Chapter 14 (14.5)

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Chapter 14 (14.

5): Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Tanvir Quadir

School of Mathematics and Statistics

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals
The point on the regression line corresponding to a particular value of
x0 of the independent variable x, ŷ = b0 + b1 x0 , is deemed as the
point estimate of the mean value of y and the point prediction
of an individual value of y .
We will assess the accuracy of ŷ as both a point estimate and a point
We can do this by calculating a confidence interval for the mean value
of y and a prediction interval for an individual value of y .
Both the confidence interval for the mean value of y and the
prediction interval for an individual value of y employ a quantity
1 (x0 − x̄)2
called the distance value d = + .
n SSxx
The distance value is a measure of the distance between the value x0
of x and x̄. Notice that the further x0 is from x̄, the larger the
distance value and hence wider the confider interval.
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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Interval for the Predicted Mean Value of Y , µx given

x = x0
ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × SE (µ̂0 )
1 (x0 − x̄)2 √
= ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × s + = ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × s distance
n SSxx
Prediction Interval for the Individual Value of Y given x = x0

ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × SE (ŷ )
1 (x0 − x̄)2 √
= ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × s 1+ + = ŷ ± t α2 ,n−2 × s 1 + distance
n SSxx
( x)2
where s is standard error of estimate and SSxx = x2 − .

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals (Graphically)

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals: House Price Model

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals: House Price Model (cont’d)

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals: House Price Model (cont’d)

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14.5 Confidence and Prediction Intervals

Confidence Intervals: House Price Model (cont’d)

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