Exam Questions For SE (Students)
Exam Questions For SE (Students)
Exam Questions For SE (Students)
2. Short Notes
1. What problems are encountered when waterfall model is applied in
the software development? (Pg.26)
2. When do the software developers use the prototyping process model?
(Pg.26) (2 marks)
3. Define Process flow. How does organize the framework activities
with respect to sequence and time? (pg.22) (2 marks)
4. Explain the steps that must be done in developing prototyping
paradigm? (Pg.27) (5 marks)
5. List the phases of Unified Process Model and how to relate these
phases to the generic activities in the Process Framework. (Pg.32) (5
6. Define the task set. For a small, relatively simple project, consider the
possible task set for one action of communication activity, elicitation.
(Pg.24) (5 marks)
7. Define Process flow. Discuss the differences among the various
process flows. (pg.23) (long)
8. Define Process flow. How does organize the framework activities
with respect to sequence and time? Can you identify types of
problems that might be applicable to each of the generic flows
described? (No.2.2)
9. What steps must be done in developing prototyping paradigm?
Explain these steps with the help of diagram. (Pg.27)
10.Try to develop a set of actions for the communication activity. Select
one action and define a task set for it. (No.2.3)
11.Explain the model which is an evolutionary software process model
that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and
systematic aspects of the waterfall model. (Spiral Model, , Pg. 30)
12.The developer may be unsure of the efficiency of an algorithm, the
adaptability of an operating system, or the form that human-machine
interaction should take. In these cases and many other situations,
which process model offers the best? (The prototyping paradigm, Pg.
13. Comparing Process Models (pg.34)
14. Are the Unified Process and UML the same thing? Explain your
15.Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable
to the waterfall model. Be specific. (No.2.5)
16. Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable
to the prototyping model. Be specific. (No.2.6)
Chapter 3
Understanding Requirements
(a) Define the Self-Organizing Team
(b) What is Manifesto for Agile Software Development?
(c) Scrum team
(d) Scrum artifacts
(e) What is project velocity?
(f) What does a BurnDown Chart display?
(g) Sprint
(h) Product backlog
(i) The sprint backlog
(j) Roles of scrum master (pg.44)
14. Once a basic commitment is made for a release, how does the XP team order the
stories that will be developed? (pg.46)
15. What is project velocity?
16. Explain a user story with a simple format and give three user story examples.
17. What key questions are asked and answered by all team members in daily scrum
18. Key difference between Agile and Scrum.
19. List six core practices that are depended by Kanban. (pg.49)
Chapter 4
Recommended Process Model
1. Key characteristics of agile process models (pg.56)
2. Four key elements to agile architectural design (pg.60)
3. Why do developers use the first prototype? (pg.61)
Developers may use the first prototype to prove that their initial architectural design is a
feasible approach to delivering the required functionality while satisfying the customer’s
performance constraints.
4. List the steps that are applied to create a first functional prototype? (pg.62)
5. List the best practice tips for gathering feedback on the developed prototype? (pg.64)
6. Define maintenance. Explain the different types of maintenance in release software. (pg.69)
The corrective maintenance is the reactive modification of software to repair problems
discovered after the software has been delivered to the end user.
The adaptive maintenance reactive modification of software after delivery to keep the software
usable is a changing end-user environment.
The perfective maintenances the proactive modification of the software after delivery to provide
new user features, better program code structure, or improved documentation.
The preventive maintenance is the proactive modification of the software after delivery to detect
and correct product faults before they are discovered by users.
7. Which estimating methods are used to estimate resource when the software project manager
estimates a project using the agile spiral model?
Estimating Methods for resource estimation
Use historic data and work as a team to develop an estimate of how many days it will take to
complete each of the user stories known at the start of the project.
Loosely organize the user stories into the sets that will make up each sprint planned to complete
a prototype.
Sum the number of days to complete each sprint to provide an estimate for the duration of the
total project.
Revise the estimate as requirements are added to the project or prototypes are delivered and
accepted by the stakeholders.
Chapter 7
Understanding Requirements
1. Develop at least three additional “context-free questions” that you might ask
a stakeholder during inception.
2. Develop a complete use case for one of the following activities:
a. Making a withdrawal at an ATM.
b. Using your charge card for a meal at a restaurant.
c. Buying a stock using an online brokerage account.
d. Searching for books (on a specific topic) using an online bookstore.
e. An activity specified by your instructor.
3. Write a user story for one of the activities listed of the following activities:
a. Making a withdrawal at an ATM.
b. Using your charge card for a meal at a restaurant.
c. Buying a stock using an online brokerage account.
d. Searching for books (on a specific topic) using an online bookstore.
e. An activity specified by your instructor.
4. Consider the use case you created in question 3, write a nonfunctional requirement for the
5. What are work products that produced during requirement elicitation?