Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Transformations of 4-Aminobenzaldehyde
Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Transformations of 4-Aminobenzaldehyde
Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Transformations of 4-Aminobenzaldehyde
Abstract—A possibility of nucleophilic substitution of the fluorine atom in 4-fluorobenzaldehyde with amines
(morpholine, piperidine or cytisine) under convection heating and microwave irradiation was shown. Reactions
of 4-morpholinyl- and 4-piperidinylbenzaldehyde with hydrazides of isonicotinic and salicylic acids afford the
corresponding hydrazones. The structure of the synthesized compounds was confirmed by IR, 1H NMR
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and X-ray analysis data.
DOI: 10.1134/S1070363213100113
It is known that aldehydes are important synthons aldehydes containing a biologically active amino
for the synthesis of various classes of organic moiety in the para-position of the aromatic ring.
compounds including heterocycles [1–3]. According to By analogy with the method described in [4], we
[4], amino-substituted aromatic aldehydes can be performed the substitution of the fluorine atom in 4-
obtained by reacting the corresponding amines fluorobenzaldehyde by the amino moiety (morpholine,
(morpholine, piperidine) and o-fluorobenzaldehydes piperidine or cytisine). We found that the heterocyclic
under reflux in DMF in the presence of potassium amines react with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde under reflux
carbonate. Synthesized amino-substituted aromatic in DMF in the presence of potassium carbonate within
aldehydes are used further for the synthesis of 20 h to give 4-aminobenzaldehydes I–III. The reaction
important heterocyclic quinolines spiro derivatives. probably occurs by an addition-elimination mechanism.
These reactions with halogenated aldehydes are
interesting because the lone pair of the fluorine atom is Synthesis of 4-aminobenzaldehydes is a long pro-
ρ,π-conjugated with the double bond or with a π- cess (over 20 h). Furthermore, yields of the reaction
electronic system of the ring. It should also be noted depend on the structure of amines.
that in the nucleophilic substitution of alkyl halides the Use of microwave activation is known to signi-
iodide and bromide ions are better leaving groups, and ficantly reduce the reaction time: from several hours or
the fluoride ions are the most difficult leaving groups. days to few minutes. The reaction rate is increased 10–
In the SNAr reactions an opposite sequence is often 100 times. The use of microwave irradiation allows
observed: fluorine-derived substrates react with higher also performing many syntheses, which failed to occur
rate (if the ring contains the electron-acceptor in standard conditions, and also leads to a change in
substituents in the ortho- and para-positions). These the reaction selectivity and direction [1, 3]. In order to
features of the electronic structure of fluorobenzal- intensify the process of the synthesis of aldehydes I–
dehydes are of particular scientific interest. In this III, we studied the preparation of compound I under
regard, we were interested in the synthesis of aromatic the microwave activation.
NH + F C N C
H 140oC
N = O N (I), N (II), (III).
A special mode of syntheses under microwave In order to determine the spatial structure of the
irradiation includes the use of a solid support, i. e., a synthesized 4-aminobenzaldehydes I–III we per-
material, which is transparent in the microwave formed X-ray diffraction analysis of 4-(N-cytisine)benz-
radiation region, but possesses catalytic properties. aldehyde III, a general view of whose molecule is
The elementary interaction acts occur on its surface shown in the figure.
[5–9]. For the reaction under study we used a specially
prepared catalyst supported on a Silpearl silica gel, The data obtained show that the bond lengths and
twice activated with potassium carbonate. For uniform angles in the structure of III are close to standard
distribution of potassium carbonate on silica gel, the values, except for the bond angles at the atom N12
latter was suspended into aqueous solution of K2CO3. (Tables 1, 2) [1]. Sum of the bond angles at the
Then water was evaporated, and the resulting dry trigonal planar atom N12 is 351.3°, which is caused by
residue was ground in a mortar and dried at 120°C. the conjugation of the unshared electron pair of the
nitrogen atom with a π-system of the phenyl ring.
Under microwave irradiation the synthesis of 4-(N-
Usually the coordination of this atom is close to
morpholyl)benzaldehyde I can be successfully carried
pyramidal, such as in the molecule of N-methylcytisine
out in 30 min in DMF using the above support.
[2] and N-cyanomethylcytisine [3]. Dihydropyridine
General procedure for the synthesis is given in the
ring in compound III is planar within the accuracy of
experimental part. Aldehyde III was prepared
±0.005 Å, the atom O1 is practically in the plane (the
deviation is 0.021 Å). Tetrahydropyridine ring takes
In the 1H NMR spectrum (DMSO-d6, 500 MHz) of the conformation of near ideal sofa (ΔСS8 0.75°), the
compound I the signals of methylene protons of bridging atom C8 is deviated from the mean plane of
morpholine fragment appear as two triplets at 3.36 and the remaining ring atoms by 0.758±0.006 Å. Piperidine
3.72 ppm. Two doublets at 7.73 and 7.08 ppm ring has a distorted chair conformation (ΔСS8 3.9°)
correspond to ortho- and meta-protons of the phenyl (torsion angles are shown in Table 3). Aldehyde group
moiety. Aldehyde proton is observed as a narrow is in the plane of the phenyl ring (±0.01 Å), the torsion
singlet at 9.76 ppm. angle С18С19С20О2 is 0.6(5)°.
Table 1. Bond lengths in the structure of III Table 2. Bond angles in the structure of III
C R 2 2
O 1 1
4 H
R= O N (I), N (II).
of the electron density and its coordinates were isotro- reaction mixture was added 100 mL of water, and the
pically refined. In the calculations 1502 reflections product was extracted with ethyl acetate (3×60 mL).
with I ≥ 2σ(I) were used. The final divergence factors The combined solutions were dried over anhydrous
are R1 0.0411, wR2 0.0893. The structure was solved Na2SO4 and evaporated to dryness. The resulting
and refined using the program packages SHELXS- 97 precipitate was recrystallized from 2-propanol.
[ 4] and SHELXL- 97 [ 5]. The coordinates of the
4-(N-Morpholinyl)benzaldehyde (I). Yield 54%,
atoms are deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic
mp 69–70°C. IR spectrum, ν, cm–1: 1674 (С=О). 1Н NMR
Data Center (CCDC 886090).
spectrum, δ, ppm: 3.36 t [4H, N(CH2)2, JНН 4.0 Hz],
3.72 t [4H, O(CH2)2, JНН 4.3 Hz], 7.08 d (1Н, СНAr,
General procedure for the synthesis of
JНН 7.8 Hz), 7.73 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН 8.9 Hz), 9.76 s [1Н,
aminoaldehydes I–III under standard conditions.
С(О)Н]. Found, %: С 69.39; Н 7.05; N 7.37.
To a solution of 0.02 mol of 4-fluorobenzaldehyde in
С11H13NO2. Calculated, %: С 69.09; Н 6.85; N 7.32.
15 mL of DMF was added 0.022 mol of the appropriate
amine (morpholine, piperidine, or cytisine) and 4-(N-Piperidinyl)benzaldehyde (II). Yield 95%,
0.025 mol of potassium carbonate. The reaction mp 57–58°C. IR spectrum, ν, cm–1: 1674 (С=О). 1Н
mixture was heated on a glycerol bath to reflux at a NMR spectrum, δ, ppm: 1.60 br.m (6Н, СН2СН2СН2),
temperature of 140–150°C for 20 h. Then to the 3.42 t (2Н, NСН2, JНН 5.6 Hz), 7.01 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН
Table 4. Physicochemical characteristics and elemental analysis data of the compounds I–VII
Found, % Calculated, %
Yield, %а mp, °C Formula
no. С Н С Н
7.2 Hz), 7.69 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН 8.9 Hz), 9.68 s [1Н, СН=N), 11.85 br.s (1Н, NH). Found, %: C 65.84; H
С(О)Н]. Found, %: С 76.32; Н 8.15; N 7.45. 5.97; N 18.10. C17H18N4O2. Calculated, %: C 65.79; H
С12H15NO. Calculated, %: С 76.16; H 7.99; N 7.40. 5.85; N 18.05.
4-(N-Cytisinyl)benzaldehyde (III). Yield 42%, N-[4-(Piperidin-1-yl)benzylidene]isonicotinylhyd-
mp 244–245°C. IR spectrum, ν, cm–1: 1674 (С=О), razide (V). Yield 87%, mp 206–207°C. IR spectrum,
1655 (С=О). 1Н NMR spectrum, δ, ppm: 1.96 br.t (2Н, ν, cm–1: 1682 (С=О). 1Н NMR spectrum, δ, ppm: 1.60
Н8), 2.57 br.s (1Н, Н9), 3.08 br. d (1Н, Н7, J 12.5 Hz), br.s (6Н, СН2СН2СН2), 3.30 t (2Н, NСН2, JНН 5.4 Hz),
3.15 d. d (1H, H11a, J11a,11e 12.3, J11a,9 2.2 Hz), 3.25 br.d 6.99 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН 6.4 Hz), 7.55 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН
(1Н, Н13а, J13a,7 2.3 Hz), 3.72 d. d (1Н, Н10а, J10a,9 5.9, 8.8 Hz), 8.77 d (1Н, СН1, JНН 6.6 Hz), 7.81 d (1Н,
J10a,10e 15.5 Hz), 3.94 d (1Н, Н10е, J10е,10а 15.4 Hz), СН2), 8.35 s (1Н, СН=N), 11.82 br.s (1Н, NH). Found,
3.95 br.s (1Н, Н13е), 4.14 br.d (1Н, Н11е, J11е,11a %: C 70.26; H 6.65; N 18.22. C17H18N4O2. Calculated,
12.5 Hz), 6.15 d.d (1Н, Н3, J3,4 9.0, J3,5 1.3 Hz), 6.22 %: C 70.11; H 6.54; N 18.17.
d.d (1Н, Н5, J5,4 6.9, J5,3 1.3 Hz), 6.91 d (2НAr, J
8.9 Hz), 7.32 d. d (1Н, Н4, J4,5 6.9, J4,3 9.0 Hz), 7.62 d
benzohydrazide (VII). Yield 74%, mp 227–228°C. IR
(2НAr, J 8.9 Hz), 9.66 s [1Н, С(О)Н]. Found, %: C
spectrum, ν, cm–1: 1662 (C=O). 1H NMR spectrum, δ,
73.87; H 6.54; N 4.82. C18H18N2O2. Calculated, %: C
ppm: 1.58 br.s (6Н, СН2СН2СН2), 3.36 s (2Н, NСН2),
73.45; H 6.16; N 4.77.
6.98 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН 6.8 Hz), 7.56 d (1Н, СНAr, JНН
General procedure for the synthesis of amino- 8.8 Hz), 7.43 t (1Н, СН2Ar, JНН 6.9 Hz), 6.95 d (1Н,
aldehydes I, III under microwave irradiation. To a СН3Ar, JНН 7.4 Hz), 7.90 d (1Н, СН4Ar, JНН 7.8 Hz), 8.33
solution of 0.02 mol of 4-fluorobenzaldehyde in 15 mL s (1Н, СН=N), 11.67 br.s (1H, OH), 12.08 br.m (1Н,
of DMF was added 0.022 mol of the appropriate amine NH). Found, %: C 70.59; H 6.61; N 13.22. C19H21N3O2.
(morpholine or cytisine) and 0.025 g of potassium Calculated, %: C 70.54; H 6.55; N 12.99.
carbonate. The reaction mixture was irradiated in a
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