter got the main course right. 8. What happened with their food order?
11. __ There was a mix-up and a table next …………………………………………………………………………….
to the girls got their food. 9. They paid in full. Would you? How would
12. __ They withheld some money from the you deal with that situation?
bill. …………………………………………………………………………….

For discussion: What is your favourite type of food? What do you think about Italian food?
Do you believe in tipping people? When is it appropriate to tip?

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