The UK Crop Microbiome CryoBank
The UK Crop Microbiome CryoBank
The UK Crop Microbiome CryoBank
Plant microbiomes are the microbial communities essential to the whole
ecological area of a plant’s ‘phytobiome’ – a term used to describe a plant’s
specific ecological area. Having a healthy phytobiome is critical to crop health,
improved crop yields and quality food. However, crop microbiomes are relatively
under-researched. The UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank project will develop a
unique, exploitable and integrated resource that will provide the biological and
bioinformatic tools to enable the development of solutions to improve soil and
crop health. Six of the UK’s key crops will be the focus and usable outputs will
underpin UK research activity in line with the Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) strategic priorities in agriculture and food
security. The project will support three of the UN’s Sustainable-Development
Goals: Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption, and Production and Life on
Having the right tools and resources available will help safeguard future research
and facilitate the sustainable production of the UK’s key food crops. They will
support researchers in their work and provide industry with what they need to
develop biological alternatives to chemical interventions in farming systems.
What we are doing The UK Crop Microbiome CryoBank (UK-CMCB) project will provide a
comprehensive bank of cultures, resources and information to help facilitate
research into optimizing plant yields using a sustainable agricultural approach.
As a lead on this project, CABI will manage the research project, cryopreserve
the samples and host the CryoBank. We will also coordinate the establishment of
the publicly available AgMicrobiome Base.
The resource will provide a facility for researchers to source data and samples
for their work, including living microbial material from the rhizoplane and genomic
sequences from different microbiome environments (as axenic cultures,
microbiome samples and in 96 well plates).
This will enable soil scientists and plant researchers to assess and compare their
work against validated datasets generated by the project.
The focus will be on the microbiomes of six major UK crops (barley, oats, oil
seed rape, potato, sugar beet and wheat) from three different soil types obtained
from across the UK.
The CryoBank will also be of interest to the general public. Through CABI and
the projects’ partners, research will be presented to the public as well as ways in
which they can engage with this unique resource.
Results so far The key projected outputs of the UK-CMCB project will include:
The resource will begin to be made available during the first year of the project. It
will then expand throughout the duration of the project.
Updates on the project can be found via Twitter (@PMicrobiome) and the
scientific literature.
Partners Rothamsted Research (Dr Tim Mauchline), Scotland’s Rural College (Prof Nicola
Holden), John Innes Centre (Dr Jake Malone), James Hutton Institute (Dr Sue