Aegis of Empires 3 When Comes The Moon

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Authors: Matt Goodall and Greg A. Vaughan

Artists: Simon Aan, Nicholas Cato, Tyler Clark, Art Deepmind, Frank Hessefort, Jacqueline Hines, Michael Jaecks, Chris
Kimball, Renan Moraes, Dylan Reader, Julio Rocha, Jon Tonello, Steve Wood
Cartography: Justin Andrew Mason, Michael Tumey
Editing and Development: Greg A. Vaughan, Jason Nelson
Design and Layout: Craig Williams
Legendary Games Team Members: Anthony Adam, Michael Allen, Alex Augunas, Kate Baker, Jesse Benner, Siobhan Bjorknas,
Clinton J. Boomer, Savannah Broadway, Robert Brookes, Russ Brown, Benjamin Bruck, Liz Courts, Carl Cramer, Paris
Crenshaw, Matt Daley, Joel Flank, Naomi Fritts, Matthew Goodall, Jim Groves, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steve Helt,
Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Victoria Jaczko, Jenny Jarzabski, N. Jolly, Patrick N.R. Julius, Deborah Kammerzell,
Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kortes, Jeff Lee, Lyz Liddell, Nicolas Logue, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Will McCardell, Mike
Myler, Julian Neale, Jason Nelson, Jen Page, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Wendall
Roy, Amber Scott, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Mike Shel, Loren Sieg, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Onyx Tanuki, Russ Taylor,
Greg A. Vaughan, Christopher Van Horn, Rachel Ventura, Ben Walklate, Mike Welham, George Loki Williams, Landon
Winkler, Linda Zayas-Palmer, and Clark Peterson
Publisher: Jason Nelson
Executive Partner: Neil Spicer
Business Director: Rachel Ventura

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Aegis of Empires: When Comes the Moon

© 2020, Legendary Games; Authors Matt Legendary Games
Goodall and Greg A. Vaughan.
ISBN: 9798609451446 524 SW 321st St.
First printing May 2020. Federal Way, WA 98023
Printed in USA.

Welcome to the
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path
Welcome to the Lost Lands, the campaign setting of the adventures and books by Frog God Games and Necromancer
Games before it! “But this is Legendary Games?” you say. Yes, yes it is, but as the principal developer of the Lost Lands
setting — having the privilege and pleasure of combing through every single product, word-by-word, from those two
companies’ considerable catalog of books to determine how it all fit together into a coherent whole — I had the opportunity
to continue my work with the setting. By mutual agreement upon the end of my tenure with Frog God Games in 2018, I
was able to provide them with the bible of Lost Lands material I had been collating since 2010 and was graciously allowed
to retain the rights to continue to make my own contributions to the setting I had poured so much into in Lost Lands-
compatible products. I also purchased the rights to the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path that had already been in the works
for some time (though under the name Ashes of Empires at that time, and changed due to similarities in titles from other
companies that were being released in a similar timeframe), so I could continue the development I had already started
on it and nurture it through to the end. That Legendary Games was willing to adopt such a project, was icing on the cake
and what has allowed me to put this product into your hands.

Special Electronic Features

We've hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official Pathfinder
Reference Document as well as d20PFSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn't link to it unless the rule is an
obscure one. The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support you, the player, in accessing the
rules, especially those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all-star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer Games, Inc.
Legendary Games uses a cooperative, team-based approach to bring you, the Paizo fan, the best expansion material for
your game. We are gamers and storytellers 1st, and we believe that passion shows in our products. So check us out, and
Make Your Game Legendary!

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What You Will Find Inside The
When Comes the Moon
The famed observatory at Asteria Point has long endured upon its mountain heights, yet wars, plagues, and
the ravages of time have dimmed its glory to a faint ember kept by a tiny order of faithful monks. When
sinister forces stalk the night and even those faithful few begin to disappear, the church sends out a call for
heroes to investigate and save this remnant of a wiser and more learned age. Yet all is not as it seems among
the high peaks, and secrets grow darker and danger ever deeper with the moon’s every rising.

When Comes the Moon is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 8th-level characters set in Yolbiac Vale,
in the Lost Lands Campaign Setting. This rich and exciting world 20 years in the making has been home to
dozens of adventures from Necromancer Games and Frog God Games and produced with their cooperation
to be compatible with The World of the Lost Lands campaign guide! It is the third of six adventures in the
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, with each adventure exploring hitherto unexplored areas of the Lost Lands
with a combination of horror, intrigue, deadly danger, and the lure of ancient mysteries.

While designed for use with the Lost Lands, these adventures are loosely connected rather than following
a strictly controlled plotline, enabling you to easily place them into any campaign world. Your heroes can
explore at their own pace to discover the secrets of antiquity or be consumed in their
seeking as they brave the dark paths of the Aegis of Empires.

Legendary Games was founded on the principle of delivering first-class product for
your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game experience, brought to you by the very authors who
design and contribute to the adventures, hardbacks, and campaign supplements you are
already using. The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background,
innovative layout, beautiful aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none.
This product is the latest in that tradition, and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we
enjoyed making it. Game on!

The following superscript notations are used to denote ARG

= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide
references to official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rulebooks BM
= The Black Monastery by Frog God Games
as well as books from Frog God Games and Necromancer DM1
= DM1: The Book of Taverns by Necromancer Games
Games. In some cases, superscripts may include a hyphen
followed by a number to indicate the page number for the
= Fields of Blood by Frog God Games
specific reference. FGG1
= FGG1: Fane of the Fallen by Frog God Games
= FGG2: Strange Bedfellows by Frog God Games
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide GMG
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Gamemastery Guide
= Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia by Necromancer
= H1: The Bonegarden by Necromancer Games
Games LL0
= LL0: The Lost Lands Campaign Setting by Frog God Games
= Issue #86 of the official adventure path series LL1
= LL1: Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide LL3
= LL3: Sword of Air by Frog God Games

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Home of the Old Gods ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Chapter Two: On the Mountain ..................................................................................................................................... 35

Appendix A: New Monsters ..................................................................................................................................................... 56

Appendix B: The Asterian Monks ..................................................................................................................................... 60

Appendix C: Yolbiac Vale and the Cretian Mountains .................................................................................................... 65

Appendix D: Gods of the High Places ..................................................................................................................................... 65

= LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog God Games = The official PFRPG softcover companion to the

= LL5: Borderland Provinces by Frog God Games glorious echoes of the great empire.
= LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained
Games RA
= Rappan Athuk by Frog God Games
= LL8: Bard’s Gate by Frog God Games ST
= The Slumbering Tsar Saga by Frog God Games
= LL9: Adventures in the Borderland Provinces by Frog God
LL9 UCam
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign
Games UC
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex UE
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment
= Mountains of Madness by Frog God Games UI
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures UM
= Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic
= The official PFRPG softcover companion guide to

elemental masters.

WHEN COMES THE Seven centuries ago, the Church of Thyr was in decline and
the Red Plague struck the area, destroying most of the order,
including the entire upper echelon of the church’s clergy. The
MOON survivors abandoned the abbey and it was hundreds of years
before Thyrian migrants reoccupied the site. Thus, the Order’s
original mission was forgotten and lost, new generations of
When Comes the Moon is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
clerics tended the abbey in the belief that the site was nothing
adventure designed for four to six 8th-level characters. The
more than an observatory to study the moons.
adventure can be placed in a remote mountainous area of
any campaign setting. However, though it is not an official
Lost Lands adventure, it is designed for and fully compatible Long before this, Asteria Point was the site of a war against
with the Lost Lands Campaign Setting of Frog God Games. ghastly moon creatures called Lunites, which used the
In the Lost Lands it is set in a lonely corner of the Cretian mountain peak as a navigational guide point for their stellar
(CREE-shin) Mountains at the northeastern corner of the old travels between the greater moon of Luna and the planet
Kingdoms of Foere at the edge of Yolbiac (YOLE-bee-ack) Vale. Boros*. The moon creatures journeyed through the ethers
of space and sought to invade. However, the Ancient Ones
and EldestLL5 elves of Yolbiac ValeLL5 resisted, battling them
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND to a stalemate. The ancient defenders of the Vale managed to
The Abbey of the Asterian Order has stood its mountaintop slay many of the lesser creatures and bound a powerful moon-
vigil since the days of the Hyperborean Empire when the beast’s essence into the standing stone at the peak of Asteria
Church of Thyr enjoyed a reputation and power above Point. This unearthly stone block was the pivotal tether point
that of all other Hyperborean faiths. Through its magical that allowed the Lunite invaders to cross into the terrestrial
observatory lens, the clerics of the order could study the world on nights when the moon waxed full. By casting a
greater and lesser moons called LunaLL1a and SybilLL1a, as well powerful binding on the standing stone and trapping a
as the many other wonders of the night sky, from which they portion of the powerful moon-beast’s psyche within, the
read omens and collect celestial observations. But just as Ancient One followers of Myrddin blocked the tether point,
the tides of history roll on and fortunes change, the Church preventing further invasion from the ethers of space.
of Thyr has fallen from its place of ancient prominence. At
present, the Asterian Abbey stands upon its lonely point, Centuries later the Eldest population suffered an
nearly forgotten, and occupied by only a handful of clerics unknown catastrophe and virtually disappeared from
who maintain the abbey, unaware of the original purpose of the Vale. A debilitating war with a degenerate mountain
the site and true mission of the Asterian Order. tribe called the JaundoolsLL9 likewise left the Ancient
* Boros was the common name in antiquity of the planet upon which the continent of Akados lies. It is now called
Lloegyr. See page 4 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games.

Imperial Erylle Huun
Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
–4102 2383 Lunite invasion of Asteria Point stopped by combined efforts of Ancient Ones
and Eldest tribes of Yolbiac Vale
–4098 2387 Druids of Yolbiac Vale focus energies of multiple sacred sites to defend Asteria
Point against further invaders; Dykath imprisoned in standing stone
–591 5894 Eldest suffer unknown catastrophe, groaning spirits proliferate in Yolbiac Vale
–182 6303 Ancient One tribes battle degenerate Jaundools; Yolbiac Vale largely depopulated
–109 6376 Polemarch Oerson leads Hyperborean Legion out of Boros and into Akados;
Beginning of Hyperborean Age
–71 6414 Polemarch Oerson visits Yolbiac Vale; Church of Thyr assumes protection of
Asteria Point
1 6485 Battle of Hummaemidon; Birth of Imperial Record
1491 7975 New lunar invasion thwarted by priests and paladins of Thyr
1988 8472 Abbey of the Asterian Order founded at Asteria Point to carry on vigilance against
lunar invaders
2781 9265 286 Red Plague strikes Kingdoms of Foere; One quarter of the population of the
central lands dies including Magnusson II; Son Osbert I succeeds to the throne
2797 9281 302 Red Plague returns and strikes central Kingdoms of Foere again; Much of the
kingdom’s central territories are depopulated due to the high death toll; Plague
claims Overking Osbert I who is succeeded by his son Osbert II; Asterian Order
decimated by plague
2804 9288 309 Abbey of the Asterian Order abandoned
3153 9637 658 Thyrian migrants reoccupy Abbey of the Asterian Order
3517 10,001 1022 Current year
* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

Ones of Yolbiac Vale greatly reduced, leaving the wards The will of the Hyperboreans was soon tested as a weakening
of Asteria Point to weaken untended. With the coming of the druidic wards allowed a new invasion of the point, and
of the Hyperboreans and gods, a new force entered the only after hard-fought battles were the mountain lands once
lands of Akados bringing their own peace on the tail end again secured and the remaining Lunites hunted down. The
of conquest. As the Hyperboreans exerted their influence Asterian Order was founded by the church to put an end to
even into the remote regions of the Cretian Mountains, the atrocities of lunar creatures on the surrounding Valefolk,
they were met by a delegation of the remaining druids who as civilization began to move into the area. Over time the
still called the Vale home and were told of the invasions incursions were largely forgotten and the assumption of the
and the continuing threat posed by Asteria Point. In return abbey as nothing more than an astronomical observatory came
for a peaceful transition of the remnant tribes of Yolbiac into vogue, but the Order’s true purpose remained to watch
Vale to habitation by Hyperborean settlers, the Church the skies for signs of renewed threatening lunar activity, which
of Thyr agreed to undertake the duty of guarding against might herald new potential incursions. Its true purpose, that is,
further incursions of the lunar invaders. until even memory of that among the Order was lost.

To this isolated and frozen mountain top come the STARTING THE ADVENTURE
heroes who stumble upon this ancient secret and a dire
The adventure begins with the player characters in the
threat to the existence of everyone at the abbey as they stay
town of Coelum, the nominal capital of the disparate folk
there during the three nights of the full moon.
of Yolbiac Vale. Why the PCs are in the Vale is entirely up to
them, but its forested depths are known for their wilderness
and adventure, so the presence of adventurers is extremely
ADVENTURE SUMMARY common. Shortly after their arrival in town, the PCs are
The party is sent to a lonely mountain abbey on the first met by an out-of-breath young acolyte in training from
day of the full moon to look into the disappearance of the Temple of Thyr. He bears a brusque summons to the
two of its brothers. At the abbey, the party finds only four temple by Tholberon of Thyr, the local high priest and the
monks remain of the ancient order that once occupied the highest religious authority in the entire Vale. Assuming the
fortress-like monastery with its magical, stargazing oculus. PCs agree to accompany the flustered young man to the
While interacting with the brothers over dinner the first temple, he takes them into the presence of Tholberon of
night, the PCs realize that there are many secrets hiding Thyr (LG male old human cleric of Thyr 9) and Luald the
in the abbey — possibly more than just the disappearance Witch-Hunter (LG male human inquisitorAPG of Thyr 7).
of the two monks. The abbot tells the PCs that the monks Read the following description.
disappeared while exploring in the ancient crypts beneath
the abbey but then confides in them that he thinks a The temple of Thyr in Coelum is no great affair, a rather shaky-
werewolf has been stalking the mountains and is what looking assemblage of moss-grown timbers and fitted stone.
actually took the monks. This statement is punctuated by Whatever comprises the materials of its roof is completely hidden
the howl of some great wolf echoing across the mountains. beneath the moss and even what appear to be small shrubs and a
sizable sapling that grow upon it. Within is little better with poor
lighting, worse ventilation, and the musty smell of mildew.
The next day the party begins its investigation and can
explore the abbey as well as the crypt and surrounding
grounds. They also begin to experience the strange
phenomena and circumstances that surround the abbey,
from superstitious peasants to restless elven ghosts. In the
abbey’s catacombs they discover one of the dead brothers,
slain by undead long sealed within the crypt. They also
discover the presence of more undead and hints of a danger
upon the mountain that predates even the coming of the
holy order. The PCs begin to understand that the magical
oculus may have something to do with an ancient standing
stone that sits upon the mountain’s peak. The discovery
of a female werewolf stalking the abbey leads the party to
the second missing brother, now infected with lycanthropy
compounding the troubles of the abbey.

The party can continue its investigations until finally on

the third night of the moon things come to a head when
one of the monks betrays his brother. It is revealed that this
brother has an ancient connection to aberrant creatures
from the moon in his bloodline which has allowed a
moon-beast long petrified within the standing stone to
gain control of his mind. Using that monk’s body and the
blood of the slain abbot, the moon-beast intends to open a
bridge to the moon through which lunar invaders ravaged
the lands millennia ago until stopped and the abbey was
erected to guard against further incursions. The party
must race to the mountain top battling an ever-increasing
number of lunar invaders to finally confront the moon-
beast and close the breach between worlds once and for all.

You are ushered into a small cluttered reading room where you for trouble just in case. He can’t tell the PCs much about
find an acerbic-looking, bespectacled older fellow dressed in the the situation stating only that Abbot Quilm sent a short,
vestments of a Thyrian priest seated at a darkwood table. Glowering vaguely worded letter asking for help, which Tholberon
behind him stands a tall man who makes his seated compatriot has since misplaced.
seem cheery in comparison. Hooded, dark eyes peer at you intensely
above hollow, pock-marked cheeks and a great beak of a nose. He
If the PCs ask any questions about the Asterian Order,
wears an ornate breastplate, spotted with rust, and rests his hand
it quickly becomes apparent that he knows little about
casually on the hilt of a sword hanging from his belt. From the
it. It is small (he’s not sure exactly how small) and they
sour, curdled smell emanating from his presence, you get the idea he
generally stay up on the mountain tending to their own
doesn’t remove the breastplate to bathe very often.
affairs. They receive a small (very small) stipend from the
“Please come in,” the seated man states, “and close the door High Altar of Thyr in Bard’s GateLL8-23,178 every few months
behind you. Child Roland, you may wait in the hall.” The young with which supplies and the few necessaries for its
acolyte swiftly departs under the elder’s scrutiny, which then shifts maintenance are purchased and delivered by local carters,
to you. He does not offer you seats, and there are none present in but other than that they are largely self-sufficient and
any case. keep to themselves. He quickly adds somewhat smugly
that he also knows the order is in good standing with
“I am Tholberon of Thyr, High Priest of Coelum and Justiciar the Church of Thyr, as he would not allow any form of
of the Vale. This is Luald the Witch-Hunter.” He indicates the apostasy to proliferate on his watch. A DC 22 Sense Motive
man standing behind him who doesn’t so much as blink at the can detect a small hint of falseness, though this is merely
introduction. “I am told that you are newly arrived and hungry for regarding his role in affairs in Yolbiac Vale. While he is
work. I don’t care about any of that, but you look like adventurers the highest-ranking member of Thyrian in the clergy, his
of some mettle so I have a job for you if you are up to it.” proclamations of “High Priest of Coelum” and “Justiciar
of the Vale” are entirely self-appointed. Any further
He doesn’t wait for a response before pressing ahead. “There queries receive a snort of derision and the comment that
is a small abbey to our faith in the mountains not far from here he’s too busy to play question games and that they can ask
called the Asterian Order. I have just yesterday received a letter around if they need to know anything else.
from its abbot advising that two of the brothers at the abbey
have disappeared under mysterious circumstances within the last
week. They are a small order and can ill afford the losses to even ASKING AROUND TOWN
maintain the upkeep of the place much less serve the will of Thyr. If the PCs seek further information about the abbey or
However, such a remote outpost doesn’t warrant the attentions the Asterian Order in general, they can use Diplomacy
of the Witch-Hunter or the Knights of the Swan, so I turn to you checks to gather information as they ask around Coelum
instead, newcomers. while they equip themselves for their journey. Though
“Luald’s instincts tell him you’re trustworthy enough—” the neither Tholberon nor the Witch-Hunter have anything
standing fellow still has yet to make any movement more than further to say to them, there are a total of 2 priests and 2
breathing. “And you seem affordable. So can I count on you to acolytes in training at the local temple in addition to 10
head up to the abbey and sort out what’s going on up there? I’d itinerant priests who proselytize the Vale of which 1d4+2
wager either the brothers have run away or gotten drunk and are present in Coelum at any given time. If the PCs think
fallen off a cliff, but Abbot Quilm seems to be in a tizzy over it, so to question any of them, they gain a +2 bonus on their
sending you is the least I can do.” checks. Knowledge (local) checks can also be attempted,
with characters native to Yolbiac Vale gaining a +2 bonus
He looks at you over the rim of the half-moon spectacles perched on such checks. Consult the table below to determine what
on the end of his nose as he awaits your answer. each PC knows or has learned. They obtain the information
for the DC they rolled as well as any DCs below their check.

If the PCs accept the job, Tholberon tells them that

the abbey lies 3 days’ travel to the north on the side of ADDITIONAL RESEARCH
a mountain called Asteria Point and can be reached by It’s possible that the PCs might want to ask around on
following a little-used road from Coelum. He thinks that additional topics as well. A few of these are included below
the trip shouldn’t be overly dangerous but that you can as well as the skill check and DC to find the information.
never tell with travel in the Vale outside the confines of As above, PCs who are local gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge
“civilized” towns, so he recommends they be prepared (local) checks.

DC Result
10 No one dares go up on the slopes of Asteria Point except those crazy clerics of the Asterian Order. That’s
because Asteria Point is the home of the old gods.
15 That abbey has stood on mountain for centuries. It was once a very prominent religious site in the Vale but fell
on hard times many years ago. No one goes up there much, and the brothers rarely come down.
20 The abbey on Asteria Point is an observatory where priests study the moons and stars in the clear air of the
high mountains. They take omens from the movements of the celestial bodies and learn the future.
25 Much of Yolbiac Vale’s population was wiped out by the Red Plague 700 years ago, and the abbey was abandoned
for centuries afterwards. Thyrian priests only arrived to repair and reoccupy the place a couple centuries ago,
though the abbey has never risen to the prominence it once had.
30 Wild elves known as the Eldest once inhabited Yolbiac Vale. They would never go on Asteria Point. No one
knows why, though if anyone did it would be one of the few druids that are left in the Vale.

Knights of the Swan old erected a standing stone upon the mountains peak sacred
DC 20 Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge (nobility) to the true gods of old. He can provide no further information,
The Order of the Swan is a company of itinerant knights quickly losing his train of thought if pressed further.
based out of the castle of Sir Thyrian de Swan 20 miles
north of Coelum. They devote themselves to hunting down THE ORDER OF THE SWAN
the horrors of the wilds to protect the civilized folk of the If the PCs elect to travel to the castle of Sir Thyrian de Swan
Vale from the dark denizens that would otherwise prey north of Coelum, it will require at least 2 day’s travel to get
upon themLL5. there and back (unless they have magical means of travel),
though the knights will lodge them within the castle for
Local Druids standard lodging prices. Once there the PCs will be able
DC 15 Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge to briefly meet with Sir Thyrian de Swan (LG male human
(religion); Druids gain a +5 bonus on this check paladin of Muir 12)LL5-153. He is friendly and knowledgeable
of the Vale. He can relate any of the information available
One of the Vale’s druids, a white-robed old man called the under Asking Around Town or Additional Research
Drogas Mondu tends a grove and sacred cromlech just above. He has heard of the Asterian Order and its abbey
outside of townLL5. but has no special knowledge of it. He can also confirm,
as Tholberon previously stated, that his knights are much
Luald the Witch-Hunter too busy patrolling the Vale and battling its dangers to
DC 10 Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge (religion); spare any men to check in on a few cloistered monks up
Followers of Thyr gain a +5 bonus on this check, questioning in the mountains, though he heartily endorses the PCs
clergy at the Temple of Thyr likewise grants a +5 bonus for the undertaking and can even provide them with an
additional 50 gp each from the knights’ own coffers if they
The Witch-Hunter is the churches local inquisitor and will swear to assist the clerics of the Asterian Order in any
Tholberon’s attack dog. He’s got a sword called “Deadman” way possible.
that can sniff out evil in any form. The man’s a true zealot,
but he’s fair and he’s saved a lot of folks from danger in the
forests over the yearsLL5. Though he won’t bring it up himself, if asked about
payment he’ll assure the PCs that Abbot Quilm will see
to that. However, if they succeed at a DC 20 Diplomacy
THE DROGAS MONDU check he’ll reluctantly offer to front them 50 gp each
If the PCs seek out this old druid, they can find him as to equip themselves, grumbling all the while about the
described under Asking Around Town above tending to his responsibilities of his position. (Despite being fairly
sacred cromlech and muttering prayers in Druidic to such disagreeable and generally unpleasant, Tholberon is
beings as Bel, Myrddin, and AnnawnLL5. He is friendly if a bit lawful good and truly does take his mission for the
doddering in his twilight years but can provide them with church seriously.) Luald remains taciturn throughout the
some information if questioned about Asteria Point and they interview. It should quickly become obvious to the PCs that
succeed on a DC 15 Diplomacy check. If the check is successful, if they don’t elect to help the inhabitants of the abbey, they
he will relate that long before the clerics of the “new god” (as are unlikely to receive any help at all.
he calls the ancient deity Thyr) built their house, the druids of

The trip up the mountain to the Abbey of the Asterian
Order is uneventful unless you wish to add some wilderness
encounters to spice it up. Wilderness encounters tables
suitable for Yolbiac Vale can be found on page 231 of LL5:
Borderland Provinces by Frog God Games, or you can use
your own encounters suitable for temperate mountains.
The adventure is set at altitudes between 5,000 and
15,000 feet, so use the “Low Peak or High Pass” attitude
zone from Chapter 13 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Core Rulebook. At this altitude non-acclimated characters
must make a DC 15 (+1 per previous check) Fortitude save
each hour or become fatigued due to the thin air. Once
a character recovers from fatigue the save DC starts over
again. Everyone and everything the PCs encounter in this
adventure will be acclimated to the altitude, so Fortitude
saves will not be required for them.

Regardless of the PCs’ means of travel, they arrive at the

abbey late in the day. It is the first night of Luna the Pale
Sister’s full moon, though do not relate this to the players
unless they ask for the information.
The western sky glows red as the sun sinks behind the sharp
peaks of the Cretian Mountains and the winds blow cold. The
path leading up to the site is well-worn but very rough; many of
the stones that mark the rugged road are broken or missing and
ruts and potholes are frequent. The abbey’s bluestone walls are served in approximately a quarter of an hour. Hector then
windswept and marked with lichen but look to have stood the politely excuses himself and leaves to freshen up while he
test of time and the freezing weather for centuries with signs of informs the abbot of their arrival.
more recent patches and repairs. Though its grandeur has faded,
the main building is solidly built and appears to be somewhat
The PCs have a few moments to examine their rooms and
well maintained. However, the surrounding grounds and the
wash off some of the trail dust, but there is little time to
outbuildings are decrepit and run-down, slowly surrendering to
really explore, as within minutes Brother Hakkan (see
time, gravity, and the elements.
Appendix B) arrives and beckons them to follow him to
the refectory (A20) for dinner. If the PCs engage him in
Brother Hector (see Appendix B page 63) greets the PCs at conversation, they notice he has a marked stutter and his
the door of the abbey (A13) and enthusiastically welcomes speech is occasionally awkward as if he is unsure what to
them inside. He informs them the abbot is expecting them say. When the PCs arrive at the refectory, proceed with
and looks forward to meeting them over dinner as he Event 1 below.
guides them towards their rooms. As he walks, he chatters
incessantly, his hands waving excitedly as he discusses the
abbey’s architecture and his own life at the abbey. He stops INVESTIGATING THE ABBEY
in a long corridor (A16a) and points to the simple wooden Once the PCs arrive, they find an ever-more-tangled web
doors that line the corridor on both sides. He informs the of mystery that grows only deeper with the passage of
PCs that these will be their quarters while they are at the time. Other than the abbey itself (area A), there are several
abbey. Hector tells the PCs that they are warmly invited locations which are central to the adventure. The abbey’s
to join the monks for their evening repast, which will be catacombs (area B) are inhabited by the restless dead, and

there is the ominous standing stone at the peak of Asteria Day 3 (between lauds and nons)
Point (area C) which holds a vital significance. The PCs The fog clears, but the day is an oppressive gray with
may also attempt to hunt down the werewolf that prowls ominous clouds roiling across the sky. The mangled body
the rugged hills near the abbey to the wolf ’s lair (area D). of Brother Belphorus is found just outside the abbey
Locations A and B are described in Chapter 1, and C and D (see Event 12: Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise). Believing that
are described in Chapter 2. Belphorus was killed by a werewolf, Abbot Quilm beseeches
the PCs to hunt down the beast, if he hasn’t done so already
(see Event 6: Wolfsbane). The PCs can also continue their
OUTLINE OF EVENTS investigations in and around the abbey.
The following is an outline of the events that take place over
the three days of the full moon at the Asterian abbey. Much
of this adventure is designed to allow freeform interactions Day 3 (between vespers and compline)
by the party as they pursue various leads to discover the The clouds clear away late in the day leaving the night
terrible truth of what is occurring at the abbey. Feel free sky luminous under the white light of the full moon.
to rearrange or alter events in response to the PCs’ actions, Momentous events occur in quick succession, a wounded
reserving the climactic encounter for the adventure’s end. werewolf (Event 13: Brother Wolf) leads to revelations at
Events 1-3 are described in Chapter 1, and Events 4–17 are the abbey (Event 14: A Broken Order) and a desperate climb
described in Chapter 2. up Asteria Point (Event 15: Moonlit Ascent) concluding
with a climatic final battle at the mountain peak (Event 16:
Moonfire and Event 17: The Bridgehead).
Day 1 (after vespers)
The PCs arrive at the abbey and share a meal with the monks
(Event 1: Dinner with the Brothers). After dinner the abbot CHAPTER 1 EVENTS
shows the PCs the abbey’s magical oculus (Event 2: The Oculus).
The following events occur on the first night of the PCs’
Holy offices (Event 3: The Offices) are kept by the monks and
arrival at the abbey. The timing of the events is given as the
continue throughout the adventure unless interrupted.
day on which they occur as well as where they lie in relation
to the times that the abbey celebrates the holy offices (see
Day 2 (between lauds and vespers) Event 3: The Offices).
Although the day is colder than the previous one, the wind dies
down and low clouds bring a thick fog (Event 4: The Drawing
of the Veil). The PCs can search the abbey (area A), explore the
catacombs and tackle the problems within (area B), as well as
trek up Asteria Point to survey the standing stone at the peak Day 1: after vespers
(area C). The first time the PCs ascend the mountain they are Location: the refectory (A20)
caught in a strange thunderstorm (see Event 5: Unseasonal
Weather). Abbot Quilm may also ask the PCs to hunt down Brother Hakkan escorts you into the refectory for the evening
the werewolf menacing the abbey depending on how things meal. The large fireplace at the end of the hall provides adequate
go at dinner the previous eveing (see Event 1: Dinner with warmth to the room and the pleasant smell of cooking wafts out
the Brothers and Event 6: Wolfsbane). In addition to these from a door at the end of the hall. The delicious aroma along
possibilities, the abbey experiences the arrival of unexpected with the sudden clatter of pans indicates that the kitchen can be
guests (Event 7: The Hidden Bell) and unexpected ghosts found within. An elderly monk with a hooked nose and withered
(Event 8: Return of the Eldest). countenance, wearing the finer robes of the abbot, sits at the head
of the long table with his head bowed seemingly in prayer. Brother
Hakkan points you to benches along the sides of the table while
Day 2 (after vespers) he sits next to the odd-looking Brother Hector who greeted you
After dark the chilly fog continues to cover the abbey upon your initial arrival at the abbey. Almost immediately a large,
and the surrounding land, making the air glisten in the grimy, bearded monk emerges from the kitchen door carrying a
bright moonlight. Several unusual occurrences take place large tureen of vegetable soup and places it at the head of the
this evening involving the brothers (see Event 9: Brothers table with a thump, which seems to jolt the elderly abbot from his
Behaving Badly) and a gruesome warning (Event 10: A Dire reverie with a start. He looks around, blinking, for a moment or
Warning) and concluding with the abbey’s magical oculus two before his eyes alight upon you and a mirthless toothy smile
pointing at the standing stone on the mountain peak (see draws across his face.
Event 11: The Eye Sees All).

Once the PCs have been served their soup, the Abbot fills
the conversational void by telling the party a little about the
abbey. He tells them that the abbey has proudly stood for
many centuries, since the days of the Hyperborean Empire.
He can relate the information for DCs 15, 20, and 25 under
Asking Around Town in the Introduction, if the PCs have
not already heard it. He also proudly informs them the
Church of Thyr — the largest and most prestigious faith
at that time — used its considerable resources to install a
magical oculus that allows them study the night skies in
extreme detail and clarity. He offers to show the PCs the
wondrous oculus after the meal.

At this point a particularly loud crash from the kitchen causes

Brother Hakkan to jump and blink repeatedly before settling
back in, after which Abbot Quilm resumes his lesson. He states
that the abbey never truly recovered from the devastation of the
plague and, though later reoccupied by the much-diminished
order, now stands upon its lonely mountain, forgotten, and
occupied by only a handful of loyal monks who carry on the
“Welcome, guests. I’m so glad you have arrived. I am Abbot mission of the Asterian Order. Quilm concludes by reciting
Quilm. Please join us in our humble repast as we break bread and the Asterian Order’s vows to ever observe the greater and lesser
give thanks for the blessing of Thyr.” moons, Luna and Sybil, and perform the sacred astronomical
studies of the skies. A DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check recalls
no particular connection between the worship of Thyr and the
At each course of the meal, each PC can attempt to make an study of celestial bodies or events, but there is no detectable
Influence check on one of the brothers as described under falsehood in the abbot’s words.
“Dinner Conversation” below.
Allow each PC to make an Influence check as described
The First Course under “Dinner Conversation” below.
Brothers Hakkan and Hector are seated to the left of Abbot
Quilm, and Brother Belphorus takes a seat across from
The Second Course
them, leaving the rest of the ample table room for the PCs to
Brother Belphorus soon comes out of the kitchen,
find their places. The good abbot invites everyone to sit and
wheeling a kitchen trolley with one hand while holding a
makes introductions all around. Then, picking up the first
large roasted potato in the other. He bites into the potato
bowl in the stack in front of him, he begins ladling soup into
with gusto as he unloads a large covered dish onto the
it before passing it to Brother Hector who proceeds to pass
center of the table and places the now-empty soup tureen
it down the table as the abbot fills the next bowl and repeats
on the cart. A delicious smell wafts from the platter, and
the process. This continues until a bowl of savory, steaming
Belphorus lifts the lid to reveal a roast joint surrounded by
soup has been placed in front of everyone.
herb-roasted vegetables. Abbot Quilm begins carving the
roast and filling plates to be passed around the table while
Brother Hector smiles benignly at the PCs but licks his Brother Belphorus pours a weak wine into clay mugs for
lips and blinks his bulging eyes as he smells each bowl everyone. As he works, Abbot Quilm indicates that such a
that he passes. Brother Hakkan is sits nervously, wringing fine repast not the order’s normal fare but is in honor of
his hands as he shoots occasional surreptitious glances at the PCs’ arrival. If asked how he was aware of their arrival,
the abbot and the PCs while passing the bowls. Brother he explains that the road to the abbey is visible farther
Belphorus quickly slurps down the first bowl to stop in down the mountain, so the brothers became aware of the
front of him, slopping a noticeable amount over the front of PCs approach several hours ago.
his robes. He scratches his chin through his beard amiably
before standing and wandering back into the kitchen to
Allow each PC to make an Influence check as described
carry on with his cooking duties.
under “Dinner Conversation” below.

There is a lull in conversation as everyone digs into the table. He loads the empty plates and trays on the cart and
main dish, and Brother Hector takes this opportunity to pushes it back to the kitchen door, giving it a shove into
start speaking excitedly about some sort of glyphs he has the room. A definite crash can be heard as the trolley hits
found on an ancient stone monument atop Asteria Point. something but Belphorus ignores this and saunters back
He describes them in excruciating detail yet manages to to the table, sits down with a massive thump on the bench
convey very little true information in his excite, staccato and a sigh of delight as he takes in the sight of the sweet.
utterances. He admits he has yet to translate their His look lasts only a moment before he devours it with
meaning and repeatedly explains how excited he is at great gusto. After finishing his desert, Brother Belphorus
finding them, pondering what their meaning might be. gets up again and trundles to the kitchen, returning with a
The other monks exchange polite looks between them at small keg of ale and places it on the end of the table. Abbot
Brother Hector’s ongoing tirade giving the impression Quilm rolls his eyes and shakes his head as Belphorus fills
this is not the first time he has shared his enthusiasm on everyone’s cups and downs his own in a few gulps, refilling
the topic. As Brother Hector begins stating his belief of it again and quaffing it just as quickly.
their great importance to the abbey, Abbot Quilm finally
interrupts by calling out to Brother Belphorus and asking
Allow each PC to make a final Influence check as
when the dessert will arrive. This has the effect of cutting
described under “Dinner Conversation” below.
off Brother Hector’s rambling stream, and he subsides
with a resigned smile, obviously accustomed to being
silenced by the other monks. Brother Belphorus gruffly Over dessert, Abbot Quilm somberly tells the PCs
replies that it will be ready in a moment and rises to make that the order’s numbers have dwindled even further
his way to the kitchen in the awkward silence. very recently, as two of the brothers have disappeared in
the last month. Brothers Tyberus and Fagen have both
mysteriously vanished. His fingers start to tremble, and
If the PCs did not learn of the standing stone atop the
he quickly clenches them and lowers his hands into his
peak by speaking with the Drogas Mondu in Coelum,
lap, hiding them in his robes. Brother Hakkan fiddles
Abbot Quilm can relate to them the information about it
nervously with his spoon while Brother Hector looks on
if he is asked, though he does not reference the “true old
uncomfortably. Quilm tells the PCs that Brother Fagen was
gods” as the old druid does.
last seen in the vicinity of the crypts roughly 10 days ago,
where he was working to decipher some ancient writings
Any conversation at this point is interrupted by eerie howl he had found within. Brother Tyberus disappeared the
that echoes from somewhere outside on the mountain, its same day, and the abbot believes he may have gone down
final notes ending in a snarling bark. Brother Belphorus to assist Fagen in the crypt. Abbot Quilm’s voice becomes
flinches slightly at the sound in midstride and rushes off lower and his eyes become hooded as he tells of his fears
to the kitchen, his face pale and a sweat rising on his brow. that the crypt is tainted with restless undead. He asks the
Abbot Quilm shoots to his feet and crosses quickly to the party to enter the crypt and clear out the corruption that
nearest window, dragging the heavy drapes closed before lurks below, and if possible, find and rescue the missing
moving along to the next window to repeat the action. He Brothers. Hakkan’s eyes dart to Quilm as he speaks of the
seats himself again and makes a muttered comment about crypt, his eyes drop to his plate and he begins muttering
the necessity of keeping the curtains drawn in the evenings to himself and rocking again, wrapping his arms around
to hold out the night’s chill. Brother Hector’s eyes slide himself as he whispers to himself. The dinner finishes on
in a sideways glance toward the abbot as Brother Hakken this dour note.
hunches forward in his seat and starts rocking back and
forth on the wooden bench. It doesn’t require a Sense Motive
check to determine that all of the monks are disturbed by DINNER CONVERSATION
the eerie cry. A DC 5 Knowledge (nature) check can identify The PCs have the opportunity to attempt to influence
the howl as that of a wolf, though if the check succeeds at DC the monks at the dinner. Three times during the dinner
20 or higher it is identified as that of a dire wolf. each PC can attempt an Influence check by make a Bluff
check (to pretend to be friendly), a Diplomacy check (to be
genuine), or a skill check mentioned in the NPC’s social
The Third Course stat block. The PCs earn 1 additional success for every 5
Brother Belphorus soon appears again with his cart, this points by which the check exceeds the listed DC. Once an
time laden with steaming bowls of treacle dumpling. He NPC has been successfully influenced a number of times
places each one down unceremoniously in front of everyone equal to the number listed under Successes Needed, he is
and then thumps a large pot of cream in the center of the considered friendly toward the party and reveals his boon.

Note that at this point these rules override the standard BROTHER BELPHORUS
rules for influencing a NPC as provided in Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue. Personality jovial, complacent, and self-indulgent
Influence Profession (food related: baker, brewer,
Alternatively, a PC may forgo an Influence check to
butcher, cook, farmer, fisherman, gardener,
instead attempt a Discovery check to learn more about a innkeeper, or miller) DC 20
given monk. The PCs can gain information by studying Successes Needed 1 check
an NPC’s behavior, remembering key facts, and intuiting Boon When Abbot Quilm speaks of the missing
motivations, this is a Sense Motive check or a skill check Brothers (during the “The Third Course”), Belphorus
mentioned in the NPC’s social stat block. If successful, the
PCs learn valuable information about the character. This
points out that Brother Tyberus was a bit of a hermit
also grants the PCs a +2 circumstance bonus on any future and probably would not have wanted to spend a
Influence checks against that target. large amount of time stuck with Brother Fagen in
the confined quarters of the crypts.
Discovery Knowledge (nature) or Handle Animal*
Personality vague, pompous, and doddering Advantage There is something about Belphorus
Influence Knowledge (religion) DC 22 that makes animals uncomfortable around him.
Successes Needed 2 checks Whether this has something to do with his scent
Boon Quilm tells the PCs that he has more details or is a combination of factors, not even the animal
about the disappearances in his office (A17) and itself can discern, but any animal quickly becomes
that he will explain further tomorrow. When in uneasy in his presence. This part of Belphorus’
private with the PCs, Quilm reveals his fears nature has made him quite wary of animals as they
that one (or more) of the monks at the abbey seem to have a tendency to lash out at him.
has been infected with lycanthropy and become * The PCs can only use the Handle Animal skill on this
an evil, bloodthirsty werewolf. He didn’t want discovery check if there is an animal or animal-like
to reveal this in front of the others for fear of creature, such as a familiar, at the dinner.
tipping off “the werewolf ”. If the PCs successfully
influence Quilm and gain his boon, he gives
the PCs this information in the morning before
they enter the crypts rather than after. See Event Personality callow, deferential, timid, anxious, and
6: Wolfsbane for more details. However, Abbot mistrustful
Quilm still needs the PCs to investigate the Influence Knowledge (history) DC 26
crypts, to hopefully find evidence of foul play by Successes Needed 3 checks
the werewolf. Boon The PCs overcome Hakkan’s suspicions
Discovery Heal DC 22 enough that he is prepared to mutter that the
Advantage Quilm has a form of degenerative Order once had a greater purpose which was
senility which will worsen as time goes on. This more profound than starwatching. At this point
affliction means he almost certainly has cognitive Hakkan doesn’t know very much about the
and memory issues, including struggling with Order’s true purpose, but he has found clues in
following multistep processes and having trouble certain texts and suspects that Abbot Quilm is
articulating himself because he sometimes can’t keeping these secrets from the rest of the Order.
recall simple words or names. Quilm also has If questioned any further about this, Hakkan
difficulties remembering the details of recent repeatedly mumbles that he doesn’t know.
events and often lives in the past. Discovery Profession (scribe) or Craft (calligraphy,
books) DC 23

Advantage Hakkan is an introverted young
man who struggles with social interaction THE HOLY OFFICES OF THE ABBEY
and noticing nonverbal cues. He also lacks As is evident from the description above, the holy offices
an understanding of those around him and of the abbey are loosely based upon the seven canonical
often misses social prompts. Hakkan prefers hours or officium divinum of the Roman Catholic Church
and other religious groups. However, because the
repetitive activities and structured routines, number seven bears no especial significance in the faiths
such as copying text from manuscripts, and of Lloegyr while the numbers four — as the perfect four
deviation from these habits causes him stress. sides in the two-dimensional representation of the
Something is agitating and deeply worrying Blessed TesseractLL1-4 (i.e. a square) — and three — for
Hakkan at the moment. manifold reasons from the universal Rule of Three to,
more specifically in the Thyrian faith, the veneration
of the Three Gods (the siblings Thyr and Muir and the
BROTHER HECTOR mysterious “Unknown God”ST-731) — do, there are only
four holy offices. Of these three are considered primarch
Personality enthusiastic, fixated, and verbose (or of prime importance in daily practice) and one is
Influence Linguistics DC 21 considered secundarch (of secondary importance).
Successes Needed 1 check Likewise, they are based on the clock and means of
Boon Hector offers to make the PCs a detailed copy timekeeping of the Lost Lands*, as opposed to that of
the original canonical hours.
of his sketches of the runes from the standing
stone on Asteria Point.
Discovery Knowledge (arcana) DC 25 The three primarch offices are:
Advantage The PCs notice that Hector’s frog- Lauds – takes place at the 6th hour prime (6 AM);
morning wakeup and breakfast, greets the day with praise
like appearance is most likely caused by an
Nons – takes place at Non (noon); midday meal,
abnormal magical bloodline. Hector knows provides a break for rest and thanksgiving in the midst
nothing of this and none of his family as ever of the day’s labors
displayed any such traits. The PCs only gain Vespers – takes place at the 6th hour non (6 PM);
the influence check circumstance bonus if they evening meal, ends the formal day’s labor with a time
draw Hector’s attention to his unusual ancestry for rest and reflection
and describe it in positive terms, such as
calling it “a gift”. Implying that it is abnormal The secundarch office is:
or strange only serves to fluster and embarrass Compline – takes place at Prime (midnight); completion
Hector. of the daily liturgical hours; exists as a nightly vigil
to beseech the gods for strength, forgiveness, and
perseverance against the trials of the world.
*The Lost Lands clock is based on counting hours from
Day 1: after vespers the Prime (midnight) and Non (noon).LL7-367
Location: the observatory (A23)

After dinner, Abbot Quilm offers to show the PCs the

abbey’s magical oculus. He guides them up to area A23 and EVENT 3: THE OFFICES
explains how the magical apparatus works. At some point
during this conversation, a shadow momentarily passes Daily: lauds, nons, vespers, and compline
across the moon in the oculus lens but no details of what
Location: chapel of Thyr (A28)
caused it can be discerned. After concluding this brief tour,
the PCs are free to make their way back to their quarters to
rest up for the day ahead. Despite being woefully shorthanded, the congregation at
Asteria Point is a functioning abbey. Therefore, they follow

the holy offices of the church at the prescribed hours — at walls are superior masonry and require a DC 25 Climb check
least the primarch offices. The three offices that the brothers to climb. Interior walls are masonry treated with a layer of
of the abbey follow daily are lauds (at 6 AM), nons (at noon), plaster, increasing the Climb DC to 30 unless the plaster is
and vespers (at 6 PM). Because of the how short-staffed the first chipped off to expose the masonry beneath.
brothers are, they typically do not perform the secundarch
office of compline (at midnight) except on holy days and other Tucked into an isolated hollow on the slope of the mountain
special occasions. Each of the services takes place in the chapel and constructed of dark bluestone hauled up from the valley, the
(A28) and lasts 15 to 30 minutes with Abbot Quilm leading the Asterian Abbey has survived for centuries but is showing signs
other brothers in prayer, hymns, and scripture readings. The of its age. It consists of a massive double tower with an adjacent
PCs are invited to attend these services but are not required to chapterhouse of probably later construction squatting next to it. To
do so, though any clerics of Thyr will be looked upon poorly its south a partly crumbled low wall surrounds the abbey grounds,
by the brothers for failing to maintain the holy offices. extending almost all the way to the cliff’s edge. Built to signify the
place’s seclusion from the outside world, the walled grounds also
provides a partial windbreak from the icy air as it flows across the
There is little applicable information to be gained high, exposed landscape.
for the party’s investigation other than knowing where
the brothers will be at certain hours of the day. Brother
Belphorus is excused from the offices since his duties as A rocky dirt track leads up to the abbey. One branch of it
cook require him to prepare the meals that the brothers ends at steps leading to the main front gate, and the other
will be partaking after the services’ conclusion. branch wraps around to the gate into the walled grounds.
This is the only road linking the abbey to civilization and is
mainly used to bring supplies and food that can’t be grown
A. THE ASTERIAN ABBEY or produced at the abbey.
Located in the upper foothills of the Cretian Mountains,
the Asterian abbey sits on a piece of level ground on the
lower reaches of Asteria Point overlooking the countryside A1. ABBEY GROUNDS
below. Due to its elevation above sea level, the temperature A pair of wrought iron gates mark the main entry to the abbey
is almost always cold, and it is not unusual to see the abbey grounds. The gates are black with age and heavily rusted but the
surrounded by snow long after winter is over. abbey’s symbol of a silver cross attached to a white stone disk is
affixed to the iron and looks clean and cared for. Writing appears to
The abbey itself is constructed of thick bluestone blocks adorn the margins of this disk. A 7-foot stone wall extends from the
and was originally designed as a defensive fortification. The base of the tower before turning almost at the cliff’s edge. A section
abbey’s outer wall was never designed as a defense because of the cliff appears to have crumbled at some time in the past and
simple battlements of any height would never stop a flying taken a portion of this wall with it. Within the enclosure, the grounds
enemy. In any case, the abbey’s low outer wall has also poignantly reinforce the feeling of the abbey’s fall from prominence, its
collapsed due to age in several places, making it a simple once grand gardens are now a straggling mix of weeds, overgrown
matter to bypass both the gates. Over time the abbey has flower beds, and patchy grass. A path leads from the towns to a
changed with windows and arrow slits enlarged to allow postern gate on the abbey’s main tower, and a second gate exits from
in more sunlight and the chapterhouse built to extend the the back of the grounds towards the rugged mountains.
abbey. Small signs of this fortification remain, such as the
extremely solid outer doors of the main entrance and the The gates are closed with a simple latch and their design
massive bar designed to secure them, which lies forgotten hints at a time when the abbey was much grander. A DC
in the deserted monastic cells (A13). 5 Knowledge (religion) check is sufficient to identify the
symbol on the gate as that of the abbey’s patron deity, Thyr,
Each level in the abbey is 20 feet apart. Ceilings are 15 feet and a closer look at the writing on the disk reveals the
high unless otherwise noted with 5 feet of supporting beams, words “Justice”, “Order” and “Peace” intricately inscribed
ceiling planks, and stone flooring between, except for the around the edges.
rooms on the ground level. These have only 8-foot ceilings
with beams and mortared stone separating them from the A well stands in the center of the yard and provides fresh,
level above. Rooms with windows have natural sunlight icy cold water to the inhabitants of the abbey. A straggly
providing at least dim illumination during daylight hours. garden grows at the tower’s base, and to the south signs of
All inhabited or frequently used rooms likewise have oil the old formal gardens are still apparent, but these have
lamps that can be lit to provide visibility after dark. Exterior fallen into disorder and ruin over the long years. It is still

possible to see the shape of the original garden path stones lye soap, scrub brushes, liniment, wash rags, and sackcloth
amid the weeds and scraggly bushes. towels. Partitions to the south have hanging curtains that
can be closed for privacy in dressing and undressing.
Around behind the building, a trough has been dug into
The southeastern portion of the grounds has been made
the hard ground that drains towards crevices at the base of
into a graveyard and bears the crooked forms of dozens
the mountain slope. This serves the monks as a privy.
of cross-shaped headstones marking where past brothers
of the abbey have been interred. Anyone examining these
headstones finds that each bears the name of a single monk A4. SMITHY
and a death date sometime within the last three centuries. This small smithy is sufficiently equipped to handle the
The most recent is a Brother Herosephus who died twelve mundane repairs of the abbey. Fashioning or repairing
years ago. When the abbey was reoccupied following the armor or weapons requires the tools and skills available
Red Plague, the brothers chose to start a new cemetery here in Coelum in the valley below. It likewise holds tools for
rather than continue to use the crypts beneath the abbey basic carpentry. This was formerly the domain of Brother
which they believed might still contain traces of the plague Tyberus and has lain vacant since his recent disappearance,
among its corpses. none of the other Brothers having any aptitude for this
sort of work.
At the southern edge of the cemetery, next to the
crumbling cliff, the large statue of a king stands tall, if A5. DOVECOTE
somewhat canted to the southwest due to the subsidence This rickety shelter once provided roosts for domesticated
of the ground. This monarch holds an ornate rod in one pigeons kept by the abbey. The last of these were rousted
hand and a chalice in the other and can be recognized as long ago by an encroaching weasel, and the Brothers have
a representation of Thyr holding his rod of kingship and never bothered to obtain any more.
chalice of peace with a DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check.
Chiseled around base of the plinth at the statue’s feet is
an ancient inscription in High Boros (see sidebox). If no Treasure: A DC 24 Perception check to search among the
one reads High Boros it can be deciphered with a DC 10 roosts locates an old leather scrollcase, warped and cracked
Linguistics check. It reads, “Thine earth below doth point unto with age. Within is a still legible divine scroll (CL 8: carrying
the skies”. windPPC:EMH) hidden here and forgotten long ago.

It is a 350-foot drop from the edge of the cliff to the A6. LYCHGATE
mountain slope below. Apart from the main entrance, there is also a lychgate
which leads to the disused track up to the top of Asteria
Point. This covered gateway provides cover during funerals
A2. COW SHED in inclement weather and, as evidenced by the rusting
This barn is spacious enough to hold a dozen mounts but support hinges, once also had an elaborate wrought-iron
is currently home to only three scrawny cows. A half door gateway, but this is long gone, replaced with a simple low
in one wall leads to an adjacent pig sty where a large sow wooden gate, designed more to keep the abbey’s animal’s
and her four offspring root through the kitchen scraps. from straying rather than present a serious barrier to
In addition to fodder for the animals and assorted tools anyone seeking entry. The trail beyond the lychgate ascends
for cultivation, a dozen chickens can be found roosting in the mountain towards the peak of Asteria Point (see Event
here, with one of the old horse stalls converted into a coup 5: Unseasonal Weather if the PCs head in this direction).
for them where Brother Belphorus collects their eggs each
morning. A half dozen barn cats prowl the structure and
surrounding grounds for mice and other vermin. A7. POSTERN GATE
This strong wooden door bears a lock, but the mechanism
has rusted and the key was lost long ago. This door sees
A3. BALNEARY regular use by the monks in order to access the abbey
This bathhouse holds four large wooden tubs that can be grounds (A1). A broken broom handle is propped against
given privacy by heavy blankets hanging from ropes strung the wall inside the door. At night the last monk in is
between the rafters. A large fireplace holds an iron cauldron supposed to wedge the broom handle between the door
with buckets stacked nearby where water from the well can handle and the jamb in order to hold it shut (Strength
be heated for baths, and cabinets hold an assortment of DC 18 Break).

A8. LOWER CELLS pry bar. Brother Fagen had to do this in order to enter the
crypts that had not been opened in many years.
The flagstone floors are dirty, their large blue, red, and white tiles
worn and faded. The hallways are dusty and neglected, hanging Beyond the heavy door, the walls of the corridors are made from
with cobwebs, and have remnants from the past scattered along bricks of thick bluestone and the floor is covered with worn and
their length: old pews, chairs, and a broken washtub, all in various flagstone tiles. The height of the walls is approximately seven feet
stages of neglect and disrepair, have been left abandoned here. lined with sepulcher niches, and dust and cobwebs are prolific. The
first few near the entrance are empty, perhaps awaiting some future
interment, but every other niche is occupied with a linen wrapped
This floor of the abbey is lined with rows of monastic
corpse, its hands crossed across its chest and its feet tied together.
cells, each similar in design to A16 though they tend
towards a damp mustiness due to their construction in
the foundations of the building. They were once filled with These upper catacombs hold the most recent dead out of
brothers of the Asterian Order but are now deserted and all the crypts, but even these have not been used in many
unused. The monastic cells are in the same state, holding centuries, the crypts abandoned in favor of the graveyard
unwanted furnishings, old curtains, fabric, and piles of outside. Each occupied niche holds the desiccated, skeletal
monks’ habits. These piles of cloth and material are faded corpse of a past monk of the abbey. None bear names,
and covered in dust with their folds cracking and falling and all are largely unremarkable and mostly human with
apart from age. The room marked with an “x” holds a heavy a scattering of half-elves, dwarves, and halflings, without
iron bar, mottled with rust but still sound. This is the iron items of interest or value. That the dust and cobwebs are
bar for the front doors at A13, deposited in this chamber disturbed by recent passage is noticeable with a DC 10
and forgotten long ago. Perception check, and the passage takes place on both
corridors leading to and from area A11. In the thicker dust
Other than the access between the stairs to the second of the floor here a DC 20 Survival check is able to determine
level and the door at A7, the area is coated with thick layers that all of the marks are made by the passage of a single
of dust and cobwebs, and the place has the musty smell of person who made multiple trips, evidence pointing to the
decay. A DC 10 Survival or DC 12 Perception check is able to fact that Brother Fagen made his exploration of the crypts
discern the telltale signs of passage (footprints in the dust, alone — without the also-missing Brother Tyberus.
broken cobwebs) showing where someone recently traveled
these corridors all the way to A10 and back. These are the Lurking invisibly within this stretch of corridor are 2
marks of Brother Fagen going to and from the crypts in rhu-chaliks. These extraterrestrial creatures, also known
the last few days before his disappearance. There is no way as void wanderers, are small masses of spongy black tissue
to tell how many people made these tracks or if the most with four dangling tendrils and a large central, pupil-less
recent are those going to A10 or those coming from A10. white eye. These creatures are used as scouts by the Lunites
for their invasion of Lloegyr, because they are able to travel
across the void of space without the aid of a moon bridge
A9. SECRET ENTRANCE like that described at Event 17: The Bridgehead or similar
Unknown to all of the monks except Brother Hector, a
conveyance). These creatures are actually scouts from a
secret door provides entry through the outer wall of the
Lunite sortie some 2,000 years ago that were sealed away
abbey and a hidden stair that provides access to A18a. The
in the lower catacombs. With no need to eat or breathe,
secret door is easily spotted form the inside but from the
the trapped creatures entered a state of hibernation
outside requires a DC 32 Perception check to locate. The
from which Brother Fagen roused them with his recent
ground outside the wall here is extremely rocky and does
intrusion. Not fully waking until after his demise, they
not hold the tracks of Brother Hector’s passage unless
have begun scouting around the catacombs to determine
followed to here as described in Event 11: The Eye Sees All.
the current state of the world and report back to their
lunar masters. They remain invisible and trail the PCs for
A10. CRYPTS (CR 8) as long as possible (+4 of Perception checks to spot them
The door to this area is of heavy wood, swollen in its frame, due to the disturbance their passage causes through the
and requires a DC 12 Strength check to open. Anyone dangling cobwebs) using their detect thoughts and project
examining it and making a DC 14 Perception check finds terror abilities. If one is killed, the other attempts to flee
gouges along its frame and jamb where it was forced with a the catacombs and the abbey and may be encountered
again at Event 14 or Event 15.

RHU-CHALIKSAP86 (2) CR 6 effects are immune to this ability. The save DC is
XP 2,400 Charisma-based.
CE Small aberration Project Terror (Su) As a standard action, a rhu-
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; chalik can harness the fears of any creature it
Perception +10 has successfully used detect thoughts on within
DEFENSE the last minute. This effect creates visions of that
creature’s most terrible nightmares in the target’s
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1
mind; the target must succeed at a DC 16 Will save
or be frightened and take 1d4 points of Wisdom
hp 68 (8d8+32); fast healing 2
damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8
Void Transmission (Su) If a creature takes an
Defensive Abilities all-around vision; Immune cold,
amount of Wisdom damage from the rhu-chalik’s
project terror ability that equals or exceeds
the creature’s Wisdom score, the creature falls
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) unconscious as normal. At that point, the rhu-
Melee 4 tendrils +10 (1d4+1 plus pain touch) chalik can take 10 minutes to copy and absorb
Special Attacks pain touch, project terror, void the creature’s entire consciousness and send
transmission that consciousness through the void of space
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th): to its waiting masters. If the creature’s Wisdom
Constant—mage armor damage is healed and the creature revived prior
At will—detect thoughts (DC 14), invisibility, share to the end of this process, this effect fails. If
memoryUM (DC 14) the creature’s Wisdom damage is healed after
1/day—modify memory (DC 16) its consciousness is successfully transmitted,
STATISTICS the creature awakes disoriented, and takes a –2
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and skill
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 19 checks for 24 hours. This effect otherwise doesn’t
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, harm the target, as the target’s consciousness
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse isn’t eliminated, only duplicated and transmitted.
Skills Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Fly +13, Intimidate
+10, Perception +10, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +15, A11. OSSARIUM
Use Magic Device +10 This chamber is a truly macabre display. The walls are lined with
Languages Aklo; telepathy 100 ft. neat stacks of hundreds of bones divided into sections for skulls,
SQ compression, no breath long bones, ribcages, pelvises, etc. Before the far wall is a stone
SPECIAL ABILITIES altar bearing the carven image of a cross on its front. Its surface
is likewise carven with the images of dozens of skulls, staring
Pain Touch (Ex) A rhu-chalik secretes an enzyme passively outward, in bas relief. Behind this altar, the mortared
that coats its tendrils. When this enzyme comes bluestone of the wall has collapsed or been disassembled to reveal
into contact with a living creature, it causes an opening leading into darkness beyond.
excruciating pain. Any creature that comes into
contact with the enzyme must succeed at a DC This ossarium was used long ago by the brothers of the
18 Fortitude save or take a –2 penalty on attack Order to recycle the burial niches it the catacombs here
rolls, ability checks, and skill checks for 1d4 and below. After a body had lain in repose for enough
years to be reduced to dry bones, the burial shrouds were
rounds. If a creature is affected by multiple pain discarded and the skeletons disarticulated and carefully
touch attacks, the duration stacks but the penalty stored here with the generations of their brethren that had
doesn’t. Creatures that are immune to pain gone before. A door in the opposite wall once led to the

footprints as described in A10 and A11 can be found leading
up and down the stairs, indicating that Brother Fagen
has visited below and returned several times during his
exploration. There is no indication of if he ever returned
on his last venture. The stairs descend steeply 20 feet to
area B1.

Entry is blocked here by a heavily reinforced, bronze-
banded double door with an elaborate iron knocker in the
shape of a downturned sword. It is usually locked from
the inside with a sliding bolt, and, once inside, a DC 23
Perception check notices that it has brackets for a heavy
iron bar, though no bar is located in the vicinity. Normally
knocking brings one of the Brothers to answer in 2d4
rounds, though when the PCs first arrive they are met at
the door by Brother Hector as described at the beginning
of Chapter 1.

Bronze-Banded Wooden Double Door: 3 in. thick;

Hardness 6; hp 45; Break DC 26; Disable Device 30.

Light shining down through stained-glass windows high above
in this massive dome chamber picks up the motes of dust dancing
in the air from the draft caused by the door. The flagged tiles are
worn with age and uneven in spots. Elaborately carved wooden
benches line the walls and hanging above these are aged and faded
lower catacombs, but when these were sealed the door was tapestries depicting an elderly man with a rod in one hand and a
crudely bricked over. Brother Fagen in his explorations chalice in the other. On a small dark wooden table in the center of
discovered this brick seal and managed to break through the area sits a spherical bronze mechanism of overlapping circles,
it with a crowbar. greenish brown with corrosion. A wide stair follows the curve of
one wall to a balcony some 20 feet above, and 60 feet above a
beautifully painted dome bearing an elaborate rosette window
A search of the dusty floor here reveals the same trails as surmounts the tower.
described in A10.

A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check identifies the image

A12. OLD CATACOMBS ENTRANCE in the tapestries as that of the god Thyr bearing his rod
The remains of an old wooden door stands propped against the of kingship and chalice of piece. The spherical bronze
wall beyond the broken masonry. It opens into a cramped circular mechanism is an ancient, pre-heliocentric armillary
room at the base of the abbey’s stairwell tower. A narrow stairway sphere dating back to the early days of Hyperborea. It is
has been chipped out of the solid rock of the abbey’s foundation corroded and no longer functions but is worth 5,000 gp
and leads down into unknown depths below. The musty smell of as an antique, though the PCs should not be looting the
old tombs and long-dead air rises from this opening. abbey of its treasures.

This formerly sealed stairway leads to the Old Catacombs A15. CLOISTERS
(area B) below the abbey. Despite the foul smells, Brother The garden courtyard has a carefully maintained green
Fagen allowed them to air out for a few days after opening lawn and a few small fruit trees surrounded by a sheltered
them, so the air is safe to breathe, if unpleasant. The same gravel path, its portico supported by a gallery of gray marble

columns. A statue graces either end of the courtyard facing each A16c. Fagen’s Cell
other, one an elderly king seated upon a throne, the other an Fagen’s cell is in a state of disarray. The bed is made but
armored woman with her sword upraised before her eyes. Between the coverings are roughly placed, and there is a pile of
them and slightly to the side is a fountain of gray marble from dirty robes and foot wrappings in a pile on the floor in
which a trickle of water still flows into an algae-stained basin. the corner. Stacks of books are piled haphazardly on his
desk and more books are jumbled on the shelves. Pieces of
parchment are scattered across the desk bearing sketched
These cloisters allow the Brothers a sheltered area for quiet
figures and scribblings. The figures are representations of
contemplation. Despite its care and maintenance, it still
some the bygone Hyperborean gods, including Thyr, his
shows signs of its age, from the staining of the fountain to
sister Muir, a faceless goddess bearing a kite shieldST-680,
tiny cracks and seams in the portico columns. The fountain
Arden the Sun GodLL3-254, the goddess DianaLL3-75, and
itself is fed by buried pipes from the well at A1, but these
Mithras the Soldier-GodLL7-126. These are each recognizable
have become mostly clogged over the years so that only a
with a DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check (save for the
trickle flows anymore, and it with an unpleasant metallic
faceless goddess who can only be identified as the “Lost
taste. A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check identifies the two
Goddess”ST-722 with a DC 25 check). One of the parchments
statues of Thyr, God of Justice, and his sister Muir, Goddess
on the desk shows a sketch of several godly figures has
of Virtue and Paladinhood.
been drawn in pencil along with the words, “Look to the
Past” written carefully below it. A quick note scribbled next
A16. MONASTIC CELLS to those words asks, “who should?” This illustration shows
Each of these small, cold rooms is almost identical with the ancient Hyberborean gods at the end of the Gods’ War
plastered walls bare and unadorned are except for a wooden when Thyr thrust his sister’s sword into the ground to end
cross, symbol of the Church of Thyr, hanging over the plain the bloodshed (the scene can be identified as such with
wooden single bed. The cotton tick mattress is firm, but a DC 20 Knowledge [religion] check). It is a copy of the
comfortable enough and a thick white quilt is folded over mosaic in area B11 and may provide a clue to solving the
the clean bed sheets. There is a small wooden cupboard with puzzle in that location.
shelves to put clothes and another set of bookshelves run along
the wall beside it, over the top of a tiny wooden desk. The rooms
A16d. Belphorus’ Cell
are clean, serviceable, and comfortable enough although they
Belphorus’ room is a disordered mess. The bed is a jumble
are quite plain. It is fairly evident from the number of rooms on
of sheets and blankets, soiled garments lie strewn around,
this floor and the one below that the abbey originally housed a
and the room smells of an unwashed body. An old ham
far larger contingent of Thyrian monks.
bone pokes out from one end of the bookshelf and the
desk is littered with crumbs and a half-eaten biscuit. A
A16a. Guest Accommodations reed basket sits beside the desk and is filled with dried
These four empty monastic cells are provided to the PCs mushrooms (still good).
during their stay at the abbey. They possess the same simple
amenities as the other monastic cells save that high up on
A16e. Hector’s Cell
the south wall is an arched leadlight window which can be
Hector’s room is neat and orderly, but the desk is piled
cracked open to provide fresh air, making them the most
with parchments covered with repetitive drawings of
desirable cells in the abbey. It is a show of great honor to
strange glyphs and sigils. A journal sits on the desk, half
the PCs that they are given these rooms. If there are more
filled with attempts to translate and decode these strange
than four PCs, the others can take other unoccupied cells
symbols. An entry at the end of the otherwise banal journal,
on this hall.
dated one month ago, reads, “Things are changing here,
and I am at the same time frightened and strangely elated.
A16b. Hakkan’s Cell Is it going to be me, a lonely insignificant monk who will
Hakkan’s room is extremely neat and orderly. An illuminated bring salvation? If only I could decipher the meaning of
manuscript written in Common on the early worship of the symbols, I’m sure they would give me the answers to
Thyr sits open on his desk and a parchment beside it shows the questions which seem to rise unbidden in my mind.”
an exact copy of the words and drawings depicted in the
book with amazingly precise duplication. Brother Hakkan is
A16f. Tyberus’ Cell
clearly a great talent as a copyist and illuminator. Other than
In Tyberus’ room a beautifully carved wooden chess
that, his room is unremarkable, his clothes neatly folded and
set rests on his desk, and carved figurines of animals
stowed on the shelves of his cupboard.

and monks stand on the windowsill. There is one A18a. Cupboard
exceptionally well-carved figurine of a very pretty girl. Unlike the others storage cupboard in the scriptorium,
All of the carvings are of fine quality (worth 1d6 x 5 gp this one has a well-concealed secret door (Perception DC
each). A spare monk’s habit is folded neatly on the shelf 30) behind the stone shelves on the south wall. It opens
and some woodworking tools are stored in a locker at into a narrow spiral stair that descends within the wall
the foot of his bed. of the abbey to a secret exit at A9. A DC 15 Perception or
Survival check in this stairway reveals that the dust on the
stairs has been disturbed by the passage of at least one set
A17. ABBOT’S OFFICE of footprints in recent days. This is the passage Brother
A large heavy desk sits in the center of this room and Hector uses to return to the abbey after “sleepwalking” (see
wooden chairs are placed around the room, with two Event 11: The Eye Sees All). None of the other monks are
in front of the desk. A large leather chair with studded aware of the secret door’s existence.
seams sits behind the desk. A large oil lamp hangs
from the ceiling and the surface of the desk is littered
with papers and letters. The paper on the desk is A19. LOWER BALCONY
filled with reports on the state of the abbey and other Broad stairs lead to this stone-tiled balcony 20 feet above
correspondence related to running the place. However, the floor of the tower (at A14). It provides an expansive view
an examination of it reveals that nearly all of this is a of the chamber and is on the same level as the exquisite
year or more old; Abbot Quilm no longer has the mental stained glass windows depicting holy warriors, angels in
acuity to complete such recordkeeping. flight, and the scales of justice that line the northern wall.
Anyone feeling the south wall with a bare hand notices a
faint heat radiating from it. This is from the flue of the
A18. SCRIPTORIUM fireplace in A18 that travels through the heart of this wall.
This is a high-ceilinged spacious room with large windows lining
the walls 20 feet above to let in fresh air and the wan light of
the sun or moons. This scriptorium has a tall desk running along
The refectory is a large hall with its walls rendered and
the curve of the south and east walls that is mottle with ink
painted white. A large fireplace is set at the end of the hall
stains. A long groove at the top of the desk has several feathered
to provide warmth and heavy curtains and tapestries line
quills resting in it with ink blotters nearby, and from this groove
the walls, to provide some insulation in the large space. The
varicolored bottles of ink glisten in the light from above. A number
tapestries have ornate borders, and all depict the silver cross
of high stools are pulled up to it. Shelves on the other walls contains
of Thyr on a white background. A large oak table, polished
voluminous rolls of parchment as well as a few large tomes, and
to a high sheen by years of use, runs down the center of the
several blank sheets of parchment rest at various work stations on
refectory. The table is set with brass candlesticks and laid out
the desk, awaiting inscription. A large fireplace in the north wall
with simple bowls, pottery plates, and wooden eating utensils.
heats the otherwise chilly room.

This is the abbey’s scriptorium and has space for dozens

This long, tiled room has a heavy chopping block,
of monks to work in illumination and copying texts,
crisscrossed with cut marks, sitting in the center. A rack
though only Brothers Hakkan and Fagen regularly spent
hangs above this block from which dangle an assortment of
much time here, occasionally joined by Brother Hector.
ladles, knives, tureens, spoons, and other assorted utensils.
Brother Hakkan can still be found here for long hours
The entire room is surrounded by shelves that bristle with
every day, though with Fagen’s disappearance he typically
pots and pans. A large black oven sits next to a griddle in
labors alone. Heavy leather-bound books on the arts of
one corner, and herbs and vegetables hang on hooks along
calligraphy, transcription, and illumination rest in large,
the walls and upon side tables. The tables, griddle, and
heavy bookcases as well as a few mundane religious
chopping block are grimy and could use a good clean.
volumes brought down from the library for copying. In the
west wall are two doors leading to supply closets that hold
all the necessities for preparing and inscribing pages of A22. PANTRY
parchment, illumination, and bookbinding stacked neatly This is a well-stocked pantry with the usual assortment
upon stone shelves. There is a 25% chance that one of the of flour, oats, preserved fruits, and vegetables from the
tomes of knowledge (see A26) can be found herein with a garden. Bags of potatoes and onions rest on the floor
DC 15 Perception check. and wooden crates packed with ice and straw hold cuts of
freshly slaughtered swine and duck.

A23. OBSERVATORY make for easy observation of the road leading up to the
abbey from the valley below, however.
A wide balcony overlooks the entire interior of the tower here, stretching
from the foyer 40 feet below to its vast dome rising to an apex 40
feet above. Offset from the center of the dome is a massive rosette If someone who is not a cleric of Thyr trained in its use
window, an oculus that allows a shaft of light to descend directly attempts to use the oculus, they still have a chance. Any
onto the balcony’s edge where there stands an ornate altar. The pure lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral cleric can
white alabaster altar is elaborately decorated in gilt and silver with attempt a DC 25 Knowledge (religion) check to understand
the images of Thyr’s cross as well as the sacred lions and eagles of the basics of how to operate the oculus. Likewise, anyone
his faith. More than a few griffons are interspersed combining the can master its use with a DC 35 Use Magic Device check.
majestic aspects of the two holy beasts. Resplendent inset jewels line
the edges of the altar, and the top of bears a silver chalice and an Development: When the Abbot Quilm shows the PCs the
ivory rod flanking a silver orrery at its center. Next to the altar and oculus for the first time in Event 2, they see an image of
arrayed along the edges of the balcony are three complex telescopes, all the moon, Luna, displayed in the rosette window above. The
directed towards the oculus above. Next to these are mahogany tables moon has just entered its full moon phase and appears huge
bearing parchments and charts along with quills and inkwells, each in all its great detail, its radiance giving a pale, eerie light
set with a pair of comfortable chairs. The back wall of the balcony is to the room. At other points in the adventure, the oculus
hung with star charts and images of the moons in various phases and may be focused on different images as described in the text.
conjunctions with different stars and planets. During the day it is likely not in use and merely shows the
blue sky above. Be sure and describe what is in view through
The observatory is the true purpose of the abbey and holds the rosette window each time a PC enters this area.
its most valued treasure, the magical oculus that allows it to
make its detailed observations of the night sky. The oculus Treasure: The three telescopesPPC:PofS are wonders of
is a combination of the rosette window and the ornate altar, engineering and are each capable of magnifying objects as
both of which bear a strong divination aura (CL 18). When much as 400 times; they are worth 15,000 gp each, though
a cleric of Thyr makes the proper obeisance at the altar, they are very delicate and weigh 80 lbs. apiece. In addition,
he can control what the oculus focuses on. In this way the the star charts and lunar illustrations hanging upon the
oculus is able to view anything that can be seen from the walls are exquisitely artistic examples of astronomy dating
peak of the dome whether it would be within the rosette back more than a thousand years and are worth 5,000 gp as
window’s line of sight or not. For instance, through the a collection to a university or astromancer*. Among these
altar the oculus can be focused on anything in the sky, upon charts is a rare full cosmogramPPC:PotS of Lloegyr’s**. The
the visible faces and peaks of the surrounding mountains, ivory rod is a replica of the rod of kingship (150 gp) and the
and even into the forested vale below. However, the user silver chalice is a replica of Thyr’s chalice of peace (250 gp).
has to know the location of the image he is looking for (e.g. The orrery is a calculating grand orreryPPC:PotS made of silver
the oculus will not locate someone the user is hoping to and is worth 4,000 gp. The altar itself is worth 25,000 gp for
spy on). Barriers to sight (such as foliage or clouds) still its materials alone but weighs 1,500 lbs. and is an integral
prevent visibility, but the ability to focus on anything even part of the oculus in combination with the rosette window.
potentially visible from the highest peak of the dome is As such it is a priceless artifact of the Church of Thyr. If
quite useful in stargazing. Once the user of the altar has either is removed or destroyed, the magic of the oculus is
selected the target to be viewed, its image is held steady ruined. The rod, chalice, and orrery are not fundamental
in the rosette window above until it is no longer visible parts of the oculus, but taking them would nevertheless be
(as in the case of moonset, for example) or the user elects construed as a blackguard’s act by the Church of Thyr.
to focus the oculus elsewhere. With the image held in the
rosette window, viewers can then use the telescopes on
the balcony to focus on the image from multiple angles A24. ABBOT’S QUARTERS
and obtain fantastically detailed resolution of the subject. The abbot’s bedchamber is well-appointed. The room is large, and
During the day objects can also be seen, but the brightness the single arching leaded window has a thick, dark-red curtain
of the ambient light makes stargazing problematic. It does tied back with a tasseled cord. A fireplace is primed with kindling

* An astromancer is a magical practitioner who combines astrology with the physical laws of astronomy. LL7-197

** Lloegyr is the modern common name of the planet upon which the continent of Akados lies. LL1-4

waiting to be lit next to a large bin of firewood. The bed is a A26. LIBRARY
four-poster and has a plump mattress with fine white linen and This large room lined with bookshelves and has star charts
a thick quilt with a fine chest of drawers next to it. One wall has and beautifully illuminated illustrations showing the faces
a beautiful darkwood bookcase that extends from floor to ceiling. and phases of both of the moons on the walls. Desks and
While still monastic in style and not elaborately decorated, this utilitarian wooden chairs fill the center of the room and there
room clearly shows that the owner enjoys his creature comforts. are a few padded chairs nestled beside a few of the shelves.
The bookshelves here are full, but for the most
This chamber is occupied by Abbot Quilm, and signs part, the books here relate to Thyrian
of his increasing dementia can be seen in tasks scripture and commentaries
half-finished and forgotten: letters that dating back to the time of
remain half-written and unfinished, the Hyperborean Empire or
a drawer left open with a pile of are lunar and cosmological
clean laundry beside it, and the reference books. Most are
general clutter of things not carefully and neatly aligned
put back in their correct in their shelves and don’t
places. There are stacks of appear to have been read
prayer books lying in messy recently. In addition, a careful
piles around the room and review of the shelves can discover
the Abbot’s desk is littered a number of tomes of knowledge.
with uncompleted paperwork Researching library’s contents to find one
related to the abbey. of these tomes takes 1d4 hours and requires
DC 20 Perception or DC 10 Linguistics checks
to turn up useful books. For every 5 points by
The books stored on the shelves here which a PC exceeds the DC, reduce the time taken by 1
cover a wide range of subjects, and there is a large hour (minimum 1 hour). A PC can only make one search
section devoted to Luna and its smaller sister Sybil. The at a time, but multiple PCs can conduct multiple searches
most ornately illustrated spine of all the books is a tome simultaneously. If a tome is discovered, roll 1d8 or choose
called An Illuminated History of the Asterian Order. Under the from those below as you see fit.
title, the book’s spine shows the outline of the Abbey with
the mountain looming behind it. Although not obvious until
the book is opened and closely inspected, several pages have Tomes of Knowledge (roll 1d8)
been torn out from the middle of the tome. If questioned The abbey holds a great many books but most of these are
about the missing pages, Abbot Quilm denies having any irrelevant to the adventure. Below are some of the tomes
knowledge of them and does not know when they were that hold information which is potentially useful to the
removed or where they went. These pages were taken very PCs. These books are most likely to be found in the library
recently by Brother Hakkan (see the Various Hidden Truths (A26) or scriptorium (A18) but feel free to have the PCs find
section in Appendix B, page 63). There is a 50% chance that them in other parts of the abbey, such as the brothers’ (A16)
one of the tomes of knowledge (see A26) can be found herein or abbot’s quarters (A24) if needed.
with a DC 23 Perception check.
1. Ancient Peoples of the Cretian Mountains
A25. INFIRMARY 2. A biography of Menkus Oronath
This large, echoing room is lined with rows of empty beds. 3. The Great God Thyr
Most of the beds are stripped of linen, and over half lack even 4. The Lost Tribes
a mattress. At the end of the room, only four beds are neatly
made up with fresh linen and each of these beds has a polished 5. Creatures of Lunar Influence, Volume II
metal bedpan beneath it. Next to these beds are white cabinets 6. Ritualistic Arcana
and a desk with a padded chair. On a shelf behind the desk, 7. Martyrs of Thyr
a row of apothecary bottles and other medical equipment 8. A Grand History of the Realm
are neatly arranged. A fireplace in the corner is laid out with
kindling and wood to readily start a fire, and an iron hanger
holds a metal kettle that can easily by swung over the flame Each book requires an Intelligence check or Linguistics
to heat. Despite the signs of age, such as missing grout in the check to read, and it takes 1d4+1 hours to read through
worn floor tiles, the room is neat and well ordered. the book to obtain the information it provides. By every 5

points that the reader exceeds the Linguistics/Intelligence an outpost at the edge of the Cretian Mountains in 1988
check, reading time is reduced by 1 hour (minimum 1 I.R. remains one of the unsolved mysteries of military
hour). In addition, if a PC is unable to read the language in history of that time. The various theories as to why he lost
which the book is written, a Linguistics check is necessary his career and standing are covered in the book, ranging
to successfully translate it. from jealousy of other military leaders, a scandal due to
his close friendship with his superior officer’s wife, or
possible sabotage by external parties. Whatever the reason,
In addition to the general knowledge the book provides,
Oronath accepted his new posting without complaint
each includes a “For the GM” section that includes some
and was instrumental in the building of the abbey and its
revelation that can be gleaned at a later point in the
magical oculus. On completion of the monastery, he turned
adventure from the knowledge gained in the book. These
his attention to the surrounding settlements, providing
are explained individually under each tome entry.
support and wise council to them. He held the position of
Abbot of the Order until his death as at the age of 103.
1. Ancient Peoples of the Cretian Mountains
Language: High Boros For the GM: The truth behind the mystery of why
Read: Intelligence DC 12; Linguistics DC 7 Oronath was sent to build the abbey is that he had been
Translate: Linguistics DC 15 sent to create the secret mission of the Asterian Order and
understood the vital importance of the site as a first line of
This leather-bound book has a fine ink drawing inside the
defense against another lunar invasion.
front cover of a human figure depicting the physiology of the
prehistoric human peoples of the Cretian Mountains known
as the Ancient Ones. As described in the book, the Ancient 3. The Great God Thyr
Ones are shown as having square jawlines, prominent Language: Common
foreheads, and strong curved noses. Anyone who peruses the
Read: Intelligence DC 17; Linguistics DC 12
book realizes that Abbot Quilm fits the physical profile of
Ancient One ancestry. If asked about this, Abbot Quilm tells Translate: Linguistics DC 5
the PCs that he has lived in this region all his life and relates, While this book is a secular tome, it describes the god Thyr
with modest pride, that his family lineage can be traced back and provides an in-depth discussion of the Thyrian religion.
for many generations to when the Hyperboreans first came A benevolent and just God, Thyr’s symbol is a silver cross
to the vale and encountered the tribes of the Ancient Ones on a white field. This symbolizes the upturned cross-haft
that lived in this very valley some 36 centuries ago. of his sister’s sword, which he thrust into the earth to end
the Gods’ War. As so much blood was shed in the war of the
gods, Thyr foreswore the use of swords in his religion and
For the GM: Certain parts of the ritual to break the binding
all priests were henceforth forbidden from using a bladed
spell on the standing stone become more potent if performed
weapon. Many priests favor reinforced rods modeled after
by the hands of a person with Ancient One ancestry. As will
Thyr’s own. Thyr is usually depicted as an old man in silver
be revealed during the climax of this adventure (Event 17:
robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold, with the rod of
The Bridgehead), Quilm’s hands may be used to perform this
kingship in one hand and the chalice of peace in the other.
ritual… even if the rest of his body is elsewhere.
He embraces proper and traditional rule and as such, is
often the favored god of royalty. He supports a class system,
2. A biography of Menkus Oronath where each person has a fairly chosen role in a lawful world,
Language: High Boros intended to bring the greatest good for the greatest number
of citizens. The eagle and the lion are his sacred creatures.
Read: Intelligence DC 10; Linguistics DC 5
His Three Principles are Justice, Order, and Peace.
Translate: Linguistics DC 15
This untitled book lists the lifetime accomplishments of
Thyr has been represented in the Hyperborean pantheon
the founder and first abbot of the Asterian Order. A skilled
for nearly 4,000 years and for much of that time was seen as
warrior, brilliant strategist, and patriarch in the Church of
one of the most powerful and influential gods, alongside his
Thyr, the Hyperborean Strategos* Oronath was famous for
sister Muir and the now-deceased sun god Arden. In the last
his quick thinking and prowess as a battle general. Why he
thousand years his church has seen its popularity wane and the
was removed from his military post and sent to construct

* A strategos was the Hyperborean term for a general.LL3-255

numbers of his followers take a marked decline, especially after lycanthropic variations such as moonbound lycanthropes,
the loss and corruption of St. Harul’s Hold in 2471 I.R.ST-139, the which require magically enhanced silver weapons to harm,
decline and eventual collapse of the Hyperborean monarchy and fel lycanthropes, that are unusually powerful and are
under Imperatrix Trystecce in 2509 I.R.LL4-10/LL8-19, the tragic end said to have their bloodlust completely overwhelm them
of the Army of Light at the Forest of Hope in 3210 I.R.ST-10, and when the moon waxes full.
most recently the capture of the High Altar of Thyr in the Lyre
Valley by orc hordes in 3507 I.R.LL1-77/LL8-22. As other gods such as
For the GM: Perhaps the most revealing piece of information
MitraRA-585 and FreyaST-582 have gained in public favor, the slow
is that there was a Volume I written in this series, although this
creep of followers away from Thyr has continued.
is nowhere to be found at the abbey. It was lost centuries ago
but did hold some information on inhabitants of the moon
For the GM: Thyr’s Three Principles are a vital clue in itself, such as the mooncalf and moon-beast (see Appendix A,
discovering how to open a hidden compartment in the page 58). If the PCs mention this missing volume to Brother
abbey’s crypts (see area B7 for more details). Hakkan, he says that he has also been seeking Volume I, but
there no longer seems to be any copies in existence.

4. The Lost Tribes

Language: Gasquen 6. Ritualistic Arcana
Read: Intelligence DC 20; Linguistics DC 15 Language: Draconic
Translate: Linguistics DC 22 Read: Intelligence DC 18; Linguistics DC 13
This book relates the history and details the culture of the Translate: Linguistics DC 22
tribes of Ancient Ones in the Cretian Mountain. Much of the This elaborate illuminated tome is general in nature and
book goes into the specifics of their society, arts, and beliefs doesn’t delve into many specifics. It describes arcane rites and
but toward the end postulates theories on why this stable ritual magic and goes into the history of such practices. Toward
civilization, having survived for many generations, fell so the end of the tome there are descriptions of binding rituals
sharply into decline. The author raises the theory that this including examples of ancient binding symbols that bear some
may have been due to contact with another cultural group slight similarity to the runes Brother Hector has copied from
that had migrated into the region and started to colonize. the standing stone. The book talks about how certain powerful
While the author acknowledges that while there are no bindings can only be undone (or are significantly easier to
archeological signs of this other group today other than undo) by the hand of the one who bound the subject in the first
the semi-legendary JaundoolLL9-4 who didn’t seem to leave place or a descendant of such a person. The tome speaks of how
a prominent enough of an imprint on the area’s history to bloodlines often play a significant role in arcane rituals.
accomplish this, this still doesn’t refute the possibility that
another such a group could have existed.
For the GM: There are a pair of small hints here. Brother
Hector’s tainted bloodline and close proximity has enabled the
For the GM: Toward the end of the adventure the PCs moon-beast to slowly gain control over the monk. Also, Abbot
may realize that the “other cultural group” was in fact the Quilm’s Ancient One heritage means that his blood and hands
invasion of horrific moon creatures which decimated the are important factors in breaking the moon-beast’s binding.
Ancient Ones.

7. Martyrs of Thyr
5. Creatures of Lunar Influence, Volume II Language: High Boros
Language: Common Read: Intelligence DC 10; Linguistics DC 5
Read: Intelligence DC 24; Linguistics DC 19 Translate: Linguistics DC 10
Translate: Linguistics DC 8 This spiritual volume contains parables of those who
This book focuses on lycanthropic creatures and provides sacrificed their lives in service to Thyr. Aside from the
much useful information on how to identify and combat tales themselves, the book also expounds upon the moral
them. It mentions that the mere presence of some were- of each sacrifice and offers motivational guidance to the
creatures can spook normal animals and many lycanthropes reader. One tale of note is that of Meverell, an abbot of the
can empathically command animals of their own kind. Asterian Order who was falsely blamed by the inhabitants
Aside from describing the difference between natural of a primitive rural settlement for a devastating drought
and afflicted were-creatures, the book also mentions in the area. He was in the midst of being burned at the

stake by the superstitious villagers when suddenly the even its core concerns much less peripheral issues more
heavens opened and it started to pelt down with rain, suited to astromancers (see footnote, page 22) or perhaps
extinguishing the flames on the pyre. The villagers saw this the followers of Narrah or HecateMM-102.
as a condemnation from the gods and fled. Unfortunately,
Meverell’s burns were too great and he succumbed to his
For the GM: The details about the Red Plague in this book
injuries. His body was returned to the Asterian Abbey
may help the PCs put the plague haunt in area B9 to rest. The
where his remains were interred with great honor.
closing comments likewise provide insight into the fact that
there is likely more to the Asterian Order than it seems.
For the GM: This tale describing how a deluge of rain
poured down on the execution scene may give the PCs a hint
about how to solve the puzzle in Meverell’s tomb in area B4. A27. VESTRY
Ceremonial robes hang from rows of pegs on the walls and a
long set of cupboards in this robing chamber hold vestments
8. A Grand History of the Realm and sacred vessels used in services in the chapel (A28).
Language: Common
Read: Intelligence DC 19; Linguistics DC 14
Translate: Linguistics DC 5 A large white walled room with vaulted ceilings and stained-
Written by a modern-day scholar, this book is broad in its glass windows depicting famous images and scenes of the
scope and describes the major events in the surrounding Hyperborean gods run along each side of the rounded hall
area and is written from a perspective that romanticizes atop this tower. A dozen rows of simple, wooden pews sit
the Hyperborean Empire. It reveals that the Abbey of in the middle of the hall and a small lectern stands at the
the Asterian Order has stood its mountaintop vigil since front of the worship hall before an ornate altar flanked
at least 1988 I.R., having been founded by the former by two griffon statues. A series of small recesses around
Hyperborean strategos-turned-abbot Oronoth in the days the walls of the church hold small wooden and gold leaf
of the Hyperborean Empire when the Church of Thyr statues of eagles and lions. A DC 22 Knowledge (religion)
enjoyed a reputation and power above that of all other check recognizes the eagle and lion as sacred animals of
faiths. It relates that through its magical observatory lens, Thyr and the griffon as a sacred combination of the two
the clerics of the order could study the greater and lesser sometimes invoked in worship services. The gold leaf on
moons called LunaLL1 and SybilLL1, as well as the many other the statuettes is worth a total of 2,000 gp, but it would be
wonders of the night sky, from which to read omens and an evil act for the PCs to despoil this chapel.
collect celestial observations. It records the coming of the
Red Plague to central Akados and even Yolbiac Vale in 2781
I.R. and again in 2797 I.R., and how much of the Asterian B. OLD CATACOMBS
Order was decimated in the second coming of the plague. Constructed in the early days of the abbey to hold the
consecrated remains of the deceased, these old catacombs
were filled fairly quickly due to the high casualty rate
But just as the tides of history roll on and fortunes change, incurred when battling the Lunite incursions and the
the Church of Thyr has fallen from its place of ancient depredations of the Red Plague. The interments of
prominence. At present, the Asterian Abbey stands upon these heroes of battle were deemed sacrosanct and were,
its lonely point, nearly forgotten, and occupied by only a therefore, not subject to eventual deposit in the ossarium
handful of clerics who maintain the abbey, unaware of the (A11), and the dead from the plague were deemed infected
original purpose of the site and true mission of the Asterian and too dangerous to remove as well. As a result. Only the
Order. It describes the ultimately futile efforts of the Order upper crypts (A10) saw much turnover in this regard before
to contain the pestilence both in the valley below and at being ultimately abandoned in favor of the cemetery on
the abbey itself and how the abbey was finally abandoned the grounds outside (A1). As a result, the dead of these
in 2804 I.R. as a result of the plague’s devastation. Finally, it catacombs are mostly the original interments and have
relates how Thyrian migrants reoccupied the abbey again lain undisturbed for the most part for thousands of years.
in 3153 I.R. and took up the Order’s old duties of stargazing.
The books section the abbey closes by idly speculating
on the oddity of the Church of Thyr delving into the B1. ENTRANCE
discipline of celestial observation and wondering why it At the bottom of a set of stone stairs, an intersecting corridor
would venture to once again undertake those studies in a continues to both the left and the right. Opposite the stairs is a deep
modern world where it already struggles to connect with alcove with a large statue at its center. The statue is of a monk in a

cowl, his head is bowed, hiding his face and his stone hands clasped well does not bear pondering. The water is not harmless,
in prayer. At the statue’s stone feet, a brass dish contains the recent though. Over the long years of seepage, microscopic eggs have
remains of a burnt offering. gathered and only recently with the influx of fresh air from
Brother Fagen’s passage hatched and grown into a rot grub
swarm. This wriggling mass of horror has been devouring the
In the bowl are burned dried herbs, an offering of purification bones of the dead to be found in this chamber but sensing
made by Brother Fagen when he first entered the crypts the arrival of fresh prey the entire nauseating mass of white
several weeks ago. If the PCs examine the remaining unburnt worms wriggles forth from the puddle to attack.
stems and make a DC 12 Knowledge (nature) or Profession
(herbalist) check, they recognize that the herbs are valerian,
peppermint, and sage, often burned to ward off evil spirits.
A small engraving rests behind the bowl at the base of statue
in High Boros (DC 15 Linguistics check to decipher). It reads, XP 3,200
“Herewithin lieth the blessed embodiment of the Asterian Order”. hp 85

These catacombs are hewn directly from the B3. UNSAFE PASSAGEWAY (CR 8)
stone beneath the foundations of the abbey.
The floor of the passage becomes much more uneven
They are typically 5 feet wide and 7 feet
here and in places the hewn stone of the wall and floor
high. The tunnels are cold and often
has lifted and cracked. The passage turns and near the
slightly damp and festooned with
corner, several of the niches have collapsed and fallen,
cobwebs, with a constant stirring of air
creating a chaotic jumble of dust, rubble, torn linen, and
caused by the passage of the PCs. The
protruding bones. A skull from one of the niches lies on its
walls are carved with burial niches
side in the corridor.
that hold ancient, shroud-wrapped
skeletons like those in A10.
These are all original interments, Any loud noise or movement in the corridor
having never been removed to the brings small showers of dust down from the
ossarium at A11. The corridors have ceiling.
thick dust on the floor and hold
the tracks of Brother Fagen just as
described in A10. The trails from Hazard: The structure of the
his multiple trips can be followed walls and ceiling of this part of
and lead into B1, B4, up the the crypts have weakened over
western passage to B7, into B8, up time and are likely to collapse. This
the north passage between B7 and B8 to can be spotted with a DC 20 Knowledge
B11, through the western entrance of B9, (engineering) or Craft (stonemasonry) check.
and out the north passage from B9 to B10. Craft checks can be made untrained and those with the
stonecunning ability (such as dwarves) can make such a check
by simply passing within 10 feet of the area. PCs wanting to
B2. WET VAULT (CR 7) move through the area must succeed at a DC 15 Stealth check
The corridor opens into a small room here before turning and or the ceiling collapses. This buries anyone within 15 feet of
running perpendicular to its previous course. This low-ceilinged the corner and sliding debris damages anyone in a 10-foot
chamber, like the corridors themselves, has burial niches hewn into slide zone on the periphery of the collapse. Characters in the
the stone of the walls which are occupied by the same shrouded bury zone take 8d6 points of damage, or half that amount if
bundles you have seen elsewhere. This area is different though they make a DC 15 Reflex save. They are subsequently buried.
in that the floor is flooded with murky water to a depth of 2 or 3 Characters in the slide zone take 3d6 points of damage, or no
inches. The smell of mildew is strong here. damage at all if they make a DC 15 Reflex save. Characters in
the slide zone who fail their saves are buried.

This junction is close in proximity to the shaft of the abbey’s

Characters take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per
well at area A1 (it is sunk just east beyond the eastern wall of
minute while buried. If such a character falls unconscious,
this chamber), and the porous rock has allowed the moisture
he must make a DC 15 Constitution check each minute. If
to collect here. What has been allowed to seep out into the
it fails, he takes 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute

until freed or dead. Characters who aren’t buried can dig out depict a monk praying, bandaging the leg of a wild creature, and
their friends. In 1 minute, using only her hands, a character tending a garden. These normal scenes of monastic life are at odds
can clear rocks and debris equal to five times her heavy load with the last carving which shows the man looking skyward in
limit. The amount of loose stone that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot prayer, his hands clasped as flames lap around his feet and lick
area weighs 1 ton (2,000 pounds). Armed with an appropriate up the edge of his robes. The wall behind the coffer shows an inset
tool, such as a pick, crowbar, or shovel, a digger can clear carving of a village scene with swirling clouds above. A praying
loose stone twice as quickly as by hand. Buried characters monk standing on a low platform is the centerpiece with figures of
can attempt to free themselves with a DC 25 Strength check. villagers in simple clothes standing to either side.

B4. ABBOTS’ VAULT The herbs depicted on the sarcophagus are part of the
carving, and a DC 11 Knowledge (nature) check identifies
The room has white stone plaques set into its walls, with names
them as depicting holy basil, the symbol of peace.
craved into them. Several of these are blank and open with empty
interment niches behind. In the center of this chamber with an
ornately vaulted ceiling rests a marble sarcophagus. The image Below the wall carving is a small mosaic with a white
of an elderly monk is carved into the white marble top of the background and gold border. Picked out in tiny chips of
sarcophagus, and the sides are carved with images of a monk tile are the words, “Those who bathe in the pure waters of faith
following a king into battle. One of the etchings shows the king will know peace”. A character trained in Craft (sculptures)
lying fallen on the battlefield with the priest kneeling and praying or Craft (stonemasonry), or one who makes an untrained
beside him. Surrounding the fallen king is some sort of divine DC 20 Craft check, who looks at the wall carving notices
light and the next image shows the risen king, his hand on the something unusual about it. A lot of seemingly unnecessary
kneeling priest’s head issuing a royal decree. The wall behind work has been done to deeply inset the area of the carving
the sarcophagus is covered with a large mosaic depicting a king above the monk and the positions of the peasants to either
sitting on a throne. The floor is a checkered blue and white tile, side form a funnel of sorts. Very close examination of
and in front of the mosaic, it is set with larger tiles carved into the the wall carving and a successful DC 25 Perception check
symbol of the Church of Thyr. reveals that there are tiny holes drilled into the stone
behind the carved platform. If a character pours water (or
other liquid) near the top of the inset carving, then the
The marble plaques list the names of past abbots stating
shape of the sculpted features caused the liquid flow down
their dates of service and their dates of birth and death. The
the background making the scene appear as if it is raining
mosaic depicts the god Thyr sitting on a tall throne, his rod
upon the standing monk. The liquid funnels into the tiny
of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in the other.
holes behind the platform and disappears into the wall. If
Along the border of the mosaic are the words, “Honoring thy
the PCs pour an amount of liquid equal to the capacity of the
ruler shall bring justice to thy kingdom”. A DC 25 Perception
pestle (1 pint, which is 1 pound of water) onto the carving,
check notices that several of the larger tiles in the symbol
then a few moments after the last of the liquid disappears,
are slightly raised and may trigger something if downward
a clicking grinding noise sounds in the wall behind the
pressure is applied to them. The PCs might suspect a
carving. This is one of the four mechanisms needed to
trap, but there are no signs of anything being triggered
open the secret compartment in area B8. The amount of
by these pressure plates. If a PC kneels on the center of
liquid doesn’t have to be exact and can vary more or less
the symbol facing the mosaic, then the weight on the tiles
by up to 2 ounces, as the measuring mechanism in the wall
under the supplicant’s feet and knees click audibly and
allows some variance. However, pouring too much liquid
triggers one of the four mechanisms needed to unlock the
causes the mechanism to temporarily jam for 10 minutes
secret compartment in area B8. The mechanism remains
until the liquid dribbles away through the mechanism.
activated for 30 minutes before resetting itself, requiring
Pouring too little water also has no effect as this only partly
that a character depress the tiles again to reactivate it.
fills the mechanism.

B5. ABBOT MEVERELL’S VAULT Treasure: The marble dove and alabaster pestle are separate
A large sarcophagus lies in the center of the room, its lid and sides pieces of stonework. The marble dove has been set into the
engraved with exquisitely wrought carvings. The elderly monk stone of the lid and would require significant damage to the
carved into lid holds a bunch of leafy herbs in one hand and carving to extract, but the alabaster pestle simply rests in a
an alabaster pestle bowl rests in the other. Perched on his stone cavity and can be easily removed. It is worth 60 gp.
toe is a white marble dove. The etchings around the stone casket

B6. ABBOT ORONATH’S VAULT Humility, Justice, Kindness, Loyalty, Mindfulness, Order, Patience,
Piety, Peace, Prayer, Repentance, Respect, and Sacrifice.
A sarcophagus rests in the very center of the room. The statue
carved into the top of the coffer shows an excellent representation
of a bald-headed abbot in robes with bare feet. The images around When pressed, each tile pushes in slightly with a click.
the outside of his coffin show this man constructing an abbey. He Unless the correct three tiles are pushed in, once three
is also shown magically healing the sick and providing food to tiles are pressed, the tiles all pop out, resetting the puzzle.
people in front of a simple-looking village. On the wall behind Pressing the Justice, Order, and Peace tiles (in any order)
the coffer is a large mosaic of this region. Asteria Point is shown causes a chiming sound followed by a grinding noise
in the foreground with the Cretian Mountain range receding back from the wall and the three tiles remain pushed in. This
into the distance. unlocks one of the four mechanisms needed to open
the secret compartment in area B8. A DC 25 Knowledge
(religion) check allows a character to recall these Three
Inscribed across the top of the mosaic are the words, “The Principles of Thyrian worship. At the GM’s discretion,
building blocks of order hold back the winds of chaos”. Astute PCs characters who are very familiar with Thyr may gain
may realize that there is no abbey pictured in the mosaic even a +5 circumstance bonus (or higher) on this check. The
though it should be shown near the center of the picture. PCs can also research this information in books stored
A DC 25 Perception check or searching the mosaic at the in the abbey or simply ask the monks. Astute PCs may
position that the abbey should occupy discovers a small also realize that each of the inscriptions in the three
section of mosaic tiles that are not affixed to the wall and other vaults uses one of the key words, “Honoring thy
can be easily removed, revealing an inset section with a tiny ruler shall bring justice to thy kingdom,” “The building
hole. A DC 28 Perception check or a meticulous inspection of blocks of order hold back the winds of chaos,” and “Those
the coffin lid reveals the abbot has his hands clasped on his who bathe in the pure waters of faith will know peace.”
chest, but his fingers are interlinked and his hands are slightly Attentive PCs may also remember the words carved on the
raised up off his body, creating a small space underneath. symbol on the abbey’s front gate (area A1).
Searching the space finds a piece of golden mosaic tile with
a small clear dome of glass. This represents a small model
of the abbey with the glass dome symbolizing the magical B8. SHRINE
oculus. The PCs can push the golden mosaic tile into the inset
This chamber holds a large stone altar with a statue overlooking
section of the mosaic with a click to trigger one of the four
it. The figure is that of an older man, his stone beard reaching
mechanisms needed to unlock the secret compartment in
down to his waist. His hands are clasped around an elaborately
area B8. Alternatively, the inset hole can be unlocked with a
engraved cross and held in front of his chest.
DC 30 Disable Device check.

Hidden under the altar there is a concealed cache of holy

B7. ABBOT MUIRIN’S CRYPT treasures secreted here by members of the Asterian Order
In the middle of the room is a heavy stone casket of white marble. centuries ago. Opening the cache requires the PCs to trigger
Depicted on the top of the casket is the carving of a man dressed a mechanism in each of the four vaults surrounding the
in the garb of a simple monk, his feet clad in leather sandals with shrine (B4, B5, B6, and B7). The concealed hollow inside
a cincture around his waist. Etchings around the casket depict the altar and the mechanisms that allows the stone to slide
a man in monk’s robes working among other figures. One scene aside have been carefully hidden and are covered in layers
shows him speaking with a group of simply dressed figures, of dust, but DC 40 Perception check reveals the presence
another him working in a field with a plow, and a third shows of the hidden area. There are no mechanisms in this room
him providing medicine to others. In the walls around the vault the PCs can access to open the cache but once the four
are thick marble plaques with names engraved upon them. On the mechanisms are activated in the other vaults, the altar
rear wall there is a bas-relief of the god Thyr and below it a grid slides aside with a loud grinding noise, revealing the cached
of white tiles with words engraved upon them. items inside. Smashing the stone altar open is possible, it
has hardness 8 and takes 750 hit points of damage to break
open a large enough area to reveal the cache. However, this
The words beneath the bas-relief say, “Those who worship
forceful approach is likely to damage some of the items
faithfully must follow the true path.” Below this is a grid of white
stored within the cache (see Treasure below).
tiles each carved with a word related to the things that followers
of Thyr might be expected to be or immerse themselves in:
Acceptance, Belief, Commitment, Compassion, Conscience, Courage, Treasure: The cache contains an elaborate crystal
Devotion, Divinity, Excellence, Fortitude, Goodliness, Gratitude, chalice carved from a single chunk of purple amethyst

which is worth 2,000 gp. This chalice is quite fragile and sometimes to denote plague houses today, though not
is very likely to be shattered if the PCs break their way with the same universality.
into the cache reducing its value to a mere 200 gp. In the
middle of the cache, covered by a decaying wooden frame
The scuff marks in the dust are relatively recent and were
is a small embroidery woven from gold and silver thread.
made by Brother Fagen during his explorations. If living
This treasure depicts a stylized map of the surrounding
creature are in this area for more than 1 consecutive round,
lands illuminated with images of lions and eagles around
it triggers a haunt. Brother Fagen never triggered it because
the edges. Places of note, such as the Asterian Abbey, are
he recognized the significance of the red crosses and chose
marked on the map with tiny gemstones. These markers
to quickly cross the room to avoid any chance of becoming
represent places that were important to the Asterian
infected with latent plague.
Order, and the abbey has one of the largest and most
prominent gemstones. This map is worth 1,500 gp as an
art object but may also provide clues that could lead the Haunt: Anyone in the room smells the foul corruption
PCs to other adventure sites after this adventure at the of disease and feels a cold rushing wind fill the room. The
GM’s discretion. If the PCs hack their way into the cache shrouds and cords swirling around and lift into the air as
they are likely to tear this delicate golden map, reducing those in the room catch a glimpse of heavily garbed figures
its value by two-thirds. The cache also holds a platinum with cloth-covered faces hurriedly shoving shrouded
ring of the sublimePPC:TEoG embossed with the cross holy bodies into niches. The plague haunt causes the skin of
symbol of Thyr and an ancient golden torc of Ancient anyone affected to start exuding red, purulent boils that
One design engraved with swirling symbols (protective burst and spread to other parts of the body.
runes in the Old Tongue [see sidebar in Appendix A, page
64] — Linguistics DC 40 to translate). The torc is a mind
sentinel medallionUE. VIRULENT PLAGUE CR 9
XP 6,400
B9. PLAGUE INTERMENT ROOM (CR 9) CE persistent haunt (30-ft.-by-30-ft. room)
The southern entranceway is blocked with a makeshift Caster Level 9th; Notice Perception DC 20 (to
barrier of wood. Painted on the side of the barrier
facing south is a large red cross, the paint now faded
smell the scent of rot and disease)
and peeling with age. There is a similar barrier on the hp 36; Weakness remove disease; Trigger proximity;
west side, but this has been partly pulled down recently Reset 1 day
leaving an opening a Medium creature can squeeze Each living creature in the area must succeed at
through. Removing these barriers is simple; they fall a DC 17 Fortitude save or contract a fast-acting
apart from age after the first few planks are pulled away
(Strength DC 5).
lesser strain of the red plague disease, as detailed
below. Within the haunt’s area, any creature who
This room lies in dusty, ancient shambles. A scarred wooden table touches an infected creature or any breathing
stands in the middle of the room and rough loops of rope lie in
rounds on the floor. The remains of heavy linen shrouds lie strewn
creature that is adjacent to an infected breathing
around and piled in the corners of the room. Wooden tools and creature on the haunt’s initiative count is exposed
planks likewise lie scattered about. Each of the niches in the walls to the disease and must succeed at a Fortitude
are haphazardly stuffed with shrouded remains with at least two save to avoid infection. All infected creatures
or three linen wrapped bodies, and their shrouds have a hastily are automatically cured of this disease when
painted red cross on them, the paint now dulled and darkened
with age. Everything is coated with a thick layer of dust. There are
the haunt is neutralized or destroyed, but any
scuffed footsteps in the dust on the floor, leading from the western effects of the disease, such as ability damage,
entranceway to the northern passage. remain. Casting remove disease or using any other
effect that cures diseases on the virulent plague
Anyone making a DC 20 Knowledge (history, local, or haunt deals it an amount of damage equal to
religion) recognizes the red crosses as symbols to denote a maximized cure spell of the same level (for
plague victims back during the Hyperborean Empire example, a 3rd level remove disease spell would
when Thyr’s religion was still ascendant and its cross deal 3 × 8 + caster level = 24 + caster level hit
symbol universally recognized. The same symbol is
points of positive energy damage to the haunt).

Haunted Red Plague: Disease—contact, inhaled, Melee 2 slams +8 (1d6+5 plus grab)
injury; save Fortitude DC 17; onset immediate; Special Attacks constrict (1d6+5)
frequency 1/round; effect 1d4 Con damage and STATISTICS
1 Cha damage and target is fatigued; cure 2 Str 21, Dex 19, Con —, Int 7, Wis 18, Cha 18
consecutive saves. Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 23
The haunt is destroyed if rest eternalAPG is cast in the Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, ToughnessB
area while Thyrian funerary rites are spoken over Skills Perception +11, Stealth +11
the remains (DC 20 Knowledge [religion], +10 for SQ desecrated
a follower of Thyr). SEPCIAL ABILITIES
Desecrated These undead were animated by
virulent necromantic energies. They gain +2 hit
A stale and fetid smell hangs in the air here. One of the cloth- points per hit die, as if they were created in the
wrapped bundles that once rested within the cavities on the wall
lies torn open on the ground. The floor is littered with tiny bones area of a desecrate spell containing an unholy
and a few tiny scraps of fur. Lying in the center of the room is a altar. This is included in the statistics above.
fairly fresh corpse still clothed in tattered monk’s robes. It faces
away from you, but from the chamber entrance you can see that Treasure: Brother Fagen’s equipment is here on and strewn
hunks of flesh hang from his frame, including large chunks of his about his body. It includes a crowbar, two candles (one
face and a blonde-haired, tonsured scalp. half-burned down), chalk, a hooded lantern with 2 flasks
of oil, flint and steel, a spell component pouch, a half-full
wineskin, 3 flasks of holy water, and a wooden holy symbol
This is where Brother Fagen met his grisly end. The
of Thyr. In a satchel there is a scroll case, two vials of ink,
inquisitive monk disturbed a sinew cadaver that has haunted
an inkpen, 5 sheets of paper, and Fagen’s journal. This
the crypts since the time of the Red Plague centuries ago
journal documents much of what he discovered including
devouring the occasional rats it has encountered. Fagen
translations of inscriptions found in the crypts. The notes in
was slain and has transformed into another sinew cadaver.
the journal can provide a clue to solving the puzzle in area
The old sinew cadaver is a skinless boneless thing, its
B4, by saying, “You honor your ruler and your god by kneeling
ancient gray flesh forming a sagging roughly humanoid
before them.” Fagen did not take notes on area B7 because he
shape that lies huddled within its burial shroud waiting
felt the answer was too obvious to need them and he did not
to spring forth with surprise when Brother Fagen attacks.
relish wading through the puddle at B2 and so had not yet
searched B5 and B6.
Advanced human meat puppets (Tome of Horrors 4 This corridor also has burial niches along one side, but the other
wall is bluestone bricks without indentation. Midway along the
side with niches are three alcoves, each contains a statue of a
NE Medium undead monk with his hands clasped before him in prayer. The center
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 monk is wears elaborate religious robes and faces a cross of Thyr
DEFENSE carved into the back of the alcove. The two more-plainly garbed
monks on either side face toward the center monk. Across from
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 the statues is a circular picture depicted in mosaic with a series
natural) of words carved around the outside.
hp 46 (4d8+20); regeneration 4 (cold iron or good)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8
The mosaic depicts a stylized version of the end of the
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 5/ Gods’ War many age ago. Most of the major Hyperborean
piercing or slashing; Immune undead traits gods are depicted, with Thyr thrusting his sister’s sword
OFFENSE into the ground to symbolize peace and an end to the
bloodshed. The mosaic conceals a well-hidden secret
Speed 30 ft. door (Perception DC 30 to notice). Even if discovered, the

mechanism for opening it is not readily apparent and must 35 centuries ago. A DC 25 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
still be ascertained as described below. check recognizes that the desiccated pile in the center
of the room is the corpse of some creature not of this
planet. A DC 35 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check
Across the top of the mosaic are the words, “All must
identifies it as a lunar creature called a mooncalf (see
look to the past to learn history’s lessons,” in the High Boros
Appendix A, page 58).
(Linguistics DC 15 to translate). Examining the statues
closely with a DC 25 Perception check reveals that their
circular bases can be rotated. If the statues are all turned As the PCs enter the cavern a harsh, breathy gasping
to face the mosaic, then the secret door slowly rumbles sound starts to echo off the stone walls and ceiling. The
opens by descending into a track in the floor and finishing sound rises as more join the first and the sound of the
with a heavy thump. Dust and other grime around the rattle of bones echoes in the darkness. All the corpses in
now revealed entrance reveal that it hasn’t been opened the room start to breathe as the chamber’s guardians, 2
for a long time. ancient void disciples, chosen by their peers to remain as
eternal protectors of this burial, wake from a long, dark
slumber. The unnerving breathing continues even as the
B12. CRYPT OF THE ANCIENTS guardian attacks the interloping PCs.
The walls of this now-revealed passage differ greatly from the
hewn stone of the abbey crypt.
The smooth irregular stone of this chamber gives the feeling of
a natural cavern. On the walls are faded pictographic murals of XP 2,400
people and animals. There are two low passages to either side of Male advanced kurobuzo (Pathfinder Roleplaying
the chamber’s far wall. Game Bestiary 5 “Kurobuzo”)
LE Medium undead
Exploring the left or right tunnels reveal that the tunnel is Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
horseshoe shaped, arching around and leading back to the DEFENSE
central chamber. On the walls of this tunnel are a series
of primeval paintings which tell the story of the Ancient AC 26, touch 24, flat-footed 20 (+6 Dex, +2 monk,
Ones that once inhabited the area long before the abbey +6 Wis, +2 natural)
was founded. Pictographic symbols show drawings of a hp 94 (9d8+54)
great battle between the Ancient Ones and some strange Fort +9; Ref +11; Will +12
creatures that seem to be emanating from a great circle
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune undead traits
drawn next to a lesser circle (the greater and lesser moons).
A larger opening set with an archway of carved stone can be OFFENSE
found at the far end of this curved hall. Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +14/+9 (1d8+7 plus sage’s
B13. BURIAL CHAMBER (CR 9) bane) or flurry of blows +15/+15/+10 (1d8+7 plus
This large cavern has an irregular ceiling arcing some 15 feet sage’s bane)
overhead. Primeval runes and sigils are carved into it, the incised Special Attacks sage’s bane, steal breath, stunning
lines then filled with ochre and vermilion paint. Ancient dusty, fist (9/day, DC 20, fatigued, sickened)
desiccated bodies — little more than bundles of bone — sit propped STATISTICS
up against the walls or rest against stone slabs that hold their bones
Str 25, Dex 22, Con —, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 16
in upright, seated positions. In the middle of the cavern is large
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 40
rough stone block carved and painted with swirling petroglyphs. On
Feats Defensive Combat Training, Improved
the block rests a strange leathery lump of dried tissue and sagging
protuberance. The aberrant amalgam is as big as a horse. Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning
Reflexes, Stunning FistB, Weapon Focus
A DC 18 Knowledge (history or local) identifies the (unarmed strike)
skeletal bundles as Ancient One burials from before first Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 when jumping), Climb
contact with the Hyperborean Legion in –71 I.R., some +19, Intimidate +15, Perception +18, Sense Motive

+18, Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics a collective hissing inhalation and the uncanny whisper
when jumping repeats, growing fainter and slowing fading away into silence.
Anyone who speaks the Old Tongue, or who can translate
Languages Old Tongue the language of the Ancient Ones (Linguistics DC 32), hears
SQ echo of life, sage’s bane that they are whispering “beware…the moon…” over and
SPECIAL ABILITIES over again. As the last whisper dies away, all of the Ancient
Disease (Su) Black apoxia: Steal breath —inhaled; One bodies collectively collapse into heaps of dust, the last
of their ancient influence over the chamber expended.
save Fort DC 20; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day;
effect 1d3 Con damage and exhausted; cure 2
Treasure: The mummified bodies of the Ancient Ones
consecutive saves.
are still adorned with 24 jade and lapis lazuli talismans
Echo of Life (Su) A kurobozu retains some the designed to protect the wearers’ spirits in death (worth 50
same disciplined training it had in life. It gains gp each for their materials, but worth 500 gp to a collector
the monk’s evasion, AC bonus, Stunning Fist, and of antiquities). At the back of the area on a raised platform
flurry of blows class features and unarmed strike of rock, is a large chunk of quartz thickly seamed with
veins of opal (worth 800 gp).
damage as a monk of equal level to its Hit Dice.
A kurobozu’s Stunning Fist lasts 1 round longer
than normal. In addition, a kurobozu replaces its
Constitution modifier with its Wisdom modifier
instead of its Charisma modifier.
Sage’s Bane (Su) Any target struck by a
kurobozu’s unarmed strike takes 1d4 points of
Wisdom damage and loses an equal amount
of ki (Fortitude DC 20 negates both). For every
point of Wisdom damage a kurobozu deals, it
heals 5 hit points. Hit points received in excess
of the creature’s normal total are treated as
temporary hit points and dissipate after 1
minute. The save DC is Wisdom-based.
Steal Breath (Su) As a standard action, a
kurobozu can steal the breath from a
stunned or helpless target, as per the spell
suffocationAPG, except it never causes the
victim to die. Regardless of whether the
victim successfully saves or not, it can’t
speak for 1 minute and its breath reeks
of carrion. Using steal breath also
exposes the victim to the kurobozu’s

Development: When the last void

disciple is defeated, the susurrating
sound changes. The breathing slows,
and the gasping breaths turn into a
sibilant whisper. All of the ancient
bodies softly chant the same words in
unison, “Opacin…Naraya…” They take

CHAPTER TWO: The mountain path counts as a steep slope (see Chapter
13 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Core Rulebook), meaning the PCs
are unlikely to require Climb checks and must move at half
ON THE MOUNTAIN speed. Straying off the path increases the Climb check DC
to 15 on average, but several areas are steeper, increasing the
Climb check to DC 20. The eastern face of the mountain
Either because they have finished exploring the abbey and
leading up to the summit is littered with shale, treat this
its environs or because events have drawn them away, at
as a steep slope of scree. It takes approximately two hours
some point the PCs will set out to investigate the mountains
to climb to the top. As the path winds upward, the stunted
surrounding the abbey. Those locations and events are
bushes and shrubs fall away and by the time the climbers
described in this chapter.
reach the top, there is very little vegetation left, with only
a few strands of extremely tough undergrowth clinging to
life between the crevasses of rock and shale.
Do not use the map for this area until the PCs arrive for
Event 17: The Bridgehead. Until then just make use of the At the summit of the mountaintop the terrain levels out
general description provided below. leaving a relatively flat area roughly 60 feet across. Here
stands an ancient and timeworn standing stone, a silent
sentinel under the lonely sky. Its worn surface and eroded
One of the taller peaks in the Cretian Mountains, Asteria edges reveal that it has been here for long ages but is bare
Point is a forbidding mount which towers over the abbey of any of the markings which Brother Hector most likely
and rises nearly 2 miles above it. Perhaps following up on spoke with the PCs about at great length during Event 1.
Brother Hector’s description of his work, the PCs seeking a Only under the light of the full moon or to one who has an
way up find that there is a climbing track which leads from aberrant lunar ancestry (such as Brother Hector), can more
the lychgate of the abbey (A6) that reaches all the way to the be discerned. If the PCs observe the stone under the light of
mountain’s peak. Apart from Hector making his way up to the full moon or they scrutinize Brother Hector’s transcribed
the stone and back, this has been long disused and is little glyphs, they discover that the symbols are indecipherable
more than a series of markings on the steep rocky slope. symbols that resist any translation. If questioned about how

he found them, Hector merely states that the writings are
very faint and extremely indistinct, requiring examination
in painstaking detail to read or copy.

If the PCs use detect magic or similar divination spells upon

the stone, it radiates a lingering aura of magic, and a DC 25
Spellcraft check reveals only that this aura is of an ancient but
indeterminate nature. If the PCs attempt to damage or destroy
the standing stone, it has hardness 16 and is roughly 12 feet in
diameter giving it 2,000 hit points. Even if the PCs spend time
seriously damaging or destroying the standing stone, the stone
is an etheric tether point that exists in other dimensions and
the magic woven into it there slowly reconstruct its physical
form here on the Material Plane. It regains 1 hit point every 2
rounds, meaning that even if the PCs manage to totally destroy
the stone, it is fully restored if they return 8 hours later. The
peak is the scene for the final climactic events of this adventure,
see Events 15–17 for more details.

If the PCs decide to hunt the werewolf, Abbot Quilm tells the
PCs that the last known sighting of the beast was on the low
ridge which runs to the southeast from the base of Asteria
Point. Finding and following the beast’s massive paw prints
are relatively easy as it hunts regularly in the area and doesn’t
bother to conceal signs of its passage. The DC of the Survival
checks is 14 +1d6 (the extra d6 determines how many days
old the tracks are). A DC 13 Knowledge (nature) check is has been used on and off as a seasonal shelter for the beast for
readily able to identify as belonging to a dire wolf, indicating several years. The werewolf who lurks within the concealment
that the alleged werewolf is a beast indeed. of the shelter is a barbaric Erskaelosi* woman named Gelexi,
one of the nomadic peoples of eastern Akados. She normally
roams the wild mountains and avoids civilization, but recently
D1. ROCKY OVERHANG (CR 10) she has been instinctively drawn to the area by the strong
The trail of massive wolf tracks lead for several miles to a low lunar emanations focused around Asteria Point. Gelexi has
overhang of rock on the lower slopes of the mountain. The forward also feeling the instinct to breed, so she kidnapped the monk
extension of the rock appears to make a natural shelter, though ivy Tyberus and has infected him with lycanthropy to obtain him
trails over its edge and drapes down over the front of the opening, as a mate. As the apex predator in the area, Gelexi doesn’t see
forming a screen, so you are not able to see inside. The smell of the need to conceal signs of her habitation, and she takes
animal and decay are both strong around this opening. exception to any intrusion in her territory.

This is indeed the creature’s lair, though anyone continuing GELEXI (HYBRID FORM) CR 10
to examine the tracks and making a successful DC 16 Survival
check notices that there is a second set of dire wolf tracks XP 9,600
intermingled with the first. This set is slightly smaller (though Female human (Erskaelosi) fel moonboundHA
still quite large) and relatively fresh. They head up the slope natural were-direwolfB1 barbarian (invulnerable
above the vine-grown overhang where they disappear into the ragerAPG) 6 (Razor Coast 378; LL4: Cults of the
brush and rocks above. The rock shelter beneath the overhang
Sundered Kingdoms 17)

* The Erskaelosi are a nomadic people of eastern Akados. See page 17 of LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog
God Games for more information.

CE Large humanoid (human, shapechanger) Initiative, Iron WillB, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Init +8; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +16 Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
DEFENSE Skills Climb +26, Perception +16, Stealth +11,
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +5 natural, Survival +16 (+20 scent tracking), Swim +16; Racial
–2 rage) Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
hp 171 (5d8+40 plus 6d12+48 plus 17) Languages Common, ErskinLL4-18
Fort +17; Ref +9; Will +12; +3 vs. magic SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and dire wolf;
Defensive Abilities extreme enduranceAPG (cold); polymorph), fast movement, lycanthropic
DR 10/magic and silver, 3/— (6/— vs. nonlethal); empathy (dire wolves and wolves), moonbound
Resist cold 2 Gear amulet of mighty fists +1
Base Statistics When not raging, Gelexi’s statistics
are AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15; hp 149; Fort
Speed 40 ft. +15; Will +8; Melee bite +21 (1d8+11 plus trip),
Melee bite +23 (1d8+13 plus trip), 2 claws +22 (1d6+13) 2 claws +20 (1d6+11); Str 30, Con 23; CMB +19;
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Skills Climb +24, Swim +14.
Special Attacks rage (20 rounds/day), rage powers SPECIAL ABILITIES
(knockback, superstition +3, reckless abandonAPG Moonbound (Su) When the moon is full, a
[+2/–2]) moonbound lycanthrope gains +4 Strength and
STATISTICS +4 Constitution and DR 10/magic and silver
Str 34, Dex 18, Con 27, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 in animal or hybrid forms. This increases the
Base Atk +9; CMB +21; CMD 33 creature’s CR by +1 during this time. These
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved changes have been included in the stat block.

Tactics: The screening ivy over the cave opening provides
Gelexi with total concealment until the PCs come within
10 feet of her. She carefully watches them as soon as her
keen senses detect the PCs and prepares to attack. She uses
the rugged, sloping ground outside the shelter (treated
as difficult terrain) to force the PCs to come close before
springing to attack with a rumbling growl. Due to her great
size she is unaffected by the terrain. During combat Gelexi
uses Power Attack and her reckless abandon rage power to
quickly put down interlopers in her domain. She uses her
trip ability and her knockback rage power to keep the PCs
from ganging up on her in melee. While defending her lair,
Gelexi fights to the death.

Development: When Gelexi dies, she reverts to near-naked

human form. Her lair contains little apart from a large amount
of animal bones and other remains (mostly deer, moose, and
bear). There also is a pile of rags lying in the corner and broken
strands of rope. Some of these are a primitive explorer’s outfit
sized for a female that Gelexi uses when she wants to travel in
human form, but there is also a ripped and mangled monk’s
habit bearing recent bloodstains. This was Brother Tyberus’
and further investigation of the rope reveals the signs that
someone had been held captive here until very recently. This
captive hasn’t been gone for more than a few days at most.
However, the second set of tracks do seem to indicate that
the captive was, or now is, a werewolf and recently headed off,
climbing the slope above the cave.
one-legged, one-eyed birds. These 2 fishers from outside are
identifiable as being no part of the natural world of Lloegyr
Treasure: If the PCs spend an hour searching through
with a DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check. They are currently
the lair, they can find scattered about a total of 45 pp, 100
worrying at the corpse of a mountain goat one has slain,
gp, 256 sp, 450 cp, a +1 iron breastplate bearing the heraldry of
making a mess of it as they pull it apart with their serrated
the Hyperborean Legion (a valuable antique worth 5,000 gp
maws. If they notice the PCs they go into a frenzy in order to
alone as an heirloom), a pair of daredevil bootsUE, and a jeweled
obtain more fresh prey. The pine trees are too dense for the
scrollcase (550 gp) with an arcane scroll (CL 5: suggestion) and a
fishers to go under, so anyone within 5 feet of pine tree trunk
wand of shillelagh (CL 1: 25 charges) stuffed into it.
is beyond the reach of the creatures, but unless some one
dares lead them away, they are patient and remain perched
D2. COLD TRAIL (CR 7) among the tops of the trees waiting for their prey to emerge.
Following the second set of tracks leads the PCs upslope
and are extremely steep and difficult terrain. After a few
hundred yards the slope levels off a bit and presents a FISHERS FROM OUTSIDE (2) CR 5
copse of pine trees. Anyone making a DC 15 Perception XP 1,600
check hears some sort of ruckus or thrashing coming
from within this copse, and DC 20 on the check (or hp 57 (see Appendix A, page 57)
possession of the scent ability) detects the strong odor
of blood as well. The still-faintly visible wolf tracks head Development: It is mere coincidence that these creatures are
into the stand of trees. in this location where Tyberus’ trail passed. Unfortunately for
the PCs it has been a few days since Tyberus passed through,
and his trail can no longer be found where it leaves the copse
In the center of the copse is a place where a deadfall created a of trees, presenting the PCs with a dead end in their tracking.
cleared area. Currently within this clearing are two horrifying,

CHAPTER 2 EVENTS under the PCs’ feet. The path becomes very slippery as
dirt turns to mud under them. The wind strength is at
The following events occur over the course of the PCs’ stay
windstorm level and conditions are slippery (see the Skills
at the abbey of the Asterian Order, starting on the morning
and Environment sections in Chapters 4 and 13 of the
of their first full day. The prior events occur on the night of
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for more details.)
the first day of arrival and are described in Chapter 1. The
The sky grows darker and a feeling of oppressiveness
timing of the events is given as the day on which they occur
presses the air in around the PCs, and then suddenly
as well as where they lie in relation to the times that the
a jagged bolt of lightning strikes down from the sky,
abbey celebrates the holy offices (see Event 3: The Offices).
enveloping the party for a split second.

EVENT 4: THE DRAWING OF THE VEIL Hazard: Perform the following steps to determine exactly
Day 2: from before lauds until after vespers where they are when the lightning strike lands. Randomly
Location: the Asterian Abbey (A) determine one of the members of the party and choose
one of the grid intersections at the corner of her space at
random. Then roll 1d8 to move the target intersection by 5
Clouds hang low over Yolbiac Vale as the second day dawns,
feet in a random direction as if it were a miss from a splash
and as a result a thick fog covers the grounds of the abbey.
weapon. The lightning strike deals 10d8 points of electricity
The wind has died and all is quiet outside except for the drip
damage to creatures adjacent to the target intersection. The
of condensation from eaves and tree limbs. Outside objects
electrical shock is transmitted by moisture in the air and
and creatures more than 10 feet away have concealment,
water rivulets streaming down the mountainside to anyone
and those more than 30 feet away have total concealment.
within 20 feet of the target intersection. Creatures 10 feet
The monks are seem subdued by the oppressive fogs, and
away from the intersection take 8d8 damage, creatures 15
Abbot Quilm upon looking out at the fog can be overheard
feet away take 6d8, and creatures 20 feet away take 4d8. A
muttering to himself, “And our eyes are blinded to sin,
successful DC 20 Reflex save halves this damage.
as the drawing of the veil blinds to light…,” recognizable
with a DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check as a quote from a
prayer book of the Thyrian faith. Several more lightning strikes lash the mountain sides but
none of these hit near the PCs, unless of course the PCs engage
in foolish activities, such as flying aloft in full metal armor.
The PCs are unaffected by the fog while they explore Gradually, the rain becomes lighter and the wind drops. Within
indoors, and if they travel to the mountain top (area C) or minutes the storm is over, the air becomes lighter and the sky
follow the werewolf ’s trail to its lair (area D), they will emerge brightens. The cloud patterns return to scattered grayish-
above and below the fog, respectively. Only while exploring white clouds, and the wind drops back to a gentle breeze, as
outside in the vicinity of the abbey is the fog a factor. if nothing untoward had happened. Normality returns once
more to the mountainside without any explanation as to
EVENT 5: UNSEASONAL WEATHER why the storm occurred. This event only happens on the first
Any Day: first visit to Asteria Point occasion that the PCs climb towards the peak.
Location: en route to Asteria Point (C)
Day 2 (Day 3 at the latest): after lauds
The first time the PCs climb Asteria Point, when they are
three quarters of the way up the mountain, something Location: Abbot Quilm’s office (A17)
unnatural happens with the weather in the area. The
clouds overhead start to move faster and then roil and Abbot Quilm approaches the PCs and asks to speak to
churn indicating an abrupt change in the weather is them privately in his office. The abbot relates his fears that
coming. The breeze drops and there is complete stillness the abbey is being terrorized by a werewolf. His anxiety is
for a few minutes. Mountain terns which were wheeling plainly evident; he is close to tears and drops any pretense
in the sky earlier are gone, and there is an eerie silence of composure. He claims to have heard and seen glimpses
on the mountain. Suddenly, with an ominous clap of of the beast on a few occasions on a nearby ridge on the
thunder, the skies open up and heavy rain sluices down, lower inclines of Asteria Point. If Event 12: Belphorus’
drenching everything. A sudden, fearsome wind picks up, Abrupt Demise has already occurred, then Quilm also
blowing the rain in every direction. The wind is gale force, attributes Brother Belphorus’ death to the werewolf and
making it hard to stand upright and the gusts pick up tells them the werewolf must be dealt with or it will pick
pieces of rock and shale skittering them along, seemingly them all off like sheep in a pen.

He confesses that he was aware of the werewolf before of the brothers recognizes and can confirm the truth of
the party came to the abbey. He feared that one or more of their statement, though they weren’t expecting them for
the brothers had become a werewolf and was horrified and another two or three days. If asked why the farmers have
traumatized when both Fagen and Tyberus disappeared. come early, they simply give a shrug — they came when it
Their disappearance fed his fear and made him believe was convenient to do so.
even more firmly that the abbey had been infested with
the curse of the lycanthropy and that one or more of the
If allowed to continue unmolested, they take the cart
monks may actually be werewolves.
onto the grounds (A1). There they begin unloading food
supplies, tools, and various sundries such as needle and
He took Hakkan’s increasing wariness and Hector’s thread, seeds, and other small necessities. The chickens
manic behavior of venturing up to the standing stone and seeds are taken into the barn (A2), while the food is
glyphs as possible indicators of the monks losing control carried through the entrance at A7 up to the pantry (A22).
before a possible lycanthropic transformation. His other The sundry items are given to the brothers as they come
grave fear was that they had realized he knew their secret out to greet the farmers and pick up such items as they
and were about to murder him before he could intervene had requested. After the distribution, the farmers produce
or get help. a mallet and billhook from the bed of the wagon and
proceed to slaughter and butcher the cow. This process
them takes them several hours with cuts of meat wrapped
In the end, he realized he needed external help and sent
in burlap and carried to A22 where they are packed in bins
the letter to Tholberon of Thyr in Coelum to request the
of ice taken from higher up the mountain.
aid of adventurers under the guise of calling on them to
clean out the crypts — although he half expects the PCs to
find that the crypts are where the werewolf has disposed of These superstitious men know nothing of recent events
the remains of its victims. He didn’t write anything of his of the abbey and, while they find working in the thick fog
concerns in the letter he sent, for fear one of the infected disconcerting, they would rather finish their work and be
brothers might intercept it and read it. He was also on their way before dark than stay at the abbey overnight.
concerned that the heroes might not be willing to enter a Unless prevented from doing so, the men will leave just
den of werewolves. before vespers to start back down the mountain.

Apologizing profusely, he begs them to stay and help him EVENT 8: RETURN OF THE ELDEST (CR 10)
sort out what is going on and, if possible, clear the abbey Day 2: between nons and vespers
of the werewolves. See area D if the PCs decide to track the
Location: the abbey near the cliff (A1)
werewolf to its lair.

The PCs learn of this either because they are in area A1 and
EVENT 7: THE HIDDEN BELL witness it themselves or because the men working out there
Day 2: between lauds and nons become panicked and run inside the abbey for help crying that
Location: outside the abbey there are “ghosts in the fog!” Abbot Quilm will immediately
request that the PCs check into it. If asked, the men can point
the PCs to out by the “old king” (the cemetery statue at A1).
At some point when the PCs are outside, near the front
door (A13), or near any window, they hear the sound of a
bell clanking from the mist-shrouded terrain outside. In When the PCs investigate their report, read the following
the thick fog it is difficult to tell where it is coming from or description.
how far away it is, but it seems like it might be approaching
from the road to Coelum. Anyone going outside sees a cart The soupy fog has reduced the grounds of the abbey to a world of
drawn by a donkey and accompanied by two cloaked and swirling gray. You can barely make out the great bulk of the abbey
hooded men emerging from the fog. One of the men leads towers, looming ominous shadows in the mist, and the mountain
a cow by a rope tied to its neck, and the cart holds a cage of slopes beyond are completely invisible, as is the sky or the sweeping
chickens as well as assorted tools, and sacks. If approached vista of the valley below. The steady drip-drip of the fog condensing
the men identify themselves as Juliac and Bernart (N male on the roof eaves is the only sound that breaks the silence other than
human commoner 1) from a farm outside the village of the harsh cry of some distant bird, lost in the haze.
Coelum contracted to make a supply run for the abbey. Any

Near the southern edge of the grounds the statue of a regal hp 67 (6d10+24 plus 6)
king holds scepter and chalice, his countenance forever frozen in a Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +3; +2 vs. enchantment
stern gaze. Something appears to be resting in his chalice… it’s a
disembodied head! Your shock is momentary as you realize it’s just
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal,
a trick of perspective. It’s actually the head of someone standing rejuvenation; Immune sleep, undead traits
in the fog behind the statue that gives it its strange appearance. OFFENSE
There are actually multiple people standing in the mist beyond Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)
the statue. However, your shock returns as you realize they are
standing well beyond the edge of the cliff as well!
Melee +1 ghost touch spear +10/+5 (1d8+4/x3) or
corrupting touch +9 (7d6, Fort DC 17 half )
Special Attacks combat style (two-handed weapon),
Anyone coming within 5 feet of the cliff ’s edge can get a good
look at the figures seemingly floating in midair. There are
ranger’s focus +4
three of them, and all appear to be wizened elves wearing STATISTICS
outfits of rough hides and bearing feathered spears, the Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 18
central figure likewise wears an elaborate headdress. Their
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 20
faces are lined with centuries of wisdom, and their eyes are
little more than dark hollows. They are clearly standing in Feats Cleave, EnduranceB, Furious FocusB, APG, Power
midair and make no move or response unless attacked or Attack, Pushing AssaultAPG, Weapon Focus (spear)
someone comes to the cliff edge and hales them. If either Skills Acrobatics +8, Fly +17, Heal +4, Intimidate +9,
occurs the central figures speaks in a gravelly voice in archaic Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (local)
Elven, saying, “The doom has come. The time of night is upon
+6, Knowledge (nature) +10 (+11 in forest terrain),
us all.” Even someone who understands Elven must make a
DC 10 Linguistics or Intelligence check to understand. Perception +19, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +21, Survival
+12 (+13 in forest terrain); Racial Modifiers +1
The figures are 3 Eldest ghosts, restless spirits of the
Knowledge (nature) (+2 in forest terrain), +1 Survival
elves who fought the Lunite invaders millennia ago. The (+2 in forest terrain), +8 Perception, +8 Stealth
renewed activity of the moonstone has disturbed their Languages Druidic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
long slumber, and the arrival of the PCs has drawn their SQ favored terrain (mountains +2)*, keen senses,
attention as moths to the flame — they see in the PCs the terrain bond, track +3, wild empathy +8, woodcraft
possibility of righting the wrongs left unfinished long
ago. But their unnatural existence of perpetual despair
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other
has warped them to evil, so they first intend to test the Gear +1 leather armor, +1 ghost touch spear,
PCs to ensure they are worthy. Unfortunately for the PCs, * Included in stat block
the testing involves trying to slay them. After the central
figure has made his statement, the two flanking ghosts
attack. Likewise the translucent figure of a female Eldest, GROANING SPIRIT CR 7
a groaning spirit, rises from the fog below the edge of the XP 3,200
cliff and attacks as well.
The Tome of Horrors Complete 357
CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
ELDEST GHOSTS (3) CR 7 Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense;
Perception +20
XP 3,200
Aura fear (30 ft., DC 19), unnatural aura (30 ft.)
Male wood elf (Eldest) ghostB1 ranger (guideAPG) 6
(LL5: Borderland Provinces 153; LL8: Bard’s Gate 384)
CE Medium undead (elf, incorporeal) AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; hp 85 (10d8+40)
Perception +19 Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +10
Aura corrupting gaze (30 ft., DC 17) Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal;
DEFENSE Immune cold, electricity, undead traits; SR 20
Weaknesses vulnerability to dispel evil
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +3 Dex)

OFFENSE Lifesense (Su) A groaning spirit can sense all living
Spd fly 30 ft. (perfect) creatures up to 5 miles away.
Melee incorporeal touch +11 (1d8 plus chill touch) Vulnerability to Dispel Evil (Ex) If a dispel evil spell
Special Attacks keening (the second effect requiring a touch attack) is
STATISTICS used against a groaning spirit, the creature
Str —, Dex 17, Con —, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18 must succeed on a Will save (DC 15 + caster’s
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 24 relevant ability score modifier) or be destroyed
Feats Ability Focus (keening), Alertness, Blind- immediately.
Fight, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus
Tactics: Only two of the ghosts attack. The third ghost
(incorporeal touch) hangs back and if attacked fades back into the fog out of
Skills Bluff +14, Fly +24, Intimidate +17, Knowledge sight. The two attacking ghosts begin with their corrupting
(religion) +16, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, gaze attacks and then swoop over the PCs and come down
Stealth +16 behind them. They attempt to use their Pushing Assault feat
Languages Druidic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan with their ghost touch spears to drive the PCs over the cliff
edge. Otherwise they use their corrupting touch attacks.
The groaning spirit likewise swoops in, activating her fear
Chill Touch (Su) Damage caused by the groaning aura. Since it is daytime, she is unable to use her keening
spirit’s touch attack is considered negative energy ability and must rely on her incorporeal touch attacks. These
and sends a chilling cold through an opponent’s undead fight until destroyed, though they will not pursue
fleeing PCs into the abbey. If all the PCs
body. Any creature touched must succeed on a retreat inside, they will depart and not be
DC 19 Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Strength seen again. The Eldest ghosts can only be
drain. Groaning spirits are the bane of other permanently destroyed if the moon bridge
undead, and any undead they at Asteria Point (see Event 17) is locked
touch (except other groaning once again. Otherwise they rejuvenate
in 2d4 days. The ghosts’ spears
spirits) must succeed on a DC are not left behind when they are
19Will save or flee in fear for defeated.
2d6 rounds. The save DCs are
Charisma-based. Development: If the PCs
Keening (Su) Once per day, at defeat the ghosts and the
night only, a groaning spirit groaning spirit, the central ghost
can release a death wail with the headdress once again
addresses them (if it had
audible to a range of 1
retreated into the fog, it
mile. All creatures within reappears to do so). It stares
30 feet that hear this must hard upon the PCs, its empty
make a successful DC 21 eyes almost seeming to bore
Will save or be affected holes into their souls (though it
does not use its corrupting gaze
as per the wail of the
attack), and in the same archaic
banshee spell. Those form of Elven it states, “Perhaps
that make their save it is not too late after all. Close the
still take 3d6+7 points span… close the span or join us in
of damage. The save our failure.” It is referring to sealing
off the moon bridge as described
DC is Charisma-based
in Event 17. After it makes this
and includes a +2 bonus statement, it fades from view never
from the groaning to return.
spirit’s Ability Focus feat.

Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs defeat the undead and hear heavy cloth bundle in his arms. A DC 24 Perception check
the third ghost’s final declaration, award XP as if they had notices what appears to be blood soaking through this
defeated it in battle as well. bundle and spatters of blood on his robes. If Belphorus
is confronted, he is startled and drops the bundle with
a splat. Anyone examining the bundle discovers that it
EVENT 9: BROTHERS BEHAVING BADLY contains a freshly removed heart. If the PCs make strong
Day 2: after vespers accusations, Belphorus is flustered and unable to provide
Location: the Asterian Abbey, various locations (A) a good explanation. Anyone making a DC 15 Heal check
realizes that the heart is much too big to belong to a
human, and a DC 18 Knowledge (nature) identifies it as
This consists of four separate events involving the
probably belonging to a cow or some similar animal.
four surviving monks of the abbey. They take place
individually and can occur anywhere within the abbey
that is a convenient time and place for the PCs to run If the PCs calm Belphorus with a DC 15 Diplomacy
across the monk, though the monks are unlikely to be in check, he can recover himself enough to explain that it
the crypts (A10–12) or catacombs (B). Likewise none of is the heart of the cow that was butchered in the yard.
them will be utilizing the secret door at A9 at the time He explains that he just finished stirring the jars of
of this event. Any or all of these can be used as you see blood from the slaughtered animal in the smithy (A4)
fit; all serve to heighten suspicion of the various monks and is now allowing them to cool overnight so he can
and prevent the PCs from becoming too comfortable with use them for a blood pudding. Meanwhile he is currently
their investigative conclusions so far. taking the creature’s heart to the kitchen to use as a base
in a stew. Anyone making a DC 12 Profession (cook) or
related skill check recognizes both of those are common
Abbot Quilm: The aged abbot is discovered wandering
culinary practices. No amount of intimidation or magical
in an unusual place, acting very furtive. When the PCs
examination can detect any falsehoods in his statements,
first spot him, he notices and attempts to escape detection
but Belphorus always seems at least a little oily and
(though not very well). If the PCs wish, they can easily
untrustworthy, a trait that does not work in his favor here.
reach him before he gets away. If this occurs he acts very
After leaving the PCs he carries the heart to the kitchen
irritated and secretive. He is doing nothing incriminating
and places it in a pot of boiling water to steep.
(other than acting weird) and refuses to explain what he is
doing, claiming he is the abbot of this abbey and it is none
of the PCs’ business. He is resistant to intimidation and Brother Hakkan: The PCs spot Brother Hakkan moving
magical coercion as explained below. surreptitiously, clearly sneaking through the abbey. He
also is noticeably hiding some object under his scapular.
If confronted, Brother Hakkan is visibly nervous and
The truth of the matter is that the abbot is “sun-
refuses to make eye contact. He is unable to verbally
downing”. On this evening as darkness descended, his
articulate what he is up to and remains silent instead. He
dementia manifested and he became confused and then
resists being searched and begins to panic and scream,
lost as he wandered the abbey. When he spotted the
throwing a fit if forced unless calmed with a DC 25
PCs he suddenly realized what he was doing, but his
Diplomacy check or with the use of magic. A panicked
embarrassment and pride prevent him from admitting
fit will bring the other brothers in 1d4+4 rounds who
his reduced mental acuity to himself, much less the PCs,
will admonish the PCs for frightening the lad but also
and as a result he ends up inadvertently behaving very
quickly realize he is hiding something and force him to
suspiciously. A DC 22 Sense Motive can determine he is
reveal it to all assembled anyway. If the PCs learned of his
hiding something (as can a detect thoughts), but neither
anxiety-inducing condition as described under “Dinner
can determine what exactly because there is not a specific
Conversation” in Event 1, then it only requires a DC 15
thing he is hiding other than his internal humiliation.
Diplomacy check to calm him and gain access to seeing
If the PCs learned of his dementia as described under
what he is hiding.
“Dinner Conversation” in Event 1, then his behavior
makes sense in that context. After leaving the PCs, he
retires to his room for the evening. If Hakkan is forced to reveal what he is carrying, it is
revealed to be one of the tomes of knowledge described
in A26 (pick one or determine which one randomly). He
Brother Belphorus: Belphorus is spotted moving
has just discovered it in the library (A26) and believed
quietly down a darkened hall carrying what appears to be a
it might shed additional light on the suspicions he is

already harboring. As a result, he was looking for a private EVENT 10: A DIRE WARNING
place where he could examine it. He will confess to Day 2: between vespers and compline
having found the book and wanting to examine it but will Location: the entrance to the abbey (A13)
not admit to his suspicions about Abbot Quilm and how
they relate to it. Brother Hakkan returns to his room after
leaving the PCs. If he retained the book, he immediately The PCs are located by Abbot Quilm and Brother Belphorus’
begins examining it in hopes of enlightenment. Belphorus looks nervous and Quilm looks agitated. Quilm
demands that the PCs accompany him and Belphorus to the
entrance at A13. Along the way he explains that Belphorus
It should be noted that Hakkan is not carrying the pages was making his nightly rounds to make sure all the doors
stolen from the book in A24 at this time. Those will only be were secure before retiring for the night. When he opened
discovered on his person during Event 14: A Broken Order. the front entrance, he made a terrible discovering and
immediately rushed to find Abbot Quilm.
Brother Hector: As with others, the PCs spot Brother
Hector attempting to move quietly through the halls and When the PCs arrive at the door, Quilm opens it and shows
avoid notice. He carries a sack that holds something that them the disturbing discovery. Nailed to the front of the left
occasional squirms in his grasp. If spotted, he hunkers door is a bloody mass of black fur and viscera. It requires a DC
down and tries to appear inconspicuous, likely appearing 17 Knowledge (nature) check to recognize it as a cat, and both
much more conspicuous in the process. If confronted Quilm and Belphorus can confirm that one of the mousers that
he laughs nervously and sweats prodigiously, saying he’s lives in the barn (A2) was black. Someone clearly slaughtered
just out to stretch his legs before retiring for the night. the cat most gruesomely and then nailed it to the abbey’s front
All the while he attempts to conceal the sack behind his entrance without anyone noticing. It was certainly not there
back that continues to squirm and twitch. He sheepishly before vespers when the farmers left. If Brother Hector was
surrenders the sack if ordered, and opening it reveals it to discovered in Event 9 and the intended purpose of his black
contain a live black rooster within, its beak tied shut with rooster discerned, then the PCs recognize this slaughter and
a bit of twine. display something akin to the same superstitious ritual he
was going to perform. In fact, a black cat is considered a viable
Hector states that he obtained it from the farmers when substitute for a black rooster in that particular superstition.
they visited a few hours earlier and had just gone outside
to retrieve it. He cannot provide a good reason for why Whomever performed this act left no footprints and no
he has it only mumbling something about “saving the traces of themselves. If the other brothers are questioned,
abbey”. If successfully intimidated or magically coerced, they all decry their innocence (Brother Hector, in particular,
he admits that he was going to use it for a ritual his seems extremely embarrassed by the act he had previously
gammer taught him long ago for use in warding off evil been contemplating), and their claims stand up under
spirits. While a DC 10 Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana) interrogation and magical detection alike. A specific
check does not reveal the existence of any such ritual, A examination of the nail embedded in the door reveals that it
DC 17 Knowledge (local) check realizes he is referring to is actually a bronze nail, a rather odd and interesting fact. All
an old superstition involving the sacrifice of a black capon of the nails possessed by the abbey are made of iron, as is the
to make a bargain with the Devil*. While the superstition general custom throughout Yolbiac Vale and the Kingdoms
is false, it has carried weight among the simple folk for of Foere at large. A DC 16 Knowledge (history) check reveals
thousands of years and is still practiced on the sly by that casting a nail of bronze is a very antiquated practice that
those seeking to avert the evil eye or some other calamity. has been out of use since shortly after the coming of the
That even a brother of a Thyrian order would subscribe Hyperborean Legion more than three thousand years ago,
to it only confirms its pervasiveness. Brother Hector is though this particular nail is clearly not of great age itself.
clearly embarrassed by the discovery, and if it is presented Only the use of magical divination or a DC 30 Knowledge
to Quilm he tut-tuts judgmentally over the brother’s (local) check will reveal that the elves known as the EldestLL5-153,
superstitious nonsense and lack of true faith. In either a small number of whom are thought to still inhabit the
case, an abashed Hector aborts his plan and returns the deepest forests of Yolbiac Vale, are known to use bronze in
rooster to the barn at A2. their metalworking rather than iron or steel.

* Though there are many devils and arch-devils known on Lloegyr, there is also an underlying superstition of the Devil,
“Old Scratch”, as well. See page 39 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

curtain, making it difficult to determine the direction of the
noise. While thin, these vapors still reduce visibility to three-
quarters of the normal ranges, resulting in a –2 penalty on
Perception checks and a –2 penalty on ranged attacks.

If for any reason, the PCs go to the observatory (A23),

they find that the oculus has been refocused and instead of
depicting the moon, it now points at the peak of Asteria Point
showing a magnified view of the standing stone. There above
the mists a hooded humanoid figure stands before the stone
and a monstrous abomination is faintly visible behind the
stone. The image of the abomination is weirdly distorted,
like the air above a roaring fire, making the aberrant thing
extremely difficult to identify. The PCs can observe that the
bestial monstrosity is pale, far larger than the figure standing
before it, and the thing’s visage consists of fleshy tentacles.
A DC 32 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check discerns that it
is some form of moon-beast with a sinister unearthly aspect
surrounding it. The humanoid figure wears a monk’s cowl and
its voluminous folds make identifying the monk impossible. If
the PCs search the abbey and wish to speak to the monks, they
discover that both Belphorus and Hector seem to be missing.

Hector’s consciousness has been taken over by the

moon-beast. He snuck out of the scriptorium by the
secret door there (A9), then a mooncalf carried him up
the mountain so that he could perform a ritual at the
standing stone. Brother Belphorus, meanwhile, was out
collecting alpine sweetroot from a small patch growing
near the abbey and he happened to spot a figure in a
The truth of the matter is that there is a small population monk’s cowl leaving the abbey grounds. Belphorus was
of Eldest that remain within the Vale. The awakening of the curious and followed, and saw the monstrous mooncalf
ghosts in Event 8: Return of the Eldest caught the attention float down to meet Hector in a rocky clearing near the
of the some of the more spiritually sensitive members abbey. Unfortunately, portly Belphorus couldn’t conceal
of the tribe, one of whom has come up the mountain to himself from the mooncalf ’s otherworldly senses. The
investigate. Having spotted the ghosts earlier and realizing floating monster swooped down and scooped Belphorus
what it portends, the wild elf caught one of the cats in the up, and following a telepathic command from its master,
barn and sacrificed it as a means to ward away the evils that flew the portly monk up to a considerable height before
are about to befall the abbey. The wild elf then departed dropping him. Under orders not to harm Hector, as he
without leaving a trace to warn her kin down in the valley is still needed, the mooncalf carried Hector and flew
of the coming invasion. him up to the mountain peak and then, when the ritual
is complete, deposits him safely back in the clearing
outside the abbey. Brother Hector can remember none
EVENT 11: THE EYE SEES ALL of this and wakes the next morning in the scriptorium
Day 2: before compline (A18) with no memory of these events (see Event 12:
Location: the observatory (A23) Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise). If his footprints are found,
the best explanation he can give is “sleepwalking”, as he
honestly has no idea of what occurred.
As the hour of compline approaches and quiet has fallen
over the abbey, the PCs again hear spine-chilling howls in
the distance echoing off in the mountains — much as during If the PC’s decide to climb to the summit to see what
dinner on the first night (see Event 1). The mist has thinned is happening, it takes over two hours to reach the peak. If
but still dampens the air and curls over the ground like a wet this is the first time they are ascending the mountain, they

experience strange weather (see Event 5: Unseasonal Weather and Brother Hakkan present, of course, Brother Belphorus
for more details) on their way to the summit. The climbing is missing, and Brother Hector asleep in the scriptorium (A18)
more difficult at this time as moisture and ice coats the rocks where he claims to have worked nearly all night on the glyphs
and adds +2 to the DC of Climb checks due to the slipperiness. (his falsehood cannot be detected by Sense Motive or magic
because he is truly unaware that he ever left).


Day 3: before lauds The body lies not far from the abbey’s main entrance on
the track leading back to Coelum and is easily identifiable
Location: just outside the abbey on the Coleum trail
as Brother Belphorus. Belphorus’ limbs are broken and
unnaturally splayed, and the monk’s skull has been
Early on the morning of the third day, Brother Hakkan heads fractured and split, a trickle of tacky blood escaping from
out to the chicken coop to collect eggs for breakfast (one of the wound. While there is extensive damage to his torso
his daily assigned tasks). Upon opening the barn door one there is no blood under the body. A DC 15 Perception check
of the hens became agitated and flew away over the fence. notes there are no signs of lacerations, breaks in the skin,
Hakkan chased it out the gate and down the road towards or bite marks. Anyone examining the corpse and making a
Coelum, though he didn’t get far before discovering Brother DC 20 Heal check notes that the cleric does not appear to
Belphorus’ mangled body sprawled among the stones beside have been attacked by an animal or creature of any sort but
the trail. Hakkan runs screaming into the abbey, where he is instead appears to have died from a fall.
discovered in his cell by Abbot Quilm, and it takes some time
to find the reason for his distress, as he only repeats “
In addition to his sickle, frying pan, 2 doses of wolfsbane,
got away… I couldn’t catch it. Where w...w...ill it lay the eggs
and wooden holy symbol of Thyr, Belphorus’s scapular
now?” (in reference to his morning duties). After 30 minutes
holds a sprig of mistletoe, a half-eaten wedge of cheese, and
or if calmed through magical means such as a calm emotions
some freshly picked small, dark blue, woody lumps of plant
spell or a DC 25 Diplomacy or Sense Motive check, Brother
life. A DC 12 Knowledge (nature) check reveals that the plants
Hakkan will be able to lead the abbot and the PCs to the body.
are fresh alpine sweetroot and which is uncommon and only
Searching the abbey during this time finds Abbot Quilm

DC Information Discovered
20 Tracks in the soil show that two people came to the clearing within the last day.
22 Both sets of tracks were left by human-sized sandals. One of the individuals was significantly heavier than
the other based on the depth of the tracks.
24 The heavier footprints (made by Belphorus) only go into the dell but don’t come out, their maker apparently
“vanishing” (he was picked up by the mooncalf ).
26 The lighter footprints (made by Hector) are overlapped by the heavier ones showing that they arrived in
the clearing first, but then briefly overlap the others showing that the lighter individual did not leave the
clearing until after the heavier one had “vanished”. The lighter tracks then continue on up the mountain
towards the peak of Asteria Point.
28 The heavier tracks indicate he was turning and starting to run before his footprints end with a slight drag
on the final print indicating he was swept or knocked off his feet.
30 The lighter tracks follow a normal walking pace but the heavier tracks (Belphorus’) are closer together
indicating he was moving slowly and cautiously. His meandering path to patches of brush and other areas
of cover indicates he was potentially hiding while following the maker of the lighter tracks.
32 Fresh gouges in the bark of a nearby pine tree some 12 feet above the ground gives a hint that a flying
creature took the maker of the heavier tracks.
34 The heavier tracks can be backtracked to the main entrance to the abbey grounds (A1). (Brother Belphorus
left from there to collect the sweetroot.)
36 The lighter tracks can be backtracked to the blank stone wall at the base of the abbey’s south tower. (This
is the location of the secret door at A9 where Brother Hector egressed from the abbey. Following the tracks
to this point gives a +4 bonus to Perception checks to locate the secret door.)

grows in mountainous regions like this one. The herbs are It is important that the PCs leave the abbey at this point
fresh and while there is none growing in the garden (A1), to investigate the noises. If they seem reluctant to do so,
searching near the abbey for around an hour or so and making have Abbot Quilm in a panic demanding that they “protect
a DC 12 Knowledge (nature) or DC 18 Perception check finds them from the beasts”. Considering that the PCs are hired
the patch of sweetroot that Belphorus occasionally harvests adventurers, this shouldn’t be too difficult. It’s possible,
in a nearby dell. Observing the footprints and other signs on however, that the PCs may leave someone behind to keep
the ground at the dell and successful DC 20 Survival check an eye on things while the others go. If this occurs, all is not
to track reveals some of what occurred last night. For every 2 lost. Remember, the abbey is a really big place, and Event 14:
points by which the PCs beat the DC include an extra detail A Broken Order includes the means to have the action take
from the table below to give hints as to what happened. Do place away from any watcher left behind. Likewise, you can
not reveal the portions in parenthesis; they are included have the events leading to Event 14 occur while the watcher is
only to provide the GM with context. distracted elsewhere. If necessary, you could have a surviving
(or another) rhu-chalik from A10 appear to distract and lead
the watcher away for a few minutes or perhaps a fisher from
Based on the finding of sandal prints (all of the monks wear
outside (Appendix A, page 57) attack, attracted by all the
sandals), the PCs are likely to want to compare the size of
sudden carnage. Don’t do anything to deliberately eliminate
the sandals worn by the monks. Unfortunately, all of their
the PCs left behind, just keep him engaged long enough for
sandals are rather crudely made by the same leatherworker
events to transpire as described below.
in Coelum and are all essentially the same size. Hence,
the size of the tracks do not provide the same potential to
identify the individual that the depth of the tracks does. Assuming the PCs head out to investigate the uproar,
they find an area on the rocky soil that has been churned,
the underbrush flattened and ripped out by some violent
Casting speak with dead on Belphorus’ body is possible,
struggle that occurred there. There is blood everywhere that
and with the right questions he can posthumously recount
looks black in the moonlight. Long fine streaks of blood
the events leading up to his death. He never saw the face of
leave dark wet droplets on the rocks and the sparse flattened
the other monk, but Brother Belphorus did recognize that
grasses are stained red. Canine paw prints the twice the size
the figure moved too sure-footedly to be someone of Abbot
of a normal wolf lead away from the scene, along with a heavy
Quilm’s senior years. His description of the mooncalf is
blood trail. The dark wet trail of blood makes the trail easy to
vague as it is totally outside his experience, and he only saw
follow (Survival DC 10), while a DC 20 Survival check reveals
it for a brief amount of time before it grasped him in its
that the unsteady gait of the tracks hints that the creature
tentacles. The best he can do to describe it is to say it was
is badly wounded. The blood trail continues for a half mile
a “floating pale thing with tentacles and a maw of teeth.”
over arduous terrain before the PCs find its source. How
quickly the PCs can track down the wolf creature depends
EVENT 13: BROTHER WOLF (CR 7) on their speed, perceptiveness, and tracking abilities but
Day 3: after vespers should also take sufficient time for certain events to play out
at the abbey, see Event 14: A Broken Order below.
Location: outside the abbey (varies)

At the end of the blood trail is a badly wounded werewolf

As evening falls on the third night of the full moon and
in hybrid form, its left arm torn from its shoulder, leaving
Luna climbs into the night sky, the stillness of the night air
it hanging only from a few shreds of skin. Unbeknownst to
is rent by sounds of a fierce struggle somewhere outside but
the PCs, a mooncalf ambushed and assaulted the werewolf
near the abbey. There are fierce growls and then the noise of
causing this grievous injury. The werewolf lies in the curve
vicious battle with aggressive baying and snarling, as heavy
hollow of a rotten log, licking his wound as his life’s blood
bodies struggle against each other. As the PCs react to this,
seeps from the tattered stump. The werewolf turns in a
the growls turn into a pained, tortured yelp that transforms
maddened rage and attacks as he senses the PCs.
partway through into a man screaming, the pained cries
echoing off the nearby slopes. This occurs regardless of
where the PCs have positioned themselves; choose a site for
this battle based on where the PCs are located. For example, BROTHER TYBERUS (HYBRID FORM) CR 7
if the PCs are in the abbey, the sound could be coming from XP 3,200
out in the yard (A1). If the PCs are keeping watch outside, Male human fel moonboundHA afflicted were-
it could be somewhere on the rocky slope above the abbey,
outside their immediate line of sight. direwolfB1 ex-cleric 3/fighter 2 (Razor Coast 378)

CE Large humanoid (human, shapeshifter)
Init +6; Senses low light vision, scent; Perception +8
Tyberus’ final words are a useful clue, but his death is by
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, no means guaranteed. The PCs may use nonlethal means
–1 size) to defeat Tyberus or use an effect that somehow restrains
hp 123, currently 84 plus 2 bleed (5d8+30 plus him without killing him. Fortunately talking in combat
is a free action, so having Tyberus linger for a moment to
3d8+18 plus 2d10+12 plus 13)
give his last words, before succumbing to whatever effect
Fort +16; Ref +6; Will +12 (+13 vs. fear) the PCs finish him off with is appropriately dramatic. If
Defensive Abilities bravery +1; DR 10/magic and silver the PCs rush to heal Tyberus during or after he speaks
OFFENSE his last words, remember that Tyberus loses the fel
lycanthrope template when he drops, effectively losing
Speed 30 ft. another 82 hit points. Even if the PCs subdue Tyberus
Melee bite +16 (1d8+9 plus trip), claw +15 (1d6+9) and then rouse him to consciousness, the lycanthropic
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. priest will have to continually struggle to resist the full
STATISTICS moon in the sky and the urge to transform back into a
ravening beast.
Str 28, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +7; CMB +17; CMD 29
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Improved
Initiative, Iron WillB, Lightning Reflexes, Power monks. As he dies, Tyberus’ one remaining arm grasps out
Attack, Selective Channel, Toughness, Weapon frantically, his eyes desperate and pleading as he gasps, “The
Focus (bite) servants of the moon!” His eyes close and his head falls back
as the last of his life leaves him. His body falls limply to the
Skills Climb +17, Craft (carpentry) +9, Diplomacy +9, ground, and he passes into death. Continue with Event 14:
Heal +11, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +8, A Broken Order below when the party returns to the abbey
Stealth +3, Survival +11 (+15 scent tracking); Racial or proceed with Event 15: Moonlit Ascent if they for some
Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent reason head directly towards the mountain peak.
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ bare and wounded, change shape (human, EVENT 14: A BROKEN ORDER
hybrid, and dire wolf; polymorph), fast movement, Day 3: between vespers and compline (after Event 13)
lycanthropic empathy (dire wolves and wolves), Location: the foyer (A14) or the scriptorium (A18)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Upon returning to the abbey following their investigation of
Bare and Wounded (Ex) Tyberus’ wound, bleed, the unfortunate Brother Tyberus in Event 13: Brother Wolf,
the PCs find the front doors (A13) standing open and signs
single claw attack (due to his severed arm), and of a struggle in the foyer (A14). Alternatively, this event can
lack of gear lower his CR by 1. occur in the scriptorium (A18) with the secret door at A9
Moonbound (Su) When the moon is full, a standing open if the PCs are maintaining a watch on the
moonbound lycanthrope gains +4 Strength and foyer. Overturned furniture and/or scattered books show
+4 Constitution and DR 10/magic and silver that a fight took place here. Brother Hakkan lies beaten and
unconscious on the floor. He is at –4 hit points but is stable.
in animal or hybrid forms. This increases the When the PCs revive him, he is almost incoherent from
creature’s CR by +1 during this time. These stress and the horror of recent events, especially Belphorus’
changes have been included in the stat block. death. Things he has witnessed have fractured his mind
and broken his grip on sanity. He can no longer form long
Development: When defeated, the werewolf transforms sentences but keeps muttering, “He’s m…m…mad! He’s
back into his fully human form. His body is naked and his becoming the b…b…beast. He’s going to let it out…the
handsome features reveal this to be the missing Brother s…s…stone, the s…s…stone…” as he gestures frantically up
Tyberus based on the description given by his brother the direction of the peak of Asteria Point.

Hakkan lies on the flagstone floor and closes his eyes trying The Order stayed loyal to their vow for many centuries.
to shut out reality. He mutters erratically in his delusion, However, such powerful and dangerous knowledge is not to
rambling on about irrelevant things such as the shape of be bandied about lightly. The Order’s true purpose became
Belphorus’ head (when Belphorus’ body was crushed by a sacred secret. New initiates would join the Asterian Order,
the fall), and little more can be gained from speaking with in the belief that they were to simply study the moons and
him. Hakkan starts to disassociate and even seems to stop the stars. As they proved their loyalty, trustworthiness, and
realizing there are people in the room with him. However, commitment to their faith and the Order, they would be
if the PCs tend to him at this time, a DC 15 Perception check ceremonially inducted into the abbey’s true purpose of
also notices that Hakkan’s cassock is lumpy as if something protecting this world from lunar invasion. Here the pages
is been stuffed inside it. If the PCs notice this, or search end, but scribbled notes in a margin list the year 2797 I.R.
Hakkan’s person, in a pocket they find several thick vellum (some 7 centuries ago) with the addendum “Red Plague!” The
pages that have obviously been torn from a book. PCs may already be aware from their other investigations
in and around the abbey, but a DC 15 Knowledge (history)
check recalls how this plague swept across the continent in
The illustrated pages tell a chilling tale of an invasion of
2781 and again in 2797, wiping out entire towns, killing no
this world by moon creatures from Luna, the larger moon.
less than two FoerdewaithLL4-14 Overkings, and likely almost
The Ancient Ones, some of the earliest inhabitants of the area
wiping out the monks at the Abbey. The Abbot and upper
the abbey was later built on, fought pitched battles against
echelon of priests all succumbed to the plague and the true
these moon creatures, but were pushed back by their pure
mission of the abbey was lost, leaving only the humblest
strength and brutality. The moon creatures flooded into the
novices of the Order with only the knowledge of their
area, decimating and enslaving the surrounding Valefolk.
simple task of surveying the stars. The abbey effectively
Unable to suffer these losses, the Ancient Ones sought help
became a religious observatory and the threat of lunar
from the Eldest elves from Yolbiac Vale and only with their
invasion was forgotten.
aid were able to drive the moon creatures back and battle
them to a stalemate. Together, they were able to slay many
of the creatures and eventually captured a lunar moonstone. With this revelation, the PCs should now realize the true
On the nights of the full moon, this magical crystal could gravity of the situation. The portal at the peak of Asteria
activate a portal to and from the moon at a navigational tether Point seems to be on the verge of being reopened, releasing
point atop the mountain now called Asteria Point. Using the terror and invasion from the moon once again after all these
magical moonstone crystal, the elves opened a moon bridge centuries. Continue to Event 15: Moonlit Ascent below.
at the standing stone on Asteria Point. As a powerful moon-
beast crossed through the ether to investigate, the Ancient
Treasure: If the PCs attempt to search Brother Hakkan
One followers of Myrddin cast a powerful entrapment ritual,
further, he does not resist. Turning out his pockets reveal
completing the binding just as the beast began to emerge,
his divine scroll (CL 1: purify food and drink, stabilize [x2]),
effectively trapping it in a stone prison. The imprisoned moon-
2 flasks of holy water, wooden holy symbol of Thyr, and
beast’s psyche blocked the portal, sealing it, and successfully
scrivener’s kit. He does not protest if the PCs decide to take
preventing any further invasion of creatures from the moon.
any of these.

Realizing the need to guard the standing stone over the long
centuries to come to prevent the portal from being reopened, EVENT 15: MOONLIT ASCENT (CR 9)
the Eldest elves and Ancient Ones established an organization Day 3: before compline
which would remain committed to the task of keeping the Location: en route to Asteria Point (C)
moon-beast contained indefinitely. Thus were the nascent
Asterians brought into being. Over time the then powerful Just over halfway up the mountain track to the peak, you come
Church of Thyr, renowned for its wisdom and justice, saw upon a horrific sight in the light of full moon. A human corpse
both the need and the righteousness of this mission and took wearing the familiar cowled robe of the abbey’s monk lies on its
on the duty of monitoring the moon and the standing stone, belly in a pool of dark blood, head pointing down the trail back
creating a religious order dedicated to the purpose. They towards the abbey, with a smeared blood trail leading from a few
constructed the abbey on the slopes of the mountain, housing feet further up the path. Most distressingly, the victim’s hands have
a magical oculus to aid them in their chosen quest to watch been brutally hacked off at the wrists and are missing.
for a new invasion from above with the knowledge that a loss
of vigilance could lead to the weakening of the moonstone’s The corpse is easily identified as that of Abbot Quilm.
defenses and a reopening the moon bridge. In addition to the severed hands, there are bruises and

from the awakening moon bridge above have animated
Quilm’s corpse, transfiguring it into a lunar wight. It
launches itself at the PCs and fights until destroyed. If any
FOERDEWAITH of the rhu-chaliks from A10 survive, they are encountered
The Hyperborean Monarchy of the Foerdewaith was the here as well as they attempt to delay the PCs from reaching
formal designation of the Kingdoms of Foere and the the peak and interrupting Hector’s ritual.
spiritual inheritor of the Hyperborean Empire. It rose
under Overking Macobert in 2744 I.R. and persisted until
its eventual decline and Wars of Succession beginning LUNAR WIGHT CR 9
in 3213. Today the Kingdom of Foere still holds sway
XP 6,400
over much of central Akados (including Yolbiac Vale, at
least on paper) but nowhere near to the extent of the hp 114 (see Appendix A, page 59)
Overkings of old.
Treasure: The gear on Quilm’s body consists of a potion of
aid, a dose of wolfsbane, his gold ring of office (125 gp), and
his gold holy symbol of Thyr (50 gp).
contusions on both his head and arms, and his face
appears misshapen due to a large swelling on his cheek EVENT 16: MOONFIRE (CR VARIES)
from a powerful blow. His skin is blue and icy, and a Day 3: before compline (after Event 15)
DC 22 Perception check notices on his sandaled feet the
Location: en route to Asteria Point (C)
formation of chilblains on his toes. A successful DC 15 Heal
check reveals that the abbot died less than an hour ago, and
from the large amount of blood on the ground, it appears This occurs as the PCs continue their ascent towards the
his hands were cut off while he was still alive. It’s difficult standing stone atop the mountain.
to determine whether the abbot died from blood loss or
exposure to the cold, but a smeared trail of blood indicates As you climb the benighted mountain side, the surrounding
that Quilm managed to crawl a short distance back down landscape begins to be eerily illuminated in silvery flashes. Pale
the path before his demise. streaks of moonlight descend from the night sky, like silver fire,
towards the mountain top above. Stopping a moment to catch
your breath, you watch the celestial display and notice pale,
While the PCs were away from the abbey during Event indescribable shapes, clearly visible, descending seemingly on this
13: Brother Wolf, Brother Hector incapacitated Brother rain of light coming from the swollen face of the moon above. It
Hakkan and then roused Abbot Quilm from his sleep. He seems the invasion has begun
managed to convince the abbot that the abbey was under
attack and the only chance for their survival was to seek
protection at the standing stone on the mountain peak. The partially reopened moon bridge on the mountain’s
While Quilm’s sleepy and muddled mental state when peak is allowing groups of mooncalves to filter through
he woke meant that the abbot fell for Hector’s story, the from the etheric reaches of space to peak of Asteria Point.
laborious walk in the cold night air eventually brought These groups of mooncalves appear at roughly 10-minute
Quilm back to his senses. Hector managed to entreat intervals. The first group consists of 2 mooncalves, the
and cajole Quilm this far before the abbot flatly refused second has 3 mooncalves, and each group beyond that
to go any farther. At this point Brother Hector violently contains 4 mooncalves. If the PCs do not quickly ascend
surprised Quilm, knocked him out, and then hacked off to the peak, then they will soon face an overwhelming
his hands with a hatchet taken from the barn. Hector then horde of enemies. If uninterrupted, the mooncalves scour
took these severed appendages to the mountain peak to use the mountainsides, destroying any terrestrial creatures
in the ritual there. they come across, but remaining close to the summit to
safeguard and fortify their breach into this world as the rest
of the invasion force descends.
Development: As the PCs make their examination of the
scene, Quilm’s body suddenly shudders horrifically and
lurches upright. The abbot’s face is a gruesome death mask
contorted with fury, his mouth hanging open inhumanly
wide to reveal newly elongated, chisel-like teeth. The brutal XP 3,200
nature of his death, combined with dark etheric energies hp 90 (see Appendix A, page 58)

Development: From where the PC find Quilm’s body, the standing stone. The silvery fire continues to rain down towards
ascent to the peak is a little under a mile (4,500 feet) but this your world from the now-sinister face of the moon, and the moon
distance is steeply upward and over difficult rugged terrain, seems to bathe it in a constant beam of light that appears almost
even if the PCs stick to the mountain path. Most creatures solid — like a physical bridge of light. Great birdlike creatures
ascend at one-quarter speed (half speed for mountainous perch atop the stone and sway in time with an eerie chanting that
terrain, half speed for the steep slope), meaning that a echoes around the mountain peak, and strange plant life has spring
creature with a speed of 30 feet can make the climb in just up upon the formerly snow-laced bare stone of the mountain peak,
under 30 minutes, and a creature with a speed of 20 feet creating a garden of exotic and forbidding allure.
reaches the peak in 45 minutes. If the PCs can move more
quickly, such as by flying, teleporting, or other magic, they The standing stone itself is transformed. It now glows with a
can reach the summit and reduce the number of mooncalves pale light and has taken on a strange gelatinous consistency. It
that can descend upon them. seems to pulse and throb, appearing to almost wink out of this
existence for a moment before refocusing again. Brother Hector,
his hood lowered to reveal his misshapen face, stands before the
EVENT 17: THE BRIDGEHEAD stone with his hands raised above his head and his voice uttering
Day 3: compline an undulating chant. A pair of blood-smeared, severed human
Location: Asteria Point (C) hands lies at the base of the stone, arrayed as if in propitiation of
the pulsing monolith.

It is possible that the PCs have investigated area C previously.

If so, they find that with the awakening of the moonstone The landscape around the standing stone has changed
and its moon bridge, things have changed. in the hours since moonrise with the influx of magical
power from the awakening moon bridge. These changes are
The full moon of Luna rises above the mountain top at such an reflected in the encounter areas below. As the PCs make
angle that it almost looks as if it is balancing atop the ancient their way towards C3, Brother Hector continues his ritual

chanting to release the moon-beast trapped within the SPECIAL ABILITIES
stone. See that area for more details.
Blood Drain (Ex) A bloodsuckle that grapples a foe
can drain blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution
C1. THE GARDEN OF UNEARTHLY DISMAY damage each round that the hold is maintained.
(CR 11) Once it has dealt 8 points of Constitution damage,
The mountain peak was once nothing more than it releases victim so it can use it again later as a food
windswept stone with patches and stone and ice and the
occasional hardy lichen, but the rays of the full moon
source. Bloodsuckles never kill those they have
amplified by the eldritch power of the moonstone have transformed into hosts unless they are extremely
activated latent spores left over from the wars of millennia hungry.
ago causing strange plants alien to the world of Lloegyr Create Host (Ex) A bloodsuckle that strikes a living
to spring to life and grow to full size in only minutes. As target with a tendril injects a special poison sap
shown of the map, there are 4 bloodsuckles that block the
approach to the stone, woody, tumorous brambles with
into the victim that requires a DC 18 Will save, or
vines covered in needle-like thorns. Standing at their the victim is transformed into a host. This acts as
center is the twisted and bulbous, maw-split stalk of a a dominate monster spell (caster level 8th) with no
full-grown moonflower. limit on its duration. Immunity or resistance to
poison applies normally to this sap. The save DC is
A victim that becomes a host returns to the
XP 2,400 plant whenever it calls. It is normally used by the
The Tome of Horrors Complete 70 bloodsuckle for feeding purposes, but if the plant
N Large plant comes under attack may be summoned for defense.
Init +4; Senses blindsight 30 ft., host sense 100 ft.; A host with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher that is
Perception +11 commanded to act in a manner inconsistent with its
DEFENSE alignment (such as attacking allies) is allowed another
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, –1 size) Will save with a +4 bonus to break the bloodsuckle’s
hp 68 (8d8+32) control.
Fort +10; Ref +4; Will +10 Host Sense (Ex) A bloodsuckle automatically senses the
Immune plant traits location of any hosts within 100 feet.
OFFENSE Seed (Ex) Once per month, a bloodsuckle can generate
Speed 0 ft. (immobile) a walnut-sized seed that it implants in a host’s body.
Melee 2 tendrils +9 (1d4+3 plus grab plus create The host wanders off and 1d4 days later, the seed
host) or 4 limb rakes +8 (1d6+3) breaks open growing a new bloodsuckle inside the
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (30 ft. with tendrils) host. Each day a host remains implanted with this
Special Attacks blood drain, create host, seed, seed, it takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage.
summon host When its Constitution reaches 0, the host dies and
STATISTICS a new bloodsuckle erupts from the corpse and takes
root. A remove disease spell destroys the seedling.
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Summon Host (Ex) As free action, a bloodsuckle can
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 20 (can’t
generate a high-pitched whine that only its hosts can
be tripped)
hear. A host that hears this call proceeds immediately
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
at its highest rate of speed and in the most direct
Reflexes, Weapon Focus (tendril)
route toward the plant. The whine can be heard by a
Skills Perception +11
host within 2 miles of the bloodsuckle.
Languages summon host (see below)

XP 3,200
hp 90 (see Appendix A, page 58)


Upon approaching the moonstone, the PCs can see that trails
of bloody glyphs writhe and squirm across its pulsating
surface. These glyphs match those that Hector may have
shown the PCs earlier, but they now twist and reform
into sigils in the Old Tongue, revealing the remnants of
the ritual binding that imprisons Dykath the moon-beast.
Hector’s body is now merely a husk, his mind and identity
enslaved by the dominant moon-beast psyche. Sensing the
threat that the PCs hold and recognizing that its plans can
still be all too easily thwarted, the moon-beast realizes that
it must sacrifice its human pawn if its goals of freedom and
conquest are to be realized. Dykath can project itself out of
the standing stone using its link with Brother Hector. As
the PCs watch, Hector utters a short shrieking cry and then
his body bursts like an overripe melon, the moon-beast
emerging from the gory pulp to attack.

Though the moon-beast is able to project itself from its

dimensional prison by sacrificing its humanoid pawn, it is
still bound to the standing stone and cannot move more
than 60 feet from the stone. Only when the moon sets, will
the stone’s ancient binding be completely broken and the
moon-beast finally free of its prison. At that time the moon
bridge will be fully unblocked, allowing a horde of etheric
moon creatures to flood across the cosmic span and invade
MOONFLOWERB2 CR 10 at the next full moon. The people of the surrounding lands
will be brutalized and destroyed, their bodies used for
XP 4,800 meat or enslavement, their minds completely dominated
hp 104 by these ruthless creatures. It is crucial that the PCs defeat
Dykath or all is lost for the people Yolbiac Vale and beyond.
Whether they fight their way through or somehow bypass
the deadly plants at C1, once the PCs have breached that DYKATH CR 13
barrier, the 3 fishers from outside perched upon the XP 25,600
moonstone launch themselves into the air and swoop
towards the party. They are joined by 2 mooncalves that
Advanced giant variant moon-beastB3
have come down the opening moon bridge and currently CE Huge aberration
lurk behind the stone. These creatures fight to the death to Init +8; Senses blindsight 90 ft.; Perception +23
prevent the PCs’ approach to the ritual at C3. Aura fear aura (60 ft., DC 24)

FISHERS FROM OUTSIDE (3) CR 5 AC 30, touch 13, flat-footed 25 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge,
+17 natural, –2 size)
XP 1,600
hp 189 (14d8+126)
hp 57 (see Appendix A, page 57)
Fort +13; Ref +10; Will +17

Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 10/piercing or Nightmare Slave (Su) When Dykath reduces a target
slashing; Immune cold, gaze attacks, illusions, to 0 Wisdom with its Wisdom drain then instead
poison; Resist electricity 30; SR 24 of gaining the effects of a heal spell (see below),
OFFENSE the moon-beast may instead choose to enslave the
Speed 50 ft., climb 20 ft.; air walk target with a permanent dominate monster effect.
Melee 2 claws +18 (1d8+10), 4 tentacles +14 (1d8+5) The enslaved creature is healed of all Wisdom
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. drain taken from Dykath’s rend attacks.
Special Attacks rend (2 tentacles, 1d8+15 plus 1d6 Wisdom Drain (Su) A creature that takes rend
Wisdom drain) damage from Dykath must succeed at a DC 24
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th): Will save or take 1d6 points of Wisdom drain.
Constant—air walk Dykath heals 5 points of damage for each point
At will—detect thoughts (DC 21) of Wisdom it drains in this manner. If it drains a
3/day—charm monster (DC 22), dispel magic, victim to 0 Wisdom, Dykath gains the effects of a
dominate person (DC 24), dream, shadow heal spell. The save DC is Constitution-based.
conjuration (DC 23), shadow evocation (DC 24),
Tactics: Dykath uses its air walk ability to loom over the
suggestion (DC 22), veil (DC 25)
PCs while remaining out of reach, though it can climb no
1/day—confusion (DC 23), feeblemind (DC 24), major higher than 45 feet in the air due to his prohibition from
image (DC 22), modify memory (DC 23), mirage being more than 60 feet away from the moonstone. Dykath
arcana (DC 24), plane shift (self only, can’t use) uses its fear aura to cow the PCs and targets a bunched
STATISTICS group of PCs with confusion. It uses dominate person against
likely targets. The moon-beast uses shadow conjuration to
Str 30, Dex 19, Con 28, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 29 summon a swarm of fangsMC and uses shadow evocation to
Base Atk +10; CMB +22; CMD 38 hit multiple PCs with a quasi-real fireball. Dykath reserves
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, feeblemind for difficult spellcasting
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Weapon opponents, or it simply attempts
to rip them apart with tentacle
Focus (tentacles)
attacks. Dykath fights to
Skills Climb +18, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +26, the death rather than
Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (planes) remain trapped in the
+20, Perception +23, Sense Motive standing stone for
+20, Spellcraft +23, Stealth +21, eternity.
Use Magic Device +23; Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth
Languages Aklo (cannot
speak); telepathy 300 ft.
SQ compression, no breath
Fear Aura (Su) All creatures within a
60-foot radius that see or hear Dykath
must succeed at a DC 26 Will save
or be shaken for as long as they
are within the aura. Whether or not
the save is successful, that creature cannot be
affected again by Dykath’s fear aura for 24 hours.
This is a mind-affecting fear affect and the save is

Development: When Dykath is finally defeated, its body
swells and then explodes in a gory ectoplasmic burst, APPENDIX A:
revealing Hector’s intact and alive within. As the moon-
beast expires, Dykath’s tethered link to Hector snaps back,
dragging Brother Hector into the standing stone as the
moon bridge shimmers and dissolves flinging its Lunite
travelers into the depths of space between the moon and FISHER FROM OUTSIDE
the surface of Lloegyr. Hector’s body is pulled into the
An enormous shape, like a deformed fishing-bird with a single
standing stone just as the moonstone transforms from
taloned leg, a serrated beak, and single blazing red eye swoops
its quivering gelatinous form back into a solid surface,
from the darkness. Its hide is scaled rather than feathered, and
his terror-stricken but lifeless face and hands now all that
scaly, translucent wings hold it aloft in great sweeping gusts, and
emerge from the now-quiescent monolith. Brother Hector’s
its cry is liked the grinding, ragged edges of Hell.
soul with its otherworldly bloodline now blocks the etheric
moon bridge, sealing it just as the moon-beast had done for
long centuries. Whether Hector’s mind remains trapped in
a tormented prison-between-worlds, just as Dykath’s was, is FISHER FROM OUTSIDE CR 5
a question which is perhaps best left unanswered.
XP 1,600
CE Large magical beast
CONCLUDING THE Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +9
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +9 natural,
The PCs have saved the inhabitants of the surrounding –1 size)
lands from terror, enslavement, torture, and horrific death. hp 57 (6d10+24)
The moon-beast has been destroyed, and with Brother Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +2
Hector’s essence infusing the standing stone — ironically
fulfilling his wish to be the salvation of the abbey — the OFFENSE
moon bridge is blocked once again. If this occurred, three Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
months after the adventure the PCs will receive a strongbox Melee talon +11 (2d6+9 plus grab), bite +11
from the Church of Thyr holding 25,000 gp as a reward
for their efforts. Even with the loss of the Asterian Order,
the overseers of the church did some divinatory delving to Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
determine what happened and learned of the PCs’ heroics. Special Attacks constrict (2d6+9), raucous call
As for the Asterian abbey, it stands empty now, perhaps Str 22, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10
apart from one lonely, tormented soul, the gentle Brother Base Atk +6; CMB +13 (+17 grapple); CMD 24 (22 vs.
Hakkan, who wanders the deserted halls. Hakkan’s piteous
cries echo through the dusty corridors, his sanity stripped
away by what he has witnessed. Unless somehow cured of Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite)
his terrors through the use of heal, miracle, or other powerful Skills Fly +12, Perception +9, Stealth +5 [2 ranks, +3 C,
magic, Hakkan spends whatever remains of his days in the +1 Dex, –1 size]; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +8
cold halls muttering to himself, sometimes sobbing and at Fly
others shrieking as he recalls the horrors of when comes
Languages Aklo (cannot speak)
the moon.
SQ no breath
Environment cold mountains
Organization solitary, pair, or flock (3–12)
Treasure none

caverns on the moon Luna where they serve the
strange masters of that realm in exchange for
blood sacrifices. They are capable of going
long periods of time without feeding
and can subsist on eating the rubble
of their strange caverns if necessary,
though they always prefer fresh
prey when they can get it. Unlike
their shantak cousins, fishers from
outside are incapable of unaided
starflight and must rely on external
or magical means to travel between
planets or across the voids space.

Fishers from Outside first appeared in

the Lin Carter short story, “The Fishers
from Outside.”

This pale eyeless thing menacingly drifts through the air. A pair of
Constrict (Ex) A fisher from outside can transfer lengthy undulating tentacles stretch out from a central mass where
a victim it has grappled in its talon to its mouth a throng of writhing stubby appendages surround a cavernous
as a move action. Grappling a victim with its toothy maw.
mouth does not give the fisher from outside
the grappled condition, and it automatically
deals bite damage each round to a victim it has
grappled in its mouth. A fisher from outside XP 3,200
cannot use its raucous call while it has a victim CE Large aberration
grappled in its mouth. Init +3; Senses blindsight 100 ft., darkvision 120 ft.,
Raucous Call (Ex) A fisher from outside can emit night vision; Perception +16
an extremely loud, raucous, grating call. Any DEFENSE
creature within 60 feet other than another fisher AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +8 natural,
from outside or a shantak must make a DC 19 –1 size)
Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Dexterity hp 90 (12d8+36)
damage and be nauseated and confused for 1d4 Fort +9; Ref +7; Will +9
rounds. On a successful save Dexterity damage OFFENSE
is halved, and the nausea and confusion are Speed 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (poor)
negated. Once a creature has saved against a Melee bite +13 (2d6+7/19–20/×3), 2 tentacles +13
fisher from outside’s raucous call, it cannot be (1d6+5 plus grab), feeder arms +13 (1d6+2)
affected by that same fisher from outside’s call for Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles)
one day. The save DC is Strength-based. Special Attacks feeder arms, severing bite
Fishers from outside are thought to be related to the
elephantine shantaks, though they are, in fact, two distinct Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11
species. With only one leg and over-sized talon and one eye, Base Atk +9; CMB +15 (+19 grapple, +19 trip); CMD
fishers from outside are clumsy and ungainly on the ground, 28 (30 vs. trip)
but they are graceful and swift fliers. They dwell primarily in Feats Combat Expertise, Great Fortitude, Greater

with its bite attack, that creature must make a
DC 18 Reflex save or have one of its arms or legs
severed. The affected limb is chosen at random.
If the mooncalf severs a creature’s limb, that
creature is sickened until it receives
magical healing (or until it recovers to
full hit points by natural means), and
it takes 2d6 points of bleed damage
each round. A creature with only one an
arm cannot perform actions requiring two
arms or two hands. A bipedal creature with
one leg missing cannot walk or run; it can
drop prone and crawl, or it can hop at one-
quarter speed but is then denied its Dexterity
bonus against all opponents. A quadruped with
one leg missing is reduced to half normal speed.
At the GM’s discretion, creatures with more than
Trip, Improved four legs affected by this attack may be able to
Critical (bite), Improved Trip, Power Attack move at normal speed.
Skills Acrobatics +18, Fly +12, Intimidate +15,
Perception +16, Stealth +14 Mooncalves are unearthly monstrosities that originate
Languages Aklo (cannot speak), telepathy 100 ft. from the dark side of the moon. They inhabit the barren
SQ no breath lunar landscape and can subsist on most forms of matter,
ECOLOGY even digesting rocks and gravel which they grind down
with their incredibly hard, razor-sharp teeth. Mooncalves
Environment any gracefully float across the lunar wastes in small groups and
Organization solitary or pair while they find the heavier gravity of other planets more
Treasure none difficult, their alien biology still allows them to remain
aloft. While a dangerous menace themselves, mooncalves
often serve as scouts and foot soldiers for dominant
Feeder Arms (Ex) A mooncalf can transfer a grappled overlords who rule the moon and the voids beyond space.
victim from a tentacle to its feeder arms as a move
action. The feeder arms grapple with the same
strength as the creature’s tentacles but deal less
damage. If a mooncalf successfully maintains a The flesh of this gaunt walking corpse is pale and drawn; its
grapple against a creature in its feeder arms, it can sunken eye sockets glimmer with the cold deranged gleam of
also make a bite attack against that creature as part
of the action to maintain the grapple.
Night Vision (Ex) A mooncalf can see four times as well LUNAR WIGHT CR 9
as a human in dim light.
XP 6,400
Severing Bite (Ex): A mooncalf ’s massive powerful
CE Medium undead
maw is filled with multiple rows of razor-sharp
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
teeth. A mooncalf deals 2d6 plus 1–1/2 times its
Strength modifier with its bite attack and this
bite attack has a critical multiplier of x3. When a AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +9
mooncalf confirms a critical hit against a creature natural)
hp 114 (12d8+60)

Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +11 and become full-fledged and free-willed lunar
DR 5/good and silver; Immune undead traits wights. They do not possess any of the abilities
Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability they had in life.
OFFENSE Gaze of Lunacy (Su) A lunar wight has a gaze
Speed 30 ft. attack with a range of 30 feet that causes
Melee bite +15 (1d6+7 plus energy drain plus 1d4 confusion (as the spell) Will DC 19 negates. The
Wis drain) DC is Wisdom-based.
Special Attacks create spawn, energy drain (1 level, Resurrection Vulnerability (Su) A raise dead or
DC 20), gaze of lunacy, unearthly shriek, Wisdom similar spell cast on a lunar wight destroys it
drain (Fort DC 20 negates) (Will negates). Using the spell in this way does
STATISTICS not require a material component.
Unearthly Shriek (Su) As a standard action, a lunar
Str 20, Dex 16, Con —, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 19
wight can unleash a blood-curdling shriek. Any
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 28
living creature within a 30-foot-radius burst
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning
becomes paralyzed with fear for 1 round and is
Reflexes, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus
then shaken for 1 minute unless it resists with
a DC 20 Will save. Any creature that makes this
Skills Intimidate +19, Knowledge (religion) +15,
saving throw is instead shaken for 1 round.
Perception +18, Stealth +18
Regardless of whether a creature saves or not,
Languages Common
it cannot be affected by the same lunar wight’s
unearthly shriek for 24 hours. This is a sonic
Environment any mind-affecting fear effect. The DC is Charisma-
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6) based.
Treasure standard
SPECIAL ABILITIES Lunar wights are humanoids who rise as undead after
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid creature being brutally slain and their corpse abandoned under
the light of a full moon. Lunar wights arise when a dark
that is slain by a lunar wight under the
spirit from beyond this world possesses the corpse
light of the moon becomes a lunar and permanently enters the dead body. While
wight itself in only 1d4 rounds. If the still somewhat recognizable to those who
corpse is kept from direct exposure to knew them in life, the wight’s face bears
moonlight, then this transformation a deathly grimace set with beastlike
teeth and its eyes glow with madness.
is delayed until the rise of the
Lunar wights burn with hatred for the
next full moon. Spawn so living and they seek to devour the flesh
created are less powerful and steal the vital energy of any living
than typical lunar wights, creature they come across. Oddly,
and suffer a –2 penalty on the undead creature’s arms hang
by its sides, as if the bizarre spirit
all d20 rolls and checks, as
possessing the corpse were unfamiliar
well as –2 hp per HD. Spawn are with the concept of such manipulative
under the command of the lunar appendages or incapable of exerting
wight that created them and more than rudimentary control over
remain enslaved until them.
its death, at which
point they lose their
spawn penalties

APPENDIX B: THE his form of authoritative management is somewhat confused
and he often congregates the brothers to allocate duties
and give broad directives but leaves them to handle the task
ASTERIAN MONKS themselves without interruption. Quilm may forget what he
has told them to do and rarely checks up on their progress.
The monks of the Asterian Abbey are central to the
investigation and action of When Comes the Moon, and the
small group of cloistered clerics are described in detail
below, along with several missing members of their order XP 800
and the dark secrets hidden within the abbey’s walls. Male old human ex-cleric of Thyr 5
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Abbot Quilm, age 67: Age has not been kind to Abbot Init +0; Perception –1
Quilm. His strong jaw and a hooked nose would have given Aura lawful
his face strength as a young man, but in his old age these
features make him look like a withered turnip. He has a gaunt DEFENSE
countenance and his aging skin is crepe-like, hanging in folds AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
upon his thin frame. A few stray strands of white hair remain hp 26 (5d8)
on his bald, liver-spotted pate, and his yellowing teeth can
Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3
be seen behind the mirthless grin he regularly offers, as he
surveys others through hooded eyes. In conversation, Quilm OFFENSE
has a frequent habit of steepling his fingers and peering over Speed 20 ft. (can’t run)
them at his audience in a most disconcerting manner. Melee unarmed strike +3 (1d3/nonlethal)
Quilm suffers from senile dementia which is steadily
growing worse. He works to put on a good front for his
Str 9, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 9
fading mind, pretending — even to himself — that there is Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13
nothing wrong, but in truth it has cost him his spellcasting Feats Iron WillB, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus
and other clerical abilities due to the loss of Wisdom. He (Knowledge [religion]), Turn Undead (can’t use)
often struggles to find the right word or name for people or Skills Craft (calligraphy) +9, Diplomacy +7,
simple objects. While he has seniority over the other monks,
Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +6,
Profession (abbot) +5, Sense Motive +7
Languages Common, Elven, Gasquen (see sidebox),
High Boros (see sidebox)
SQ senile dementia
Combat Gear potion of aid, 1 dose of wolfsbane;
Other Gear monk’s habit and scapular, gold ring
of office (125 gp), gold holy symbol of Thyr (50 gp)
Senile Dementia (Ex) The onset of senile dementia
has cost Abbot Quilm the ability to cast spells
or use his clerical abilities. In addition, it has
imposed –5 penalty to his Wisdom and Charisma
scores which have been included in his stat block.
These changes result in a –1 modifier to his CR.

Brother Belphorus, age 43: Belphorus is a dirty and

unkempt man with a wide girth and noticeable body odor,
and he walks with a slight limp. Food crumbs liberally

hp 18 (4d6 plus 4)
Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sickle +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged frying pan (improvised weapon) +2 (1d3+1)
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Endurance, Great FortitudeB, Throw Anything
Skills Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +7,
Profession (gardener) +4, Profession (cook) +7
Languages Common
Combat Gear 2 doses of wolfsbane; Other Gear
sickle, frying pan, monk’s habit and scapular,
wooden holy symbol of Thyr, sprig of mistletoe,
half-eaten wedge of cheese
litter his stringy beard and robes, and said garments bear SPECIAL ABILITIES
many stains of grease and old food leavings upon them.
His hairy forearms are continually grimy, and an unruly Unnatural Aura (Ex) There is something
tuft of graying hairs sprouts from the neck of his robe. His fundamentally unpleasant about Brother
thick fingers have blackened, uncut fingernails. Belphorus to animals. They do not willingly
approach within 10 feet of him, unless a master
When conversing, Belphorus is quite genial and responds makes a DC 20 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild
openly to the PCs’ questions, although he can be fairly set empathy check.
in his opinions. Belphorus is a happy-go-lucky fellow who
in some ways fell into becoming a monk as a means of
Brother Hakkan, age 21: Mildly autistic and afflicted with
gaining a comfortable lifetime profession. Belphorus is a
a stutter, Brother Hakkan’s expression is usually somewhat
little indolent and self-serving but is still willing to go to
distant and his gaze is difficult to meet, as his eyes constantly
some effort if he can see a direct benefit from it.
flicker away under direct scrutiny. Clearly the youngest of
the monks at the abbey, Hakkan is thin featured and has a
While both gluttonous and finicky, Belphorus holds the fragile look about him. His light curly hair is cut short with
position of cook, and he also tends the garden as well as the his tonsure shaved into. He is shy and self-conscious, rarely
abbey’s few livestock. This sometimes proves difficult, as initiating conversation. When nervous, his visage spasms
Belphorus has some quality about him that animals seem with blinks and facial tics. Hakkan is truly a gentle soul and
to dislike and tend to shy away from. has a sensitive, sympathetic nature.

Hakkan’s duties are to tend the scriptorium and library

BROTHER BELPHORUS CR 2 and he has an exceptional ability for copying writings and
XP 600 illustrations exactly, though he struggles with simple tasks
Male middle-aged human commoner 4 and requires a regimented daily routine to avoid freezing with
anxiety. Abbot Quilm monitors him more closely than the
N Medium humanoid (human) others due to his struggles. Hakkan recently stumbled across
Init +0; Perception +7 part of an important secret (see the “Dinner Conversation”
Aura unnatural aura (10 ft.) section of Event 1 below), and this has increased his anxiety
DEFENSE and self-isolation substantially as he struggles with this
knowledge but does not know what to do about it.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10

XP 200
Male human cleric of Thyr 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Perception +5
Aura good, lawful
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike –1 (1d3–1/nonlethal)
Ranged ranged touch +1 (holy water)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 1/day (DC
8, 1d6), spontaneous casting (cure spells)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st; melee touch –1):
At will—lore keeper Perception checks, but on any Perception check of
5/day—touch of good DC 15 or higher he must make a Will save at that
Spells Prepared (CL 1st): DC or be confused for 1 round.
1st—bless water, protection from evilD, sanctuary (DC
13) Brother Hector, age 31: Hector is an odd-looking fellow,
with bulging eyes, thick lips, and perpetually clammy skin
0 (at will)—guidance, light, read magic
that combine to give him a strangely batrachian visage. This
D Domain spell; Domains Good, Knowledge along with his thin, wispy hair, large paunch, and gangly
STATISTICS limbs add to his seeming froglike aspect. When conversing,
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 7 Hector often gestures broadly with his hands and swallows
or clears his throat loudly to emphasize a point.
Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 10
Feats Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Craft [illuminations])B
Brother Hector has an impulsive personality but once he
Skills Craft (calligraphy) +6, Craft (illuminations) +9,
latches on to a topic he becomes completely immersed in
Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, it. He is excitable and doesn’t always think before he speaks.
Perception +5, Stealth +2 Hector isn’t very good at reading other people and doesn’t
Languages Common, Gasquen (see sidebox), High realize that his slightly obsessive interest in things can
Boros (see sidebox) make him tedious at times. Instead, he will keep harping
on about a given subject long after others have lost interest.
SQ acute perception
The other monks are used to this and either humor him or
Combat Gear divine scroll (CL 1: purify food and have ready excuses to avoid a prolonged conversation.
drink, stabilize [x2]), 2 flasks of holy water; Other
Gear monk’s habit and scapular, wooden holy
symbol of Thyr, scrivener’s kitUE, stolen book
pages (see Event 14: A Broken Order) XP 600
SPECIAL ABILITIES Male human cleric of Thyr 3
Acute Perception (Ex) Mildly autistic, Brother LG Medium humanoid (human)
Hakkan experiences greater stimulation from Init –1; Perception +1
his sensory input. This grants him a +2 bonus to Aura good, lawful

DEFENSE Skills Appraise +7 (+9 small details), Craft
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (–1 Dex) (calligraphy) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8,
hp 26 (3d8+6 plus 3) Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Stealth +0
Fort +6; Ref +1; Will +5 Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven,
OFFENSE Gasquen (see sidebox), High Boros (see sidebox)
Speed 30 ft. Combat Gear divine scroll (CL 3: cure moderate
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+2/nonlethal) wounds), sunrod; Other Gear monk’s habit and
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC scapular, silver holy symbol of Thyr (25 gp),
12, 2d6), spontaneous casting (cure spells) magnifying glass
Bloodline Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st; ranged touch +1):
4/day—acidic ray (1d6 acid) THE MISSING BROTHERS
Two other brothers of the order are currently missing.
Cleric Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd; melee touch +4): Their descriptions are included below, as the PCs are likely
At will—lore keeper to ask for details about them.
4/day—resistant touch
Spells Prepared (CL 3rd): Brother Fagen (LN male human cleric of Thyr 4), age 48:
2nd—shield otherD, spiritual weapon (light mace; Atk Fagan is a middle-aged man with a long pock-marked face
+3/Dmg 1d8+1 force) and fine blonde hair. He regularly cuts his hair short revealing
1st—bless, comprehend languagesD, cure light wounds a deep widows peak and shaves his crown in a monk’s tonsure.
He is also attempting to cultivate a straggly goatee. Curious
(DC 12), endure elements
of nature and inquisitive, Fagan is a scholarly fellow who
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, light, read magic serves as the abbey’s librarian with part of his duties being to
D Domain spell; Domains Knowledge, Protection mentor Brother Hakkan. Fagan is quiet and introspective and
STATISTICS frequently undertakes vows of silence as part of his worship.
He prefers to study and labor alone, and often takes on menial
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 13
tasks which allow him to work in solitude. Roughly a month
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 13 ago he discovered the catacombs entrance at A12 and began
Feats Eldritch Heritage (Aberrant bloodline)UM, Scribe researching the ancient burials he discovered.
Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [dungeoneering])B
Brother Tyberus (N male human expert 4), age 36: A
handsome man, Tyberus is of average height with swarthy
skin and thick, dark wavy hair. Blunt, stubborn, and curt,
Tyberus is good with his hands and skilled at working with
wood. He serves as the laborer and general handyman for
the abbey. Tyberus is a solitary individual who finds it easier
to avoid social contact whenever possible. A failed love
affair and his brusque nature were the principle reasons
that he took his vows and joined this isolated order. He is
a loner who prefers the simple company of animals and
nature to that of civilized society.


The first of the missing Brothers, Brother Fagen is indeed
dead. He was killed by an undead abomination 10 days ago
while investigating ancient writings in the abbey’s crypts;
his undead corpse now haunts the crypts as well.

The other missing brother, Brother Tyberus has

suffered what many might consider a worse fate. While

out enjoying a peaceful walk near the abbey the day before the peak of Asteria Point and copy them even by light of day.
Brother Fagen’s disappearance, the handsome monk was Hector’s presence and ancestry has reawakened the psyche
attacked, badly wounded, and then captured by a werewolf. of the moon-beast trapped within the standing stone, and
Seeking a mate, the female werewolf infected Tyberus with it has been slowly subliminally calling to the monk. Over
lycanthropy, transforming him into a bestial werewolf as time, the moon-beast has been subtly subverting and taking
well. Recently, the feverish and delirious Tyberus managed over the cleric’s body and being. This process has been
to escape, but in truth, the she-wolf let him go, knowing gradual and insidious and thus Hector isn’t consciously
that animalistic urges assaulting Tyberus’ mind and the aware that anything is wrong. Hector has become a psychic
lure of the full moon will inevitably draw him back to her. slave and puppet to the moon-beast. The aberrant creature
often exerts control over Hector when he is asleep causing
him to “sleepwalk”. At the present time the moon-beast
Brother Hector is an unknowing carrier of an aberrant
finally has almost complete control over Hector and is
bloodline, revealed by his bulging, froglike features. This
using its mortal puppet to break the binding spell holding
allows him to see the runes etched into the standing stone at
it imprisoned in the standing stone. Unfortunately for the


Gasquen was the language of the original tribe of Foere from whom Macobert descended. Unique in its linguistic
etymology, its scope of use was originally limited to central Akados around the Star Sea. With the spread of the
Foerdewaith empire, Gasquen was picked up in many places to identify with the new overking. Ultimately replaced
by the common vernacular of Westerling, Gasquen is now found only in isolated areas or noble courts that wish to
strongly identify with Old Foere.

High Boros
High Boros is the dead language of the ancient Hyperborean Empire, and its written form was the official language of
the Crown, Courts, and Clergy. After the fall of the Hyperborean Empire, High Boros was supplanted by the common
tongue known as Westerling that came to predominate among the Foerdewaith. However, in some ecclesiastical and
legal settings, use of High Boros has been retained. Once the formal language of the Church of Thyr, most of the
church’s older manuscripts are written and continue to be copied in High Boros.

Old Tongue
Old Tongue is virtually a lost language. It was spoken in many dialects by the Ancient Ones, the original inhabitants
of Akados and Libynos long before the coming of the Hyperboreans. It was usually only a spoken language, though
some pictographic forms of writing have been found by antiquarians. The closest living languages related to the Old
Tongue include Druidic, Ogham among the Daanites of Ynys Cymragh, Old Suli among the wildmen tribes of the
Moon Fog Hills, and Vanigothic spoken by the Vanigoth barbarians of the Wilderland Hills.

Gasquen and High Boros are first detailed for their roles within the primary languages of Akados on page 18 of LL4:
Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog God Games.

Ogham and the Daanites are described on pages 48 and 56 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog
God Games.

Old Suli and the wildmen of the Moon Fog Hills are described on pages 18 and 226 in LL4: Cults of the Sundered
Kingdoms by Frog God Games.

The Vanigoths and the Vanigothic tongue appear on pages 13 and 14 in LL5: Borderland Provinces by Frog God Games.

PCs due to the ancestral and subconscious nature of this detailed extensively in LL5: Borderland Provinces by Frog
domination, neither detect magic nor Sense Motive checks God Games, but game information for the town of Coelum
can discern that there is anything amiss with Hector, nor is provided below to allow the player characters to resupply
can protection from evil or dispel evil remove its effects. and equip themselves there in case you do not have access
to that resource.
Over his time at the abbey Brother Hakkan’s exacting
intellect and focus picked up on subtle clues and signs in THE TOWN OF COELUM
many of the order’s books during his transcriptions. These
clues led him to believe that the Asterian Order once served a (SEE-lum)
greater purpose than simply studying the celestial rotations
of the skies. These hints have acted like a jangling nerve COELUM
in Hakkan’s mind, tugging at him to seek out the answer. N large town
Less than a week before the PCs arrive at the abbey, Hakkan
snuck into Abbot Quilm’s quarters to examine books from Corruption +0; Crime –5; Economy +0; Law +3; Lore +2;
the abbot’s personal collection and found the proof he was Society +2
looking for. With only a few moments before Abbot Quilm Qualities insular, superstitious
returned, Hakkan ripped the pages from the book to study Danger 5
later. Hakkan incorrectly assumed that Quilm had been Government overlord
intentionally keeping this information from the brothers. Population 2,848 (2,602 humans; 181 hill dwarves; 65 half-
This evidence combined with the abbot’s increasingly erratic elves)
behavior and the missing brothers have caused Hakkan to
believe that Abbot Quilm is acting against the order. In truth, Notable NPCs
Hakkan’s suspicions of the abbot are unfounded. Quilm • Riaundo Groon, High Mayor of Coleum (N male
is simply a doddering old man who has never bothered human aristocrat 3)
to deeply study the obscure reference tome buried in the • Watchmeister Gustav Lampert, Husjaeger Commander
collection of books he inherited from his predecessor. (LE male human fighter 13)
• Tholberon of Thyr, High Priest of Thyr (LG male old
Brother Belphorus is a simple fellow with no dark secrets, human cleric of Thyr 9)
though the fact that animals are uneasy around him may • Blind Cynthiene, High Priestess of Narrah (N female
lead the PCs to suspect that he is the rumored werewolf. human cleric of Narrah 12)
However, on the second night of the full moon Belphorus • Luald the Witch-Hunter (LG male human inquisitorAPG
stumbles upon the dominated Brother Hector on his way of Thyr 7)
to conduct the unbinding ritual at the peak of Asteria Point
(see Event 12: Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise). When this occurs, • The Drogas Mondu (N male venerable human druid 12)
Hector hurriedly kills Belphorus to ensure his silence. • Cithinvere of Coleum (CE female human cleric of
Hecate 7)
• Augus Monticylaire, local vintner (N male expert 6)

APPENDIX C: YOLBIAC Base Value 2,000 gp; Purchase Limit 10,000 gp;
Spellcasting 3rd

VALE AND THE Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4


Yolbiac Vale is a dark, forested series of valleys high in the
central range of the Cretian Mountains. It is accessible by OF THE HIGH PLACES
passes only at the northern and southern ends from the
lowland towns of Elet and Metzel, respectively. Though it Information on three deities from Frog God Games is
has a scattering of isolated settlements, Coelum is the only included below. The first is the deity Thyr, for whom the
population center of any significance in the Vale. Yolbiac Asterian Order is dedicated, even if in the modern day
Vale, the Cretian Mountains, and the town of Coelum are the members have lost knowledge of their true mission.

The second is Myrddin, the Ancient Ones deity whose His symbol is a silver cross on a white field, symbolizing
druidic followers originally resisted the lunar invaders and the upturned cross-haft of his sister’s sword, which he
entrapped the moon-beast Dykath in the standing stone. thrust into the earth to end the gods’ war. Upon seeing
Unlike Thyr, Myrddin’s followers are not encountered in the blood of so many gods shed, Thyr foreswore the use of
this adventure, having long since abandoned the area, but swords and his priests may not use bladed weapons for this
his information is provided for your convenience. The reason. Many favor reinforced rods, similar to light maces,
third deity is the moon goddess Narrah. The moon Luna, of modeled after Thyr’s own rod of kingship. The noble eagle
whom this goddess is patron, plays a prominent role in this and lion are his sacred creatures.
adventure though the goddess herself does not. However,
the events of the adventure are likely to be of interest to the
Thyr is detailed on page 169 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by
faith of this goddess, so information is provided for her
Frog God Games.
religion as well.


Lesser God
Alignment: Lawful Good
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Law, Knowledge,
Nobility, Protection Domains: Air, Knowledge, Luck, Sun
Symbol: Silver cross on a white field Symbol: The sun reflected in a still pool
Garb: White robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold — Garb: Hooded woolen robes with a rope belt, bare feet
the colors of kingship Favored Weapon: Sling
Favored Weapons: Light or heavy mace Form of Worship and Holidays: Worship services take
Form of Worship and Holidays: Last day of every month, place in mountain caves at noon when the sunlight
on the last holy day of every year is set-aside for non-royalty shines through hidden openings onto sacred pools on the
to have their grievances heard. Ides (fifteenth day) of each month. The month of Daan
(Sixthmonth) is most sacred to Myrddin because the days
Typical Worshippers: Humans, Royalty
are longest and the light holds dominance over the sky to
the greatest extent of any time during the year.
Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally Typical Worshippers: Druids, bards, poets, seers, prophets,
depicted as a wizened king seated on a great throne aerial servants, some cloud dragons
holding a rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of
peace in the other. His principles are justice, order, and
peace. He represents proper and traditional rule and as Myrddin is an ancient god, long revered on Akados but
such was once worshiped (at least in name) by all human obscure to most folk today except among the Daanites of
royalty. He is the embodiment of the enlightened human Ynys Cymragh and small enclaves of folk who still keep to
caste system where each person has a fairly determined the Old Ways of the Ancient Ones. He is not so much a god
role in a lawful society intended to create the greatest of the mountains, as the god of high places and the aerial
good for the greatest number. spaces of the mortal realm. As such, he has been a mortal

enemy to Pazuzu for time immemorial as they both claim Typical Worshippers: Druids, stargazers, lycanthropes,
dominion over the “Middle Air,” as the skies of the mortal oracles, bards, lunar nagas, some fey
realms are known. Myrddin is also a god of light (both in
the sense of the sun and of knowledge) and inspiration. An ancient and oft-forgotten goddess, Narrah has looked
Bards and poets therefore venerate him, as do prophets down upon the face of the lands as the greater moon
and seers, who seek the divine touch of the God of the Wild known as the Pale Sister since the beginning of the world.
Air to give them insights, provide them muses, or reveal Worshipped by stargazers, lycanthropes, and lovers alike, the
to them secrets. Myrddin’s temples are usually mountain Lady of the Moon is neither good nor evil, light nor dark.
caves containing a pool and an oculus (natural or hewn) She represents neutrality is its most natural form. She is the
through which the sun can be seen reflected on the waters. moonlight in the dark, the push and pull of the tides, and
Shrines are usually small mountain springs where an the navigation point when one is lost. Actively worshipped
offering cup is left for those who drink of his waters to by druids who remember the ancient traditions of the Old
repay his blessing. Way, she imparts the secrets of the universe under the cover
of night. Most folk still refer to her only as the Pale Sister
Myrddin is detailed on page 103 of Mountains of Madness or, perhaps, Luna, and think of her only as the larger and
by Frog God Games. brighter of the two moons rather than as an actual goddess.

NARRAH, THE LADY OF THE MOON, Alongside her twin moon, Sybil the Dark SisterLL1-4,
Narrah — as Luna the Pale Sister — has hovered over the
world since the beginning. Her earliest followers were
Greater God
the fey and primitive humanoids, and since that time she
Alignment: Neutral has warred with the smaller moon for dominance of the
Domains: Air, Darkness, Knowledge, Luck, Magic, night. Narrah does not seek power, but CybeleLL4-43, the
Protection, Travel, Void deity associated with the other moon, has long sought the
Symbol: The Sickle (a crescent moon) means to destroy Narrah and assume total dominion over
the night sky. To this end, she has allied with her idiot twin
Garb: Dark robes, midnight blue cloaks
ShupnikkuratAK:M-38,39 to seek a way to devour Narrah whole
Favored Weapon: Sickle, falchion and remove her from the sky forever.
Form of Worship and Holidays: Prayer services held
weekly on the night of Sistersdag. Regular worship and
Narrah is an ancient deity sometimes worshipped as the
fasting on nights of the full moon. Lunar eclipses and
goddess Nanna-SinFGG1-4,5 and as the god Sin the MoonAK:M-38,39
other astronomical events such as the new moon and
in the Anunnaki Pantheon of northern Libynos. Though
the double moon (when Luna and Sybil are both full), are
unknown to any but the worshippers who revere her as
sacred to Narrah. Each month on Moonless Night, the
Nanna-Sin, Narrah is the bitter and eternal enemy of the
followers of Narrah hold a short prayer vigil at sundown
Succubus Queen, LilithFGG1-4,5.
and then go forth in numbers, armed and armored, to
battle the followers of Cybele and defend against raids by
the Nocturnals. Narrah is detailed on page 242 of LL5: Borderland
Provinces by Frog God Games.

LEGAL APPENDIX Notice of Open Game Content: This product or audio representations; names and descriptions
Designation of Product Identity for Legendary contains Open Game Content, as defined in the of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,
Games: The following items are hereby designated Open Game License, below. Open Game Content teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities;
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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Daigle, Amanda Hamon Kunz, James Jacobs, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue ©
Content You must clearly indicate which portions Isabelle Lee, F. Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart, 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: David N. Ross, with Ross
of the work that you are distributing are Open and Josh Vogt. Byers.
Game Content. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures © Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Monster
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Clinton Codex © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton,
Agents may publish updated versions of this J. Boomer, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Paris Crenshaw, Mike Myler, Tork Shaw, and Larry
License. You may use any authorized version of Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Jim Groves, Steven Helt, Wilhelm.
this License to copy, modify and distribute any Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World
Open Game Content originally distributed under Hodge, Mikko Kallio, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Guide. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
any version of this License. Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer,
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a Riggs, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, David Jason Bulmahn, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood,
copy of this License with every copy of the Open Schwartz, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Stephen S. Greer, Jeff Grubb, James Jacobs,
Game Content You Distribute. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex © 2012, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike McArtor, Rob
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson, Jeff
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using the name of any Contributor unless You Compton, Robert N. Emerson, Jonathan H. Keith, Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz,
have written permission from the Contributor to Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Mark Moreland, Tom Phillips, Amber E. Scott, Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd
do so. Stephen Radney-McFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Stewart, James L. Sutter, Greg A. Vaughan, Jeremy
Thomas M. Reid, Patrick Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Walker, and JD Wiker.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for Shaw, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ
You to comply with any of the terms of this Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Bestiary
Taylor. © 2015 Paizo Inc.; Authors: Josh Colon, John
License with respect to some or all of the Open
Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex © 2012, Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Eleanor
governmental regulation then You may not Use Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Ferron, James Jacobs, Joe Homes, Mikko Kallio,
any Open Game Material so affected. Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields, Mike Kimmel, Ron Lundeen, Kate Marshall,
Rob McCreary, Mark Moreland, Jason Nelson, Kalervo Oikarinen, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
13. Termination: This License will terminate Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean and F. Wesley Schneider.
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide © 2011,
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures Paizo Publishing, LLC. Authors: Brian Cortijo,
shall survive the termination of this License. © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Logan Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge,
Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Amber Scott, Neil
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License Byers, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Spicer, and Todd Stewart.
is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge,
be reformed only to the extent necessary to make Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils.
Ben McFarland, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
it enforceable. Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas Jonathan H. Keith, Colin McComb, Steven E.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide. M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Schend, Leandra Christine Schneider, and Amber
Copyright 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend. E. Scott.
Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained
Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory. ©
© 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Joshua J.
Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will McCardell, Dale Benner, Ross Beyers, Logan Bonner, Jason
C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney- Frost.
Bulmahn, Robert Emerson, Tim Hitchcock,
MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney- Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology
Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert Schwalb, © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. Mark Seifter, and Russ Taylor. Steven T. Helt, and David N. Ross.
Copyright 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Planar Adventures Pathfinder Player Companion: Black Markets ©
Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, © 2018, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Ron Lundeen, Jason
Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Eleanor Ferron, Nelson, David N. Ross, and David Schwartz.
Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Thurston Hillman, James Jacobs, Isabelle Lee, Lyz Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Night ©
Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Joe Pasini, Lacy Pellazar, 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Tork Shaw.
Stewart, and Russ Taylor. Jessica Price, Mark Seifter, F. Wesley Schneider, Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide © Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, and Linda Zayas- Balance © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Benjamin Bruck, John Palmer. Matt Goodall, Ron Lundeen, Philip Minchin,
Compton, Crystal Frasier, Tim Hitchcock, Jenny Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Villain Codex © 2016, Patrick Renie, Jason Ridler, and David Schwartz.
Jarzabski, Isabelle Lee, Joe Pasini, Jessica Price, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Logan
David Schwartz, and Josh Vogt. Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of
Bonner, Paris Crenshaw, Dan Dillon, Crystal Corruption © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Paris
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide, Frasier, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Eric Hindley, Crewnshaw, Jim Groves, Sean McGowen, and
© 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Cam Mikko Kallio, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Stephen Radney- Philip Minchin.
Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, McFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alistair Rigg, Alex
Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Jashua Riggs, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Pathfinder Player Companion: Dungeoneer’s
J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Handbook © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Horsemen of the Amanda Hamon, Gareth Hanrahan, David Ross,
Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreart, Apocalypse: Book of the Damned, Vol. 3 © 2011,
Hal Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David and Jerome Virnich.
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Todd Stewart.
Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Pathfinder Player Companion: Elemental Master’s
Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © Handbook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John
Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens, James L Sutter, 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Compton, Eleanor Ferron, Mikko Kallio, Jason
Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Reynolds, with Amanda Harmon, James Jacobs, Keeley, Isabella Lee, and Christopher Wasko.
John Ling, Mark Moreland, David N. Ross, F.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Book of the Damned Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street
© 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Adam James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich. © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko

Kallio, Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike Bard’s Gate © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Quests of Doom © 2015, Frog God Games, LLC;
Myler, and David N. Ross. Author: Nathan Douglas Paul. Authors: Casey W. Christopherson, J. Collura,
Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Bonegarden © 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Michael Curtis, Matt Finch, Scott Greene, Ed
Toolbox © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Authors: Lance Hawvermale and Rob Mason. Greenwood, Clark Peterson, James M. Ward, Bill
Augunas, Steven T. Helt, Thurston Hillman, and Webb, Skip Williams, and Steven Winter.
The Book of Taverns © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Ron Lundeen. Inc; Author Chris Jones. Quests of Doom 4: A Midnight Council of Quail
Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant’s Manifest © 2017, Frog God Games, LLC; Author: Lance
The Eamonvale Incursion © 2007, Necromancer Hawvermale.
© 2018, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Games, Inc.; Author: Nathan Douglas Paul, with
Eleanor Ferron, Thurston Hillman, Nathan King, Jack Barger. Quests of Doom 4: The Covered Bridge © 2017,
Isabelle Lee, Jacob W. Michaels, Adrian Ng, David Frog God Games, LLC; Author: Kevin Wright
N. Ross, and Mike Welham. Elemental Moon © 2007, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author: Lance Hawvermale. Book of Lost Spells © 2015, Frog God Games, LLC
Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s The Lost Lands: Stoneheart Valley © 2013, Frog God
Handbook © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Fane of the Witch King © 2004, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; Author: Steve Montano. Games, LLC.; Authors: Clark Peterson and Bill
Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David Webb.
N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas- The Grey Citadel © 2003, Necromancer Games,
Palmer. Inc.; Author: Nathan Douglas Paul. The Lost Lands: The Lost City of Barakus, © 2003
2014 Frog God Games & Necromancer Games.;
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Stars Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves: The Upper Authors W.D.B. Kenower, Bill Webb.
© 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Ethan Day-Jones, Jim Levels © 200, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors:
Groves, Jonathan H. Keith, Andrew Romine, David Bill Webb and Clark Peterson. Sword of Air, © 2014, Frog God Games, LLC;
N. Ross, and James L. Sutter. Authors: Bill Webb, Casey Christofferson, Greg
The Siege of Durgam’s Folly © 2001, Necromancer Ragland, and Vicki Potter.
Pathfinder 13: Shadow in the Sky © 2008, Paizo Games, Inc.; Author: Mike Mearls.
Publishing, LLC; Author: Greg A. Vaughan. The Lost Lands: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms
The Tomb of Abysthor © 2001, Necromancer © 2015, Frog God Games LLC: Authors: David
Pathfinder 15: The Armageddon Echo © 2008, Paizo Games, Inc.; Authors: Clark Peterson and Bill Brohman, Casey W. Christofferson, Patrick
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn. Webb. Lawinger, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Adventure Path volume #31: Tide of Tome of Artifacts © 2003, Necromancer Games, Borderland Provinces © 2015, Frog God Games,
Honor © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Inc.; Authors: Keith Baker, Rich Burlew, C. Robert LLC; Authors: Matthew J. Finch, Greg A. Vaughan,
Tim Hitchcock. Cargill, Michael Gill, George Hollochwost, and Bill Webb.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Khaldoun Khelil, Patrick Lawinger, Rhiannon
Louve, Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, C.A. Suleiman. The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete ©
Gallowspire. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; 2015, Frog God Games, LLC; Authors: Kenneth
Author: Brandon Hodge. Trouble at Durbenford © 2004 Necromancer Spencer, Greg A. Vaughan, and Kevin Wright.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #61: Shards of Sin © Games, Inc.; Author: Robert J Schwalb.
The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City, © 2016,
2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Greg A. Vampires & Liches, © 2003, Necromancer Games, Frog God Games, LLC; Authors: Richard Pett, Pete
Vaughan. Inc.; Authors: Casey Christofferson and Bill Webb. Pollard, Alistair Rigg, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #84: Pyramid of the Sky Dead Man’s Chest © 2013, Frog God Games LLC; TB2: Horror in the Sinks, © 2016, Frog God Games,
Pharaoh © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Mike Shel, Authors: Lance Hawvermale, Rob Mason, Robert LLC; Author: Alistair Rigg.
with Tyler Beck, Adam Daigle, F. Wesley Schneider, Hunter, Patrick Goulah, Greg Ragland, Matt
and Amber E. Scott. McGee, Chris Bernhardt, Casey W. Christofferson, The Lost Lands: Bard’s Gate © 2016, Frog God
Chad Coulter, Skeeter Green, and Travis Games, LLC; Authors: Casey W. Christofferson,
Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: Lords of Rust © Matt Finch, Skeeter Green, and Greg A. Vaughan
2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Nicolas Logue, with Hawvermale, with additional contributions by
Erica Balsley, Lindsey Barrentine, Jay Decker, with additional new material by James M. Spahn;
Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Sean K Based on original content from Necromancer
Reynolds, and Amber E. Scott. Rachel Mason, and Nadine Oatmeyer.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #110: The Thrushmoor Fields of Blood © 2015, Frog God Games LLC;
Author: Tom Knauss. Adventures in the Borderland Provinces © 2015,
Terror © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Tito Leati, with Frog God Games, LLC; Authors: Eytan Bernstein,
James Jacobs, Michelle Jones, and Christopher Mountains of Madness © 2017, Frog God Games Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Gwendolyn Kestrel,
Rowe. LLC; Author: Tom Knauss. Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, and
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Marshes of Malice © 2017, Frog God Games LLC; C.A. Suleiman.
Anniversary Edition © 2012, Paizo Publishing, Author: Tom Knauss. The Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer
LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Stephen S. Greer, Fane of the Fallen © 2010, Author William Loran Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
James Jacobs, Nicolas Logue, Richard Pett, and Christensen. God Games; Author Scott Green.
Greg A. Vaughan.
Strange Bedfellows © 2010 Frog God Games, Tome of Horrors 4, Copyright 2013, Frog God
Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary © 2003, Author Carla Harker. Games, LLC; Authors: Erica Balsley, Casey
White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Christofferson, Jim Collura, Lance Hawvermale,
The Black Monastery © 2011, Bill Webb and Mark
Advanced Bestiary © 2014, Green Ronin R. Shipley, Frog God Games Patrick Lawinger, Phillip Larwood, Greg A.
Publishing, LLC; Author Jeff Hersh, Developer Vaughan, and Bill Webb, based on material by
Owen K.C. Stephens. The Slumbering Tsar Saga © 2012, Frog God Game: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Author: Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathways Bestiary © 2017, Rite Publishing LLC.; Aegis of Empires Adventure Path © 2020, Legendary
Author: Steven D. Russell. Rappan Athuk © 2012 Bill Webb, Frog God Games Games; Authors: Greg A. Vaughan, Matt Goodall,
A Family Affair © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Razor Coast © 2013, Frog God Games, LLC; Steve Helt, Tom Knauss, Anthony Pryor, Alistair
Author: Carla Harker Authors: Lou Agresta, Tim Hitchcock, John Ling, J. Rigg, and Jeffrey Swank; based on original
and Nicolas Logue. material by Greg A. Vaughan.
Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia © 2003,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Clark Freebooter’s Guide © 2013 Frog God Games, Aegis of Empires: When Comes the Moon © 2020,
Peterson, Casey Christofferson and Shane LLC; Authors: Lou Agresta, Tim Hitchcock, Tom Legendary Games; Authors: Matthew Goodall and
Glodoski, based on original material created by Knauss, John Ling, RA McReynolds, and Greg Greg A. Vaughan.
Clark Peterson and Bill Webb. Vaughan.


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